
CavemanZipperhey guyss02:02
CavemanZippergood morning!02:02
CavemanZipperWoke up, went straight to my terminal :P02:02
CavemanZipperAnd within 20 seconds, needed help again..02:02
CavemanZipperPlease check that the $DISPLAY environment variable is properly set.02:02
CavemanZipperI get this when using the command line for xfreerdp02:02
Unit193Are you in a TTY?02:02
CavemanZipperxfreerdp --disable-wallpaper -z -u mike -p mypass
CavemanZipperI typed this.02:03
CavemanZipperI know the variables are probably incorrect,02:03
CavemanZipperbut the error leads me to believe its something else im missing02:03
Unit193You'll need to change that to be correct, but you also need to be in a terminal emulator as the display will need a UI.02:03
CavemanZipperOh, so a raw CLI like the TTY will have that $display error02:04
CavemanZipperSince it has no graphical user interface?02:04
CavemanZipperI'll try launching it from Terminal02:04
Unit193Well, you could set it, but it's easy enough just to do it this way.02:05
Unit193DISPLAY=:0 xfreerdp -bleh -blah02:05
CavemanZipperhahahaha, is that real?02:05
CavemanZipperDo I do that in tty02:05
Unit193Other than -belh, yep.02:05
CavemanZipperwoops, caps.02:07
CavemanZipperinvalid, failed to parse arguments02:07
CavemanZippermissing server name02:08
CavemanZipperis this something I should type prior to all command line connections?02:08
CavemanZipperOK i managed to connect to your CLI above02:10
CavemanZipperit didnt return an error02:10
CavemanZippernow it's just a new line02:10
Unit193Yes, it'll come back with unable to connect to Error: protocol security negotiation failure   unless you enter the right info.02:11
CavemanZipperAlright, if I want to connect to my laptop for example02:11
CavemanZipperhow do I find out what I need02:11
CavemanZipperto replace the variables?02:12
CavemanZipperdoes my laptop need to be configured in any special way?02:12
Unit193You'll need to have an account with it enabled, it's been too long since I've done that in Windows, but it shouldn't be hard.02:12
Unit193Not alal windows versions have it either.02:13
CavemanZipperan account?02:14
Unit193Windows login creds.02:14
CavemanZipperoh, so the laptop i'm working on would need a password too02:15
CavemanZipperat the login page, before I enter the desktop,02:15
CavemanZipperare those the creds you speak of?02:15
CavemanZipperBtw, how do I know the program I want has an apt-get?02:16
CavemanZipperI want to install TeamViewer, and i was wondering if it was possible02:16
ntwrk_keithtry to get02:16
ntwrk_keithsudo apt-get install teamviewer02:16
CavemanZipperto just type sudo apt-get  install teamviewer02:16
CavemanZipperi'm afraid for the sudo :P02:16
CavemanZipperare you sure I can do that?02:17
CavemanZipperdarn, it returned an error02:18
CavemanZipperUnabl to locate package teamviewer02:18
CavemanZipperwell i've downloaded off the website anyway,02:18
CavemanZipperhow do I launch it from a terminal?02:19
CavemanZippercan I launch it from TTY?02:19
CavemanZipperor must it have a UI as well? cuz TeamViewer is rather graphics-ed.02:19
Unit193Well, TeamViewer isn't my favorite as they don't have a *native* linux program, but you can use either USC or gdebi to install.02:20
Unit193(Or dpkg -i plus apt-get install -f)02:20
CavemanZipperso you'd still recommen xfreerdp, personally?02:22
CavemanZipperI like how xfreerdp is looking but i'm stuck at the figuring out variables part02:23
Unit193They are different applications, ssh, vnc, rdp, etc.02:23
CavemanZipperand actually I think they do already have a native linux version02:23
Unit193Not last I checked, just packaged wine+windows one.02:23
ScottyKI normally run Kubuntu, but I decided to also install Unity. I have thunderbird (email) installed when I run KDE. If I install thunderbird when I log in using Unity, will it access all of my email?02:35
Unit193So you just installed Unity, rather than a dual boot, right?02:36
ScottyKUnit- yes. I select which one at the log in screen02:36
Unit193Than it's already installed and configured.02:37
ScottyKunity is configred, it access the same /home as I use under KDE02:37
ScottyKsorry of this is a blatantly obvious question, been a long day!02:38
Unit193As should tbird.  No problem.'02:38
ScottyKgreat! I've been wanting to try out Unity, and i'm pleased that I can still access a lot of my stuff from the KDE side02:39
kriskishianybody help how to install pidgin plugins with the extension ****.c ?03:47
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bipuli just need to know about Kernel how to make kernel in C07:13
bipulAny one around07:24
yeehiHelp - I need somebody to help me with my proxy - i can't use apt-get update, but I can browse the web11:27
yeehiI have installed cntlm and configured it properly, I believe. The port it is listening too is the default, 3128 I think the problem might be that another process is using 3128 but I don't know11:27
hobgoblinyeehi: all I can say is did you look at the apt proxy wiki page?11:28
yeehiOh hobgoblin please give me a link to that!11:28
yeehiI didn't know you had one -11:28
yeehiOh, sure I looked at the apt proxy wiki page - i spent a lot of time on that11:29
yeehiI followed out the suggestions there11:29
yeehiThe problem, which isn't mentioned on the page, and perhaps it should be, is that I am dealing with an ISA server, a microsoft one, which requires authentication in a format not natively supported by*nix systems11:30
hobgoblinmight help11:32
yeehiOh great hobgoblin - thanks for those links let me look at them11:33
yeehiHere is my error messasge when i try sudo apt-get update :  Unable to connect to    I don't know where it got the 5865 port number from! I am sure I didn't set it that way...11:34
hobgoblinyeehi: not going to be able to do more than point you at possible sources of help :(11:34
yeehiOK thanks hobgoblin - it is leading me onto a new avenue - setting the Auth flags in cntlm conf11:35
hobgoblincool - hope it helps11:35
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jaghi, when multicore CPUs quote their specs, is the speed usually per core, or totaled?19:18
escottjag, per core19:21
escottand its usually fully symmetric so all cpus are identical19:21
jagescott: thanks a lot19:22
spendyalaWhat are network administrator command required to learn21:28
spendyalaI am just a benigerr21:29
spendyalaI am trying to learn21:29
ubot2mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount23:45
ubot2An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier23:46

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