
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
Jakob_____I have a folder in my Ubuntu One folder that is synced and I want to move it to my new USB stick19:22
Jakob_____but when I moved the folder it no longer appears synced and I can't sync it when I right-click on it19:23
Jakob_____is it even possible?19:24
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
dobeyno. you can't sync folders outside your home directory, and ubuntu one is not a backup service, so moving stuff out of a synced folder will result in it no longer being synced.19:40
Jakob_____aha, I see20:15
Jakob_____what do you mean "is not a backup service"?20:16
Jakob_____the files are saved in the cloud so I'd consider that a backup service :P20:16
dobeyi mean, it's a synchronization service. if you delete a file on one machine, it will be deleted on all machines connected to ubuntu one which sync the folder it's in, including on the server itself21:04
Jakob_____aha, I see you point21:13
Jakob_____tnx for your answer21:14
=== spm is now known as stevemci
=== stevemci is now known as spm

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