
twobottuxauappdev: How to change project page name? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/152537/how-to-change-project-page-name>00:18
littleTurtleHi, I have a question regarding the use of libraries in the Ubuntu App Showdown, as described in this question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/151804/can-i-package-and-include-in-the-ppa-the-required-libraries/15180800:36
littleTurtleAs xubuntix points out, the Novelty clause permits only "exclusively original code". Can libraries be used then?00:36
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twobottuxauappdev: How do I post to Gwibber from python? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/152882/how-do-i-post-to-gwibber-from-python>04:50
twobottuxauappdev: quickly + pyside will it work properly like any quickly applicatuion <http://askubuntu.com/questions/152883/quickly-pyside-will-it-work-properly-like-any-quickly-applicatuion>05:02
twobottuxauappdev: Will Quickly + pyside work properly like any quickly application? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/152883/will-quickly-pyside-work-properly-like-any-quickly-application>06:11
dholbachgood morning07:06
twobottuxauappdev: The app for App Showdown can be a port of exists program? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/152927/the-app-for-app-showdown-can-be-a-port-of-exists-program>07:18
twobottuxauappdev: App Showdown: is the port of an existing program eligible? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/152927/app-showdown-is-the-port-of-an-existing-program-eligible>07:36
RazorbladicHi guys, does someone is interested in creating or managing an astrology app project or something like this?08:34
Rojhi how i can creat unity lens?and develp it?08:34
Roji need information a bout dev lens08:35
dpmhi Roj, check this out: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/app-developer-cookbook/unity/creating-a-wikipedia-unity-lens/08:44
dpmRazorbladic, I'm sure they will be someone interested. Would you mind posting it as an App Idea on http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppShowdown ? Thanks!08:45
Razorbladicdpm, i tried to post it but i didn't get the clue how to make it?08:47
dpmRazorbladic, you'll first need a reddit account. Once you've created it, you can use the button to submit on the right-hand side panel, or you can use this direct link: http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppShowdown/submit08:48
dpmonce you're about to submit, simply choose the 'Text' tab and add a title and a description for your idea08:49
dpmjust remember to prepend your idea with 'App Idea:'08:49
Rojcan add gtk or qt widget (buttom,textbox,lable,etc) to lens?08:52
Razorbladicdpm, thanks a lot for helping me, now i'm managing to post it :)08:52
dpmRazorbladic, excellent!08:52
BigWhaledpm, yeah, icons are not a problem, I just wanted to know how the toolbar was implemented, before I could agree to work on something similar for Kazam.08:53
davidcalleRoj, no, only what you alread see in lenses : categories, filters08:53
dpmBigWhale, ok, gotcha. Yeah, in that case, I think you can easily use the CSS styling api directly as suggested in the askubuntu answer08:54
Razorbladicdpm, here i go: http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappshowdown/comments/v9p31/app_idea_vedic_astrology_app_for_ubuntu_users/09:01
dpmThanks Razorbladic!09:03
Razorbladicdpm, thanks u 2 :)))09:09
AlanBellall yours dpm09:12
dpmexcellent, thanks AlanBell :)09:12
=== dpm changed the topic of #ubuntu-app-devel to: http://developer.ubuntu.com | App development on Ubuntu: how to do it & how to make it better | The Ubuntu App Showdown has started! Submit your apps until the 9th July 2012 - http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown
BigWhaleIt seems that labels under the toolbar icons are disabled by default and there is no way to turn them on?09:59
BigWhaleif one uses Gtk.ToolButton09:59
dpmoh, hadn't noticed that, I use the 'important' property for my labels, which show the text next to the icon10:15
dpmsorry, I meant for my Gtk.ToolButton, not *labels10:16
* dpm tries using text under buttons10:16
BigWhalehm, how do I apply custom style to widgets?10:17
dpmBigWhale, setting text under icons on a toolbar works for my app, just setting the property10:21
dpmon the Gtk.Toolbar10:21
BigWhaleI have this10:23
BigWhale        self.toolbar_main.set_style(Gtk.ToolbarStyle.BOTH)10:23
BigWhale        self.btn_cast = Gtk.ToolButton(stock_id=Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_RECORD, label="Screencast")10:23
BigWhale        self.btn_shot = Gtk.ToolButton(stock_id=Gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN,label="Screenshot")10:23
BigWhaledpm, do you have the source in launchpad? I can just look how it's done.10:25
dpmBigWhale, hm, looks ok to me at a first glance. The source is at http://launchpad.net/qreator, but it won't help you much, as I'm using Glade10:26
BigWhaleI'm using glade too ... In the end I'll probably have to create custom buttons, so I'm not gonna worry too much about this now. :)10:27
dpmyeah, in that case, I only right-clicked on the toolbar widget on Glade, chose Edit.. and then chose the 'Text under icons' option under 'Toolbar style'10:29
JanCBigWhale: do you have the "important" property set?10:31
BigWhaleJanC, no.10:31
BigWhaleor at least, I don't think so. :)10:31
JanCyou need that to see the text on the button10:32
BigWhaleI see.10:32
BigWhaleHm, how do I do that? In python?10:32
JanCin glade10:32
JanCthink about it like this: unimportant buttons show no text, so that they take less space10:33
BigWhaleAh, Gtk.ToolItem.set_is_important()10:35
BigWhalelets see if this works10:35
BigWhaleI'm doing something wrong :/10:40
BigWhaleI have to run now. Later.10:41
twobottuxauappdev: In a Quickly app, should code go in "myapp" or "myapp_lib"? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/152999/in-a-quickly-app-should-code-go-in-myapp-or-myapp-lib>12:20
twobottuxauappdev: Changing TextView font in PyGTK <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153088/changing-textview-font-in-pygtk>15:07
twobottuxauappdev: Where do I fill the App Showdown Participation Details? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153155/where-do-i-fill-the-app-showdown-participation-details>17:33
twobottuxauappdev: Developing in GTK3 <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153186/developing-in-gtk3>18:32
twobottuxauappdev: Is there a way to use the "primary toolbar" with QT or Java? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153202/is-there-a-way-to-use-the-primary-toolbar-with-qt-or-java> || Glade GTK entry get text <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153199/glade-gtk-entry-get-text>18:43
twobottuxauappdev: Developing in GTK3 (solved) <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153186/developing-in-gtk3-solved>19:43
titeuf_87Previous versions of Quickly used Desktop Couch to store data. Is there a new recommended way to store data now?20:02
ajmitchachuni: is "submit to myapps" on an ARB submission the right way to bounce a package over to the commercial queue?20:37
achuniajmitch: yep20:37
achuniajmitch: possibly not the best of labels for that button20:37
ajmitchthanks, I think that's what I need to do with these PDF submissions :)20:37
achuniajmitch: right, thanks :)20:38
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zurwolfIs there a recommended db to work with Quickly? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153306/is-there-a-recommended-db-to-work-with-quickly-on-ubuntu-12-04>23:15

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