
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
ubot2Help! lamont, zul, T-Bone, mdz, or jdub03:29
ubot2Help! lamont, zul, T-Bone, mdz, or jdub03:30
=== BenC_ is now known as BenC
tjaaltonanyone know if stable@vger is moderated?07:11
smbtjaalton, Not as far as I know. But it may do some delaying when one is not registered and such...07:21
smbtjaalton, And I see some mails from you posted recently07:23
tjaaltonsmb: oh cool, I'll just wait then :)07:32
ckingsmb, my tests are still running - HDD is getting rather over-worked :-/07:42
smbcking, Saw your email. Rather than worrying about your hdd, how are you doing?07:43
ckingsmb, I'm OK - crashed out a late afternoon, got a raging temperature and head was all fuzzy, lots of sleep seems to have helped, but woke up at 6am, so I kicked off some tests again07:44
smbcking, Sounds a bit like dragging something along. 07:45
smbAnyway, yeah. It seems that something really is not cool with cfq...07:45
ckingso, for the multi-bonnie + dd reader + dd writer, deadline finishes in a few minutes, but cfq is saturated by the dd I/O and bonnie is taking forever to complete07:46
smbSo in the present state it really is not well suited for server and I wonder how well it is for desktop...07:47
ckingbit rubbish for both methinks07:47
ckinglet's face it, a dd seems to suck up all the I/O for some strange reason, so it seems totally unfair07:48
smbright. What you could try (when things ever finish) is to disable autogroup (just wondering about it since trying to find something else around it)07:49
ckingyep, I will give this test one more hour to complete and try that07:51
smbcking, It might be time for breakfast. Isn't it?07:51
* cking munching it right now 07:51
smbcking, There are rumors about doing that at the breakfast table and non-sticky keys... ;-P07:53
* cking nods07:53
ckingmunchy munchy munch07:53
* apw yawns slowly07:55
smbapw, Morning. Overstretched jaw?08:00
ckingis he still yawning?08:01
smbcking, ultra slow motion...08:03
ckingjust the thought of the yawn is making me yawn too08:04
xnoxIf I'm trying to see which releases an upstream commit went into, is it save to use commitid, e.g. git branch -a --contains commitid08:28
xnoxon the ubuntu git kernels08:29
xnoxas in, do you ever rewrite upstream history? or do you only ever rebase on top of it?08:29
infinityapw: Is the linux-image-hwe-generic stuff in precise-* meant to be in main?08:33
infinityapw: (And linux-image-current-generic, which depends on it)08:34
infinityYou know what, I'm going to assume yes, and we can punt it back to universe if I'm wrong. :P08:35
* henrix will be away for a while08:50
xnoxinfinity: you are awake :/08:54
xnoxanyway I think we are sorted with bug 101488308:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1014883 in linux "Check that the nasty md/raid bug is not currently shipped across all releases" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101488308:54
infinityxnox: Not for long.09:07
xnoxinfinity: =))))09:08
* xnox taps infinity, and he crashes09:08
ckingsmb, so my first round of bonnie++ tests are complete, - you want me to re-run with  /proc/sys/kernel/sched_autogroup_enabled set to zero?12:30
smbcking, Yes, you don't have to wait eternity for completion. Just to quickly check whther it makes a difference12:31
ckingsmb, hrm, let's see how it works out on the faster of the two tests...12:31
smbcking, Thinking is that maybe having processes isolated counters the goal cfq tries to archive ...12:32
smbThough sounds completely opposite to what we thought to have seen...12:33
* cking needs to check this tweakable12:33
smbcking, Basically it turns off the feature that a task with its own session id gets into its own taskgroup12:33
ckingok, lets see if it does any better12:34
ckingsmb, looks like I'm getting a more even share of time to each reader + writer, but let me see what the final data says12:43
smbcking, Interesting... yeah12:44
* cking is surprised at how long multiple bonnie tests take, sigh12:45
ppisaticking: i should try them on any arm board, you would be shocked how fast they run on your x86 box :)12:47
* cking chuckes, yep, you' would see them complete just at the point that the sun turns super-nova12:47
ppisatiprobably later12:49
ckingoh, when time comes to a halt then12:49
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* cking reboots his AP once more13:38
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
brendandjsalisbury, ping13:50
jsalisburybrendand, pong13:51
brendandjsalisbury, i'm trying to get back to confirming https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/96031113:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 960311 in linux "Networking on Dell PowerEdge R300 with Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5722 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express is not functional" [High,Confirmed]13:51
brendandjsalisbury, i can't seem to find the binary packages for the old kernel13:52
brendandjsalisbury, you wanted me to try : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/3.2.0-17.2713:52
brendandjsalisbury, in case you don't remember, this bug appeared about alpha2 and then i got the lab engineer to upgrade the bios and it seemed to disappear. then it returned again at release13:53
jsalisburybrendand, The .debs you can install are under "Builds".  You just need to click on your specific arch.  Let me look at the bug, it might be beetter to try a newer kernel.13:53
jsalisburybrendand, It might be best to test the latest Precise kernel, then go from there.13:54
jsalisburybrendand, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/3.2.0-25.4013:54
brendandjsalisbury, i can even test it with the -proposed one (that would actually be easier for me)13:55
brendandjsalisbury, i'll try and update asap13:55
jsalisburybrendand, sure that would be great13:56
ubot2Help! lamont, zul, T-Bone, mdz, or jdub14:37
ubot2hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, dax, stew, or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)14:37
Yankees52yay =)14:38
Yankees52=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang14:38
Yankees52[03:13] <ubottu> Yankees52 called the ops in #xubuntu ()14:38
Yankees52[03:27] <ubottu> Yankees52 called the ops in #ubuntu-irc ()14:38
Yankees52[03:28] <bazhang> hfsplus again14:38
Yankees52[03:28] <Jordan_U> I didn't know I had ops powers in #ubuntu-irc.14:38
Yankees52[03:29] <Unit193> You do?14:38
Yankees52[03:29] <Jordan_U> Well, I'm in the !ops factoid there. Let me check if I actually do.14:38
Yankees52[03:29] <ubottu> FNStaffa called the ops in #ubuntu-motu ()14:38
Yankees52[03:30] <bazhang> I don't but the emergency ! o p s call is the same as in #ubuntu14:38
Yankees52[03:30] <Jordan_U> Maybe that should be changed :)14:38
Yankees52[03:30] <Unit193> Appears my fancy cloak allows me.14:38
Yankees52[05:11] <sistematico> Any help is welcome on #ubuntu-br14:38
Yankees52[05:11] <sistematico> JavaNunes is using bad words and insulting others users.14:38
Yankees52[05:43] <bkerensa> IdleOne: you around?14:38
Yankees52[06:07] <bkerensa> What do we suggest to users reporting abuse in a loco channel if they have no ops available?14:38
Yankees52[06:07] <bkerensa> Brazil's loco channel has a guy in there that has been using vulgar profanity in there and trolling it it would appear nobody with ops is around.14:38
Yankees52[06:13] <Flannel> bkerensa: LoCo channels are -irc, but in case of emergency, that channel has ubuntu/member as operators, so... if it's an emergency, it seems you have the ability to handle it yourself.14:38
Yankees52[06:13] <bkerensa> kk14:38
* ogasawara back in 2014:48
argesapw, rtg https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/90521915:05
ubot2Ubuntu bug 905219 in linux "Linux Kernel crash in Netfilter both in Natty (2.6.38-8-server) and oneiric(3.0.0-13-server/3.0.0-14-server) kernels" [Medium,Confirmed]15:05
rtghenrix, has the patch for drivers/media/rc/ene_ir.c been accepted upstream ?15:24
henrixrtg: no, i haven't submitted it yet15:24
henrixrtg: will do in a minute, i was just waiting for you guys to take a look just in case... :)15:24
rtghenrix, ack15:25
janimoapw, ogasawara when does ubuntu switch to a new upstream major release kernel? I did not see in the wiki when master-next with a new kernel based on upstream rcX replaces the stable one on master16:55
ogasawarajanimo: well I uploaded our first v3.5-rc3 based kernel for Quantal today16:56
ogasawarajanimo: can you point me to the wiki you are looking at?16:56
ogasawarajanimo: I don't have it as a step in my upload process to update the wiki, but will do so in the future if that's what people are monitoring16:57
janimoogasawara, thanks I just saw 3.5 is on master too (it was not yet a few hours ago when I last looked)16:57
janimoI meant the various kernel wiki pages in general16:58
ogasawarajanimo: yep, I only pushed it this morning16:58
janimothe mentions of master-next I saw only related to SRUs where it is clearer when they are folded into master16:58
* janimo goes on to rebase armadaxp on 3.516:58
ogasawarajanimo: indeed our master-next branches are for staging purposes only, nothing is official until it lands in master.  I'll try and get our wiki's cleaned up if they are misleading.16:59
janimoogasawara, the SRU part of it is clear, just being in a -devel series I was not sure if there are hard rules as to when to go with Linus' next besides 'when it feels right' :)17:00
ckingsmb, I'm still waiting for one more set of results to pop out of my test box - I will get them to you tomorrow17:10
smbcking, Sure. By then I might have a brain again to understand... ;)17:11
ckinghopefully I won't be vomiting up so much tomorrow either :-/17:11
smbcking, Lucky for me that does not transfer that well via email... But yeah, hope you get better17:12
* cking heads for some rest17:12
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues June 26th, 2012 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
=== rtg is now known as rtg-lunch
=== arges is now known as arges-lunch
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janimosmb`, any reason why a canonical email address is enforced in maint-tools? Non-Canonical lemployees could find them useful, or even canonicalers with an @ubuntu.com address18:27
janimosmb`,  and by maint tools I mean the maintscripts in kteam-tools :)18:28
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
=== arges-lunch is now known as arges
=== rtg is now known as rtg-afk
dupondjeSomebody alive here that can help me with some usb power issue ?21:26
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC

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