
lilstevieinfinity: this shows the hacked up kexec in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK_4cXHnyss09:37
gildeanlilstevie: any idea if the same would be possible on a samsung galaxy tab 8.9?09:52
gildeani got one from work, haven't had much time to play around, but dualboot would be awesome09:52
lilsteviegildean: most likely09:56
gildeanyou haven't seen anyone do it yet tho'?09:59
lilsteviewell I did it for the original galaxy tab10:04
lilstevieadmittedly not as well10:04
lilstevieI've always thought the tab 8.9 would be fun10:04
lilsteviewhat SoC does that have? is that one tegra as well?10:04
gildeani watched this yesterday, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MShbP3OpASA10:29
gildeanthe last guy says they're upstreaming tegra support10:29
lilsteviegildean: I am finding it hard to follow that video tbh10:46
lilsteviegildean: the guy taking it just reminds me too much of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW9Ak9lrJp410:46
gildeanlilstevie: well to summarize: at around 49mins linus says fuck you to nvidia and then there's a guy from nvidia at around 60mins who says that despite linus giving the finger they're upstreaming tegra support10:51
gildeanand linus actually says: "Nvidia: Fuck you!" and gives the finger10:53
lilstevieI skipped ahead to see it10:54
janrinzelovely! just watched it11:09
lilsteviejanrinze: you have a transformer or transformer prime?11:18
janrinzetransformer tf101\11:18
lilstevienothing to show off for that one yet :p11:18
janrinzeit actually runs Ubuntu 12.0411:19
lilstevieI know11:19
janrinzeand rtviewer runs on it too :-)11:19
janrinzei have the armhf distro on it so it uses full floating point hardware11:20
janrinzetoo bad nvidia did not implement NEON in the Tegra 211:20
janrinzethat would speed up the image processing by a factor of 411:20
janrinzesince NEON can do SIMD on 4 floats at a time!11:21
janrinzei will do some more testing on a different ARM platform which does have NEON and see if that is possible.11:21
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