
dpmgood morning06:34
ajmitchmorning dpm06:44
dpmhey ajmitch, how's it going?06:44
ajmitchgood, just in a meeting for organising kiwi pycon at the moment :)06:45
ajmitch& dreading the oncoming rush of submissions to review through myapps with this app showdown :)06:46
ajmitchit looks like there's a decent amount of interest in the competition06:46
dholbachgood morning07:06
ajmitchhi dholbach07:22
dholbachhey ajmitch07:22
dholbachhow are you doing?07:22
ajmitchgood, how are you? :)07:22
dholbachI might need another espresso to fully wake up, but life's good :)07:22
ajmitchexcellent :)07:23
* ajmitch is at a kiwi pycon planning meeting, almost done07:23
dholbachwhen is the next ARB meeting?07:24
ajmitchlast friday of the month07:24
ajmitchso the 29th07:24
ajmitchhopefully we get people showing up07:24
dholbachwhich time?07:26
ajmitchlet me check, but iirc it's 21:00 UTC07:26
ajmitchare you planning to show up, or try & drag others along?07:27
dholbach21UTC is a nightmare on a friday :)07:28
dholbachI'd love to attend, but I guess I'll resort to reading the logs07:28
ajmitchyeah it's better for me than 18:00 UTC, which was 6AM saturday morning07:28
dholbachyeah, that's totally understandable07:29
ajmitchwe've had 3, maybe 4 people showing up07:29
* ajmitch has to head out now, but will talk to you later on07:29
dholbachrock on!07:29
dpmhi ajmitch, sorry, I god sidetracked. Yeah, apart from the work that it will require, I'm really looking forward to more app submissions for the contest :) Them being in PPAs should make it easier to review them07:43
* ajmitch understands getting sidetracked all too well :)09:46
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ajmitchdpm: you've got some experience with translations - how do you think we should handle the packages that we get that aren't in english? It doesn't quite seem right to have to make people submit their descriptions & everything in english so that we can review the app10:11
malincould some please review this app soon? https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/782/10:11
ajmitchmalin: yes, it's on the list to look at10:12
malinajmitch: thanx :)10:12
* ajmitch took a look over it earlier today but hasn't checked out much further than that10:13
malinah :)10:14
ajmitchas in, I built it, looked at where the files went, checked debian/copyright, but haven't installed & tested :)10:14
dpmajmitch, I would still require them to submit the description and info in English. They cannot expect that a team of volunteers know every single language, so I'd suggest sticking to English as the common ground. Ideally, what they should do is to make their app translatable, so that it can be used in their language, English, and any other10:14
* ajmitch seems to be seeing more & more in other languages 10:17
dholbachthanks ajmitch10:35
ajmitchdholbach: np10:38
ajmitchso many more in the queue to look at...10:39
dholbachonce I've taken care of a few other things, I'll grab another one of the low-hanging fruit list10:39
ajmitchthere were a couple that I saw which looked mostly ok, installing under /opt/extras.ubuntu.com10:40
ajmitchhivemind & dino were a couple that should be almost there10:41
ajmitchthe sshsearch lens update for precise got overlooked somehow, there was a call for votes on the list last month & it got no further10:44
* ajmitch just pinged the list about that one10:44
dholbachoopsie, just fixed a bug in the apps-brancher and re-running it again10:49
dholbachhttps://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-reviews should have some more branches in a bit10:49
dholbachmaybe we should have another discussion on the ML to see how useful it is and how we can improve it to do what we want10:50
ajmitchI have to confess I haven't been using it that much, because I tend to just go to the myapps submission10:51
* dholbach nods10:52
ajmitchit's still useful to have a branch, but most of the ones I've been looking at recently have an existing branch, or I've just done the initial download, look over & build from the source package10:52
* ajmitch hasn't been doing much packaging touchups where it's more useful to have the history10:52
dholbachit'd be great if we could get it to the point where it knows exactly what to grab10:52
dholbachand if it'd show a bit cleverer kind of dashboard of what worked and what didn't10:53
ajmitch& to link it from the submission rather than remembering where to go for the branch10:53
dholbachand since we're in the brainstorming pie-in-the-sky department already - to have a Trello-like overview board would be awesome too10:56
highvoltageajmitch: the unity vm lens and the ssh search lens... I think I voted +1 on both but can't remember if it was a previous iteration of it13:32
highvoltageajmitch: what should I do?13:32
dholbachhighvoltage, I just know about the vm lens - you voted +1 for it when there were still some problems - maybe you just follow up and say "+1 again" if you're happy with it13:49
highvoltagedholbach: sorry for not spotting those namespace things before, I knew about them but didn't think of it with the last review13:51
dholbachhighvoltage, don't worry - I also learnt something new :)13:51
highvoltageI'll make a lens review checklist :)13:51
dholbachI hope one day we can codify those checklists into tools, so we're less prone to run into these problems13:51
highvoltageI don't know how well lintian works and if it supports plugins, but I guess it would be nice if there were a way for lintian to just do it13:52
highvoltagewow that sentence was horrible13:53
dholbachno, it was quite understandable :)13:53
highvoltageI meant, "I don't unsterstand much of how lintian works..."13:53
ajmitchhighvoltage: I was just going off what I saw in the mailing list, I only saw 2 votes for sshsearch lens, and had the author of it asking where it was at yesterday19:18
highvoltageajmitch: k19:50

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