
frankbanhi gmb, could you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-1014907/+merge/110987 ?09:55
gmbfrankban, I'll look shortly09:55
frankbanthanks gmb10:54
gmbgary_poster, My 12:30 just showed up, so I'll likely not make standup.12:04
* gmb -> shooting people12:04
gary_postergmb, heh12:04
gary_posterok ttyl12:04
gary_posterbac benji frankban (gmb not here): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/e7129ba442a5def36f39fb51ce8543146f1cdad1?authuser=1&hl=en-US in 212:08
gary_postergmb, your card is 24 hours old, so pls ask for pair when you return12:15
gary_posterbac's is too but he's not here12:15
* bac is trying12:17
gmbgary_poster, The card is only just 24 hours old (I moved it to WIP during standup yesterday, didn't start on it until after that ) and I'm making good progress. I'm happy to hang fire on pairing for now, but will re-evaluate in an hour or so.13:16
gary_postergmb, cool.  if it is not to review/landing by your EoD, please make sure you hand it off before your EoD, since it is blocking another card.  (and pair before then if it makes sense, yes, thanks!)13:18
gmbgary_poster, Of course, will do.13:18
gary_postercool ty13:18
bachi gmb -- i just ran bin/test and unexpectedly got the following:13:57
bac...ome/bac/launchpad/lp-branches/1012171> bin/test -vvt TestWebServiceErrors13:57
bac        You specified a module along with --require-unique;13:57
bac        --require-unique will not try to enforce test ID uniqueness when13:57
bac        working with a specific module.13:57
baci didn't specify a module using -m13:58
gmbbac, Um. Well, that's... unexpected.13:58
gmbbac, If you poke around in zope.testing.testrunner.options you'll find the check for if options.module and options.require_unique_ids near the bottom; you could poke a pdb in there and see what's going on.13:59
bacgmb: ok, will do.13:59
gmbbenji, gary_poster: Do either of you know if - ahaha - mess about with sys.stdout?14:16
gmbI mean "doctests - ahaha -"14:16
gary_posterit was mysterious for a moment there14:16
gary_posterI don't offhand.  benji might14:16
gary_posteroh wait a sec14:17
gary_posteryeah. I think doctests generically mess with stdout14:17
gary_posterI thought you meant a specific doctest14:17
gary_posterbut yeah14:17
benjiyes, doctests capture stdout (that's how they know what the "actual" bit is to compare with the "expected" bit)14:17
gary_posterright ^^^14:17
gmbbenji, So, the problem in some of the subunit doctests in zope.testing is that they appear not to see the subunit output. I'm guessing that that's because we force subunit to __stdout__ and doctest is looking at something else. Is that sane-sounding?14:21
benjigmb: yep, that's a good hypothesis14:21
gmbbenji, gary_poster:14:23
gmbclass _SpoofOut(StringIO):14:23
gmbThis is going to be fun...14:23
gary_postertunder stdout!14:23
gmbif not streams_munged and sys.stdout != sys.__stdout__:14:26
gmb    stab_stab_stab_stab = True14:26
gary_posterbenji, could you take a glance at the "Unnecessary cronscripts?" thread and reply to flacoste's comment about the rosetta cronscript please?14:47
benjigary_poster: sure14:47
bachere's what the stdout/stderr subunit output look like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049226/14:58
gmbgary_poster, Is my card blocking because it's in the WIP lane or because something depends on it?15:26
gmbBecause with this docstring problem we can pretty much say that we're back to square one for now (my previous good progress turned out to be a mirage)15:27
gary_postergmb, because something depends on it (I don't want to start bug 1013921 until zope.testing is back in reasonably good order)15:27
_mup_Bug #1013921: our zope.testing fork needs to emit subunit time immediately before test start and immediately before test completion <paralleltest> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013921 >15:27
gmbgary_poster, Okay. Give me a little while, and I can pair / hand-off with A.N.Other on what I know so far ( which is not a huge amount, except that global state hates me)15:28
gary_postergmb, pair with someone then, maybe an American so you can hand off?  I could be ready if Liam can't tell me where to find prune.py15:28
gary_posteror benji might be ready soon15:28
gmbMakes sense.15:28
benjigmb: I'm ready for talking if you want.  If not I'll take lunch and we can talk after.15:41
gmbbenji, I'm ready now, let me just get a hangout started.15:54
gmbbenji, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/d154498843db24fb425588dbc74afba32c57518d?authuser=0&hl=en-GB#15:57
bacbenji, gary_poster: i'd like to pair up with either of you after lunch, too.  i'm about done but have gotten my knickers twisted wrt getting data once/only once from stdout/stderr StringIO objects16:02
gary_posterbac, cool16:03
bacgary_poster: will you be available later?16:04
bacif so, i'll eat now16:04
gary_posterbac, yes.  1:15ish?16:04
bacgary_poster: ok.16:04
gmbbenji, lost you...16:13
benjigmb: trying to reconnect16:13
benjigoogle really hates me of late16:14
benjigmb: no hangout (or termbeamer because it uses google talk) for me16:15
benjiI'm starting to wonder if google has decided that I am a bad person and should be shunned.16:15
gmbbenji, Okay, let meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee16:17
gmbLet me poke around those test and get back to you shortly. They do... interesting things.16:17
gmb(Also, I need fluids)16:17
gmbbenji, So, I've not managed to get any further, and I'm about to be interrupted by mangerial types. If I push what we've got so far, will you be okay to take it from there? There are still six tests failing.16:45
gmb(Some of those might be subunit related)16:45
gmbgary_poster, around?16:47
* gmb emails the team16:51
gary_postergmb, sorry was lunching.  saw your email.  Hopefully one of us can run with it today.  Have a nice evening17:10
bachi gary_poster, i just pushed a branch up to lp:~/zope.testing/1012171 -- let me know when you'd like to hangout17:18
gary_posterbac, cool, now is good.17:23
gary_posteryou starting or shall I?17:23
gary_posterhangout I mean17:23
baci will17:23
bacgary_poster: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/c2ff86710d20766821883a7b65ce7b4663d43092?authuser=0&hl=en17:24
benjigmb: I was lunching.  I'll take a look.17:29
gary_posterbanji, bac, hallyn's workaround for bug 1014916 not only makes machines start all about the same time, but as an expected/hoped corrollary, slices around three minutes off our test run time.18:45
_mup_Bug #1014916: simultaneously started lucid containers pause while starting after the first seven <lxc (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1014916 >18:45
bacgo hallyn18:46
gary_posterWith that, the differeence between the first and last worker stopping is more like 5 or 6 minutes, at least in my one sample so far18:47
gary_posterWhich means that the round robin won't be quite as profitable, but the combination of that workaround and the non-roundrobin should still be significant18:47
bacgary_poster, benji: if either of you have time for a review: https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/zope.testing/1012171/+merge/11109319:31
gary_posteron call will check after19:31
benjibac: I'll take a look.19:33
bacbenji: thanks19:33
benjibac: how many tests are still failing on your branch?19:33
bacbenji: 719:34
bacbenji: i fixed one, the 'latin1' in test_subunit19:34
benjihmm, I would have thought it would be lower.19:34
bacit was trivial, just a \n that got moved in the output19:35
bacwhy would you think that?  my stuff shouldn't have affected those other failures19:35
benjiI misunderstood part of the change, but capturing stdout may help in fixing the other failures I'm working on right now.19:37
benjibac: looks good19:39
bacbenji: thanks19:41
bachurrah, the NC house killed the sea-level rise bill.19:44
gary_posterbac, wow, something good actually happened in the legislature!  or at least non-bad.20:04
gary_posterbenji, how goes test failure fun?20:04
benjigary_poster: pretty good; down to 420:04
gary_posterbenji, great!  what were we before?  /me goes to look20:05
benjigary_poster: more ;)20:05
benjioh, you meant before we made them go up20:05
gary_poster:-) yeah20:05
benjidown to the original 3 failures.  I want to think about this a little though, because it is a bit hacky (but not obscene)20:12
gary_posterbut good news nonetheless20:26
* bac -> optometrist. \0/20:33
gary_posterbac :-) k have a good evening20:36

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