
n1ckn4me09876543where will I find the Chromium file?  you know.. to open it up,  cuz I'm using this program Data Crow and there's an option for Default Browser and I have to look for the chromium file01:23
Unit193/usr/bin/chromium-browser, but I didn't know either, I used   `which chromium-browser`01:24
Unit193Also, you can find it with dpkg -L chromium-browser |grep bin01:24
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n1ckn4me09876543yea it seems to be the folder but thnx im gonna look into that01:26
n1ckn4me09876543nvm its not its the file01:27
IVMthe task bar as been deleted, how do i get it back?01:33
kanliotlxde, right?01:34
kanliotbut you still have a panel at the bottom right?01:35
IVMnothing at all01:36
kanliotwhat if you launch lxpanel01:36
kanlioti can help you do that if you need help01:36
kanliotactually i need to step out for a few mins01:36
wxloh i think i can help you fix this01:37
wxlhold on01:37
Unit193Delete the lxpanel folder in .config or whatnot.01:38
wxland restart, yes?01:40
wxllxpanelctl restart01:40
wxlor if that doesn't work, killall lxpanel && lxpanel --profile Lubuntu01:40
IVMcan't i open the terminal a type something there?01:45
kanliottype alt-f201:46
kanliotthen lxterminal in the box01:46
kanliotthose 2 things should get you a terminal up01:47
kanliotactually we should have asked him if the problem persisted after he logged out01:50
kanliotthat would have made  more sense01:50
kanliotor he can just quit01:50
KM0201any fixes for flash not working in chromium?01:58
kanliotis ubuntu-restricted extras package installed?01:59
KM0201of course01:59
Unit193Purge flashplugin-installer, install adobeflash-plugin from partner.02:06
Unit193Or, use Chrome, it's almost the same but comes with pepper.02:07
KM0201Unit193: ok.. lemme try that02:09
KM0201how do you purge via command line? (i'm on my sisters PC via ssh right now)02:10
wxlsudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer ← KM020102:10
KM0201wxl: i thought thats what it was, but wasn't sure02:10
wxlthen of course sudo apt-get install adobeflash-plugin02:11
KM0201lol :)02:11
Unit193May not have the partner repo, not by default.02:11
KM0201hmm, i'll check02:11
KM0201well, that didn't fix it02:46
KM0201what i ended up doing...02:46
KM0201uninstalled all versions of flash.02:46
KM0201downloaded flash from adobe.com02:46
KM0201created a folder inside /.mozilla/firefox called "plugins" and put the libflashplayer.so inside that folder.02:47
KM0201flash works fine now.02:47
CrazyGangsterWhat should I do if my screen freezes while im playing flash videos in fullscreen mode?06:24
CrazyGangsterI switch to tty1 and execute "openbox --restart" but i get the msg "Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable."06:27
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CrazyGangsterWhat should do when my screen freezes while Im playing flash videos in fullscreen mode?17:18
CrazyGangsterI switch to tty1 and execute "openbox --restart" but i get the msg "Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable."17:18
wxlwell, admittedly, tty1 isn't running x ;)17:19
wxlinstead i'd kill flash17:20
wxlCrazyGangster: ^17:20
CrazyGangsteryou kown the flash process name?17:21
wxldepends on how you have your flash set up17:21
wxlbut you could just kill your browser17:21
CrazyGangsterdont work, i still got a black screen :(17:22
CrazyGangsterthe only thing i can do is "service lightdm restart" but it will close all my programs...17:25
wxlthat's strange17:27
wxlmaybe some sort of video problem17:27
wxlyou did killall chromium-browser?17:27
wxlcuz ther ewill be multiple processes to chromium17:28
wxlwhat flash do you have?17:29
wxland what browser?17:29
wxlCrazyGangster: ^17:29
CrazyGangsterim using opera17:30
wxldon't know what to tell you there :)17:31
CrazyGangsteri use "killall opera"17:31
KM0201i would use a browser that doesn't suck.17:31
wxlhey, i was going to say that, but didn't want to be mean, KM0201 ;)17:32
Unit193Hey, you don't see me telling everyone using chomium that.17:32
KM0201Opera used to be good, now, it's so bloated it's almost as bad as IE.17:32
wxldoh it's getting hot in here now17:32
CrazyGangsteropera have far better perfomance in my machine...17:33
KM0201meh, except chromium doens't suck.17:33
KM0201CrazyGangster: there's no way.17:33
wxlgoogling i've seen people recommend all sorts of things17:33
KM0201i do like Opera's speed dial... so i was happy to see a chrome plugin for that17:33
wxlCrazyGangster: you might want to try completely purging opera and flash and then reinstalling them17:33
Unit193And what flash package do you have?17:34
CrazyGangstermaybe but im not sure if will fix the problem17:34
wxlCrazyGangster: it is more likely to fix the problem than chatting about it on irc.17:35
CrazyGangsterok ok17:35
CrazyGangsteri will do that17:35
CrazyGangsterUnit193: how i can check that info?17:36
Unit193dpkg -l |grep flash17:36
wxl^^ not necessarily true if using, e.g. gnash17:37
CrazyGangsterii  mint-flashplugin                       2011.10.19                                                                   Metapackage for Adobe Flash plugin17:37
CrazyGangsterii  mint-flashplugin-11                                                                             Adobe Flash plugin 1117:37
wxli swear, we need to start asking people what distro they're using :/17:39
Unit193wxl: Gnash doesn't count.17:39
Unit193And mint isn't supported here, so it's assumed to be Lubuntu.17:39
wxlwellllllllllllllll how do you get mint-flashplugin without using the mint repos? and why do you use mint repos if you're not using mint? i mean it's possible, but…17:40
valdur55CrazyGangster, disable Hardware Accelation ... (maybe I mispelled it)17:41
valdur55CrazyGangster, http://www.alaskavrtours.com/flash-bug.php17:43
CrazyGangstervaldur55: oh ok now i get it17:43
CrazyGangsteri will try17:44
MissVeraAhem.     ...  Help? :D18:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:42
MissVera...Really? I just wanted an opinion. Good to know you've got bindings ready to go though.18:43
wxloh, you want an opinion? ok, mine is: "i don't like it."18:44
pmatulisi think MissVera was referring to an informed opinion18:44
wxlthat *IS* my informed opinion. of something.18:45
wxlkind of like the query. it's about SOMETHING. don't know *WHAT*, but…18:45
MissVeraThe people in Puppy were much nicer... I guess I'll uninstall lubuntu and go with that instead. Then, if i ever need to ask them something, they wont be snotty assholes. Im trying to convert from windows to linux, but some of you guys are just...  So Much Fun.18:46
pmatulisthat's a bit extreme wxl.  let MissVera speak18:46
pmatulisoh well18:47
pmatulispuppy it is18:47
* wxl shrugs18:47
Unit193Wanted an opinion, of what?  And overreaction isn't my favorite. :/18:49
wxli agree18:49
wxlsorry, if you get offended because of being told to ask a question, too bad18:49
bioterrorhey guys18:51
bioterroryou need to be more sensitive with these nicks that has "miss" :D18:51
pmatulismore sensitive with any nick really18:53
wxl→ #lubuntu-offtopic18:54
bioterrorpmatulis, nah, just with chicks ;)18:59
bioterrorbecouse that wasnt first time :D19:00
pmatulisbioterror: yeah, some people don't get it yet... :D19:00
angrysheephrm, so i just installed mate on my lubuntu and i'd have to say i like it a lot so far.19:41
kanliotangrysheep, yeah i like mate a lot19:47
kanliotif i switched to anything i'd switch to mate19:48
kanliotand actually it seems like a good idea now19:48
angrysheepwell upon loggin in i cant get my sounds to work19:48
angrysheepim playing around trying to solve it now19:48
kanliothave you suddenly gone deaf?  check that19:49
angrysheepim guessing its because im still using lxde packages19:49
Unit193Except mate isn't a supported desktop of Ubuntu.19:49
angrysheepyou can add repos and apt-get19:50
angrysheepmint is based off ubuntu19:50
Unit193Yes, but it's still unsupported.19:50
angrysheepthere is always ways to make it work ;)19:51
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