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zygamwhudson, ?06:46
zygamwhudson, some paste06:46
gourco-located branches doc (http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/colocated-branches.html) lists few 'use cases' (http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/colocated-branches.html#use-cases) and i'm not sure whether co-located branches are real need in bzr (yesterday i played with --lightweight checkouts used for feature branches based on shared repo) or is it more of filling the gap to hg/git's features?07:03
spivgour: they are more convenient than lightweight checkouts + branchless repo, and just as good for many cases, so that's a pretty valuable improvement07:14
gourspiv: i see...thanks...are they going to be ready for 2.6?07:15
spivThey're already ready in 2.5: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.5/en/whats-new/whats-new-in-2.5.html#basic-colocated-branch-support07:17
spivNo doubt they'll be even better in 2.6 :)07:17
gouriirc, jelmer or someone else was speaking something about UI not polished (yet)...otoh, i was not aware they're already in...does it mean we should (try) to adopt 'em instead of lightweight co-s & branchless repos?07:19
spivI'd give it go, yes.07:19
spivIf you don't like them for some reason you can always change your mind later and use lightweight checkouts and boring old branches in treeless repo, etc :)07:20
gourin some use cases, i like treeless repo and lw co-s...eg. i'm using weechat irc client and my ~/.weechat is lightweight co keeping track of weechat's config files, while the treeless repo is in ~/repos07:23
gourhmm, colocated branches need new format...we just talked about bzr's formats yesterday :-)07:27
gour2.6 docs when speaking about colocated branches uses future tense, so wondering what's avaialable today...07:29
bob2suspect once you get used to them you'll want to use colocated all the time07:39
spivbob2: well, it's not especially well-suited for the .dotfiles use case mentioned above.07:42
spivBut for general code hacking, yeha.07:43
jelmergour: huh?07:44
jelmergour: colocated branches need a new format?07:44
gourjelmer: bzr init -h ==> --development-colo  The 2a format with experimental support for colocated07:47
gouror it means something else i'm not aware of?07:49
jelmergour: the development-colo format isn't  necessary for colocated branches anymore07:50
jelmergour: you can just use them with 2a these days07:50
gourjelmer: hmm, it seems that docs needs some love then ;)07:51
jelmergour: which docs?07:51
gourjelmer: bzr-2.5.1 help text for 'init' command07:53
jelmerhey mgz08:03
jelmergour: ah, but I guess it's listed under the development formats still?08:03
gourjelmer: well, it's listed under branch format section along with --2a etc., iow. valid option for 'init' in 2.5.108:07
jelmergour: sure, but there's lots of other uninteresting formats there too08:09
jelmerthough we should probably hide development-colo08:09
* gour nods08:14
anddamdo I need to register a launchpad account in order to just clone (branch?) a repository?12:44
jelmeranddam: no, you can clone a branch (as long as it's not private) without an account12:44
anddamjelmer: do I need to init a repo before running bzr branch?12:45
jelmeranddam: no, see the mini tutorial12:46
anddamI tried both, "bzr branch lp:foo" and "mkdir foo; cd foo; bzr init; bzr branch lp:foo"12:46
anddamI just read that12:46
anddamit shows how to init-repo and init but it doesn't says it that's *mandatory* or not12:46
anddamwith git a "git clone" would create the local repository as well12:47
jelmeranddam: in bzr the repository is created if a shared one doesn't exist too12:48
anddamI'm trying cloning lp:groundhog12:48
anddamI get    bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juanjux/groundhog/groundhog-juanjo/"12:48
anddamwhen running "bzr branch lp:groundhog", is that an issue on my side or not?12:49
jelmeranddam: that branch doesn't really exist - it's never been pushed to according to the web page12:49
anddamsounds like it isn't12:49
anddamI see12:49
anddamRecent revisions12:50
anddamThis branch has not been pushed to yet.12:50
anddamso the launchpad repository for the project is empty, isn't it?12:50
jelmerit doesn't actually have a control directory I think12:50
jelmerso it's not even empty12:51
anddamI apologize but I'm really new to bzr12:51
anddamidk what a control directory is12:51
anddamthe point is that lp:groundhog has no code, is this correct?12:51
jelmerit's the same thing as ".git" in git12:51
jelmerI mean, in git the control directory is named ".git"12:52
jelmeranddam: yes, lp:groundhog doesn't have any code12:52
anddamI see lp:~juanjux/groundhog/trunk is listed as branch and that has code12:52
anddamis there any difference between a subdir in user space or a root level project?12:52
anddamI mean is that just a convention, a matter of taste or so?12:53
jelmeranddam: I'm not sure I follow13:00
jelmeranddam: subdir in user space?13:00
anddamjelmer: yes, ~juanjux/groundhog rather than groundhog13:04
jelmeranddam: ah, that's just convention13:05
abentleyvila: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/bzr/config-branchname/+merge/110825 ?13:38
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abentleyjam: Changing branchname to fall back to basename is a 1-line change, and I'm happy to do that.  Maybe rename to "shortname".  But you're not proposing we remove "basename", right?  So we'd still be introducing a new variable.14:51
jamabentley: I'm fine with a new var, what I want is to have 1 var that can just be used, without needing to think "do I need X or Y in this case"14:51
abentleyjam: Okay.  Does "shortname" work?  ("branchshortname" seems...long)14:52
jambranchname is fine for me14:53
jamI think I prefer that14:53
abentleyjam: "branchname" was meant to refer to the colocated branch terminology.  jelmer, is it cool if I introduce a config var called "branchname" that is ",branch=$NAME" but falls back to "parent/$NAME"?14:55
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mgzHave we got a bug for `bzr config --remove launchpad_username` not working on 2.5.1?17:55
mgzneeds --scope=bazaar17:56
gour    /q20:33
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