
bkerensakees: -bash: debuild: command not found00:00
bkerensa <-- build-essential is on the chroot00:00
nathwilli think hunting for a typo is the best "first bug"00:00
nathwillbecause then you work out the kinks in your setup and get familiar with the steps00:00
bkerensahttp://harvest.ubuntu.com or using advanced search on http://bugs.launchpad.net works good for that00:00
jason_When you say typos are you talking in the code or UI or both?00:02
keesbkerensa: ah yeah, precise changed things a bit. you'll need to install "devscripts" in the chroot to get debuild00:13
bkerensakees: thx00:14
keesbkerensa: np. I've updated the debian wiki page to mention that nw.00:17
bkerensakees: what is the difference between suggests and recommends00:50
nathwillnight folks00:57
nathwillsee ya tomorrow00:57
keesbkerensa: "recommends" are installed by default, but not strictly required for operation. suggests are not installed, but might be nice to have or somewhat related.01:05
bkerensakees: what is the best way to copy a file from a chroot to the normal environment?01:11
pwnguinfrom inside the chroot?01:14
pwnguinsome kind of network protocol mostlikely01:15
bkerensaa local chroot01:16
bkerensakees: the reason I ask if the debdiff I generate is not showing the changes http://paste.ubuntu.com/1048403/01:17
bkerensathat I made to brasero01:18
keesbkerensa: I just copy stuff to /tmp -- that location is the same both in and out of the chroot01:19
keesbkerensa: I thought /home was bind mounted inside it too01:19
bkerensakees: any idea why that debdiff might not show the changes? :-o01:20
keesbkerensa: in my changelogs I always mention the file that I made the changes in (helps people do merges), so I'd have said "debian/control: Added genisoimage dependency (Closes: #658789)"01:21
keesand then I would immediate say "debian/control"? I bet there is a debian/control.in file that overwrote the changes01:21
keescheck for that, and then back the change in the .in file too01:21
keesI usually work on the package from outside the schroot (with the package in my home dir), and just run the "debuild"s inside the chroot until things are the way I want them01:24
bkerensakees: is there a way to tear a .debian package into a source file?05:55
bkerensaI mean bring it back to a source state?05:56
keesbkerensa: a .deb file? no, that's just the binary outputs06:03
bkerensakees: k06:03
bkerensakees: Google made a mod_spdy debian package and we have a needs package bug open06:03
bkerensaI wanted  to see if I could have peak at their /debian directory for the package06:04
keesthey should have the .dsc file there with the binary package too06:04
bkerensait would appear not06:05
bkerensajust the .debs06:05
bkerensaunless there is a obscure repo that has more than that somewhere06:05
keeswell that's disappointing.06:07
bkerensaits just a open source project what could we expect? :P06:08
sbeattiebkerensa: you could probably base it off of the upstream debian/ directory (that they have in install/debian): http://code.google.com/p/mod-spdy/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fsrc%2Finstall%2Fdebian10:00
orebuntusbeattie's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/74c8k7k10:00
Brian_Hanyone know how to figure out what version of a package I had _before_ an upgrade?15:16
Brian_His there like an apt history file or something?  The latest nvidia driver screwed my disper config over15:17
nathwillBrian_H, /var/log/dpkg.log?15:30
nathwillBrian_H, if it's nvidia, i'd just nuke it entirely and start using nouveau, unless there's a compelling reason to do otherwise15:30
Brian_Hfor some reason the offical one just performs better on this laptop not sure why though15:35
Brian_Hnouveau works good for my arch linux laptop though :p but that one also isn't hooked up to external monitors15:36
nathwillwonder if Arch is using a newer kernel?15:56
nathwillyou might try running the quantal kernel in precise with nouveau, see if that makes a difference15:56
bkerensanathwill: you ready for today?16:12
bkerensa<bkerensa> [02:12:28] pleia2: do you have any feedback on our app which is on agenda for tomorrow? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OregonTeam/ApprovalApplication16:12
bkerensa<pleia2> [15:56:47] bkerensa: looks good :)16:12
nathwillbkerensa, yeah, i should be16:15
bkerensanathwill: if you need any help preparing just look at previous logs from their meetings16:17
nathwillbkerensa, i mean... aside from explaining what we've been up to...16:20
nathwilli dunno what's really expected...16:21
bkerensanathwill: They will likely ask the following - "How many are hear from Oregon today?", "how do you organise events?", "what are your plans for this year: the usual of release parties and global jams?",16:26
bkerensaThey might ask something about if you/we feel the loco will be sustainable.16:26
bkerensamy position on that is that there is no way to predict the sustainability of a group of volunteers and any loco that suggests they will be sustainable guaranteed is doing a bit of magic ball guessing :)16:27
nathwillhrm, i suppose.16:27
bkerensaI think stats on commits and how much development contributions go into Ubuntu might be the key16:27
bkerensaidk really16:27
bkerensaI just hope for the best this time :)16:27
nathwilli'd probably speak to the aspect of group composition and similar local user groups that we draw membership, support from and partner with16:28
nathwillfyi, may be slow to respond, everything's blowing up16:28
bkerensanathwill: ok :)16:30
Brian_Hnathwill: I would but these are "production" laptops so I need to keep them stock, the users here can't be playing with stuff they don't understand16:35
nathwillBrian_H, i assume you saw Linus' latest statement re: nvidia?16:36
Brian_Hno not yet, where might I find that16:37
Brian_HI assume it's a long laundry list of why they suck :p ?16:42
Brian_Hlol well that says it all16:43
bkerensanathwill:  the video of Linus giving them the bird https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MShbP3OpASA17:11
albrighaDid he say leeenus? Do i say it wrong? :)17:27
albrighaYeah ive seen that :)17:58
bkerensaalbrigha: hi long time no see :)18:36
bkerensanathwill: any suggestions for sushi spots out in Beaverton/Hillsboro area? I might be heading out Fri/Sat18:43
* bkerensa has to take the lady clothes and accessory shopping :s18:43
nathwillbkerensa, let me ask my buddy, i haven't done sushi since you and i went18:44
nathwillyeah, i know. it's depressing18:44
nathwillrunning to lunch now so i can be back for the meeting18:44
bkerensahi cweber1019:17
bkerensahi NTR19:18
NTRSo for this meeting, I see the mail asked for all members , if possible, to join in.19:20
NTRStill new here but would watching the proceedings  be acceptable?19:21
cweber10bkerensa: Hello, so nice to be on summer break19:21
bkerensaNTR: sure... any Oregonian who participates in any loco activity (IRC, IRL, Mailing List) is a member :) we dont have a threshold for membership other than that you participate19:27
c_smithbkerensa, am I too early to head over to the channel for the meeting?19:28
NTRSounds good, I will plan on popping in there.19:28
* c_smith hopes that bkerensa just missed his message and that he isn't having lag19:30
bkerensac_smith: you can join the channel whenever you would like its a public channel19:31
bkerensanathwill: I made some minor tweaks to the application (added a combined social following stat since the council likes that info) and our logo19:31
c_smithhmmmm, I must have missed your message on FB, bkerensa  :P19:33
nathwillok ben19:35
nathwillfyi ben, i *think* i'll be available to interface with loco-council, but things are super-dodgy at work, so not able to guarantee it19:41
nathwilljust stick around, eh?19:41
bkerensa nathwill: :P lol19:41
bkerensaSorry for the notice spam but this is a reminder that Ubuntu Oregon's application for approval is before the LoCo Council in under 20 minutes in #Ubuntu-meeting and we would appreciate your participation (Lets do it this time). Thanks Kindly! albrigha adam_g bdmurray blkperl Brian_H c_smith cweber10 cy1 el_seano kees marut nathwill NTR Odysimus pwnguin r0csteady sbeattie shirgall slangasek tgm4883 thefinn93 wendar whopper922 zenlinux zogg19:41
bkerensaj88 TRAVISG19:41
c_smithnathwill, you gotta do what you gotta do.19:41
c_smitham I right on that?19:42
Brian_HI'll join after I reboot and see if downgrading my nvidia driver fixes my issue :)19:42
nathwillc_smith, by definition, you are correct19:42
tgm4883bkerensa, i'm in that channel, ping me if I'm needed19:43
bkerensatgm4883: Would you consider stepping in if nathwill is afk/unavailable?19:43
tgm4883what would I need to do?19:44
tgm4883can I yell at people?19:44
tgm4883cause I feel like yelling today19:44
bkerensatgm4883: you can pull a Linus if they decline us again19:44
tgm4883sounds good to me :)19:44
bkerensabasically just answer their questions as best as possible19:44
bkerensaI can be in PM if you dont know any19:45
tgm4883yea lets do that19:45
bkerensanathwill: you have a substitute if you have to :)19:45
tgm4883I'm poking at a mediawiki server right now, so nothing too important19:45
c_smithI take it that "pull a Linus" means yell and tell people that the code they submitted is crap like Linus Torvalds does to Kernel devs.19:45
bkerensatgm4883: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OregonTeam/ApprovalApplication <-- for your perusal19:45
c_smithdo I have that incorrect?19:46
bkerensac_smith: or say "Well F You Nvidia"19:46
tgm48831048+ Combined Social Network Followers19:47
tgm4883does that mean 1049?19:47
tgm4883well you don't usually see such a specific number (eg 1048) followed by a + sign19:48
bkerensa+ = growth and fluctuation19:48
c_smithbkerensa, I looked over the approval application, I think that the Salem Ubuntu hour could be set to recurring, do you see that as so?19:48
bkerensahi devxdev we have a loco council meeting in #ubuntu-user at 1pm if you wanna join and listen in19:49
bkerensac_smith: I will peek and adjust as neccesary19:49
tgm4883bkerensa, I thought you just said it was in #ubuntu-meeting?19:49
devxdevbkerensa, sweet! will do :D19:50
tgm4883 #ubuntu-user is nothing19:50
c_smithdevxdev, the meeting is on #ubuntu-meeting19:50
devxdevc_smith, lol i figured one room was dead the other is packed19:51
bkerensatgm4883: huh?19:51
bkerensadevxdev: I mean #ubuntu-meeting19:51
c_smithbkerensa, you had the wrong channel for devxdev19:51
c_smithwell, it's only a mistake, and it's onlyy human to make mistakes, right?19:52
devxdevyup yup!19:52
* bkerensa goes to lobby council members in PM :P19:53
* c_smith rallies up some music and listens to it19:53
c_smith>.> lobbyist. jk19:53
c_smithat least you don't work for Microsoft, eh?19:53
bkerensahi j_white1 we have a loco council meeting in #ubuntu-meeting at 1pm if you would like to join and listen in19:54
bkerensac_smith: lobbying is an effective tool :P19:54
c_smithanyone care to hear my opinion on Electronic Arts?19:54
j_white1I am logged into that as well to see what occurs19:54
c_smithbkerensa, true that.19:54
bkerensaeveryone loves lobbying but condemns it in the end :)19:54
j_white1csmith, i am guessing it is not a good one19:55
bkerensahi jvlb we have a loco council meeting in #ubuntu-meeting at 1pm if you would like to join and listen in19:55
c_smithj_white1, yep, they have ruined my favorite games when they took over the companies: Westwood, they destroyed Command and Conquer, Maxis: destroyed their Sim games.19:55
c_smithwhich is actually fact more than opinion.19:56
c_smithany game they come across and acquire they ruin in the end.19:56
c_smithlast good C&C game? Red Alert Yuri's Revenge.19:56
j_white1^i agree with u ther19:56
c_smithbest C&C game? Red Alert 1.19:57
bkerensanathwill: so is it looking like tgm4883 should maybe? :)19:57
nathwillshould maybe what19:59
tgm4883nathwill, he's asking if you are here or not20:00
tgm4883and whether I need to fill in for  you20:00
nathwillah, yeah, but i'm only intermittently available, if you can, it would be really appreciated tgm488320:00
tgm4883but I'm telling them off if we get declined20:01
nathwillsorry. i am trying to juggle a series of cascading failures over here20:01
nathwilland yes. i would wholeheartedly back you on that20:01
nathwillok, ducking my head down again.20:01
tgm4883NTR, j_white1 I graduated a few years ago, information systems20:05
c_smith3rd on the list.20:06
c_smithbrb, putting this channel back in the main window20:07
NTRI hope to be done in two years time20:07
devxdevI may ping out but I'll brb20:09
bkerensaam I back?20:09
bkerensaahh net is back20:09
tgm4883we should all respond with the exact same thing when they ask who is from the oregon team20:09
bkerensawe should reply "Quack"20:09
tgm4883I like that20:09
j_white1no quack here. i am a wolf LOL20:10
bkerensaWhen they ask who is from Oregon just say "Quick"20:10
j_white1plus i like the beavers lol20:10
cweber10what kind of sound dose a plataus make?20:10
cweber10you know for those duck/beaver corsses who can't make up there mind :P20:11
* kees stands by in #ubuntu-meeting20:11
c_smitheven though I'm neither a Duck fan nor a Beaver fan. Minnesota Golden Gophers all the way! :P20:11
TRAVISg__Hey all20:11
bkerensahi TRAVISg20:12
c_smithhey, TRAVISg.20:12
c_smithTRAVISg, there's the Approval meeting now.20:12
TRAVISg__I am in a browser IRC20:12
TRAVISg__yeah I am there20:12
TRAVISg__Greek team looks pretty good20:12
bkerensaI thought Greece was having turmoil :P some how they can apply for approval? :P20:13
TRAVISg__I need to re-install Z-chat or something haven't wanted to mess with it again since upgrade20:13
jvlbI believe Ubuntu is apolitical.20:13
bkerensajvlb: indeed :) it was a joke20:14
tgm4883So we're responding with "Quak"?20:14
c_smithohaithar, jvlb20:14
tgm4883solidarity brother20:14
bkerensatgm4883: Quack20:14
tgm4883Quack it is then20:14
Brian_HI'm in the ubuntu-meeting chan now, anything I need to say/do?20:15
Brian_Hor just be there :p20:15
* c_smith goes and tries to capture a duck for this20:15
TRAVISg__Quack!!?? as in "what my OHP primary care provider is?"20:15
jvlbI wonder if the foreigners will get the "quack" joke?20:15
bkerensaBrian_H: When they ask who is from Oregon say "Quack"20:15
tgm4883Brian_H, when they ask who is from the Oregon team, you will need to say "Quack"20:15
bkerensajvlb: :P lets hope they dont20:16
bkerensathe idea is to puzzle them :)20:16
Brian_Hoh god20:16
tgm4883I mean, what else are we going to do on a cloudy tuesday afternoon?20:16
jvlbAha. If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, dazzle 'em with BS.20:16
TRAVISg__I love it lets all waddle in solidarity20:16
c_smithoh god is right..... puzzling them might look badly on us.20:16
devxdevwe are up :D20:17
bkerensac_smith: nah20:17
bkerensathis should be pretty easy20:17
bkerensaREMEMBER "QUACK"20:17
c_smithlooks like we have to reapply less often then I thought. every 2 years20:18
c_smithslangasek, rofl20:19
* c_smith passes out snacks20:20
jvlbjvlb eats them.20:21
* c_smith listens to music20:23
keestgm4883: if you want, you can pimp the sbuild juju charm too, which has been field-tested now at two separate bug squashing parties. :)20:23
TRAVISg__How is our documentation they asked about last time?20:24
nathwilltoo late to worry about now! :)20:25
c_smith thought it was that duck.....20:25
TRAVISg__Just thought we could mention it before them if it is shored up20:25
* kees struggles to understand the most recent question20:25
c_smithI think we may have just seen a FLOSS game dev. one from the Wesnoth team......20:26
TRAVISg__How was the Squash at PSU on saturday?20:27
devxdevtgm4883, thats true I've ran into a few people that dont want to be bothered with it..20:27
bkerensawe want the barrier to be low20:28
keesTRAVISg__: was fun! a lot of bugs not smooshed20:28
TRAVISg__Almost made it down all though would have been strictly for moral20:28
c_smithshould I mention the Hours I hold here in Salem?20:30
c_smith also, Ubuntu One is the perfect music storage20:30
NTRc_smith , Do you still hold the hours every week? in Salem,20:31
nathwillc_smith, I agree, u1 is awesome for music, i just wish i got better transfer speeds to my fone with the music app20:32
c_smithI wish I got better speeds to my PC.20:33
bkerensanathwill: anything else to throw in?20:33
devxdevto bad I have nothing to show for work on Ubuntu TV on the embedded platform atm.. I had no idea about this meeting or I'd of done something20:33
j_white1c_smith: when do you hold hours?20:34
bkerensadone deal20:34
Brian_Hcan I +1 for it :p20:34
c_smithBroadway commons Coffeehouse.20:34
j_white1Congrats guys!20:35
jvlbYee haw!20:35
tgm4883stand tall Oregon team!20:35
bkerensanathwill: you should ask if we get a precise CD kit20:35
nathwillbkerensa: i think that's a discussion for another place20:35
tgm4883<SergioMeneses> Ubuntu Oregon congratulations... and I like the "quack" thing xD20:35
shirgallI think there's a "yay" afoot20:35
tgm4883it's all about making people smile :)20:35
j_white1c_smith: when do you have hours at that coffee shop?20:35
c_smith6PM every Friday, goes until 7PM.20:36
tgm4883j_white1, I think they are 6:00 PM on Friday20:36
bkerensaWe get a banner and booth cloth now :P20:36
MarkDudeGreat job guys20:36
bkerensaand CD's every cycle20:36
bkerensabut I still like our banner better than Brian_H and co sponsored ;)20:36
c_smithwell, I'm off to eat lunch.20:36
MarkDudeCongrats to the WHOLE team.20:36
c_smithcya all.20:36
nathwillgreat job tgm4833, thanks. thanks to everyone else who showed up, too!20:36
j_white1I will have to make it to one of those. Are you having one this week?20:36
MarkDudeGreat leadership bkerensa20:36
keesnice work you guys. :)20:36
bkerensathanks MarkDude but nathwill deserves much credit he has been "putting in a lot of work" as of late20:37
bkerensaand c_smith has too20:37
bkerensaeveryone is making great contributions20:37
MarkDudeYou folks do such great stuff, that I know its not just Ubuntu Teams that can learn from you20:37
MarkDudeIts FOSS teams in general20:37
MarkDudeTy nathwill c_smith20:38
nathwilland we're just getting started :D20:38
bkerensanathwill: yeah we need to do that statewide tour this summer20:38
MarkDudeI know- that makes it even better nathwill - the OFFICIAL status will help some. And the amount you folks have done in such a short amount of time is * a bar graph going up*20:39
* MarkDude [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] the whole Team20:39
MarkDudeLooking forward to seeing all of you at OSCON20:39
MarkDudeCLS too.20:39
j_white1Congrats all! I have to get back to work. Hope to contribute more soon!20:40
nathwill:) see ya soon j_white120:40
bkerensaYeah dont forget to register for a free EXPO pass at OSCON.com with code "FREEORG" or "FREEPROJ"20:41
bkerensaand http://www.communityleadershipsummit.com20:41
TRAVISg__All right I am outta here see you all lsoon20:43
tgm4883nathwill, I forgot to ask you, where did you pull the stats that said we had X% code contributions in the last cycle (from your powerpoint)20:44
nathwilltgm4833, i parsed the launchpad membership list20:57
nathwilland compared that to the wiki page where they published contributing developers20:57
nathwillwhich i also had to parse20:57
tgm4883nathwill, I wasn't in that list ;)20:57
nathwillit was hilarious20:57
nathwilltgm4883, i'm sure my estimate was low20:57
nathwillbecause the naming conventions were different20:57
tgm4883all my contributions fall under the mythbuntu team's20:57
bkerensait would be interesting to pull stats from every release20:57
bkerensaand then track them down to locos20:58
bkerensaand publish a graph chart20:58
nathwillit would be interesting to have that ability in launchpad...20:58
nathwillbecause i don't want to do it by hand forever20:58
tgm4883LP API?20:58
nathwilltgm4833, honestly, i whipped it out as fastest, easiest way to get stats for the presentation... coming up with something else has been on my agenda, just hasn't happened yet20:59
nathwilli'm sure there's a better way20:59
bkerensaOld School Canonical Logo: https://forms.canonical.com/assets/canonical/images/logo.png21:00
* bkerensa continues poking around21:00
tgm4883nathwill, do you have a link to the contributing devs list?21:01
bkerensatgm4883: its in the 12.04 credits list21:03
bkerensatgm4883: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Credits/Developers21:08
=== kalosaurusrex is now known as Guest13511
nathwilltgm4883, what bkerensa said21:09
bkerensawhat nonsense is this >.< Canonical sending DHL tracking info to mailing list21:14
j_white1should I install Bazaar?21:15
j_white1sorry that question was for bkerensa21:15
bkerensaj_white1: yes21:17
j_white1bkerensa: thanks I was noticing on LP they only list for windows and mac the downloads.21:18
bkerensaj_white1: on Ubuntu you do "sudo apt-get install bzr"21:23
bkerensain Terminal21:23
bkerensaits a Terminal application21:23
j_white1much easier that way! thanks.21:23
j_white1I am loving using the command line to install. way easier than trying to download and install.21:24
bkerensaBtw... since were approved any loco members who want their blog syndicated on the LoCo Portal that is now a reality :)21:26
bkerensac_smith: maybe you might be interested ^21:26
devxdev^^what do you mean? where would it be displayed O_o21:38
devxdevbkerensa, here: http://www.ubuntu-oregon.org/blog/ ?21:40
nathwillbkerensa... and where's the feed? or is that just coming from fridge.ubuntu.com21:46
bkerensaloco.ubuntu.com has its own aggregator and it pulls feeds from select loco members21:47
bkerensaI would have to enroll those interested21:47
nathwillso where do you subscribe?21:49
nathwillnot to be shown, but to read21:49
bkerensayou dont its just for people who visit21:50
bkerensaI dont think loco.ubuntu.com has its own feed21:50
bkerensait just displays others items21:50
nathwilli see21:50
bkerensanathwill: more just for display on the site versus subscribing21:51
bkerensaim sure l.u.c gets lots of traffic21:51
bkerensanot as much as planet but surely enough21:51
tgm4883There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get the list of contributors22:33
tgm4883I mean that doesn't involve just parsing that page22:34
nathwilltgm4883, welcome to the pain23:05
devxdevi'm out guys ttyl23:55

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