
=== Optichip` is now known as Optichip
pittiGood morning05:02
BigWhaleGood Morning.05:06
kengyuI wonder if anyone has a free time slot to upload a g-s-d patch for me, bug 950160.06:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 950160 in gnome-settings-daemon "Unity blocks other programs from binding globally to Super+* or Alt+* (* = any key)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95016006:07
* micahg leaves that for a desktopper06:12
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RAOFGood morning!08:01
seb128RAOF, hey, how are you?08:03
RAOFGood! Yourself?08:03
seb128RAOF, good, I think, I'm not fully awake yet but I will be able to tell after coffee ;-)08:04
RAOFGot the bottom of the SRU queue done, and am now meandering up the queue into some easier ones :)08:05
seb128RAOF, can I point gwibber? ;-)08:06
seb128RAOF, it's fixing harder what the current SRU half fixed08:07
seb128RAOF, thanks for the SRU work btw, and sorry for regularly ping you guys about the queue...08:08
RAOFNo problem; your pings for high-value SRUs are useful :)08:11
seb128RAOF, yeah, I still need to corner a SRU team member wanting to ack the libreoffice one ;-)08:12
RAOFLooking at it now.08:12
seb128brave man!08:12
RAOFIt's... urgh.08:12
seb128RAOF, yeah, I think there is no way any of us can review that, we basically need to trust upstream and the testing Sweetshark got out of the ppa users08:13
=== fenris is now known as Guest13007
kengyumore people now, I wonder if anyone has a free time slot to upload a g-s-d patch for me, bug 950160.08:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 950160 in gnome-settings-daemon "Unity blocks other programs from binding globally to Super+* or Alt+* (* = any key)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95016008:18
BigWhaleAnyone from the USC team here?08:22
BigWhaleI would like to know if the toolbar used in the USC is custom made and if so, is there a lib/api available?08:23
BigWhalemvo will probably know, right? :)08:25
seb128try #software-center maybe?08:26
seb128but I guess it's a custom hack made in python in s-c and not a shared lib08:27
BigWhaleseb128, software-center isn't on the list of ubuntu channels... so I didn't even bother to try it :>08:29
seb128kengyu, hey, did you subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to it? we will try to make sure it's reviewed this week but there is another SRU already uploaded so ideally we need to get that one validated before doing another upload08:29
seb128we can probably get the fix in quantal to start though08:30
seb128RAOF, if you are not done yet with SRUs, can you review the g-s-d upload in the precise queue? I would like to get that one rolling out to make space for another set of fixes to upload next week (I don't want to batch too much in one upload)08:31
seb128RAOF, I will be done with SRU requests for the day (maybe the week) then ;-)08:32
kengyuseb128, yes, I did subscribe ubuntu-sponsors.  thanks for the help. :-)08:32
seb128kengyu, yw, thanks for the work!08:32
kengyuseb128, :-)08:32
RAOFseb128: Gah vala! I don't suppose it's possible to do the gwibber thing *without* valac generating ~7K lines of noise in the diff?08:47
seb128RAOF, hum08:48
RAOFIt makes reviewing the diff unnecessarily frustrating.08:49
seb128RAOF, that diff looks a bit weird to me08:50
seb128RAOF, feel free to skip it, I will sort it out with ken today08:50
RAOFThere you go; have a gnome-settings-daemon SRU.08:57
seb128RAOF, thanks ;-)09:04
pittinot sure what changed recently (GTK?), but right now the theme seems pretty messed up to me; is that a local problem here, or just what quantal is right now?09:11
RAOFIf you mean square edges on everything, I think that's just quantal right now.09:13
Laneypitti: it's a known problem with gtk+3.0 3.5(.4)09:13
LaneyI think the new light-themes yesterday was supposed to make it better, but not perfect. Or something.09:13
pittibuttons are still without rounded corners and menu entries disappear under a white box when hovering09:14
* pitti will just be patient then, seems it's not a local problem09:14
seb128pitti, better to be patient, that's going to be broken for a while09:18
Laneybtw, you should be able to sync glib2.0 from exp now09:18
seb128pitti, basically gtk 3.5 is continuing their css,theming work, dropping stuff which were available but not public but that unico is using09:19
seb128pitti, that breaks unico and Cimi, #ps have no time to allocated to fix it09:19
pittiLaney: \o/09:19
seb128pitti, so it was either "we block on them for ages, or we unblock as we can and break a bit the theme while doing that"09:20
seb128we opted for the second option09:20
LaneyThe Cloud™ was quite nice for testing that09:21
* Laney will be using it more09:21
seb128Laney, what is that?09:21
seb128Laney, btw did you figure your lightdm issue?09:21
LaneyI just mean that I used cloud instances to test build and test run it09:21
Laneysomehow when I restarted I could startx though, but it just exited almost immediately09:22
seb128Laney, you get a full desktop session in the cloud to test? or does that work?09:22
Laneyjust X forwarding09:22
seb128ah, I see09:22
pittiseb128: seems fine; as long as it's not too broken to actually use it09:22
seb128Laney, startx just returning, that's what I though it would be ... do you have the .xession-errors or log?09:23
Laneyxsession-errors is empty09:23
seb128pitti, with the light-themes update from yesterday it should be good enough to be usable09:23
Laneylet me get the Xorg log. It showed X starting up and then exiting but no obvious errors09:23
seb128Laney, even after restart? when you tried yesterday startx didn't work at all09:23
* Laney boots it09:24
pittiseb128: hm, I have that version already09:28
pittianyway, menus are not that crucial; there's the HUD, after all! :-)09:28
Laneyseb128: http://paste.debian.net/17523409:28
pittiit's probably just a test run to drive people towards the HUD, isn't it?09:28
seb128pitti, did you restart your session since you got it?09:28
seb128pitti, shush, that's a secret :p09:28
pitti2012-06-19 07:19:10 status installed light-themes 0.1.10-0ubuntu109:29
pittiindeed, I did't!09:29
* pitti STFU, sorry09:29
seb128pitti, lol, I'm not saying that a restart will fix all the issues but maybe start by trying that ;-)09:30
seb128it should be better09:30
seb128Laney, what videocard do you have?09:30
pittiseb128: at least this thing feels a little bit like a dev release agagin!09:30
Laneyoh, er, erm09:30
LaneyIt's a Macbook Pro 7.1, whatever they have09:30
pittiall this stability, meh09:30
Laneysome nvidia thing09:30
LaneyI switched to nouveau /after/ I got this problem, was using nvidia before09:31
Laneyand anyway the login manager works …09:31
seb128Laney, ok, I was going to say that nouveau was in the upgrade run09:31
seb128Laney, do you have a .xsession?09:32
Laney"source ~/.Xdbus"09:32
TheMusopitti: You could always use orca to read the menus to you. :p09:33
seb128Laney, hum, can you try to edit .xinitrc and put "exec gnome-session" in it? then try again the startx09:33
Laneythat worked09:34
seb128Laney, that worked == you get a session?09:42
Laneyseb128: that's right09:42
seb128Laney, but lightdm is still buggy?09:42
Laneyi'm just dist-upgrading then will restart and see09:43
seb128Laney, well at least it shows that the issue is not xorg09:43
LaneyI guess the xinitrc won't make a difference for lightdm?09:43
seb128Laney, startx was just returning because it had nothing to run09:43
Laneyi.e. I don't need to remove it09:43
seb128Laney, you don't no09:43
LaneyI didn't know that's the file that startx executes to start a session09:43
seb128Laney, I know it uses it, that's how I use to change my desktop back in the years, putting an exec wmaker in there ;-)09:44
Laneyhah, yeah — I must have known that too at some point :P09:45
Laneyancient unix knowledge bitrotting away09:45
seb128Laney, but what is weird is that I though that it would run a session anyway even without that file, here startx starts a gnome session09:45
Laneymaybe there's a default somewhere09:45
seb128hum, no mlankhorst on this channel?09:46
seb128RAOF, still around? do you know what is the default session for "startx" if there is one?09:46
* Laney reboots09:48
Laneyok, so same problem with lightdm09:52
Laneyit affects all users, even the guest session09:52
seb128that's going to be fun to debug :-(09:52
seb128Laney, can you mv /var/log/lightdm/* away, restart lightdm, try to log in and copy the logs somewhere?09:52
pittiI would expect /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager09:53
Laneythere is an xinitrc in /etc/X11/xinit09:54
Laneyit comes down to run-parts on /etc/X11/Xsession.d09:54
seb128Laney, lightdm runs /etc/lightdm/Xsession09:55
Laneydoesn't exist here09:55
Laneyit lists the ones in /usr/share/xsessions though09:55
seb128Laney, ?!09:56
Laneyls /etc/lightdm gives lightdm.conf unity-greeter.conf users.conf09:56
seb128Laney, ok, maybe that's a conffile leftover on my box09:56
mlankhorstwhat 's going on?09:56
seb128mlankhorst, hey09:56
seb128mlankhorst, do you know what session "startx" is supposed to run in absense of a .xinitrc?09:57
mlankhorstxterm probably09:57
seb128ok, weird09:58
seb128it runs nothing for Laney, startx just bails out09:58
seb128it seems to run gnome-session for me09:58
seb128Laney, ah, it's /usr/sbin/lightdm-session nowadays09:59
seb128Laney, [+6.84s] DEBUG: Session 3690 running command /usr/sbin/lightdm-session gnome-session-xmonad10:01
seb128Laney, what is that xmonad?10:01
Laneyanother window manger i was using10:01
seb128Laney, does that command work or is available?10:01
Laneyit's the session i chose to run, but also happens with unity10:01
mlankhorstLaney: what's exactly going on?10:04
LaneyI get thrown back to the login manager after logging in, with any user including the guest session10:05
Laneystartx does the same with no .xinitrc, but with one it functions as expected10:05
pittitkamppeter: hey Till, how are you?10:06
seb128Laney, can you hack /usr/sbin/lightdm-session to echo "something" >> /tmp/lightdm.debug and see if that happens when you try to log in?10:06
pittitkamppeter: I'm currently looking into Debian bug 64093910:06
ubot2Debian bug 640939 in cups "hplip-cups: asks for root password when cups updates PPDs" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64093910:06
pittitkamppeter: I already fixed the other RC bug in bzr, want to do an upload today (urgent to fix armel FTBFS)10:07
pittitkamppeter: woudl you know a way for lpadmin to never ask for a password?10:07
Laneyseb128: ok10:07
Laneyit already does echo stuff though; do you know where that goes?10:07
Laneyright then, that's some information10:09
Laneyit doesn't get past the loop over $xsessiondir10:09
seb128Laney, we had issues in the past where a parsing error in any of those files were creating login fail issues10:11
seb128Laney, so my bet is that one of the file in that dir is buggy10:11
Laneyit gets right to the last one10:11
seb128Laney, can you echo $STARTUP from it?10:12
seb128or echo $... > /tmp/log10:12
seb128not sure where stdout is directed10:13
mlankhorstLaney: how much disk space do you have?10:13
Laneyadding some more echo statements10:13
mlankhorstand anything in ~/.xsession-errors ?10:13
seb128Laney, yeah, is your disk or partition full? ;-)10:13
Laneymlankhorst: 70G free10:13
mlankhorstor ~/.xsession-errors-:*10:14
Laneynothing relevant, a perl warning from msva10:14
seb128Laney, did you try to pring $STARTUP?10:18
seb128Laney, it seems 99x11-common_start just runs that command10:18
Laneyyes, it gave me a lead10:18
Laneyok, got it10:19
Laneyits a bug in monkeysphere10:19
Laneystrange though, that hasn't been updated in ages10:20
seb128Laney, we should really try to improve things to make such errors easier to spot and maybe not bail out when they happen10:21
mlankhorstseb128: that is unfortunately the single point of failure :(10:22
seb128Laney, once you get to the bottom of it can you do a summary of what was wrong and how it make lightdm bail out?10:23
pittitkamppeter: I played around a little, and there doesn't seem to be a simple way; I'll postpone this and upload current bzr for now10:25
Laneyseb128: Yeah, but I don't see how to get around it with this design. The scripts can construct a command that the display manager executes (in $STARTUP), and this package was inserting something buggy in there10:26
seb128Laney, ok, very weird that it was working before though...10:29
Laneyperhaps it was perl or some random library that monkeysphere uses10:29
seb128Laney, in any case good that we figure it out10:29
Laneyyeah, was a fun debugging trip10:29
Laneythanks for the help10:29
seb128mlankhorst, thanks as well ;-)10:29
ubot2Debian bug 677565 in msva-perl "msva-perl: Insecure dependency in socket while running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl/5.14/IO/Socket.pm line 80" [Grave,Open]10:30
Laneyas you can see it's a new bug :-)10:31
seb128Laney, is monkeysphere changing $STARTUP in some way? or the fact that it errors out breaks further scripts?10:32
Laneyyes it inserts itself into $STARTUP10:32
seb128Laney, ok, not a lot we can do against that then10:33
LaneyI suppose that it could try to execute a fallback if $STARTUP fails10:33
seb128the whole $STARTUP thing concept seems flaky though10:33
seb128yeah, it should10:33
Laneymlankhorst: do you know if that would be possible?10:37
mlankhorstassuming you use bash10:37
Laneywhy does it need to assume that?10:37
Laneycan't it exec some fallback session?10:38
mlankhorstbecause exec will ordinarily cause the whole Xsession to fail if it doesn't succeed10:38
mlankhorstit returns the error code of exec10:39
Laneyyeah, I mean try to exec something else if the normal one fails10:39
Laneyin this case it was because something polluted $STARTUP, so if it fell back to a clean one it would have worked10:39
mlankhorstI mean bash will usually do this: exec foo becomes exec foo || exit $?10:40
mlankhorstbut I forgot which 'set' option changed it10:40
Laneyso make it nonfatal in 99_whatever and have one more after it which is fatal10:40
Laneybut the file is sourced, not executed, …10:41
mlankhorstit's execfail10:41
mlankhorstIf set, a non-interactive shell will not exit if it cannot execute the file specified as an argument to the exec-builtin command. An interactive shell does not exit if exec fails.10:41
mlankhorstbefore the final exec, however that doesn't guarantee it will work.. probably best to handle in lightdm instead10:43
mlankhorstand then spawn a session that DOESN'T use /etc/Xsession at all10:45
tkamppeterpitti, what are you talking about?10:46
pittitkamppeter: cups.postinst's trigger calls lpadmin10:46
pittitkamppeter: and in some configurations that asks for a password10:47
pittiwhich it must not10:47
RAOFI don't suppose we could throw /etc/Xsession away entirely as a generally bad idea? :)10:48
mlankhorstRAOF: No :(10:48
tkamppeterpitti, about Debian bug 640939, most probably the user has a configuration with a client.conf, pointing all CUPS clients (lpadmin, lpstat, system-config-printer) away from the local CUPS daemon. The remote CUPS daemon asks for the password then.10:49
seb128RAOF, I don't think it would take a lot to convince robert_ancell, he was close of doing that with lightdm :p10:49
ubot2Debian bug 640939 in cups "hplip-cups: asks for root password when cups updates PPDs" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64093910:49
pittitkamppeter: I thought we already solved this case with the -h /var/run/cups.sock thing10:49
tkamppeterpitti, there are already measures applied against this, CUPS tools called with the "-h" option especially. What has to be done is to check through all maintainer scripts of CUPS whether nowhere the "-h" was forgotten.10:50
pittitkamppeter: it's the two lpadmin calls in ppd_updater()10:51
pittitkamppeter: I guess the reporters have some weird configuration10:51
tkamppeterpitti, these two have "-h" AFAIR. Perhaps the reporters have done away with /var/run/cups.sock. But should lpadmin then not simply error out?10:52
pittitkamppeter: it does for me10:53
pitti$ sudo lpadmin -h /var/run/cups/cups.sock.invalid -p testraw -P /usr/share/ppd/cupsfilters/textonly.ppd10:53
pittilpadmin: Unable to connect to server: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden10:53
tkamppeterpitti, or can it be that the reporter has restricted root's rights ending up that root is not allowed to administer local CUPS (is this possible?).10:56
pittitkamppeter: I haven't debugged this any further really; it's certainly possible with some weird cups configuration10:56
pittitkamppeter: perhaps with an auth type different than "basic"10:57
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps you ask the reporter for his cupsd.conf. and client.conf (both /etc/cups and ~/.cups/client.conf).11:03
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pittitkamppeter: done11:07
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cyphermoxgood morning!13:07
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you?13:08
cyphermoxseb128: hey, not bad13:08
cyphermoxand you?13:08
seb128cyphermox, I'm good thanks ;-)13:09
Chipacahi guys13:14
Chipacawhat's up with the unthemed indicator menus in unity-2d in Q?13:15
kenvandinehey Chipaca13:15
kenvandinei don't know what they look like in unity-2d, but there is currently some bumpiness with gtk 3.5 and light-themes13:15
Chipacaah, ok13:16
kenvandinein unity 3d a couple of them have the wrong bgcolor13:16
kenvandineperhaps unthemed, but it is known13:16
kenvandineChipaca, at least they still work :)13:16
Chipacait's like it's 2002 all over again13:16
kenvandinegetting gtk 3.5.x in has been a bit of a pita, mostly due to themeing changes13:17
Chipacais anybody outside of my team running the u1 test suite on Q?13:17
kenvandinenot me13:17
Chipacabecause syncdaemon in Q isn't connecting, and we don't have a jenkins slave up for Q yet13:17
Chipaca(which is why it's in the state it is)13:17
cyphermoxChipaca: not connecting as an SSL error? I reported a bug about that yesterday13:18
Chipacacyphermox: yup13:18
Chipacawell, it's not a ssl error, although it is ssl that complains13:18
Chipacacyphermox: bug #?13:18
kenvandineChipaca, fwiw it was working a week or so ago13:19
kenvandinei just noticed last night that it wasn't working13:19
Chipacakenvandine: *should* platform be running our QA suite?13:19
kenvandinebut i have files synced to my Q laptop that are a week old13:19
kenvandineChipaca, i don't think so... but i think we should care that your tests are passing before they land in the distro13:19
Chipacawe've had tests break by the gtk upgrade for example13:19
kenvandineor was that scrolling related?13:20
kenvandinewhat kinds of tests do you have that need gtk?13:20
cyphermoxChipaca: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/1014654 is what I have reported13:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1014654 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon fails to sync (fails to verify SSL certificate)" [Undecided,In progress]13:20
Chipacakenvandine: test that test that a certain label has a certain color13:20
Chipacacyphermox: thanks13:21
kenvandinewe aren't really prepared to run the tests for everything that is in the distro13:22
kenvandinekind of tricky13:22
kenvandinesomething like gtk we try to beat the crap out of it manually13:22
kenvandinesince it could affect so many things13:22
kenvandineand we found quite a few blockers with gtk 3.5 which delayed landing it13:22
kenvandineseveral weeks at least13:22
kenvandineChipaca, what is that test for?  the nautlius plugin?13:23
Chipacakenvandine: ralsina knows more13:23
kenvandineChipaca, have you seen the scrollbar issue in Q with the control panel?13:24
Chipacakenvandine: (because i sure don't :) )13:24
kenvandinei can't think of anything else that uses gtk13:24
kenvandineoh, maybe the music store13:24
ralsinakenvandine: it was a test in ubuntu-sso-client13:25
kenvandineChipaca, bug 100742113:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1007421 in ayatana-scrollbar "ubuntuone-control-panel-qt has no scrollbars on quantal" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100742113:25
kenvandineralsina, ^^13:25
kenvandinenot sure it is something u1 should/can fix13:25
ralsinakenvandine: yes, I am aware of that one, I don't see what I can do about it though :-)13:25
ralsina:-( I meant13:25
kenvandineprobably more for overlay-scrollbar13:25
kenvandinedamn, still un-assigned13:26
* kenvandine assigns that13:26
Chipacakenvandine: the scrollbars were made into a gtk module, but the app the bug is against is qt?13:26
kenvandineyeah, it is a weird gray area afaict13:26
ralsinawhy bother making the scrollbars a gtk module? it's not like it's going to not be loaded...13:26
kenvandineit means we know long patch the crap out of gtk13:27
kenvandineit is much more maintainable13:27
Chipacaralsina: that way it can be slow13:27
* Chipaca takes off his evil hat13:27
kenvandinethe weird thing is why that affects the qt app that way13:27
ralsinakenvandine: probably the qt theme that loads styles from gtk is not making the scrollbars module load13:27
ralsinakenvandine: or something evil like that13:28
kenvandineralsina, doubt that... if so then it would just have regular scrollbars13:28
kenvandineand it isn't like it is just not drawing the thumb13:28
kenvandinethe indicator for the scrollbar isn't there either13:28
ralsinakenvandine: could be getting wrong size info and keeping it 0-width13:29
dobeyuh, hi13:29
ralsinahi dobey! interject! ;-)13:29
seb128Chipaca, ralsina, kenvandine: we do want to start running testsuits from selected rdepends before i.e gtk uploads13:30
Chipacaralsina: OTOH, the control panel displays nothing13:30
Chipacaseb128: s/i.e/e.g/ :)13:31
seb128Chipaca, ralsina, kenvandine: that's not done yet but on the roadmap for this cycle13:31
ralsinaseb128: awesome13:31
seb128Chipaca, ups, e.g indeed, thanks ;-)13:31
ralsinaChipaca, kenvandine: I am setting up a Q VM right now, if I can make everything work on it I can try to see what's wrong with the scrollbar info13:31
Chipacaseb128: excellent. When that happens, we're using jenkins for QA ourselves, so you should find it simple to port into your stuff13:32
seb128Chipaca, great13:32
dobeyseb128: well i'm trying to get our test suites running during builds in q, but unfortunately there are some things that prevent it happening for all our stuff :-/13:32
kenvandineralsina, that would be cool13:32
ralsinakenvandine: no promises but I'll try :-)13:33
kenvandinei have no idea when cimi will look at it13:33
kenvandineand he will likely blame QT13:33
kenvandineso would be nice to cover the bases there13:33
dobeyand of course, the python3 thing doesn't make it any easier13:33
ralsinahaha, sure13:33
Chipacaralsina: confirmed the list of folders in the control panel is empty in Q13:37
ralsinaChipaca: sigh13:37
ralsinaChipaca: installing Q it is13:37
kenvandineChipaca, my list of folders isn't empty13:41
kenvandineand i can scroll with my mouse wheel to see them all :)13:41
Chipacakenvandine: maybe i need to disable proposed?13:41
kenvandinein Q?13:41
kenvandineChipaca, you just confused me... quantal-proposed?13:42
seb128kenvandine, proposed is used as a staging in q13:42
kenvandinei doubt that would make a difference13:42
seb128but I doubt we have anything in there13:42
kenvandinebut doubt there is much in there13:42
seb128kenvandine, ;-)13:42
Chipacai get a bunch of (python:13774): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed13:43
Chipacaand the debug log does show the control panel *getting* the folder list13:44
Chipacabut it's not displayed13:44
seb128Chipaca, isn't that dialog using qt?13:44
Chipacaseb128: yes13:45
seb128Chipaca, why do you get gtk style errors?13:45
ralsinaseb128: yes it is, but it loads gtk to get info about how to draw the widgets13:45
Chipacaseb128: i presume because of the qt stylorator13:45
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
kenvandineprobably the qt theme stuff coming from gtk13:45
seb128kenvandine, do you have that qt glue installed? is that coming by default?13:45
kenvandineshould be by default13:46
seb128I would not be surprised if gtk 3.5 broke that code...13:46
kenvandinei have a ton of updates available13:46
kenvandineupgrading now13:46
kenvandineonly a day behind though13:46
dobeygtk 3.5 broke my heart.13:46
Chipacadobey: is this like asteroids, where you now have two, smaller hearts?13:46
kenvandinei get all that noise and my folders are listed13:47
dobeymy heart shrank 3 times that day13:47
Chipacadobey: i'm told qml is quite nice13:47
dobeyi'm liking fox13:48
kenvandinego go go13:48
dobeyman, fox-toolkit.org still uses frames even13:50
kenvandineoh... cross platform...13:51
kenvandinewhich of course means it'll never be more than mediocre...13:52
dobeyyeah, stuck with the likes of gtk+ and qt13:53
kenvandineno comment :)13:53
kenvandinethere is something to be said for focusing your energy on creating a toolkit that is awesome on one platform13:54
dobeyi know right. borland forever.13:55
dpmhi kenvandine, here's a question for you -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/152882/how-do-i-post-to-gwibber-from-python :)14:18
kenvandinei think i can answer that :)14:21
kenvandinedpm, that SRU is still waiting for approval :(14:21
kenvandines-fox gave a bad example just 6 hours ago... sigh... i gave him an example that uses GIR just yesterday14:22
dobeykenvandine: well, technically s-fox did that on the 15th, and someone else posted it 6 hours ago, giving credit14:25
dobeyalbeit the example script won't work for other reasons (main loop is never actually started)14:25
dpmkenvandine, is the upload not yet in -proposed?14:27
kenvandinedpm, no... it is waiting for approval14:28
kenvandinethe SRU team still needs to ack it14:28
kenvandineseb128 is trying to help :)14:28
seb128kenvandine, yeah, I'm just on it as we speak14:29
dpmexcellent, thanks!14:29
dpmkenvandine, do you think you can answer that question on askubuntu?14:29
dobeydpm: kenvandine does not repeat himself!14:30
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kenvandinedpm,  i just did14:34
dpmthanks kenvandine :)14:34
RiddellLaney: is language-selector going away?14:49
LaneyRiddell: For GNOME/Unity, I hope so. It won't be removed as long as others such as yourselves are using it14:51
RiddellLaney: who's implementing the replacement?14:52
Laneythe blueprint is assigned to me, but upstream g-c-c has most of the code already14:53
LaneyI believe the installer also uses part of l-s14:53
seb128Riddell, GNOME system settings has a "region" panel, we are just adding langpack support to is basically14:55
seb128Laney, btw how is that work going?14:56
LaneyI've been poking around the code. Some of rodrigo_'s branch isn't merged yet so I need to speak with him and find out why / what is left14:59
seb128rodrigo_, hey ;-)15:00
rodrigo_hi seb128!15:00
Riddellseb128: where's the code?  I think the bits I'd be after first of all are how to find a list of packages/languages and then how it installs them15:00
seb128how are you?15:00
LaneyI put some test packages with the rest of the branch merged on a PPA15:00
kenvandinehey rodrigo_!15:00
rodrigo_hi kenvandine!15:00
rodrigo_seb128, fine, and you?15:00
seb128rodrigo_, I'm good thanks15:00
seb128rodrigo_, so, Laney is looking at finishing the "use the region panel instead of language selector"15:00
seb128rodrigo_, do you still plan to get your git work merged upstream? what was missing?15:01
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, don't remember what was missing, tbh15:01
rodrigo_seb128, mclasen has been working on the input sources thing, so you might better talk to him15:02
rodrigo_iirc, it needed a standard way to get all the languages15:02
seb128rodrigo_, ok15:02
seb128rodrigo_, which I guess says you have no real time,interest to finish the branch you started on and we better check what's the current status upstream to see what is missing?15:03
LaneyI'll get jhbuild set up to see what the story is there15:04
rodrigo_seb128, I have no time, rather than interest :-)15:04
seb128Laney, thanks15:04
rodrigo_so yes, check with mclasen15:04
seb128rodrigo_, ok, well in any case we better not wait on you, noted15:04
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:04
rodrigo_yes, I talked with pitti some months ago about it, and he told me you really needed the input sources thing, to replace language-selector, right?15:05
rodrigo_so, I completely forgot about it15:05
seb128yeah, I think we need that15:05
seb128though I'm not really familiar with the details either15:05
Laneythere was a huge thread on ddl about input methods recently15:06
Laneynot sure if there was a conclusion15:06
rodrigo_there was another guy recently pushing stuff to an input sources branch15:06
rodrigo_Laney, yeah :)15:06
rodrigo_Laney, AFAIK, no conclusion, but didn't read it all15:07
Laneyseems like something people get heated about, but TBH I don't really know much about it15:07
seb128Laney, the discussion was about input framework, but it basically got down to "ibus will be used, somebody is working on that and work will be merged this cycle"15:08
seb128Laney, some first patches got merged in and 3.5 stopped using libgnomekbd already, next patches round will add ibus support15:09
seb128Laney, gnome bug #662489 for the details15:09
ubot2Gnome bug 662489 in Region & Language "region: implement input sources" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66248915:09
Laneyyeah I'm on that now ;)15:09
seb128Laney, the list discussion is not worth reading, it was more discussion between ibus supported and fcitx supporters15:10
Riddellrodrigo_: what have you implemented so far?15:11
rodrigo_Riddell, see the code, I don't remember, sorry :)15:11
rodrigo_Riddell, iirc, it was only missing, apart from the input sources thing, a way to get all the languages in all distros15:12
Laneyusing PK's WhatProvides interface15:12
rodrigo_yes, I think the call to PK for installing the languages was not finished15:13
rodrigo_so, those 2 things should be the stuff left15:13
RiddellLaney: how do I check that out?15:13
rodrigo_IIRC, pitti added my patch to PackageKit, improving it15:13
LaneyRiddell: g-c-c in my PPA has it merged15:14
Laneymmm I can't install packagekit-tools15:18
seb128kenvandine, dpm: gwibber accept to precise-proposed, thanks to bdmurray15:33
dpmthanks seb128!15:38
dpmkenvandine, no excuse to finish the tutorial this week, then! :P15:41
kenvandinedpm: indeed16:01
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mlankhorstno meeting today?16:19
seb128mlankhorst, DOH16:20
seb128kenvandine, mlankhorst, didrocks, chrisccoulson, mterry, Ursinha, tkamppeter, Laney, whoever I forgot: did you have a meeting topic?16:21
didrocksnothing for me16:21
kenvandinenothing from me16:21
chrisccoulsonme neither16:21
chrisccoulsonthat was quick ;)16:21
seb128oh, chrisccoulson is there ;-)16:21
seb128ok, no meeting, thanks guys ;-)16:22
seb128micahg, hey16:23
seb128micahg, what's the status on tb13?16:24
* Laney is having panda fun16:24
BigWhaleDear desktop developers, not having a 'standard ubuntu Gtk Toolkit' is slightly frustrating. :)16:25
seb128Laney, I need to get a 4G sd, mines are too small for a desktop install16:25
seb128or 16G or something16:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've just ordered a 16gb SD16:26
LaneyI have an 8G one, but the desktop preinstalled image wouldn't boot16:26
Laneyserver worked16:26
seb128what was the issue with the desktop one?16:27
seb128blame it on ogra_!16:27
LaneyI'm blaming him in another channel :P16:27
Laneyhung at "booting the kernel"16:27
seb128good ;-)16:27
kenvandineLaney, what kind of monitor?16:27
LaneyI have a HDMI to DVI cable16:27
kenvandinemine appeared to not boot... but i had a hdmi -> DVI cable16:27
Laneybut I was watching the serial output16:28
kenvandineyou need pure hdmi16:28
kenvandineyeah... do you get "Booting linux"16:28
kenvandineor somethign like that?16:28
seb128I guess I will need to put mine on the TV16:28
Laneyit just hangs at Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.16:28
seb128I don't have a spare hdmi monitor16:28
kenvandineyou need an hdmi monitor16:28
Laneythat could be caused by the monitor?16:28
kenvandineit hands off the display16:28
seb128kenvandine, I'm sure an hd TV will do as a monitor?16:28
LaneyI would rather run it headless16:29
kenvandinethe serial stuff isn't configured to output the boot messages to the console16:29
seb128Laney, you need a display to install16:29
kenvandineLaney, so it did boot16:29
seb128Laney, no?16:29
kenvandinebut it needs to go through the configure stage in the installer16:29
seb128then you can remote access it16:29
kenvandineseb128, it should work on a TV16:29
Laneybut I have no HDMI so I seem kind of screwed anyway :P16:29
seb128kenvandine, cool, I will try that then16:29
Laneythe server preinstalled image gives you oem-config over the serial link16:30
kenvandineyeah, the desktop image isn't configured to do that16:30
seb128Laney, oh, that's cool16:30
kenvandineyou could open up the image and change that16:31
kenvandinethen boot16:31
chrisccoulsonah, i'm going to have the same problem as Laney then16:34
Laneywe should have a "how to get this stuff working" session with ogra_ :-)16:36
seb128chrisccoulson, no hdmi moniteur nor HD TV?16:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, unforunately not16:37
chrisccoulsonperhaps i should buy a new monitor ;)16:37
seb128chrisccoulson, enjoy ubuntu server ;-)16:37
mlankhorstLaney: yeah I was wondering about the pandaboard, i finally found video drivers worser than fglrx ;)16:40
mlankhorstit glitches on obscure things like hiding mouse cursor or scrolling16:41
mlankhorstand kernel panics on resolution change :s16:42
mlankhorstbut despite that I love it since it's the most silent computer I have and fbdev isn't that bad16:43
cyphermoxglatzor: ping20:11
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glatzor hello cyphermox21:27
cyphermoxglatzor: wow, I never thought you'd be online at this time21:30
cyphermoxglatzor: so; I saw you have a branch for a python 3 port of software-properties, I was wondering how much work you had already done on that21:31
glatzorcyphermox, It is quite hot here still in the evening.21:35
glatzorcyphermox, the branch was just a quick hack to get python3-software-properties which was required by aptdaemon some time ago21:36
glatzorcyphermox, cjwatson did a lot of work on a correct port21:36
cyphermoxah, alright :)21:37
cyphermoxI was doing that this afternoon; pretty much done21:37
cyphermoxgah, it would have jumped in my face if I had looked carefully enough21:38
glatzorcyphermox, lp:~cjwatson/software-properties/python321:38
cyphermoxglatzor: thanks, so I'll bug him21:40
glatzoryeah, there is currently a lot of work done on the python 3 effort21:40
glatzorbarry maintaines a google document with some details21:41
glatzorcyphermox, the link to the document should be on the wiki page of the blueprint21:41
cyphermoxcool, thanks21:44
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