[02:48] I am slightly tipsy from Bru Fest [03:33] took me all day to get the first milestone [03:34] I was pretty add today though [03:34] I didn't really feel like I got down to it until like 8 [03:34] though of course I did work the rest of the day [03:40] need foodz [13:19] Good morning [13:19] Happy Fathers Day [13:20] Ouch, CPU unit is 60C [13:20] (on the mobo) [13:26] I think filter cleaning needs to be a weekly thing on this case. [13:26] +55.0C [13:28] happy father's day all the dads out there [13:32] MB Temperature: +54.0°C [13:32] Just from banging out the filters. [13:36] I got a nice blueray player with DLNA and netflix and USB built-in [13:39] replaces the DVD player, media player, and the network media player I hadn't even bought yet [13:49] nice! [13:49] my laptop/japanese maple are considered father's day items for me [13:50] and dinner tonight woot! [13:59] Taking you out? [13:59] LAptop is a good gift [14:01] yea, going to hit up of changs tonight [14:01] I've got the day to myself until the afternoon [14:02] ooooh, nice [14:16] greg-g: congrats on the sleep in. [14:20] Hehe [14:34] rick_h: it was Rowan's present to me :) [14:36] greg-g: heh, wife got the boy and took him out the house first thing. I got to sleep in until 8:30 [14:36] ahhhhhh [14:36] father's day rules lol [14:36] greg-g: sounds like good news from sil hopefully, got my fingers crossed for you [14:51] look at all the stupid links in the article http://scripting.com/stories/2012/06/15/theTechPressIsOutToLunch.html they're the little # and such [14:51] inspect those and check out the name="" and href="" [14:51] and then...butt kicked http://goo.gl/yHzKm [14:52] ":) [14:52] minus the stray " [15:39] rick_h: maybe, I don't know how far back their backups go. My backup from Nov 2011 wasn't far enough :/ [15:39] ouch [16:17] heh, recruiting CHC people [16:17] saw my python stick on the laptop and asked if I did python, he's one of the guys doing this lisp group widox and Blazeix were peeking at I guess [16:18] "So do you do python?" hehe, umm yep [16:21] greg-g: I'm trying http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11072655/firefox-font-face-fail-with-fontawesome [16:26] lisp group? i'm not familiar with that [16:28] Blazeix: didn't that come up at the last CHC. There's a lisp group starting up in detroit area on a wed night [16:28] stupid question, but what would be the correct way of representing the directory "/home/greg/src/" as a regexp to include in a config file? [16:28] some of the people at CHC were talking about heading to it. Guess this guy is from the company hosting that and some new Detroit LUG [16:29] greg-g: not following. As a regexp? [16:29] yeah, so, the config has an option for an exlude to exclude certain files/folders [16:29] ah, you want to excluse it? [16:29] so usually I'd just do ~/src/* [16:30] if it's not run as your user though then /home/greg/src/* [16:30] but aren't / special chars? [16:30] in regex [16:30] It depends on what it's doing with it [16:30] it might not be a regex, but a glob [16:30] and a glob isn't special with / [16:31] config says "regex" [16:31] :) [16:31] ah not sure then [16:31] --exclude=EXCLUDE regular expression for pathnames to exclude from backup (can be used multiple times) [16:31] you can just try to \/ them [16:31] * greg-g nods [16:31] * greg-g tries [16:32] ah, ok. you know what. / isn't special in just a regex match [16:32] it would be in vim since it's a seperator [16:32] so I'd just do /home/greg/src [16:32] try it: http://regexpal.com/ [16:33] nice [16:35] so i think this is working: exclude: /home/greg/src/.*, /home/greg/.mozilla/.* [16:41] yep [16:41] exclude: /home/greg/src/.*, /home/greg/Audiobooks/.*, /home/greg/Books/.*, /home/greg/Games [16:41] /.*, /home/greg/gpodder-downloads/.*, /home/greg/Music/.*, /home/greg/Other/.*, /home/greg/ [16:41] Pictures/.*, /home/greg/Podcasts/.*, /home/greg/Pictures\ -\ VM670/.*, /home/greg/Software/.*, /home/greg/Videos/.*, /home/greg/VirtualBox\ VMs/.* [16:41] did the trick :) [17:04] awesome [17:25] jrwren: https://github.com/mitechie/Bookie/issues/154 fixed [17:28] whoa, weird, I got a real (ie: non spam) email with a subject of "Hello?" [17:28] ouch [17:28] suprised it made it through [17:28] yeah, the content wasn't that impressive either ;) [17:28] long lost schoolmate? [17:29] no, weird person emailing my work account with a suggestion of how I should do something heh [17:29] lol [17:29] for the metadata project [17:29] metadata brings out the weirdos ;) [17:30] wow, looking at a full 6hr batter life on this 6cell on the new laptop [17:33] nice [17:33] x230? [17:33] yea [17:33] 50% and keeping tabs today and 3hrs in almost to the nose [17:34] :) [17:41] heh, the domain of the person who emailed me with "Hello?" http://sunriseresearch.org/ [17:41] kind of fitting [17:55] raining [17:58] correct [18:01] incorrect [18:53] yea, rain is good [19:06] rain is good, we just don't get any in the summer here [19:06] just fog at night