
rick_h_woot! it worked! 120GB of more space just by popping off the keyboard00:08
rick_h_hah, iotop showing 80-90M/s write wheee00:12
snap-lrick_h_: Awesome.00:13
rick_h_man, a long time since I edited an fstab00:23
brouschkicking the MBP to the curb. I couldn't get it working with the projector tonight02:03
Blazeixunder mac os or linux?02:04
Blazeixusing xrandr? i'm thinking about buying the new macbook pro.02:05
Blazeixso i want to hear everybody's complaints :)02:05
rick_h_if it's an older nvidia it doesn't support xrandr I thought.02:06
brouschI tried built in monitor settings and nvidia, but neither would see the projector02:06
brouschI can't trust it, so it is no good to me02:07
brouschBlazeix: I would not count on Linux running 100% on Apple hardware02:08
brouschHad to use extra drivers and a PPA02:08
brouschAnd this one is 3 years old. I imagine it's worse for newer models02:09
snap-lBlazeix: I'd try it, and know that Macs have great resale02:10
Blazeixyeah, i know i'm in for some pain02:10
Blazeixi think i'm going to let one of my friends guinea pig it first02:11
brouschAlso, are you a nipple man?02:12
Blazeixyou know it02:12
Blazeixthat's going to be a tough adjustment02:12
brouschTakes a lot of getting used to02:12
Blazeixthough i do have a nice wireless mouse that i carry around02:13
Blazeixso i might use that as a crutch02:13
brouschI put the SSD back into the Dell, and it all still works, again02:17
brouschI missed my nipple, delete key, and function keys without having to hold down funct02:41
snap-l"brousch: I missed my nipple," <- Yes, I'm 12, and I snickered.10:39
snap-lGetting the itch to move things in the den again10:54
snap-lThinking I can make some more "space" by moving the file cabinet where the printer rests.10:55
snap-lOf course, this revalation made itself apparent _after_ I bought a 15ft cable for it10:55
rick_h_moving time!11:06
snap-ljcastro: Got the Fan Pack for Rush's Clockwork Angels yesterday11:28
rick_h_ubuntu porta-john? http://goo.gl/GcPI212:27
shakes808Good moring12:33
nullspacerick_h_: be human to others and light a match12:37
nullspaceoh wait it's a cluster12:40
shakes808I will be MIA tomorrow for CHC, I have my son this week and have to pick him up from the babysitter's12:58
rick_h_party on sir!12:58
shakes808and btw, happy fasha's day to all the fasha's in the room!12:59
snap-lGood morning13:18
snap-lWow, those pandaboards aren't that expensive, but when you add up 96 of them, that's 16704.00 (if you bought them from digikey)13:20
snap-lAnd you'd have to find another retailer, because they only have 20 in stock13:20
snap-lAh, my bad, they only have 48 boards13:21
snap-lso it's only 835213:21
rick_h_yea, somewhere somone filed a grant and paid for them all13:24
rick_h__stink_: you get anywhere with your issue yesterday? Never heard back13:24
snap-lMy problem would be finding interesting problems for it13:25
rick_h_flac conversions can only go on so long :)13:25
snap-lrun benchmarks is not exactly earth-shattering13:25
rick_h_but but but...it's solar!13:25
snap-lThat part is intriguing13:25
rick_h_turn it into a single webserver for openmetalcast13:25
snap-lespecially in Michigan. ;)13:26
snap-lrick_h_: Hah. :)13:26
rick_h_lol https://twitter.com/tylercoan/status/215058385136140289/photo/113:26
snap-l"Honey, I need to run a hadoop cluster so I can find out how many people aren't listening to my podcast"13:26
brouschsnap-l: Your wife is an astronomer, correct? I'm sure she has a lot of interesting problems it could crunch on.13:27
shakes808snap-l: what panda boards are you talking about?13:27
snap-lbrousch: Oh, definitely. But she's not quite there yet.13:27
snap-lshakes808: http://goo.gl/GcPI213:28
snap-lrick_h_: That picture is stupid13:28
snap-lEveryone knows tablets sucked before Apple did them. ;)13:28
snap-lhttp://codeinthehole.com/writing/a-data-migration-for-every-django-project/ <- Finally, a Django data migration that doesn't begin with "DROP DATABASE foo"13:30
rick_h_started using alembic for bookie, likey!13:33
rick_h_fixes a big issue with sqlalchemy-migration, you can use it with git13:33
nixternalsnap-l: no, everyone knows tablets sucked before samsung, motorola, and asus did them (thank you android!)13:33
nixternali will agree though, apple did make the tablet hip again13:34
nixternalthough, a totally different tablet. not the tablets from years ago with windows xp on them. those things were awful13:34
snap-lnixternal: point/ match13:35
nixternalthat might be the only thing i understand from tennis, so don't do that again :p13:36
snap-lnixternal: You're one up on me. ;)13:39
nixternalsee, i thought that meant something different, so i didn't even understand that. only thing close to tennis that i play is beer pong :D13:42
brouschNo, he's 15-love on you13:42
nixternaloh shit, here we go13:43
brouschI would make a deuce pun, but you would turn it into a poop joke13:48
nixternalto late13:48
_stink_rick_h_: i ended up throwing in a span that on('click') does button.fire('click').  this will have to do for now because i am up against some deadlines for functionality.  but i will come back to it in a few weeks and bug you/others again :)14:01
rick_h__stink_: yea, make it out to CHC sometime and we can refactor it up14:01
_stink_thank you sir14:01
rick_h_sounds like some <3 if you've got model stuff doing UI stuff14:02
_stink_yeah.  it's get it done time.  i have until end June for a project that really should be about 3 months14:03
rick_h_yea, gotcha, been there14:03
_stink_and our ability to campaign to prospects depends on it.14:03
jrwrenthat solar cluster looks awesome. I'd like to see how they did the power. DC-DC or did they go DC-AC-DC?14:08
rick_h_krondor: hey, thanks for the suggestion on the yubikey lastpass stuff14:51
rick_h_ended up having to get a new key, but cool stuff now14:51
brouschIs lastpass free?14:53
rick_h_yea, but you have to pay for the 2-factor. Think it was something liek $12 for the year14:53
brouschUnconscionable! Everything should be free!14:54
krondorrick_h_:  no problem, does it work with NFC on your phone?14:54
rick_h_krondor: oh, no not sure how that'd work. I'd need a NFC on the laptop then right14:54
krondorno you'd need the lastpass droid app to be smart enough to do nfc14:55
krondoror nfc on the laptop too I spose14:55
krondorit's supposed to work I think, which would be neat; http://blog.lastpass.com/2012/03/introducing-lastpass-mobile-support-for.html14:57
rick_h_oh, I don't have one of those yubikeys, but a nano14:58
krondorah ok thought you had the NFC yubi, still nice to have two factor :)14:59
rick_h_yea, when I launch chrome it pops up my 2-factor inptu box, touch the button, and done passwords automatic from there on out15:00
rick_h_ooh, this is kind of sweet for locking down on the phone.15:00
krondorbrousch:  you don't have to pay for google authenticator two factor, but you do have to pay for yubikey and the mobile app15:02
rick_h_yea, I just use the heck out of the chrome extension, so it adds another layer of security on top of that for me15:02
rick_h_since I use the yubikey for work already, it's not like it's a new/additional device/etc to deal with15:03
snap-lOh well16:03
brouschMy inside source has mentioned that they are a PITA16:05
snap-lbrousch: They were a PITA when I was an inside source.16:05
brouschI think wordpress got hacked and spammed people16:06
greg-gwow, sourceforge is just jettisening a ton, eh?16:07
brouschKeeping all of those crufty PHP apps up to date is a hassle16:08
brouschEspecially if they're bleeding developers16:09
jrwreni don't understand their revenue model? ads ?16:09
snap-lNot if, because16:09
brouschjrwren: Yes16:10
brouschOn the download pages16:10
snap-lI'm about ready to pull my piddly-fart projects off of sf.net and put them up on github16:12
snap-lOr put up a gitorious instance for them.16:13
jrwrengithub please.16:14
* rick_h_ feels obligated to say launchpad...but stops16:14
brouschsnap-l: I put my most recent project on GitHub :(16:14
jrwrenwhy :( ?16:14
jrwrengithub is excellent.16:15
rick_h_why sadface?16:15
brouschBecause a friend works at SF16:15
rick_h_ah, right. When's Dave getting out?16:15
jrwrenmaybe dave should go work for github :)16:16
brouschI don't know. Haven't seen him in a while16:16
brouschI think he's been bumped up to Ramm's former job16:16
rick_h_oh, good stuff...?16:17
brouschNo. It is less coding, more managing16:17
rick_h_ugh, never mind16:17
_stink_heh, i just went through the exercise of backing up my one project on SF... the backup tool gave me 500 errors.16:18
rick_h_backup == git clone ...16:19
brouschThat's a lot of errors16:19
rick_h_then, git remove remote origin && git add remote origin git@github... && git push -u origin master16:19
rick_h_jrwren: what was your ssh-agent reset thing?16:20
rick_h_my .xsessionrc seems to get skipped or have a race condition so that every few boots I don't get it16:20
_stink_yeah, i just wanted to see if it works.16:20
_stink_it doesn't.16:20
rick_h_ah, well good to know I suppose16:20
jrwrenappended to my PROMPT_COMMAND: export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=`find /tmp/ssh*  -type s -printf "%T+ %p\n" 2>/dev/null | head -1 | cut -f 2 -d " "`16:24
snap-lFunny to see all of the former SFers on github as well16:27
snap-lNate Oostendorp is developing SimpleCV on github16:32
snap-lSeveral other names I've seen are on there.16:33
snap-lWork-related, perhaps.16:33
brouschWell if you want people to contribute, I think you have to be on github16:33
snap-lYeah, and if you want download mirroring, SF.net is probably the way to go16:34
snap-lI think too the sponsored bullshit sites like SlashBI and their HTML5 site (along with the just discovered goparallel site) are big turn-offs16:35
brouschheh, goparallel16:37
brouschslurping projects from other places16:37
snap-lhttp://paste.mitechie.com/show/zfg0PrWKDDOO2NaEmaVv/ <- Read the link at the bottom, and see what it might spell backward. ;)16:39
rick_h_+        self.assertEqual([dict(foo='bar')], calls)16:39
_stink_snap-l: haha16:39
rick_h_man, IE9 has this awful UI aroud the url bar/tabs17:45
brouschIt's called "Windows"17:46
greg-gbrousch: are you a professional zinger?17:50
greg-gor should that be "zing!er"17:50
brouschIs that a profession?17:51
greg-gwell, you seem to do it all day, so I firgured...17:51
rick_h_practice practice practice!17:52
rick_h_kind of cool http://arc.clients.sightmachine.com/18:31
rick_h_yea, looks like the webui they're building around their product18:34
rick_h_example of a fish tank there with some feeding going on18:34
rick_h_zoom ftw18:35
rick_h_got the url by zooming into the photo she posted18:37
snap-lArgh. Packt is having a game programming sale, but it doesn't cover the one book that I was interested in: Irrlicht19:38
brouschsnap-l: complain to them19:38
derekv2I have a server I need to start, it has no automatic startup script20:07
derekv2so i want to make an upstart config for it I think20:07
derekv2the manual startup process is it ( beleive it or not ) run one script, wait until startup succeeds, which you verify by running a second script and look to see all the processes say 'Okay' in the output of this script, then run a third script20:09
jrwrensounds terrible.20:09
jrwrenfix that part first :)20:09
brouschProfessional grade software there20:09
derekv2java developers...20:09
greg-gsound like something I would do20:10
brouschBut you wouldn't give/sell it to someone else in that state20:10
derekv2these guys like to write pages of user documentation about workarounds for shit they could have spent that time fixing20:10
greg-gsounds like you have some good doc writers on staff but no developers20:11
derekv2their temporary license expired today which i fixed by setting the system clock back20:13
derekv2sudo date --set="yesterday"20:13
greg-goh lord20:13
brouschSo you're paying for this monstrosity?20:13
derekv2well... working with it20:14
derekv2the shutdown process is even more fun20:15
derekv2it has you run ps and look for processes and kill them20:15
derekv2after you run the shutdown script20:15
brouschkillall -9 java20:15
derekv2because if you don't and there's some still running it'll fail to restart20:15
greg-g"here, please kill our shit for us, we don't know how to stop what we started. thanks for  the money, sucker!"20:16
brousch"we don't know how to stop what we started" made me lol20:16
derekv2once you let that java process out of the bottle20:16
jrwrenjava runs the enterprise.20:23
jrwreni blame this for the colapse of the internet bubble.20:24
derekv2enterprise is always going to do stuff in the most ridiculous, self hating way in order to justify its own bloat20:26
snap-lI wrote something for our solr instances at sf.net20:26
snap-lJava is pretty awful when it comes to behaving like a real program20:27
derekv2enterprise is about the game of making things cost more money while making it look like your saving money20:27
snap-lespecially if you put in something like Tomcat, because the Tomcat server forks itself and returns control to the shell20:27
snap-lso you have NFC if it started, crashed, or decided to join the circus20:28
derekv2exactly the issue21:30
derekv2i hate tomcat21:31
derekv2also this thing takes literally like 5 minutes to start up21:31
derekv2how do you develop against something like that?21:31
derekv2leave the punch cards with the operator and collect a stack of paper in the morning21:32
* rick_h_ holds back smart-alec answer21:32
snap-lderekv2: I feel your pain21:38
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=== jedney is now known as JonEdney

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