
jdstrandhallyn: nice! :)04:06
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:05
dcw329is anybody active?06:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #1014257 in munin (main) "MySQL monitoring fails when used with Percona or MariaDB" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101425710:26
braverock2does anyone here know how to create an avahi iso ?  I can't get the usb image here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS/AvahiBoot to boot on any machine, so I want to try a CD.13:29
* braverock2 is trying to deploy MaaS nodes without controlling the dhcp server, which the documentation is still very limited on13:30
DDemonIs it possible to downgrade to an older kernel in ubuntu server 12.04? for example the 3.0 one, and ifyes, what package should I be using? (The 3.2 kernel is giving me issues)13:34
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DDemonI want to run the 3.0.0-12-server kernel on my 12.04-server, what package should I take? (Not too femiliar with this)14:14
braverock2you'll probably need to compile the kernel from the kernel sources package14:17
DDemonThere are some packages I can download, and I did one on a virtual machine to test, but I'm not entirely sure it was a correct kernel (was a .deb package) because those tutorials always mention generik ones, this one was the lucid version, is there a difference?14:19
genii-aroundInteresting. Didn't know this was here before. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/info/kernel-version-map.html14:44
three18tiwell, here goes nothing... upgrading my production ubuntu server from 11.10 to 12.04...15:52
three18tiwish me luck.15:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #1014347 in nut (main) "NUT License prevents distribution of SSL-enabled builds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101434716:26
* koolhead17 wishes luck to three18ti 16:33
three18tiand it seems everything went swimmingly.16:49
koolhead17three18ti, awesome16:53
three18tinow to upgrade the chiliproject installation...16:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #1014359 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.9.1-5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75 (dup-of: 1014360)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101435917:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #1014360 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.9.1-5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101436017:36
harushimodoes anybody use juju18:09
harushimoI have an error message that I don't understand18:09
themgtis it possible to install a precise kvm with vmbuilder on an oneiric box?18:11
themgtI'm getting:18:11
themgt2012-06-17 14:08:49,900 ERROR   : Invalid suite: "precise". Valid suites are: dapper gutsy hardy intrepid jaunty karmic lucid maverick natty oneiric18:11
TheLordOfTimethemgt:  it might not have a rule for it18:12
harushimoI keep getting this error for juju: Bootstrap aborted because file storage is not writeable: The supplied storage credentials were not accepted by the server.18:30
harushimowhat does that juju error message mean?18:37
themgtlooks like this basic process works, so far: http://askubuntu.com/questions/73706/using-vmbuilder-to-build-an-11-10-vm-from-10-0418:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #1014389 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.22-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101438919:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #995495 in openldap (main) "Upgrade from Ubuntu 11.10  to 12.04 breaks slapd  (dup-of: 990742)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99549519:20
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JoeCodershould a user be able to access a folder if it does not have read permission to the parent folder?21:12
JoeCoderI think it will need the execute bit set?21:13
zaitzevanyone around?21:32
StevenR_zaitzev: if you have a question, just go ahead and ask it. If someone knows, they'll speak up :)21:33
zaitzevI'm having this weird problem on my 12.04 LTS server. The ethernet port (?) is hanging up, or something.. I can't really explain what happens, other than it loses connectivity completely21:33
zaitzevI got a couple of photos off of the screen that shows the messages; http://i.imgur.com/oSAkj.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/peTgf.jpg21:34
StevenR_zaitzev: looks like a driver fault21:35
zaitzevand it happens randomly, I have no idea what would trigger such a thing. The only thing running 24/7 on the server is Cherokee and Deluge, both of which aren't using any noticeable bandwidth, at least not at the time of the hangup21:35
StevenR_zaitzev: can you pastebin the output of lspci from the server?21:36
StevenR_zaitzev: server board, dual intel nics?21:37
StevenR_zaitzev: physical server?21:37
zaitzevdell poweredge with 2x Intel Xeon 2.6 GHz21:38
zaitzevany suggestions?21:39
StevenR_zaitzev: is your server up to date? There have been a number of kernel updates recently?21:47
zaitzevI run update & upgrade regularly yes21:47
zaitzevwith kernel updates once or twice I guess21:47
StevenR_zaitzev: you guess?  try  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  does it want to update stuff?21:51
zaitzevI did the update just minutes before logging onto irc ;)21:51
StevenR_(apt-get upgrade doesn't seem to want to update everything for me, so I usually use dist-upgrade)21:51
StevenR_(like kernel updates get withheld)21:52
zaitzevI'll try that now then, see what it says21:52
zaitzevyeah I see what you mean21:53
zaitzevit's updating some kernel stuff now21:53
harushimohey everyone, I'm getting this aws_access_key_id whenever I'm trying to bootstrap juju21:53
zaitzevwhat annoys me is that I can't replicate the problem21:53
harushimoisn't aws for amazon web services?21:54
StevenR_zaitzev: I used to have a problem with a DVB device on previous versions, never could find the trigger. Not had it since the upgrade to precise21:54
zaitzevI'm running 12.04 LTS btw, didn't I say?21:54
StevenR_zaitzev: it would go for weeks, then suddenly, blow away all my USB devices21:54
zaitzevthis stuff is typical first world problems, lol.21:55
StevenR_zaitzev: yes. My point was that I'm running a different kernel to that previous version of ubuntu :)21:55
zaitzevNEW packages: linux-headers-3.2.0-25 linux-headers-3.2.0-25-generic linux-image-3.2.0-25-generic21:55
zaitzevnot entirely sure what previous versions I had there, heh..21:56
zaitzevoh nvm, i think it was 0-24 :p21:56
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
zaitzevI'm gonna reboot this paperweight and cross my fingers for this crap to not happen again, brb.21:57
zaitzevwhat do you think can cause the hangup? faulty port or driver?21:59
StevenR_zaitzev: if the issue continues, it would be helpful to file a bug (or contribute to one if you can find a bug that matches your issue)22:00
zaitzevI'm gonna do what I can to replicate the issue, by doing whatever it is I do when it occurs22:01
zaitzevI wonder what else fun I can use this server for22:05
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
harushimois there a way vm to communicate with another machine?22:33
harushimoI'm running vm of ubuntu server. I want to setup samba share so I can setup files between my computer and the vm22:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #1007657 in juju "proposed origin does not work with local provider" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100765722:41
patdk-lapharushimo, it's called, a network :)22:42
harushimoI know22:46
harushimowhat I'm trying to do is that some of the config files i'm writing on ubuntu-server aren't properly working22:46
harushimoI was thinking about writing my config files on my desktop and then transferring it to my virtual machine server22:47
harushimoquit being smart...I know its a network22:47
patdk-lapI just don't get the question at all22:50
patdk-lapwant to setup samba to share? to a vm22:50
patdk-lapsetup samba, have network in vm, done22:50
patdk-lapthere is nothing else to it22:50
harushimowhen I type samba on the server, it says to install samba422:50
harushimothat is fine22:50
harushimoI want the server22:50
harushimohow do I get samba server?22:51
patdk-lapsamba isn't the name of anything, that is your problem22:51
patdk-lapyou want smbd likely22:51
patdk-lapor smbclient, or mount22:51
patdk-lapsounds like your question is, how do I install/setup samba22:52
harushimoI haven't done it on the server version. i have set it up on my desktop numerous times22:52
harushimoI know when I first install server a couple weeks ago, there was an option for samba server22:52
harushimohow do I install samba properly?22:53
harushimosudo apt-get install samba4? that is what terminal told me22:53
harushimois it the same instructions for 12.04?22:53
patdk-lapwould be currently, but it's missing the install via cli part :(22:54
patdk-lapbut ya, apt-get install samba or samba4 would do it22:54
harushimooh okay22:56
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