[09:22] hi gmb: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/lpsetup/lc-all/+merge/110758 ? [09:25] frankban, Sure [09:25] frankban, approved [09:26] thank you gmb [09:26] np [12:09] bac benji frankban gmb call in 2; getting url [12:09] ok [12:10] bac benji frankban gmb https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2c6599d11c7159052edd4731ddb79ca303723351?authuser=1&hl=en-US [12:28] * gmb lunches [12:28] gary_poster: I'm tweaking https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/Termbeamer a tad bit so we can include it in whatever announcements we make. [12:29] benji, great! So it will have a NEWS section, you mean? Or it will just be more geared to new users? [12:30] gary_poster: I'm adding notes about saving credentials and remote control; I assume only a very few people have read it thus far, but perhaps a short news section mentioning the other new sections is in order [12:31] Might be nice, yeah. [12:57] gary_poster: my edits to https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/Termbeamer are done; any further suggestions are welcome [13:00] benji, nice improvements. I suggest moving the "motivation" section to the top, and then deleting what is at the top now ("The Termbeamer project is a follow-on to our work on RemoteTerminalBroadcasting...."). Maybe keep the one sentence about hosting ("The Termbeamer project is hosted on Launchpad at http://launchpad.net/termbeamer.") or put it in a new "Development" section. [13:01] (It can include "Merge proposals welcome! Please include tests." as the rest of your development section if you want. :-) [13:03] gary_poster: I like it. Doing that now. [13:03] cool [13:04] gary_poster: by the way, I now own termbeamer.com. I really should put up a minimal one-page site. [13:04] benji, cool! :-) definitely, and then we can point there instead [13:17] gary_poster: fixtures 0.3.9 has been released last week. at this point I guess we could just increase the version number in versions.cfg [13:17] gary_poster: 0.3.9 includes the FakeLogger details. [13:20] gary_poster: updated: https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/Termbeamer [13:22] frankban, great. I marked the card as unblocked. Thank you for investigating. [13:23] benji, looks great [13:24] gary_poster: so should I prioritize getting termbeamer.com up or wait until later (I think it will take two or three hours at the most) [13:26] benji, it looks like noone wants a pair. and there's no pertinent miscellaneous task. If so, slack time project (like this) is fine. [13:26] gary_poster: ok, I'll make a card [13:51] benji: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-1002820-rabbitmq-timeout-again/+merge/110822 ? [13:51] frankban: sure [14:03] bac or gmb hey. no rush but when you get a chance could you get me the branches we are waiting on SpamapS for, so I can bring them to flacoste's attention? [14:03] ok [14:03] gary_poster, Er... crumbs, I'll have to go and find it :) [14:03] :-) gmb, looks like bac is on it, unless you all want to coordinate among yourselves [14:05] gary_poster, Well, the latest Python charm-tools branch I touched is this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/charm-tools/add-charm-helpers [14:05] (Which SpamapS approved for merging) [14:05] bac may know where the python-shelltoolbox one is; I don't. [14:05] * bac looks [14:06] Blimey: last revision: 146. By Graham Binns on 2012-03-19 [14:06] 3 months ago. [14:09] i know i made changes since then [14:09] Ah, okay. [14:09] So we probably need to point Spamaps / flacoste at your changes, in that case. [14:10] hah [14:10] https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/charm-tools/trunk/+merge/101554 [14:10] i see juan actually looked at it but i didn't see it [14:10] gary_poster, gmb: ^^ [14:11] on call, will review asap [14:15] * bac is disproportionately excited that his replacement UPS batteries will be delivered today. it is the one my cable modem uses. [14:40] frankban: https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-1002820-rabbitmq-timeout-again/+merge/110822 looks good [14:41] benji: thank you [14:49] benji: just another versions.cfg update: https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/fixtures-0.3.9/+merge/110837 [14:50] gmb: did you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/charm-tools/trunk/+merge/101554 ? [14:51] that MP is a summary branch for all of yellow's charm tools work. so it supercedes any MP you may have submitted, i think. [14:52] juan's complaint will be solved if/when clint does the packaging for python-shelltoolbox, so it is a bit of a no-op. [14:52] frankban: done [14:52] bac: Yes, I agree (sorry, I looked and then forgot to say anything). [14:53] bac: Yeah, we're hanging on Clint here; not much else we can do really. [14:53] s/hanging on/hanging/ [14:54] thanks benji [14:55] np [14:59] gary_poster, gmb: i don't think there are any outstanding changes to https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/python-shelltoolbox/trunk, so it is the latest. [15:00] just awaiting some lucid-compatible packaging foo [15:05] bac, so I need to point flacoste to https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/charm-tools/trunk/+merge/101554 and https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/python-shelltoolbox/trunk right? [15:06] gary_poster: yes. [15:06] cool thanks bac (and gmb) [15:09] gary_poster: i've added a comment to juan's review at https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/charm-tools/trunk/+merge/101554 [15:10] thanks bac [16:01] bac, you saw mark mims's reply to https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/charm-tools/trunk/+merge/101554 ? This may or may not have anything to do with also pinging flacoste about all this. :-) [16:04] gary_poster: i did not get an email for that comment. i wonder what is going on? perhaps i have an overly zealous filter somewhere. [16:04] * gary_poster knows not [16:04] gary_poster: afaik there were never bugs opened for those efforts [16:19] gary_poster: I can't say it is beautiful and if it gets within three miles of an html validator it would likey burst into flame, but termbeamer.com is up [16:19] I'm going to eat lunch and then integrate the fantastic feedback you're about to give me [16:19] benji, no feedback, looks great! :-) [16:20] reflections are so 2010 ;P [16:21] bac, I saw your reply and on MP. Thanks. If you need me to file, lemme know. [16:21] :-) [18:23] * bac shuts down network temporarily [18:34] * bac \0/ power backup [18:58] there are no more outstanding reviews and I will refrain from futzing with termbeamer.com any more, so I'll look at the cards for a task [18:58] (that last bit sounds like we're doing tarot-driven development) [19:13] heh [19:13] benji, I moved termbeamer.com over to done-donw [19:14] thanks [19:14] bug 1013921 would be cool to tackle benji--or actually... [19:14] <_mup_> Bug #1013921: our zope.testing fork needs to emit subunit time immediately before test start and immediately before test completion < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013921 > [19:14] maybe you need to wait on the other zope.testing work? [19:14] reinstating work for bug 1011793 would be good, and also fast I assume [19:14] <_mup_> Bug #1011793: lib/lp/services/profile/profiling.txt fails rarely/intermittently in parallel tests < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1011793 > [19:15] benji, failing all that, I intend to investigate "994752" (that really doesn't make sense given the bug's title, but hey it is shorthand) [19:15] and you could join me on that [19:15] I'll be ready in 5 or so [19:16] gary_poster: yeah, I figured more zope.testing work wasn't a good idea right now; 994752 sounds fine to me [19:17] benji, fascinating: running with 20 runs seems to be faster than 32 or 24 [19:17] ok, I'll ping when I'm ready. [19:17] soon [19:17] k [19:17] that is interesting; have we done a run with 16? [19:24] y [19:25] slower [19:58] yay, gary_poster blog post shows up on fb [19:59] :-) [20:16] gary_poster: there seems to be some kind of network turbulence [20:16] there is a disturbance in the force [20:17] I think we broke Google. [20:18] "We're sorry, hangout is currently unavailable. Please try again later." [20:31] benji, I'm still there https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/ebda6f15e20c0faf49f56969bbc089b4c00214a9?authuser=1&hl=en-US [21:20] pids killed