
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
stewarthi! i'm having trouble fetching the public SSH keys for members of a group using launchpadlib. anyone able to give me a hand?07:28
wgrantstewart: What's the issue?07:33
stewartwgrant, I get nothing back for sshkeys.07:33
stewartlet me paste the code...07:33
wgrantstewart: Ah, you'll need to authenticate.07:33
stewartwgrant, http://paste.drizzle.org/show/2111/07:33
wgrantAny user at all is OK07:33
stewartwgrant, I don't need to authenticate to curl it from launchpad.net/~user/+sshkeys07:34
wgrantIndeed, it's an API bug.07:34
stewartwgrant, i couldn't find anything documenting this, should i file a bug?07:35
stewartwgrant, (this is meant to run unattended)07:36
wgrantI can't see an existing bug, so please do file one.07:36
stewartwgrant, filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/101499607:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1014996 in Launchpad itself "launchpadlib person sshkeys requires authentication while fetching via URL doesn't" [Undecided,New]07:40
wgrantstewart: Thanks, triaged.07:42
stewartgah.... and now python is out to get me: "When opening HTTPS URLs, it does not attempt to validate the server certificate. Use at your own risk!"07:42
stewartyay urllib for being dumb.07:42
stewartwgrant, here's a question, does launchpadlib connect over ssl?07:43
wgrantIt does.07:43
wgrantIt even verifies the cert.07:43
stewartwgrant, awesome. launchpadlib++ and urllib--07:47
wgranturllib is terrible07:48
wgrantI don't think urllib2 is much better in this respsect.07:48
wgranteven httplib2 (which launchpadlib uses) didn't do it by default until recently.07:48
wgrantIt's all pretty awful07:49
stewartwgrant, hrm... i'll look at httplib2. at the moment it looks like execing /usr/bin/curl is the simplest07:50
alo21hi all10:16
alo21can someone help me with branches, please?10:16
alo21I would like to know how to merge branches10:17
czajkowskijelmer: ^^10:19
jelmerhi alo21, czajkowski10:20
alo21jelmer: hi10:20
jelmeralo21: you can merge branches with the "bzr merge" command10:20
jelmerthe mini tutorial has some basic examples:10:20
alo21jelmer: I have a personal branch an I would to merge it with this: fcm-it10:21
alo21jelmer: is bzr merge lp:fcm-it   the right command?10:21
mgzprobably not, you need to describe at a higher level what you're actually trying to do.10:22
alo21mgz: what do you mean?10:23
mgzas in, describe exactly what you've done and what your goal is10:23
mgzso, you created a branch of... and changed something, and committed it?10:23
mgzyou now want...10:23
alo21mgz: jelmer this is: (https://code.launchpad.net/~alo21/fcm-it/fcm-app) is the project branch10:24
alo21mgz: jelmer I would to merge my personal branch with the project one10:24
jelmeralo21: you would like to merge your personal branch into the project one, or the other way around?10:24
jelmeralo21: you want to clone the branch you want to merge into10:25
jelmerand then run "bzr merge lp:branch-you-want-to-merge && bzr ci -m merge"10:25
alo21jelmer:  I would like to merge my personal branch into the project one10:25
jelmeralo21: in that case, you should clone the project branch first10:25
alo21jelmer: bzr branch ..?10:26
jelmeralo21: yep10:26
alo21jelmer: in this example, should I tun bzr branch lp:fcm-it?10:27
jelmeralo21: yes10:28
alo21jelmer: ok... and then?10:28
jelmeralo21: bzr merge lp:~alo21/fcm-it/fcm-app10:29
alo21jelmer: should I fisrt con inside the folder with "cd fcm-it"?10:30
alo21con --> go10:30
jelmeralo21: yes, see the tutorial10:45
rick_h_jcsackett: ping, heads up review coming your way. Couple of things to chat about when you get a chance.12:08
rick_h_jcsackett: let me know if any of the fiddle's don't work/etc12:09
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LordOfTimetimeout: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.has_cve=on   |  OOPS-27635fde56ed0c378cb24ca465c6953214:41
czajkowskijono is giving a talk right now: getting started with launchpad http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/workshops/classroom/15:02
abentleygnuoy: Thanks for the deploy.  Could you please add the following rule to production: "jobs.celery.enabled_classesdefault0BranchScanJob"15:48
gnuoyabentley, if you pop on LPS I'll do it now15:49
abentleyflacoste: I would like to add a feature flag to production to enable celery branch scan jobs.  "jobs.celery.enabled_classes default 0 BranchScanJob"  Do you approve?15:54
flacosteabentley: +100015:56
abentleygnuoy: On LPS now;.15:59
gnuoyabentley, what should I put as the comment to go with the rule?16:01
abentleygnuoy: "Enabled branch scans via Celery"16:02
gnuoyabentley, done16:02
abentleygnuoy, flacoste: quick test seems to be working.16:04
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bodhi_zazenHow do people submit translations ?16:57
czajkowskibodhi_zazen: for which area ?16:58
bodhi_zazenI have someone who wishes to submit a German Translation16:59
czajkowskidpm_: would you know where to find this as not seeing it17:01
czajkowskinot seeing it set up17:01
bodhi_zazenI found this page: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations17:02
bodhi_zazenAre there translations of that page or a "short version" for people submitting translations ?17:02
czajkowskino the page is not translated.17:03
czajkowskithey should possibly read https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/ImportPolicy17:03
czajkowskibodhi_zazen: the best bet would be to read and get them to join https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators17:04
czajkowskias they deal with all LP translations17:04
LordOfTimeif i have a subteam that is listed as "Administrators" for a parent team, do I need to readd the people in the subteam to the parent team?17:17
LordOfTimeor is the inheritence of administrator power on that parent team perpetual17:17
dobeyanyone in the subteam will have administrator rights on the team it is a subteam of17:23
dobeyif you make the team an administrator17:23
LordOfTimethat's what i thought, i wanted to make sure17:26
LordOfTimeso as long as someone exists in that sub team, and that sub team is listed as an administrator, those users do not need to be "administrators" on the parent team, because administrator powers on that team are inherited.  thanks.  :)17:26
LordOfTimefor translations, does a code branch need to first exist for a code import request?18:17
LordOfTimeor am i misunderstanding import requests18:18
LordOfTimeactually i'll read the translations help docs18:26
smoserquick question...18:52
LordOfTimeask it?18:53
smoserin order for 2 people to share the ability to push to a bzr branch on launchpad they need to be in a group, right?18:53
smoserie, if i wanta short lived group for myself and one other person... i have to create a launchpad group18:53
lifelessor you have to share an ssh key18:54
lifelesson e.g. a service account18:54
lifelessa group is better18:54
smoserre ssh key: no thank you :)18:54
smoseryeah, group is fine.18:54
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rmkHi. Having trouble adding a PPA dependency.  Getting an "Oops" page.22:33
rmkBoth PPAs are private.22:34
StevenKLink the OOPS?22:34
rmk(Error ID: OOPS-47d4dbf219ad56c80e3ec6b0dc3104fd)22:34
StevenKThat's very strange.22:37
StevenKrmk: I guess the PPA you're going to add has no description?22:37
wgrantWow, that is an odd one.22:38
rmkYeah no description.22:38
StevenKYeah, it looks like 'if description is not None:' is utter crack.22:38
wgrantI think it's not no description22:39
wgrantIt's an *empty* description22:39
StevenKThere's a difference?22:39
rmkI'm just adding a description to sort this.22:39
wgrantStevenK: None vs ''22:39
wgrantI think there's a bug on this22:39
StevenKrmk: That will workaround it, yes.22:39
rmkYeah worked now.22:40
wgrantrmk: It was set at some point, but then cleared later on22:40
StevenKwgrant: So I guess is not None or != ''22:41
wgrantStevenK: 'if description:'22:41
StevenKA bug fixed by that pattern22:41

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