
stgraberand now that queuebot supports IPv6, that's one less container with IPv4 connectivity!02:18
=== madnick_ is now known as mandnick
=== mandnick is now known as madnick
stgraberwow, that was surprisingly easier than I expected, I now have a multi-threaded queuebot! will let the test bot run in a parallel for a few hours to check that it's not missing anything, but it's much much faster than the single threaded one :)04:05
cjwatsonstgraber: does it not use lplib?  I thought lplib was unsafe to use multithreaded13:18
cjwatsonsome problem with its cachedir management13:18
tumbleweedunfortunately, lplib's cache isn't particularly useful, either13:40
ScottKAnything that's getting build on ain is hitting chrootwait.14:52
ScottKcjwatson: ^^^ you can down buildd's, right?14:52
ScottKinfinity: ^^^ (re ain)15:07
ScottKlamont: ^^^15:09
ScottKI've retried as many as I could, but with ain still online, any more just land there and chrootwait again.15:17
stgrabercjwatson: yeah, it's using lplib but I don't share the lp instance between threads. So far it seems to be working fine but I'll see in a couple of days if it still posts the same thing as the non-threaded queuebot16:24
infinityScottK: Offlined, thanks for the heads-up.17:29
ScottKinfinity: Thanks.17:59

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