
infinityrbelem: Cheers.00:41
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lollisoftHi, did anyone know if I can avoid using a preprocessor command in a typical make & configure & make install build? I am trying to compile unixODBC, but it may be a general question of posibility.09:15
sladenlollisoft: start with  sudo apt-get build-dep unixodbc-bin ; apt-get source unixodbc-bin   if you need to rebuild the package09:36
sladenlollisoft: but ideally, work out what you need that is not already in the pre-packaged .deb and try and get it fixed for everyone at the same time09:36
lollisoftI think the issue is not known in the Linux world, as I try to build a multi architecture binary on Mac. I thought there is any way to skip intermediate preprocessor steps as these will produce asm code that is not possible when one arch is i386 and the other is ppc. I have got another hint to use two distinct builds and then use lipo. RTFM :-)09:42
vibhav!language > lollisoft09:49
ubottulollisoft, please see my private message09:49
ionvibhav: …seriously?09:50
micahgyeah, it was totally abbroviated09:50
micahg*abbreviated even09:50
ionF! F! F!09:50
micahgand we can pretend it means Fplease just like in JFDI :)09:51
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vibhavion: yup09:53
micahgwe even have a package with that in the archive09:53
micahg!info rt3.8rtfm09:53
ubottuPackage rt3.8rtfm does not exist in precise09:53
micahg!info rt3.8-rtfm09:53
ubotturt3.8-rtfm (source: rtfm): FAQ Manager for Request Tracker 3.8. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.3-1 (precise), package size 110 kB, installed size 1276 kB09:53
vibhavBut thats still not family friendly09:54
micahgthere's nothing explicit in that description09:55
ionvibhav: Please don’t use the bad letter in “*amily *riendly”.09:55
elkyvibhav, the f in rtfm can mean several things. this isn't a support channel, so the main reason we ask people to refrain from 'rtfm' isn't quite relevant here.09:56
m4n1shAmpelbein: ping10:04
lollisoftYey - by10:08
vibhavjamespage: You ther?12:39
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penguin42what's the 'mdp' block device (254) - not listed in the upstream kernel device list16:07
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shadeslayerskaet_: do you have a moment?17:59
ScottKlifeless: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/BuildScores needs updating for the build prioritization changes cjwatson recently landed, but I don't seem to have access to edit it.18:01
tumbleweedLaney: are you waiting for broder to review https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-dev-tools/debuild-no-debemail-1007042/+merge/110189 ?18:46
broderoh, am i supposed to be reviewing it?18:47
tumbleweedhe flagged you as a reviewer18:47
lifelessScottK: ~launchpad-doc gates that, care to join ?18:48
Laneyonly because it was backportpackage18:48
Laneyanyone can review it18:48
tumbleweedin that case, landing it18:48
Laneydoesn't it need to check that DEBEMAIL is in env?18:50
tumbleweederr, yes18:50
* tumbleweed does that because I just committed it18:51
ScottKlifeless: Not really.  This is the first time I've ever felt the need, so it's not a common need.18:51
lifelessok, so, I odn't know the details of the changes, could you at least file a ticket on answers.l.n/launchpad, for the maintenance squad to pickup and apply?18:52
hyperaircould a unity user run "notify-send --hint=int:transient:1 foo" and tell me if there's anything different from a normal notification "notify-send foo"?19:43
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ionDoesn’t seem to be.19:46
hyperairokay, thanks19:47
hyperairthat means i can safely set the hint for gnome-shell and not worry about it affecting unity.19:47
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SpamapSbkerensa: re ceph and leveldb.. I wouldn't worry too much about that22:22
SpamapSbkerensa: what specifically are you not sure of tho?22:22

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