
dholbachgood morning07:07
=== fenris is now known as Guest13007
czajkowskihuats: ping reminder meeting tonight 15:46
trinikronohi where is the meeting today18:13
trinikronois it in #ubuntu-meeting?18:14
czajkowskitrinikrono: yes at 8pm UTC 18:14
czajkowskiso in an hour and 45 mins from now 18:14
trinikronogreat czajkowski can you help me with some things18:14
trinikronoif you have time18:14
czajkowskitrinikrono: I don't really but I can try am in the middle of cooking dinner :) just finished work 18:15
trinikronook i run the ubuntu-tt team and i applying for ubuntu membership so i want to show you my application about what i did with the team, since i plan to get the team approved aswell18:16
trinikronothis my page here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/trinikrono18:17
czajkowskitrinikrono: which meeting are you going to tonight ?18:17
trinikronoi hope you can have some advice for me18:17
trinikronoi was just going to look at you guys meeting18:17
czajkowskitrinikrono: ah ok 18:17
trinikronothe ubuntu membership meeting is thursday18:18
trinikronoi moved 3 times in the last 6 moths so i wasnt as active as i would of liked18:18
czajkowskitrinikrono: looks good, what I would say is you dont need some of the loco details in there like fb  numbers, just list the activities you've oranised 18:18
czajkowskitrinikrono: nice testimonoals if you know anyone else just ask them to leave a comment, they don't have to be Ubuntu members either 18:19
czajkowskitrinikrono: hope that helps need pop off irc 18:20
trinikronowell was mainly ubuntu hours18:20
trinikronoi did not need to link to the events?18:20
czajkowskitrinikrono: that your organised or have a blog post on or some pictures. and some detail on your future plans 18:21
trinikronook thanks dont burn the dinner18:21
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=== vibhav is now known as Guest7599
trinikrono:d SergioMeneses i would like to discuss the possibility of ubuntu-ve helping ubuntu-tt to become approved, i noticed that you are english also and i am bad at spanish21:24
trinikronoi was asking around in the ubuntu-ve to introduce the team21:25
trinikronodo you know Trinidad and Tobago SergioMeneses?21:26
SergioMenesestrinikrono, yes, I'm from Colombian21:26
SergioMenesestrinikrono, do you speak with ubuntu-ve before?21:26
trinikronoah i thought you where a member of the ubuntu-ve team21:26
trinikronojust in the irc channel21:27
trinikronobut i could not find someone who is english21:27
MarkDudetatica is always willing to help in FOSS matters21:27
MarkDudeEven tho she can be a bit busy. 21:28
MarkDudeShe is FOSS 1st, Fedora 2nd :)21:28
SergioMenesesMarkDude, has right! tatica is online in this moment at #ubuntu-ve21:28
SergioMenesesMarkDude, she works with a lot of communities 21:29
MarkDudeShe is awesome- and does great in English- and Espanol21:29
trinikronooh really21:29
SergioMenesestrinikrono, yes, she is21:30
MarkDudeYep, if she is busy- it may take her a bit21:30

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