
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
ubottuHelp! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpds!03:29
jbitcm-i need help03:38
jbitcm-i want to be a ubuntu motu03:38
FourDollarsme too03:48
ScottKNot really the best time of day for it.03:51
ScottKDuring European/US daytime is much better.03:51
nhandlerPage title04:13
nhandler(Ignore that, sorry)04:14
dholbachgood morning07:07
iulianMorning dholbach.09:10
iulianBeautiful morning of Tuesday, isn't it? :)09:11
dholbachhey iulian - it is :)09:31
highvoltagestgraber, tumbleweed: just got hold of bencer, I reminded him that we need to talk about the release schedule, freezes and the processes that goes along with it13:46
highvoltagestgraber, tumbleweed: he's out all week so we're going to do that early next week13:46
tumbleweedthanks for the follow-up13:47
stgraberhighvoltage: sounds good, thanks13:51
highvoltagemicahg: oops, meant to include you on that too ^^^13:59
nhandler/wo/whois tumbleweed14:14
* tumbleweed is hig/lighted14:15
astraljavaHi gang, on previous schroots, I used to go into them with `schroot -c <name> -p`, but for quantal (yes, I've installed the debootstrap from precise-backports), it cannot apparently bind-mount my /home even though I have what seems to be a sane mount-defaults in /etc/schroot/14:33
astraljavaMaybe I've forgotten a step somewhere. Anyone able to troubleshoot this with me?14:34
micahghighvoltage: thanks14:35
astraljavaFWIW, the problem was a missing 'type=directory' in the schroot.conf file.15:30
lgp171188Hi, I am just getting started with contributing to Ubuntu. I was just looking at a few lintian issues that I could fix. I picked up the add-apt-key package for fixing such issues. I just tried to find out if the package sources are picked up from Debian and package in Ubuntu or directly packaged in Ubuntu. I visited the launchpad page of the project and couldn't find out the same. Where can I find such information?17:36
arandlgp171188: Hmm, that package hasn't been touched since 2007, is it still relevant (despite it being in the archive)?17:43
tumbleweedif it isn't, it should be removed17:43
arandlgp171188: And yes, from the changelog it looks like an Ubuntu-only package (which if it is useful, a similar package probably shouldn't be)17:43
arandMy guess is that it duplicates the "apt-key add" functionality from the base 'apt' package...17:46
lgp171188arand: Hmm, does the add-apt-repository package supersede this? Because that is the command I remember using and I thought maybe that was internally using add-apt-key in some way. Looks like I am wrong. Do we have to initiate some process to get it removed?17:46
arandapt-file claims: "python-software-properties: /usr/bin/add-apt-repository"17:47
arandSo a different package17:47
* highvoltage wishes andrew SB could be on IRC more :)17:53
lgp171188arand: Then looks like I will have to pick up some other package. Btw, is there any way of finding out if the package is picked up from debian apart from the changelog?17:54
arandI'm not sure, besides looking at packages.debian.org then of course.17:55
lgp171188Ok, the next package I picked up was the awn-extras package. Clicking on the ubuntu info page takes me to the page of the package alright. But when I clicked the debian info link, it took me to a package containing the search results for the "awn-extras" keyword search. There was just a python-awn-extras packages which does look different from the ubuntu package awn-extras. How can I confirm the same? I want to know this because it would help me fi17:57
Laneybroder: I suspect you have a script to create unix users with data harvested from LP. If that were the case, would the source be located somewhere that others could see?20:16
broderLaney: hmm, not currently, no20:30
broderi could fix that20:30
Laneyyou were just superhumanly fast at creating my account then :P20:30
brodererr, sorry20:30
broderi do have a script20:30
broderit is not located somewhere others can see20:31
Laneyoh, the former but not the latter20:31
LaneyI get it20:31
broderLaney: can't actually put it in a proper repo or anything right now, but http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049887/20:36
* Laney stashes20:37
* ajmitch is sure there was a script like that elsewhere20:38
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Laneybdrung: tumbleweed: Can we get a new udt release? I am being hit by cyphermox's bug now. Maybe something change in schroot…21:49
cyphermoxLaney: LVM and btrfs right?21:50
Laneyjust directory on ext421:51
cyphermoxah, interesting21:51
LaneyI don't see why that fix would be specific to filesystem21:51
LaneyI guess schroot just changed something21:51
Laneyanyway, thanks for the fix :-)21:51
cyphermoxwell, it's "not", but there weren't -source aliases created for lvm or btrfs, maybe now it's been totally dropped21:52
cyphermoxyeah, I got hit by it again yesterday. fortunately the fix is simple and you don't have to re-create the chroots21:52
=== LordOfTi- is now known as TheLordOfTime
bdrungLaney, tumbleweed: yes, we should do a udt release22:46
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tumbleweedjbicha: ah, you beat me to pypy23:34
* tumbleweed wonders if it'll build23:34
tumbleweedtimed out almost everywhere in Debian (as usual)23:35

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