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janimoinfinity, I'll make some time this week for arm/mono, not sure I can get to the bottom of it though12:17
ogra_janimo, you mean you wont have it finished before the weekend ?!?!13:17
janimoogra_, yes. Poor users waiting to run banshee on raspberry pi will not have their pony13:18
* ogra_ shakes head .... 13:19
ogra_especially the Pi people !13:19
janimoogra_, how's dejasperification progressing? Still on track for 12.10?13:19
ogra_sure, livecd switch (apart from ac100 i think) is still in the plan13:19
ogra_that makes jasper obsolete13:20
lilstevieis there a blueprint on this change?13:20
ogra_though infinity would liek to keep preinstalled functional ... not sure he wants to keep jaspüer around for that though13:20
janimowhy not for ac100? Makes even more sense there than on panda & co. Although it is extra work13:20
ogra_right, its a matter of "does ogra find the time to work on it" :)13:21
ogra_it works as is atm13:21
janimoogra_, btw any luck with the new ac100 3.1 kernel in quantal?13:21
ogra_hmm, i might be running it, one sec, let me check13:21
janimoI did not test with the armhf nvidia blobs13:21
ogra_hmm, no i dont13:22
* ogra_ will test that later today13:22
lilstevieI only ask about the dejasperfication cause I have just started working on hacking up d-i for the tf20113:22
ogra_lilstevie, there are like ten specs for it for the last 4 releases or so :)13:22
ogra_the current plan is to just switch to live images though13:23
* lilstevie has to admit that he doesn't go searching through launchpad very often13:23
ogra_since we do that for everything (alternate is gone)13:23
ogra_even server is a live image now13:23
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lilsteviewell I was looking at live images, but from what I hear ubiquity does not support LVM yet13:25
ogra_right, xnox is working on that13:25
lilstevieyeah, I heard that is planned for 12.1013:25
ogra_thats the prereq. for dropping alternate (and the reason they still existed for A1)13:25
lilsteviefair enough13:26
lilsteviecause I rely on it13:26
lilstevieI split the partition that normally contains /data to retain the ability to boot android13:26
ogra_right, if you have special setups or so, help xnox with testing his changes ;)13:26
lilstevieworks quite well13:26
lilsteviebut sure :)13:27
ogra_he is usually in #ubuntu-devel13:27
lilsteviejust joined13:28
janimolilstevie, how do you boot both android and ubuntu?13:31
janimodid you not repartition anything on the tf101 for ubuntu?13:32
lilstevieon the tf101 I had the ability to repartition the whole device safely because of using nvflash13:32
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lilsteviewe do not have the same luxuries on the tf20113:33
janimolilstevie, I thought the tf201 was the less restricted one?13:35
janimounlockable and all that13:35
lilstevieunlockable but not unbrickable13:35
lilsteviethe bootloader unlock is nothing more than that13:36
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Laneycan I dist-upgrade my shiny new panda from precise to quantal and expect it to still work afterwards? :-)14:23
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ogra_Laney, you tell us ;)14:54
ogra_i doubt anyone has actively tested upgrading yet14:54
Laneyheh, might as well14:54
* ogra_ needs to clean a fan and will be offline for a while, disassembling HW15:15
Laneyogra_: no good. hangs when booting the kernel :(15:44
ogra_ah, sad, probably fallout of the new flash-kernel15:44
ogra_how does it hang ? do you have a serial cable attached ?15:44
ogra_(so you can see if the kernel gets loaded at all etc)15:46
cvanvlietI am trying to make a 12.04 armel, I used qemu-debootstrap method, I get this , init: Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job16:17
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Laneyogra_: if you can tell me how to make it more verbose I will16:18
Laneythe last message I get is "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel."16:18
cvanvlietthis is on a gumstix Overo16:20
GrueMasterLaney: You will need to edit your boot.scr file.  See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/EditBootscr16:41
LaneyGrueMaster: thanks, what do I need to add?16:42
GrueMasterAdd the "console=ttyO2" line, and remove the "quiet" part from the kernel boot parameters.16:42
LaneyttyO2? Even if I already have serial working?16:42
GrueMasterThis tells the kernel to spew console messages to the serial console.16:42
GrueMasterWhat you see now is from u-boot.16:43
Laneyalso we were just talking in #ubuntu-desktop about DVI output on the desktop preinstalled image — do you know if that is supported and how to enable it if so?16:43
GrueMasterWhat board?16:43
Laneypanda es16:43
GrueMasterMay need to muck with the kernel parameters.  I think there is info on the pandaboard wiki (non-Ubuntu).  See http://pandaboard.org16:44
LaneyOK I found something there. You think it will work?16:44
GrueMasterBy default, the HDMI port should work.  And if you use a DVI<>HDMI cable, you shouldn't have any problem.16:45
GrueMasterI haven't tried using the dvi port.  Since I am no longer working on the project, I can only add help where I know how.16:45
LaneyI have HDMI<>DVI but there was no output16:46
Laneynm, one problem at a time :-)16:46
GrueMaster(and I think Intel is blocking that web link for some reason)16:47
Laney"add this to your bootargs:16:47
Laneyomapdss.def_disp=dvi "16:47
GrueMasterFrom what I know, the HDMI poirt is enabled by default in the 12.04 images, and should display on a DVI monitor just fine.  But I haven't tested it since ~Beta 1.16:48
GrueMasterBeyond that, I can't help much.  Sorry.16:48
GrueMasterI have a panda ES at home, but I am not there, and when I am, I have little time for arm stuff anymore.16:49
cvanvlietLaney, different board (overo), different setup, but we had trouble with anything other than 1024*768, don't know if that helps at all16:59
ronocogra_, I got 6/1 odds, so I thought it was worth it...17:00
Laneyhey, quantal is working now!17:01
infinityjanimo: I may have the solution for mono/armel, I have my crack team of +1 guys implementing and testing it for me, so I don't have to. :P17:06
Laneycvanvliet: It helps me feel less alone :P17:06
janimoinfinity, oh thanks :)17:06
infinityjanimo: (Looks like it's turning on ARMv6+ bits unconditionally because it's testing ASM on the buildd)17:06
cvanvlietLaneu lol17:06
infinityjanimo: Hence why it works in Debian (their buildds are armv5)17:06
janimoinfinity, good catch. So yet another case of assuming build arch = target arch17:07
infinityjanimo: Indeed.17:08
janimoinfinity, so I guess I can stop bootstraping armel chroots on armadaxp :) I was loath to dig out my panda from the drawer, the ac100 needs to be installed, scheat is down. Only after a while did I realise I have quad-cores at my disposal :)17:09
infinityjanimo: Some day, I would like you to look into VFP and HF on mono (remember that we're still building with vfp=none, wich is ridiculous), but that's less urgent than us just making it build at all. :P17:09
janimoinfinity, isn't VFP covered by upstream well? Or is this a "works for us (xamarin/android) and ubuntu has quirks" case too?17:10
infinityjanimo: I figure that'll be just enough distro work for you to remember you hate us, and go crying to Chris to never let me borrow you again. ;)17:10
janimoI am not at all sad though we do not have mono in the default images anyomore :)17:11
infinityjanimo: And I'm not sure what the current state is.  I know Debian and Ubuntu both disable the VFP bits on both armel and armhf, and there must have been a reason...17:11
janimoI am trying to do distro work (armadaxp kernel maint should qualify as that at this point), I just hate fixing the same type of bugs over and over again :(17:12
LaneyRAOF said he was going to look at HF on mono17:12
infinityWell, I could find you new and exciting bugs.17:12
Laneybecause it's currently terribly broken (no p/invoke) even though it does build17:13
infinityLaney: THat's different.17:13
infinityLaney: That's that it's broken in its current state, even without VFP/HF.17:13
LaneyI am saying that he might care to look at this too.17:13
infinityThough, if he plans to turn on some HF ABI madness while sorting out popen, sure.17:14
GrueMasterinfinity: Is VFP supported by all SOC's?  iirc, either Marvel or Tegra didn't support it, so it was kept disabled.  I could be wrong.17:26
GrueMaster(or are we only talking about mono?)17:27
infinityGrueMaster: Every V7 SoC supports VPV3-D16, you're thinking of NEON, which Tegra2 doesn't have.17:28
GrueMasterAh, yea.  That was it.17:28
Mihai00Salut, vorbeste cineva limba romana ?18:06
Mihai00Salut, vorbeste cineva limba romana ?18:14
Mihai00Salut, vorbeste cineva limba romana ?18:25
mythosMihai00, yeah! you, silly ;)18:30
Mihai00u are funny...18:31
Mihai00u know how to install ubuntu to android tablet?18:32
mythosMihai00, nope18:32
Mihai00ok, thx18:32
mythosno problem ;)18:32
mythosMihai00, but if you asked that question from the start, maybe someone read it earlier...18:34
GrueMasterMihai00: Depends on the tablet.  First, is it armv7 capable.  Second, do you have a way of installing a new kernel or modifying the boot sequence?  Best place to look for help on this is probably XDA Developers.18:34
mythosMihai00, see ;)18:34
GrueMastermythos is right.  Best to ask the question outright, than to pop into a room and say "I have a question".18:35
Mihai00sorry .. my english is bad :|18:36
GrueMasterThe room's complex mind-reading AI is currently down, so you have to revert to manual typing.  :P18:36
GrueMasterNo problem.  So is mine (and I'm American).  :D18:36
mythosMihai00, do as best as you can. as long as it is in a way understandable, no one cares really18:36
Mihai00tablet processor is Cortex a818:37
Mihai00Tablet :  Allview Alldro speed18:38
GrueMasterWell, out of the box, Ubuntu doesn't have an image that will boot on it.  But since it is Cortex A8, the Ubuntu packages will run on it.  If you are up for the challenge, you can work on creating an image for it, or at least instructions for installing on it.18:41
GrueMasterI haven't read the detailed specs on the system, so I can't tell you how hard it will be.  Booting and video out will be your biggest hurdles.18:42
Mihai00ok thx18:44
GrueMasterLooks like http://forum.xda-developers.com has some interest in it.18:45
GrueMasterGoogle might turn up more results.18:45
GrueMasterNeat little unit though.18:46
Mihai00i looking here right now .. thx man18:46
steevah crud19:58
steevGrueMaster: if he shows back up asking, point him to #arm-netbook, that's an Allwinner A10 chip, which is pretty much what the guys in there focus on (iirc, someone got ubuntu running on it)19:59
steev(i actually have that tablet too, but i'm fine with running CM9 on it)19:59
GrueMastersteev: Cool, will do.20:17
steevthey are pretty decent machines for the price20:17
GrueMasterMeh.  I personally prefer the Nook Color/Tablet, but then this one does have HDMI out (Nook doesn't).20:20
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