
=== johanbr_ is now known as johanbr
tjaaltonoh it was on phoronix too..17:48
brycehtjaalton, :-)17:54
mlankhorsthighly regarded by many?17:58
bjsniderlinus never engages in overblown rhetoric17:59
bjsniderthis is an unprecedented outburst17:59
mlankhorstI haven't checked what linus said yet because it seems to have troubles streaming that video, but I'll probably agree with it18:00
brycehmlankhorst, it's worth watching.  phoronix has a written summary (and animated gif in the comments)18:01
tjaaltondidn't know there was going to be a public speech.. would've been there otherwise :/18:26
brycehtjaalton, yeah rare opportunity20:44
mlankhorsthe tends to not want to give public speeches20:46
inetprogood evening21:02
* inetpro just installed Kubuntu 12.04 on a laptop with nVidia Corporation GT215 [GeForce GTS 360M]21:03
inetprostill having the same issues as logged on launchpad at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/89743621:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 897436 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "Screen corrupted without nomodeset on nVidia Corporation GT215 [GeForce GTS 360M] " [Undecided,Confirmed]21:04
inetproin fact not exactly the same, I now can no longer get the nVidia driver installed as I did back then on Oneiric21:05
inetproxserver-xorg-video-nouveau is installed21:07
inetproanyone here willing to help?21:08
mlankhorstno sign of nouveau in that dmesg :/21:09
mlankhorstand it's late so ill probably sleep soon21:10
inetpromlankhorst: yep and still no sign of it even in the new installation21:12
mlankhorsti mean you link a nouveau bug but no sign of you using nouveau..21:12
inetprohmm... how do I ensure that I use the nouveau driver?21:14
mlankhorstdid you manually install nvidia drivers?21:14
inetproit's an option in Kubuntu after installation where I can install Additional drivers21:15
inetproI tried that after starting the system with nomodeset21:16
mlankhorstI need the output from 'dmesg' after you boot without nomodeset..21:16
inetprobut that installation fails with many errors in /var/log/jockey.log21:16
inetproI can not read the screen without nomodeset... just black and white blocks all over21:17
bjsnidernouveau doesn't work with nomodeset21:18
inetprohang on let me see whether I can get to the console21:20
bryceh http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=18444921:30
* inetpro is back21:31
inetprocan't even get to the console 21:31
bjsniderlinus sure knows how to stir the pot21:35
bjsniderit's not really scientific to have people post "i hate nvidia because of this specific problem i once had"21:37
bjsniderwhy is dch tagging everything for quantal?21:38
mlankhorstinetpro: can you ssh?21:47
mlankhorstbryceh: I agree with linus only on the video drivers, but yeah linus loves to make grand statements, funny how nvidia can't handle it and how linus already addressed that in his interview21:49
inetpromlankhorst: ok, I got nvidia running properly now21:51
inetproafter installing linux-headers-3.2.0-25-generic-pae21:51
mlankhorstinetpro: I can't help with nvidia, I can only help with nouveau, so if you can set up ssh :\21:51
mlankhorstif not.. dno21:51
inetprounfortunately it's just before midnight here in South Africa21:52
mlankhorstsame here21:52
mlankhorstwel trusten21:52
inetproI'll try to take it further tomorrow evening if time permits21:52
inetprothanks for the help21:53

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