
=== Aaton is now known as Aaton_off
negronjlThis officially sucks ..00:40
negronjlnow that I have the MaaS WoL thing more or less worked out, juju is not working...00:40
negronjljuju bootstrap turns the machine up but, there is no IP address to that machine ... and I can't log in to the node either.00:40
negronjlDoes anyone know which kickstart is used to load the machine up when it is in the "Ready" state ?  I need to add a password to the ubuntu user there.00:41
negronjlI need to take a break from this for a few minutes ... I'll be back in a few00:47
bigjoolsnegronjl: don't do that, juju gives the ubuntu user your public ssh key01:06
negronjlbigjools: don't do which part ... I've done so many things that I am going crazy and losing track.01:06
bigjools<negronjl> Does anyone know which kickstart is used to load the machine up when it is in the "Ready" state ?  I need to add a password to the ubuntu user there.01:07
negronjlbigjools: I am having issues with juju now ( got past the WoL issues )01:09
negronjlbigjools: after the nodes are "Ready" I can't get juju bootstrap to finish01:10
negronjlbigjools: I am able to do "juju bootstrap" or "juju bootstrap --constraints maas-name=quantal"01:10
bigjoolsnegronjl: how do you know it's not finished?01:10
negronjlbigjools: I have a monitor hooked up to the node01:11
negronjlbigjools: it WoL the system, installs everything that needs to be installed ( system, juju, etc. )01:11
negronjlbigjools: after i end up @ the login promt, I try "juju status" but, I get "no route to host"01:13
negronjlbigjools: i can't even ping the node.01:13
negronjlbigjools: I was wondering how to get inside of the node ( the juju bootstrap node ) to see if I can figure out what is happening01:15
bigjoolsare you relying on zeroconf for name lookup, or dns on the maas server?01:17
negronjldns on maas server01:19
bigjoolsand is it correct?01:19
negronjlit is ... when I "host <insert node name>" it replies correctly01:19
bigjoolscan you ssh ubuntu@host?01:20
negronjlno ... "no route to <nodename>"01:20
negronjlit doesn't seem to be a DNS issue as I cannot get to the node by address01:20
negronjlI am working on and I have checked every IP ...  the node doesn't appear to have an IP01:21
bigjoolsit doesn't sound like a juju or maas problem01:22
bigjoolsdid the dhcpd assign an ip?01:22
negronjlbigjools: according to the DHCP ... no01:22
negronjlbigjools: The node doesn't appear to be asking for one01:24
negronjlbigjools: That's why I was asking for a way to get in the node so I can ( with the monitor/keyboard ) check things out.01:27
lifelessnegronjl: are you running precise? is that what was used to do the demo ?01:30
negronjllifeless: yes and yes01:30
lifelessok cool01:30
lifelessbigjools: ip allocation will be dhcp on each node right ?01:31
lifelessnegronjl: have you got tcpdump / wireshark running on the dhcp server, see what comes in ?01:31
negronjllifeless: yes but, when I do "juju bootstrap"  I don't see the node asking for an address01:32
lifelessok, even though it powers up ?01:32
negronjllifeless:  yes .. the node powers up and it appears to install correctly ... it then reboots and it leaves me at the login prompt.01:34
lifelessduring the install, it must do networking - do you see dhcp requests during that period ?01:34
negronjlI then do "juju status" and I get a "no route to host"01:34
lifelessIf you don't, it suggests that the wireshark config is wrong, if you do, but don't later, it tells us either that a) dhcp is being more persistent than usual :P[unlikely] or b) dhcp isn't trying on the reboot.01:35
lifelessnegronjl: you could try using arp to locally associate the address used during the install with the node, and see if it responds to that via ping/ssh01:36
negronjlahh ... I could try that lifeless01:36
negronjllifeless:  give me a minute to try it out01:36
lifelessalso check you see DHCP for the install phase.01:36
negronjllifeless: i will01:37
bigjoolsI have had it up to HERE with ubuntu problems already today01:39
lifelesswelcome back01:40
negronjlbigjools: amen to that :)01:40
bigjoolsthree reboots01:40
bigjoolsand it's 11:40am01:40
negronjljust so we are all on the same page .. I am monitoring DHCP traffic at the maas server with tcpdump -i eth0 -n port 67 and port 6801:54
negronjlI just did a "juju bootstrap"  ( leaving maas to pick a node for me )01:55
negronjlI see the DHCP requests from the node and the responses from the DHCP server01:55
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negronjlhah .. i found something01:58
negronjli found that the IP that the node got differs from what's expected.01:59
negronjlie:  the node's name is natty so, when i do "host natty"  I get "" but, when I look at the tcpdump output, I see that the address is
negronjlI cannot ping but, I CAN ping
negronjlI CANNOT ssh into though ... it asks me for password but, I don't have one02:01
bigjoolsis cobbler set to manage DNS and DHCP?02:01
bigjoolsit is supposed to set the same IP in both02:02
bigjoolsif it doesn't then things will break like this02:02
negronjlcobbler is managing DNS but, not DHCP02:02
bigjoolsthere's your problem02:02
negronjlthere's one of my problems ...02:02
lifelessoptimist :P02:02
lifelesswhy isn't cobbler managing DHCP ?02:02
negronjlthis is the way the setup was sent to me02:02
negronjlbut, even if I change that ... i still have the problem that I cannot log int02:03
lifelessso cloud-init may not have run02:03
lifelessbecause its not got the right ip now02:03
negronjlok ... let's try to fix the DNS/DHCP issue first i guess....02:03
negronjlI have a dd-wrt router in the mix acting as DHCP ... let me pull that out of the equation...then I will need a bit of help fixing the DHCP in the maas server ...02:04
negronjlbrb ...breaking things :)02:04
bigjoolsmanage_dhcp: 102:05
lifelessnegronjl: the whole thing should be its own standalone network, with (I believe) a local archive mirror and everything02:05
negronjlbigjools:  checking /etc/cobbler/settings now02:05
negronjllifeless: i have the local mirror thing working.02:05
lifelessnegronjl: or at worst, with the maas server itself attached on one side to the maas cluster LAN,a nd on the other to your network.02:05
lifelessagain, AIUI, second hand knowledge ;)02:06
negronjloh wow ... according to /etc/cobbler/settings .... the maas server is managing both dns and dhcp ( manage_dhcp: 1 manage_dns: 1 )02:06
negronjlthis doesn't seem right ....02:06
bigjoolscheck that your node has got an entry in the dhcpd config02:09
bigjoolsis it using dnsmasq or isc?02:09
bigjoolsit should map a mac to an IP02:10
negronjlbigjools: ok .. let me check ...02:15
negronjllet's start with this ... the maas server should have a static ip address02:15
negronjlright now it doesn't02:15
negronjlit is assumes that it will be ( I am working with a network )02:15
negronjlI should probably fix the maas server first02:16
lifelessif its dual attached, it can be dhcp on the external side02:16
lifelessbut the cluster side has to be pretty fixed ;)02:17
negronjllifeless: the maas server is a laptop with a broken screen :/02:18
negronjland one interface only02:20
lifelessno wifi? or wifi only ?02:20
lifelessnegronjl: it arrived broken?02:21
negronjllifeless: it did although I have a vague recollection of a conversation with mrussell ( Mark Russell ) that it may have been broken before shipment to my house.02:22
negronjlmaas server has a static ip now02:22
negronjlnow checking dhcpd ( /etc/dhcp3 ) configuration02:22
lifelesscry for help sent02:23
negronjlbigjools: in MaaS ... what handles the DHCP server ( I see maas-dhcp package installed but, don't really know where the config resides )02:24
lifelessits lacking all technical info about where we are at; wrong audience for that I think.02:24
negronjllifeless: thx ... well said .. cry for help02:24
bigjoolsnegronjl: cobbler does everything02:24
bigjoolsmaas is just driving it02:24
negronjlbigjools: ok .. so earlier you had mentioned for me to make sure that I had something in dhcp config ... where should I be looking ?02:25
bigjoolsdhcp config is written by cobbler02:25
bigjoolsso we need to see if it wrote it right02:25
bigjoolsso, just looking for that MAC to IP mapping so the node gets the IP address we expect02:25
negronjlbigjools: I'll start a node to see how it behaves now02:28
negronjlhah ... i have to laugh because I don't want to cry ... the maas server just froze ... rebooting it02:30
bigjoolsyou are seriously unlucky02:30
negronjlbigjools: what handles dhcp and dns here ...02:34
bigjoolsnegronjl: it's in settings02:34
negronjlI'm really not trying to ask stupid questions ... I am just trying not to assume anything at this point02:35
bigjoolsso you can tell cobbler to drive isc dhcp or dnsmasq02:35
bigjoolsit's dnsmasq out the box IIRC02:35
negronjlit appears to be dnsmasq02:36
negronjlbigjools: where is the config for dnsmasq ?02:38
negronjli may have to rebuild this environment .. ( maas-flush and all ).  I think that having two dns/dhcp servers in the network ( cobbler and the router ) may have screwed the config on the nodes02:41
bigjoolsvery likely02:41
negronjlrebuilding now ... it'll take a few minutes02:44
negronjlbigjools: now pxe booting is not working .... TFTP open timeout02:54
negronjlbigjools: i have cobbler using the system's tftp ... should I change it so cobbler uses it's own instead ?02:54
negronjlsystem's tfpt => tfptd-hpa ( /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa )02:55
bigjoolsthat should be ok02:55
negronjlthe system's ?  it was working before so it seems to be a config issue somewhere in cobbler02:55
bigjoolsyou must have been use pxe on the router before02:55
bigjoolsI don't know what's best here, try flipping and see02:56
negronjlnope ... I think I was getting further with the router ...03:02
negronjlmaybe try having the router pass the pxe and dhcp and have the maas server handle dns03:02
negronjlbigjools: ^^03:03
bigjoolsI don't know what's best, sorry03:03
bigjoolsyou need roaksoax perhaps03:04
bigjoolsif he is up03:04
lifelessnegronjl: its what, 8pm for you ?03:05
negronjllifeless: it is03:05
lifelessnegronjl: ok; I'm going to break for a late lunch in a minute03:06
lifelessnegronjl: whats the network layout you have in use?03:06
negronjllifeless: flat network ( )03:06
lifelessnegronjl: e.g. nodes + maas server on one switch, where does your router come into it, and so on.03:06
negronjllifeless:  router is ( gw and dhcp )03:07
negronjllifeless: -> maas-server03:07
lifelessnegronjl: you haven't turned dhcp off ?03:07
lifelesson the router that is03:07
bigjoolsare all the necessary daemons running on the maas box?03:07
negronjllifeless:  i did turn dhcp off on the router but, pxe stopped working03:07
negronjlbigjools: they are03:07
lifelessnegronjl: ok, leave it off please :)03:07
lifelessnegronjl:  you won't have your router at Structure :>03:08
bigjoolsdnsmasq, dhcpd, bind, tftpd03:08
bigjoolsand tgtd03:08
negronjllifeless:  the router was shipped here with the rest of the stuff so, yes .. i could03:08
negronjlbigjools: no dhcpd nor bind ... dnmasq instead03:08
lifelessnegronjl: oh, it was? See, bad assumptions R us :)03:08
negronjlbigjools: tftpd-hpa for tftp03:08
bigjoolsso we need to work out why the node cannot see a pxe server (ie dhcpd)03:09
negronjlbigjools: straight cable03:09
lifelessnegronjl: are the nodes plugged into the router, or a switch/hub ?03:09
negronjllifeless: switch03:09
negronjlhere is the setup03:09
negronjlone switch where all of the nodes and maas-server are connected03:10
negronjlmaas server is a laptop running the above mentioned daemons03:10
negronjlthat is all03:10
lifelessthe router is plugged into the switch?03:10
negronjl9 nodes ( HP microservers ) one switch and one laptop.03:10
bigjoolscan you get a pxe test client?03:10
negronjlwhen I was using the router ... it was also plugged in the switch to provide dhcp/dns03:11
lifelessok, cool.03:11
lifelessso, default switch environment is to forward everything, pxe should work fine there.03:11
lifelessnegronjl: got wireshark up? can you get the DCHP OFFER contents, that should have the pxe metadata in it.03:11
negronjllifeless: pxe was working fine with the router but, I believe that the nodes were getting their IPs from the DHCP but not updating the DNS.03:11
negronjlI believe the DHCP was on the router but, DNS was on router AND maas server ...03:12
negronjlnot sure but, I really believe that there was a conflict between the router's dns/dhcp and the maas-server's dns/dhcp03:12
lifelesssure, so we now have dhcp and dns both set to managed in cobbler03:13
lifelessand wol is firing up the node03:13
lifelessand its failing to PXE boot ?03:13
rick1execuse me, does anyone know the MaaSslave's default username and password ?03:13
lifelessrick1: your ssh key should be copied into the ubuntu user for you by cloud-init.03:14
negronjllifeless:  with all the wires running across my dining room table, I may have found something ... let me try again .. give me just a second03:14
lifelessrick1: If I remember correctly.03:14
rick1lifeless: so, I can just login to it?03:14
lifelessssh yes03:14
lifelessit won't have a password at all03:15
rick1lifeless: Thanks, I'll try03:15
negronjllifeless:  pxe booting is now working off of the maas server ( no router involved )03:15
negronjlI am going to continue deploying to see if things are better now03:15
lifelessnegronjl: what was wrong?03:15
roaksoaxnegronjl: that machine has been broken for ages and that's the same one used at the ODS demo03:16
bigjoolsrick1: the user is "ubuntu"03:16
negronjlnetwork loop03:16
rick1bigjools: oh, Okay03:16
roaksoaxnegronjl: use the dd-wrt router for DNS/DHCP03:16
roaksoaxnegronjl: don't use maas03:16
lifelessroaksoax: ohhai!; I'll let you steer :)03:17
negronjlroaksoax: i see now that by using the maas-server for dns/dhcp i can't spoof the archives ...03:17
negronjlroaksoax: I'll switch it back ... give me just a second03:17
negronjlroaksoax: do I need to turn dns/dhcp off in cobbler now that the router is back in the picture ??03:17
roaksoaxnegronjl: yeah don't use maas-server as DHCP/DNS because you'll have to manually assign what IP addresses the clients will get throught DHCP03:18
roaksoaxnegronjl: yes you do03:18
roaksoaxnegronjl: the dd-wrt should already e confogured for DNS/DHCP so you shouldn't really have any issues there03:18
rick1lifeless: It shows Connection reset by peer, It must be something wrong with the PXE installation.... always shows commissioning on the WebUI03:18
negronjlroaksoax: just to be sure .... manage_tftpd and manage_dns should both be set to 0 ( and not 1 ) on /etc/cobbler/settings ??03:19
roaksoaxnegronjl: manage_dns manage_dhcp03:19
roaksoaxnegronjl: we *do* manage_tfptd03:19
negronjlroaksoax: sorry yes .. those two03:19
negronjlroaksoax: manage_dns and manage_dhcp03:20
negronjlroaksoax: they are both set to 1 on /etc/cobbler/settings03:20
roaksoaxnegronjl: I can't recall (i'm zombie already), but you should be able to dpkg-reconfigure maas-dhcp and disable DNS/DHCP03:21
lifelessroaksoax: negronjl: I'm going to take that lunch break. Will check in in ~4003:21
negronjllifeless: thx03:21
negronjlroaksoax: I'll do that ..03:21
roaksoaxlifeless: provecho :)03:21
negronjlroaksoax: did dpkg-reconfigure but, I don't get the option to disable it.03:22
negronjlroaksoax: trying again ( i disabled it directly in /etc/cobbler/settings ) at this point, i am just trying things out03:26
* roaksoax checks03:26
roaksoaxnegronjl: try purging maas-dhcp03:26
negronjlroaksoax: will do03:27
negronjlroaksoax: not sure if you are still around but, I have a question....03:54
roaksoaxnegronjl: shoot03:54
negronjlroaksoax: After the node is in "Ready" state ... can I then run "juju bootstrap" ?03:54
negronjlroaksoax: or is there anything that I have to do between Ready and juju bootstrap03:55
roaksoaxnegronjl: ready state are ready to be used03:55
negronjlroaksoax: so, juju bootstrap would be ok at that point ?03:55
roaksoaxnegronjl: yes,03:56
negronjlroaksoax: thx ...  I think I should be good for now ... thank you VERY much for all you patience and help during this.03:57
roaksoaxno worries03:57
roaksoaxnegronjl: we've been there03:57
lifelesshows it looking guys?04:04
rick1Still stuck on "Commissioning" state04:09
lifelessrick1: I don't know the states all *that* well, but I think that means 'trying to turn it on and install it'04:09
rick1lifeless: yes04:10
lifelessrick1: are you using wake on lan or a power board or something? or just reaching down and pushing the power button ?04:12
rick1after maas slave PXE booting, scrolling of many screen of messages, stay on "cloud-init-nonet killed by TERM signal" for a while, then jump to login screen04:12
rick1lifeless: yes, I set to wol04:13
lifelessbigjools: / roaksoax: ^ any thoughts?04:13
bigjoolsno idea why that TERM happens, I think we went through all the usual suspects04:13
bigjoolsso I'd have to defer to roaksoax or smoser who have more knowledge of cloud-init than I04:14
negronjlI have had so many issues today that I may be able to help with this.04:16
negronjlrick1:  would you pastebin the contents of /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py please ?04:16
rick1ok, wait a moment04:17
negronjlrick1:  I am looking for the value of: DEFAULT_MAAS_URL04:17
negronjlrick1:  In my case ( out of many ), cloud-init was not working correctly because I had an issue where DEFAULT_MAAS_URL was not properly set to the IP address ( not the hostname ) of the maas-server04:18
rick1negronjl: DEFAULT_MAAS_URL = ""04:18
negronjlrick1:  also make sure that the time on your nodes ( all of them ) as well as the maas-server is the same .. weird .. I know but, it helps04:19
bigjoolsoauth FTL04:19
negronjlbigjools:  do I have to upload my SSH key to the maas server before i do anything with it ?04:23
rick1negronjl: oh, you are right, the time is different04:23
negronjlbigjools: juju status ( after a successful juju bootstrap ) gives me Invalid SSH key04:23
bigjoolsnegronjl: no, unless you plan on starting nodes manually in the UI04:23
negronjlrick1:  put them all on the same time04:23
negronjlbigjools: I get Invalid SSH key ....04:24
bigjoolsnegronjl: yeah that happens if it's still booting before its run the preseed that adds the user data04:24
bigjoolsif the console is at the login prompt then it's not booted properly04:24
bigjoolswrong image or failure to get metadata04:25
negronjlbigjools: hmmm... how do I avoid that ?  Did I do something wrong here ?04:25
bigjoolsnegronjl: the clock problem?04:26
negronjlbigjools: nope ... all nodes are time synced04:26
negronjlbigjools: maas-server as well04:26
bigjoolsis it at login prompt?04:27
negronjlbigjools: yup .. .and I can't log in to figure what may be wrong ...04:27
bigjoolsok is there anything in maas-server syslog from the node?04:27
negronjlTest WP failed, assume Write Enabled04:29
negronjlAsking for cache data failed04:29
negronjlAssuming drive cache: write through04:29
rick1negronjl:now time is synced, but still the same problem.04:29
negronjlTest WP failed .....04:29
negronjlrick1:  .... is your maas server right ?04:30
rick1negronjl: yes04:30
lifelessnegronjl: is juju bootstrap running for you now ?04:30
negronjllifeless: it does but, I cannot juju status ( invalid ssh key )04:31
lifelesscheck your environments config is right and so forth ?04:31
negronjlrick1:  dpkg-reconfigure maas ... make sure your maas server ip is correct ...04:31
negronjlrick1: sudo cobbler sync04:31
negronjlrick1:  try again04:31
bigjoolsnegronjl: watch the console during boot, see if anything else looks bad04:32
rick1negronjl: ok04:32
rick1negronjl: still the same. and I found a bug report about this. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/99207504:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 992075 in maas (Ubuntu) "Commissioning status persists with cloud-init 0.6.3-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:39
negronjlrick1:  for me, it was a simple case of /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py having the wrong DEFAULT_MAAS_URL04:40
* bigjools adds that to the FAQ04:40
rick1negronjl: :), I'm go out and take a break, thank you VERY much04:40
negronjlrick1:  no worries .. just paying it forward ... I have been helped a LOT04:40
bigjoolsplease consider amending or adding to the https://answers.launchpad.net/maas/+faqs04:43
negronjlbigjools, lifeless: good news:  I am now able to ssh ubuntu@<node_ip>05:06
negronjlbigjools, lifeless: bad news:  the dhcp address associated with the name does NOT match what MaaS thinks it should be05:06
negronjlbigjools, lifeless: MaaS and Juju think that my node is but, my node got an address of ... I have to check the DHCP server to see what may be going on but, I will have to do that tomorrow ... I am calling it a night ...05:07
bigjoolsnegronjl: what is dhcp serving?05:17
negronjlbigjools: checking that now ... 'cause as far as I know ...the router should be the _only_ DHCP  running and it has static dhcp clients05:17
bigjoolsnegronjl: mac address mismatch then05:18
bigjoolscheck static config vs what maas has05:18
negronjlbigjools: checking that too but, gotta be honest ... I'm pretty tired ... I'll be checking that and then calling it a night05:18
negronjlwhat do you mean ... what maas has ?05:19
bigjoolsmaas stores macs for the nodes05:19
bigjoolsand tells cobbler what to write05:19
bigjoolsso if you're now doing your own static config then it's probably different05:19
negronjlbigjools: do tell ... the router's DHCP/DNS seems to have all of the right MAC addresses ...05:20
bigjoolshow do you know?05:20
negronjlbigjools: can you tell me where to find what maas-server has ?05:20
bigjoolslook in its UI05:20
negronjlbigjools: that seems to be right as well05:21
bigjoolsare you sure the DHCP server on the router is assigning the IP then?05:22
negronjlbigjools: checking again05:25
bigjoolsalso, in some dhcp setups you need to explicitly say that pxe boots can have the same IPs as regular boots05:26
negronjldone for tonight ... I'll fight some more with this tomorrow05:39
negronjlthank you very much for the help all05:39
lifelesssleep well05:44
SpamapSlifeless: o/06:03
* SpamapS wonders what happened to irssi there06:04
lifelessyou hit tab and typed too fast06:04
lifelessand triggered its 'paste detection'06:04
lifelesswhich, FTW, bypasses all character evaluation.06:05
SpamapSprobably the bursty ssh06:07
SpamapSactually I'd swear its only bursty when I'm in tmux06:07
=== rick2 is now known as rick1125
* czajkowski hugs jtv 07:50
jtvczajkowski: all for that little email?  *blush*08:26
jtvAnd hi to you too :)08:27
czajkowskijtv: yes you at least replied!08:27
czajkowskisimple things in life realy08:27
flacosteroaksoax: have you seen the question from Brian G. Peterson on the maas-devel list? he's having problems with the avahi boot story13:19
flacosteis the image supposed to be working?13:19
flacosteis the error he's encountering the same than you did when you tested with matsubara?13:20
roaksoaxi havent13:27
roaksoaxi will address it in a bit13:27
flacosteroaksoax: thanks!13:27
jtvDaviey: where on the TFTP path do the enlistment kernels live?15:05
jtvOr do we use the same as install/commissioning?15:05
Davieyjtv: wherever makes sense to you.15:12
Davieyenlistment kenel == install kernel15:12
Davieycomissioning kernel is sperate15:12
jtvOK, I'll use the install kernel then.  Thanks.15:12
jtvDaviey: do we know yet exactly what kernel options we need to append for enlistment?15:13
rvbajtv: I think it's the options of maas-enlist in /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default15:15
rvbajtv: am I right?15:15
Davieyroaksoax: do you have those to hand?15:15
jtvrvba: not sure I understand you correctly.  Are you referring to the maas-enlist profile in Cobbler?15:16
rvbajtv: no, I'm referring to the line " append initrd=..." next to the "LABEL maas-enlist" bit in the file /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default15:17
jtvAh, thanks.15:18
jtvUnfortunately I don't seem to have that bit there.15:18
rvbajtv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049268/15:18
jtvWhoa that's a lot bigger than what I've got15:19
roaksoaxDaviey: the kernel options15:19
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah those are appended automatically by cobbler15:19
jtvWeird stuff in there...  multiple locale options15:20
jtvYeah, talking to me, I know.  :)15:20
roaksoaxsome of them are appended automatically15:20
roaksoaxjtv: some of the ones appended in the default file come from maas-import-isos and some from the commissioning15:20
jtvFrom the commissioning?  But this is for a node that isn't even ready for commissioning yet.15:21
roaksoaxjtv: the default ones are: append initrd=/images/precise-i386/initrd.gz ksdevice=bootif lang=  text  hostname=precise-i386 domain=local.lan suite=precise15:21
roaksoaxjtv: when you import an ISO it creates the file that appends a few kernel args15:21
jtvWe need a way to organize generation of this stuff I guess.15:21
roaksoaxjtv: when you run maas-import-isos, it appends other required kernel args15:21
roaksoaxjtv: and when you run maas-import-ephemerals, it adds different kernel args15:22
roaksoaxjtv: so we just need a default, and we need to be able to add and modify them as needed15:22
jtvThat's all plumbing we don't have yet, I think.15:22
roaksoaxjtv: the addition of new custom kernel args is done by both, maas-import-isos and maas-import-ephemerals. So we should be able to do similar way to add more kernel args. However, we should be able to also add kernel args per node and as needed15:23
jtvBut we're driving this from the inside out, rather from the outside in as Cobbler does.15:25
jtvIn Cobbler, the scripts make this stuff up because they need to create profiles and that's where this stuff gets stored.  We're driving it from the database, independently from the import scripts.15:26
roaksoaxjtv: right, so import a netboot or server ISO into cobbler and check what args are added by default :).15:28
roaksoaxjtv: should be similar to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1049288/15:28
jtvHave to organize this in some way that makes it reusable.15:29
rvbaroaksoax: another question for you: right now, a node, once the install is done, calls "wget "http://$http_server:$http_port/cblr/svc/op/nopxe/system/$system_name" -O /dev/null".  We've already created the equivalent method (to disable PXE boot) on the metadata API.  The trouble is that the call to this method needs to be oauth-authenticated.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to expose that method anonymously.  Do15:29
rvbayou have a better idea?15:29
rvbaroaksoax: I'm asking you because I'm not sure what the limitations are exactly… could we use a tool with oauth support instead of wget?15:31
jtvWe have some code that we were hoping to extract into a library at some point…15:33
jtvBased on the juju code.15:33
roaksoaxrvba: can't we just do similar way to how cloud init does it?15:33
rvbaroaksoax: what would that mean exactly?15:34
roaksoaxrvba: hold on, have an idea15:34
roaksoaxrvba: ok, so for cloud-init, MAAS gives cobbler the MAAS_PRESEED which is a base64 blob right?15:35
rvbaroaksoax: yes15:36
rvbaroaksoax: in the cobbler-less world, this is not base64 encoded any more, but obviously the same data is present in the preseed context when it gets rendered.15:37
roaksoaxrvba: ok, so even better then, in the template, we can just get the auth credentials and hand them to curl15:38
roaksoaxrvba: unless ytou want to store them in base64. So in the template, we just get the variable where that blod is stored, decode it, separate the credentials and give them out to curl15:39
rvbaroaksoax: are you sure that curl supports oauth?15:40
roaksoaxrvba: weren't we using it at the beginning for enlistment? before we decided not to?15:40
rvbaroaksoax: I /think/ we were using a python script.15:41
roaksoaxrvba: if it does not, then we need it to be unauthenticated15:41
roaksoaxrvba: unless we get a python script that runs the credentials15:41
roaksoaxrvba: which might be a PITA15:41
rvbaroaksoax: why would it be a PITA?15:43
roaksoaxrvba: downloading a script of late_command and executing it15:44
roaksoaxrvba: another thing we could do would be do something we used to do with juju/orchestra15:44
roaksoaxrvba: which was basically have a base64 blob that decoded into a .py file which was run15:44
roaksoaxrvba: it should allow us to import python-oauth15:45
roaksoaxrvba: but it is even more prone to errors15:45
rvbaAnd less testable.15:45
roaksoaxthat's the same issue with wgetting a python script and having to do the same thing15:46
roaksoaxrvba: so I think we'd have to have it unauthenticated for ease15:46
rvbaYep, I'm afraid that's the only simple solution.15:47
rvbaNote that we will have kinda the same problem when exposing the preseed files.  The preseed contains authentication creadentials… and I'm afraid we will have to expose it in the open.15:47
rvbaroaksoax: because that preseed url will be passed as a kernel argument (url=...) and I suppose we don't have a way to use some kind of authentication when fetching that file do we?15:49
roaksoaxrvba: right, but the preseed should only be obtainable by the PXE client machine and not by simply browsing the server http15:49
roaksoaxrvba: or only exposed on the network which PXE is happening15:51
roaksoaxrvba: and not that I know of.15:51
rvbaroaksoax: how can we prevent someone browsing the server to fetch that file?15:51
rvbaroaksoax: I mean how can we tell the request comes from the legitimate client machine?  Using the IP would be a start but kinda fragile.15:52
roaksoaxrvba: i have seen websites on which for instances, if you access to http://www.test.com/files/ it does not list the files, however, if you access test.com/files/file1.xyz it is downloadable15:54
roaksoaxrvba: it is probably just hidding15:54
rvbaPreventing directory listing is not a proper protection.15:55
rvbaBesides, this is an API so there is no directory listing anyway.15:55
roaksoaxyeah, never mind me then15:56
roaksoaxerr don't mind me :)15:56
rvbaroaksoax: anyway, I think we will concentrate on having full feature parity with cobbler without making things worse w.r.t. security.  And then we will iterate on that.  Thanks for your help.16:00
negronjl... and back again with this16:02
negronjlroaksoax: 'morning.  have another question for ya16:04
negronjlroaksoax: yesterday you had mentioned that we should be using the router as DHCP/DNS16:05
negronjlroaksoax: If we are using the router as DHCP/DNS should we turn dnsmasq off on the maas server ?16:05
negronjlroaksoax: or is the router acting as a relay ( DHCP/DNS relay that is ) ?16:06
roaksoaxnegronjl: when you remove maas-dhcp dnsmasq will no longer be running for cobbler16:08
roaksoaxsudo cobbler sync should update the settings to not run it16:08
* roaksoax brb16:08
negronjlroaksoax: ok ...thx16:08
jtvDaviey, roaksoax: actually… should the kernel options for enlistment be based on the “ephemeral” kopts or on the “install” kopts?16:17
negronjlI am now getting a Bad archive mirror error16:22
negronjlroaksoax, Daviey: i need help with the mirror ... it doesn't seem to be working.  I get "Bad archive error" on the screen.  On syslog ( on the node ), I get mirror does not have any suite symlinks and mirror does not support the specified release (precise) but, when I run the wget command manually ( wget -q http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release -O - | grep -E '^(Suite|Codename):' I do get Suite: precise .... this st16:32
negronjlopped working when I stopped dnsmasq BTW to allow the router to answer DHCP requests.16:32
negronjlDaviey, roaksoax:  nm ... i figured it out16:43
Davieyspoofing archive.ubuntu.com to the wrong ip address?16:50
negronjlDaviey: not really sure but, I just edited /etc/dnsmasq.conf and commented out all of the dhcp parts and it seems to be working now17:21
Davieynegronjl: wait, on the router?!17:53
negronjlDaviey: the router is the DHCP/DNS17:53
negronjlDaviey: I disabled dhcp on dnsmasq on the maas server17:54
Davieynegronjl: hmm, who installed dnsmasq on the maas server?!17:54
negronjlDaviey:  no idea .. it was like that when I got it.17:55
negronjlDaviey: I still need dnsmasq running on maas server.  If I don't, the nodes complain about a bad archive mirror ...17:55
negronjlDaviey: so I just commented the dhcp parts of /etc/dnsmasq.conf and it seems to work better.17:56
Davieynegronjl: the router should handle all dhcp/dns..17:56
negronjlDaviey: now I am to the point where juju bootstrap works ( still without WoL ) but, when I do juju status, the command hangs17:56
Davieyor at least it did, when i left it17:56
negronjlDaviey: the router does17:56
Davieyjuju status should hang, until the boostrap node is ready, no?17:57
Davieynegronjl: WOL should work, only when a node is cleanly shutdown17:57
Davieynegronjl: i did suggest attempting to switch out the power control 'card' in the APC to the other one.17:58
DavieyThe one which you can plug into the wall, has a duff management card.17:58
DavieyI hoped you could just swap it out.17:58
negronjlDaviey: I could try that.  I should open both PDUs and see about that18:01
negronjlDaviey: that would still leave me with the juju status problem.18:01
Davieynegronjl: juju status should hang until the ootstrap node is ready18:04
Davieyis it ready?18:04
negronjlDaviey:  it is at the login prompt ( has been like that for 10 minutes already ). Nothing is happening.18:05
negronjlDaviey: juju status is still hanging18:05
Davieynegronjl: okay, then this wouldn't seem to be a maas problem as such.. but a juju problem18:06
Davieyhave you logged in to see what the heck is going on?18:06
Davieyzookeeper poorly?18:06
lifelessnegronjl: Daviey: how is it looking?18:06
negronjllifeless, Daviey:  I am trying again.18:07
negronjllifeless:  I have the MaaS part working ( no WoL yet ).  juju bootstrap is working but, juju status hangs18:08
negronjllifeless: at the same time, Daviey recommends i open the PDUs and take a part out of one to put it into the other to see if the PDU works.18:08
DavieyI haven't seen the new one, but if they are the same model.. that makes sense.. the old model had a duff management computer18:13
DavieyWoL is fragile at best, but handled with care.. and a dry run on stage to prepare them.. should leave them in an adequate state18:13
negronjlDaviey:  I'm trying to open the PDUs right now ... re: WoL, I am trying to see if I can reproduce it to where I can consistently have WoL working ... so far .. no luck.18:14
Daviey(WOL only works if cleanly shutdown)18:15
negronjlDaviey: within the maas process, how do you go about cleanly shutting them down when maas controls the entire process.18:16
Davieynegronjl: doing a dry run, turning them on by hand.. then briefly pressing the power button to shut them down.18:17
Daviey(brief press)18:17
negronjlDaviey: WoL is now working ....18:21
negronjlDaviey: waiting on bootstrap node ( connecting monitor to it )18:21
negronjllol ... now I get Invalid SSH key ...18:23
lifelessDaviey: seen that before ?18:29
Davieylifeless: no18:35
lifelessSpamapS: roaksoax: ^ ?18:35
DavieyIt's not clear to me if it is the juju ssh key, or the maas ssh key failing18:35
Davieyif there is no maas ssh key, then it could be a hint that juju/zookepper has failed.18:35
Daviey(or not yet online)18:35
SpamapSlifeless: sorry I missed the context18:35
Davieynegronjl: can you confirm that there is an accurate ssh key in MAAS ui?18:36
Davieyattacking the problem by allowing maas to inject the ssh key AND juju inserting the same key makes much sense.18:36
lifelessSpamapS: we've now gotten everything seeming to run up, but juju status is whinging about the ssh key being invalid18:37
SpamapSraw ssh works?18:38
Davieyjuju would be using the same ssh key as the laptop, so i can't imagine raw ssh would work18:38
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* Daviey wonders if negronjl is using the laptop, rather than his own machine.18:39
SpamapSworth a try with ssh -v18:39
Davieyi'd rather negronjl validates the ssh key in MAAS ui first.18:40
SpamapSok I still dont' know what I'm being asked. :)18:40
* Daviey suspects it is null18:40
negronjlDaviey: I am using the ssh key in the maas server18:40
negronjli have NOT put any ssh key in the maas server UI18:40
Davieyif the database has been reset since i last had my mits on it, it will be empty.18:41
Davieyyou need to copy and paste the public key into the maas ui, under Pref's18:41
negronjlDaviey:  ok ... let me try that ... brb18:42
Daviey... my hunch is that juju/zookeeper is borked.. and you can't get into it, as no key has been injected.18:42
Davieynegronjl: on a side note, did you update the local apt mirror?18:43
negronjlDaviey: no ... this is an isolated network18:43
* lifeless hopes thats good :)18:43
* negronjl too . It has the same archive as it did when it was "working"18:44
Davieywell, if it were me.. i'd have updated tto precise release.. curently it's pre-release archive18:44
Davieynegronjl: well, juju seems fragile in that snapshot.18:44
Davieyi'd hope that precise-release is more stable :)18:45
lifelessnegronjl: so, you're adding the ssh key to maas and trying again I guess?18:45
negronjlDaviey: this experience has me second-guessing everything that i do fearing i may break more things ...18:46
negronjlDaviey: Do you think I should update the mirror ?  If so,  how ?18:46
Davieynegronjl: i don't blame you at all.18:46
Davieynegronjl: Lets see the current status.. juju destroy-enviroment .. add you key to the MAAS ui18:47
Daviey(your key == the laptop key)18:47
Davieydo a juju bootstrap.. so at least you can sanely get into the box18:47
Davieythen, if we hit the same problem again.. SpamapS will be a better person to help debug why juju has failed.18:48
Daviey(sorry SpamapS!)18:48
negronjlDaviey: did that already .. waiting on the node to come to life18:48
Davieynegronjl: cool18:48
SpamapSDaviey: no worries, I'm good at ignoring other peoples' problems18:49
Davieynegronjl: if i am not mistaken, the public key should be http://pb.daviey.com/ITE8/18:52
negronjlDaviey: it is18:53
Davieynegronjl: for /what to do/, get inspiration from /home/ubuntu/charms/timed-deploy.sh18:53
Davieyutils.py is really helpful18:54
negronjlDaviey: i have.  It is useful indeed.18:54
Davieynegronjl: timed-deploy.sh was an effort to leave it in an install loop, bootstrap, deploy, teardrop18:55
SpamapSfreudian slip?18:57
SpamapSthe deploy does indeed bring tears to some peoples' eyes :)18:57
DavieySpamapS: one of my servers is called teardrop, so automagic hangs :)18:58
Davieydamn, i need to EOD18:58
negronjlDaviey: thx for all of your help :)18:58
Davieynegronjl: I won't go just yet, but my typing suggests i should :)18:59
negronjlDaviey: ah .. ok  ... well thanks for your help anyway ... and stick around to help some more :)18:59
negronjlThe bootstrap machine is done.... juju status still hangs19:09
negronjlI was able to ssh into the box19:09
SpamapSnegronjl: status may be hanging on zookeeper starting up19:09
Davieywith the ssh key in MAAS aswell?19:09
SpamapSsshd comes up before zk19:09
negronjli see that /var/log/cloud-init-output.log has something about juju-admin:  error: unrecognized arguments: --constraints-data=......19:10
Davieyright, but if the ssh public key came from the metadataservice,he should be able to directly ssh now.19:10
Davieyof crap19:10
negronjlSpamapS: zookeeper is running19:10
SpamapSnegronjl: I bet you have an old juju19:10
SpamapSnegronjl: dpkg -l juju19:10
negronjlnode:  50419:11
negronjlmaas server: 53919:11
negronjlthat is not right :/19:11
SpamapSyeah but that should support --constraints-data19:13
SpamapSoh wait19:13
SpamapSnode 50419:13
SpamapSyeah thats broken19:13
SpamapSnegronjl: apt-cache policy juju19:13
SpamapSwhere did that come from?!19:13
* SpamapS saw 504 and thought 54019:13
DavieySpamapS: hapen to know off the top of your head what precise juju paa is?19:14
Davieyi want to rule out that it isn't usin that19:14
SpamapSjuju should have 53119:16
SpamapSprecise rather19:16
SpamapS     0.5+bzr531-0ubuntu1.1 019:16
SpamapS        400 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-proposed/universe amd64 Packages19:16
SpamapS     0.5+bzr531-0ubuntu1 019:16
SpamapS        500 http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/ precise/universe amd64 Packages19:16
negronjlSpamapS: this does appear to now be a juju issue19:18
negronjlSpamapS: I see that "juju status" is trying to connect to the node but, it just hangs there .19:19
negronjlSpamapS: on the node, I do see juju.agents.machine and juju.agents.provision running19:19
negronjlSpamapS: I am also able to ssh into the node ( ssh ubuntu@<node> )19:20
negronjlSpamapS: any thoughts?19:20
SpamapSnegronjl: apt-cache policy juju19:21
SpamapSnegronjl: wherever that 504 came from, thats your problem19:21
SpamapSnegronjl: its well before constraints landed, and your client is incompatible with that version entirely19:21
negronjlSpamapS: damn ... that means that I have to refresh my mirror19:22
SpamapSperhaps a very out of date mirror on the node?19:22
negronjlSpamapS: I need help doing that19:22
SpamapSnegronjl: yeah get that mirror up to date, *OR* point your machine at it, and use the same client version19:22
negronjlSpamapS: got it. apt-mirror correct ?19:23
SpamapSno idea19:24
SpamapSI mean, thats likely19:24
negronjlSpamapS: no worries ... I found a script that does it for me ....19:24
SpamapSDaviey: ^^ can you help negronjl get the mirror updated?19:24
negronjlDaviey: I found a create-mirror.sh script in the maas-server.19:26
negronjlit seems to create the mirror19:26
Davieynegronjl: that is the one we used, yes.19:30
negronjlDaviey:  running it now ... it needs to downlod 5.5G of data so, it will take a while ...19:33
SpamapS5.5G? ugh19:51
SpamapSnegronjl: hopefully you're not doing that on conference wifi ;)19:51
negronjlSpamapS: nope ... this is an isolated network19:53
negronjlSpamapS: I am downloading everything that I need into the maas server .19:54
negronjlSpamapS: and spoofing archive.ubuntu.com so I can server it all locally.19:54
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