
cortmanping bodhi_zazen16:25
bodhi_zazenhey cortman , zup ?16:39
cortmanHi bodhi_zazen16:40
cortmanWhy can't we do italics or bullet points on our wiki?16:41
bodhi_zazenyou mean wiki syntax or is it verbotten ?16:41
cortmanWiki syntax16:41
cortmanmoin moin16:41
cortmanI follow the instructions, but it just doesn't work...16:42
bodhi_zazenYou can , should be able to16:42
bodhi_zazenlinky to page16:42
cortmanOne person I talked to thought it was something to do with the wiki CSS sheets16:42
bodhi_zazenIt can to finicky at times16:42
cortmanWell, here for example16:42
bodhi_zazenOK, where do you want italics or bullet points ?16:43
cortmanJust try it anywhere16:44
cortmanI'd like some of the lists to be bullet points primarily16:44
bodhi_zazenAs I under "Hardware" ?16:45
cortmanYeah, or even under "Disclaimers"16:45
cortmanI haven't gotten it to work in any of my wiki pages yet.16:47
bodhi_zazenYep, not working , I would ask on -doc or the mailing list16:49
cortmanOK, thanks.16:50
cortmanWhat is -doc?16:50
hobgoblincortman: #ubuntu-doc16:57
cortmanoh sure thanks hobgoblin16:59
cortmanI sent an email to the mailing list16:59
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