
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
superflymorning SmilyBorg :-)06:36
SmilyBorgHey there :-)06:36
Kilosmorning superfly SmilyBorg tumbleweed and all06:40
Kilosnice to have you home tumbleweed 06:40
SmilyBorghey Kilos06:40
superflymôre oom Kilos06:42
Kiloshi psydroid 06:43
psydroidhi Kilos06:52
psydroidhi superfly06:52
Kilosyo dLimit 06:54
Kilosyou been quiet hey06:54
dLimitYeah Kilos studying.. Bad for ones social life06:55
dLimitBut I'm trying Ubuntu precise today06:55
Kilosthats good06:56
dLimitThought I'd hate it but its actually freaking awesome06:56
dLimittumbleweed: greets06:56
dLimitNot going to give mah gentoo and openbox for it but they did a very good job with it. Even unity doesn't suck that much anymore.06:57
Kilossounds good dLimit 06:57
superflyhi psydroid, dLimit, tumbleweed06:57
dLimitsuperfly: Hi.06:58
dLimitSo how are you doing Kilos ?06:58
Kilosim good ty dLimit , still on maverick06:58
dLimitI would have still been on karmic if my connection still sucked.. 07:01
dLimitKarmic was the last best.07:02
dLimitFrom lucin on everything changed07:02
Kilosna maverick is better07:02
superflyI dunno, I find 12.04 to be better than ever... oh wait, I'm using KDE :-P07:04
dLimitLol I want to get back onto the KDE bus again..07:05
Kilosno release chat would be complete without that remark poppin up07:05
Kilossuperfly, kubuntu is not available from canonical is it?07:05
superflyKilos: I don't know what you mean07:06
Kilosas in do they still supply the cd's?07:06
Kilossure i read somewhere they dropping kde07:07
Kilosyo Squirm 07:07
superflyKilos: Canonical is no longer employing the one person they used to for Kubuntu, so no, Kubuntu is no longer an official, Canonical-endorsed Ubuntu derivative... it now officially joins the ranks of Lubuntu and Xubuntu07:08
superflyWhich is interesting, since the biggest deployment of desktop Linux that Canonical has done so far is a Kubuntu deployment07:08
superflyUnity is for consumers... businesses want KDE07:09
Kiloshi NeVeR_ 07:10
Squirmand I want Gnome 2 :/07:13
KilosSquirm, did you try precise unity?07:13
Kiloshi charl 07:14
Squirmbut then again, I'm not using Ubuntu07:14
KilosdLimit, says its awesome07:14
Squirmhaven't used it since Unity started07:14
dLimitI like the dashboard with the video's07:15
Kiloswell if you have time and no data cap Squirm give it a try07:18
Kilosold saying07:19
Kilosdont knock it till youve tried it07:19
dLimitStill not switching tho.07:22
Kilosmorning sflr 07:22
sflrmorning guys!07:23
superflymorning sflr07:26
superflysflr: if you can, a real IRC client is much better than the web chat interface07:26
sflrhi superfly!07:26
Kilosxchat quassel07:27
sflrI use xchat from home. at the office it is blocked :)07:27
dLimitOr even telnetting would be better07:27
superflyif you're a command line junkie07:27
superflysflr: you have port 80 open though?07:27
sflryes, some ports are open07:28
sflrhaha, i must try telnet dLimit :)07:28
superflysflr: you can try port 8000 too07:29
dLimitalright im out cheers07:30
sflrI try that now07:32
sflrany specific server?07:32
Squirm.:Kilos:. dont knock it till youve tried it <<-- Not knocking it, I just said I prefer Gnome 207:33
sflrit says /connect is unknown command. is there alternative?07:34
superflysflr: what are you using?07:35
Kiloscan llok in mine if it might help sflr 07:36
superflysflr: ask Kilos07:37
sflrKilos, where do you change the server and port in Xchat? cant find it anywhere07:37
Kiloswhere are you in xchat now sflr 07:37
Kilosin the first little window that opens07:37
Kilosselect freenode07:37
sflrI just opened it07:38
Kilosunder networks07:38
Kilosscroll down07:38
Kilosonce selected tick edit07:38
Kiloson the right07:38
Kilosadd favourite channels07:39
sflrwait. i dont have edit option. only Connect and Close07:39
Kilosmine shows irc.freenode.net/800107:39
Kiloson the right side07:40
Kilosnot bottom07:40
sflrfirst needs to connect then. it seems port 8000 also blocked. not connecting. 07:40
Kilosshould show add, remove, edit and sort buttons07:40
sflrI stick to the webchat for now :) need to get productive07:41
Kilosno before connecting07:41
Kilosok ping me when you have time sflr 07:41
sflrKilos: screenshot of connect window http://i50.tinypic.com/2ymfuwo.png on Ubuntu 12.04, Xchat Gnome version 0.3.007:46
Kilosok i will look quick07:46
Kilossomething wrong there should show buttons on the right as well07:47
Kiloscan you drag the right side open more07:48
Kilossflr, ?07:48
Kilosand dont tick the little network list block07:49
sflrits a modal popup , nothing on the right. and no tick. lol07:50
Kilosclose it and look the first window again where you put nicks07:51
superflysflr: you need to find this window, and edit the Freenode entry: http://xchat.org/files/screenshots/xchat_screen_2.png07:52
superflyI think you need to close the connection window, and then go to Edit -> Preferences07:52
superfly(why is the preferences option in the edit menu? Gnome is seriously almost as bad as Apple)07:53
sflrthanks, found it in preferences :)07:53
sflrscreenshot can tell 999 words07:53
Kilossuperfly, whats that image link againplse07:58
Kilosthat xchat isnt working right07:59
Kilosno , the one where i send me screenshot07:59
Kilosimageshack was it07:59
superflyyes... http://imageshack.us/07:59
Kilossflr, should look like this08:02
Kilosexcuse the messy desktop08:02
Kilosaw thats a bad screenshot, half missing08:03
Kiloslost lots when pc crashed, need to find imageshack info08:06
sflrthanks Kilos, its ok for now. No time for me to fiddle around with it. The ports are blocked and need to hit the meeting rooms now :S08:07
Kilosok sflr  i will try get all the info for when you have time08:07
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
Kiloscan you guys see all the buttons in the xchat windows on this screenshot guys08:30
inetproKilos: remember that there are two different versions of xchat as well08:30
inetprogood morning BTW08:30
* inetpro is not sure which one you recommend08:30
Kilosoh ya he mustnt use xchat-gnome08:31
Kilosthat sucks08:31
Kiloshi inetpro 08:31
Kilosis my take screenshot function sick?08:31
Kiloshad to take screenshot 4 times08:45
Kilosinetpro, when he says ports are blocked. where are they blocked08:49
Kilosat work or online08:54
superflyKilos: at work08:54
Kilosah ty superfly 08:55
Kilosi dunno how to get around that08:55
superflyKilos: find another port08:56
Kilosoh he should be able to do that08:57
Kilosim lost with that stuff08:57
Kiloswill i need to study up on routers to be able to understand that better?09:01
charlhi Kilos 09:03
charlwhat seems to be the problem?09:03
charlare you trying to connect to port 8001 ?09:04
Kilosim good ty charl its steven that has prob with xchat09:06
Kilosbut he is busy now09:07
Kilosif he knows how to find another port at work he should win09:08
charlah ok cool09:16
charli never use the xchat list - i always just type /server and then manually specify09:17
charland then connect to the default 6667 port09:17
charli have had similar issues in the past09:17
Kilosah then maybe you can help him when he gets back. but first i think he should remove xchat-gnome and install xchat09:18
Kilosmaybe its me but the gnome xchat kinda sucks09:18
=== charl_ is now known as charl
Kilossjoe I'm sure ZA's internet is getting worse10:11
dLimitYeah I got 30kbps right now10:12
dLimitSuppose to be a 1meg line10:13
Kilosouch thats worse than gprs10:13
dLimitIts hardly even dialup10:16
Kilosso who is the culprit? telcom?10:19
dLimitcould be10:21
RPMmy internet is chugging today ;(10:27
charli am pretty convinced they are trying to get people to upgrade to more expensive packages10:29
charlby just progressively making the cheaper packages slower10:29
Kilosyeah typical10:30
RPMrofl.. I have a 10mbit line with a 4mbit uncapped unshaped account, and its extremely slow :(10:35
RPMeven switched to my free fnb account to see if its just the account10:35
=== RPM is now known as NeVeR_
Kilosthey will say there are too many peeps working at the moment. Please be patient10:37
Kilosat least maaz hasnt slowed down10:40
KilosPing reply from Maaz: 0.57 second(s)10:40
KilosMaaz, i love you10:41
MaazKilos Don't embarrass youself. You aren't a cyber chick10:41
Kiloscheeky bot10:41
NeVeR_Maaz, you are cool10:55
MaazNeVeR_: I already know stuff about you10:55
NeVeR_Maaz se ....10:58
MaazNeVeR_: Excuse me?10:58
NeVeR_Maaz is tripping10:58
Kiloshe is struggling to find an answer for that10:59
Kilosnuvolari, you need to get a stronger chair for the next meeting11:00
Kiloslast one fell over too easily11:00
Kiloshiya maiatoday 11:25
maiatodayhi Kilos11:26
charlhi maiatoday 11:34
maiatodayhi charl11:35
superflyhi maiatoday11:39
maiatodayhi superfly11:40
NeVeR_hi maiatoday11:45
tumbleweedI have a Quantal Quetzal male small T-shirt if anyone wants it. Let me know12:25
Kilosnearly like net splits i see12:55
KilosMaaz, coffee on12:56
* Maaz flips the salt-timer12:56
Kilosinetpro, quick coffee before you start working12:56
Kiloswb sflr 12:59
sflrhi Kilos!12:59
Kilosremove xchat-gnome and install xchat12:59
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!13:00
KilosMaaz, ty13:00
MaazYou are welcome Kilos13:01
sflrthanks Kilos, I will give a try later. I am starting an online meeting now in Google Hangouts13:01
inetproKilos: what was that?13:01
inetprooh you said coffee?13:01
* inetpro goes to switch on the kettle13:02
sflrhey inetpro13:03
inetprosflr: .13:04
sflrraisin? lol13:04
inetprohttps://plus.google.com/101962591714399883882 <-- sflr: is that you?13:07
sflri dont know. steven.scheffler@gmail.com13:08
sflrgoogle plus should introduce friendly URLs. hehe13:13
Kerberointeresting surname13:20
sflrKerbero? :)13:21
* Kilos wonders if there is any meaning in a sheeps sounds, other than a lamb screaming14:34
Kilosand the ewe answering 14:35
Kilosscared to tweet that, someone will call me a twit14:36
Kilosyo Mezenir 15:02
superflyKilos: voel 'n bietjie eensaam?15:07
* superfly is not sure if his afrikaans is still up to scratch15:08
Kilosha ha ha15:08
Kilosdit was reg gewees15:09
superflyKilos: what's the story with your visa now?15:09
Kilosi have it superfly 15:09
superflyKilos: so why aren't you in australia?15:09
Kilosthey said it took so long because of bad communication between here and perth i think it was15:10
superflyAs ek die geld gehad het, oom...15:11
Kilosdebs has had a bad run for a year with that ankylosing spondilitis and sacroiliitus so mad bills crippled her15:11
Kilosek weet my vriend15:12
Kilossal miskien sien of ek mark kan email een van die dae15:12
sflrASAP means nothing in Cape Town. #liveandlearn15:12
superflyHahaha sflr, what's the story?15:13
sflrwaiting for some documents since 1pm. i was promised that will be sent ASAP. which i thought will take around 30 minutes. hehe15:14
sflrit was a matter of attach and email. lol15:14
Kilossuperfly, maybe i need someone to hack quantas and print me a ticket15:16
superflyhehe... You need an inside contact15:17
Mezenirhey kilos15:20
Mezenirhey all15:20
superflyYo Mezenir15:20
Mezenirhey superfly15:21
Mezenirhowsit going15:21
superflyA!right, just on the journey home15:21
sflrhi Mezenir15:25
Mezenirhi sflr15:35
inetprosuperfly: did those lights come on again?16:40
superflyinetpro: they did, and the train left too... I'm home safe and sound16:42
Kilosyo smile 17:16
smilehi! :D17:17
smileinstalled ubuntu :)17:17
smileinstead of linux mint debian17:17
Kiloswell I NeVeR_ 17:17
smilewhy never? :p17:17
Kilosteasing NeVeR_ 17:17
smileoh. :p17:17
superflysmile: how do you like it?17:17
smileI like it, but it could be better even more :p17:18
smilefor example booting screen hangs17:18
superflyyeah... that's why I use KDE :-P17:18
smile[the graphics]17:18
Kilossmile, unity?17:20
smileKilos: jap. only switching between apps I don't like17:20
smilejap = yeah17:20
smilebelgian ;)17:21
Kilosoh language17:21
smileBelgian-Dutch :)17:21
Kilosyo charl 17:22
smileKilos: have you slept wel? :)17:22
Kiloslol last night?17:23
charlhi Kilos 17:23
sflrI use Ubuntu 12. 32-bit, as 64-bit fries my laptop17:23
charlhi smile 17:23
charlhi sflr 17:23
sflrhey charl17:23
charlthat's weird, how so?17:23
smilecharl: hi! :D17:23
charlsflr: what type of chipset are you using17:23
smilesflr: well I use 64 bit and livecd worked fine, but install is failing more :(17:24
sflrits Dell Latitude17:24
smilesflr: ok :D17:24
charli'm using a 6-year old fujitsu siemens that is literally falling apart17:24
sflrthe fan just goes on and the side really gets hot. keep my coffee next to it. then its like that for 5 minutes. then machine switches off. Boom!17:24
charland i can run 64-bit ubuntu without any problems17:24
Kilos64bit isnt as stable methinks17:24
Kilosian also had probs17:24
smilesflr: boom. :p17:24
charlnah 64bit is perfectly stable by now17:24
charlsflr: can't say i have ever had that issue or heard of anyone with that issue, definitely something weird that's specific to your model17:25
sflrthen I checked and Dell 'recommends' 32-bit ubuntu.lol17:25
charlah ok well... something is clearly up then17:25
smilelol, they don't like 64 bit :p17:25
sflryes, it must be model. same happens to 3 other laptops at the office17:25
charlyeah definitely something up then with that one17:26
sflrtime to upgrade I think. we cant work with burning hardware. haha17:26
charlno that sucks17:26
charlthing is you can't address more than 4GB of ram and you waste a bunch of registers17:26
charldon't know if you work with virtualisation much or heavy-weight oracle solutions but 4GB of ram is not enough anymore17:26
sflrwe will give it to windows users17:26
Kilosisnt the 64bit just heavier so you need faster pc and more ram than with 32bit17:27
charli need more than that just for a virtual machine i use for development with some oracle stuff17:27
charlKilos: the instructions are larger but you don't need a faster pc for it17:27
Kiloswhew 4 g ram17:27
sflrVM server or desktop instance?17:27
smilewe always should compare 32 & 64 bit :)17:27
charlsflr: desktop even17:27
charlno obviously you need more for servers17:27
sflryeah, was just checking17:27
sflrwe are setting up private cloud now17:28
sflrinfrastructure team very sceptical.hehe17:28
charlnice, which technology is it based on (if i am allowed to ask, no prob if not)17:28
sflrwe are benchmarking different ones currently. 17:29
sflrits for a distributed data center architecture. nothing fits so far17:29
sflrAmazon moved to Gardens in Cape Town. new fancy offices.17:30
charlamazon? interesting17:30
charlyou mean that?17:31
sflryes, AWS17:31
sflrapparently they are hiring lots of peeps suddenly17:32
charlhold on a second17:32
charlthere is a company that somebody i know works at17:32
charlthey are also partly based in cape town and partly in san francisco17:32
charllemme look up the name and see if i can find it17:32
charlthey used to / are doing work for amazon17:32
sflrok. cloud fluffs?17:33
charlthese people: http://nimbula.com/17:34
charlafaik cocooncrash also works there17:34
charli'm sure most of you didn't realise that amazon ec2 was created by two south africans17:39
charlat least led up by17:39
sflryes, there are some technical docs on the VM somewhere17:40
sflrwe use some ec2 stuff17:40
sflrNimbula sounds familiar17:41
sflrit was launched this year, I think I read it in the news then :)17:42
sflrhi cocooncrash17:42
charlafaik nimbula has been going for quite some time17:43
cocooncrashsflr: First release was a year ago actually :)17:43
charli have not been following the news17:43
charlbut russell cloran started working for them a long time ago17:43
sflryes, sorry. 2011. i am stuck in that year17:43
charli was applying for his old job at the time, that was back at naspers search engine17:43
charlended up not taking the job, might as well because they cut the whole project 2 months later17:44
sflris it public or private cloud? and which areas in the world are the datacenters?17:44
sflrnaspers search engine? google competitor?17:44
Kiloshi cocooncrash 17:44
cocooncrashsflr: It's software, not a service, so we don't run datacentres17:45
sflrthanks cocooncrash, i read up on the site before ask more stupido questions =)17:46
charlsflr: this is ancient history now but naspers were building their own search engine17:46
charlsflr: they actually had a nice thing going but they decided to cut the whole project17:46
charlsflr: the biggest problem really was that they couldn't get the darn thing to scale, even though they had some feature advantages above google at the time17:47
sflrbummer :( 17:47
charlsflr: but two months later they had a massive corporate restructuring and decided to cut the whole project and move to google17:47
sflrsjoe. architecture problems17:47
cocooncrashKilos: Hi :)17:48
sflrcharl,  what storage engine was it using?17:48
charlsflr: they were really super weird though, first they wanted to hire me, then they didn't about some stupid issues regarding me having been involved with sites such as the old muti.co.za17:49
charlsflr: then they later came back and wanted to hire me after all, they really screwed with me big time, that's what pissed me off17:49
charlso eventually i just gave them the finger17:49
charlat one point they actually claimed that i was involved with some online dating site i have never even heard of17:49
charlthat was the most ridicululous thing i have ever heard17:49
sflrhaha, but would have been a problem really?17:49
sflrmuti.co.za never heard of it :|17:51
sflrUbuntu Dapper Drake Beta. haha. good old days17:54
sflrfrom muti.co.za in 2006 http://web.archive.org/web/20060425064015/http://muti.co.za/17:54
charlsflr: i have no idea, i never took the job and never thought of asking them at the time17:55
superflyohi cocooncrash17:56
cocooncrashsuperfly: ohi17:56
superflyall well in SF?17:56
cocooncrashsuperfly: Yup, going well17:57
cocooncrash.so started her job 2 weeks ago17:57
superflyglad to hear it17:57
superflygood news!17:57
cocooncrashWe (finally) got the release out, so things are a bit calmer now17:57
Kiloshi magespawn 18:05
magespawnHey Kilos18:05
Kiloscocooncrash, dunno if you tweet but we have an account there18:10
Kilosi think its called an account18:11
Kilossflr, did they eventually deliver package18:13
sflryes Kilos, that's why I need to do work now :S18:13
smileKilos: hij is weg :o18:14
magespawnBit late at night sflr.18:14
Kiloshij =?18:15
Kilossmile, do you mean he18:15
Kilosafr is hy18:15
smilecharl is gone, i mean18:16
smileKilos: ja ek weet. maar ek het vergeet ;)18:16
Kilosthen its hy is weg18:16
Kiloslol julle jong mense mag nie vergeet nie18:16
Kilosnet ons ballies mag vergeet18:18
sflrmagespawn, was waiting for it since lunch time18:21
magespawnsflr if you do not mibd me asking, what do you do?18:23
sflrmagespawn, now? eating noodles. haha18:23
smileKilos: hoe oud is jy? :p18:24
sflrmagespawn, I work in IT18:24
Kilos61 in 4 dae smile18:24
magespawnMmm yes? Details?18:24
smileKilos: wow! :D18:25
charlhi guys18:26
sflrmagespawn, enterprise architect at an online company.18:26
charlsorry i got busy here18:26
sflrcharl u looked you were gone18:26
Kilosnp charl wb18:26
sflrwhere is the minutes from last night's meeting? link?18:27
magespawnsflr MCITP?18:27
charlsflr: muti was a social bookmarking site aimed at south africans18:27
charlsflr: it was basically like a local reddit18:27
charlsflr: i had some very limited involvement, particularly surrounding the api design and implementation18:27
charlsflr: but that never really got implemented by as many people as we hoped18:28
Kilosnuvolari, you not gonna send links about last nights meet to lists?18:28
sflrmagespawn, no, not microsoft.18:28
sflrcharl, maybe it was a timing issue? or connectivity?18:29
charlsflr: nah social bookmarking basically took a big dive with social networks like twitter and facebook, that's an international phenomenon18:29
Kilosinetpro, do you know the link to last nights minutes?18:30
charlsflr: kevin rose also left digg some time ago, eventually got fed up with it i guess18:30
sflrmagespawn, architecture is technology agnostic. open source is really good and reliable. if facebook and twitter can run on it18:30
sflrcharl, yes he left. people get bored of stuff even if it was their own baby. i think foresquare founder also left. if remember correctly18:31
charlsflr: there are still some loyal user communities around sites like reddit etc, muti was a side project by a good friend of mine (neville newey)18:31
magespawnThats the main difference between facebook and myspace18:31
charlsflr: he basically did all the work on the site in his free time and never got paid a cent for any of it18:31
charlsflr: eventually he decided to sell the domain to some other people, a decision i can definitely respect18:31
sflrreddit is still big internationally18:31
magespawnGood way to make some money18:31
charlsflr: yeah it's understandable, i mean, you do something for too long, eventually you need to start with something new18:32
inetproKilos: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2012-06-18-17-30-01.txt18:32
sflrmagespawn, yeah, like instagrm. haha18:32
Kilosty inetpro 18:32
inetprowow, you guys are busy this evening18:32
Kilossflr, ^^18:32
magespawnGo big or stay at home.18:32
Kilosyeah like last nights meet i battle to keep up18:33
sflryes charl, then someone can take over and change things change. 18:33
sflrinetpro, yeah round 2 of meeting18:33
sflrthanks for the meeting link. there are lots of Agreed items compared to previous meeting o_O18:34
magespawnThats a good thing18:34
sflrwhat do you do magespawn?18:36
magespawnsflr so you look after the hardwar?18:36
smilebye :)18:36
charlsflr: reddit has actually not done too badly, although i don't think it managed to keep in trend with the growth of facebook and twitter18:36
charlsflr: i think reddit has a loyal user community18:36
charlit's a bit like 4chan in many respects18:36
sflryeah, i like homework. haha18:36
magespawnPartime field guide and internet cafe owner.18:36
Kilossleep tight smile 18:36
smilethanks, you too :)18:36
sflryeah charl, loyal user community is the right term for reddit18:36
magespawnNight smile18:36
sflrby smile18:36
sflrmagespawn, we have a department who looks after the hardware. but we own a lot of it. and virtual and cloud etc18:37
sflrmagespawn, on what fields you guiding?18:38
magespawnHluhluwe Game Reserve mostly.18:38
Kiloscharl peer got you18:39
sflrnice. close to Kruger :)18:39
sflri remember now. looked you up on the map the other night :)18:39
magespawnNot really.18:39
magespawnYup that was it.18:39
charl_Kilos: yeah i seem to have some issues with that other freenode server i was connected to18:39
charl_the ping was insane18:39
=== charl_ is now known as charl
sflrhaha charl. its true. your messages came through like a flood18:40
charlweird stuff!18:41
charli had the same with messages from you guys18:41
charli'm connected to niven now, i used to be connected to leguin18:42
sflrInternet submarine cable map. Fascinating! http://www.submarinecablemap.com/18:42
magespawnIt is amazing how they keep it all connected.18:43
magespawnI want onenof those for myself18:44
sflrhahaha. your hardware would limit the available speed :|18:45
sflrSouth Atlantic Express (SAEx) looks promising. by efive.co.za linking south america and africa18:45
sflrcoming in 201418:46
magespawnI am assuming that if I can get the cable I would have the appropriate equipment18:46
magespawnMore bandwidth.18:46
sflrI wonder whats the speed comparison between the  best satellite and best inter continental cable18:48
magespawnThe fastest satellite I know that is affordable is similar to adsl18:49
highvoltageone of the few things I don't miss from south africa is the internet :)18:50
sflrfibre optic must be faster theoretically. its light after all. satellite is radio waves.18:50
sflrhighvoltage, hahaha. we can still dream =)18:50
highvoltagesflr: :)18:51
magespawnMy adsl is good, and I happy that is at least uncapped.18:51
Kilosnight everyone. sleep tight 18:54
highvoltagein canada they also want to introduce more and more caps, which sucks. but at least there's still plenty of good uncapped (realy uncapped) plans available18:54
magespawnI remember my first dial up. Telkom telling me that the did not garuantee the line for internet dial up18:54
Kilosi go crash now18:54
highvoltagenight Kilos 18:54
magespawn Night Kilos18:54
highvoltageI downloaded starofice 5.2 over 14400. took me 5 evenings :)18:54
sflrby Kilos18:54
sflronto floppy disks? haha18:55
magespawnI did some work in spread sheet, Lotus 123.18:55
sflrADSL is good now to be honest18:55
sflranybody played Battlefield 3 Close Quarters? I wonder if it's any good18:56
highvoltagesflr: I was in SA in december and dsl was still pretty crappy then18:56
sflrLotus! oh my18:56
highvoltage(well, I guess it's ok for typical home use, but for work it was terrible)18:56
highvoltageand at my friends house telkom didn't even want to give him 10mbit, said it's only for new customers18:57
magespawnMy exchange will only go to 418:57
highvoltageyeah the 4mbit telkom dsl is quite painful for me especially since it only has 512kbps upload18:58
highvoltage(unless they've increased it)18:58
superflynope, still 51218:58
magespawnThat the problem.18:58
superflyif you want 1Mbps, you have to get a 10Mbps line18:58
highvoltage(which was especially painful for me getting used to having 7mbit upload at home)18:58
superflyreally stupid, if you ask me18:58
magespawnThe 1 meg is also 512 up18:58
superflymagespawn: exactly... can't they at least make it 1 up?18:59
sflryeah its pretty crap the upload18:59
highvoltageyeah the problem with 512 up is that one person in the house uploads something (like a bunch of facebook photos or whatever) and the entire connection becomes unusable for everyone in the house18:59
sflrsuperfly,  you get 10Mbps if you have 4Mbps19:00
highvoltageit's really not the 'full family' solution that telkom advertises it to be19:00
magespawnHeard about a virgin active trial in london 16gig to a hundred homes, both directions.19:00
sflrTelkom is not facebook friendly. hehe19:00
magespawnTelkom is not anything friendly.19:00
sflrmagespawn, it clearly shows on the seacablemap where you can get such kind of bandwith19:01
superflysflr: yes, but the cost of data is horrendous... well, uncapped data, that is19:01
highvoltagemagespawn: my flatmate's grandmother has 2gbps to her house (she's in switzerland), her switch is the bottleneck (only 1gpbs)19:01
NeVeR_I want that19:01
sflrsuperfly, that's true. I think i am on 10Gig. 8gig goes on kids' youtube :|19:02
magespawnWe all going to the swiss alps then?19:02
highvoltageif my grandmother had that I'd build a server room in her basement :)19:02
sflrlol @ highvoltage19:02
magespawnApprently south korea has the worlds best internet19:02
charli was in dublin back in february and one of my ex-colleagues's girlfriend is from south korea19:04
magespawnhighvoltage i say change the switch.19:04
charlhe stays with her there part of the year19:04
charlthe country is getting a lot of growth but actually used to be quite a poor place19:04
sflrmetropolitan areas in s korea  100 Mbit/s ! Boom! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_South_Korea19:04
charleven now the salaries aren't up to international norms19:04
charlbut they indeed have a very healthy technology infrastructure and industry19:04
charllg, samsung etc19:04
magespawnBut with internet like that everything else will follow.19:05
charlwell it's not as simple as that but the south korean government takes growth seriously and sees technology as a path to that19:05
magespawnInformation, knowledge, inspiration.19:05
charlbut one of the reasons south korea can be so competitive is that they have a very high education level but workers don't earn huge salaries19:05
charlthat's very different than in most countries19:06
charlmost countries either don't have the skills base or the skill base is very expensive19:06
magespawnAlmost exactly the opposite of here.19:06
charli didn't want to say it but you took the words out of my mouth :)19:06
charllet me put it to you this way, i used to contract while i used to live in south africa and i used to cream it bigtime :)19:07
magespawnContracts and consultants with the knowledge usually do.19:08
charlheh no kidding19:08
charlask Symmetria :)19:08
charleven i was not nearly up to his level19:08
NeVeR_I'm hopefully going to start contracting in a few months.. starting a web dev business, but going to contract out as a DBA/SysAdmin19:09
charldba is a good direction19:09
magespawnNot to open a can here, but what is his level?19:09
bmg505I forgot about hte meeting :(19:09
charlmagespawn: network consulting19:09
magespawnNo worries bmg 50519:10
NeVeR_Im currently a full time dba.. mysql, oracle and openedge progress19:10
magespawnMmm, but how does one get there?19:10
NeVeR_I maintain about 80 sites at tme moment19:10
NeVeR_I think network consultants get paid the most19:11
magespawnI am doing A+, N+ and MCITP Enterprise Admin, with Exchange and MSSQL added on.19:11
charlmagespawn: a lot of coffee lol19:12
magespawni LIKE coffee.19:12
charlheh no you need to be a full-out addict19:12
charlwhen you can consider it legal substance abuse19:12
magespawnCoffee drip.19:12
charlyup and caffiene patches for the in-between :P19:13
magespawnHave you used a camel bak?19:13
charlnope can't say i have19:13
Banlamdon't put coffe in a camelbak19:13
charlis it plastic on the inside?19:14
magespawn2 litre back pack with a sip tube for drinking, 19:14
magespawnHave done that before.19:14
charlthat's nice but if it has plastic it won't work for me19:14
Banlamunless it's iced coffee19:14
charlyeah then it's fine of course19:14
Banlamboiling water don't work so nicely19:14
charlif it's cold19:14
charlcancer ftl and all that19:14
Banlami asn't talking about that19:14
Banlamplastic melts yo19:14
magespawnHas to be, or it melts.19:14
charlthe plastic starts dissolving19:14
charlinto the drink i mean19:14
magespawnYup not good.19:15
charli don't know if it really causes cancer btw, some people say that but they say that about everythintg19:15
charlx causes cancer, y causes cancer19:15
Banlamso you don't use plastic mugs?19:15
charlme, nope19:15
charlnot at all19:15
Banlamcharl, was gonna say, so many reports come out these days19:15
Banlameveryone claiming or refuting something new19:15
charlyeah exactly i don't get too worked up19:15
magespawnSo what would you need besides experience to get to that level?19:15
charlactually they should just come up and say "life causes cancer - avoid life at all costs - don't live even if it kills you"19:16
magespawnLife is a sexually transmitted disease, and is invariable fatal.19:16
charland that is a substantiated claim, it can be scientifically reproduced19:17
magespawnNo one gets out of life alive. Jim Morrison , I th8nk.19:17
charlfor scientific proof just go to the hospital pregnancy ward and then go to the semitary19:18
magespawnI studied nature conservation, so the work does not worry me.19:21
charlmy mom used to work in saasveld19:24
charlthey had a big nature con story going there19:24
charland forestry19:24
magespawnHave some friends down there now.19:37
charlthey used to have a big ict school but they closed it down19:38
charlbut the campus was always based primarily around forestry19:39
charldid some e-learning stuff with them a long time ago19:39
charl10+ years19:39
charlactually even set up an irc server for them19:39
charland an old school java chat client lol19:40
charlbeautiful campus though, even has a golf course19:40
magespawnVery nice part of the country.19:43
charlsugoi des ne: http://www.diginfo.tv/v/12-0119-r-en.php19:44
charlmore awesome: http://www.diginfo.tv/v/12-0116-r-en.php19:45
magespawnVery cool.19:48
magespawnIsn't the second one also in Battlestar Galactica tv series.19:52
charlyeah it looks like it20:00
charlno kidding20:00
charlnn all20:04
sflrwhich is nice part of the country?20:05
magespawnBye every one20:05
sflrcheer magespawn!20:05
magespawnSaasveld george garden route knysna20:06
magespawnCheers sflr.20:06
sflroh yeah. beautiful20:06

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