
=== diddledan is now known as zz_diddledan
AlanBellmorning all06:53
MooDoomorning all07:02
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* directhex reaches inescapable conclusion: Qt is bloated08:15
popeyhttp://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/06/finally-unity-3d-game-engine-adds-linux.html golly08:18
popeythats good isnt it?08:18
BigRedSI was very confused at all these "unity support for linux" headlines I was seeing08:19
directhexpopey, depends.08:20
directhexpopey, it's good if you want more games on linux. it's bad if you hate mono08:20
gordi didn't think unity used mono08:22
directhexthe unity3d game engine is all mono. that's what makes it funny that microsoft used unity3d to make ipad games08:22
gordha, neat. mono is cool08:22
directhexand i'm just waiting on a review to upload monogame (bastion's engine) to debian08:23
gordthough i get the feeling most people building the games for linux will just build once before releasing in the humle bumble and it will be a buggy mess08:24
BigRedSyeah, I'm generally wary of anything cross-platform until the developer is, too08:30
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:33
AlanBellmorning bigcalm08:34
oimonanyone know how to create separate rsyslog logs based upon source host when colecting logs centrally?08:34
bigcalmAlanBell: as predicted, Hayley would love to go to the BBQ. But we both agreed that we can't justify the expense right now. She's looking forward to catching up with you guys on the RAT though :)08:35
AlanBellyeah, RAT will be fun08:38
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AlanBellso will the BBQ http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1824/detail/08:56
JamesTai1Good morning all! :)08:57
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JamesTaitAlanBell: I think your predicition for when summer will be is off - it started yesterday and ends today. ;)08:59
gordanyone here happen to be a zen customer? or have any opinions on them as an isp?09:00
diplogord: I am not a customer but we have lots of customers of ours who use them and are happy. Also a guy in the office here also uses them and says he has had good service, not heard awful things is probably where I am going with this :)09:05
gordthey look a bit expensive, but it looks like they don't do dumb things like traffic shape, hard to find a good fibre isp09:06
diploI think costs are probably helping them with maybe not doing shaping ?09:07
diploThat's why I don't go with the cheapest for customers09:07
gordmaybe, though they do have limits which i don't like at all. hate that feeling09:08
diploI'm with Sky, not hit any limits yet09:09
dwatkinsgord: my dad's with Zen, he is quite happy with them despite only getting 6 MBit a mile from the exchange (small village)09:11
ikoniaZen are golden09:12
gord6mbit on fibre?09:12
ikoniaI get 70MB09:12
dwatkinsI'm with BeThere - no limits, and consistently fast unencumbered internets09:12
dwatkinsgord: no, copper09:12
ikoniawell 69.809:12
gordi'm on Be, but they started blocking websites and don't have a fibre plan at all, so shopping about09:13
dwatkinsI was tempted to choose BT's fibre-to-the-cabinett 'infinity' offering, but by then I was fed up with their idiocy.09:13
gordzen basically resell that09:13
gordso its bt infinity, without the idiocy09:14
ikoniaZen will do that for you with zero idiocy09:14
dwatkinsI suspect my dad's village doesn't have that quite yet, though.09:14
ikoniaI can't speak well enough about Zen09:14
dwatkinsLine enabled for Fibre Broadband:No09:14
gordikonia, have to use their router?09:15
dwatkinssadly the equivalent tool on BeThere's website is still down09:15
bigcalmIs there a site one can use to see if fibre is coming to one's area?09:15
bigcalmWe're in a VM cabled area, so think it unlikely09:15
dwatkinsbigcalm: this might be useful: http://www.zen.co.uk/business/broadband/fibre-broadband/bt-exchanges-scheduled-to-be-fttc-enabled.aspx09:16
AlanBellBT infinity through a reseller is the way to go, I use plus net09:16
bigcalmdwatkins: ta09:16
bigcalmWow, it is coming to the local town09:17
dwatkinsI'm surprised my dad's exchange isn't on there09:17
diplobigcalm: I'm in cabled area and we already have Infinity09:17
AlanBellopenreach are putting posters on street cabinets when they get FTTC09:17
bigcalmOn google maps, our village looks to be part of the local town. So maybe we'll get it09:17
diployeah thats what made melook AlanBell09:18
diploNoticed it on one near me09:18
bigcalmIf we ever lose our Mates Rates from VM, I'll be shopping around09:18
diploYet the place I really want it ( this office ) doesnn't have it yet, but on initial release of Infinity it was supposed to be done before my estate :(09:18
diploSite doesn't work that well for checking, set to unknown at the mo09:20
directhexi'm on Infinity. not via a reseller as BT are uncapped and resellers are capped.09:22
gordif you are in a cable area, is infinity really that attractive?09:26
directhexi'm not in a cable area, sadly09:27
daubersgord: More attractive than the fail that is VM09:28
diploI was with Blueyonder then Virgin for about 12 years or so09:29
diploService went downhill over the last 2 years or so09:29
DJonesArgh, why do I spend 30 minutes checking the broadband connection, restarting the router, making sure the servers are powered up and running, only to find that the reason we've lost all internet & server access is beacuse somebody turned a mini switch off09:29
diploAny sort of torrents and the line would come to a halt09:29
diploDJones: Nagios or something to monitor switches / routers09:30
DJonesdiplo: What have can you suggest that monitors people moving their bin/handbag to knock the power switch though? 6 inch nails to nail their hands to teh desk09:31
bigcalmSounds reasonable09:32
AlanBellDJones: gaffer tape should be sufficient09:32
BigRedSput things with power switches in boxes?09:32
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:32
DJonesAlanBell: But not as much fun09:32
brobostigonmorning BigRedS09:33
DJonesBigRedS: Getting a box to put something in would be harder than getting some rocking horse manure for the weeds outside the office, for a business that can't work without its computers, IT spending is none existant09:34
diploDJones: But you would have at least known it was the switch that had gone down ?09:34
directhextoday's blogging flamebait is gonna be fun <309:34
diploAnd you can buy secure covers for power sockets, we sued them at my last place09:34
diploCleaners used to unplug things at night, including servers at branches :)09:35
DJonesI would love to get things like that, I can't even get the owners to replace the server, which has failed twice in the last year, power supply died & took 4 days to get a replacement via a junk shop (Yes, the server is that old)09:37
DJones2nd time, the 40Gb drives on the server were full and need replacing or the server needs replacing, managed to free up 500Mb space so that it'd keep running for now09:38
diploheh, we have customers like that09:39
ikoniagord: I use Zens' router for fiber, yes09:39
diploOne where someone broke some setup on a CentOS box, GLIBC_2 errors not found etc09:39
diploThat was probably a year ago, won't let us reinstall.. we just fix things as they break09:40
DJonesOur IT support firm told the directors 2 years ago that the servers were held together with stick tape & hope09:40
BigRedSThis opera-alike new-tab screen that just arrived in an update; is it part of the Ubuntu firefox modifications or are Mozilla drunk?09:40
diploheh, I miss those days DJones09:41
BigRedSDJones: telling them never works. You need to engineer downtime09:41
ikoniaBigRedS: mozilla09:41
diploI don't have to deal with these people anymore, I just fix the stuff the other guys can't now adays09:41
BigRedSit's incredibly poorly done09:41
DJonesBigRedS: I don't need to "engineer" downtime, it happens often enough on its own09:41
BigRedSDJones: if they still don't want the fixes, clearly not enough :)09:42
DJonesBigRedS: They want the fixes, they just want them for free09:42
directhexikonia, you're about a lot today. things calmer at work?09:44
DJonesMy attitude now is, if it doesn't affect me, I leave it, if I did anything, nothing would happen anyway.  I back my stuff up locally so & can keep working, I leave the rest to the people who don't know enough about it, but know enough that they won't pay for fixes09:45
BigRedSah yeah, I was broadly in that position by the time they made me redundant. I went through a long phase of working quite hard to make it obvious that we needed upgrades or changes in policy and much of it did work, but it was _so_ much extra work, and on top of the work I was supposed to be doing09:47
diploDJones: I moved to pretty much the same mindset before I left the last company... they stopped paying for stuff, they stopped paying ANY overtime etc so I just looked after myself after that09:47
BigRedSoh yeah, when I started needing to prearrange overtime I stopped doing anything unneccesary09:47
diploI think it seems we all go through the same **** but at different comapnies :)09:48
BigRedSeven got asked to stop fixing the mailserver 'cause it was 5pm once.09:48
diploWell the company that has taken over the place I worked at refuses to let me colleague fix stuff out of hours09:48
diploand the people who use the software/hardware during the day refuse to let him do anything during the say09:49
diploSo he is now doing nothing09:49
DJonesAt least you work in IT, its not even my job09:49
DJonesWhen you do get to fix things, you have the tools/support/advice etc you need09:50
diploI forget that people in here are not in IT Aswell :)09:51
diploWhat is your job DJones ? If you don't mind ?09:51
DJonesI'm the finance manager at a luxury holiday firm09:52
diplooh right, know where to get some deals now then09:54
diploSlip in some discounts as the invoices go through09:54
BigRedSah yeah, I keep making the same mistake as diplo09:55
DJonesdiplo: Just checked the price list, I can do Barbados (subject to availability) for about £45,000 per week, that does include a house manager, chef, butler, maid, laundress, boatman & a night watchman, you pay extra for food10:02
bigcalmDJones: after all of the costs of employment etc, what's the margin?10:03
DJonesWe aim to make about 15% on each booking, the villa's are owned by 3rd parties, we just act as an agent10:04
bigcalmI see10:05
bigcalmDJones: sounds like one of my main clients who rent out apartments in Paris10:06
bigcalmAnd Italy and London now10:06
DJonesTo me, what some people are prepared to pay is silly money, but I guess they've got the money and can afford it out of their loose change10:06
bigcalmI've set up vtiger and civicrm for my Father to play with. Still on the look out for a web app to manage club membership. Anybody got any suggestions for off the self, open source, Linux based apps?10:09
ubuntuuk-planet[Jo Shields] Enormity - http://apebox.org/wordpress/rants/416/10:10
diploDJones: Sorry was away... I'll book 2 weeks at that price please!10:11
DJonesDo you have your own transport/plane/boat, or do you want flights as well :)10:12
diploheh, LearJet please10:12
diploheh directhex, still trying to get people to believe you I see :)10:19
diploI think the people that don't listen are the ones you won't change there minds with proof or not10:20
BigRedSI don't remember the last time I was particularly concerned about the amount of diskspace a particular install would require10:27
BigRedSpartculary not when it's tens of MB10:27
diploI don't think they mean it like that, well not how i take it10:31
diploI feel it meant bloated as in deps etc to do anything10:31
diploOr it could be i got the wrong end of the stick :D10:33
BigRedSyeah, that's still what I meant10:42
BigRedSif AppA requires 100MB and AppB requires 6MB I'd still be more interested in how good each is than that 90MB of disk space10:42
diploSame here, but I think what I put earlier is what the others bitch about10:44
diploPointless.. but yeah10:44
oimonwhy do people on this youtube video have blue faces?11:10
oimonhint: it's not avatar or the smurfs11:11
AlanBellbecause you are using flash11:11
oimondid they break it?11:11
BigRedSflash *is* them breaking it11:11
* oimon has no sound too :-\11:11
AlanBellyeah, they announced their final version for linux and broke it on nvidia as they did so11:11
oimonsince logging into lxde i think that issue was11:11
oimonhow long has it been broken?11:12
oimoni think i didn't notice because i was usually logged into chromium which is using html5 when i'm logged in11:12
AlanBellbug 967091 has a workaround (disable accelleration)11:14
lubotu3Launchpad bug 967091 in adobe-flashplugin (Ubuntu) "Wrong tint in flash when it uses video acceleration" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96709111:14
oimonno sound in lubuntu ...any ideas anyone?11:15
oimonall i hear is hiss11:15
oimonalsamixer headphone setting is 0011:15
czajkowskiask in #lubuntu perhaps11:15
oimonit's probably related to installing lxde on top of ubuntu..i'll try them tho11:19
BigRedSif you install lubuntu-desktop then it's no excuse for breaking11:21
oimoni agree11:21
oimoninstalling lubuntu-desktop =/= installing lubuntu though11:21
oimonlots of quirky theme issues i woulnd't otherwise see11:21
popeylubuntu doesnt use pulse i think11:21
popeyoimon: you seem to change desktop a lot!11:22
oimononly since unity :s11:22
oimonlxde +xcompmgr + docky + gnome do is good for me atm and stable11:22
oimonmaybe if elementary get round to releasing i'lll be happy with that.11:22
oimoni was on gnome-fallback and happy but had odd issues with the systray and performance issues11:23
* AlanBell is using gnome-fallback at the moment11:23
* diplo is waiting for oimon to come together with a good solution before reinstalling11:23
diploTakes the hassle out of playing with lots of DE11:24
AlanBellannoyed at how much I like it compared to unity11:24
* BigRedS uses Gnome311:24
oimonlxde as presented by lubuntu is very nice11:24
BigRedSwell, gnome-session11:24
diploAlanBell: same here, partially familiarity but for me it's more becuase it's more stable11:24
oimonstock lxde is not so pretty11:24
oimoni am amazed at the speed of lxde , and functionality is equal to gnome211:25
BigRedSI tried XFCE the other day, it feels _so_ dated now I'm used to gnome session and unity11:25
BigRedSeven the ubuntu one which is basically Gnome2 prettiness11:25
AlanBellI do like lenses as a concept and I am OK with the launcher and quicklists11:26
AlanBelljust wish the nux stuff worked better11:27
dogmatic69encrypted home was the biggest mistake ever :/11:27
BigRedSI think I'd like lenses if they didn't take so long to start working11:27
AlanBellhaving an alt-tab that does what I expect is nice11:27
BigRedSand, generally, they just take a while. which is great if you're searching, but I'm normally not11:27
BigRedSso I type what I want and hit enter, and it's still got the search result from the first four characters so it runs that...11:28
BigRedSI've reverted to the old alt-tab, and when I use unity it's with only one workspace11:28
BigRedSit seems a lot like that's what it's designed for11:29
AlanBellyeah, I tend not to use additional workspaces with unity, but I did loads when I used the cube11:30
MyrttiI just configure the workspaces to be side by side rather than a grid11:31
BigRedSyeah, i just find that it's a lot less surprising on a single workspace11:32
oimoni hear synapse uses zeitgeist too11:42
oimonthe moment i get a spare hour at work i'm installing lubuntu from fresh11:43
MartijnVdSI've removed zeitgeist13:11
MartijnVdStoo much disk i/o13:11
gordMartijnVdS, is that based on any statistics?13:27
BigRedSwell, *any* I/O supporting something I don't use is too much :)13:28
gordzeitgeist is explicitly designed to minimise disk i/o, it relies on outside sources to inform it of changes to the disk13:28
gordthats the point, it doesn't. gedit says "hey Zeitgeist, i saved a file!" and Zeitgeist goes "okay, recording that!"13:28
BigRedSoh, so it only gets data from things that are aware of it?13:29
gordpretty much, though i don't know all the in's and outs and there are extensions that do random stuff, but that is the general idea13:29
daubers3I thought zeitgeist did some inotify type magic too?13:42
gordthe idea is not to have to do that, because it causes wake-ups13:43
gordi think we might do something like that explicitly for unity, to watch ~/Downloads or something13:43
daubersAh. I know it did at one point, because I kept running out of notify handles :) Not had that recently though13:43
AlanBellUbuntuOne kills your notify handles13:45
daubersHaven't noticed that too much... but don't have much in U1 anyway13:47
gordsurely u1 should be just putting a watch on each shared directory?13:50
AlanBellyeah, I put my projects directory in U1 then did a few things like branching unity and compiz there13:52
AlanBell100% CPU for a few hours and a couple of days to sync and inotify broke13:52
gordfun, filed a bug? u1 shouldn't make that many handles13:53
AlanBellI now don't use U1 for that kind of area where I could suddenly create a few thousand small files13:53
popeywfm ⍨13:53
BigRedSsurely all that was under some other version control anyway?13:54
AlanBellBigRedS: sure, I just pointed U1 at my projects folder because it would be nice to have it sync to other machines13:54
MartijnVdSgord: it's based on my experience13:55
MartijnVdSgord: system slow. Purge zeitgeist, kill zeitgeist. System fast.13:56
AlanBellwhat php performance tweaks are good to do? I have installed php-apc, is there other magic stuff to make it fast?14:01
BigRedSAlanBell: depends on the site generally. There's some tuning of APC you can do but it's rarely needed14:02
BigRedSgenerally, the biggest problem with running PHP is the programmer14:02
BigRedSmost tweaks we make are to send MySQL query stats to the programmer and get them to not do such stupid things with the database14:03
AlanBellyeah, I think this could use some optimisation14:05
AlanBellpushing bigish data into vtiger14:05
bigcalmAlanBell: my dad finally got to play with vtiger. Well, he looked at the site I set up for him. Haven't heard anything for a few days. I feel for his safety14:08
AlanBellis memcached as exciting as it sounds?14:08
mgdmit's nto exciting, but it really works14:09
diploGuys use it at my work place, not had any need to touch it myself yet14:09
diploDon't FB use it in a big way14:09
AlanBellyeah, I think they wrote it14:09
mgdmyeah, they have a couple of hundred terabytes of it14:09
mgdmAlanBell: No, LiveJournal did14:09
AlanBelloh, ok14:10
mgdmAPC is the obvious PHP tweak. Memcached is not something you can just drop in, unless your app is built for it14:10
AlanBellBigRedS: how do you get the mysql query stats?14:11
bigcalmTake cakephp 1.1 app that works on php 5.2. Upgrade to PHP 5.3 and find the cakephp 1.1 app doesn't work. Install APC. Cakephp 1.1 app works!14:12
bigcalmAPC is magic14:12
mgdmbigcalm: that's just weird, there is no reason for that to happen14:12
mgdmAlanBell: there are tools like xhprof which can show you really detailed things about the guts of your app14:12
bigcalmmgdm: I agree14:12
mgdmbut that might be a little low level14:12
mgdmNew Relic is *really* nice, but $$$14:13
bigcalmhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/-/dp/B003BIFSFK £47 quid to add traffic fun to my satnav. Is it worth it I wonder?14:18
balorczajkowski, Are you honestly trying to convince people to move from git to bzr?14:21
czajkowskibalor: hello there :)14:24
czajkowskibalor: I dont need to convience was meerly pointing out a useful document14:24
* AlanBell wonders if launchpad will support git code hosting at some point14:25
balorczajkowski, ah.  I have used bazaar since before its tla days, and even I've switched to git.14:25
AlanBellto be honest what I want it to do is render documentation like github does with the README.md stuff14:25
czajkowskibalor: yes but you're not normal now are you :)14:26
balorczajkowski, probably not.  I prefer darcs to either bzr or git.  But the rest of the world uses git, so I have to conform.14:27
czajkowskihah you conform14:29
czajkowskinow there is a first :)14:29
balorczajkowski, They're making me use Windows in work14:30
czajkowskibalor: and you haven't stomped your feet14:31
czajkowskifor shame! :)14:31
czajkowskicall yourself a geek :p14:31
BigRedSAlanBell: slow query log14:31
BigRedSit's in the my.cnf, then there's a mysql slow query log analyser which was from maatkit and I think is now offline14:31
BigRedSI can send you a copy though. The guy who wrote it went to percona and stopped being so freely useful :)14:31
BigRedS99% of the time you can just check the logs yourself and sneakily add indexes, but sometimes you can see that four million rows are being selected and the page is only showing the first five or something14:32
balorczajkowski, I've been stomping for years.  It's now time to give them what they want, and then see if they actually want it.14:32
czajkowskibalor: hehe14:33
AlanBellBigRedS: that would be cool, I just turned on slow query logging and non-indexed queries, doesn't look like it makes any unindexed queries14:38
AlanBelljust rather a *lot* of small queries I expect14:38
daubersI'd forgotten how much better my sennheisers where than my logitech USB headphones14:39
bigcalmAlanBell: I had this same problem last week. Logging didn't show me what was wrong. Ended up using micro timers in the PHP around functions until I found the one taking up the most time14:39
BigRedSAlanBell: what is this you're running? If it's a 'proper' project (i.e. OSS) it's probably fine14:40
BigRedSbut custom-written things seem to almost always completely misuse the db14:40
bigcalmYep :D14:40
bigcalmDealing with code from 2001 isn't healthy14:40
AlanBellBigRedS: vtiger, it is open source14:40
BigRedSyou can profile the php, too, but it's less easy. The old adage of not optimising until you've run the code, have detected that it's slow *and* defined 'acceptable' holds, though :)14:41
BigRedSAlanBell: ah, yeah, that's likely to be fairly well behaved, then :)14:41
AlanBellthe web services API to it is kinda sluggish (in fact the whole thing is underperforming a bit)14:41
mgdmxhprof \o/14:41
BigRedSyeah, I was just going to say that there's proper tools for profiling these things, and mgdm will know what they are :)14:42
* diplo takes a look at xhprof14:47
diploMight have to have a play with that xhprof15:01
AlanBelllogging sql queries is quite instructive15:01
diploLooks quite good, never bothered profiling any of our stuff before15:01
AlanBellusing web services to create one contact record causes 118 sql queries to happen15:01
diplojeesh, thatvtiger?15:02
diploMy space bar sucks! :(15:02
AlanBellyeah, viger15:03
diploSeems a quite good package, took a look the other week after you mentioned it15:03
diploczajkowski: Any ideas on pay on that job you just posted?15:04
czajkowskidiplo: nope sorry15:04
AlanBellyeah, it is OK for a PHP application, and performs fine most of the time, I just think it can go faster15:04
* AlanBell always used to take toys apart to make them go faster15:05
diploheh, why not if it's there to be tinkered with tinker away15:05
diploBut as you say 118 queries15:05
diploWe have had to catch our developers on simialr issues with our in house app AlanBell15:06
diploThey were loading every .js .css file on every page loaded15:06
AlanBellit does 112 selects and 6 inserts15:06
AlanBellI am thinking of getting my import routine to generate those inserts and cut out the other junk15:07
diploIt was putting 2+ sec time on loads15:07
czajkowskidiplo: you can always ask HR or talk to them they know  tbh15:07
diployeah, wasn't 100% interested in the job.. peeked my interest a little15:08
diplothanks, will keep it in mind15:08
diploAre Canonical quite flexible on hours ?15:08
diploSo say i started at 8am and finished at 5pm, but one day a week i couldn't start till 9am..15:09
diploDo they allow for stuff like that ?15:09
diploBeen interested in a few jobs on the site, but in my situation now I need to be able to sort my kids out15:09
diplo*From your experience ( Not asking for a definitive answer )15:10
diploAlanBell: Lot's of tables to have that many inserts/selects ?15:10
AlanBellyeah, it is a full tablefest15:10
diploheh, nothing ever prepared me for SAP's structure and I don't think anything can ever be as bad15:12
directhexdavical is ~40 tables15:13
TheOpenSourcerervtiger ~ 50015:13
czajkowskidiplo: very kid friendly15:13
directhexTheOpenSourcerer, davical is just a calendar server15:13
czajkowskisome folks start later to do school runs15:13
czajkowskiothers finish early to do schools, and others split it really depends on the team but it is very flexible15:14
gordthat reminds me, need to fabricate some children so i can have "emergencies".. "oh no, timmy ran into the chainsaw in the garage again, gotta go take him to the video games. i mean hospital. hospital not video games"15:14
TheOpenSourcererYeah - I know directhex15:14
diploSAPs initial install for the DB was 120GB empty.... i think15:14
diplofrom memory15:14
diploThat's exactly my issue czajkowski, thanks, drop them at school @ 8:30 and pick up at 3:30 on amonday and once every other friday15:15
czajkowskigord: Tim.. Tim..... TIMMY!!!15:15
diploWorried that will cause me issues in other companies, currents one is flexible but I'm really not enjoying my job :(15:15
czajkowskidiplo: pretty standard from what I can see, I dont' have kids, but most of my team does and nobody bats an eyelid15:15
diploheh gord, just read yours15:18
TheOpenSourcererwe are [will be] a child friendly employer15:18
diploMust send you my CV at some point :)15:19
TheOpenSourcererFeel free to do that diplo15:19
* AlanBell thoroughly approves of child labour15:19
* mgdm has a talk he has done on occasion about making websites fast15:19
mgdmI'll dig out the slides if anyone wants15:19
diploI really think my 5 year old wants to do more, I'm scared to let him on to the PC's to much15:19
AlanBelloh, does child friendly not mean that?15:19
diplomgdm: I'm interested15:20
mgdmdiplo: email me your address - mgdm@php.net - it'll help me remember :-)15:20
mgdmwhe I say 'address' I mean 'email', clearly :)15:20
TheOpenSourcererMy son is beating me up - he wants MOAR SPEED on his PC - to play Minecraft... And do stop-motion videos15:21
TheOpenSourcererIt's pretty old now so I do feel for him... An AMD 3400+ IIRC15:21
diploDone, as I'd forget otherwise15:21
diploTheOpenSourcerer: How old ?15:22
TheOpenSourcererThis is the kind pof thing he's into: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOqT711zQWo15:22
diploAh mines only 5, turning 6 in Sept. But about 9 in his head :)15:22
TheOpenSourcererI have a 7yr old too.15:23
TheOpenSourcererhe's also needing moar speed.15:23
diploSo clever, the 4 year old was on the laptop I have for them the other day trying to swipe the screen to change pages, wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry15:23
mattidiplo: Hahah15:24
diploWouldn't have had  a clue at their agge15:24
TheOpenSourcererI introduced them to Scratch a few weeks ago. gave them a 1/2 hr run through then left them to it. They made a simple Pacman type game in a few hours.15:24
diplomgdm: Guessing that would explain some of the php knowledge from the email address :)15:25
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: what video card does it have?15:26
TheOpenSourcererSome (very)old nvidia thinggy15:26
TheOpenSourcererwith 4 stream processors running at 30Hz IIRC.15:27
popeyfind out what it is, I may have a better one you can have15:27
TheOpenSourcererNot PCIe15:27
mgdmdiplo: possibly :-)15:27
TheOpenSourcereror anything later15:27
TheOpenSourcererMobo is an Asus asus A8N-SLI Delux IIRC15:28
TheOpenSourcererAhh - So it will be PCIe15:28
popeyi have one in my old desktop15:28
popeyi may have something, lemme look when i get home15:29
TheOpenSourcererI'll do a lspci on it. I can WoL it from here.15:29
TheOpenSourcererpopey: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV37GL [Quadro FX 330/GeForce PCX 5300] (rev a2)15:34
jacobwTheOpenSourcerer: scratch is used by the open university16:13
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ali1234scratch is app inventor renamed right?16:54
jacobwi don't think so16:56
ali1234the "programming language" part looks identical16:56
Flashtekdamnit.. why can't i change my V5c addresses online...17:20
AlanBell ali1234 scratch pre-dates app inventor by some margin17:43
ali1234yeah i saw that. they are closely related though. makes sense that google gave the source to MIT too17:44
ali1234also: submitted merge request with spelling fixes. maintainer merges it, and spells my name wrong :)17:45
AlanBellhttp://ronaldbradford.com/blog/last_insert_idexpr-the-lesser-known-usage-2007-09-12/ this is the slowest query that mysql does17:45
AlanBellupdate vtiger_crmentity_seq set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);17:46
diploevening all17:51
MartijnVdSali1234: I get that all the time17:52
diplo10.10 dual screen, I have a 24" 2407 and 20" 2007, 20" on the left and landscape17:53
diploCan't get nvidia settings to change on the left screen17:53
diploAny tips / tools any one can recommend ?17:53
ali1234change what?17:54
MartijnVdSdiplo: buy intel :P\17:54
mgdmAlanBell: there's no way on earth that can be the slowest query17:54
diploThe orientation ( missed that bit )17:54
diploGot intel on board, this is a 8800GTX17:54
ali1234i didn't know nvidia settings could do that17:55
AlanBellmgdm: thats what I thought too17:55
mgdmt might have been in that particular run17:55
diploIt can't that I can find ali123417:55
mgdmthe important thing about profiling is don't get hung up on the outliers17:55
diploTrying to find something else if possible17:55
mgdmlook at the 95% time17:55
AlanBellreally, it is that17:56
AlanBellpt-query-digest mysql-slow.log    ->    http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049546/17:57
AlanBellso, that is two cold runs of inserting 100 contacts through the web services interface17:59
AlanBellthe PARTITIONS and TABLES queries don't count as they only happened once per restart of mysql17:59
AlanBellyeah, I am trying to understand the side effects of LAST_INSERT_ID18:00
diploI use it on my sites AlanBell probably for similar reasons, as it's for my contact info i use it on mine18:01
AlanBellit does a vast number of queries on the vtiger_ws_entity_fieldtype table which mostly return nothing, but they return fast18:02
AlanBellI am not sure if this measures all of the overhead for doing a query18:02
AlanBellmgdm: I am seeing lots of places to download xhprof from but it isn't in the repos, which installation method would you recommend?18:07
mgdmAlanBell: github.com/preinheimer/xhprof18:08
mgdmAlanBell: that variant makes the UI somewhat less insane18:08
mgdmAlanBell: you can compile the extension as long as you have 'php5-dev' installed - go into the extension directory and do 'phpize', './configure', 'make', then 'sudo make install'18:09
mgdmAlanBell: it only puts one file into the PHP modules dir, and then you need to put 'extension=xhprof.so' into /etc/php5/conf.d/xhprof.ini18:09
directhexhttp://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2011/12/08/kingston-hyper-x-240gb-review/1 for £132 delivered.18:18
diploBefore I pick a random scrolling banner like this one, can anyone recommend anything ?18:23
mgdmdirecthex: nice18:24
mgdmdiplo: I used jQuery Cycle for that18:24
diplota, taking a look now18:25
diploWell me and js still don't get on :)19:00
* diplo goes watch telly for a bit and come back to it19:00
diploCould be the hacking I'm doing to Joomla, and breaking something there though :)19:00
mgdmI don't get on with Joomla19:03
diploheh, a few people recommended it19:14
diploBeen asked if I can replace http://www.peopleagainstpoverty.com site19:14
diploAnd I want mainly styling with a few added extras19:14
diploI knew if i came back to it I'd fix it :)19:32
MartijnVdSPendulum: Aw.. you're splitting up? http://www.supajam.com/news/story/Pendulum-to-split-up?tr=619079519:35
DJonesdiplo: If you do replace that website, run a spell check on the trustee's page before it goes public19:35
diploheh, never looked at it. It's a charity where I work.. I like one of the girls in there :)19:37
diploWill do though, and will advise them.19:37
* diplo looks now actually19:37
DJonesWhich charity do you work for?19:37
diploNot me, the PAP website people are a charity, I've done some work for them recently19:38
diploHelping out to get in a girls good books :)19:38
DJonesRight, I'm with you19:38
diploI said I'd have a look and see how much work is involved19:39
diploSeems ok so far19:39
mattttv advertisement for the macbook pro19:43
matttdon't recall seeing those before19:43
diploSo the Majority of this is going to be CSS19:45
diploA little hacking19:45
diploMight say I will do it :)19:45
mgdmI redid my website recently, wrote the CSS using LESS instead19:45
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mgdmwhich is like CSS, but you can nest things and use variables19:48
mgdmso instead of remembering your link colour is #33f you can define @linkcolor = #33f and use @linkcolor everywhere :-)19:48
MartijnVdSmgdm: they're adding support to Webkit for variables19:49
mgdmMartijnVdS: aye, but it's not quite the same thing19:49
diploMight take a look at that mgdm, done a lot less web deb stuff in last few months19:49
mgdmthe variables in LESS are a little more like #defines in the C preprocessor19:50
AlanBellyeah variables in CSS make a heap of sense19:50
MartijnVdSmgdm: aren't the webkit/css variables mostly the same?19:50
mgdmHmm, actually, disregard that, i'd mixed them up with something19:50
mgdmMartijnVdS: I was thinking of something else19:50
AlanBelleven if they were *just* for colours they would be really useful19:51
popeyhttp://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/ \o/20:06
MartijnVdSooh it's public20:06
MartijnVdSlots of very basic questions20:07
MartijnVdSto be expected of course :)20:07
ali1234i see lots of questions that are exact dulicates of questions on other sites20:09
popeythats not surprising at all20:10
mcphailthe only question I'm interested in is "when will mine pop through the letterbox?"20:11
MartijnVdSit's a whole new group of people discovering Linux20:11
MartijnVdSand not the most polished distro either20:11
MartijnVdSso questions like that are to be expected20:11
diplomcphail: +120:12
diploMy work colleage has had his 2 weeks and it's still sat on his desk doing nothing :(20:12
MartijnVdSI have mine on my desk20:13
MartijnVdSin a nice case20:13
mcphailmine will be getting sellotaped to the back of the tv20:13
MartijnVdSI've installed Raspbian20:13
diploI'm going to get a few eventually, I want 2 xbmc ones, and one as a low powered server to monitor stuff and maybe house automation eventually20:14
ali1234the quality of answers is really poor too :(20:14
MartijnVdSali1234: that you can fix20:14
diploali1234: I'd agree with that, people answering with more questions really :)20:14
ali1234again, i'm not going to answer the same questions here that i've already answered on other sites20:15
mcphaildiplo: i can recommed a sheevaplug as a low power arm server. I'm not sure the rasp pi is quite up to the task20:15
ali1234which is why the answers are so poor, probably20:15
ali1234this site shouldn't exist, all these questions should be asked on the main SE sites, where they will be instantly marked as duplicates of the questions with existing good answers20:15
BigRedSit does seem a little over-specific, but then there is the thinkpadlinux thing...20:16
ali1234here is a classic example: http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/258/how-to-program-a-usb-device-with-debian-python?rq=120:17
ali1234that question has nothing at all to do with raspberry pi20:17
* mgdm never got into stackoverflow20:18
BigRedSIs that notably different from a question about bash scripting on a Ubuntu forum?20:18
mgdmI search it, but have never asked or answered a question20:19
ali1234no, it isn't20:19
ali1234but stack exchange isn't a forum20:19
BigRedSwell, a ubuntu stack exchange thing then20:20
ali1234many people believe ask ubuntu shouldn't be a separate site either, and when it comes to thing like prgramming questions, they often get moved to main SE sites20:20
ali1234if you ask a questionthat somehow involves ubuntu-specific APIs (like unity integration, or using quickly) then that's one thing20:21
ali1234but if, for example, you ask a question like "how do i write a usb driver for my webcam?" then the question will at best be moved somewhere else, or at worst receive only bad answers (or no answers at all)20:22
ali1234this is also why stack exchange discourages sites aimed at "beginners" and also dumped the tag for "beginner" questions. it's because if you make a site like that only beginners will use it and you won't ever get good answers.20:23
BigRedSyeah, beginner forums only work if you've already got a big community with experienced people who specifically want to help them20:26
BigRedSand even then they don't really20:27
BigRedSgood morning20:33
kane1309hello how do i get my minecraft in termial i forgot20:34
BigRedSer,   java -jar <minecraft jar file>   I think?20:36
BigRedSIt's been a long time since I've played Minecraft; didn't it say it on the downloads page?20:37
DJoneskane1309: java -jar minecraft.jar (I think)20:37
AlanBellmgdm: I am struggling to get xhprof to do anything :(20:45
mgdmAlanBell: :/20:46
AlanBellI have installed it and referenced it in /etc/php5/conf.d/xhprof20:46
AlanBellphp -m shows it is loaded20:46
mgdmdid you set up the UI and add the header and footer include files?20:46
AlanBellI tried to20:46
AlanBellnot entirely clear where the header and footer includes go, it says in a vhost20:47
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1049899/ not sure if that is right, just sticking them at the bottom20:48
mgdmthat's fine20:48
AlanBellrestarted apache, there doesn't appear to be any output happening in /tmp20:49
mgdmHmmm? It should go into MySQL20:49
AlanBellhow does it know to go there?20:50
mgdmwhen you set up the UI stuff there's meant to be a config file to tell it how to store it20:50
mgdmthought that was in the instructions somewhere, evidently not20:50
AlanBellah, and the footer and header reference that, ok20:50
AlanBellok, so I set up an empty database, with an xhprof user and added that to the config20:51
mgdmthere's a file somewhere with the table structure20:52
mgdmsorry, this is a little vague, i'm doing two things at once20:52
AlanBellmgdm: ok, getting there I think :)20:58
mgdmAlanBell: *phew* :)20:59
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/callgraphs/ comedy callgraphs21:37
diplobloomin eck21:38
diploBig graph21:38
mgdmxhprof is great for having a comedy big black line going 'this is where you screwed up'21:44
mgdmglad you got it working :)21:44
mgdmthere's nothing really obviously wrong there, though21:44
keir_my tab autocomplete in terminal emulators (xfterm, xterm) seems to have stopped working, any ideas on what might be going wrong/how i could get it back?22:06
mcphailkeir_: have you changed shell? are you using bash?22:09
keir_mcphail, am using bash, havent changed shell, recently upgraded to 12.04 which I assume is what broke things...22:14
keir_when I ssh in it works fine22:14
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
popeygedit some file23:18
popeyin the terminal press ctrl+\23:18
popeyit core dumps here23:18
ali1234what is ctrl+\23:19
popeythe key next to z ☺23:20
popeyI dunno, i hit it by accident23:20
popeyand the editor crapped itself23:20
ali1234yeah it segfaults here too23:20
popeyits not just gedit23:21
popeytried gcalctool23:21
ali1234so what signal is that sending?23:21
* popey straces23:21
ali1234maybe it sends sig11?23:22
ali1234ie SEGV23:22
ali1234which would be handy for testing crash handlers23:22
ali1234no, that does something different23:23
ali1234well i was close23:25
ali1234behaviour is intended23:25
ali1234"Under most UNIX based operating systems control-\ is used to terminate a running process from a command shell and have it produce a memory core dump by sending it a SIGQUIT signal."23:26
popey   golly23:27
dubac0http://www.canon-europe.com/Support/Consumer_Products/products/printers/Laser/i-SENSYS_LBP7200Cdn.aspx?DLtcmuri=tcm:13-846492&page=1&type=download would this work with ubuntu?23:48
dubac0cannon i-sensys lbp7200cdn         ubuntu 12.0423:49
dubac0how to get that working as a network printer?23:49
ali1234oh wait it's driver version 2.4 not linux version 2.423:49
dubac0ali1234: so it may work?23:51
ali1234i don't know23:51

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