
RAOFrobert_ancell: Have you checked out the system-compositor-scratchpad yet? Is it enough to unblock you?00:18
robert_ancellRAOF, not yet, but planning to this afternoon00:18
pittiGood morning04:51
robert_ancellRAOF, how close are we to X 1.12 in quantal?05:08
RAOFrobert_ancell: Pretty close; it's all staged in a PPA, and could be uploaded to quantal-proposed pretty much any time, I think.05:09
RAOFThe compositor also wants mesa 8.1, though, which requires a bit more work.05:13
robert_ancellRAOF, so it's ok that using that PPA removes all the other video drivers right?05:28
RAOFI don't think it should; it didn't here.05:29
RAOFDid you add ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-staging as well? The email (should have) said that's also required.05:29
robert_ancellRAOF, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1046714/05:29
robert_ancellah, that might be it05:30
RAOFHah. And I suddenly notice that I need to bump the version on xserver-xorg-video-intel, so that it actually gets installed ;)05:30
robert_ancellRAOF, oh, who do you have to kick in nouveau to make some releases?  so there is a version right, but no release files?05:31
RAOFI guess we could prod darktama. There's not even a version, really.05:32
RAOFI *have* prodded a bit, but nothing's come out of it.05:32
robert_ancellRAOF, so where did the 0.0.16 come from?05:33
RAOFKernel ABI.05:33
RAOFAlso, thin air.05:33
RAOFI mean, their configure.ac *does* define the version as 0.0.16, but it has done for a year or so, and it's never been lower than 0.0.15 IIRC.05:33
robert_ancellIt's amazing running through the versions page how many upstreams a completely lacking in any information where they make releases, or have release files, or even appear to exist05:34
robert_ancelltry finding python pam05:34
glatzormorning pitti05:43
glatzorhow are you?05:43
pittihey glatzor05:43
pittiglatzor: I'm great, thanks! just a bit tired05:43
glatzordid you enjoy your sunny weekend?05:43
pittiabsolutely, yes; we had some friends over05:44
glatzorpitti, do you know anything about the porting status of pyxdg?05:44
pittithey are still here, in fact, leaving in an hour05:44
glatzorpitti, Oh, then see you later :)05:44
pittiglatzor: I don't; I just removed it from apport, and use the ini parser now05:44
pittiwe did a bike tour, went swimming, and watched the game in a Biergarten last night05:44
pittiveery relaxing :)05:44
glatzorpitti, which one? the standard one of python?05:45
pittiglatzor: how are you? having some free time now?05:45
pittiglatzor: yes, configparser05:45
glatzorpitti, it is get less and less :) although I am currenlty on my small sabatical - I will leave for a longer trip on Saturday. So much to prepare :)05:45
glatzorpitti, and does it handle encoding issues well?05:46
pittiglatzor: I'm not quite sure, but I would expect it to work just like any other python -- it certainly has an encoding argument somewhere?05:54
* pitti -> breakfast, bbl05:55
BigWhaleGood Morning07:57
didrockshey hey08:13
seb128didrocks, lut, how is London?08:13
didrocksseb128: rainy, as expected :)08:14
Sweetsharkbonjours a tous!08:35
Laneyah, london!08:39
Laneythe packaging masterclass?08:40
Sweetsharkjibel: got my key to the qa-lab. now what do I do with it? ;)08:47
ritzseb128 , pingus , any suggestion wrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/956855 ?08:49
ubot2Ubuntu bug 956855 in gtk+3.0 "GtkFileChooserButton dialog stretched, when user has a really long name saved to bookmark " [Low,Triaged]08:49
glatzormorning mvo08:50
seb128Laney, Sweetshark, glatzor: hey08:50
glatzormvo, have you looked at porting axi and especially pyxdg to python3?08:50
glatzormorning seb128 ! how are you?08:50
glatzorseb128, you enjoyed your weekend?08:50
ritzseb128, customer would like this fix to be implemented asap, looking for suggestions for the best options to do so.08:51
seb128ritz, hey, I'm looking to it, I would like to get upstream review, the code you drop was probably added for a reason08:52
seb128glatzor, I'm good thanks, my w.e was nice ... how was yours?08:52
seb128chrisccoulson, hey08:52
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?08:53
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seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good, thanks! How are you?08:53
seb128chrisccoulson, had a good w.e?08:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. the weekend was ok - we went to west midlands safari park yesterday08:54
seb128safari park in the u.k? aren't those working on incompatible weathers, ;-)08:54
chrisccoulsonheh :)08:55
glatzorseb128, mine was great too.08:58
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i wish there was a way to make objdump more useful with binaries that have a separate debug file08:59
seb128chrisccoulson, back on the g-s-d issue? ;-)09:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah :)09:01
seb128chrisccoulson, did you manage to reproduce it or do you still work from guess work and debug infos from mterry?09:02
chrisccoulsonseb128, i can reproduce it from a live CD. it relies on the existence of a touchpad (and having "disable touchpad whilst typing" enabled)09:02
seb128oh, "fun" ;-)09:02
chrisccoulsonseb128, did you read my comments on friday evening?09:03
seb128chrisccoulson, the one where you were pondering digging in asm on a friday evening? ;-)09:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, the ones on the bug report. but the comment about digging in to asm on friday evening was around the same time :)09:05
seb128oh, no, that was on twitter09:05
seb128I just read the bug ones09:05
chrisccoulsoni didn't look at it on friday in the end ;)09:05
seb128"something in set_disable_w_typing() writes 0x0 to the %ebx register"09:05
mvoglatzor: good morning! bary mentioned that he wanted to look at the xapian py3 thing, not sure about pyxdg, isn't there something gi based these days? gmenu iirc?09:05
seb128I'm not even sure where to start for sur issues09:05
seb128chrisccoulson, DOH09:07
seb128chrisccoulson, I think it's the most stupid bug ever09:07
chrisccoulsonseb128, how come?09:08
seb128set_disable_w_typing (GsdMouseManager *manager, gboolean state)09:08
seb128                char *args[6];09:08
seb128                args[5] = "-t";09:08
seb128                args[6] = NULL;09:08
seb128we have a patch adding an argument09:08
glatzormvo, ok thanks for the hint: there is gio.DesktopAppInfo09:08
seb128but we didn't increase *args[n]09:08
seb128chrisccoulson, so we write one out09:08
chrisccoulsonthat could be it ;)09:08
chrisccoulsoni hadn't looked in there yet09:08
seb128chrisccoulson, cf 10_smaller_syndaemon_timeout.patch09:09
mvoglatzor: yeah, that was the one I think09:09
chrisccoulsoni'm interested in how that results in register corruption :)09:09
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, well likely the stack part we overwrite with 0x0 was the register value and it's restoring it when returning or something...09:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, possibly. i'm just doing an unstripped build here so i can disassemble it properly :)09:11
seb128chrisccoulson, let me know how that goes ;-)09:11
seb128chrisccoulson, do you want to fix that patch,upload to quantal or should I do it?09:12
glatzormvo, how far away is the s-c port?09:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i can do that in a bit. i just want to understand how it breaks it in the way that it does :)09:12
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, no hurry, thanks09:13
chrisccoulsonthanks for spotting that as well :)09:13
mvoglatzor: xapian is the big blocker09:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, ok, the overwrite occurs when set_disable_w_typing() restores the value of %ebx from the stack, just before it returns09:21
chrisccoulsonthat makes a lot of sense now :)09:22
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, that's what I guessed before ;-)09:22
chrisccoulsonyeah :)09:22
seb128chrisccoulson, and of course stack corruptions are not showed by valgrind...09:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's a bit of a pain. which is why tracking down the register write was quite helpful :)09:23
seb128chrisccoulson, I wonder what we corrupt on precise :p09:23
seb128likely not ebx or it would segfault as well09:23
chrisccoulsonis this in precise as well?09:23
seb128chrisccoulson, the buggy patch is09:23
chrisccoulsonwe should probably consider fixing that ;)09:23
seb128I will SRU that today09:24
seb128there are some other patches for g-s-d that might be worth SRUing09:24
seb128oh, pitti is piloting today09:25
seb128cool, I might let him some of sponsoring queue desktop items then ;-)09:25
pittihaven't started yet, but yes, I will09:26
seb128pitti, hey, how are you? had a good w.e?09:27
pittiseb128: indeed I had, thanks! we had some friends over again, and a very relaxing two days09:28
seb128pitti, how was the game yesterday? They broadcasted Netherlands and not Germany here yesterday09:28
pittia bike tour, swimming, barbeccue, and of course watching the game last night09:28
seb128bike, swim, bbq ... I guess you have nice weather as well ;-)09:28
pittiseb128: https://plus.google.com/107564545827215425270/posts/gwBK6guSV8b09:28
pittiseb128: yeah, it's marvellous09:29
pittiseb128: both the German and the Danish team played pretty similar indeed, it was a very tense game towards the end09:29
seb128hehe, nice german flags paintings ;-)09:29
pittiwe were in a Biergarten09:30
seb128pitti, == beers bar? I like the size of the glasses :p09:31
pittiseb128: will you watch tomorrow, against Sweden?09:31
pittiseb128: "beer garden", yes; it's like an open air pub09:32
seb128pitti, yeah, I will watch the game tomorrow for sure ;-)09:33
seb128pitti, let's see, we might have Germany - France in 1/2 final09:35
seb128though our 1/4 will be an hard one09:35
seb128you guys got quite lucky, playing Greece in 1/4 ;-)09:35
seb128mvo, hey09:36
seb128mvo, is there any chance you could review https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/update-manager/update-at-start/+merge/108369 this week? it's up for review for almost 3 weeks ;-)09:36
* Laney is glad glib has a test suite but it really does take a while to run09:40
seb128yeah, glib is a pain to build, between the several builds for refdbg, etc and the testsuit it's taking ages09:41
chrisccoulsonright, i think it's time for some coffee now09:46
mvoseb128: *cough* yes - but anyone from your team could also do the review09:50
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, that patch was originally from rodrigo. i'm surprised at that ;)09:51
seb128mvo, I'm fine doing code reviews but that's sort of a behaviour change and would appreciate if you could look at it as well09:53
seb128mvo, danke09:54
seb128chrisccoulson, why is that surprising?09:54
chrisccoulsoni thought rodrigo would have spotted something like that too :)09:56
chrisccoulsonseb128, are you aware of http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/sg-manual.html btw?09:57
chrisccoulsonseems that might be useful here ;)09:57
glatzormvo: is the information in axi and app-install-data enough to map every application that is shown in s-c?09:58
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, the bug is not rodrigo's09:58
seb128chrisccoulson, he just changed the delay's value09:58
seb128chrisccoulson, we landed the "add -t" before precise, it's my fault :p09:58
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:59
seb128chrisccoulson, btw did you upload yet?10:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it's uploaded now10:00
seb128ok, I will do the SRU then, thanks10:00
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks for the valgrind doc, I didn't know about it10:01
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm going to try running it in sgcheck now to see if it finds the problem too10:01
pittiglatzor: I talked to David Zeuthen (polkit/udisks upstream) last week about testing daemons which use polkit10:01
pittiglatzor: would you mind if I took aptdaemon's fake-polkit, generalize that a bit, and we get it into upstream polkit? then it would be much easier for other projects to use it10:02
seb128chrisccoulson, btw stupid question maybe, but is the args[] array stored on the stack in this code?10:03
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, the array and all of the values are too10:03
chrisccoulsonhmmm, sgcheck crashes!10:04
chrisccoulsonthat's probably why it's still experimental10:04
seb128chrisccoulson, is that normal to use the stack for that? I though it would just alloc memory somewhere and point to that10:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it's ok to use like that10:05
chrisccoulsonsometimes it's better, as you don't have to worry about freeing the memory afterwards, and you can reduce heap fragmentation as well10:05
seb128I guess it depends how much data you have to store...10:06
seb128chrisccoulson, well in any case that was a fun bug :p10:09
chrisccoulsonheh :)10:09
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks for helping debugging it, I don't think I would ever have found the issue if you didn't trace to the function to look at ;-)10:09
chrisccoulsonit was certainly quite fun to track down :)10:09
mvoseb128: sure and sorry for not getting to it for so long, lots to do, but as long as the code is reviewed I'm fine and don't want to be a single-point-of-failure10:11
mvoglatzor: you don't need axi for this, just the data from /var/cache/software-center/xapian and from the software-cneter-agent db in home, so ideally you just use the s-c StoreDatabase class10:12
seb128mvo, yeah, sorry for adding to your busy todolist, we will try to review "normal" changes (i.e the ones which don't involve changing the behaviour) reviewed without bothering you ;-)10:12
mvoseb128: thanks, I put it on my list for today10:13
mvoglatzor: mpt just told me about plans for the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Determining_software_item_information inside aptdaemon?10:13
mvoglatzor: we should talk about this on the phone a bit, I would like to use something like libdee for this10:17
glatzormvo, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aptdaemon-developers/aptdaemon/smart-error/view/head:/aptdaemon/app.py10:27
* glatzor takes a look at libdee10:28
glatzorpitti, of course - it is free software :)10:31
zygahey, has anyone from non us noticed a regression where any alt+keystroke that used to provide accented characters just stopped working recently?11:05
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cyphermoxgood morning!13:16
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you?13:18
cyphermoxhey. not bad.13:18
cyphermoxsetting up a new computer for dev work; I wish ubuntu one would work properly on quantal13:18
cyphermoxhere it totally refuses to do any syncing13:19
seb128cyphermox, :-(13:20
cyphermoxseb128: seems it's an SSL issue13:23
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seb128mterry_, mterry: hey, enjoy having a theme back ;-)14:29
mterry_seb128, :)14:30
mterry_seb128, chrisccoulson: thanks for fixing that!14:30
seb128mterry_, kudos to chrisccoulson for tracking it down ;-) it was a very stupid bug at the end, write one element over an array14:32
seb128mterry_, which happened to write a NULL over the ebx stored value :p14:32
dobeywas there a new gtk+ uploaded to quantal in the past ~72 hours?14:32
seb128dobey, yes, 3.514:33
mterry_seb128, :-/14:33
seb128dobey, why?14:35
BigWhaleseb128, I have a problem now. Apparently keybinder-3 didn't make it into Wheezy and DktrKranz is now on vacation and when he's back it will be too late for that to happen. Is there a way to get it into Quantal anyway?14:36
seb128BigWhale, same as any other package, get a sponsor to review and upload for you?14:37
BigWhaleseb128, ok, thanks.14:37
dobeyseb128: it appears to have broken some tsts in ubuntu-sso-client :-/14:40
seb128dobey, :-(14:40
dobeythis is weird14:44
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seb128nooo, not two mterry, one is enough!14:59
mterryseb128, pay no attention to the mterry_two behind the curtain15:00
seb128no way I'm falling into that one, I will watch for both of you :p15:00
mterry_twoseb128, ooh, I can test that layout update, I believe.  I didn't notice the fix coming through15:04
seb128mterry_two, what layout update?15:06
mterry_twoseb128, the fr layout bug15:07
seb128mterry_two, got a fix? where?15:07
mterry_twoseb128, oh!  that's the screensaver bug15:07
mterry_twoseb128, bummer.  I saw your comment and saw the bug title and got confused15:07
mterry_two:-/  needs more coffee15:07
seb128mterry_two, oh, that one, yeah we got it fixed, I still hope to get the fr one looked at soon, I've nagged daniels again on friday about it :p15:08
seb128mterry_two, it bothered me enough that I tried on a f17 liveCD and they got the issue as well, so it seems to be an xserver upstream issue15:08
mterry_twoyeah I saw that, good on ya!  :)15:09
dobeyseb128: looks like new gtk+ breaks gtk_widget_override_color() calls on GtkLabel widgets :(15:23
seb128dobey, I guess try to ping cosimoc or Company about it to know if that's a known issue?15:24
dobeyyeah, though i suspect i will be told "it's a bug fix, not api breakage" despite the fact that api being used is now broken; at least, that's what happened the last time such a break happened for api i was using :-/15:26
mvodobey: hey, I noticed lp:~dobey/ubuntu/quantal/python-oauth/python3-packages, what is the state of this one? anything I could help with ?15:36
dobeymvo: it breaks ubuntu-sso-client tests. so there's something not quite right in it. i need to check barry's branch to see what he changed/did different still15:38
dobeybeen too swamped with higher priority stuff though15:38
mvodobey: aha, thanks. to test, can I just branch lp:ubuntu-sso-client and run the tests with py3? or is that in a different branch?15:39
dobeymvo: you can't run ubuntu-sso-client tests with python3 at all, no15:39
dobeyit's not ported yet15:39
mvooh, ok15:42
mvodobey: I did a 2to3 version some time ago but that was just a toy15:43
dobeymvo: i'll try to see if i can't poke at it again later today. but right now gtk+ is busy annoying the crap out of me :(15:46
Laneytseliot: Hey, did you mean to remove 4 from PATCH_MATCH[4] here? It seems to break the build again for me. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/107881778/bcmwl_5.100.82.38%2Bbdcom-0ubuntu7_5.100.82.38%2Bbdcom-0ubuntu8.diff.gz15:51
tseliotLaney: how so?15:52
Laneysame as before, asm/system.h15:52
tseliotLaney: with what kernel?15:53
Laneytseliot: 3.4.0-5-generic15:54
Laneyit built when I put 4 back there15:55
tseliotLaney: I think I made the package apply the patch only for kernels >= 3.5, my bad..15:55
Laneyyeah, that's what I'd guess from the diff :-)15:55
tseliotLaney: I should always apply that patch, since there's an "#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(3, 4, 0)"15:57
Laneynice, that should make it easier15:57
tseliotLaney: ok, uploaded16:01
Laneyhttp://paste.debian.net/175098 does anyone see any issues here?16:05
LaneyI can't get a desktop any more!16:05
Laneyguest session, gdm, lightdm all fail and just throw me back to the login manager16:05
micahgkenvandine: why did you upload chromium?16:17
kenvandinemicahg, well it fixed the ftbfs for arm16:18
kenvandinebut... it fails for other reasons on quantal :/16:18
kenvandinebuilt for precise in a ppa for me though16:18
kenvandinemicahg, did you see my branch i proposed?16:19
micahgkenvandine: right, precise has a different toolchain than quantal and quantal has been broke for chromium since it opened which is why I haven't uploaded yet16:19
micahgI didn't see the branch eitehr16:19
kenvandinethis fix will fix it on precise for sure :)16:19
micahgkenvandine: ah, now I see it in my mail, thanks16:22
micahgkenvandine: but still, it wasn't going to build anyways16:23
kenvandinei see that now16:24
micahgbug 99221216:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 992212 in chromium-browser "chromium-browser FTBFS in quantal" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99221216:24
kenvandineit'll work on precise though :)16:24
bkerensamicahg: have you seen this http://i.imgur.com/bgYKT.png in 12.10 at all? Not sure which package to file this against16:24
Laneykenvandine: does the new light-themes fix that?16:25
kenvandineLaney, yes16:26
kenvandineLaney, a couple of the indicators still has the wrong background16:26
kenvandinebut not as bad as that16:26
micahgkenvandine: and that's wrong on armel for quantal anyways16:28
bkerensaLaney: so that is related to light-themes and a fix is coming down the pipe?16:28
Laneybkerensa: the tubes should deliver you a fix soon16:29
Laneyit was caused by the new gtk16:29
bkerensaahh ok16:29
cyphermoxLaney: to answer your question about lightdm before, I'm not seeing that16:43
LaneyI only see it on one machine16:44
Laneywill have to investigate more16:44
cyphermoxtheme is completely fubar here though; the indicators aren't readable when selected16:46
Laney(how cool would it be to be able to bisect apt runs?)16:46
bkerensacyphermox: So over the weekend brought that bluetooth hardware to Bug Jam/BSP and showed it to slangasek he thinks its kernel related and I sent a e-mail with the details to bluetooth-kernel16:47
cyphermoxbkerensa: cool16:48
bkerensacyphermox: More specifically it would seem no Bluetooth headsets are working with this Intel BT chip16:48
seb128Laney, your lightdm issue, did you check your session .xsession-errors? is it like login in but the user exits directly?16:52
Laneyseb128: it's completely empty16:53
LaneyI don't think it gets very far into the session16:53
seb128Laney, that started today? what did you upgrade?16:54
Laneylet me get dpkg.log16:54
Laneyseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1047618/ or http://paste.ubuntu.com/1047621/ is a grep for "status installed"16:58
LaneyI /think/ I had restarted since the previous dist-upgrade, but I can't be totally sure16:58
rickspencer3bryceh, good morning16:58
seb128Laney, libc, gtk, gnome-session are in this update...17:00
seb128Laney, can you start a session using startx?17:00
brycehrickspencer3, heya17:01
Laneyseb128: no, "user not authorized to run the X server, aborting"17:02
Laneybut my working machine also gives that17:02
rickspencer3bryceh, so, no alpha/beta spins, we test every 2 weeks, and save those tested images?17:02
brycehrickspencer3, it sounds like a good plan to me, I like it17:04
seb128Laney, do you have an X running already? startx -- :1 should work17:04
LaneyI understand that ISO testing is pretty heavy17:04
seb128Laney, that works here at least for me17:04
Laneyso we should check if the people who would be doing it are up for that work17:05
rickspencer3hi Laney17:05
rickspencer3well, it's not so heavy, but yeah, we need Nick to gear up for such a plan17:05
brycehrickspencer3, now, there's been some marketing value of having named images to encourage people to kick tires, that would be lost.  But there's dozens of ways to skin that cat.17:05
rickspencer3he has people "adopt an ISO" now17:05
LaneyI guess it depends on what would be tested17:05
rickspencer3Laney, you can look at the ISO tracker, hold on17:05
Laneyrickspencer3: I know about the ISO test cases — I'm just querying if people would be up for doing it every fortnight17:06
brycehrickspencer3, and honestly like someone else already said, it may be that the "alpha" moniker actually scares people off at the exact time we could use their feedback the most (early on in the release, when we have plenty of time to fix bugs)17:06
LaneyI think it would be good to have input from some of the people running these things on the ground17:06
brycehLaney, a few releases ago we did do something like that just for the proprietary video drivers, except it was every week17:07
rickspencer3I think this is a good opportunity to grow contributors, actually17:07
brycehLaney, not a lot of people had the stamina to do that, but those who did got very passionate about it, and did it quite reliably17:07
rickspencer3I bet a lot of people would like to be able to contribute, and running these test cases doesn't have a very high technical bar, but has a powerful impact17:07
rickspencer3in any case, the increased cadence of testing is sort of orthagonal17:08
* bryceh nods17:08
rickspencer3we could do that with or without changing the way we do alphas17:08
rickspencer3and we visa-versa17:08
seb128Laney, did you try the startx -- :1?17:08
Laneyseb128: yes, same outcome17:09
LaneyI'm going to timeout in a second so I'll pick it up again tomorrow if you don't mind?17:09
seb128Laney, hum, I wonder if that's your issue for lightdm as well...17:09
Laneyyeah, could be17:09
rickspencer3bye Laney!17:09
seb128Laney, yeah, sure, no hurry, it's only you who seem to have the issue so far so it's not a "we need to sort it you immediatly"17:09
LaneyI found some references to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config on google, and it references a group which doesn't exist17:09
Laneybut I don't know if that is relevant at all17:09
Laneyrickspencer3: do you think any of the cadence issues you raise would be mitigated by folks always being able to upload their stuff to proposed?17:10
rickspencer3Laney, well, that's kind of how it alls tarted17:10
LaneyI mean, we don't currently have that, but that is the goal17:11
rickspencer3the first question being ... if we are automatically copying from proposed, we can forgo freezing17:11
rickspencer3well, we do have proposed enabled now, and we should have all the tools for auto-copying etc... by end of June17:11
rickspencer3so, now was a good time to ask about ceasing to freeze17:11
LaneyI think the release team's plan is to turn off the migration in "freeze" periods17:12
Laneyso that people can test without shifting sands17:12
Laneybut people will always be able to upload17:12
rickspencer3Laney, well, then people would have to run proposed, which is contrary to the goal of proposed17:12
Laneycorrect, people won't get updates during the freeze period17:13
rickspencer3then we would have different developers running out of different archives, and people running -proposed would suffer from the very effects that turning on proposed was meant to mitigate17:13
rickspencer3and furthermore, we shouldn't need to freeze17:13
rickspencer3however, in any case, it seems the question is moot17:13
rickspencer3because it begged the question, "why have alphas and betas at all, if we have daily quality"17:14
rickspencer3if it's to invite deep testing, well we don't need to spin alphas and betas to test, we can run the ISO tracker on any daily build17:15
rickspencer3and we should set a testing cadence based on what would drive quality, not how often we can release alphas and betas, etc...17:15
* bryceh nods17:15
rickspencer3</summarizing @u-devel>17:15
* rickspencer3 is excited about potential increase in quality and velocity17:16
brycehrickspencer3, I haven't heard any arguments to the contrary so far; have you heard anyone with strong arguments to keep the alpha/beta approach?17:16
* micahg needs to respond to that thread17:16
rickspencer3bryceh, nope17:16
brycehrickspencer3, also have any of the archive folks chimed in?  I'd be interested in seeing their thoughts.17:16
Laneyso they currently create a kind of point of convergance17:16
rickspencer3"archive folks"?17:16
Laneyyou know that no major changes are going to happen, and that things should kind of "come together" for a time17:17
rickspencer3Laney, yeah, but we shouldn't do that anymore17:17
rickspencer3now we make sure things stay together each day, right?17:17
rickspencer3at least I hope so!17:17
brycehrickspencer3, archive admins like cjwatson, slangasek, et al17:17
rickspencer3bryceh, I know slangasek's views17:17
Laneyyes, but there are still structural changes that take place17:17
rickspencer3I chatted with cjwatson at UDS17:17
brycehrickspencer3, ok good17:17
rickspencer3but I don't want to speak for them17:18
rickspencer3Laney, structural changes shouldn't tank Ubuntu anymore though17:19
LaneyI'm just saying that milestones have value as checkpoints17:22
Laneysorry, I've got no more time to play devil's advocate :-)17:23
rickspencer3oh well17:23
rickspencer3thanks anyway Laney17:23
LaneyI'll think about following up on the thread :P17:23
rickspencer3I think checkpoints do have value17:23
LaneyI do think it's a good idea, btw, but my point is that we should think about how to preserve the few good things that milestones give us17:23
rickspencer3but I am not sure our current milestone system makes effective checkpoints17:23
Laneykudos for raising it17:23
rickspencer3Laney,  thanks for your feedback17:24
rickspencer3I always feel better after talking to you  ;)17:24
rickspencer3have a good night17:24
Laneyit's a kind of sad night - having dinner out with my girlfriend who is going away for 2 months tomorrow17:25
* Laney waves :-)17:25
rickspencer3sorry Laney, have fun though17:25
brycehrickspencer3, he does have a good point about checkpoints17:28
brycehrickspencer3, however I suspect the value can be gained there without necessarily tying it to creation of isos17:28
rickspencer3bryceh, right, but that is orthogonal to all the work for spinning an image, I think17:28
brycehit probably should be tied to something, but that could be like a written milestone report or some such17:29
rickspencer3frankly, our milestones and freezes get so many exceptions, I'm not sure what they buy us now except for paper work17:29
rickspencer3though, I guess, even that paper work helps communication about changes17:30
brycehwell, on the X side we do try to organize package updates around them, so we don't destabilize things an inopportune times, but that can also sometimes add delay at points we don't want it.17:33
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
mdeslaurcyphermox: awesome bug: 101476317:51
mdeslaurbug 101476317:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 1014763 in evolution "evolution deletes spamd socket file when creating new temp files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101476317:51
=== mterry_two is now known as mterry
seb128robert_ancell, hey21:17
robert_ancellseb128, duh duh, duuuuuh!21:17
seb128robert_ancell, ;-)21:17
seb128robert_ancell, sooooo21:19
robert_ancellso, all good news?21:19
seb128robert_ancell, what are your plans for lightdm?21:19
robert_ancellYou just decided to stay up late for fun?21:19
robert_ancellin what respect21:19
seb128robert_ancell, mostly good, but users start considering lightdm upstreams are as responsive than gdm ones to bug reports :p21:19
robert_ancellwell, I have a very low bar to match!21:19
seb128lol, and yet you manage to be close of not matching it :p21:20
robert_ancellmy plans are to recruit a new maintainer called seb12821:20
seb128robert_ancell, joke aside, can we land a new version with the utmp commits to quantal? then we can consider backporting those21:21
seb128robert_ancell, another bug which seems to have interest from other teams is the one about the expired password handling21:22
seb128robert_ancell, bug #97253721:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 972537 in lightdm "lightdm doesn't allow expired passwords" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97253721:22
seb128robert_ancell, if you think you will not have time to work on it can you unassign yourself and comment on the bug? it seems the corporate guys care about it, they might pick it if we bail out21:22
robert_ancellok, shouldn't be too hard to check, I guess the case in unity-greeter --test-mode is not matching this correctly21:23
robert_ancellit will be a u-g bug21:23
seb128robert_ancell, you are trying to dump it on mterry, aren't you? ;-)21:24
robert_ancellIf he'll take it!21:24
seb128well, he's maintaining unity-greeter right? :-)21:24
seb128robert_ancell, otherwise you got lucky, your gtk update didn't break too much :p21:25
robert_ancellI told people it would break things, not my fault unico/light-themes is as unresponsive as me21:25
seb128robert_ancell, there was some unreadable label issues in combo boxes and indicators but ken covered for you and uploaded the fixes Cimi had in light-theme trunk ;-)21:25
mterryseb128, robert-ancell: I was trying to avoid totally owning unity-greeter!21:27
seb128mterry, FAIL21:31
seb128mterry, robert_ancell: who wants to look at bug #990661 btw?21:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 990661 in lightdm "lightdm zombie process created while press sscape button on Login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99066121:32
* robert_ancell watches the tumbleweed blow past21:33
mterryseb128, weird.21:34
mterryseb128, I can look21:34
seb128mterry, thanks21:34
* thumper enjoys watching seb128 bug^W discuss issues with someone else...21:37
robert_ancellmterry, duplicity update on the books?21:39
robert_ancellthumper, "discuss" is not the word21:39
thumperhand off?21:39
seb128you guys are no fun :p21:39
seb128I'm just sharing!21:40
thumperno... no... this is fun21:40
mterryrobert_ancell, I have a duplicity update on my TODO, but I wasn't rushing for its changes21:40
robert_ancellmterry, I'll assign the bug to you21:40

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