
jonopleia2, little disappointed that Ubuntu Accomplishments 0.2 was not included in the UWN00:10
jonoit was quite a big release00:10
jonono biggie though00:11
pleia2jono: sorry, can you let us know when there are important ones? We try to include them every week but on weeks like this when the planet section is already quite long we have to drop some :(00:11
jonopleia2, I understand, I get not including all the development updates ones I did, I was just a bit surprised that a new release blog entry was not included...but like i say, no biggie00:12
pleia2there are accomplishments posts most week, so I don't really know which are the important ones00:12
pleia2s/most week/most weeks00:12
pleia2but yeah, just let us know and we'll try to do a better job :)00:13
jonopleia2, oh, don't see this as anything of a big deal :-)00:17
jonopleia2, you folks do an incredible job with UWN00:17
jonoI am just a publicity addict, lol00:18
paultagjono: they are on a wiki ;)00:18
jonopaultag, I know, but I don't want to go and invade somebody else's space00:18
paultagpushing up a new item on the next week's page would be well recieved, I think :)00:18
jonomhall119, hey, I just did a special tutorial for how to build the web browser00:18
jonopaultag, cool00:18
pleia2paultag: actually, we use a google doc for "in progress" stuff00:18
paultagpleia2: when did that happen, man, I've been away for a while00:19
pleia2but anyone can always swing by #ubuntu-news to say "this is important, please include" or post to ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com00:19
pleia2paultag: since a lot of people can't log into the wiki :\00:19
jonopaultag, so you are a prolific programmer, planning on writing an app for the contest?00:19
paultagjono: heh, I'm a bit busy, but I'll be watching to see what goes on :)00:19
jonocool :-)00:19
jononice to see people interested in writing apps00:19
pleia2we tried using etherpads too, but they tended to be too unreliable (I don't love using the google doc, but here we are)00:19
paultagI'm waiting for someone to write me my lens idea00:19
paultagbut alas, no one got into it00:20
bkerensapaultag: working on lots of RC bugs in Debian ;)00:20
paultagbkerensa: that's right00:20
bkerensanice ;)00:20
paultagit's getting chilly over in Debian00:20
paultagalmost time for a freeze00:20
bkerensaindeed... we had a BSP on Saturday00:20
bkerensaFocused on RC's that will benefit Ubuntu00:20
paultagany RC will benefit Ubuntu00:21
bkerensa:P not if we dont use the package? :P00:21
paultagwhich packages don't get sunk?00:21
paultagbesides the handful of blacklisted packages00:21
pleia2bkerensa: actually, the sooner all the RCs get fixed, the shorter the freeze and ubuntu can pull fresh packages again :)00:22
pleia2so fix ALL the RCs!00:22
pleia2bkerensa: online bsp or real life with awesome pics? :)00:22
bkerensapleia2: irl... but I didnt take any pics... photo taking does not seem to be a popular thing ;)00:23
bkerensawait.. I do have one but it was a horrible panoramic00:24
paultageven in the middle of Ohio we took photos :)00:24
bkerensawe did have 20+ people though00:24
bkerensahttp://udd.debian.org/bugs.cgi?release=wheezy_and_sid&fnewer=&fnewerval=7&rc=1 <-- needs love00:24
bkerensaand bagels!00:24
bkerensapaultag: you going to Nicaragua?00:25
paultagbkerensa: NACK. I'm busy with work. I might go to DC13, though.00:25
bkerensapleia2: was your con good?00:42
pleia2bkerensa: very good :)00:48
pleia2and intimidating, don knuth, vint cerf, ken thompson and lots of other major people in one room!00:49
bkerensapleia2: did you get to meet vint?00:50
pleia2the R S and A of RSA were all there too, it was like crypto bingo!00:50
pleia2no, but my fiance works with him from time to time so there will be a more appropriate meeting opportunity at some point00:50
bkerensaACM is a good org00:51
pleia2quite academic for a poor uneducated sap like me, but I do ok :)00:52
bkerensaThe local ACM chapter wanted me to do a talk on Ubuntu a few months back but scheduling conflicts =/00:56
bkerensaI also need to hit up toastmasters some :P00:57
pleia2I just scheduled my next Ubuntu talk for the Intro to Linux class at ITT Tech00:59
pleia2they are always a fun group to talk to00:59
pleia2very practical :)01:00
dpmgood morning all06:34
dpmmorning bkerensa, hobgoblin and nigelb :)06:44
dholbachgood morning07:06
nigelbdholbach: Morning! What phone did you eventually get?07:11
dholbachnigelb, an old school phone07:11
dholbacha Nokia C2 something07:12
nigelbAwesome :)07:12
nigelbI have a Sony Ericsson old school phone too.07:12
nigelbThe only "fancy" thing it does is radio07:12
dholbachit did what my old phone did and if I'm clever enough to let it get as wet as the old phone I'm sure it'll survive :)07:12
dholbachon the weekend we had a party, where we camped outside Berlin at a lake - and I assume the phone got wet theree07:13
nigelboh fun.07:13
hobgoblinsounds good07:13
nigelband where did all the san in your apartment come from?07:13
dholbachit was absolutely awesome07:13
dholbachfrom the shore of the lake - we camped directly at the lake, barbecued there, I DJed for a couple of hours and those of us who weren't too tired watched the sun go up over the lake07:15
dholbachif it wasn't for a bit of organisation, I could do this every weekend :)07:16
hobgoblinI used to do similar every weekend without organisation ;)07:16
nigelbwhere'd you get the power for your DJ stuff?07:17
hobgoblin20km extension lead nigelb :p07:17
dholbachit was part of a larger camp site, so we got power from them - I think the extension cord was like 25m or something :)07:18
hobgoblincheat :)07:21
hobgoblinmorning czajkowski07:26
dholbachhobgoblin, what did you want me to say? "We generated our own power!"? :-P07:26
hobgoblinabsolutely :D07:26
nigelbI kinda hoped you guys had a whiskey-powered generator or something :P07:27
hobgoblinnot me - we just had whisky07:27
dholbachthere was a bit of whiskey, luckily not too much07:28
nigelb"not to much whiskey" <-- this is never lucky07:31
hobgoblindepends nigelb ;)07:34
czajkowskihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1014896 ouchies08:00
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1014896 in launchpad "Person:EntryResource:getMembersByStatus timeouts" [Critical,Triaged]08:00
AlanBelljono is breaking launchpad08:03
czajkowskiwith style :)08:03
=== fenris is now known as Guest13007
dakerMichael Dell in Casablanca, that's a good news ツ09:58
jcastro"I wish Canonical would enforce stricter UI guidelines. This app looks much more native than their own Ubuntu One app."11:59
jcastrodpm: nice job!11:59
czajkowskijcastro: ping (third time lucky hopefully)12:04
czajkowskijcastro: when I got to create a AU and answer it I keep getting Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because:12:05
czajkowskibody is missing12:05
czajkowskiwhat do I need to put in there as answering it myself further down12:05
jcastrowell you need to ask the question in the title and body12:10
jcastroand then at the bottom there is a checkbox "answer my own question"12:10
jcastroand then you can post an answer at the same time12:10
czajkowskijcastro: ah so not in the the title area12:24
czajkowskistill having issues12:26
czajkowskiIt does not meet our quality standards.12:26
czajkowskiwould have all the FAQs put on LP by now :/12:26
jcastroso in the title you put your question12:29
jcastroand then in the body you have to explain the question12:30
czajkowskithat does seem a bit pointless but ok12:30
jcastroif you're hitting the quality filter it's likely too short12:30
czajkowskiaye 30 characters12:30
dpmthanks jcastro :)12:38
jcastroczajkowski: did that work?12:43
czajkowskijcastro: aye just got one in http://askubuntu.com/questions/153037/commissioning-never-completes/153038#15303812:45
czajkowskithese are the FAQ the red squad have either done or get asked so adding them to AU12:45
czajkowskiso I know they are right as the lads all answered them12:45
czajkowskijcastro: thanks for the help it's really not a nice system to use :/12:45
jcastroyou don't have much reputation, it's a spam measure that is unfortunately necessarry12:47
czajkowskifair enough just makes it kinda hard but tis done now and have a few more to go12:48
czajkowskiand have posted to the dev ml to get some more folks to suggest FAQ12:48
czajkowskiwill be putting another -4 up there today12:48
czajkowskiand getting any other mass ones answered12:48
jcastroczajkowski: tomorrow or whatever you can accept the answers for them12:51
jcastroczajkowski: also, you can encourage people to submit fixes to your answers if they need it.12:51
czajkowskinods okthanks12:52
jcastroI think when you hit 100 or so the restrictions will lift on asking the questions12:52
jcastrowell, except for the quality ones, those are for everyone12:53
jcastrobut just try to explain in the body more I guess12:53
czajkowskijcastro: cheers, bit baffled as to the edits gone in there, someone deleted a line and wronte the exact line again13:24
czajkowskijcastro: oh that was you13:25
czajkowskiI dont get it13:25
jcastroI think I just added whitespace?13:25
jcastroand some formatting for the filename13:25
czajkowskihmm ok13:27
nigelbmhall119: woops, no jono for the session.14:51
mhall119he'd better show14:51
dholbachhi jono14:53
nigelbaha there he is!14:53
jonohey dholbach14:53
mhall119jono: dpm: I created the hangout, but it's not broadcasting yet14:53
jononigelb, eh?14:53
jonomhall119, ok, will be two mins14:53
nigelbjono: can you join the classroom channels too. The bot just complained about you not being there :)14:53
dpm_mhall119, can you post the URL to the hangout?14:56
dpm_or alternatively update the /classroom page and I'll fetch it from there14:56
jononigelb, there now14:57
nigelbthanks :)14:57
mhall119dpm_: jono: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/de894affe3162108fdd3bf0b3631f8b0118fc674?authuser=0&hl=en14:58
dpm_thanks mhall11914:59
dpm_jono, I'll join in to help feed the questions14:59
czajkowskiwhat keeps happening the desktop?15:19
mhall119czajkowski: ?15:19
mhall119you mean the desktop-within-the-desktop?15:19
czajkowskiwithin the desktop within the desktop :)15:20
mhall119yeah, he's sharing his screen that contains the video of him sharing the screen, hangout-inception :)15:21
czajkowskimhall119: dpm_ http://blog.launchpad.net/  may want to link that to folks, lets them know the new features coming up15:21
czajkowskiincluding all our new bug features that are coming or have just landed15:21
mhall119czajkowski: you can post it in -classroom-chat15:21
dpm_czajkowski, ok, will point Jono to it15:21
czajkowskimhall119: in the middle of PPA stff here sorry15:21
czajkowskioh I just know tomorrow I'm gonna have a ton of questions in my inbox after people created new projects/teams15:40
czajkowskiwhen things dont go right15:40
mhall119dpm_: are you going to be around to help during my sessions?15:47
dpm_mhall119, happy to be, sure15:47
dpm_I might just have a break on the second one15:48
dpm_a rocking start to the 2nd workshop days, good work jono for the session and mhall119 for setting it up!15:53
jonothanks dpm, mhall11915:54
dpm_mhall119, as soon as you've got the hangout URL, let me know and I'll post on FB and G+ pointing people to d.u.c/w/classroom and your session15:54
jcastro<-- lunching16:09
dholbachalright - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:32
mhall119where did jono go?18:41
bkerensamhall119: maybe catching a bite for lunch? :) tis noon on the west coast18:42
nigelbmhall119: jono disappeared again?18:54
mhall119seems o18:54
mhall119jono: hey, do you want to do the Developer Q+A with me19:58
jonomhall119, sure, one sec20:01
czajkowskihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/GreekTeam/ReApprovalApplication2012  one of the most amazing applications I've seen in a long time by the Greek LoCo20:13
mhall119czajkowski: wow, that is nicely done21:02
czajkowskimhall119: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChileanTeam/ReApprovalApplication2012  2 years post earth quake!21:03
mhall119we have some awesome teams21:05
mhall119(hopes czajkowski approves of using 'awesome' in this case)21:05
czajkowskiamazing :)21:06
czajkowskihttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-qc/events/history that is some list of activities!!21:07
greg-gall teams approved this LoCo Council meeting!21:16
czajkowskibusy meeting21:17
czajkowski4 down 26 more to do21:18
czajkowskibusy cycle21:18
SergioMenesesbkerensa, jajaja21:32
SergioMenesesI didn't know the quack thing =/21:32
SergioMenesesczajkowski, It was a great meeting!21:33
bkerensaSergioMeneses: Surely you have ducks in Colombia? :)21:34
SergioMenesesbkerensa, yes, we have... but I don't understand the context21:35
SergioMenesesIt was fun, really21:35
czajkowskisometimes things just don't translate well21:40
czajkowskiplus in a meeting it kinda is distracting as well21:40
czajkowskimhall119: jcastro https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg09472.html  one to keep an eye on21:45
* ajmitch likes the look of being able to set up a local lp environment a bit easier21:48
bkerensaSergioMeneses: Oregon's state bird is a Duck (Because we have a lot compared to the rest of the country) and State Animal is a Beaver.... Our two largest university's also use the two animals as mascots :) OSU (Of Kernel.org fame) is the Beavers and OU is Ducks and each year we have a Civil War (Football game) and the entire state draws division lines around which team they root for :)21:54
bkerensaalso UO entered into a agreement with Walt Disney to use Donald Duck in their mascot :) it was some sort of handshake deal but Disney has allowed them to use Donald for years :)21:57
SergioMenesesbkerensa, thanks for the information! :)22:08
* SergioMeneses : quack!22:08

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