
corvus_How do I go about rolling back NVidia 302.17 to 295.59?00:00
julianBHello. I'd like to restore Unity's default greeter after installing kde, but the instructions from google don't work. Every link says to dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, but that gives a different one than the system started with. Anyone know how to get unity-greeter back?00:00
Guest42157never mind this would do it sudo apt-cache search [\s\S] almost went with . instead :)00:01
fishbaithow do i install directly connected network printers if i know the ip address and model numbers00:02
Aatonjayson1: can you CTRL-ALT-F2 and see if /target is mounted? I've been having a problem where 12.04 Server install tries to re-run the preseed/late_command00:05
fishbait... i love how acer uses windows 98 to install windows xp, thats just jacked up man00:05
Guest42157and for the to wrap it up sudo apt-get install $(sudo apt-cache search [\s\S] | awk '{print $1}') gives you everything :)00:06
fishbaiteither way i digress how do i install network printers connected to a router?00:06
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toxictuxout of curiosity, has anyone tried upgrading without reinstalling ubuntu since its initial release?00:08
Guest42157though this is a long list so you might need to throw in xargs LOL00:08
fishbaittoxictux: is that even possible?00:08
zykotick9toxictux: what do you mean?00:09
fishbaitsimple with at least 10 ubuntu versions released since initial release wouldn't it become completely unstable af reaching the 6th or 7th upgrade?00:10
Aatonfishbait:  if your running 12.04 on the desktop there should be something under Dash Home -> Printing00:10
toxictuxwell every new release (ie 8.10 9.04 etc) gives an upgrade option00:10
fishbaitAaton: which do i select?00:10
toxictuxmore curious if possible00:10
zykotick9toxictux: upgrading is certainly possible, many do (expect problems)00:11
Aatonmatter what kinda of network printer you have. you could try the first choice and enter ipp://<whatever ip your printer is>/ipp00:12
fishbaitthats my point you can only upgrade so many times before the overlapping upgrades start to conflict00:12
jayson1Aaton: when I do an ls, target shows up00:13
RelondoIf I have a Windows program installed on another partition, can I just point Wine to it without having to reinstall?00:13
fishbaitAaton: okay i'll try that00:13
deepspeedMy sound isn't working in ubuntu studio 12.04.  The sound works with jack, but not asla, (dvd, internet stuff)00:13
wingnut2626im having trouble understanding functions.  is there any resource available to assist me?00:14
deepspeedwingnut2626, millions00:14
wingnut2626can you point me in a direction/00:14
deepspeedhonestly, I'm no great programmer, but google knows where to find everything article-related00:15
odaHow would one change the permissions in "/var/lib/apt/lists/" to allow deletion of files in that directory00:15
Aatonfishbait the way to upgrade smoothly is to upgrade, just don't skip from 8.x to 12.04. that would most likely fail. you would have to upgrade to each release one by one till you reached 12.0400:15
wingnut2626ok.  ill look it up00:15
deepspeedgood luck00:15
zykotick9Aaton: you can't skip releases actually (except LTS->LTS)00:15
wingnut2626just do it in nautilus oda00:15
fishbaithuh. guess my years with windows have left me upgrade jaded00:16
wingnut2626yeah z shell reads functions a bit differently than bash00:16
deepspeedCan anyone help me fix my sound in 12.04?  My windows partition still works fine.  It's not hardware.00:16
Relondodeepspeed: Do you have the right drivers?00:18
SkippersBossdeepspeed: look towards pulse being the00:18
deepspeedRelondo, I suppose.  Not sure.00:18
Aatonif your on LTS you could jump to the next LTS when it came out. The idea with LTS is have a way to upgrade with little issue. or at lease document the issues in the release notes. if your a desktop user just stay current and when a new release comes I move to it. for servers I wait for a new LTS. Now it gets complicated if your pulling in ppa's and third party packages.00:19
fishbaitokay so it didn't work via ipp but it did work via the samba selection00:19
deepspeedLike I said, the sound works when recording with jack, but not youtube/media player stuff.00:19
odawingnut2626, using xubuntu, and I can't install anything from synaptic or ubuntu software center so nautilus is not an option00:19
deepspeedoda, you can't sudo thunar or nautilus?00:20
deepspeedoh, nvm00:20
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deepspeedwell, actually, you can sudo thunar or whatever file manager you have, and change the file permissions through the gui that way.00:21
odadeepspeed, thanks, thunar worked!00:21
julianBHello. I'd like to restore Unity's default greeter after having tried out kde, but the instructions from google don't work. Every link says to dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, but that gives a different one than the system started with. Anyone know how to get unity-greeter back? Maybe a link for the proper lightdm configuration file?00:21
yharrowhey ppl00:21
deepspeedNo prob.00:21
deepspeedHow do I manually update my sound drivers in 12.04?00:22
Aatonfishbait: when you said "I do and ls, target shows up" that doesn't seem like a printer thing.  With the New Printer configuration still open try LPD/LPR Host or Printer with the IP of the printer you have00:22
yharrowjulian did u try purging lightdm and then reinstalling (disclaimer i dont know if that will crash ur system or what)00:22
ceti331__does ubuntu install ok on the microsoft surface tablet x86 version00:23
julianBI didn't, since I wasn't sure about that either.00:23
oscailtThe Last one was a fail00:23
ceti331__does it support the new multitouch keyboard00:23
yharrowjulian, in older versions of ubuntu u could start X from the console. i dont know if u can without a window manager anymore00:24
yharrowin that case id say go for it00:24
yharrowif u can find the command to manually start x00:24
yharrowdoes it still work?00:24
Cerrdorif not gnome-desktop00:24
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KRomeleoNanyone else buying a microsoft surface tablet and installing ubuntu?00:25
* deepspeed isn't buying a microsoft anything00:25
julianBDon't have any other ideas, I guess I'll try complete removal in synaptic and reinstall before rebooting00:26
KRomeleoNthe surface hardware looks great00:26
yharrowhow do u  killx after using startx?00:26
KRomeleoNx86 version should run ubuntu00:26
yharrowwill ctrl+c work?00:26
deepspeedBut you have to line gates' pockets to own it.00:26
deepspeedso screw that.00:26
ceti331__can't wait to see a video of that (ubuntu on surface)00:26
KRomeleoNis bill gates bad?00:26
ceti331__someone should make nice keyboard-cover style thing for android devices00:27
deepspeedKRomeleoN, that depends on how you spin it.00:27
deepspeedbasically, yea, in a lot of ways, but not completely.00:27
zykotick9KRomeleoN: give microsoft money = brilliant </sarcasm>00:28
julianBWell, off to start the reboot journey, be it to a restored unity-greeter or a borked system. Bye00:28
KRomeleoNwindows 95 made the computer popular and the internet mainstream00:28
rileyhey quick question is there a terminal command thatl give me full cpu when on battery00:28
deepspeedKRomeleoN, yea, and that was about the end of their positive influence.00:28
rileyon mate i can just select do not spin down hardisk and that works00:28
rileybut unity dosnt have that option00:29
crazybrainERROR: Can't change MAC: interface up or not permission: Device or resource busy00:29
crazybrainwhat does this error means?00:29
crazybrainand how can i fix that ?00:29
deepspeedriley, you can usually get a pc freq module on your desktop, or use a command to adjust the powersaving settings.00:29
deepspeedNot sure of the command, though.00:29
deepspeeda cpu freq module, I mean *00:30
rileyis there a specifc app for it00:30
yharrowjulian u still here?00:31
crazybrainhelp me out00:31
deepspeedriley, open synaptic and look up 'cpu freq'00:31
Frank3if anyone didn't try myunity yet well its a pretty good application to config unity00:31
rileyi have it00:31
deepspeedor google the command to adjust it.  Other than that, not sure.00:31
Guest51279andate a cagare tutti00:32
Guest51279bannatemi dai00:33
domino14mangia il tuo cazzo00:33
Guest51279:-) :-)00:33
Frank3does anyone have issues with connecting to wireless with 12.04?00:33
Guest51279vedo italiani ahag00:33
LattywareAnyone else getting spammed about some other network?00:34
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:34
Lattywareby query.00:34
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Frank3i thought this channel was english00:34
wingnut2626thank you for the suggestion, deepspeed.  something i would have never thought of00:34
Guest51279italia irlanda 2 a 000:35
deepspeedlol, yea it's a good trick to remember.  You can sudo x program and make lots of things easier.00:35
deepspeedAnd don't forget about cli only programs that have to be opened that way, too.00:35
SkippersBossFrank3:  That's what ubottu told them :-)00:36
BlackAngelPRAny one knows a good tutorial for Quickly?00:36
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zykotick9Lattyware: i am00:39
Lattywarezykotick9: Fun stuff. I got a ton of messages earlier with just 'we' as the message. I presume whatever script/bot they set up they set up wrong to begin with.00:40
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Guest42157all be demand gzexe compress executables they already had this back in the day and here I was think of making compressed exe that decompress when run into memory they alreay had it.00:48
ianliuMy Ubuntu mic volume keeps raising! Why is this happening? When it reaches 40% or higher, there are serious noise glitches, so I have to pull it down to 25~30%00:48
ianliubut after a while it raises again00:48
iiulianianliu, I experienced the same problem in 11.10 but it got fixed when I upgraded to 12.0400:49
ianliuiiulian: I'm having the opposite case :(00:50
KRomeleoNi could use some help...out of the blue, synaptic package manager just does not open00:51
KRomeleoNand sw manager wont remove anything00:51
KRomeleoNhelp! :(00:51
rileyis dpgk running00:54
rileyin terminal00:54
KRomeleoNhow can i tell?00:54
KRomeleoNterminal is closed00:54
rileyusuaully right after u install something in terminal synaptic wont open for a sec00:54
crazybrainhow to change the wireless mode from managed to monitor?00:55
KRomeleoNsw manager just doesnt remove anything00:55
KRomeleoNclicking removedoes nothing00:55
ekajAre the shells in lubuntu different somehow/00:55
crazybrainanyone there to help me out?00:56
KRomeleoNmaybe i lost sudo?00:57
KRomeleoNyes it looks like i lost su00:57
KRomeleoNhow can that be/.00:57
deepspeedKRomeleoN, u tried rebooting/00:57
zivesterso is ubuntu going to work on the Microsoft Surface?01:00
TasmaniaWhy does my IPv6 address in Ubuntu start with an 10?01:00
galamarhello everyone I have a problem with my video... I cant see anything from the time it boots until X starts. I can't see anything to change grub options. also if i switch to a virtual console I lose video. I have an nvidia graphics card using NVIDIA-Linux-x86_x64-295.20 as the driver. any idea how I might fix this?01:01
TasmaniaIt has to start with  196-198.? right?01:01
yharrowehy i cant get glx to work at all01:02
yharrowi already reinstalled my whole computer already01:02
yharrowand nothing si working01:02
yharrowcan somebody help?01:02
Cerrdoryharrow: whats going on?01:03
yharrowi cant get glx to work01:03
yharrowi reinstalled ubuntu01:03
yharrowthis is a fresh system01:03
mputtrhow long does it take gparted to pop up after i gave it super user permission?01:03
yharrowand i still cant get it work01:03
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yharrowin the live cd i could get glx though01:03
yharrowso its driving me crazy01:04
TasmaniaWhy does my ubuntu IPv6 address start with 10.?01:04
fishbaiti have a lanier ld120d its route me to printer is desktop>ddwrt_router>befsr81> how the **** do i install this thing01:04
yharrowCerrdor: can u help?01:04
yharrowmputtr: i guess it depends on ur computer01:05
Cerrdoryharrow: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current01:05
Cerrdorthen reboot01:05
mputtrnm.. i just saw it appear... it's wierd. i can't get it to pop up when i'm controlling it via nomachine01:05
yharrowCerrdor: reboot or restart x?01:05
mputtrbut when i log straight from the box it was isntantaneous01:05
fishbait... lanier ld120d how do i install it?01:05
Cerrdoryharrow: restart01:05
yharrowrestart lightdm is enough?01:06
blackshirtgood morning all01:06
yharrowgoodmorning blackshirt01:06
yharrowCerrdor:  its enough to restart lightdm?01:06
yharrowok brb then01:06
fishbait... lanier ld120d  network printer how do i install it?01:06
Cerrdorlog off and restart your comp01:06
fishbaiti'm having issues with this printer lanier ld120d  network printer how do i install it?01:10
fishbaitgood gravy the sea of joining and leaving never ends01:12
SkippersBossfishbait: i suspect a netsplit as i was a victem earlier01:14
SkippersBossyeah yeah yeah01:14
blackshroudhi all01:14
blackshirthi blackshroud, looks similar nick01:15
blackshroudlol indeed01:16
blackshroudso hoping to get some help guys01:16
blackshroudi have a new macbook pro 9,101:16
blackshroudand ubuntu no wormy too good, which is a pain cause its my primary OS01:16
yharrowCerrdor:  u still here?01:16
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yharrowhi Tasmania01:18
blackshroudSo anyone got any ideas...01:18
|Long|hey what is the package name for libcurl?01:18
michaeljones|Long|: libcurlz-dev01:18
blackshroudyah thats it01:19
|Long|michaeljones, thanks01:19
ARGeliahello i need hel with ubuntu live cd h01:19
|Long|michaeljones, E: Unable to locate package libcurlz-dev01:20
blackshroudWhats the probe ARGelia01:20
CodySmithi need help01:20
ARGeliahello black i need like a help in how to connect the web with google01:20
blackshroudwell really if you machine has a network connection it should just work mate01:21
iiulianblackshroud, offtopic - why do you have Ubuntu installed on a Mac?01:21
blackshroudI enjoy the OS and have been using it for a very long time01:21
ARGelianot at all, i wish01:21
blackshroudi dual boot ubuntu and OSX01:21
blackshroudso what kind of internet connection do you have?01:22
ARGelianot but i have other problems i know a little of java script i thing01:22
ARGeliaim with wirelles01:22
ARGeliasorry my englsh01:23
blackshroudmate get a cable plugged in, wifi drivers are a bit of a pain with ubuntu at times, hence the issue i am currently having01:23
ARGeliai dont want touch thing in the gnome because the cookie01:23
ARGeliaall right thank you blackshroud01:24
tdhz77Can't access samba shares from any computer? Any suggestions.01:25
ARGeliathank youy all peopkle01:25
blackshroudShares on your ubuntu machine? or vice versa?01:25
IVMhow do i get back my task back, it been deleted by accident01:25
tdhz77shares on my ubuntu01:25
fishbaiti'm having issues with a lanier ld120d conected at
fishbaithow do i install it?01:25
ARGeliai mean i dont have a partion of any king01:25
lucylikeslinux1aw seems Cerrdor left : (01:25
blackshroudwhat happens when you try to access them?01:26
ARGeliawhen i acces to a web page my mozilla window disappear01:26
fishbaiti can get it to install but it won't send the test page01:26
tdhz77username and password pops up01:27
blackshroudhave you put in the username and pass you setup for ubuntu?01:27
blackshroudand it says incorrect?01:27
blackshroudARGelia - I am talking to tdhz7701:27
tdhz77not accessible. You might not have permissions to use this network...01:27
ARGeliai just have a probles  with the the unproununcible O S je01:27
blackshroudhave you tried adding another user the the share permissions01:28
tdhz77sudo smbpasswd01:28
blackshirtsmnpasswd -a01:28
fishbaiti'm having issues with a lanier ld120d conected at how do i install it?01:29
SkippersBoss!patience | fishbait01:29
ubottufishbait: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:29
ARGeliamaybe you have a tutorial for that a page or thing that you think secure for you and me  im talking about the others irc chatteers to01:29
yharrowCerrdor: u still here?01:30
fishbaityou forgot to add http://www.google.com01:30
SDXIf I try "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so" in a terminal, I always get a broken symlink.  Am I doing something wrong?01:30
tdhz77Could it be a possible fstab problem?01:30
Guest42157$(seq $(sudo fgconsole -n )) | cut -c 1-1201:31
Guest42157guess what that is LOL01:31
tdhz77I'm trying to access an external hd filesystem NTFS.01:31
blackshroudexplain, so you are trying to share an external drive via SMB?01:32
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tdhz77mounted in fstab using UUID /media/500 ntfs defaults,nobootwait 0 001:32
tdhz77Trying to share that through smb01:32
blackshroudwell as long as it is mounted it shouldn't make a difference01:33
tdhz77blackshroud tested, mounted, rw priv01:33
fishbaiti'm having issues with a lanier ld120d conected at how do i install it?01:33
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tdhz77blackshroud important to note that I had access to my shares before I edited fstab.01:34
djiefoHi, I tried to install ccsm in ub12 but it didnt work. Followed some threads on google, but seems impossible to start ccsm in it. Its bring me here, asking for some help01:34
blackshroudah ha, did you backup your stab prior to editing?01:34
tdhz77blackshroud but changing it back doesn't solve problem.01:34
tdhz77blackshroud I did backup... I'm now really confused why it's not working.01:35
blackshroudweird mate01:35
OerHekstdhz77, what is the full mount line?01:35
tdhz77oerheks UUID= /media/500 ntfs-3g defaults 0  001:36
fabio_hi guys i have pcsc to read smartcards and its suposed to start when system start but i want to controll how he start01:36
Guest42157if you knew my last post surely you know this one as well echo $(seq $(sudo fgconsole -n )) | cut --characters="1-12" --complement01:36
fishbaitjeez i'm so hopeless every issue i have is one that no one seems to know anything about nowadays01:36
fabio_how to configure the way pcsc start?01:37
Guest42157one is for terminals usually the other f keys are used for xwindows sessions :)01:37
fabio_on top i see the command pcscd --auto-exit01:37
KRomeleoNantone can help? i cant select options on drop down menus in ubuntu01:37
KRomeleoNit sounds weird but true01:37
SkippersBossfishbait: all I can find is that this printer is handles by the gutenprint project. Sadly I have a basic HP so i cannot assist you further01:38
fishbaitwell i thank you for informing me01:38
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tdhz77Another interesting thing, I recently ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Sorry, I'm forgot that big amount of info.01:40
Diddy403is there a special channel for ubuntu server support vs. ubuntu desktop?01:40
pyfonInstalled newest ubuntu distro to my Asus 1001p, can't get WIFI to work after I close the lid or disconnect from wifi. Anyone have any advice?01:40
KRomeleoNwhere is actionparsnip?01:41
solifugusok so how can I install nvidia drivers on Ubuntu?  The "Additional Drivers" thing just says there are no additional drivers in use...01:41
Diddy403I just missed and important step in installing Ubuntu Server and need help to get an OpenSSH server running so I can connect remote.01:41
tdhz77Problem fixed, sudo distro upgrade wrote over smb.conf - edited "security = user" problem fixed. Thanks for the help.01:42
KRomeleoNanyone can help? i cant select options on drop down menus in ubuntu01:42
solifugusDo I just have to download the drivers from nvidia and follow their directions, re-doing it after every kernal update?01:42
KRomeleoNi just installed nvidia beta 320.1101:43
solifugusThis should be a simple thing, of course...01:43
solifugusKRomeleoN, downloaded and installed from nvidia?01:43
KRomeleoNi added a repo with newest driver01:43
KRomeleoNand installed nvidia-current01:44
KRomeleoNeasier than using the .rin01:44
KRomeleoNpm me01:44
Diddy403what is the command in ubuntu to set-up the services that start by default?01:45
afmDiddy403:  i install and use chkconfig01:47
afmchkconfig sshd on will default to init levels 345… or specify01:47
KRomeleoNanyone can help? i cant select options on drop down menus in ubuntu....ie under appearence settings, i cant select a theme with my mouse01:48
neftyI just installed 12.04 32-bit from CD. When I boot, I get a blank flickering screen. I have to boot into recovery mode/low-graphics mode to load the vesa driver. I have an HD 6450. I didn't install fglrx, just the default open source radeon drivers. Any ideas?01:49
Diddy403my chkconfig shows "ssh" but I dont have sshd01:49
Diddy403Im assuming thats ok...01:49
awptiIs there some service in the background that restarts anything that I stop? Every time I issue an init.d/<app> stop, the app restarts (supported by app uptime and a new PID). This isn't very cool.01:50
Diddy403nefty, I think the default drivers ubuntu has for AMD are all messed up, use FLGRX and download straight from AMD.com01:50
mputtris it possible to create a raid 1 array out of 2 3tb hdds?01:50
fabio_how to record video and desktop at same time01:51
fabio_any good software for that?01:51
bekorhi friends funny thing happened was using ubuntu 12.04 had a flash drive booted with linux saluki from unetbootin tried to format could not said write protected .tried to empty things to the trash well, they were copied their.now i can not empty my trash can. complicated i know but any idaes?01:51
neftyThanks Diddy, I'll try that. I shouldn't use the "additional drivers" application to install them, then?01:51
Diddy403nefty, nah for AMD its all fucked up, download direct... its a known bug on teh forums01:52
neftyOk, cool. Thanks01:52
Diddy403I have two HD 6870's and it was all messed up01:52
bekoris their a command line somewhere that unlocks the trash can /01:52
Diddy403sudo shutdown -r now :-)01:53
bekormy trash can is locked01:53
Diddy403seriously though, did you attempt a reboot?01:54
bekori will try that thanks01:54
Guest42157so if your on a live ubuntu cd what does this print echo "k$(whoami)"01:54
bekoryou know much about being able to format a locked flash drive/01:55
Diddy403wtf... google.com is giving me an "undefined" error on search..... way to go apache01:56
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bart__bekor, isn't there a lock toggle on the side of the drive to unlock it?01:57
mputtrcan ubuntu do raid 1 with x2 3tb drive?01:57
Guest42157try this echo "k$(whoami)" > .tmp1 ; echo "$(whoami)" > .tmp2 ; diff -y .tmp1 .tmp2 ; rm .tmp1 .tmp201:58
Guest42157maybe that should shed some light LOL :)01:59
fabio_any good software to ubuntu to record desktop and webcam at same time?01:59
bart__hey i just installed 12.04 64amd - and the bootsplash comes up purple for a while - then flashed ubuntu real quick :P02:00
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KRomeleoNim starting to get a little bit frustrated with linux02:06
KRomeleoNburning windows 8 iso lol02:06
Jordan_U!ot | KRomeleoN02:07
ubottuKRomeleoN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:07
KRomeleoNjordan, can you help with my ubuntu issue?02:07
IdleOneOnly if you actually ask a question02:07
Jordan_Umputtr: Yes, using the alternate install CD.02:07
KRomeleoNi cannot select options in drop down menus...just out of the blue02:08
KRomeleoNlike under appearance settings02:08
mputtrJordan_U: alternate install cd?02:08
KRomeleoNi cant select a theme02:08
Jordan_U!alternate | mputtr02:08
ubottumputtr: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal02:08
KRomeleoNhow to fix?02:08
KRomeleoNhow can such a bug just happen for no reason?02:09
mputtrJordan_U: got it. thanks. i'll read up on it... i dont have an optical drive on my server box though..02:09
IdleOnehave you recently changed theme?02:09
KRomeleoNany ubuntu drop down will not work02:09
Jordan_UKRomeleoN: Can you try running "gnome-control-center" from a terminal window and seeing if there are any error messages printed when you try to select a drop down menu?02:10
KRomeleoNi have to hover abd use my scroll wheel02:10
mputtrJordan_U: would i have to wipe my system completely if i run alternate cd?02:10
KRomeleoNno error messages Jordan_U02:11
mfilipewhere do I found powertop2 deb package?02:11
Jordan_Umputtr: Do you currently have an OS on the drives that you plan to put this RAID array on?02:11
KRomeleoNoh wait yes i have error messages jordan02:12
KRomeleoNhttp://pastebin.com/KH1xQM1U   Jordan_U  what do u think?02:12
mputtrJordan_U: nope. no OS on that drive02:12
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mputtri have the OS on a ssd02:13
Jordan_Umputtr: What are you worried about "wiping"?02:13
mputtrJordan_U: no clue. i didn't know if i will be forced to do a clean wipe or not..02:13
mputtrso i just have to use it to set up the 2 hdds for raid and quit out?02:13
Jordan_Umputtr: Ahh, you're not trying to install Ubuntu to this RAID array, you just want it as a data array. Is that correct?02:14
mputtrthe OS is already on a separate SSD. all i need to do is to turn x2 3tb hdd into raid 102:14
Jordan_Umputtr: I believe that "Disk Utility" (palimpsest) will allow you to create a an MD RAID array.02:15
syddrafIs anyone having problems with Deluge after the last update? It's not connecting to any trackers. Transmission works fine.02:15
KRomeleoNbackground-cc-panel-WARNING **: Could not load /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/index.theme: No such file or directory02:15
mputtrJordan_U: palimpsest? is that what i use to give it su? so it can put it in raid 1?02:15
mputtri tried to use disk utility to run it but it says permission denied.. and i have no clue how to get it to give it super user02:16
Jordan_Umputtr: palimpsest is the actual name of the utility whose menu entry is titled "Disk Utility". Normally it should not need to be run as root as it will use policykit to gain the needed priviliges for only the needed tasks. I don't know why that didn't work for you.02:17
mputtri c...02:18
Frank3Hello fellow ubuntu users02:18
mputtrwhen i did it at first, it says permission denied02:18
Frank3whats cooking?02:18
mputtrnow that i know it's called palimpsest, i used sudo palimpsest.. im going to set it up in a moment02:18
Jordan_U!gksudo | mputtr02:19
ubottumputtr: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:19
mputtroops >.<. i did type sudo and it started the disk utility straight up though02:19
trism_KRomeleoN: you can safely ignore the Adwaita warning, it just means you don't have gnome-themes-standard installed02:19
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Jordan_Umputtr: You're probablyu fine, if it caused a problem then you just won't be able to log in via a GUI again until you fix the persmissions of your ~/.Xauthority file.02:20
mputtranyways, i just exited and restarted disk utility starting with gksudo02:20
Jordan_Umputtr: You can check now with "ls -l ~/.Xauthority". Just make sure it's owned by you and not root.02:21
KRomeleoNwhat about those errors?02:22
mputtrJordan_U: so it says -rw-------02:22
mputtrand it has my username next to it02:22
KRomeleoNthis is so frustrating :(02:24
OerHeksKRomeleoN, those are no errors, just warnings, you can ignore them02:24
KRomeleoNwell then i dont know whats causing my issue02:24
KRomeleoNim perplexed02:24
gogetawarning the servers on fire.02:25
mputtrsweet. so now it says it's resyncing... that's going to take a long time isn't it.....02:25
OerHeksKRomeleoN, ask the theme maker02:25
KRomeleoNits not a them issue02:25
KRomeleoNany program with drop down menus will not let me select the optioms with the mouse02:26
KRomeleoNthe highlight is stuck on the top option02:26
OerHekswell, you said select theme before, what theme are you using now?02:27
KRomeleoNwait, i upgraded vlc and it updated gnome-menus02:28
KRomeleoNright before the issue02:28
mputtruh oh.... one of the hdd gives this warning: The partition is misaligned by 3072 bytes. This may result in very poor performance. Repartitioning is suggested.02:28
matti_hi appreciate help with x1400 ati graphic card help ...02:28
Jordan_UKRomeleoN: Upgraded by adding a PPA?02:28
KRomeleoNProcessing triggers for gnome-menus ...02:28
Jordan_Umputtr: So repartition. You said that you don't have existing data there, so what's the problem?02:28
KRomeleoNi did apt-get install vlc02:28
gogetamputtr: fsck maybe02:29
mputtrJordan_U: so i just have to repartition it again? i dont knwo if i have to do anything extra to it02:29
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KRomeleoNam i able to downgrade gnome-menus?02:29
Jordan_Umputtr: Yes, just repartition it using palimpsest, which should align partitions properly by default.02:29
matti_anyone that can give me an helping hand with ati mobility X140002:30
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gogetamatti_: not without detals02:30
OerHeksKRomeleoN, maybe ppa-purge works.02:30
matti_what do you need to know , Inspiron E1705 6 years old, can nopt rubn aticonfig, tells me no supported adapters detected ...02:31
matti_nothing shows up in lspci command02:32
gogetamatti_: that card uses oss drivers you dont need the one from ati02:32
gogetamatti_: your fine out of the box02:33
tcal90whats up fellas02:33
pyfonwifi question: ubuntu fresh installed on asus 1001p netbook has wifi connection on startup, but then loses it after laptop is shut/reopened - any help?02:33
bart__matti_, i would just stick with the open source ati driver02:33
tcal90pyfon i think you might have to fiddle around with the connection settings and make sure the router youre using is the default02:34
matti_okey, the one that came with the installations seems to keep my system freezing , unable to watch youtube videos, hace to do with graphics cpu usage aroud 30% but with youtube goes up to 90%02:34
tcal90its a possibiltiy so idk02:34
mputtri tried to repartition it but the message keeps coming back02:34
pyfon@tcal90, no wifi connections are even found when reopened02:34
hekateHey, I'm trying to use the CDDB plugin that interfaces MusicBrainz Picard with Rhythmbox from here: http://fabien.carrion.free.fr/Rhythmbox.html02:35
hekatebut apparently the instructions are for Rhythmbox 0.96, whereas I'm on 2.9~02:35
matti_where do i find the opensource ati driver with synaptic package manager ...02:35
gogetamatti_: try unity 2d02:35
matti_that is02:35
hekateRhythmbox used to keep plugins in ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins but this seems to have changed in 12.04, does anyone know where to stick it now?02:35
matti_by the way running 12.04 version ogf Ubuntu02:36
raafekiejoin #sparkleshare02:36
tcal90@pyfon, oh... i dont know brotha i suppose the only thing to do it research that stuff... it cant be that big of a fix it must be something that can be enabled\disabled, look it up man?!02:36
bart__matti_, it should be installed - its xserver-xorg-video-ati02:37
gogetamatti_: at login slect 2d in session it will not use 3d freeing up the gpu02:37
matti_will reinstall it again xerver ...02:37
matti_gogeta sorry but sessions where do i select that sorry ....02:38
Jordan_Upyfon: Can you pastebin the output of "lspci -k"?02:38
gogetamatti_: at login02:38
gogetamatti_: it sounds like gpu lag to me02:39
gogetait is 502:39
hekateHah, I found it! /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins is apparently where they're stashed now02:39
matti_could be let me loggout and login again and see if i can change , thanks ...02:39
hekateI don't understand why they keep moving the config is always moving around but, fwiw I found it from this question/bug report: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+question/6515402:39
hekatethanks all02:40
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pyfon@Jordan_U sure, one second02:41
matti_thnak you bart and gogeta, let me try this ,....02:43
tomatosaladuh, hello, i seem to be having issues dual booting a mac running OSX Lion and ubuntu02:44
mputtrug... i used gparted to repartition and there was no problem.. but then as soon as i tell palimpsest to do the repartitioning... it gets misaligned...02:44
gogetamputtr: new hdd time02:45
mputtrthey are new...02:45
mputtrsmart status says it's healthy02:45
tomatosaladis there a method to dual-boot Lion and Ubuntu? Refit is kinda...deprecated02:46
tomatosaladand I've been trying for 48 hours02:46
gogetamputtr: could be a false warning02:46
lemonade`tomatosalad: does Lion do away with Bootcamp?02:46
mputtrthe wierd thing is that disk utility claism there's 3tb of space02:47
Jordan_Umputtr: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?02:47
mputtrbut gparted shows ~2.7gb02:47
tomatosaladlemonade`: lion's bootcamp is set up only to work with Win7.02:47
tomatosaladSo you have to use a different EFI manager02:47
tomatosaladand every time i try to install Ubuntu02:48
tomatosaladit says "Missing Operating System"02:48
tomatosaladI've tried writing the boot loader to different partitions02:48
tomatosaladi've synched and not-synched the GPT & MBR02:48
Jordan_Utomatosalad: You should write the boot sector to the MBR.02:48
pyfon@Jordan_U here is my pastebin http://pastebin.com/BEHnb9xs02:49
Jordan_Utomatosalad: And you should not have a hybrid MBR at all.02:49
tomatosaladWell, shit02:49
Jordan_Upyfon: Try running "sudo rmmod ath9k" before closing the laptop and "sudo modprobe ath9k" after opening it.02:50
tomatosaladJordan_U: Can you give me an idea of what I should do, then?02:50
blackshroudYou can run Ubuntu using the built in mac boot loader on lion02:50
blackshroudi am doing it now02:50
blackshroudyou just can't use bootcamp to install it02:50
blackshroudso just partition you drive, reboot with the option key down, select you boot medium, install alongside osx and then from then on on boot just hold option to select your OS02:51
afmtoss bootcamp…..  rEFit02:51
blackshroudrefit does work well but it is not a replacement for bootcamp02:52
afmi run solaris on my mac mini with it…. dont ask02:52
tomatosaladwait, srsly?02:52
matti_hi bart_02:53
tomatosaladk, gonna try this02:53
Jordan_Utomatosalad: I would use gdisk to convert from a hybrid mbr back to "pure" GPT, then install grub to the mbr (after making an BIOS Boot Parititon, Ubuntu's installer will make such a partition by default when installing to GPT using automatic partitioning).02:53
tomatosaladblackshroud: wait, when you partition and install along side it acts funny02:54
tomatosaladi tried that02:54
matti_installed xorgserver ati a bit better and also selected 2D at login but at full screen 1900x1080 lowest resolution at full screen freezes and start and stops ...02:54
tomatosaladi did the custom thingy02:54
blackshroudworks fine here tomato02:54
Jordan_Utomatosalad: I don't understand what you're saying. Could you try to be more clear?02:54
tomatosaladok, let me type out what i was doing before (possible wall of text)02:55
shadykhanso i was watching a youtube video full screen02:55
shadykhanand the image just froze on one of my workspaces02:55
shadykhani ended firefox its still there02:55
matti_how can i verify that my computer is in good state ???? i have an Dial core CPU 2.0GHZ with not intergrated GPU that is getting old02:55
matti_i am thinking about the Graphics card ...02:56
blackshroudSo to install on my MacBook Pro 9,1 i did this: Use disk utility to partition the drive, i simply split it in half. Restored to Ubuntu 12.04 image to a flash drive, rebooted and held option during boot and selected the USB device, selected install alongside OSX, installed, all good. On boot i simple hold Option to select OS02:56
tomatosaladboot from cd, "try ubuntu," gparted, remove 250 GB part i created in OSX, add 2GB swap, use rest for ext4, start installer, select custom partitioning or whatever, select ext4 partition, reformat, mount at /, install, effed around in refit02:57
tomatosaladsyncs and stuff02:57
matti_or just accept my laptop isa too old for linux or anything else for that matter ...02:57
tomatosaladblackshroud: should i partition or just shrink my OSX partition?02:57
blackshroudjust shrink and add a new one, then you don't need to reinstall OSC02:57
tomatosaladyou can shrink your OSX partition without reinstalling now02:58
tomatosaladadding a new one02:58
tomatosaladdo i have to dd the img to it, or can i install from CD?02:58
sepokiWhere could i find people who knows digital logic ?02:59
matti_need more details, ask me and i tell at the best of my knowledge if i can02:59
blackshroudjust us the restore option in disk utility to restore it to a flash drive02:59
Jordan_Utomatosalad: Installing from the +mac iso, burned to a CD, is the easiest way to install Ubuntu to an intel mac.02:59
mputtrJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/KuUBa74203:00
shade34321I recently updated my laptop from 11.10 to 12.04 and compiz kept crashing. Rather than trying to fix it I just did a complete reinstall and I still have the same problem. Any ideas as to why? FYI - leg is broken and the laptop is currently somewhere else and I can't get it quickly03:00
matti_gog any more suggestions now the cpu lod is at 50-70% and not 99 % wich is an progress ...03:00
blackshroudOr use a cd yeah03:01
blackshroudUSB is faster thats all03:01
tomatosaladnew MacBooks have trouble booting from USB03:01
tomatosaladTRUST ME03:01
matti_can i use usb as extra memory in ubuntu 12.04 ????03:01
Jordan_Umputtr: Both drives have odd starting sectors, and they both have starting sectors which are different from each other.03:01
tomatosaladI spent an afternoon trying it and yelling on another IRC channel03:01
matti_ram memory i mean like in windows ???03:02
mputtrJordan_U: ok.. so how do i fix that? is it possible to be done via palimpsest?03:02
Jordan_Umatti_: You can use it for swap, but it's generally reguarded as a useless and bad idea.03:02
tomatosaladmatti_: it'd be REALLY SLOW03:02
tomatosaladalso, are you finnish?03:02
matti_thank you for the response03:03
matti_no tomato03:03
tomatosaladah ok03:03
nsadminmatti_, usb is way wayyy too slow for using it as memory... you can however use it as a disk03:03
matti_okey, well i have an external USB HD to that but really not an worry to me ...03:04
matti_tomato Swede in MX, crazy but fun ...03:05
tomatosaladblackshroud: yeah, for some reason it's not giving me the option to install alongside at all now!03:05
matti_thank you all, swedish keyboard have ääääöööööö03:05
matti_too bye and thank you all for the good input :)03:05
blackshroudmake note of the size of the HD that is showing up, i think you will find that its the maximum size of the prtition you have created03:06
mikeS-11Which version of ubuntu ran a 2.6.25 kernel?03:06
tomatosaladhang on, i deleted the partition i created03:06
Jordan_Utomatosalad: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?03:06
tomatosaladhang on03:06
tomatosaladi deleted that partition03:06
tomatosaladJordan_U: and now, i couldn't, wifi card needs drivers03:07
tomatosaladnow the only options are to wipe OSX or "something else03:07
Jordan_Umputtr: In palimpsest click "Format Drive", then create the partition on the drive (once for each drive).03:07
sacarlsonmikeS-11:  my guess is that ubuntu 10.04 would but I can check03:08
mputtrok.. one moment03:08
mikeS-11sacarlson: Is there a published list? I had a hard time finding one (hense the IRC question).03:08
Guest42157and all be damned they even have bzexe tool just like the gzexe for the crapper Burrows-Wheeler compression algorithm :)03:09
tomatosaladoh boy this is not good03:11
tomatosaladblackshroud: you still here?03:11
blackshroudyeah mate03:11
pyfon@Jordan_U I'm still having trouble getting a connection back, the wifi isn't picking up any networks (it was earlier before I shut the lid)03:11
tomatosaladI can't select install alongside at all03:11
mputtrJordan_U: shoudl i set it to mbr or to guid?03:12
sacarlsonmikeS-11: I just look in synaptic and only see down to 2.6.32 but I see in my grub list I have down to 2.6.31 in ubuntu 10.0403:13
nsadminmputtr, how large is the drive?03:13
mikeS-11sacarlson: Maybe i'll give 10.04 a shot then...  Thanks for the help, cheers!03:13
nsadminthe mbr/msdos filesystem will only allow you to access 2tb of your storage03:13
sacarlsonmikeS-11: why does that kernel have something you need in it?03:13
nsadminerr not filesystem but partitiontable type03:14
mputtrit is set for GUID03:14
nsadminis the drive blank as far as you know?03:14
mikeS-11sacarlson: Trying to run though LFS without deviating from the intstructions too much; it asks for
sacarlsonmikeS-11:  LFS?03:15
oconnoreDid anyone else's wifi die with the last update?03:15
mikeS-11sacarlson: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/03:15
sacarlsonmikeS-11: oh ok03:16
oconnoreI can no longer connect to WPA secure networks, but unauthenticated networks are fine03:16
SicoHi.. its me Sico... Any one can help me how to install Cisco VPN in back terack5???03:17
mputtrJordan_U: i formatted the drive as GUID then created raid 1. as soon as that happened the warning came back again03:17
bazhang!backtrack | Sico03:17
ubottuSico: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition03:17
Jordan_Umputtr: What is the current ouptput of "sudo parted -l"?03:18
SicoOk thanx for information03:18
mputtrboth start at the same place now03:18
Jordan_Umputtr: Maybe you could create the initial partitions, unformatted, in GParted starting at exactly 1 GiB into the drive. That's complete overkill, but what's 1 GiB in 3 TiB?03:19
mikefarrhey - trying to get dvd decryption installed to play dvd's - not having success03:19
mikeS-11mputtr: I don't know if this has been brought up, because I'm late to the party, but for partitions over 2TB you need to use GPT. http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/fdisk-unable-to-create-partition-greater-2tb.html03:20
mputtrhold on03:20
spendyalawhere can i find the cprograms for ls, cd and other system commands03:20
mputtri'm going to put up a paste03:20
mikeS-11mputtr: I used that very tutorial 3 weeks ago to create a 3TB partition.03:21
mputtrthat's what it says currently03:21
agc93spendyala: the executables are usually in /usr/bin or /bin03:21
agc93i dont know about the source03:21
agc93presumably there are source packages for them on the Internet03:22
mputtrJordan_U: i'll try to partition again and leave the first 1gb unpartitioned03:22
spendyalaI know the executables in /usr/bin03:22
spendyalai am looking for source03:22
agc93spendyala: have you tried google? I dont think the source is included by default03:22
spendyalaI tried03:23
agc93speaking of partitioning, resizing the / partition would need to be done from  a Live CD, wouldn't it?03:23
sacarlsonoconnore: did you try wicd?03:23
spendyalagiving me wierd results03:23
sambagirlwhat is that command sudo gknautilus03:23
agc93sambagirl: gksu nautilus shoudl do it03:23
Dr_Willisbe carefull with nautilus running as root.. close it out as soon as you are done with the rooty tasks03:24
mputtrso i'm in gparted. i have it start at 1024MiB and align by MiB03:25
mputtrshould that fix the problem?03:25
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sambagirlbrb need toreboot03:25
tomatosaladyup. this is never going to work :(03:26
tomatosaladI hate apple03:26
Dr_WillisI like them .. in a pie..03:26
mputtrtomatosalad: are you using an apple laptop?03:26
mputtror are you doing a hackintosh?03:26
tomatosaladmputtr: laptop03:27
mputtrah. it refuses to install linux?03:27
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tomatosaladwell, it refuses to play nice with partitions03:27
sacarlsonoconnore: if you continue to have problems after wicd is install check out there trouble shooting wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wicd#Troubleshooting03:28
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=== HardFu is now known as HardFu|AFK
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glitsj16spendyala: late reaction, but have you checked packages.ubuntu.com for what you want (which is i believe called coreutils) yet? That site offers access to source files, just not sure if coreutils is what you're after ...03:30
tomatosaladthis is terrible03:31
tomatosaladi will never be able to install linux on here!03:31
lemonade`tomatosalad: are you trying to install over usb?03:31
lemonade`yeah external cd? no?03:32
tomatosaladbuilt in03:32
sacarlsontomatosalad: does vitualbox  run on your apple?  maybe an option is to run ubuntu on your apple in virtualbox03:33
tomatosaladi want it to be native03:33
tomatosaladthat's the whole point! a secondary OS!03:33
spendyaladoes that package contain ls.c ls.h and many other system firls03:33
sacarlsontomatosalad: ok I had to ask03:33
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Dr_Willis!find ls.c03:34
ubottuFound: docutils-common, lsscsi, perl-modules, deps-tools-cli, firmware-tools-cli, firmware-tools-common, globus-rls-client-dbg, globus-rls-client-progs, gputils-common, iputils-clockdiff (and 25 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ls.c&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all03:34
spendyalaglitsj16: does that package contain ls.c ls.h and many other system files03:34
trismspendyala: apt-get source coreutils; will download and unpack the source for you in the current directory, and yes it does have both those files03:35
daslinkardHopefully someone can help me....I just did a clean install of Ubuntu 11.10 on my wife's PC....however I am only getting a blank screen and no video on youtube.03:35
glitsj16spendyala: you can check at http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/coreutils if you're running the ubuntu 12.04 (precise) .. it has a 'list all files' option to check content before download03:35
spendyalathank you03:36
Jordan_Udaslinkard: Why 11.10 rather than 12.04?03:36
spendyalaI am working on it03:36
daslinkardJordan_U: I wasn't happy with it when I had it on my personal desktop.03:36
glitsj16spendyala: you'll have to pick your architecture as well, pretty intuitive info, you're welcome03:36
daslinkardI'll brb...restarting my browser.03:37
spendyalaThanks a lot I got the source files03:37
spendyalaCan anyone help me in kernal programming03:38
spendyalaand where to start03:38
tachyons_@daslinkard .install ubuntu restricted extras03:38
spendyalahow to write programs03:38
Jordan_Udaslinkard: Using a version of Ubuntu which will soon be EOL seems like a bad idea. I would highly recommend using 12.04 LTS. What problem(s) did you have specifically?03:38
tomatosaladthis is not good!03:38
sacarlsonspendyala: I would start by writing "Hellow World"  with a print statment03:39
spendyalathanks next03:39
ubuntu_can anybody tell me on a live ubuntu cd if I issue chvt 2 my screen is frozen and I have to reboot?03:39
ubuntu_its like a cann't ctrl + alt + fn nothing to get my xwindows or other terminals back03:40
tachyons_@spendyala Have you learned any programming languages?03:41
ubuntu_there's a bug for you ubuntu dev's03:41
Jordan_U!bug | ubuntu_03:41
ubottuubuntu_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:41
tomatosaladwho here has had success in dual booting OSX and ubuntu?03:42
Jordan_Uspendyala: Try #kernelnewbies on irc.oftc.net.03:42
Jordan_Utomatosalad: I have.03:42
spendyalajordan_u: thank you03:42
Jordan_Uspendyala: You're welcome.03:42
sacarlsonspendyala: and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile03:42
tomatosaladJordan_U: i am still failing03:43
spendyalasacarlson: thank you03:43
daslinkardJordan_U: I'm back...no luck with the restart03:43
jagginessdaslinkard, you sound like the terminator03:44
Jordan_Udaslinkard: Using a version of Ubuntu which will soon be EOL seems like a bad idea. I would highly recommend using 12.04 LTS. What problem(s) did you have specifically?03:44
daslinkardJordan_U: Basically I cannot play any youtube videos...I only get a blank screen....when does the support end for 11.10?03:45
mputtrwhat the heck.... i format the volume to ext4, and when i try to create a raid array, it says no free space03:45
PlowRoxchange ur video card03:45
PlowRoxmy guess is u have an ati card03:45
sacarlsonmputtr: what link are you using as a reference to setup your raid array?03:46
mputtrjust from the suggestions here...03:47
mputtrdisk utility keeps on telling me that there's an alignment problem03:47
mputtreven though it was the one that did the formatting and creating the raid array...03:47
daslinkardJordan_U: I missed anything you had previously written....sorry03:47
Jordan_Umputtr: Could you pastebin the current output of "sudo parted -l" again?03:47
PlowRoxdaslinkard change ur video card my guess is you have an ati card03:48
PlowRoxmputtr  just a simple question...how many hds do u have setup in your raid config?03:48
tomatosaladJordan_U: is the installer good enough to just plop in a CD and partition on mac?03:48
mputtrPlowRox: just 2. x2 3tb drive03:49
mputtrJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/ACg2uvDL03:49
mputtrthat's the latest one03:49
Jordan_Utomatosalad: Yes. Though now that you've created a hybrid MBR, I would get rid of that (using gdisk) before running the Ubuntu installer.03:49
tomatosaladi currently have nothing03:49
tomatosaladreset it to just be OSX03:49
PlowRoxk you do know raid works better with more than 2 drives...03:50
tomatosaladno partitions, no refit03:50
FloodBot1tomatosalad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
PlowRoxin fact i wouldnt bother with raid unless u have at least a min of 4 drives...all the same...03:51
PlowRoxbut thats just me03:51
mputtrPlowRox: i know that, but this is for a home server03:52
mputtri'm not building a server for business use or anything. all it will do is store music/movies/pictures and surveillance cam footage03:52
mputtri just want a failsafe if the drive dies or something03:52
PlowRoxwith 2 drives ur better off just periodically copying the files over to the second drive..aka backup... raid is a waste of time03:52
ubuntu_whatis debcong-get ???03:53
mputtrok.... how would you suggest me go about doing that? just have a scheduled back up run ever so often?03:53
Jordan_Utomatosalad: "reset" how?03:53
PlowRoxraid is meant for 4 or more hds so that if one hd dies you can replace it and recover all the data... it is not made for 2 hds...03:53
PlowRoxor just manually do it03:54
mputtrso, what's the point of raid 1 then?03:54
tomatosaladremoved all the partitions, filled the disk with the osx partition, removed refit03:54
Dr_Willisspeed? ") marketing03:54
mputtr... that blows.... i was hoping for an automatic backup system03:54
mputtrwell not a backup03:54
mputtrbut a failsafe that keeps itself backed up03:55
PlowRoxwell like they said when hds were made...backup only the data you dont want to loose03:55
fleakiteI have a bunch of wallpapers.  Is there a software to get it to change at regular intervals?03:55
PlowRoxraid is made for replaceing hds in the data set...not for backups03:55
mputtrwhat can i say... i'm a packrat... i dont want to lose any of my movies and music03:55
PlowRoxraid is for recovery...03:56
mputtrso raid 1 is worthless and i should just do scheduled backups....03:56
fleakiteHello people.  I have a bunch of wallpapers.  Is there a software to make it change at regular intervals?03:56
mputtrPlowRox: which is what i want if one drive fails03:56
PlowRoxin my humble opion03:56
fleakiteOn Ubuntu Precise 12.0403:56
Dr_Willisfor some odd reason my screen sessions/weechat is not drawing right on my terminal. ;()03:56
lee__I usually store all my data on seperate drives form the OS, so if OS fails, which ever OS it is, I still have the data03:56
lee__but then again this is How I do it.03:56
Dr_Willisfleakite:   at one time i reecall about 5 differnt wallpaper changer apps  that can do changes automatically. gnome has  a rotate wallpaper feature also if you make a proper .xml file to define for it to change what/when03:57
lee__On the other hand, I am left to scratching my head on how to get Ryzom to work on 12.04?03:57
tomatosaladJordan_U: are you busy or are you willing to walk me through when I hit obstacles?03:57
fleakiteDr_Willis, Thanks  ..  I don't know how to make a xml file.  Is there a software that does it?03:58
Dr_Willisfleakite:  i recall some tool that could make the gnome scheduled change files. but that wouldent do random changes. just  schedules changres of a preset set of images03:59
Dr_Willisthere should be some other wallpaper changer apps in the repos03:59
fleakiteDr_Willis, hmm .. remember the names  by any chance? :)03:59
Dr_Willisthe package manager has search features04:00
t0ntinI was advised to adjust my microphone volume using alsamixer, but could not do it. Are there supposed to be adjustable bars for the microphone like for the speaker and other things?04:00
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celthundert0ntin: if youre using alsa yes.....04:02
boontoonohave tried more than one macbuntu install. getting this on update. any tips? W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pydave/unity-lenses/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found04:02
celthunderf1 or f2 or something lets you switch between input and output volume control04:03
celthundermight be f504:03
celthundercant remember off the top of my head if youre using pulse itll be pavucontrol you want04:03
t0ntinlet me check...04:03
celthunderboontoono: add a source that exists?04:05
celthunderNosophorus: hi04:05
glitsj16boontoono: the link you provided is for ubuntu precise (12.04) .. but that ppa doesn't offer any packages for your version, hence the 40404:06
PeckerHow can I setup networkmanager to not try to manage a specific interface, and not have it think th ewrong interface is the one to not manage?04:06
Dr_Willisboontoono:  macbuntu? that script that makes ubuntu look like a mac? that thing is known to totally break systmes..04:06
KRomeleoNon ubuntu 12.04 my galaxy nexus wont mount but on 12.10 it does...why?04:06
mi3hello, I have a transcend 2GB flash drive, it does not show up in nautilus, but when I do sudo fdisk -l, it shows up as /dev/sdb, I want it to show up in nautilus, any suggestions please ? :)04:06
Dr_Willisboontoono:  i suggest not  using any macbuntu 'scripts'04:06
boontoonohow do i edit the log thing so it doesn't get the error?04:06
t0ntincelthunder, I've use that also. My mic volume is still  low. People can't hear me well when I use skype. Any ideas?04:06
celthunderKRomeleoN: whats the failure when you try04:06
Dr_Willismi3:  no sdb1?04:06
KRomeleoNit says unable to mount04:07
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mi3Dr_Willis, err yeah sdb1 :)04:07
KRomeleoNits mtp protocol04:07
pyfonwifi question: having trouble even picking up a signal, can sometimes connect but currently can't with a freshly ubuntu installed asus1001p netbook. Any help?04:07
celthunderKRomeleoN: uh it will give a reason......04:07
celthunderpyfon: antenna?04:07
Dr_Willisboontoono:  bestg advice for macbunto ussage - is to run away from it... as fast as possible04:07
Dr_Willisboontoono:  its outdated for newer ubuntu releases, and it never worked well on the older releases04:08
mi3Dr_Willis, /dev/sdb1   *          64     1436247      718092   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS <-----thats what it looks like in fdisk -l.04:08
celthunderDr_Willis: boontoono most desktop managers have theming you can make things look however you want04:08
boontoonoDr_Willis: figures thats the typical advice you get for Linux os04:08
celthunderPecker: what was your issue?04:08
Dr_Willisboontoono:  whatever.. its a poorly done nasty hack job. do what you want.04:08
PeckerHow can I setup networkmanager to not try to manage a specific interface, and not have it think th ewrong interface is the one to not manage?04:08
pyfonDr_willis: I'm not sure I know what you mean, I'm not talking a weak signal, I'm talking to ability to pick up any networks I can sometimes pick up. Once I turn the laptop on from initial start -wifi works. If I close the laptop and reopen, wifi fails.04:08
OerHeksi agree with Dr_Willis04:08
Dr_Willismi3:  try mounting it by hand?04:08
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mi3Dr_Willis, can you elaborate ?04:09
celthundermi3: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt04:09
KRomeleoNcelthunder, it says "dbus error org.freedesktop.dbus.error.noreply"04:09
boontoonoDr_Willis: you avoided the question and expressed emotion04:09
Dr_Willismi3:  sudo ntfs-g3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt   perhaps04:09
celthunderKRomeleoN: ...? in mount? since when did mount depend on dbus? is dbus started?04:09
Dr_Willisboontoono:  its designed for the older releases. and from your error message looks like its been discontinued also.04:09
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KRomeleoNit mounts but displays no files04:10
roxxowhat's the recommended way to debug ubiquity crashes? i.e. the installer just disappears. -d logs progress to /var/log/installer, but that doesn't really give a traceback or anything04:10
boontoonoDr_Willis: darn cause the current is too ugly for me to lose. 1980 colors.04:10
celthunderKRomeleoN: ok 1.  what are you doing to mount it and 2.  s dbus started04:10
boontoonogo to go get a mac this bytes lol04:10
mi3Dr_Willis, celthunder , http://paste.debian.net/175197/04:10
Dr_Willisyea.. colors.. good reason to change OS's04:11
celthunderboontoono: good for you04:11
sacarlsonmputtr: I like to learn about raid so I did it in virtualbox as I don't have enuf real hardware to play with04:11
celthunderDr_Willis: bet he complains the mac is bsd and uses ports next04:11
Dr_Willisif that script had trashed his install.. it would be our fault also..04:11
R3C0NF1GUR3DTry (hd0,0): NTFS5: error "prefix" is not set04:11
mputtrsacarlson: i c.04:11
R3C0NF1GUR3Dany one have idea baout that error04:11
celthunderhe could manually make it look however he wants if he was that desperate for it to look like a 95 os04:12
oconnoreok, I just did "sudo apt-get remove zeitgeist" and it deleted unity. What do I reinstall to get it back?04:12
Dr_Willislucky i caught the mention of 'macbuntu' ;)04:12
mi3Dr_Willis, ??04:12
Dr_Willisoconnore:  you could reinstall the ubuntu-desktop package04:12
celthunderoconnore: apt-get install unity ?04:12
Dr_Willismi3: ??????04:12
mi3Dr_Willis, whats your suggestion ?04:12
celthundermi3: unmount it04:13
Dr_Willismi3:  did you mount it by hand?04:13
sacarlsonmputtr: in  a quick look at your partition pastebin I don't see any raid partitions  I don't even know what a GPT partition type is04:13
celthundermi3: umount it then mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt04:13
mi3Dr_Willis, yes.04:13
mputtrgpt is GUID04:13
celthundermputtr: yes04:13
jagginess"nico@rico-595:~$ sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt"04:13
jagginesstsk tsk04:13
sacarlsonmputtr: oh ok so what type of partition are they set to?04:13
Peckerstill nothing?04:13
oconnorecelthunder: it's already installed, I just can't enter a session04:14
celthunderPecker: i dont use network manager sorry04:14
ekajHas anyone had trouble trying to get a linux box to use a Windows 2K3 dns server?04:14
mi3celthunder, ok, now its showing in the mnt folder. but why is it showing "dev/sdb1   *          64     1436247      718092   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS" ?04:14
R3C0NF1GUR3Dim a fresher to ubuntu, i installed the pack, it reboots and leaves a mesg sayin Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: error "prefix" is not set.. anyone suggest a help.04:14
celthunderoconnore: in you xinitrc add exec unity as the first line comment out whatever you have there then startx04:14
mi3celthunder, I mean that Hidden HPFS ?04:14
PeckerR3C0NF1GUR3D: whats 'the pack'04:14
celthundermi3: idk?04:14
Dr_Williswindows partioned it weirdly...04:15
R3C0NF1GUR3Dubuntu 12.04 LTS04:15
Dr_Willisperhaps it was a recovery partition at  one time04:15
mi3celthunder, err ok, Dr_Willis well, can I format it ?04:15
sacarlsonmputtr: well ext4 is fine for the final md0 but the parts that are in md0 will be raid type 0xfd04:15
Dr_Willismi3:  this is linux.. you can  do what you want.. ;)04:15
mi3Dr_Willis, lol, I will google it :D04:15
Dr_Willismi3:  backup data from it.. repartition it how you want.04:15
Dr_Willismi3:  we dont know what you are trying to do with it,04:16
celthundermi3: yes...check out btrfs btw ... getting lots of bugs sorted out its pretty nice04:16
mi3Dr_Willis, I will do that, it was a live usb, I installed ubuntu 12.04 with it :D04:16
celthundermi3: :)04:16
mputtri was just recommended to use ext4 for the partition type04:17
mi3but I forgot to backup the iso hehe, I had arch linux for one day, and it was unsuccessful, so I copied the iso contents to that flash drive :D04:17
celthunderR3C0NF1GUR3D: youre tyring to boot and grub spits that out? is hd0,0 your linux /boot partition04:17
jagginessDr_Willis, mswin makes this when user specifies no partitioning specifics (win7+).. called 'System Reserved'.. this is where it'll install it's M$ BootMgr (and grub needs to point to this partition as a chainload)04:17
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celthundermi3: what didnt work in arch..arch is awesome04:17
mputtrso i did that... dunno if any other partition will be best to use04:17
DjGeCk0good morning. i need to mount  /media/Filez/ on booting. can someone tell me how ?04:17
celthunderDjGeCk0: add it to fstab04:17
mi3celthunder, I wanted lxde, but I just could not start it with xinit startlxde, it was showing some library errors.04:18
DjGeCk0i have no idea how to get the uuid04:18
mputtrthe main goal is to have the drives visible on the network and to be accessed by any computer that is in the internal network04:18
sacarlsonmputtr: md0 is what the group of disk become like a virtual disk partition that becomes ext4 or whatever see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID04:18
celthundermi3: what were the errors i dont use lxde but :)04:18
Dr_Willis!blkid | DjGeCk004:18
ubottuDjGeCk0: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:18
mi3celthunder, I cant remember, so I got angry and copied ubuntu installation files from it, and installed ubuntu.04:18
sacarlsonmputtr: I've never mad a raid after install I created at install time so the partition part was done mostly for me04:19
mi3celthunder, :)04:19
sacarlsonmad = made04:19
celthundermi3: prepare to be even angrier04:19
mi3celthunder, ok04:19
mputtrgot it04:19
DjGeCk0thats it. thanks a lot04:19
mi3celthunder, I really liked its minimalism, but its unreadiness was just too much for me.04:19
sacarlsonmputtr: I only know of the type by looking at what it is in my virtualbox system that is setup as a simulated raid system04:20
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LeifI have a 3 TB hard drive with a 2.2 TB windows partition on it, but when I go to install ubuntu (or use gparted at all) it thinks it's unallocated space. Any suggestions?04:20
celthundermi3: lol im an arch user...its ready i use it on servers even :)04:21
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ki4roAnyone able to get the cube display working on 12.04?04:21
mi3celthunder, which DE do you use ?04:21
arusselis there a download ami with lvm ?04:21
celthundermi3: xmonad04:21
arusselor an easy way to install it afterward ?04:22
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mi3celthunder, err ok, can you install lxde in it, and create an image, and share it with me on dropbox ?04:22
celthundermi3: probably...04:22
celthunderarussel: ? what about lvm?04:22
mi3celthunder, well, what will be its image size, sir ?04:22
celthundermi3: idk how big is lxde crap?04:23
mi3celthunder, lol04:23
celthundermi3: my install currently is 1GB most of that is the haskell for xmonad04:23
arusselcelthunder: I installed an ami on ubuntu download page, but it doesn't come with lvm04:23
Peckercelthunder: h e just pm'd me..hes trying to boo ubuntu out of m$ bootloader aka wubi style04:24
mi3celthunder, well, I will stick to ubuntu LTS I cant take more of arch linux.04:24
arusselcelthunder: was wandering if there were ami downloadable with it or if it was easy to install afterward04:24
celthunderarussel: dont know what an ami is but install pvcreate vgcreate vgextend lvcreate04:24
celthunderPecker: oh lol thats dumb04:24
arusselcelthunder: image for amazon server04:24
Peckerand whats is it with people always pming the 1st person who helps em04:25
Peckerwhat happened to post problem in CHANNEL04:25
celthunderPecker: i put those people on ignore and or intentitally help them break stuff04:25
ekajWhat's a program for RDC that supports Windows pretty well / easily?04:25
celthunderekaj: vnc04:25
celthunderPecker: usually i do one then the other04:26
mi3celthunder, I want to format my flash drive, but its not showing up in the gparted window.04:26
jagginessekaj, xfreerdp (search for freerdp with your package manager) (or wikipedia has entries about it-- but i dont think there's a gui front end for it)04:26
ekajI'd just like to be able to use the Windows default RDC and then some kind of linux-whatever that works with it04:27
celthunderfdisk /dev/<flash drive>04:27
celthundermi3: thats for you04:27
jagginessekaj, what's rdc ?04:27
ekajremote desktop connection04:27
celthunderekaj: i gave you one and he just gave you one for rdp...04:27
celthunderwhich is stock windows04:28
celthunderso...you have it04:28
jagginessekaj, ya. That's for windows.04:28
ekajI know, I am looking up freerdp04:28
jagginessekaj, you're on linux.04:28
ekajYeah. I want to connect the two.04:28
celthundermi3: did that work?04:28
mi3umm I am working on it, celthunder , blindly though04:28
jagginessekaj, the two? sure.. use nomachine's latest beta vmwrkstation server. then https://<ip>:4080 to your linux box.04:28
celthundermi3: press m for list of commands04:29
ekajI'm attempting to network them, but that isn't going to well... there isn't just a program like the windows rdp?04:29
jagginessekaj, or use vnc via an ssh tunnel.. but that takes more steps.04:29
jagginessekaj, there is. should be in the menu04:29
mi3celthunder, yeah I am doing that, I just want to format it as a fat32 partition, boss04:29
celthunderekaj: why do you have to ssh tunnel to vnc...most vncs have there own encryption04:30
ekajI didn't say I had to.04:30
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celthunderekaj: er sorry meant that for jagginess04:30
Dr_Willisi dont think most vncs do..04:30
celthunderDr_Willis: its usually off but there if you want it04:30
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:31
BorillionWhy isn't adding ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0180", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes" working in 40-libsane.rules simple scan is not seeing the scanner part of the printer?04:32
Dr_Willisi just ssh and x forward these days04:32
jagginessekaj, remote linux with nomachine is the easiest-- apt-get install ssh , and, dpkg -i <.deb downloaded>   ( site http://www.nomachine.com/preview/select-package-virtual-desktop-workstation.php?os=linux )04:32
celthunderi just use a terminal or use the desktop im at.04:32
ekajI know next to nothing about linux, so it's all difficult for me.04:32
jagginessekaj, then https://<ip>:4080 from firefox.04:32
jagginessekaj, that's pretty much 1 step.04:33
jagginessekaj, far easier than setting up vnc or any other..04:33
celthunderthat...sounds very innefficient04:33
celthunderto say the least04:33
jagginesscelthunder, remote linux in a webbrowser is inefficient? lol.. you think04:33
Borillionno one?04:33
celthunderjagginess: youre the one recommending someone do it lol04:34
jagginesscelthunder, and do you get remote sound with vnc? nope.04:34
celthunderjagginess: mpd :) remote sound all you want04:34
celthunderalsa allows remote sound04:35
celthunderor it used to04:35
mynameisthomhello,, m facing a problem. M using precise pangolin 64bit. The prob is about the networking issue. I have a modem. If I wanna connect internet using the modem, I should edit file /etc/resolv.conf and enable nameserver I manually added. FYI, before, I've not had file resolv.conf. It was not exist, so I created it. And if I'd like to connect to a wifi, I must go to /etc/resolv.conf and disable/ comment the nameservers. This is very irritating, since it s04:35
mynameisthomhould be auto-generated, like when I used 11.04. Anybody could help out of this? Thank you before04:35
celthundermynameisthom: use dhcp and itll auto be generated.04:36
ekajI am having networking issues similar to that, it won't accept my windows DNS server although the server itself works.04:36
celthundermynameisthom: thats assuming your isp passes dns info along if not just make your resolv.conf and make it read only04:36
celthunderekaj: ? nslookup google.com <dns server ip>04:37
celthunderdoes it work?04:37
jagginessekaj, your lan dhcp server setting can include your nameserver to pass to the clients...04:37
jagginessekaj, check your router box04:37
ekajI can ping the server and resolve IPs, but I can't connect to the websites.04:37
jagginessekaj, yes we know04:38
celthunderekaj: then its not dns thats your issue04:38
daslinkardI found a solution WITHOUT changing my graphics card!!!04:38
sacarlsonmynameisthom: I guess /etc/resolv.conf is now controled by network-manager if you wanted to manualy change dns you probly should have done it there, oh is this a desktop or server?04:38
celthunderdaslinkard: ok?04:38
jagginessekaj, what do you use as a linksys/dlink box?04:38
celthunderjagginess: ddwrt :)04:38
mynameisthomsacarlson: m using desktop04:38
jagginessdaslinkard, somebody changed your head04:38
ekajI don't have a box, I have a network hub / switch / whatever that has my desktop's ethernet plugged into it04:38
celthunderekaj: layer 2 or 3 switch?04:39
jagginessekaj, "whatever".. well that tells me we cant help you.. you need to know.. anyways good luck04:39
ekajI have no idea, what's the difference?04:39
daslinkardSomeone was saying the work around for my black screen was a new graphics card....not true....the next time someone does a fresh install and cannot get youtube to play is the following command...04:39
celthunderekaj: ...one does only layer 2 the other layers 2 and part of 3?04:39
daslinkardsudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras04:39
jagginessdaslinkard, maybe04:40
ekajThe connection works fine until I specify a static IP, subnetmask, and dns server04:40
jagginessdaslinkard, depends on the situation04:40
celthunderekaj: so...is your static ip netmask gateway all setup right04:40
jagginessdaslinkard, let me guess if you reboot you get issues again..04:40
daslinkardjagginess: It's worked for me on multiple PC's....just couldn't remember the command before.04:40
ekajI'd really like to get the RDP running so I can just have someone explain it to me. Yes, I have other computers on the domain that use the same credentials, except the IP.04:41
daslinkardNope...I haven't had the issue after rebooting04:41
celthunderekaj: bein in the domain doesnt mean theyre in the same network.04:41
ekajThey're in the same network.04:41
celthunderekaj: and you were given about 5 different rdp solutions04:41
ekajYeah, I'm working on downloading one, I've said that about 5 different times.04:42
jagginesscelthunder, he doesnt know the difference between a router or switch.. he can't tell if he's on the same lan segment as his other machines04:42
celthunderekaj: lol...they shouldnt be that big.....04:42
celthunderjagginess: true he didnt even know if his switch is layer 2 or 304:42
celthunderjagginess: i give up lol unhelpable people :)04:42
mynameisthomcelthunder: m using dhcp already. what if m using modem? M running the modem via wvdial command. Coz the modem is not recognized by network-manager04:43
jagginesscelthunder, layer 3 switches are expensive, i dont see him anywhere close to that kind of knowledge04:43
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celthunderjagginess: i have one ...you can get cheap ones with no cards from some places...the cards cost a ton though04:43
jagginesscelthunder, cards like what make?04:44
jagginesscelthunder, i hate to get second hand..04:44
xmath279i've tried getting vnc to work on my vps, but gnome desktop doesnt seem to get loaded even though it is installed. how can i enable it?04:45
celthunderjagginess: catalyst04:45
celthunderjagginess: yeah...well its for my own network..got a cheap asa for 100$ too...it works beats the pix i had04:45
celthundermynameisthom: just set your dns servers how you want disable network manager and dont start it at startup and set your resolv.conf to read only..network manager stuff is useless anyway in general04:46
magnumXopusHas anyone had a segfault with nVidia driver 302.xx?04:46
celthunderjagginess: id rather have a car / house payment than a new switch / asa /router...but I would rather have nice ones second hand than 100$ pos new04:47
jagginesscelthunder, you ever worked with the sdm interface? i'm interested in one like that-- least expensive (sdm is like a web interface to the hosting cisco equipment)04:47
sacarlsonmynameisthom: on this default ubuntu 12.04 I see the file /etc/resolv.conf present with nameserver  in it at default04:47
Netham45I'm trying to beep the PC speaker on an ubuntu server but not getting any response. Anyone know what's up?04:47
celthunderjagginess: hmm no but ill have to look into it :)04:47
patrick_hello everyone04:48
mynameisthomcelthunder: i dont know how to set up the dns-server anyway :D Is there any-easy-step? Or at least a reference-link maybe?04:48
celthundermynameisthom: youre trying to run a dns server too??04:48
patrick_hello everyone04:48
celthundermynameisthom: lol04:48
celthunderpatrick_: hi04:48
mynameisthomcelthunder: no. Just you mentioned it before04:48
celthundermynameisthom: i never told you to run a dns server....04:49
Netham45nevermind, got it.04:49
jagginesscelthunder, what catalyst number model you got there?04:49
mynameisthomcelthunder: you did.. "just set your dns servers"04:49
* mynameisthom away for a second04:49
jagginessmynameisthom, a default dnsserver will try to cache dns requests..04:50
celthundermynameisthom: set them not run one....04:50
jagginessi think dnsmasq is supposed to be a basic dnsserver that does just that04:50
celthunderjagginess: the shit ones 375004:50
celthunderjagginess: got an 871 for a router and a 5505 asa04:50
celthunderadmittedly i dont need any of them but :) keep you in practice.04:51
tomatosaladis there a way to get the wireless drivers on my computer without an ethernet connection, but another computer and a USB stick?04:51
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jagginesscelthunder, someone in my neighborhood is using a cisco with the airport whatever called feature-- this is an amazing and expensive cisco router...(business hotspots use this-- like at my train terminals here)04:51
celthunderjagginess: nice...im not rich...lol04:52
celthundertomatosalad: yes?04:52
sacarlsontomatosalad: most drivers are in the kernel,  you can get the package of a kernel offline,  or there are packages for sta drivers of some devices again can get offline deb and install from usb04:52
magnumXopustomatosalad, it looks like you're on the internet already04:52
celthundertomatosalad: put the modules on a usb stick ?04:52
tomatosaladmagnumXopus: different computer >_>04:53
sacarlsontomatosalad: did you try wicd?04:53
jagginesscelthunder, you know that feature? -- the wifi is complex.. a user can connect to the wifi without authentication, and any site he tries to access gets forced to a login webpage-- after a successful login, rules are setup for his link04:53
celthunderjagginess: you dont need high end cisco stuff for that..god my shitty cisco hardware can do it :)04:53
celthunderjagginess: the cheap asas can do the same stuff....04:53
jagginesscelthunder, what's it called? i forget the full name..04:54
tomatosaladsacarlson: it's not installed...04:54
jagginessit's air smthing..04:54
celthunderjagginess: i know what you mean but yeah04:54
celthunderjagginess: did you seeth ere triangulation stuff for locating rogue wifi points?04:54
jagginesscelthunder, well maybe not high graded.. because i think i onced try to search for it..04:54
celthundernow thats some sick sw/hw stuff...it pointed down to like 3 feet away when i tested it04:55
sacarlsontomatosalad: from your online computer sudo apt-get install apt-offline04:55
hecsaHi! Does somebody know something about bind9 troubleshooting?04:55
tomatosaladsacarlson: online computer is a mac04:55
jagginesscelthunder, you dont have it.. it's on a high grade cisco router..04:55
tomatosaladwithout ubuntu04:55
sacarlsontomatosalad: for details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware04:55
celthundersacarlson: all he needs is the modules...he doesnt need apt04:55
tomatosaladyeah, i know how to use apt-get04:55
magnumXopustomatosalad: are you referring to using ndiswrapper for a windows driver?04:55
sacarlsoncelthunder: but most modules are distributed in kernel and sta04:55
tomatosaladi'm referring to the fact that my ubuntu installation on my macbook has no wireless drivers, and i need to get them on there on a house without ethernet04:56
celthunderjagginess: yeah i mean i can do what you said earlier without the high end version there is an official nice way to do it...you can hack it into the lower hardware thats not supposed to do it though04:56
tomatosaladso i need to get the drivers and install them, but transfer over usb04:56
magnumXopustomatosalad: I have no idea about a macbook04:56
celthunderjagginess: the stuff you mentioned though ive played with and its cool.04:57
tomatosaladit uses a broadcom bcm4331 card04:57
jagginesscelthunder, i'm more interested in sdm.. maybe in the future i'll look again..04:57
celthundertomatosalad: dl the broadcom stuff from wherever put them on usb and move them over.04:57
tomatosaladcelthunder: from *where*04:57
sacarlsontomatosalad: oh bcm4331 I think there is an sta package for that but I could be wrong broadcom is the worst supported wifi device04:57
celthundertomatosalad: repositories broadcoms site...wherever04:58
celthundersacarlson: there are worse04:58
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:58
sacarlsontomatosalad: oh and is this ubuntu running on an apple also?04:59
bane-oHello all, I have not researched this and I know this may not be the place to get it answered... Running ubuntu server 12.04 with transmission daemon. How can I add a tracker to loaded torrent using the web interface/through ssh?04:59
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:59
Dr_Williseasiest would be to run a wire for 15 min. to get the drivers04:59
celthunderjagginess: i see so sdm is the java interface?04:59
celthunderjagginess: yeah ive used it...its broken as hell.04:59
magnumXopustomatosalad: here is an article that may give some direction at least.  Like which packages to put on your usb. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193579904:59
tomatosaladDr_Willis: no spare ethernet cables for the time being04:59
tomatosaladmagnumXopus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_No_Internet_access04:59
celthunderi prefer to forget about it...one thing cisco does badly is front end guis04:59
Dr_Willisbane-o:  use some 'autoload torrents from a directory' feature and just put the torrents in there.. is one way05:00
jagginesscelthunder, i did this over 2-3 years ago (using dynamics/realciscoimage to a windows machine-- actually i found it perfectly stable-- you have to use the right java edition)05:01
celthunderjagginess: yeah the right java edition is the problem lol its never the same05:01
jagginess(i believe it worked/s best with iexplorer)05:01
celthunderhave to have like 10 installs of java and 3 versions of ie to make it work05:01
bane-oDr_Willis: I need to add a tracker to a torrent because the torrent files do not have have a specific tracker in the listing.05:01
celthunderand sorry but if i have to use ie and some shitty java stuff i might as well just go learn the cmd line05:01
magnumXopustomatosalad: that looks promising, leave it on your screan and unplug your current ethernet and plug it into the macbook and follow the steps05:01
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tomatosaladi don't *have* ethernet right now05:02
celthunderjagginess: or have they fixed all that?05:02
tomatosaladi'm IRCing from another computer05:02
jagginesscelthunder, show run to you05:02
jagginesscelthunder, conf t <;P05:02
celthunderjagginess: :)05:02
magnumXopustomatosalad: is the current computer wireless?05:02
celthunderjagginess: theyre spending a lot of time on a simple copy paste procedure or is that just me?05:03
magnumXopustomatosalad: it looks like you need to download the b43-fwcutter packaga and the broadcom firmware to your usb05:03
tomatosaladright, i'm doing that05:04
tomatosaladi'm not retarded05:04
jagginesscelthunder, maybe they're doing tab completions with lsd05:04
tomatosaladi used to run a debian server05:04
magnumXopustomatosalad: okay so what's the question again?  Sounds like you have it handled.05:04
celthunderjagginess: lol05:04
jagginess"<tomatosalad> i don't *have* ethernet right now"05:04
jagginess^ really doesnt help your case..05:04
* jagginess thinks he's not in irc05:05
celthunderjagginess: all he had to do was get the b43 stuff from the repos and transfer it over and either modprobe it or dpkg -i it...not sure what theyre doing now05:06
ki4roAnyone able to get the cube display working on 12.04?05:06
tomatosaladscenario: i'm IRCing on an apple laptop with wireless, and i'm downloading the packages for another macbook that now contains debian, but no wireless drivers, and no ethernet cable i have access to now05:06
jagginesscelthunder, alot of people toy around with out of dated documents and dont even know about05:06
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.05:06
tomatosaladI'M FINE GUYS05:06
Dr_Williski4ro:  cube feature can break unity.ive seensome guides on getting it working at the webupd8 and/or  the omgubuntu blog sites05:06
tomatosaladubuntu will read msdos format?05:06
celthunderjagginess: i dont use the ubuntu wiki...ill stick with the arch one :)05:07
sacarlsontomatosalad: I looked at the dependancies of b43-fwcutter and I don't think I see anything else that isn't already installed so just get that deb file from you mac from a browser link and put in on usb flash05:07
magnumXopustomatosalad: fat32 yes05:07
celthunderjagginess: compiled some stuff on a ubuntu system yesterday...never seen dev packages so spread out uselessly05:07
jagginesstomatosalad, fat32 and ntfs.. yes05:07
ki4roDr_Willis: Thanks...I'll check it out05:07
magnumXopustomatosalad: not sure about msdos though, wasn't that fat16 hehe05:07
jagginesscelthunder, maybe that's multiarch05:08
celthunderki4ro: enable compiz05:08
tomatosaladit read05:08
celthunderjagginess: it was straight 64 stuff only point in multi arch is maybe flash...which is uselss and always has been05:08
magnumXopustomatosalad: just exFat is a prob05:08
magnumXopusor maybe not even that....05:08
jagginesswhich reminds me.. i need to upgrade my skills again.. wtf is going on with the kernel.. wondering if the same kernel image would be usable on both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture..05:08
tomatosaladquick question: how do i disable tapping touchpad to click?05:08
celthunderjagginess: uh no?05:09
celthunderjagginess: when could you do that??05:09
jagginesstomatosalad, yes.. exfat is problematic.. avoid it for linux..(experimental in read-only)05:09
jagginesscelthunder, not sure.. you may want to head to #kernel..05:09
tomatosaladi'm not using exfaft05:09
tomatosaladcalm down05:09
celthunderjagginess: that sounds awesome05:09
jagginesscelthunder, but it looks like that for the future of linux.. multiarch is here to stay..05:09
magnumXopuslol calm down he says05:10
magnumXopusTHIS IS SERIOUS!05:10
celthunderjagginess: why? just drop 32 bit tomorrow the only people using it are morons and people on netbooks who can go get a newer netbook anyway05:10
jagginesscelthunder, i'm just speculating on the kernel image.. but i know ia32libs package will become extinct..05:10
jagginesscelthunder, alot of apps still are on 32bit i guess..05:10
celthunderjagginess: good it should....theres no excuse to NOT be on 64 bit ...whats 32 anymore? your phone?05:10
celthunderjagginess: really???flash...skype...what else?05:11
magnumXopusHas anyone seen the Vizio Ultrabooks?  I'm curious how those will be.  The TV's break so often it's hard to trust them.05:11
Dr_Willismost arm cpus are 32bit  i belive05:11
jagginesscelthunder, dunno.. maybe for vm machines.. would be good for vm processes05:11
celthunderDr_Willis: arm is a sep architech anyway05:11
celthunderjagginess: i have vms...about 40 of them. all 6405:11
jagginesscelthunder, oh ya you're the one with the beowulf..05:12
celthunderjagginess: ?05:12
jagginesscelthunder, ah.. was the other wacko who told me about his 100TB beowulf cluster lol05:12
* Dr_Willis loads up his C6405:12
celthunderlol that sounds sick.05:12
celthunderi only have 4tb here 8 tb on a server raid 5d and 4 tb on another server05:13
celthunderoh and 6TB on a server i havnt setup yet05:13
celthunderwish i had 100TB05:13
jagginesscelthunder, someone who has a 100Tb in his home must be working with an oil company somewhere..05:13
celthunderjagginess: in his home??? shit ...wheres this guys house05:14
celthunderi mean..im parking out front splicing his internet and having a party05:14
jagginessdunno.. but once in a while.. you get some rich kid or genious who works in huge data centers..05:14
celthunderi have access to more than the space i just listed05:14
celthunderdoesnt mean its mine05:14
celthunderyou cant list datacenter space as all yours if its leased out to other people05:15
jagginessthey're actually the maids looking after a big house from the way i see it :p lol05:15
jagginessbut they get paid well that's for sure..05:15
celthunderwell..do you want a moron or a genius fixing your server when its down05:16
bane-oreal question is how that 100TB is setup. is it straght JBOD with spanned volumes, raid through the OS, or using hardware RAID.? I would hope he's running some sort of hardware raid and I would assume that if they are, SAS expanders are in place...05:16
celthunderovh for example is cheap but are the dumbest admins / networking people to deal with on the planet...05:16
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celthunderbane-o: lol and how much stuff breaks when you tell it heres 100TB...i broke openvz space the other day by making a 18TB lvg and formatting it btrfs05:17
celthunderthen again openvz is shit to begin with so who cares05:18
bane-oyeah, I'd like to see ESX try to comprehend 100TB of extents. I think a PSoD would be eminent...05:19
celthunderbane-o: hopefully we all live to see 100TB be the norm...we all lived through 250MB being unthinkable to GB...now on to TB05:19
celthunderlol esx....05:19
celthunderkvm and xen replaced esx before it ever got started if you ask me05:20
celthunderer xen then kvm05:20
celthunderboth do a much better job than esx at pretty much everything05:20
jagginesscelthunder, there's alot of catch buzzwords that confuse people who try to get a dig into enterprise concepts-- for eg, most people don't know that 'raid' on their motherboards is actually 'fakeraid'..05:21
bane-oI hope 100TB drive come to fruition within my lifetime, then again I would hate to be in a world where you had to have a 100TB for the amount of data being accessed05:21
celthunderjagginess: i know what raid hardware software and fake is05:21
celthunderjagginess: of course your 100$ pos motherboard doest come with 500$ raid card stuff built in05:21
celthunderthat anyone would think that is insane05:22
jagginesscelthunder, i didn't a couple of months back.. software-raid and fakeraid are close but not exactly the same thing..05:22
jagginesscelthunder, and the 3rd category is "real hardware raid".. :p05:22
celthunderjagginess: of course they arent...05:22
celthunderjagginess: which part?05:22
jagginesscelthunder, (for beginners this is confusing)05:22
celthunderim a newb :)05:23
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celthunderi just happen to be capable of reading and thinking05:23
tomatosaladoh crap05:23
tomatosaladi messed up05:23
celthundertomatosalad: you ate the pie05:23
bane-osome of the ASUS workstation boards (dual/quad AMD) socket have add in cards with semi-legit LSI raid cpus,05:23
celthunderjagginess: why would you fakeraid really? just use sw raid...fake hw raid through bios etc is just dumb05:23
jagginesscelthunder, a reliable linux-supported real-raid card is from the company 3ware .. they offer an affordable card with linux support05:24
bane-opersonally I'd go adaptec05:24
celthunderjagginess: theres lots of reliable raid cards....and if it does its job right it shouldnt need specific support05:24
jagginess(but i dont use real hardware raid-- dont need the super performance because only few people here use basic webbrowsing here-- so i use 'software raid')05:24
tomatosaladi installed b43fwcutter05:25
celthundertomatosalad: ok?05:25
tomatosaladi installed comapt-wireless05:25
jagginesscelthunder, one doesnt notice any lag until the first sync is completed (it's slow only during the first 2-3 hours while installing the OS on a raid set)05:25
tomatosaladi have broadcaom-wl-5 driver05:25
tomatosaladwhat do i do?05:25
celthunderjagginess: lol i dont need it either but...people want to know your servers have real raid.05:25
jagginesscelthunder, actually there may be.. but affordable? not sure if i can find many.. there's 1 or 2 at great prices at 3ware..05:25
jagginesscelthunder, and with "linux" support..05:26
celthunderjagginess: why do you need linux support ..like i said...05:26
celthunderif it does its job right the os never cares what the raid card is doing05:26
jagginesscelthunder, ya.. on servers you use real hardware.. performance always required.. and you'd go for like raid10, raid5 etc..05:26
celthunderyeah i use real hardware raid505:26
celthunderand the os doesnt care05:27
sacarlsontomatosalad: install them?05:27
celthunderit doesnt even know it just knows what the raid card tells it05:27
sacarlsontomatosalad: double click in nautilus05:27
jagginesscelthunder, actually if you take a look at 3ware, they have a repo for debian.. pretty nice.. there's a web manager to see a raid status of the drives..05:27
bane-o i don't understand why you need to have "linux specific" support. True hardware RAID cards can be accessed via generic disk drivers...05:27
jagginesscelthunder, that's what i mean by linux support.. it's great to have this kind of feature as a visual feedback..05:27
celthunderbane-o: thats my thing i think he just explained it though05:27
celthunderjagginess: yeah thats pretty neat.05:28
celthunderMG raid cards suck btw05:28
tomatosaladthey're not debs05:28
tomatosaladok i installed05:28
tomatosaladhow do i activate?05:28
celthundertomatosalad: modprobe05:28
sacarlsontomatosalad: I'm not sure why there were not debs05:29
tomatosaladit works!05:29
celthunderjagginess: where do you work? or just a hobby?05:29
sacarlsontomatosalad: cool05:29
tomatosaladnow to get rid of unity!05:29
magnumXopustomatosalad: it doesn't work until you can ping05:29
celthundertomatosalad: apt-get remove unity05:29
tomatosaladmagnumXopus: it works05:30
jagginesscelthunder, the fakeraid in linux means, you use dmraid.. which isnt as good as mdadm.. -- dmraid means it'll try to use the cheap little processor which people think is a "real" raid cheap.. but is nothing more than a crumby mumble jumble.. might as well go straight softwareraid like you say (and this means to use mdadm)05:30
tomatosaladcelthunder: need to install KDE first ;)05:30
celthunderjagginess: i use mdadm...fuck dmraid.  i would use that as a last resort..after even zfs / lvm striping05:31
jagginesscelthunder, thats basically the difference between dmraid(fakeraid) and softwareraid(which means you use mdadm)...05:31
magnumXopustomatosalad: sudo apt-get install kubunut-desktop05:31
celthunderjagginess: most fakeraid you can do in bios without dmraid.05:31
tomatosaladI know! I CAN USE APT-GET05:31
magnumXopustomatosalad: yay! you can use apt!05:31
sdiazHello am I in ubuntu I do see it says it but new to irc so just checking?05:32
sebas-debianyout should use aptitude05:32
celthundertomatosalad: so stop asking stupid questions want an award for using apt? please keep me away from your server btw05:32
tomatosaladi'm not a n00b to debian-like distros. just that installing was causing trouble, and i didn't know where to get my wireless drivers05:32
celthunderjagginess: and dmraid is brken most of the time.05:32
jagginesscelthunder, dmraid is old and no longer maintained.. intel is behind mdadm is always improving.. so it's here to stay..05:32
magnumXopusonly noobs say the word noob05:33
tdhz77Can I edit ubuntu grub from another parition?05:33
celthunderjagginess: yeah ive used mdadm like i said, but atm theres no real reason not to use some form of striping even if its not raid (as i said lvm/zfs have it built in too)05:33
jagginesscelthunder, i have 3 oses using software raid.. I'm currerntly finishing a raid1 install in vmware, because apparently I'm having problems installing/strapping grub to this physical machine05:34
celthundertdhz77: yes grub then set root to your partition you want to run stuff from05:34
jagginesscelthunder, (3 different oses.. osx/win/linix-- software raid)05:34
jagginesscelthunder, pita.05:34
sacarlsontdhz77: I don't fully get the question,  you can modify grub from a live cd or your normal boot so I guess yes05:34
celthunderjagginess: lol why not try kvm?05:35
sdiazok so that was a dumb question, lol! so I am new to ubuntu have been using it on my notebook, dumped windows for now. So I'm looking to learn, please be kind :)05:35
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jagginesscelthunder, osx on amd here.. apparently the way apple makes raid can still allow me to use unallocated space for linux (unline mswindows)-- so theres 4 drives here..05:35
celthunderjagginess: i used to be a vmware / vbox user but ... kvm rules and xen is still better than either...the real problem comes in stupid admins using kernels from centos that dont support anything05:36
jagginesscelthunder, (wanting to do ios development)05:36
tdhz77sacarlson Clarification: I triple boot OSX, Windows and Ubuntu. The underlining issue: I used ubuntu tweak which removed old kernels. The new kernel for some reason leds me to a blank screen. I can't reinstall ubuntu through refit, it just gives me blinking cursor.05:36
rhizmoei'm having trouble installing this openssl 1.0.1-4ubuntu5 package I'm reading about...apt can't find it05:36
celthunderjagginess: ah... i was thinking of making a hackintosh but...i like my tiling wm and i have freebsd installs...what do i gain from apple?05:36
celthunderrhizmoe: apt-get install openssl-dev or something like that05:37
jagginesscelthunder, ya.. it's possible to do osx in vmware..(in windows).. but it's slow.. and difficult to set up.. (but os x server is supported to install in vm's on mac hardware)05:37
jagginesscelthunder, kvm and xen are great...05:37
sacarlsontdhz77: wow removed the old kernels, so you have to install an old kernel like from a live cd?05:37
celthunderjagginess: :) peah truly05:37
bane-ocelthunder: you would gain an enormous prick attitude.05:37
tdhz77sacarlson yes05:37
jagginesscelthunder, btw.. did you hear of m$ announcement short while ago? (a subpartner actually).. they'll be hosting linux in their cloud services..05:38
celthundertdhz77: ? blank screen from kernel? your kernel should NEVER do that05:38
sacarlsontdhz77: I guess you would want to boot a live cd chroot and install a linux kernel package of the version that worked05:38
tdhz77celthunder I can't add nomodeset with a mac because there is no way to save the line.05:38
celthunderbane-o: lol i am told im enough of a prick as it is05:38
jagginesscelthunder, so i'm on this problem.. you actually have a raid set with linux?05:39
sacarlsontdhz77: oh wow this is over my head as it's also an apple?  I best leave you to the experts05:39
celthunderjagginess: whats the problem05:39
tdhz77sacarlson thank you for your help05:39
sdiazwell I have been doing all my research myself, but I can't get firefox to let me save my last opened tabs and or any custom history, I've went into about:config and all my configs are not working, please someone help me out?05:39
celthunderjagginess: and no didnt hear that but ms ran hotmail on bsd for a while.05:40
celthundersdiaz: are you in private mode?05:40
zvedahi I have a problem with my firefox05:40
bane-ouninstall it05:40
zvedathis 1 tab uses 100% of cpu05:40
celthunderzveda: who doesnt05:40
bane-ouse chrome05:40
zvedacan I limit it somehow05:40
zvedaoh but I like firefox in general05:41
celthunderzveda: renice firefox 2005:41
mputtrwhich vnc server would you guys recommend?05:41
zvedacelthunder: hm but it's just this 1 tab05:41
sdiazcelthunder: private mode on ubuntu or firefox?05:41
mputtri heard that there are some vnc servers that offer ssh with it as well05:41
rhizmoecelthunder: everything's already the latest version. i'm on precise05:41
celthundersdiaz: firefox05:41
sacarlsonzveda: you can re nice the app to not use all your system but not sure you can isolate to that tab05:41
sdiazI don't like chrome05:41
zvedasacarlson: ok I see05:42
zvedaI'll try that thx05:42
bane-oit's most likely not firefox, but one of the plugins that's causing the CPU cycles to be eaten05:42
celthundermputtr: vnc and ssh are seperate05:42
mputtrcelthunder: i know05:42
jagginesscelthunder, it's an unusual setup-- I have to see if i can simulate if i can get stage1 the way i want it to (I wish to chainload stage1 .. not from the bios but from another loader-- time will tell i guess)05:42
mputtri did read something about how you can combine ssh with vnc05:42
jagginess(my vmware is finishing up right now)05:42
celthundermputtr: you can forward x through ssh or ssh tunnel05:42
mputtri c05:42
sacarlsonzveda: http://www.forwardyouth.com/ubuntu/set-the-nice-level-of-an-existing-process/05:43
celthundervnc4 or whatever should be in the repos05:43
mputtri'm trying to connect via vnc from nomachine, but it keeps on spitting back "could not find rfb client"05:43
zvedasacarlson: ta05:43
celthundersacarlson: theres a howto on how to use nice? 20 is really nice -20 is mean...end of tutorial :)05:43
mputtrthat's why i'm trying to find a vnc server... atleast htat what it says i need according to google05:43
sdiazcelthunder:like telling firefox not to track websites? if not I guess I don't know?05:43
celthundersdiaz: nvm then...05:43
bane-oisn't vnc server local to the machine running it?05:44
mputtri would think so05:44
celthunderjagginess: you can chainload stage1...why not05:44
mputtrthat's why i'm asking what's the vnc server of choice here?05:44
mputtri don't need to control the screen all the time, but i do want access to it every once in a while05:44
sdiazsorry chat I am very new to ubuntu, and really want to learn guide me to read something and I am willing to read and research all I must05:44
bane-ono, the machine you are trying to connect to IS the vnc server05:44
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Dr_Willismputtr:  most vncservers do one, or the other.05:44
mputtrbane-o: i know, but it also needs to be runnign a program to act as vnc05:44
celthundermputtr: vnc4server :port -geometry widthxheight05:44
jagginesscelthunder, i think i'm force to install it to mbr.. is it possible not to? otherwise i'd have to artificially fix it with dd or something.. (btw I'd like/need to have the osx bootloader as it is in mbr tht's why)05:45
Dr_Willismputtr:  gnome has the vino vncserver feature built in.  you  can  use that when needed, theen use tightvnc for 'hidden' sessions05:45
rhizmoemight having "canonical partners" unchecked in my sources be a problem?05:45
celthunderjagginess: ? install it to a partition05:45
mputtrahhhh ok. so vino.05:45
celthunderjagginess: what are you using to install?05:45
Dr_Willisive had major issues with vino in the past. ;) i never use it.05:45
sdiazwell thanks for wisdom, guess i'm going to try this chat tomorrow on my desktop while on my notebook and I can read chats better thanks anyways :(05:46
celthunderDr_Willis: how do you hide a session?05:46
Dr_Willisi rarely need to 'share' the desktop either05:46
rhizmoeno change05:46
mputtrkrfb is not what i want to use right?05:46
rhizmoethe version is listed here, as well: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openssl05:46
Dr_Williscelthunder:  most vnc servers spawn a vnc session tghats hiddeen , ie: not the current visible desktop05:46
rhizmoecorrect arch and everything (amd64)05:46
Dr_Williscelthunder:  you only see it when you connect to it with a vnc client05:47
celthunderDr_Willis: you set the desktop....05:47
celthunderDr_Willis: dont you...every time ive used one i could pick what desktop i wanted or if it should make a new one05:47
jagginesscelthunder, the install reaches to grubboot loader on harddisk-- (vmware)-- i'm having same issue-- i can't install it on a nonmbr location as it seems.. (you see i have part1-part3reserved(osx), then part4=RAID, part5=RAID, part6=EXT4(blank and formatted)-- my goal is to inject stage 1 to a never used ext4 partition but the grub-install is whining)05:47
Dr_Williscelthunder:  depends on how the vncserver is setup05:47
jagginesscelthunder, (using desktop alternate of course-- it supports raid during setup)05:47
sacarlsonis there a plugin for pidgin or maybe it's already there to add string search in an irc session?05:48
celthunderjagginess: lol...i in general hate ubuntu but...try debootstrap and then just chroot in and grubsetup to your partition05:48
celthunderjagginess: :)05:48
celthundersacarlson: youre using pidgin for irc?05:49
jagginesscelthunder, btw, /boot doesnt need to be in a plain ext4 with the latest grub2.. so i know this isnt an issue..05:49
sacarlsoncelthunder: yes05:49
zvedahm the snice doesnt seem to be working on my firefox.. it spikes up to 100% anyway05:49
jagginesscelthunder, i believe it's grub2..05:49
jagginesscelthunder, rather than it being a distro issue05:49
celthunderjagginess: do what i said though...05:49
celthunderjagginess: drop out of the installer to a terminal05:50
jagginesscelthunder, i've done it already with the physical machine.. complains about /dev not existing..05:50
jagginesscelthunder, (and dont worry-- i've checked it with mount --bind )05:50
celthunderwas going to be my next...05:50
jagginesscelthunder, it's now "devtmps" that shows up with the latest ubuntu btw..05:51
zvedaoh it was just my bad nvm05:51
tdhz77How do I get logs from ubuntu server? https://twitter.com/tdhz77/status/214958041848750081/photo/1/large05:51
celthundertdhz77: /var/log and scp or whatever05:51
celthundertdhz77: you can also have cron or something rsync them every few hours05:51
jagginesscelthunder, in my vmware environment it's much more simple and i get the exact symptom-- I don't know if I can install stage1 (for raid) away from the mbr..05:51
tdhz77celthunder cool, if the same problem keeps coming up. Where do I post them?05:52
jagginesscelthunder, it's either a bug or maybe they need to support stage1 anywhere for raid setups..05:52
celthunderjagginess: hmm....i dont see what would prevent it but ok?05:52
celthunderi had grub stage one on disk 8 partiiton 1 once05:53
jagginesscelthunder, perhaps i should simply copy /boot to the ext4 and see what happens (i'll try this much later).. thanks for trying to help me..05:53
celthunderjagginess: np thanks for talking..kinda like ya05:53
Jordan_Ujagginess: grub's boot sector should go in the mbr. Why do you want it somewhere else?05:53
jagginesscelthunder, (but a good refresh--i'll have to knock on a mailing list about this..)05:54
celthunderJordan_U: why would you have to put it in mbr? you can put it in disk partitions beginning sectors or wherever...05:54
jagginessJordan_U, for simple non-raid setups i've done that without problems.. situation here is I have raid (i also have a weird reason why i'm doing this)05:54
celthunderJordan_U: he has another loader in the mbr anyway...so he can chainload to it05:55
celthunderjagginess: i think you must be hitting some weird bug..let me know the resolution...05:55
shade34321Recently I upgraded my laptop from ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 and compiz kept crashing. Rather than trying to troubleshoot it I just did a fresh install and it's still crashing...any ideas on how to fix it? I've tried to reset compiz and unity and it doesn't work05:55
Jordan_Ucelthunder: If you put the boot sector in the first sector of a partition then you don't have any place to embed the core.img, and you have to rely on blocklists pointing to an active filesystem, which are unreliable with any bootloader.05:55
celthunderJordan_U: doesnt mean you cant do it05:56
Jordan_Ujagginess: Why don't you want grub's boot sector in the mbr?05:56
goraxeany one know whats going on with libvirt kvm + qemu in 12.04?05:56
jagginessJordan_U, true.. do you know if the gap space is fixed for the stage1?05:56
Jordan_Ucelthunder: No, just that you shouldn't.05:56
celthundershade34321: dont use compiz?05:56
celthundergoraxe: whats wrong with it05:57
celthunderJordan_U: fair enough05:57
shade34321celthunder, that is a solution but I was under the impression it was necessary to run05:57
goraxeI have disabled apparmour, made /var/lib/libvirt/{images,qemu} world write + readable05:58
jagginessJordan_U, core.img is part of stage1? or is that 1.5 ? maybe i can try to tinker this..05:58
celthundershade34321: compiz is just crap anyway all it does is waste resources making things look shitty05:58
Jordan_Ujagginess: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Images.html05:58
goraxeand still the libvirtd process is unable to drop the monitor unix dom sock05:58
jagginessJordan_U, btw I'm using another bootloader in mbr.. that'll chainload grub's stage105:58
Jordan_Ujagginess: What bootloader is in the MBR?05:58
celthunderjagginess: i gotta work in 2 hours :( should probably pretend to sleep for a bit ... ttyl pm me if you want later.05:59
shade34321celthunder, it doesn't really bother me. Thanks for informing that I can uninstall it and I will try that now06:00
jagginesscelthunder, take care :)06:00
thechrisI'm having issues with transferring music to an ipod -- none of the normal apps work (amarok, gtkpod, rhythmbox, banshee)06:00
jagginessJordan_U, problem is not "booting".. problem is grub-install is refusing to inject anything06:00
thechrisat best, they get the files onto the ipod, but the UI still says "no music"06:00
Jordan_Ujagginess: What bootloader is in the MBR?06:00
goraxecelthunder: sorry I'm complaining but I'm bashing my head against a brick wall, I have discoverd things like the libvirt process chowns files it does not create06:01
jagginessJordan_U, it's not linux. You've never worked with it.06:01
goraxelike being a sysadmin is not difficult enough without mod bits, or uid/gid bits not sticking06:01
celthunderjagginess: i think i had that problem for a while too...i cant remember what i did with it to make it work...06:01
celthundergoraxe: lol yeah thatll happen :/06:02
goraxeI'm kinda tempted to go vanilla, theres an unaddress bug in lp against libvirt from 2008 that qemu+ssh cannot attach to the 'session' environment06:04
goraxeI'm just wonderin are many ppl having problems or just me?06:04
fugbertfor pci compliance, I need to upgrade apache from 2.2.22 to either 2.2.23 or 2.4.2.  I built 2.4.2 from source but I just learned that the Ubuntu package has a very different layout.  Any suggestions?06:04
celthundergoraxe: i know xens been a bit iffy lately, kvms been pretty steady for me but i run kvms on debian mostly06:05
thechrisdoes anyone here transfer music onto ipods?06:05
celthunderthechris: which ipod?06:05
thechris3g nano, silver 8g i think 0xA98006:06
celthunderyou should be able to use that.06:06
celthunderdont have one though.06:06
thechriscelthunder: yes, and i have been for several years.  but none of the apps seem to work in ubuntu.06:06
goraxecelthunder: been running kvm + libvirt in prod since hardy, this is the first time I have 'left the gate open' and been stumped06:07
thechrisbanshee doesn't start.  amarok doesn't initialize the device, gtkpod has gui bugs, and rhythmbox just didn't work06:07
IcemanV9thechris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto06:07
celthundergoraxe: :( sorry mate try asking in #kvm?06:07
thechrisi have a feeling they'll just suggest the apps listed, but why not.06:08
goraxecelthunder: thanks for the time, good hint on where next06:08
thechrisyep first line06:08
thechrisIcemanV9: any other ideas?06:08
sacarlsonfugbert: seems I see apache2 2.22 in ubuntu ppa https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/2.2.22-1ubuntu1.1/+build/357401606:09
IcemanV9thechris: it is as far as i know where the info is. sorry.06:09
thechrisi wonder if they all use the same library06:09
celthunderthechris: run the app /whatever as root? make sure that its not a permissions issue06:10
celthunderthechris: other than that no idea06:11
fugbertsacarlson: thanks but I'm on 2.2.22 already, and need to either go to 2.2.23 or 2.4.2.  Seems I might have to compile from source, which I've done, but the directory layout is very different then06:12
IcemanV9thechris: iTunes (windows) via virtualbox?06:12
thechristhat might work.  I guess itunes is technially free06:12
thechriswell, i actually don't know.06:13
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thechrishmm, rhythmbox doesn't detect the ipod as root06:15
rhizmoeJFC: http://code.google.com/p/gedit-color-panes/06:16
ubuntu_64bithi all06:16
sacarlsonfugbert: oh I read it wrong there is also ppa for that https://launchpad.net/~patrickdk/+archive/apache2406:16
ubuntu_64bitanybody who knows keyring password i haven'T set it before but it request me to enter what da hell is this06:17
Dr_Willisit asks you to set one the first time  its needed.06:18
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Dr_Willisset it to be blank if you dont ever want it to ask again06:18
sacarlsonubuntu_64bit: I think your password is ..... password06:18
fugbertsacarlson:  great, I'll try it, thanks!  I can't believe in all my googling I didn't find that.06:18
Dr_Willispeople ofek just enter their normal password out of habit when it first asks06:18
celthunderubuntu_64bit: turn off the keyring..its useless and usually just irritating as hell06:19
sacarlsonfugbert: hope it works I never tried it06:19
thechrissweet, problem went away.  just deleted the fs and rebooted the device and let it re-init itself.06:19
fuzzynurfhurterhi yall06:23
fuzzynurfhurterany one tried to put more than 6 linux os's on a flash drive06:30
ubuntu_64bitcelthunder, how can i turn it off give me some instruction  of how to do it06:30
aaasfuzzynurfhurter i have 6 oses, but not all linux06:30
ubuntu_64bitsacarlson, tell me the password again06:30
fuzzynurfhurterscreen went funny06:32
ubuntu_64bitsacarlson, tell me the password again06:34
sacarlsonubuntu_64bit: sorry I was just kiding I don't know your password no one does06:34
ubuntu_64bitcelthunder, how can i turn it off give me some instruction  of how to do it06:34
tdhz77Can I use the mv command to transfer a file from one external to another?06:36
elshakawhy is nautilus so slow after copying a bunch of files to my home folder?, it takes a while to open and a little while to close06:36
sdiazhow do I figure out if i'm running firefox private?06:36
sacarlsontdhz77: yes if you have set priv in files system for your user to do so06:36
ubuntu_64bitsacarlson, sometime  u have to be serious with what ur  doing  not everyone is to be joked cuz this password irritates me then  i post my querry here then u make a joke  i say fuck u06:37
mosqutiohow to do with ssh and firefox???06:38
fuzzynurfhurterhow can u multiboot several linux out of the same folder?06:38
elshakawhat is air?06:38
sacarlsonubuntu_64bit: I'll be sure to keep that under advisement06:38
sdiazfirefox isn't letting me save tabs when I close it? anyone care to help me or direct me to a place to read and do the research? i've looked all over and what i've tried in about:config isn't working for me?06:39
rand_aubuntu is refusing to boot because of a degraded array that is not important (a downloads directory) how can I convince it to boot so I can rebuild the array live?06:39
ubuntu_64bitsacarlson, u are  a fool  of fools   u cant advise anyone   and i don know why are u here06:40
sdiazI will say it because it is tru, I am a noob and am looking to learn bit by bit to what I need for my convenience06:41
sdiaznot trying to be a pro, maybe one day06:41
sdiazno one wanna give me a guide or a hint please?06:42
fuzzynurfhurterthats what im sayn sdiaz06:43
arcskyif i want to RDP to my windows machine from my home how do i setup a tunnel with putty and make a tunnel to my server? putty screen: http://i.imgur.com/PattH.jpg06:44
sdiazfuzzynurfhurter:It is said wasn't most of these people on this list once a noob or born with ubuntu? where the hell was I when those were born with it?06:44
sacarlsonsdiaz: this might be cool http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Precise06:44
sdiazthanks, I'll look into that link, thats a start anyone else with a link for me to test?06:45
fuzzynurfhurteri feel ya man06:45
fuzzynurfhurteri havnt really had any success in irc yet still new to it lol06:45
Blue1fuzzynurfhurter: what are you trying to do?06:46
sdiazfuzzynurfhurter: word same here, maybe those who are learning wanna make private channel for us to work and give each other tips to some experiments we try?06:46
fuzzynurfhurterlol more than i can make work sometimes nothing at the moment been on here with alot of different distros06:47
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: you want to multi boot iso files?  grub can be setup to do that06:47
ubuntu_64bitsacarlson, u are  a fool  of fools   u cant advise anyone   and i don know why are u here06:47
sdiazubuntu_64bit: you don't make matters any better by doing that, causes those to not want to help, just saying06:48
borg__ekur leave people alone06:48
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:48
fuzzynurfhurternot with the os just the files i got 4 working in 1 folder but having probs in the grub06:49
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tdhz77how do I use the mv command?06:49
Dr_Willismv foo bar06:50
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mhahehi there, gonna be traiding in my mac book for a new laptop that supports ubuntu abit better... my mac has been over heating like hell... and without using any graphics apps my gpu temp goes up to 85c... basically cant touch the laptop.. im sure there's a way to fix this.. but i cant be asked to deal with mac any more never use osx and just need linux. any recommendations of midrange laptops that are very well supported by ubuntu (from personal experience)?06:50
DocPlatypusWhen trying to run "at noon" I get: Cannot create atjob file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/a000040154cfbc: Permission denied06:50
nafcoolcan anyone explain me the Unity API (C)06:50
nafcoolplz. :D06:50
DocPlatypusmhahe: I recommend getting a Lemur from System7606:50
tdhz77mhahe Have you looked into the Dell laptops with ubuntu installed already?06:51
DocPlatypusor something higher end if you need the higher end functionality06:51
DocPlatypusSystem76, Zareason, eRacks all good choices IMO06:51
DocPlatypusDell is still primarily a Windows PC manufacturer06:51
mhaheand anyone actually has these laptop brands?06:52
DocPlatypusmhahe: I have a System76 desktop that's about a year old now06:52
DocPlatypusit's been running mostly issue-free, the USB bus is a bit quirky but that may be due to the old hard drive I have plugged into it06:53
nafcoolI'm developing a Qt app06:53
nafcooland for that I need to use the Unity API06:53
mhahenice, what about when upgrading to newer versions of ubuntu, u get any problems? cause i always do when upgrading with this mac06:53
fuzzynurfhurterim running xubuntu on an aspire 106:53
nafcoolwhat do i need to include to use it?06:54
DocPlatypusmhahe: worst that's really happened is my settings had to be redone all over again because invariably in the new GNOME (which is what I use) stuff is taken out06:54
fuzzynurfhurteri dont like the new gnome06:55
DocPlatypusfuzzynurfhurter: I like GNOME more than Unity. I tried Unity for a while, and got tired of it quickly06:56
nafcoolplz. help06:58
glitsj16nafcool: have you seen http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/platform/unity/ yet?06:58
nafcoolglitsj16: ah.......nope06:59
nafcoolglitsj16: ok i'll hv a look06:59
nafcoolglitsj16: thanx06:59
fuzzynurfhurterdoc i never used unity i like the kde and lxde better nice look06:59
glitsj16nafcool: np06:59
sdiazanytime you need some sort of help I could try and help plus i'm learning in the process07:00
t432I need to add a library to path... where whould add this?07:06
tdhz77Anybody wanna help me with the mv command/07:08
dhysure what is your problem tdhz7707:09
Dr_Willislibrary path. isent that a variable like LDCONFIG ?07:10
nafcoolglitsj16: there's a tutorial for python and vala but none for C++07:10
tdhz77I get an error that says cannot stat No such file directory. I want to move my movies from one USB to another. This is what I have sudo mv /Movies /media/GREAT/Movies07:10
nafcoolthe Unity lanucher07:10
nafcoolglitsj16: i want to know - which header file to include to use the Unity API functions?07:11
Dr_Willistdhz77:  you sure the path /Movies is correct?07:11
theadmintdhz77: I doubt you have a directory /Movies. / is the root of the filesystem. The only directories which should be present there are specified in the FHS. Putting other stuff there is just a weird idea.07:11
tdhz77well I CD  into /media/SEAS/Movies07:11
geirhatdhz77: mv /media/SEAS/Movies /media/GREAT/07:12
tdhz77theadmin, ya I changed directory 'cd' into /media/SEAS07:12
Dr_Willistdhz77:  its not /Movies thenb.   just Movies07:12
dhyif you want movie file from usb try-->  mv /Movies/* /media/GREAT/ Movies07:12
theadmintdhz77: Well, then you want "mv Movies /media/GREAT/"07:12
tdhz77inter-device move failed: ..... unable to remove target: Is a directory07:13
dhyif movies in directory try -R option for recursive07:13
theadmintdhz77: Without the leading slash. Or, "mv ./Movies /media/GREAT/". Or "mv $PWD/Movies /media/GREAT/", all should be about the same.07:13
tdhz77theadmin, because im transfering from one usb to another should I use cp instead?07:13
theadmintdhz77: Well cp is copy, mv is move07:14
theadmintdhz77: It shouldn't matter which to use07:14
dhytdhz77,  try sudo07:14
Dr_Willistdhz77:  may be 'safer' to cp then remove the originalonce the cp is done.  it may take time to copy them all..07:14
dhysudo  mv /Movies/* /media/GREAT/ Movies07:14
theadmintdhz77: Don't forget the trailing slash: /media/GREAT/, not /media/GREAT07:14
tdhz77theadmin, dr_willis, dhy thank you very much.07:15
dhyyour welcome07:15
Dr_Willisyou may want to look into the 'mc' file manager for the  shell  :)07:16
Dr_Willis!info mc07:16
ubottumc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.8.1-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 500 kB, installed size 1279 kB07:16
vampirnata<3 mc07:16
tdhz77Dr_willis cool! Thanks awesome very awesome.07:16
gogetamc for the win07:16
theadminMeh mc... ranger ftw07:17
Dr_Willistheres some alternatives to mc.. but you just dont hear a lot about  them.07:17
vampirnatamc doesn't play nice with byobu though :(07:17
Dr_Willismc dont work that great over my android phone/ssh session ;) no F keys...07:17
dhyhello ppl07:17
RidionHello room07:18
tdhz77Dr_willis will this help in my quest to learn the terminal or inhibit it?07:18
fideltheadmin: whats the advantage of 'the ranger' - never heard of07:18
dhywho have an raspberry pi in this channel?07:18
theadminfidel: Vi-style keybindings for one :P07:18
RidionI want one, just don't know what I'd do with it yet07:18
gogetaDr_Willis: hackers keybord has them07:18
fidellets check it out then07:18
Dr_Willistdhz77:  if you want to learn the terminal.. you should be rading the man pagesand bash guides..  since you are doing fundamenttal mistakes like /Movies/07:18
dhyi have one currently07:18
vampirnataI got one last week07:19
Ridiondoes anyone feel like helping a newbie get his X server working?07:19
dhyi am using at home like a server07:19
vampirnatahaven't had a chance to play with it yet though07:19
tdhz77Dr_Willis Point me to the docs and I shall read.07:19
fidelRidion: just ask07:19
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:19
fidelRidion: until you start describing your problem in detail we cant really answer your first question anyways ;)07:19
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vampirnatajust in case someone doesn't know, Xshell is an amazing ssh client for windows07:20
tdhz77If I don't understand the error message is there a way I can look up what it means?07:20
gogetavampirnata: so is putty07:21
DocPlatypusis at/cron supposed to be broken in 12.04 LTS? seems odd that I'd get a permission error07:21
Ridionmy system was booting fine, I have ATI drivers installed, I tried to install Xen, and the system now boots to command line. When I run cinnmon or gnome-shell I get the error: "Window manager error: Unable to open X display". Running X -configure I get "Number of screens created does not match number of detected devices07:21
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vampirnatai knew someone would say putty. yes putty is good but xshell has many more features. check out their feature list and you will see07:21
Ridionsorry, was just taking time to type07:22
xanhi there, someone knows where the mobile broadband simcard pin is stored in ubuntu? i forgot it and would like to recover it07:22
theadminvampirnata: Nobody feels like buying an ssh client though07:22
fideltdhz77: you can either post the error message here - or check the web for the error-message as a first step -> general hint07:22
vampirnatait's free for home/personal use07:22
theadminvampirnata: Ah, guess I didn't read much07:23
tdhz77fidel great, thanks for the tip.07:23
fidelconsider that you will be most likely not the first one out there seeing that specific error-message - so using a search is always a good step in combination with irc07:23
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Ridionanyone got any hints for my problem?07:24
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nafcoolwhere will i get the source code unity.h?07:24
theadminnafcool: apt-get source unity07:24
nafcoolfor Unity Launcher API C07:25
CerrdorRidion: uninstall xen07:25
sacarlsonRidion: if the xen install broke it maybe try boot your original kernel from grub and see if it recovers,  if so set it back to default07:25
blazinbasshow do i upgrade to 12.04lts from 10.04 lts07:25
blazinbassi just installed all current updates07:25
blazinbassand it's not showing up in the upgrade box07:25
theadminblazinbass: sudo do-release-upgrade07:25
nafcooltheadmin: thanks a lot!07:25
RidionI would, but it does it when I'm not booting into Xen too now07:25
Ridionwould it still probably help?07:26
blazinbassplease anyone?07:26
blazinbasshelp me upgrade from 10.04 to 12.0407:26
theadminblazinbass: *ahem*07:26
theadminblazinbass: sudo do-release-upgrade07:26
blazinbassadmin..it says no new release found07:27
CerrdorRidion: should fix it07:27
sacarlsonblazinbass: did you try sudo apt-get update; ?07:27
theadminblazinbass: Mweh... In the software properties or whatever, check it to scan for LTS update releases, then run that again07:28
blazinbassadmin, already done that07:28
blazinbasssacarlson: I don't know how to do that07:28
tdhz77During the mv command I got a kernel panic. :(07:28
sacarlsonblazinbass: enter a terminal and type $sudo apt-get update07:28
omidohi. i cannot install any app in ubuntu software center. it says " waiting for apt-get to exit.how can i get rid of this issue?07:29
theadminblazinbass: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades#Network_Upgrade_for_Ubuntu_Desktops_10.04_LTS_to_12.04_LTS_.28Recommended.29 - hm.07:30
sacarlsonblazinbass: to enter a terminal from desktop    Applications>Accesories>Terminal07:30
nafcooltheadmin: but there's no unity.h file??07:30
theadminnafcool: Well, that's the whole source-code of Unity that is there07:30
nafcooltheadmin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175844307:30
theadmin!find unity.h07:30
nafcooltheadmin: what is he using?07:30
ubottuFile unity.h found in 389-admin-console, bibledit-gtk-data, cherokee-doc, doc-linux-html, golang-doc, haxe, keystone-doc, libdb4o-doc, libjs-mathjax, libunity-dev (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=unity.h&mode=&suite=precise&arch=any07:30
theadminnafcool: libunity-dev07:30
theadminnafcool: That's the package you need, sudo apt-get install it07:31
Flannelblazinbass: LTS won't be prompted to upgrade to the next LTS until the first point release (12.04.1 in this case) is released.  That happens three months after the release (end of July).  If you want to do it sooner, run `update-mangaer -d` and it'll see 12.0407:31
blazinbasswhat's the exact command flannel?07:31
blazinbassFlannel: ?07:31
theadminblazinbass: gksu update-manager -d07:31
Flannelblazinbass: gksu update-manager -d07:31
nafcooltheadmin: alright07:31
omidoi have another issue and that is i feel the launcher size is too much large. how can i make it smaller? i searched in system settings but found nothing useful.07:32
theadminomido: I think MyUnity has something or other about that07:32
blazinbassFlannel: thank you, i ran that in terminal and it opened my package manager07:32
blazinbassFlannel: still don't see any option to upgrade07:32
theadminNot too sure though, the only time I used Unity was at a friend's computer when the only thing I did was open a terminal and install Java anyway07:33
blazinbassFlannel: i really appreciate you trying to help btw07:34
nafcooltheadmin: cool!07:36
nafcooltheadmin: thanks a lot! now i can include the header file and use it in my program?07:36
theadminnafcool: Yes, I suppose you just #include <unity.h>07:37
theadminnafcool: I'm not a C coder though so I can't help you much further.07:37
Flannelblazinbass: If that doesn't work there's something else affecting it.  When you updated to the latest packages, did you get a new kernel?  It may be that it checks and won't let you upgrade until you're running that kernel.07:37
nafcooltheadmin: ok.........np thanks a lot!07:38
blazinbassFlannel: I'm not quite sure how to check if I did, I just turned on my internet for the first time today since September of last year07:38
blazinbassFlannel: i've upgraded everything and am positive there's nothing left in the repository to upgrade to07:38
=== HardFu|AFK is now known as HardFu
nafcooltheadmin: actually I'm a XIth grader....taking part in App Showdown :D07:38
blazinbassFlannel: i'm running 10.04LTS07:38
nafcooltheadmin: and I LOVE UBUNTU07:38
theadminnafcool: Heh.07:38
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
Flannelblazinbass: Have you restarted since upgrading (to grab the new kernel)?07:39
blazinbassFlannel: yes sir07:39
theadminnafcool: That's getting offtopic though, if you want to discuss that further you may /query me.07:39
zybiskinafcool: are you making apps for iphone or android?07:39
Flannelblazinbass: Do you have lucid-updates enabled?07:39
blazinbassFlannel: yes, i've just checked07:40
blazinbassFlannel: bare with me brother07:41
Flannelblazinbass: Then I don't know what to tell you.  That does/should work.07:41
blazinbassFlannel: that command should prompt me for 12.04?07:41
Flannelblazinbass: yes.  gksu update-manager -d07:41
Flannelor do-release-upgrade -d07:41
theadminHm... I think I may see the problem.07:42
theadminblazinbass: Try with "gksudo" rather than gksu: gksudo update-manager -d07:42
* theadmin thinks gksu interprets -d as an option, --debug.07:42
Flanneltheadmin: gksudo and gksu have been identical since Breezy.  If anything, you'd want to protect it with `gksu "update-manager -d"`07:42
theadminFlannel: Ah, okay.07:43
theadminPardon me then.07:43
blazinbassFlannel: something seems to be working with that last command u gave me07:44
Flanneltheadmin: Oh, no worries :)07:44
blazinbasstheadmin: you're very kind, thank you07:44
theadminFlannel: If I recall correctly, though, gksu MAY be configured to use su as the backend via gksu-properties, whereas gksudo always uses sudo, so uh.07:44
blazinbass34 installed packages are no longer supported by Canonical. You can07:44
blazinbassstill get support from the community.07:44
blazinbass48 packages are going to be removed. 722 new packages are going to be07:44
blazinbassinstalled. 1208 packages are going to be upgraded.07:44
blazinbassYou have to download a total of 966 M. This download will take about07:44
blazinbass10 minutes with your connection.07:44
FloodBot1blazinbass: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:44
blazinbasssorry for that flood07:45
llutz_theadmin: even gksudo has an "-d" option, so...07:45
blazinbass(12:44:54 AM) blazinbass: how do i know if thats 12.04?07:45
blazinbass(12:45:03 AM) blazinbass: i press yn to continue07:45
Flannelblazinbass: You've configured your system to only do LTS upgrades, right?07:45
theadminllutz_: ic well, never mind then07:45
blazinbassFlannel: yeah07:46
Flannelblazinbass: then it's 12.0407:46
blazinbassFlannel: something is definitely happening right now07:46
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
blazinbassFlannel: you're a genius :)07:46
tioxAs of the present kernel version in Ubuntu, I can receive audio from speakers on my Dell Inspiron just fine, just not with headphones unless I bump up the "Speaker" slider in alsamixer.07:46
blazinbassFlannel: why is it so big?  almost a GIG worth of updates!? holy crap07:46
nafcoolzybiski: for desktop07:46
tioxI still do not get why this is such an issue in 12.04 when the kernel in 11.10 works as it should.07:46
theadminblazinbass: Because it's the same as downloading the 12.04 ISO, all the packages there... But uncompressed07:47
blazinbassyou guys are so awesome07:47
tioxPlus, followed a launchpad thread that confirms this: The Precise kernel is not exactly precise, as someone applied it to a build of 11.10 and got the same result; No audio from headphones.07:47
theadminblazinbass: Well, it's not the same, but I think I got my point across :P07:47
blazinbassthank you07:47
blazinbasstheadmin:  i thought you were a bot :)07:48
Bijan-Eanyone knows how to get DVD/CD's label (text) in terminal ?07:48
theadminblazinbass: err, I ain't. The only bot we have here is ubottu (well, the only one that talks anyway)07:48
tioxI installed the Realtek drivers in accordance to a thread on Ask Ubuntu, nothing still. I am stumped.07:48
tioxI am going to sleep. Farewell and  hope someone figures this crap out.07:48
nafcooltheadmin: we can make apps for android, too?07:48
theadminBijan-E: isoinfo may or may not be of help.07:49
theadminnafcool: Well I guess if you have the Android SDK and such installed.07:49
nafcool!find glib.h07:50
ubottuFile glib.h found in autoconf-archive, firefox-dev, grass-doc, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-doc, kompozer-dev, libalglib-dev, libcouchdb-glib-dev, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libdbusmenu-glib-dev, libdesktopcouch-glib-dev (and 43 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=glib.h&mode=&suite=precise&arch=any07:50
=== Lloir|work is now known as Lloir
theadminBijan-E: Something along the lines of "isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0"07:51
Bijan-Etheadmin, thank you, i'm install genisoimage right now and i will try that07:52
nafcooltheadmin: /usr/include/unity/unity/unity.h:7:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory07:52
nafcooltheadmin: what to do??07:52
theadminnafcool: Find glib.h, I'm not sure where that would be.07:52
nafcooltheadmin: libglib is already installed on my UB-PC07:52
nafcooltheadmin: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=precise&arch=any&mode=exactfilename&searchon=contents&keywords=glib.h07:53
theadminnafcool: Well, you need the -dev package07:53
theadminnafcool: I suggest you install "build-essential" which will pull in all the basic development stuff07:54
mah454I want to make own gnome 3 live cd (ubuntu Base) ; but this live cd started gnome in fallback mode !07:56
nafcooltheadmin: how o use it?07:56
mah454How can start gnome 3 in liveCD ?07:56
theadminmah454: Video drivers... Also, there's an Ubuntu GNOME Shell Remix.07:56
mah454theadmin, in livecd must install video drivers ?07:57
theadminmah454: Well yes, GNOME requires 3D acceleration.07:57
fidelmah454: just as i am curious: why would your live-cd need gnome-3 in the first place?07:57
fidelyour are almost banning some older devices then with this cd-requirements ;)07:58
nafcooltheadmin: how to use build-essential07:58
haylofidel, i beleive that is the point07:59
theadminnafcool: Just "sudo apt-get install" it, it will give you the core tools such as gcc, make etc and core libraries.07:59
hayloa minor undertaking for  acompany like microsoft to control ubuntu from the inside fidel07:59
nafcoolit is indstalled07:59
nafcoolbut still the error occurs07:59
theadminnafcool: Oh well, I can't help much.07:59
=== roo is now known as Guest25559
mah454fidel, only make new gnome 3 livecd07:59
theadminnafcool: I don't even have an Ubuntu near me08:00
nafcooltheadmin: np08:00
=== Guest25559 is now known as gnuub
Dr_Willisnafcool:  what error?08:02
nafcoolDr_Willis: my prog. is here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175844308:03
nafcoolDr_Willis: When i compile it08:03
nafcoolDr_Willis:  error - /usr/include/unity/unity/unity.h:7:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.08:03
Dr_Willis!find glib.h08:03
ubottuFile glib.h found in autoconf-archive, firefox-dev, grass-doc, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-doc, kompozer-dev, libalglib-dev, libcouchdb-glib-dev, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libdbusmenu-glib-dev, libdesktopcouch-glib-dev (and 43 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=glib.h&mode=&suite=precise&arch=any08:04
Dr_Willisiwould guess you need some of the other -dev packages08:04
Dr_Willisthe build-dep option to apt-get can auto-pull in  the needed dev packages to compile specific apps.08:05
Dr_Willissudo apt-get build-dep unity    (perhaps)08:05
Dr_Willis!info unity08:05
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.12-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1248 kB, installed size 3532 kB08:05
Dr_Willisor  was it build-deps08:06
Dr_Willisshotgun approach to installing dev packages. ;)08:08
dwigai'm newbie08:10
Dr_Williswe get a lot of those in here. ;)08:11
=== michael is now known as Guest52975
fideleveryone is a newbie ...at least in some area ;)08:13
iHarpis it possible to upgrade mac firmware while only having linux installed? Other than virtual machine?08:13
fideliHarp: what do you mean by 'mac firmware'?08:13
fideltalking about efi-updates?08:13
quadmonsterhi for all08:14
elfrannei have a thinkpad T410 and when using vga to connect an external display the screen is flickering .. any idea ?08:14
quadmonsterhave any one working with firebird server on ubuntu?08:14
fideliHarp: so you are having apple-hardware - only linux running on it and want to install the latest efi-firmware update from apple on that apple-hardware?08:15
fideljust to avoid confusion: why?08:15
iHarpfidel: that is correct08:15
iHarpI have an original macbook 1,1 from 2006 that I know has't received the update that is available. From what I have read there are multiple fixes that come from the update08:16
fideliHarp: afaik there was only 1 update for that series-  but i'M sorry - no idea how to do that. have you asked in addition in ##mac ?08:18
fidelthere are at least a handfull of power-mac-users available usualy08:18
nafcoolcan anyone here plz. assist me how to use libunity in C++, please :D08:18
iHarpfidel: yea. looks like i might actually have to do a mac install virtually.08:19
fidelnafcool: you might consider asking in a more programming oriented channel08:19
Dr_Willisvirtual machine flashing firmware..thats kinda scary08:19
iHarpDr_Willis: how so?08:20
fidelhehe yep - but then again the entire mac thing is partly scary if it comes to how hard & software are tinkered together in some areas08:20
Dr_WillisiHarp:  its accessing the virtual hardware... not even sure how that would be possible08:20
HardFustrange, I have two boxes, they both have the same corosync config, yet can't both08:20
HardFucan't see both08:20
iHarpmacbook linux has been a nightmare.08:21
HardFuanyone good with corosync/pacemaker08:21
fideliHarp: fully believe that ;)08:21
nafcoolfidel: is there any ubuntu based programming channel?08:22
Cerrdorubuntu based programming channel lol08:22
Cerrdordamn near all of em?08:22
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:22
Cerrdoroops wrong room08:23
nafcoolCerrdor: :(08:23
Cerrdornafcool: what language you looking for? Or what are you trying to do08:24
nafcoolCerrdor: actually, I'm trying to run a code using libunity in C++ code08:25
nafcoolbut it isn't compiling08:25
Cerrdorare you using Qmake to 'make' the file?08:26
nafcoolCerrdor: no08:26
Cerrdorwhat are you making it with?08:27
nafcoolCerrdor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175844308:27
Cerrdorso it works?08:28
iHarpDr_Willis: I'm going to attempt it. I will report back my findings08:28
Dr_Willistime to start with hellowworld.c and move up?08:28
Dr_Willisabout all i evr do is ./configue, make, make install08:29
Cerrdormake it from scratch08:30
Cerrdorway more fun08:30
Cerrdorlike 800+ hours more fun08:31
nafcoolCerrdor: I'm using g++ to compile the source code08:31
nafcoolis it ok?08:31
theadmin|2nafcool: g++ compiles C++ code, not C. Just saying... You said you were doing C08:31
=== theadmin|2 is now known as theadmin
Rojhi how i can creat unity lens?and develp it?08:33
Roji need information a bout dev lens08:33
davidcalleRoj, you should ask in #ubuntu-app-devel08:34
nafcooltheadmin: but that doen't matter08:34
nafcooltheadmin: coz the error is that it can't find a file :(08:34
elfrannei have a thinkpad T410 and when using vga to connect an external display the screen is flickering .. any idea ?08:35
fidelman - everytime i set up a new ubuntu vm i tend to hate the default update-servers for the lagginess. is that a known issue for de.archive.ubuntu.com?08:36
theadminelfranne: Bad cable? I mean, VGA is ages old, I wouldn't be surprised if the cable's damaged :P08:36
elfrannetheadmin, it is a nearly brand new cable that came with the screen08:37
theadminelfranne: Oh okay, never mind then08:38
elfrannetheadmin, any other idea ?08:38
theadminelfranne: Nope08:39
vampirnataanyone here used zentyal?08:43
sirriffsalotHi! Constant updates include software which I do not want installed, such as ubuntu one and samba things... how do I tell ubuntu to stop getting these updates?08:48
erwHi, Is there a keyboard shortcut in 12.04 to launch terminal08:48
Smurphysirriffsalot: I know you can tell it to not install the proposed packages by default. Dunno what it was anymore though08:49
theadminerw: Yes, it's a cat.08:49
theadminerw: Ctrl-Alt-T08:49
sirriffsalotSmurphy, well obviously.. but gets tiresome after a few updates..08:49
erwtheadmin: thanks :)08:50
Smurphysirriffsalot: yes - but you can configure into the apt system by default - so it won't ask08:50
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:50
melodie__Smurphy: ?08:50
melodie__I'm here ! :D08:50
Smurphyyo :)08:50
Dr_Willisif you are not using samba, then you could remove samba. if you are using samba.. then you should let it upodate samba. sinc there may  be security updates08:51
Smurphymelodie__: a /join #ubuntu would have been faster :}08:51
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
quadmonsterif any one know about wifi firmware on ubuntu 10.04?08:51
Dr_Willisquadmonster:  depends a great deal on the exact wireless chipset08:51
melodie__Smurphy: ok08:52
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
sirriffsalotSmurphy, oh, how do I do this?:)08:54
SmurphyOk - do what ?08:55
Smurphysirriffsalot: That's what I said before. I did read it not too long ago that you can configure it, but I didn't put more attention to it.08:56
avelldirollsirriffsalot: the answer of Dr_Willis about pinning was for you08:56
sirriffsalotOh, been doing a lot of things, will read in a sec:) Cheers!08:56
sirriffsalotDr_Willis, thanks willis:P08:57
=== nkts is now known as Guest97092
sirriffsalotDr_Willis, not using it:P08:58
skplhow do i cehck the version of an installed app?09:00
llutz_skpl: apt-cache policy <packagename>09:00
SmurphyAnyone knows why I get no sound out of a Windows XP Client running inside a VirtualBox Host ?09:01
SmurphyHost System is KUbuntu 12.04.09:01
melodie__Smurphy: have you installed the guest additions ?09:01
melodie__Smurphy: and do you know how I could lock the launchers on the unity panel please ?09:02
melodie__I don't want the people to remove them or add more, if it would be possible09:02
Smurphylcom it on the unity launcher ?09:02
melodie__Smurphy: yes sir !09:02
SmurphyThere is an addon for Unity, to configure the Unity itself, GUI etc.09:02
SmurphyBut - as I use KUbuntu, I never used it.09:03
fishbaiti've found myself preferring kde are there any media players that integrate with kde the way banshee does with gnome?09:03
SmurphyAnybody here knows what the name of the app is ?09:03
triadsomeone yell at me ?09:03
melodie__what is the name ? if it is "myunity" it does not look like it contains this feature ? (just read the doc so far)09:03
Smurphyfishbait: kaffeine ?09:03
fishbaiti'll look into it09:03
Smurphymelodie__: Don't think so., It was for finetuning Unity09:03
melodie__Smurphy: if you remember the name, it will be welcome !09:04
Smurphyjust checking...09:04
avelldirollfishbait: there used to be amarok ... but as far as I know it's crippled since kde409:04
SmurphyWas a german article of Linuxusers... Just cehcking my archives.09:04
fishbaityeah tried but it doesn't integrate09:05
nikolahello, i have problem my xbuntu turnoff my monitor after 10 minutes , but options in screen saver and power managemant are set to 50 minutes09:05
nikolathat things started happening my after update09:05
melodie__fishbait: amarok ?09:05
Smurphyfishbait: What you mean with integrate ?09:05
fishbaitbanshee in gnome shows controls in the volume09:06
fishbaiti just want something that shows controls somewhere09:06
fishbaitwithout the window being open09:06
zubin_how can i fix the error no init found. try passing init=bootrag ?09:06
fidelnot sure if it was mentioned already - but clementine is an excelenct amarok fork09:07
fidelregarding the audio-player & amarok discussion09:07
fidelfishbait: clementine should appear in the central audio-controlvolume interface of your install - besides offering controls in the app as well - if that helps09:07
fishbaitfidel: thank you09:08
paul_ukhey all, is anyone here using xfreerdp and the clipboard from vm to host works?  Or anyknow a channel for remmina desktop?09:08
Smurphymelodie__: Don't find it. Went out of the RSS already (they seem to keep it for a Week in only or so).09:09
avelldirollfishbait: there should be some plasmoid to add to your desktop able to control at least amarok (or clementine)09:11
fishbaitooh that could work too09:11
ninstaahHi all, Can one of you help me with some regex replacement in an variable? I want my domain-test.tld to be domain_test_tld .. how is that possible?09:13
fishbaitok clementine works for me i'll keep an eye out for that plasmoid09:15
avelldirollninstaah: when speaking about regex, you should always define the tool you are using regex with (sed, perl, python, ...), some more context would probably help too, finally you might get more answers in #regex which is dedicated to those questions09:16
ninstaahavelldiroll, It is within a bash script - is that what you are asking about?09:17
llutz_ninstaah: domain=donaim-test.tld  ; echo ${domain//[^a-zA-Z]/_}09:18
thebrassehi! can someone tell me how I enable my compose key without using the unity window manager. when i switched to another window manager, my configured compose key stopped working...09:18
=== Magix is now known as xBytez
jolarenI'm logged into my webmin on my server and I can see that /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start is running like 10 times09:19
avelldirollninstaah: no ... and llutz_ answer is more appropriate ... you don't need regex for what you describe09:19
melodie__Smurphy: ok, doesn't matter, I'll try to find with "fine tune Unity "09:19
Cerrdorjolaren: different PID?09:19
fideljolaren: and what amount would you expect?09:19
melodie__bye and thanks09:19
ninstaahavelldiroll, the ansvar llutz gave me is exactly what I was looking for (thanks llutz).09:20
jolarenCerrdor: yeah, different pid.. fidel; I think one? It's an upstart thing09:20
Smurphymelodie__: ok.09:20
SmurphySorry ..09:20
fideljolaren: shouldnt that be based on the apache config?09:20
jolarenfidel: it's running as root and as www-data09:20
jolareni haven't looked at it earlier, just saw it now09:20
llutz_jolaren: check min-/maxspareservers in apache.conf09:21
fideljolaren: having > 1 apache process is rteally nothing special09:21
fidelplay with your apache config and tweak it to your needs09:21
fidelthe default values are just .....'default values' matching for some .. not for others09:21
Cerrdoralso might be diff domains using different apache properties09:22
ninstaahwell llutz, I get bad substitution on this line; dotfix=echo ${domain//[^a-zA-Z]/_}   Did I do something wrong?09:22
llutz_ninstaah: dotfix= without echo09:22
llutz_ninstaah: the "echo" was just to demonstrate what the substitution does09:23
ninstaahllutz, oh well - removed echo and I still get the error09:23
jolarenfidel: llutz_: okay.. so I shouldn't mind apache running as root? the website is not live, I access it only via ssh tunnel09:23
sirriffsalotSupposing I'm using opera... Opening magnet links proves itself to be rather difficult... What should I do when it says "The address type is unknown or unsupported"09:23
ninstaahllutz, a little pastie: http://pastie.org/411341409:24
llutz_jolaren: it should run as www-data. check your conf09:24
blackshroudhi all09:24
jolarenive looked after the conf in several places now, haven't found the parameter your stating llutz_ .. checked /etc/default/apache2 and /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf09:25
fideljolaren: i do see 1 root process here - and several owned by www-data09:25
fidelthe first is wondering me myself a bit - the second is rhe expected part09:25
llutz_jolaren: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf   and be aware that webmin might break things09:26
llutz_!webmin  | jolaren09:26
ubottujolaren: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:26
jolarenfidel: then we are on the same page.. I have the same setup as you. I don't know how that happend.09:26
jolarenfidel: I didn't know that! I probarbly should remove webmin then, I've always used it.09:27
fideljolaren: having 1 apache process owned by root isnt that special either btw09:29
jolarenfidel: I reckoned from your statement earlier, I felt more calm.09:29
jolarenGoogled it, apparently it's normal09:29
fidelso - basically seeing > 1 process owned by www-data or similar users -> is fine - if you want less - consider checking your apache config for min/max etc09:29
llutz_ninstaah: works here09:29
jolarenfidel: llutz_ thanks for your assistance09:31
sirriffsalotAnyone on my torrent question?09:32
trepidaciousI've got a bug renaming folders on a windows share - use F2 to rename, type any name, then double click folder to immediately navigate to it, then press back to get back to parent folder. This results in the folder being given a short, nearly random name that starts with the right letter, but then has random characters, and normally a "~" in the penultimate character.09:34
trepidaciousCan anyone reproduce?09:34
sirriffsalotNvm, I worked it out:)09:37
aashishHi all, I am installing and configuring ubuntu 11.10, apache, passenger, rails app. But did not understood why nginx is being downloaded. The following is out put of starting passenger http://pastie.org/411347309:43
ELITE_LXVIAnyone out there willing to help out a new linux user. I've been fiddleing for about 3 days now and personally i like what i see just looking for someone who can mentor me on a few things.09:47
fidel!ask > ELITE_LXVI09:47
ubottuELITE_LXVI, please see my private message09:47
ELITE_LXVIWell that was usefull information09:48
ikoniaELITE_LXVI: if you want help you have to ask a question09:49
sageHello people, i am using ubuntu 12.04 and i have this weird crackling (distortion) noise whenever i playing anything(mp3,avi, audio, video all) in Ubuntu (does not happen with otherp layers)..09:50
Dr_Willissage:  you mean its just in the totem player?09:50
ikoniasage: tried a different audio application with the same files as a test ?09:50
ELITE_LXVIok then a little confused but... Im curently running lubuntu on an old computer because of problems i had installing the full unbuntu and have been looking at alot of distros i like what i see especially arch linux but thats supossed to be hard with alot of terminal commands and as much as i like a challenge im looking for someone with expericance to teach me a few things about linux.09:50
sirriffsalotAny rootkit scanners or virus-protection tools otherwise that you warmly recommend for ubuntu?:)09:51
ikoniaELITE_LXVI: this channel offerss ubuntu support only09:51
chuELITE_LXVI: Comw to #ubuntu-offtopic09:51
aashishHi all, I am installing and configuring ubuntu 11.10, apache, passenger, rails app. But did not understood why nginx is being downloaded. The following is out put of starting passenger http://pastie.org/4113473. Can anyone help09:51
ikoniasage: virus's work different in linux as such a virus isn't really going to be hit with antivirus scanning09:51
Dr_Willisa rootkit just cant 'pop on' you have to somehoww get hacked for it to get installed  dont it? ive never been clear on how one gets 'root-kitted'09:52
ELITE_LXVIin all matters of fact its on topic ubuntu is linux based and linux is based on unix so im within the terms and conditions to ask that question.09:53
sirriffsalotDr_Willis, downloading stuff:D09:53
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sirriffsalotikonia, sounds strange... there are several rootkit scanners made for linux..09:53
sirriffsalotMust be for a reason09:53
geirhaAnd LAMP + chmod 77709:53
Dr_WillisELITE_LXVI:  you could just ask the specific question about the topic you are interested in.  asking for a 'mentor' woule be better in the ot chennel.09:53
ikoniaELITE_LXVI: sorry - you are not09:54
chuELITE_LXVI: That may be so, but it's not a support question. Come to #ubuntu-offtopic.09:54
ikoniaELITE_LXVI: if you want ubuntu help, ask we are here to help, if you want archlinux help, use #archlinux channel, if you want generic linux discussion try ##linux09:54
ikoniaELITE_LXVI: it's very hard to "mentor" someone in linux on IRC, so if you have specific ubuntu questions, just ask09:54
ELITE_LXVIi did ask three questions in my last few comments and none were answered apart from me being off topic which im not im well within topic.09:54
sageyes Dr_Willis ikonia , it plays just normal in other players.09:54
Dr_Willissirriffsalot:  rootkits exist.. not really seen any active/live viruses for ubuntu/linux09:55
ikoniaELITE_LXVI: do you have an ubuntu questions, yes/no ?09:55
ikoniasage: the issue is rookit scanners can only scan for known rootkit setups09:55
sirriffsalotDr_Willis, I know, but might as well get it don't you think?:D09:55
sagethis crackling sound, noise happens only when i play something in VLC media player09:55
ELITE_LXVIok we got somewhere wasnt to hard was it?09:55
Dr_Willissage:  in vlc?  you said in gnome/totem earliuer... for VLC try changeing the  audio device/output in its settings. I have to use either Pulse or alsa. to remove bad noise.09:56
sageDr_Willis, i tried all output but it makes no difference.. still the same sound..09:56
fishbaiton certain flash video sites when i go fullscreen it exceed my monitor size. how do i fix this?09:56
Dr_Willisyou are closeing and restarting vlc after changeing the setting?09:56
Dr_Willisi recall needing to do that09:56
sagelemme try doing that09:57
Dr_Willisor at least totally stopping or loading a differnt video file.09:58
aprendepython_blhi to all!!09:58
Dr_Willisi had to twiddle with it a little bit. ;)09:58
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fishbait... i hope theres a resoloution to this problem09:59
fishbaitmy vlc is working perfectly after switching to pulse audio server output10:00
rubikHello, if i have added some network shortcuts in nautilus , how do i have that shortcuts/bookmarks appear in other windows , such as the 'select file' attachment window in thunderbird ? Am running 12.0410:00
Dr_Willissaw a 'trick' at askubuntu.com earlier today about using a firefox plugin to make flash videos automcaially play in vlc, or totem, or mplayer, thus totally bypassing flash  ;)10:01
sagedamn.. no use Dr_Willis i have been googling around since two days.. i guess this is a bug..10:02
fishbaiton certain flash video sites when i go fullscreen it exceed my monitor size. how do i fix this? i got youtube working properly but now this10:02
sagei ll have to ditch VLC i guess.. as all works perfectly fine in other players..10:02
geirharubik: Either the application supports it or it doesn't. If it doesn't, you have to dig into ~/.gvfs10:02
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rubikok i'll look that up, tq10:02
Dr_Willissage:  i belive the 'default' setitng in vlc was buggy for me. but 'alsa' worked'10:03
sagenothing plays in Alsa here10:03
sageno output at all10:03
fishbaitis alsa using the right device?10:03
sagehow to determine that @ fishbait ?10:04
geirharubik: Gnome-specific applications will see them, since they interface with gnome's volume manager, but it's upto each application whether it wants to interface with it or not. At any rate, a directory for the mapping will be inside the hidden folder .gvfs in your homedir.10:04
rubikmy .gvfs folder is empty ?10:04
sagefishbait, i get you buddy10:05
sagedamn! It worked10:05
geirharubik: are they mounted?10:05
sagethanks Dr_Willis10:05
sagethanks fishbait  :D :D10:05
geirharubik: open one in nautilus, then check .gvfs again10:05
rubikno, it's access through SMB10:05
rubikok there it is10:05
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rubikmy bad10:05
fishbaitthats what it was for me every single time there was absolutley no sound at all10:06
fishbaitnow if only i could get videoweed to full screen properly10:06
Dr_Willisit would be weird that alsa dident work at all.. since pulse uses alsa10:06
sirriffsalotI ran rkhunter and this came up " /usr/bin/unhide.rb                                       [ Warning ]"10:06
sirriffsalotBut unhide.rb is a rootkit scanning program:S10:06
sirriffsalotShould I be concerned?:D10:07
Dr_Willisit would be weird that alsa dident work at all.. since pulse uses alsa10:07
Dr_Willisoops. ;)10:07
sagei selected ALSA audio output, then in device droplist, i selected Analog 5.1 surround ouput and it worked !10:07
rubikso if i want to attach a file in thunderbird that's on my network/smb share , i gotta either copy that file locally first or go to .gfvs link ?10:07
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jacobatIs there some way to easily install all locales?10:08
Dr_Willisrubik:  not all apps support the  file:// or smb:// type paths that nautilus would be using..  some do.10:08
sirriffsalot    Checking for passwd file changes                         [ Warning ]    Checking for group file changes                          [ Warning ]10:08
UnPtitZebreHi! Just got some problem with my dell inspiron 8200 when trying to install ubuntu 12.04... I got a "sector error 0400"...10:08
sirriffsalotAnd  Checking for hidden files and directories                [ Warning ]10:08
ikoniasirriffsalot: is there a reason you are scanning for root kits10:08
rubikok thx10:08
ikoniasirriffsalot: do you believe you have been compromised10:09
sirriffsalotikonia, just thought I'd try it:P There never really is cause rootkits can't be seen, so checking:P10:09
sirriffsalotikonia, well now I do, since it says [Warning]10:09
ikoniasirriffsalot: stop checking10:09
sirriffsalotBut the files aren't exactly externally gotten10:09
sirriffsalotikonia, why lol10:09
UnPtitZebreHi! Just got some problem with my dell inspiron 8200 when trying to install ubuntu 12.04... I got a "sector error 0400"...10:09
ikoniasirriffsalot: root kit checkers are not valid, they can give false positives as they are not dynamic in their scan, they basically search for file checksum sizes and simple things like that10:09
ikoniasirriffsalot: which is what I tried to tell you at the start10:10
spacejunk irc.irc4lyf.com10:10
ikoniasirriffsalot: so unless you have reason to believe you have been comrpomised, you are wasting your time10:10
sirriffsalotikonia, there rarely is a reason, rootkits hide! I just want to check for the heck of it:)10:10
fishbaitnow if only i could get flash to full screen properly. is there any sort of config i can set to fix its fullscreen resoloution?10:10
ikoniasirriffsalot: then you are wasting your time and you'll end up getting concerned over nothing10:10
sirriffsalotikonia, but these warnings are harmless then, is that what you're saying?10:11
ikoniaas you are doing now10:11
sirriffsalotikonia, how about telling me when I should be alert:)10:11
ikoniasirriffsalot: no, that's not what I'm saying, they could be genuine, they could be false positives becuase the rootkit scanner is not valid10:11
ikoniasirriffsalot: this is the point I'm making genericlly running rootkit scanners is pointless10:11
LarcynHello guys, could someone help me with a login error? (Ubuntu 12.04). When I try to login with my correct details I just get back into the screen, does anyone know why this error occour?10:11
sirriffsalotikonia, so why do they make them..?10:11
peetaurCan you find root kits when mounting a suspect disk in a non-rootkitted OS?10:11
ikoniasirriffsalot: unless you have a reason to believe you have been compromised and can focus on that, you are wasting your time and will not get sane results10:11
sirriffsalotikonia, how should one tell if there is a genuine reason to be concerned?10:12
ikoniasirriffsalot: symptoms10:12
Dr_Willismonitor network trafficc perhaps/10:12
sirriffsalotSuch as?10:12
fishbaitinsanity is doing the same thing in the same circumstances and expecting different results10:12
ikoniasirriffsalot: there isn't a "such as"10:12
ikoniasirriffsalot: it's based on experience, you see things that are not right for your system10:12
sirriffsalotNo examples of that..?:(10:13
ikoniasirriffsalot: no, as it's specific to the machine you are running10:13
sirriffsalotHumm ok10:13
fishbaiti can't get flash to full screen properly on some websites. is there any sort of config i can set to fix its fullscreen resoloution?10:14
bibi23hi, how can I check if a package has already been installed with apt-get isntall?10:14
ikoniabibi23: apt-get install package, if it's installed it will say "package already installed"10:15
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bibi23ikonia: but I don't want to install it, just check if it's here10:16
ikoniabibi23: dpkg -l | grep package10:16
achillehi guys !!!10:18
achillecan anyone help me please ,  i found a bug  but i dont know against which package i have to report it . the bug goes as follow  when  opening  a gtk app  (gedit for example)  the menubar appears on both  the application   and the global menu    but only  when these apps are running on kde10:18
sirriffsalotIs there a program in linux for extracting the audio out of a video file?10:18
bibi23ikonia: ok it looks good thanks, but I don't understand why? it says dpkg is for debian packages, and I've never used it, how can it know wich packages are installed? apt-get and dpkg are the same?10:18
ikoniabibi23: dpkg is the package manager for the "deb" package format used for both ubuntu and debian10:19
ikoniabibi23: apt-get is an interface or "hook" into dpkg10:19
ikoniasirriffsalot: mencoder can do it10:19
sacarlsonsirriffsalot: ffmpeg is one of many that can separate audio from video file10:19
sirriffsalotAh, cheers. Already have ffmpeg so10:20
BlouBlouI'm under empathy on IRC, is there any way to set a nickname with a capital letter?10:20
geirhaBlouBlou: You already have two capital Bs in your nickname10:20
BlouBlougeirha: interesting, cuz I don't see them10:20
bibi23ikonia: ok, but what shorcuts apt-get brings to us? the short name packages instead of the whole deb url?10:21
SwedeMikeBlouBlou: http://pastebin.com/Eaz8DFkv10:21
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ikoniabibi23: it doesn't give shortcuts10:22
fishbaitflash is stretching the video to both monitors how do i tell it not to do that?10:22
BlouBlouSwedeMike: okay, thank you, so the problem is that this client is too simple :P10:22
HansPaulhow do I get Rhythmbox to display the albums based on their cover?10:23
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Dr_Willissort by artwork?10:26
Dr_Willisor just show them10:26
MonkeyDustsirriffsalot  just tried with a .flv file, works : ffmpeg -i test.avi audio.mp310:26
HansPaulDr_Willis: How would I do so?10:27
sirriffsalotMonkeyDust, hehe, did it GUI-style:)10:27
MonkeyDustsirriffsalot  how?10:27
sirriffsalotMonkeyDust, with winff:)10:28
Dr_Willisffmpeg and mencoder are handy10:28
fishbaitanyone know how to restrict flash full screen to 1 monitor?10:28
HansPaulDr_Willis: I am looking for a thing like itune's cover-flow10:28
HardFustrange problem, when I install heartbeat the file /etc/ha.d/shellfuncs isn't installed because I deleted it manually then removed and purged the package10:29
HardFuhow can i reset a package state completely to 0 as if it were never on the system10:29
MonkeyDustHardFu  you may have to delete some hidden .config file10:30
HardFuwhere can I find it10:30
ZallxPurge xor remove10:30
xanapt-get remove --purge package ?10:30
HardFutried that10:30
MonkeyDustHardFu  there's also a janitor tool10:31
ZallxDelete manually10:31
achilleis anyone  running  12.04 on macbook pro 2011 and manage to get nearly the same battery than OSX10:31
sirriffsalotIn synaptic, how do I know if the dependencies listed in "properties" are actually installed without searching each and every one in synaptic?10:32
ezbbunkWhat?  You need '.help'10:32
HardFuMonkeyDust: this is for the server, not sure if janitor applis10:33
QuasiNerdHello World!10:34
MonkeyDustHardFu  missed that part10:34
HardFustrange if i purge then $find / -name 'heartbeat' i get a bunch of files listed10:35
ab_bein2.6.34 onof34610:36
QuasiNerdany one have any Ubuntu hardening advice? I set up clamAV to run daily and got a root kit prog. also using firestarter10:36
ikoniaQuasiNerd: don't depend on rootkit scanners10:36
ikoniaQuasiNerd: don't use a virus scanner10:36
ikoniathey will make no difference to your systmes security10:36
QuasiNerdwhat should i use?10:37
MonkeyDustQuasiNerd  do you have windows machine in your network?10:37
sacarlsonQuasiNerd: tripwire10:37
QuasiNerdneed an IDS?10:37
QuasiNerdis tripwire an IDS?10:38
sacarlsonQuasiNerd: I don't know what an ids is10:38
QuasiNerdIDS is an intrusion detection system10:38
MonkeyDustintrusion detection system (thank you duck duck go)10:38
MonkeyDustQuasiNerd  guess you don't really need it in linux10:39
sacarlsonQuasiNerd: http://netwizards.co.uk/installing-tripwire-on-ubuntu/10:39
ikoniaQuasiNerd: you'll pretty much make your machine unusalbe if you put trip wire policies on10:40
ikoniaQuasiNerd: tripwire is meant for secure environments or ones under change control10:40
ikoniaif you are doing this on a home/small setup, it's not worth the effort, just apply sensible security practices to your enviornment10:40
sacarlsonQuasiNerd: linux/ubuntu has many layers of security10:41
QuasiNerdi was using it on a Acer laptop and after two days the usb stopped working but worked in Win710:42
QuasiNerdwanted to harden it on my Asus10:42
ubuntu_64bitkeyring password what is it10:42
neokyaHi everyone.10:43
linuxwhat is that?10:43
ubuntu_64bithi neokya10:43
ikoniaQuasiNerd: you are wasting your time with respect, those sorts of tools will add no value10:43
neokyaBluetooth device on Sony with Ubuntu 12.04 is not working10:44
QuasiNerdjust installed tripwire and need to configure it10:44
neokyaHow to fix it?10:44
ikoniaQuasiNerd: I again advise you not to do this, it will make your laptop unusable10:44
QuasiNerdit says to keep the binarys on writeprotectable device10:44
ikoniaQuasiNerd: you will make your machine unusable if you continue down this path10:45
QuasiNerdwhy do you say that?10:45
QuasiNerdchecking integrity sounds good to me10:45
ikoniaQuasiNerd: because those tools are not designed for someone using a laptop on a day to day basis10:45
ikoniaQuasiNerd: then continue, ignore the advice and continue, however you will find your laptop will be unusable10:45
ubuntu_64bitkeyring password needed http://imagebin.org/21706310:46
QuasiNerdfine i will not configure it on your advice10:46
QuasiNerdhow do I uninstall it?10:46
ikoniaQuasiNerd: how did you install it10:46
ubuntu_64bitikonia  keyring password needed http://imagebin.org/21706310:46
ubuntu_64bitikonia need a help10:46
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: put the password in10:46
QuasiNerdthrough software center10:46
ikoniaQuasiNerd: uninstall it through software center then10:46
ubuntu_64bitikonia,  i didnt set it before but it request me10:47
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: you must have set a password for the resource you are accessing10:47
neokyaHow to fix this bluetooth device issue?10:47
ubuntu_64bitikonia,  for sure am tell you that i have the  normal password for login in my pc but i have set  for that keyring password10:48
QuasiNerdtripwire is now removed10:49
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: try your old password10:49
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: I cannot help you as I don't know what you set the password to10:49
ezbbunkon windows, if I want to use the sound that I hear as microphone source10:49
d8bhattaHello All, I am getting mail sending error message one after another.10:49
d8bhattaI am using amazon server and I can send email from amazon server. But when I use the email server info into my local (ssmtp), email is not getting sent...IError message :: sendmail: 554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified.10:50
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ezbbunkI can select a special source10:50
ezbbunkhow to do the same on ubuntu? i.e. I am playing an .mp3 and want people on skype to hear it10:50
ikoniad8bhatta: check what amazons relaying dependencies are10:50
ubuntu_64bitikonia,   even the old one cuz  i have set but i decide to install new ubuntu released  i.e12.04   but for now it request me that keyring password10:50
sacarlsond8bhatta: I use an agent to send though like gmail.com10:51
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: I don't know your keyring password10:51
C-S-Bd8bhatta: that error looks to be sent from the smtp server10:51
gr33n7007hubuntu_64bit, try deleting the directory ~/.gnome2/keyrings10:51
ubuntu_64bitokay  hw to reset it  ikonia10:51
C-S-Bd8bhatta: I'd check that whatever email needs verifying, is verified.10:51
d8bhattaC-S-B: how can i check this?10:52
ubuntu_64bitgr33n7007h, can i have the command for  delete gnome 2 keyring10:52
sacarlsond8bhatta: I use exim4  to forward mail through my gmail.com account that is verified10:52
gr33n7007hubuntu_64bit, rm -rf ~/.gnome2/keyrings then logout and login10:53
ubuntu_64bitgr33n7007h, let me make it10:53
d8bhattasacarlson: can I install this in amazon server?10:53
sirriffsalotIn synaptic, how do I know if the dependencies listed in "properties" are actually installed without searching each and every one in synaptic?10:54
sacarlsond8bhatta: I'm not sure about amazon never used it http://islandlinux.org/howto/configure-exim-use-gmail-smtp-server10:54
sacarlsond8bhatta: there are other ways of setup that require ssl and certificates for your site that I never played with10:56
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nibbler_since recently i cannot watch flash movies anymore, as they consume my cpu like crazy - used to work fine before. is there anything a recent update might have broken? same in chromium/firefox11:04
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fuzzynurfhurterhi yall11:16
fuzzynurfhurterhi drag11:16
drag0niusdo ubuntu server need some additional hardware to be able to connect to PPPoA?11:16
drag0niusi've router-modem right now with some poor functionality and available Bridge Mode11:17
codepimpnow that aircrack-ng is out of the repos is there another program to put my wifi into mon0 ?11:17
codepimpI need monitor mode11:17
drag0niuswondering if i could use it in bridge mode and then set up and further distribute connection with ubuntu server11:17
fuzzynurfhurterwhat folder in root do u have to put wallpapers and themes to get xubuntu to find it11:19
Kartagisfuzzynurfhurter: /usr/share/background11:20
Kartagisfuzzynurfhurter: not sure about themes11:20
sacarlsondrag0nius: don't you connect to your router modem from ethernet?11:20
fuzzynurfhurterok i know theres a theme file there too but when i put them in there it never shows the theme11:21
drag0niusyeah i do11:21
fuzzynurfhurteri was thinking it was that11:21
fuzzynurfhurterthx kartagis11:21
Kartagisno problem11:22
sacarlsondrag0nius: then it probly already has dhcp server that can be setup to share with others on your net11:22
fuzzynurfhurterne 1 ever had a problem with any linux distro after rebooting it never does??11:22
drag0niusi want to move modem-functionality to computer11:22
drag0niusso i could have better control over what is going on11:22
sacarlsondrag0nius: you want to move the dhcpd to your system?  that can also be done11:23
MonkeyDustfuzzynurfhurter  no system is without problems, cars need mechanics too11:23
drag0niuslemme think how could i describe what i want achieve xD11:23
fuzzynurfhurterlol true i do that too11:24
fuzzynurfhurterit happens every time when i reboot i have to hard crash then reboot11:24
drag0niusbasically most modems have hardcoded resetting connection every 24h11:24
drag0niussadly mine too11:24
HardFuwhere does Ubuntu store apt-get stuff (like which packages are installed and dependencies and so on)11:25
sacarlsondrag0nius: that is controled at your ISP for the length of the lease that they provide11:25
drag0niusmy friend on same ISP does not have resets11:25
sacarlsondrag0nius: you can arange with your ISP for a static IP for more money11:25
ikoniaHardFu: the packages are decompressed and the files placed in the correct places on the file system11:25
drag0niushe has same connection offer, same ISP just different modem11:26
sacarlsondrag0nius: so your friend runs a static ip on your ISP without added charge?11:26
drag0niusand lives ~4 km away11:26
drag0niushe has dynamic too11:26
drag0niusjust his is resetting whenever he resets it manually11:26
HardFuikonia: crap, I've been fiddling with manual removal of files, now I get bunch of errors on apt-get operations11:27
drag0niusbut well back to topic11:27
drag0niuscould i move all the modem functionality to ubuntu server using Bridge Mode Only on modem?11:27
ikoniaHardFu: yeah, you can't remove the package if you've removed it's contents11:27
drag0niusor it's not that simple?11:27
ikoniaHardFu: you can try to force it, or better still, re-install the package, then remove it11:27
sacarlsondrag0nius: you can change your router to bridge mode I suppose and setup routing to work around it,  but I've never tried it11:28
tyloHey guys, I need some help configuring a vm. I downloaded an image of bugzilla for the vmware player. Now I want to access my vm through my server from the internet. How do I manage to do that ?11:28
HardFuikonia: it seems i'm in some kind of dependency loop :)11:28
sacarlsondrag0nius: I wouldn't even know how you would find out what your ip address is on your modem in bridged mode11:28
HardFuI'll try forcing reinstall11:29
ikoniatylo: what virtual technology is the image designed for11:29
usr13sacarlson: (Just turn off the dhcp server?)11:29
drag0niusi'm logging in using PPPoA/PPPoE11:29
tyloikonia: nat i guess11:29
ubuntu_64bitikonia, in my disk no such a directory called gnome/keyrings11:29
atotemHello everyone! I'm wondering if Ubuntu would be a good OS for a small office server. Things it should handle would be sharing connected printer (HP LaserJet M1005), running one or two database and hosting simple web based app. The desktop clients would be Windows XP/ 7 PC's. My question is: would it work good in this configuration?11:29
drag0niusi just saw that my other router WRT54GL with tomato firmware has no DSL socket, but supports PPPoE11:29
usr13sacarlson: Oh no, I see what he's saying.11:29
sacarlsondrag0nius: oh ya that's part of what the modem does it logs in so in bridged mode your system would have to do that11:30
ikoniatylo: nat is not a vm technology, is it vmware, kvm, vbox etc11:30
fidelatotem: i dont see a reason why it shouldnt work in general - but it should work with almost any linux distri out there11:30
drag0niusim willing to set up home server and thought i could use it to manage everything11:30
sacarlsonusr13: I'm not sure I've never done it11:30
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: I already told you can't help you11:30
tyloikonia: ah its vmware. VMWare player to be specific11:30
usr13drag0nius: Yes, you can tell the router to do the PPPoE authentication and set the DSL Modem to bridge mode, (if you want), but there's really no advantage to doing it.11:31
ikoniatylo: ok, so you need to install vmware11:31
ubuntu_64bitokay ikonia  but would u look for an expert to help me11:31
ikoniatylo: the guys in #vmware can help you setup the image for use once you've installed vmware11:31
tyloikonia: i got vmware installed and the image running11:31
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: no11:31
drag0niuscould i tell Ubuntu Server to do the authentication?11:31
ikoniatylo: apologies then, I'm not seeing the problem if you have it running11:31
tyloikonia: i just cant access the internal ip of the vm outside of my server11:31
tyloikonia: which I want to do :)11:32
sacarlsondrag0nius: I would think usr13 is correct but if your friend has done it can't you see what his method is?11:32
ikoniatylo: the guys in #vmware can help you setup vmware then11:32
ikoniatylo: it sounds like bridging is not setup11:32
usr13atotem: Yes11:32
drag0niusmy friend is using factory defaults with just login info added11:32
usr13drag0nius: yes11:32
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ubuntu_64bitikonia, so would i regret for use ubuntu11:33
usr13drag0nius: But Ubuntu Server will need to be directly connected to the Modem, (and ultimately share the internet connection with the rest of your network).11:33
drag0niusother than that problem is with my DSL modem that it totally fucks up if i want to reconnect quickly11:34
drag0niusafter restart11:34
drag0niusif i get dcd and click reconnect too fast it's like i can only plug it out of power to connect again11:34
drag0niusi guess ubuntu server wouldnt have such prob11:35
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: ok then, that's your call11:35
drag0niusthats also what i want to achieve11:35
ubuntu_64bitikonia YAP11:35
drag0niusi could do traffic shaping and stuff then11:35
drag0niusright now there is nothing in between modem and router11:36
drag0niusand router manages everything in LAN11:36
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drag0niuscould you give me some hint of what tool to use to authenticate in DSL?11:37
ikoniadrag0nius: network manager should handle the authentication for you11:38
drag0niusjust so? ;d11:38
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sacarlsondrag0nius: I do trafic shaping already without setup bridge mode I just act as a center bridge to the rest of my network to do that11:40
atotemOk. Can you help me find some tutorial/how to or show me the direction where to look for informations how to install, set up and configure a Ubuntu Server?11:41
jrib!install | atotem11:41
drag0niusyeh, but my modem's authetication seems flawed11:41
ubottuatotem: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:41
sacarlsondrag0nius: maybe you should flash your modem with new firmware11:42
drag0niusthere is none :)11:42
drag0niusfactory default was newest11:42
sacarlsondrag0nius: what's the model number of you modem?11:42
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drag0niusi actually think of selling it and getting some modem-modem ;d11:42
ubottuciarli: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:44
sacarlsondrag0nius: sounds like you want the older firmware 1.00.1211:44
sacarlsondrag0nius: http://www.4shared.com/zip/WE2Ky6DG/wag120n_annexa_etsi_fw_10012.html11:46
vectorshelvegetting this error while trying to ssh the server... can anyone help please.. -> http://pastie.org/411398211:46
usr13drag0nius: You might want to look into dd-wrt11:46
sacarlsondrag0nius: looks like the new firmware has a bug11:46
drag0niusdd-wrt even supports this?11:46
Dr_Williswhat is with the whole ciao list thing? i see that almost every day11:46
drag0niuswhen i bought it, dd-wrt didnt i think11:46
MonkeyDustDr_Willis  they are 'Listalians'11:47
drag0niuscould u gimme some info about what is the bug?11:47
usr13drag0nius: dd-wrt supports traffic shaping11:47
drag0niusbut i dont think it supports my router model11:48
drag0niusits not just router, it has modem in it and this is the problem as far as i remember11:48
usr13drag0nius: trade it for another.  ebay11:49
sacarlsondrag0nius: I read more and looks like they have problems with firware 12 also, so I guess get a new modem11:51
fuzzynurfhurteri got a small problem with the desktop the session manager down at the bottom right i made the task bar clear but the session manager is gray11:51
usr13drag0nius: Well, you can certianly do as you suggested, use a ubuntu box to authenticate with PPPoE, but it would need to be set up to share the internet connection with the rest of your network.  You'd need to add a second Network Card, and then place a switch or router between it and the rest of your network.11:52
sacarlsondrag0nius: no I don't think dd-wrt supports that modem eather usr13  you can check to be sure11:52
sacarlsonusr13: you can run more than one network on a single nic,  it just won't be as secure11:53
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sacarlsonusr13: oh maybe in this case you would want two nics since now your on wan direct?11:54
usr13sacarlson: No, he would need to add another NIC11:54
sacarlsonusr13: you can run virtual networks but I'm not sure11:54
drag0niuswould it be better to get some standard DSL modem or internal DSL network card?11:55
usr13sacarlson: What you are talking about does not apply to this situation.  (Can not do it with one NIC.)11:55
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest76054
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sacarlsondrag0nius: I would just get a standard external dsl box11:55
Guest76054hi, i get a kernel panic when booting ubuntu. I have about 10 other old kernels, and i get a kernel too when i try to boot with those.. any ideas on how i can fix this?11:55
drag0niusany suggestions on model?11:55
drag0niusi remember there was some legendary speedstream 4100 or sth11:56
usr13Guest76054: May be a hardware problem.11:56
Guest76054usr13, i can boot with a very old installed kernel11:56
drag0niusthat worked with everything flawlessly ;d11:56
Guest76054it started to fail after an upgrade11:56
wer_Hi, I am trying to compile linux2.6.34. I am logged in as guest. I have successfully performed make menuconfig and make. But while doing make modules_install, I get permission denied error. Even sudo is not working11:56
gartralGuest76054: your upgrade went horribly wrong.11:56
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usr13Guest76054: What got upgraded?11:57
Guest76054any idea on how i can see the full error. (only the end of the stack get printed and i cant scroll it)11:57
wer_Hi, I am trying to compile linux2.6.34. I am logged in as guest. I have successfully performed make menuconfig and make. But while doing make modules_install, I get permission denied error. Even sudo is not working. Even I am not able to copy the make file to /usr/share11:57
Guest76054usr13: i just upgraded with the package manager .. i didnt see which packages.. the recommended ones11:58
Dr_Williswer_:  why are you logged in as guest and not the sudo enabled user?11:58
usr13Guest76054: Look at the dates.11:58
sacarlsonwer_: you should use the fakeroot method and create a deb file so you can uninstall the kernel you create11:58
Guest76054usr13,  the dates of what?11:58
gartralGuest76054: not really. your kinda boned. I would, with 2 drives, or a flashdrive and install cd try and boot into that, backup my home, and reinstall from scratch.11:58
sacarlsonwer_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile11:59
Guest76054gartral, how do you know? maybe it is an easy to solve things.. i just cant see the error11:59
ndlovuhi all. is there a log file that gets written to during upgrades? I've got a machine that's mid-upgrade with a seemingly frozen x session, but I can login over the network. Now I'm not sure whether it's actually still busy or just hanging.11:59
usr13Guest76054: Packages:  ls -ltr /var/lib/dpkg/info/12:01
alankilandlovu: you can try switch off X with some ctrl+alt+f1 keypress, although it might mess things up further12:01
alankilathat could help trying to get a console to login with12:01
alankilabut there's a risk that VGA console isn't going to look right but you get a displayful of corrupt graphics instead.12:02
ndlovualankila, I'd rather not do anything that could jeopardise the upgrade process, so I'd like to do as much as I can through the terminal session before starting to kill things12:02
alankilaif the X is entirely nonresponsive and network is out, however, I'd think that this is one of the few things left to try apart from just waiting. But dpkg updates have a habit of asking questions.12:02
alankilato gain control of the dpkg, you can kill apt-get and dpkg with kill -15 and -9 if it doesn't die with 15.12:03
alankilathen write dpkg --configure -a to finish configuring all the packages which were left in broken state.12:03
ndlovualankila, I can get in through the network12:03
alankilathe dpkg --configure -a is *extremely* important step.12:03
sacarlsonalankila: looks like ndlovu has a console from a remote ssh session he just needs to find out what to look at12:03
alankilandlovu: apologies, read poorly12:03
Guest76054usr13, what should i look for in that list? are those the dates of package upgrades?12:04
alankilayes, you can use top to try to determine if the upgrade is still doing something12:04
ndlovualankila, but --configure -a is useful to know12:04
alankilaif you see io wait, or anything vaguely upgrade-related processes using a lot of cpu it's probably still working.12:04
usr13Guest76054: Package upgrades are same as installed packages.  (You are looking for date/time of upgrade.)12:04
ndlovualankila, there's a precise process which is still busy, but I'm wondering what it's busy with12:05
Guest76054usr13, do you have any idea how i can see or log the output of the bootup of my system? i would like to see what the kernel panic is but i can only see the end of the stack and cannot scroll12:05
alankilaif the system sees quiescent, however, it's probably time to kill the dpkg and apt-get and then invoke the --configure -a. I do strongly caution from never rebooting system with unconfigured packages, though.12:05
usr13Guest76054: From that output you should be able to see which packages were upgraded at the particular time you pulled the triger on the update.12:05
alankiladebian systems are incredibly broken with packages in unconfigured state, sadly.12:05
usr13Guest76054: Do you see the date?12:06
* alankila remembers certain ubuntu release which tended to systematically fail at updates but GNOME told to reboot after the apt-get exited, even if it exited with error. People who rebooted got a completely broken system.12:06
studioI updated nvidia-common because I couldn't get any sound from 12.04, but that didn't work.12:07
studioStill no sound.12:07
alankilahad to do initramfs hackery a few times to mount root and finish the configure. :-/12:07
Guest76054usr13,  the problem is.. it started failing 10 upgrades ago.. i upgrade regularly to see if the new upgrade fixes the problem.. it usually doesnt, and i kept booting with an old kernel.12:07
Guest76054that log has a bunch of 'linux-image-3.0.0-20-generic.list' in them12:07
studioTHis is pissing me off.  Any suggestions to fix it before I scrap this distro and go shopping for a new one?12:07
Guest76054an other things i think are kernel upgrades12:07
Guest76054if i boot with a very old kernel, i can boot up and run normally12:08
usr13Guest76054: Oh, I see.12:08
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studioseriously?  nine thousand people in the room, and nobody can help me fix my sound?12:09
Guest76054where would a kernel panic during bootup get logged?  in dmesg? i see nothing in dmesg :(12:09
fuzzynurfhurteri got a q with that initramfs alankila i have a few distros that just go to that but dont know where to direct it in the grub.cfg?12:09
usr13Guest76054: You might try looking for the latest kernel in that list, (ls -ltr shows latest last), and re-install that kenrnel.12:10
usr13Guest76054: Or uninstall and re-install, (maybe even using purge).12:11
nikuhi all12:11
sacarlsonGuest76054: you could look at the date time stamps of files in /var/log if any files were changed at last panic,  but if root wasn't mounted yet there will be no logs to look at12:11
usr13Guest76054: Or just any of the latest ones that have recently been installed.12:11
usr13Guest76054: It sounds like it is a kernel module that is being loaded into the running kernel.  If you watch closely as it boots a broken one, you may be able to see it.12:12
sacarlsonstudio: did you read this yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting12:13
Guest76054how do you know that?12:13
fuzzynurfhurterusr13 when i do that it never shows it12:14
Guest76054does 'purge' delete old kernels? i want to keep the old ones because i can still boot with the old kernel12:14
Guest76054how can i tell my sytem to 'download and install/reinstall the latest kernel ' ?12:17
Guest76054i guess i could keep working with an x year old kernel12:20
jribGuest76054: what ubuntu version?12:21
Guest76054ubuntu 11.1012:21
jribGuest76054: what arch?12:22
drag0niuswould you recommend any specific mobo with LGA775 & DDR2 @ 667 MHz for home server?12:23
Guest76054jrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049009/12:24
tuxgeek!ot | drag0nius12:24
ubottudrag0nius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:24
jribGuest76054: uname -a12:24
Guest76054Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:00:26 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux12:24
jribGuest76054: apt-cache search -n linux-image-generic and look for the highest number, that's the package you would reinstall.  But it's unlikely to actually help with whatever problem you are facing12:25
jribGuest76054: apt-cache search -n linux-image generic and look for the highest number, that's the package you would reinstall.  But it's unlikely to actually help with whatever problem you are facing12:25
samba35how do i calibrate my led monitor12:26
Guest76054jrib, thanks.. im trying a reinstall12:28
Guest76054i reinstalled Setting up linux-image-generic ( ...12:28
Guest76054is there a way i can catch the output of the boot?12:28
Guest76054the kernel panic is probably during the loading of the kernel, im guessing?12:29
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L3topGuest76054: check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/dmesg12:30
Guest76054L3top, doesnt seem to get logged there12:30
Guest76054http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Linux_3.0.0_boot.png    the kernel error gets printed like this on the screen12:31
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L3toplook for coredumps12:31
Guest76054what do the 0.9565646 numbers stand for?12:32
Guest76054is that some sort of timestamp?12:32
drag0niusUbuntu Server requires GPU for anything but installation?12:34
L3topYou can run completely headless drag0nius.12:36
drag0niusgood, so i can use my current GPU for installation ;d12:37
Guest76054ok, thanks for the answers12:39
Guest76054trying a reboot12:39
gabx666Hello. I dual boot my box Arch/ubuntu 11.10. I am doing a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04. GRUB2 is already configured on the Arch side, and I do not want install again any bootloader with ubuntu 12.04. It seems the installer won't let me not installing a bootloader12:41
rothamhey.. how do i clear flash cookies on ubuntu?12:41
ikoniagabx666: it should do,12:41
gabx666ikonia : can't see any option or menu for that12:42
MonkeyDustrotham  what browser?12:42
ikoniagabx666: I think it shows up if you choose advanced in partitioning12:42
rothamMonkeyDust: firefox12:42
gabx666ikonia. OK, let me check12:42
MonkeyDustrotham  Tools - Clear recent history - cookies are there too12:43
rothamthanks, but flash stores objects somewhere else on the computer12:44
rothami found it in ~/.macromedia/Flash/#sharedobjects12:44
SilKtry /home/user/.macromedia12:44
usr13rotham: Your question was not about cookies but temporary internet files.12:48
RxDxplease, anyone knows any program to make annotations and marks on PDFs?12:49
MonkeyDustRxDx  try inkscape12:50
NoVoteLossRxDx PDFeditor?12:50
RxDxMonkeyDust, isnt inkscape for vectorial graphic draw?12:50
RxDxNoVoteLoss, ill try, thanks12:50
MonkeyDustRxDx  yes, but you can edit pdf with it12:51
RxDxMonkeyDust, actually i dont want to edit it, i just want to make annotation to read it later12:51
=== lubmil is now known as lub`
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usr13RxDx: Inkscape also supports Creative Commons meta-data, mode editing, layers, complex path operations, bitmap tracing, text-on-path, flowed text direct XML editing, and more.12:54
usr13RxDx: (From the README)12:54
RxDxusr13, ahh sure, ill try.. thanks12:55
dwakartoday i upgraded my ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 , well the mousewheel scroll doesn't work in firefox! i have to click and drag it.12:58
dwakari hear this is some kind of bug, is there a workaround for this12:58
ndlovuok, with for my stalled upgrade, I checked main.log, apt.log and term.log in /var/log/dist-upgrade, and none of them are currently being written to. I assume therefore that the upgrade is hanging somewhere, possibly waiting for input from the locked x terminal. My plan is now to 1) kill dpkg, 2) run dpkg --configure -a to try and rescue the upgrade according to alankila's suggestion. Right process?12:58
superlinux-hphi, i has anyone of you played TORCS?12:59
raph_aelhi, since a few days, middle click stopped working (awesome wm, 12.04, i386), i also saw that there were some updates : xserver-xorg-input-evdev desktop-file-utils, xkb* et desktop-file-utils12:59
superlinux-hpthe car rac‌ing game13:00
superlinux-hpcos when i go to pit stop i cannot know how to fix my car13:00
agc93superlinux-hp: you might get better results in a gaming/TORCS channel then here. This is an Ubuntu support channel13:01
mi3!offtopic | superlinux-hp13:01
ubottusuperlinux-hp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:01
lolol3http://cur.lv/st0 help please, paste here13:03
=== MaNU is now known as Guest99980
dwakarjust upgraded  to 12.04 ,  the mousewheel scroll doesn't work in firefox. is there a workaround for this bug.13:04
thedarkHello. I have just done a clean install of Xubuntu 12.04 I have an old TV hooked up with S-Video to my laptop, and it is detected but not displaying. I think it is because the Refresh Rate is too high. How do I change the Refresh Rate for the TV?13:04
res_I just compiled a new kernel, is i possible to copy my existing  drivers to the new one ?13:05
agc93res_ were they baked in or built as kernel modules?13:05
usr13res_: If you compiled properly, they should be included already.13:06
res_agc93: The older kernel is from the default installation. I just compiled a new one and added it the grub menu. I just wanted to make sure that when I boot into the new kernel, all the drivers are there13:07
ubuntu_64bithi all13:07
res_agc93: usr13 My defaul kernel version is 3.2.26 while I am compiling
usr13thedark: You just have to go to video settings and select the output and see if your current video driver software supports a screensize resolution that is suitable for the TV.13:07
ubuntu_64bitikonia  keyring password needed http://imagebin.org/21706313:08
usr13thedark: If it is an analog TV, well...13:09
ubuntu_64bit  keyring password needed http://imagebin.org/21706313:09
ubuntu_64bitany one with idea of keyring password13:09
ikoniaubuntu_64bit: I don't care, please stop asking me for help with it, I've told you 4 times I cannot help you13:10
usr13ubuntu_64bit:  If you have forgotten your password, I dont think there is anything we can do.13:10
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ubuntu_64bitikonia,  sorry13:11
thedarkdoes anyone know how to change the refresh rate of a monitor in Xubuntu 12.04?13:11
usr13I always tell people to stay away from the keyring because if you ever loose the password, you're hosed.13:12
ubuntu_64bitusr13, how  to delete it13:12
usr13thedark: try    xrandr13:12
ubuntu_64bitusr13, even how to reset  the ppassword13:13
thedarkusr: thanks, I will try it now13:13
usr13ubuntu_64bit: I already told you, can  NOT help you.13:13
ubuntu_64bitusr13, but i didnt set it before how comes  it request me to enter13:14
agc93ubuntu_64bit if you forget your password, it wouldnt be a very secure system that you could easily recover it again. We can't help you13:14
agc93ubuntu_64bit have you tried your user password?13:14
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords13:14
JactaCan anyone help me get Empathy to work correct with skype (12.04 x64)13:14
usr13agc93: There is no use in trying to help him guess it.  There is nothing we can do.13:14
ubuntu_64bitagc93, i dint forget it but i didnt set it before  so am just wondering for this ubuntu OS  to rrequest me  that password13:15
agc93ubuntu_64bit did you try your user password?13:15
OerHeksubuntu_64bit is on a live cd?13:15
ubuntu_64bitusr13, i have been tried several times but nos success13:15
usr13ubuntu_64bit: Again, my best advice is not to use it.13:16
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, it  is installed one in my disk13:16
agc93ubuntu_64bit the keyring pw is set by the user if its not your user account password. So it must have asked you at some point13:16
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ubuntu_64bitagc93,    how can i reset it or delete  that password13:17
usr13ubuntu_64bit: You can't13:17
sipiorubuntu_64bit: simply make a new login keychain and remove the old one.13:17
JactaCan anyone help me get Empathy to work correct with skype (12.04 x64)13:18
usr13Jacta: http://askubuntu.com/questions/119306/how-do-i-get-skype-wrapper-working13:19
ndlovuanyone know what the process 'precise' does during upgrades? if I kill it, can I still recover the upgrade with dpkg --configure -a?13:19
raph_aeli try again, since a few days, middle click stopped working (awesome wm, 12.04, i386), i also saw that there were some updates : xserver-xorg-input-evdev desktop-file-utils, xkb* et desktop-file-utils and xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse13:19
djmattygdoes anyone know why xbacklight won't do anything when executed through a cronjob?13:19
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: are you having issue with the account on the liveCD?13:20
ubuntu_64bitsipior, tell me ur advise may be it can help13:20
Jactausr13, saw that - that'll add a wrapper inside button - but not add to chat in empathy?13:20
sipiorubuntu_64bit: that was my advice.13:20
ActionParsnipdjmattyg: if it needs root access, did you cron as root?13:20
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* sipior has a feeling he is going to be sorry he said anything.13:20
K4kIs there an IRC channel specifically for Ubuntu server or infrastructure talk?13:20
djmattygActionParsnip: it doesn't need root access. it runs fine when i execute my script from the command line. it just won't do anything if executed from a cronjob13:21
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, nop i have use  the live cd  before13:21
ActionParsnipK4k: #ubuntu-server13:21
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: what is the issue please, I may be able to asist13:21
ActionParsnipdjmattyg: in the script add a touch command to make a file on your desktop, you will then know it ran the script13:22
usr13Jacta: I dono, just did a google search.  (I don't use empathy)  http://askubuntu.com/questions/117910/skype-doesnt-work-through-empathy-3-4-but-works-in-pidgin13:22
sipiorubuntu_64bit: might be of some use to you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65281/how-to-recover-reset-forgotten-gnome-keyring-password13:22
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, now am accessing  this ubuntu  direct from the disk13:22
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: so you want to reset your user password?13:22
djmattygActionParsnip: i know the script is running. it's part of a python script that captures still images from my webcam and they're definitely being taken13:22
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: or is it the keyring password?13:22
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, because it requst the password tha i never made it before13:23
ActionParsnipdjmattyg: ok thats a good start13:23
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, yes  keyring pw13:23
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: as far as I know you will need to delete the keyring to make a new one13:24
sipiorubuntu_64bit: the link i sent you contains complete instructions for solving your problem.13:24
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, even now i dont know what does keyring  password  function in my pc13:25
Joshundo any of you know how to shrink down evince's (pdf viewer) panel smaller than default in ubuntu 12.0413:25
slorbastLinux newb here, I've got a .sh script and I want it to startup every time the system is turned on regardless of the user logging in. After I drop it in /etc/init.d/ directory and chmod +x it, what next?13:25
Joshunit takes up loads of room by default13:25
Joshunon a netbook13:25
Joshun*side panel that is13:25
ubuntu_64bitsipior, wait am listen  ActionParsnip advice13:26
usr13ubuntu_64bit: It just saves passwords for you.13:26
Poindexter_Hello folks. I just dropped by to share this with you. Interesting interview with Linus Torvalds and the major problem with NVIDIA cards. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/linus-torvalds-linux-driver-nvidia-geforce-worst-company,16049.html    Also his life story with programming. Enjoy.   ;)13:26
sipiorubuntu_64bit: it's all the same to me.13:26
ubuntu_64bitusr13, how did u save it13:26
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: it stores passwords for remote shares and I believe the web browser too (although some browsers sync to the web themseves (chrome/ium does it well))13:26
agc93poindexter_ try and put that kind of thing in #ubuntu-offtopic13:26
L3topslorbast: sudo update-rc.d script_name.sh defaults13:26
MonkeyDustPoindexter_  not here, it's for #ubuntu-offtopic and old news, too13:26
usr13ubuntu_64bit: Just delete the keyring and create a new one.13:27
rfritznick romain-mymed13:27
djmattygActionParsnip: any ideas as to why xbacklight doesn't run in a cronjob?13:27
K4kslorbast: Do you want it to execute at startup only or at both startup and shutdown?13:27
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K4kslorbast: oh, nevermind, L3top beat me to it13:27
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  chrome i have never use it  my default browser is firefox mozillla13:27
slorbastK4k, Just startup13:28
Poindexter_Take care folks.13:28
usr13ubuntu_64bit: That's good, just keep using firefox13:28
slorbastL3top, Thanks, what's the "defaults" for?13:28
ubuntu_64bitusr13, how to delete  the password give me some hints13:28
L3topThe runlevel options slorbast.13:28
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: you'll need to delete the key then remake a new one. You could always move the file instead...13:28
usr13ubuntu_64bit: Follow the link that sipior gave you.13:28
ubuntu_64bitusr13, am enthusiastic with mozilla firefox13:28
L3topslorbast: to undo this change in the future: sudo update-rc.d -f script_name.sh remove13:29
navatwoHey, anyone know how I could install drivers meant for Linux 2.6 Kernel on 12.04?13:29
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, tell me how can i delete and make the new one cuz i think it made on its own13:30
slorbastL3top: Thanks :)13:30
usr13ubuntu_64bit: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65281/how-to-recover-reset-forgotten-gnome-keyring-password13:30
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: its inn the guide sipior gave.... did you even click the link?13:30
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  and i don  know where to start  to to delete the keyring13:30
Joshunslorbast - your best off just adding it to /etc/rc.local13:30
Joshunmuch easier13:30
agc93navatwo: do you have the source for the drivers or just a ko?13:30
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: again, read the link13:30
navatwoagc93: I have the source, but on make, it fails. It requires 2.613:31
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, okay let me read the  link13:31
abhinavmehtaJust found the concept of running Apps in RAMDISK, its awesome….are there any more such similarly interesting hacks there?? If yes, please name them…else provide url/blog/ebook name…excited to read more such things.13:31
navatwowe are having problems with the driver, so I would rather not start mucking around with it myself.13:31
slorbastWelp, gonna test it out13:31
Joshunseriously though, why is it that evince's panel can't be resized? it could in the older version, now there is just a massive thumnail bar in the way13:31
ryannathanshow does one fix this broken package issue? http://pastebin.com/dnrHiXGJ13:32
cleitonhelp with hplip: can't communicate with printer, however I think I narrowed the issue. The problem is non unicode strings on the printer serial, so every application crashes trying to  communicate. Can you tell me how to fix this?13:33
ndlovuI need confirmation of the process to fix a stalled upgrade (10.04->12.04). Current status: x terminal non-responsive, but have a working ssh session through the network. 'Precise' process is still active (3%CPU) but I have no idea what it's doing. dpkg is running, but doesn't seem to be using CPU (not showing up in top). /var/log/dist-upgrade log files not currently being written to. Strategy: kill dpkg, kill precise, run dpkg --configure -a, r13:33
ndlovuun apt-get -f install, hope for the best. Or is there something else I should do?13:33
ActionParsnipndlovu: if you suspect it then sure, you will need the ubottu !aptfix factoid as the packages will be locked13:33
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:33
usr13ndlovu: Yes  sudo apt-get -f install13:34
ActionParsnipryannathans: can you give the output of:   apt-cache policy mencoder13:34
slorbastL3top: Worked great, thanks again for the help13:34
L3topnp :)13:34
ryannathansActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/EB7WFqeW13:35
ryannathansActionParsnip: happens on every repo I have ever swapped to13:35
ndlovuthanks ActionParsnip, usr13 will give it a go13:35
ActionParsnip!info mencoder13:35
ubottumencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc4.dfsg1+svn34540-1 (precise), package size 1285 kB, installed size 3351 kB13:35
Joshun!info mencoder13:36
ryannathans!info mplayer13:36
ubottumplayer (source: mplayer): movie player for Unix-like systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc4.dfsg1+svn34540-1 (precise), package size 2738 kB, installed size 5457 kB13:36
sirriffsalotHow do I make my lowlatency kernel boot by default in 12.0413:36
ActionParsnip!bug 64487313:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 643345 in Launchpad itself "duplicate for #644873 Using preferredemail as a public email id is wrong and broken." [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64334513:37
ryannathansboth mencoder and mplayer throw the same error13:37
ActionParsnipryannathans: tried uninstalling both then reinstalling them13:37
studiosirriffsalot, scrap and reinstall 12.04 studio from scratch.13:37
BobMarsoI am a new user installing ubuntu for the first time.  I am able to successfully install desktop on my box, but the server installation fails a minute or two into the installatio process with the display full of green and orange bars.  I'd suspect an incompatible video card, but since desktop installs successfully, I'm confused.  I'm installing 12.04.  Any suggestions will be appreciated.  Thanks!13:37
ryannathansActionParsnip: uninstalling the codec listed?13:37
sirriffsalotstudio, honestly...?13:37
studiothe new one comes with the low-latency kernel by default.  That's what I did.13:37
studiothe update from 11 killed my system.13:37
sirriffsalotstudio, not really an option for me at the moment, there is a way of doing this that doesn't involve reinstalling13:38
sirriffsalotstudio, just can't find a way for 12.9413:38
ryannathansActionParsnip: there's nothing to 'uninstall' as they aren't installed13:38
ActionParsnipryannathans: could manually install the package maybe: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libavcodec5313:38
studioFixing one thing broke another.  I installed from scratch, and this version has almost stabilized for me now.13:38
pandumy inkscape can't open Corel draw's project T.T13:38
ryannathansActionParsnip: hmm i'll try it13:39
sirriffsalotstudio, not having any problems mate, cba to reinstall everything-.-13:39
studioI know there's either a command that makes you boot the low-latency kernel by default, or you might have to edit grub.cfg13:39
studioor maybe both, idk13:39
sirriffsalotgrub.cfg, that might be it13:39
sirriffsalotHang on13:39
RelondoHow can I see hidden files and folders while browsing for "Add Application" under Wine?13:40
djmattygdoes anyone know why xbacklight won't do anything when executed through a cronjob?13:40
studiowell, I'd google exactly how to edit it to change your boot order before just jumping on my vague advice.13:40
sirriffsalotRelondo, ctrl + H?13:40
sirriffsalotstudio, having trouble finding it you see13:40
studiohold on13:40
Relondosirriffsalot: Nope :/13:40
studiothere ya go13:41
sirriffsalotRelondo, no "view all" button or something?13:41
sirriffsalotstudio, I've done that-.-13:41
ndlovuhmm... killed dpkg, but it seems to have restarted under a different process number. log file action resumed, but only with error "'package debconf-i18n is already installed and configured'"13:41
Relondosirriffsalot: Not that I can see.13:41
studiohmm, well, idk.  Is the low-latency kernel listed in grub when you boot?13:41
sirriffsalotstudio, yes, gonna search a bit more13:42
studioIf so, just move that listing to the top listing in the config file so it will be the default option.13:42
sirriffsalotRelondo, google:S13:42
studioNot too hard.13:42
studioJust gotta sudo thunar to do it, and it's all simple gui stuff.13:42
Relondosirriffsalot: I Google before I come here.13:42
ryannathansActionParsnip: ERROR: Breaks existing package 'libavformat53:1386' dependency libavcodec5313:42
sirriffsalotRelondo, wait for some other reply:)13:42
ryannathansActionParsnip: but it's not installed13:43
sirriffsalotstudio, too much for me to understand in that file, no idea what to move, gonna read more13:43
studioRelondo, I'm not sure.13:43
Relondosirriffsalot: Lol, alright. While I'm here, though I haven't Googled this, can I use Wine to run a program installed on my Windows  partition without having to reinstall on Ubuntu? Can I just "point it" at the files?13:43
Relondostudio: K.13:43
Mandalordsirriffsalot, how about using grub customizer13:43
sirriffsalotMandalord, installing it as we speak:)13:43
ryannathansActionParsnip: yet auto corrects on apt-get remobe libavformat5313:44
studiosirriffsalot, it should just be some gibberish, plus the listing that you see in grub's boot menu.  Switch the low-latency one and the default one.13:44
sirriffsalotRelondo, Yes I think so13:44
ActionParsnipsirriffsalot: if you use the DEFAULT= line in /etc/default/grub   you can set the default13:44
dmsupermanRelondo: very much depends on the application13:44
ActionParsnipryannathans: cool, install that13:44
sirriffsalotActionParsnip, the default is 013:44
dmsupermanMost anything complicated: probably not13:44
panduno one help me -____-"13:44
sirriffsalotRelondo, try opening it in wine and see what happens:P13:44
studioRelondo, if you can't do it, try to sudo thunar and un-hide the file.13:44
Relondosirriffsalot: Well, I can't see the file to open it.13:44
dmsupermanwindows apps have a tendancy not to check for the correct config files / registry settings and restore them13:44
ryannathansActionParsnip: same error as the orinal error13:44
dmsupermana lot of them depend on the installer to set that up13:44
Relondostudio: Will that un-hide it for Windows, too?13:45
ryannathansActionParsnip:  libavformat53 : Depends: libavcodec53 (>= 4:0.8.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) but it is not going to be installed or13:45
ActionParsnipsirriffsalot: ok then that is the topline, count down the grub list in yourhead and change the DEFAULT=  number, then run:  sudo update-grub13:45
ActionParsnipryannathans: oh jeez13:45
ActionParsnipryannathans: are there any bugs reported13:45
sirriffsalotActionParsnip, no idea what the list is...:) Think lowlatency is number 313:46
studioRelondo, that depends.  if it's hidden because of a name that starts with a . then no, but if it's a hidden file in windows already, then you might have to boot into windows and unhide it.  Not sure about all that.13:46
ActionParsnipsirriffsalot: then change it to 2 (grub starts counting at zero)13:46
ryannathansActionParsnip: I haven't found any, this issue has persisted for months but i was ensured it was an official repo problem which will be resolved, it wasn't ever a repo problem afaik13:46
Relondostudio: Hm. Because with Nautilus, I'm able to see all hidden files and folders on my Windows partition.13:46
studioYes, but nautilus is an advanced file browser/manager.13:47
dmsupermanRelondo: that's because "hidden" in windows is an ntfs concept13:47
ryannathansActionParsnip: it originated when the default video player tried to search for codecs for my video and then i came across the error for the first time months ago13:47
dmsupermanwhereas in linux it's not metadata but rather based on the filename13:47
sirriffsalotThe menuentry is 3.2.0-25-generic-pae, first one, then recovery mode of that one below13:47
sirriffsalotThen 24-generic-pae13:47
sirriffsalotThen lowlatency13:47
dmsupermanSo nautilus doesn't know to check for that "hidden" attribute13:47
studiothe one in wine is pretty bare bones, probably.13:47
Relondodmsuperman: What does that mean, exactly?13:48
studioSo sudo nautilus and unhide the file and try again with wine.  If not that, then I don't know.13:48
ikoniastudio: gksudo not sudo13:48
studiooh, ok.13:48
studiowhat's the diff?13:48
dmsupermanRelondo: in windows, it writes extra metadata around the file itself that says "this file is hidden". in linux, hidden just means "the filename starts with a ."13:48
studioI'm still learning, too :/13:48
dmsupermanSo nautilus wouldn't know to look for that hidden flag from windows partitions13:48
Relondostudio: And I can't switch to the directory. I entered "cd /media/TI106231W0C/Program Files (x86)" and received "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('".13:48
dmsupermanUnless they've changed that since I last used nautilus13:48
samba35how do i calibrate my led monitor  ,i can see the monitor (detected correctly by ubunbtu ) but i want to calibrate it so i can see correct picture quality13:49
ActionParsnipsirriffsalot: I suggest you reboot and check first13:49
sirriffsalotHehe alright13:49
studioRelondo, you can't use file names with spaces in the terminal.13:49
BobMarsoIs this the appropriate place to ask about server installation problems?13:49
sirriffsalotI only count the first line right, not the recovery one?13:49
studiothe program files folder isn't mountable.13:49
sirriffsalotAnd the first one is 0?:P13:49
studionot in terminal, anyway.13:49
dmsupermanstudio: sure you can just use \13:49
Relondostudio: Figured. How do I get around the fact that the file name has a space in it?13:49
Relondodmsuperman: So it's because Wine is reading files like Windows would.13:50
studiorename the file to program_files, but that might break a lot of windows stuff, lol13:50
ActionParsnipstudio: gksudo sets up the X environment correctly. Sudo is only for CLI commands. Technically you can use gksudo for both13:50
dmsupermanI'm not sure what your issue is, exactly, Relondo13:50
Relondostudio: Yeah, just about everything.13:50
studioActionParsnip, I see.  Thanks.13:50
dmsupermanRelondo: what's going on?13:50
Relondodmsuperman: I can't see hidden files and folders when browsing to add an application under Wine.13:50
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
ryannathansActionParsnip: http://askubuntu.com/questions/110656/ffmpeg-unmet-dependencies relevant13:50
dmsupermanRelondo: files that start with "."?13:51
studiothe wine file manager is failing for him.13:51
abhinavmehtaneed ScreenFlow for ubuntu like ScreenFlow for Mac. Already tried RecordMyDesktop, but not really happy with that..any other suggestions..?13:51
dmsupermanor files that are hidden in windows13:51
dmsupermanI'm guessing it's a shortcoming in the wine file browser yeah13:51
ryannathansActionParsnip: i did try to install vlc at one point but had this same error13:51
Relondodmsuperman: No. Specifically, I'm trying to get to a .exe file in my Program Files (x86).13:51
dmsupermanRelondo: you mean you want to put an exe into your program files?13:52
dmsupermanwhy not just copy it directly?13:52
dmsupermancp /path/to/your/exe ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/wherever13:52
Relondodmsuperman: No, I'm trying to run the .exe under Wine.13:52
abhinavmehtaanyone about ScreenFlow??13:52
dmsupermanRelondo: I'm not sure the issue then?13:52
c0rnelhello all13:52
dmsupermanYou said it was about hidden files now it's about running executables heh13:52
raph_aeli try again, since a few days, middle click stopped working (awesome wm, 12.04, i386), i also saw that there were some updates : xserver-xorg-input-evdev desktop-file-utils, xkb* et desktop-file-utils and xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse13:52
DeltaHeavyWhat's the point of the blacklist? It's blocking hardware that works perfectly fine.13:53
WuomeI Have a problem and i'm looking for some help13:53
ikoniaWuome: just ask13:53
ryannathansActionParsnip: i added that ppa and the *53 seems to be installing \o/13:53
Wuomeok, i bought an mp3, and i am not able to put any files on it.13:53
agc93Wuome: what do you see when you plug it in?13:54
agc93Does it appear in Nautilus as a device?13:54
WuomeI see it perfect, i mean, it opens and i can see the files, yes, it appears in nautilus13:54
ryannathansActionParsnip: still same error...13:54
Wuomebut i cant change the permissions13:54
ryannathansActionParsnip: that's when installing mplayer13:55
Relondodmsuperman: I want to add a .exe file to my Wine apps. However, I can't navigate to the .exe, because Wine's "Add application" feature apparently cannot see hidden files and folders. I need to make it so it can see hidden files and folders.13:55
Mandalordwuome, sudo cp13:55
agc93wuome: is it mounted read-only or something?13:55
BobMarsoSecond try - is this the place to get help on installation problems?13:55
tuxgeekRelondo: you can do that in windows explorer13:55
agc93BobMarso: If you're installing Ubuntu, this is the place13:56
Wuomewell, first time it opened it asked me what i wanted to o with it13:56
Relondobobmarso: Ask the question, do not ask to ask, please.13:56
=== DeviantSOP is now known as Killeroid
agc93wuome  when you try and change the permissions what error do you get?13:56
Relondotuxgeek: But I need to do it in Wine. To add the application under Wine. To run it. In Wine.13:56
ryannathansActionParsnip: might have fixed it, i installed the deps for the deps for the deps of libavcodecs5313:56
Wuomethats the thing, there is not error13:56
ryannathansmplayer might be installed...13:56
agc93wuome: then whats the problem?13:56
ryannathansit did. \o/ woo thanks ActionParsnip13:57
Wuomeit just dont allows me to put nothing inside the mps, and the permissions are stuck on only read13:57
c0rnelhow can i verify/repair all packages in 11.04?13:57
Wuomewhen i try to change them to write and read, it just dont let me13:57
BobMarsoThanks.  I am trying to install ubuntu server 12.04.  It seems to hang with green and oragne bars on the display.  Ubuntu desktop installs successfully on the same hardware.  Any suggestins?13:57
Mandalordwuome, use terminal and sudo cp <name of file .exe> <path of mp3>13:57
Wuomeit changes again to only read13:58
ActionParsnipryannathans: yay13:58
DeltaHeavyAnybody know where I can find documentation on what the blacklist actually is?13:58
ndlovuseems all is not well in my upgrade. dpkg exited with "Processing was halted because there were too many errors."13:58
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:58
agc93wuome: can you remount it somewhere else as rw or something?13:58
=== jack is now known as Guest40533
zykotick9Wuome: (just FYI, but) if the file is on FAT/NTFS then you can't apply POSIX permission14:00
ActionParsnipc0rnel: sudo apt-get  -f install      is a good start14:00
ndlovuok, running aptfix command again... it's doing stuff, but holding thumbs for a working install14:00
Wuomei cant now if it is a fat3214:00
Wuomehow can i know if the mp3 is a fat32 device?14:01
Mandalordsudo fdisk -l14:01
Wuomeagc93 And no, i cant remount14:02
MandalordWuome, sudo fdisk -l and post the result here14:02
=== guampa is now known as Guest59391
agc93wuome what happens when you try?14:02
DeltaHeavyWuome: Post the results in pastebin.com  Do NOT paste multiple lines of info here.14:02
sisarI'm unable to use the command `su`. It says Authentication failure, though I'm quite sure I'm giving it the correct password. What is the problem ?14:02
ActionParsnipsisar: use:  sudo -i14:02
sisarActionParsnip: thanks !14:03
DeltaHeavysisar: Root acound is disabled be default. 'sudo -i' is the perferred method.14:03
ActionParsnipsisar: there is no rot password so you will always fail authentication if you run 'su'14:03
WuomeDispositivo Inicio    Comienzo      Fin      Bloques  Id  Sistema /dev/sda1   *        2048   486324223   243161088   83  Linux /dev/sda2       486326270   488396799     1035265    5  Extendida /dev/sda5       486326272   488396799     1035264   82  Linux swap / Solaris  Disco /dev/sdb: 7691 MB, 7691304960 bytes 237 cabezas, 62 sectores/pista, 1022 cilindros, 15022080 sectores en total Unidades = sectores de 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Tamañ14:03
BobMarsoRelondo: I've asked three times and received no response.  Perhaps some of the posts apply to me but it's not obvious.  Help is appreciated.14:03
=== Guest40533 is now known as wN_mntview
ndlovuActionParsnip, process failed again. getting a lot of "/var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable" errors. It seems to make progress each time though, should I just keep running the same command?14:03
ActionParsnipndlovu: do you have software centre open?14:03
agc93wuome can you use paste.ubuntu.com so the formatting doesnt get quite so messed up?14:04
ndlovuActionParsnip, the upgrade manager could be open in the hanging X session14:04
Wuomei dint understand you14:04
Wuomewhat is paste.ubuntu.com14:05
ndlovuActionParsnip, but software centre not open14:05
DJones!paste | Wuome14:05
ubottuWuome: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:05
Wuomei suspect it is a fat32, so how could i change fat32 permissions?14:05
=== guampa_ is now known as guampa
agc93if you cant even write to the fs, changing file permissions isnt going to help a lot14:06
DJonesWuome: Its a website that will let you copy & paste multiple lines of text into it and then it will give you a web link which you can paste here14:06
Onixsis there such command to force/test the mobo to beep?14:06
ActionParsnipndlovu: if you run:  ps -ef | grep dpkg     is it running?14:06
Wuomeok ok14:06
Wuomehere you go14:07
MeridiousOnixs: that would heavily depend on the make and model of your MOBO14:07
Mandalordwhat the hell it mean14:07
DJonesMandalord: translate suggests "unknown"14:08
MeridiousOnixs: I know in windows, there is a C library that can do system calls for that sort of thing.14:08
sisardespite doing `sudo apt-get update` and `sudo apt-get upgrade` I get this notification (red exclamation mark in a red trianlge) in my panel that "the update information is outdated...". How can I fix this?14:08
ActionParsnipOnixs: maybe:   echo -e "\a"14:08
ActionParsnipOnixs: or:  sudo apt-get install beep; sudo beep14:08
Mandalordah all of them are spanish maybe14:08
Wuomedesconocido is unknown14:08
Onixsthamks.. gonna give it a try14:09
=== DeviantSOP is now known as Killeroid
ActionParsnipOnixs: source: http://www.xappsoftware.com/wordpress/2009/10/02/how-to-produce-a-beep-using-built-in-speaker-from-the-command-line-interface/14:09
ndlovuActionParsnip, not sure which of these could be a factor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049167/14:09
subb1i just rm -rf a directory. which is the best tool, i can use to recover the directory. Please advise. will any tool be effective in case i havent deleted any file after that operation?14:10
Mandalordhava no idea what the type of partition your mp3 is14:10
Wuomethat's great :(14:10
AdvoWorkhow can i find out my machines default route?14:10
xanhello, could someone please help me recover my mobile broadband pin ? i entered it once some long ago, but i cant find where it is stored (it isnt in  /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ where i expected it)14:10
Meridioussubb1, the only thing i know to do is run dd and try to specify a delete portion14:11
ActionParsnipndlovu: kill 2904514:11
agc93wuome and neither does Linux, which is odd. Its recognising as an FS that it cant be14:11
ChamunksI have a m-audio usb producer microphone that I switch between computers at my home.  When i unplug - replug into my ubuntu machine Skype will not pick up the audio, everything else does Fine.  Yet skype simply refuses until I run this command in my Command Line and than restart.  sudo rm -r /tmp/pulse-* && sudo rm -r ~/.pulse/  Afterwards I must reboot my whole desktop to be able to once again use my microphone.14:11
Mandalordcan you connect and copy paste any file in it using windows?14:11
sisaranyone? (my problem is stated a few lines back)14:11
ChamunksThis whole proceedure as you could imagine starts getting tiresome.14:11
Wuomeyes, in windows  can do everything with it14:11
ChamunksIs there anyone here who has had this problem and knows how to fix it at the very least without rebooting the whole computer?14:12
ndlovuActionParsnip, I've actually tried that already (also kill -15 29045) but still remained. will try again to confirm14:12
Mandalordjust give it a try14:12
rndtndtnhi, anyone got any idea what i cant use my (l)ubuntu laptop and access boxee smb share? it keeps asking for password and ive checked boxee settings and its the correct ones14:12
Mandalordsudo mkdir /media/usb14:12
ActionParsnipChamunks: you don't need sudo to delete folders in your own home folder14:12
Wuomemmmm, but no usb14:12
panduNGERTI RA14:13
FloodBot1pandu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
panduDONG RA KOE14:13
ChamunksActionParsnip,  yeah i know i just kind of do it so that theres zero arguments I'm already fed up with the issue to begin with.14:13
Mandalordsudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/usb14:13
ndlovuActionParsnip, neither kill commands worked14:13
ChamunksActionParsnip,  someone told me it was a skype problem but that may be the case but if I can fix it by deleting these files it must be fixable through some means in pulse audio.14:13
Mandalordjust try something until it work:D14:13
FloodBot1pandu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
ActionParsnipChamunks: you could add a step in the shutdown process to do the deletion.14:14
Wuomeit is in /media/Z314:14
Wuomeand i can get to it14:14
ActionParsnipChamunks: then when you boot you'll get the same setup as before you reboot14:14
Mandalordno /media/Z3 is the automount14:15
Mandalordand we know that it is not correct14:15
empthi guys14:15
Mandalordso we try to remount it14:15
ChamunksActionParsnip, well that could ease the pain a smidge i suppose.  I was hoping to find a command that could possibly just restore the pulse services.14:15
Meridiousempt: hi there14:15
Mandalordusing another folder /media/usb14:15
empthow can i create a terminal command in my desktop?14:15
ChamunksActionParsnip, on occasion the fix works with a simple Ctrl+alt+bkspace14:16
empti'm using unity14:16
Wuomemkdir does nothing14:16
Meridiousempt: you want to write a custom command?14:16
empti want a shortcut to do that14:16
panduhow to install microsoft windows fonts on ubuntu ?14:16
LjL!fonts | pandu14:16
ubottupandu: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/14:16
agc93empt: a shortcut to do what?14:17
LjLpandu: msttcorefonts will give you the freely available ones14:17
MonkeyDustpandu  msttcorefonts14:17
cypher-neoThat's an old package!14:17
DeltaHeavyempt: A terminal command is just an executable binary located in specific directories. You'll find most common commands like 'ls' or 'cd' are found in /bin/. If you make a program and put it in /bin/ or /var/usr/bin (reccommended), it will run just by typing in the name of that file.14:17
cypher-neoThat is not what it's called anymore14:17
Mandalordwuome: nothing? mkdir should make a directory namely usb in folder /media14:17
Wuomenothing works14:17
ActionParsnipChamunks: tried:   killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*     wait 10 seconds then try sound, is it ok?14:17
empti simply want to run matlab14:17
cypher-neoMonkeyDust: I think the package he's looking for is ttf-mscorefonts or something like that.14:17
emptjust ./matlab14:17
LjLcypher-neo: is it ttf-mscorefonts-installer now?14:17
Wuomewith mkdir it created a folder14:18
cypher-neoLjL: That might be it!14:18
ActionParsnipempt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB14:18
Mandalordthen sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/usb14:18
ChamunksActionParsnip, I'll give that a go.14:18
DJonesLjL:  ttf-mscorefonts-installer14:18
DeltaHeavyempt: So you want matlab to be run as if it were a command? So if you run 'matlab' it'll run?14:18
cypher-neoLjL: I just know that the name changed a couple times in the last year or two14:18
sacarlsonChamunks: you might try delete those files and sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart  ; or equiv in upstart14:18
panduThanks :P14:18
LjL!no fonts is <reply> Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/14:18
ubottuI'll remember that LjL14:18
arusselis there a way to create volume with lvm while the disk is being used ?14:18
panduhewlett packard invent guys14:19
Meridiousarussel: man vgcreate14:19
arusselor on a disk that was used and still keeping the data on it14:19
DeltaHeavyempt: Is matlab a single executable file?14:19
empti have to type a command every time i want to run matlab14:19
Wuomethe special dispositive /dev/sdb1 does not exst14:19
emptyes i should write ./matlab in the terminal to run it14:19
agc93arussel: i wish but since it needs to change the partition type I don't think it can be done14:20
ActionParsnipempt: you can make a launcher and you can run it from the UI.14:20
Meridiousarussel: the 4 commands for LVM, vgcreate, vgdisplay, lvcreate, lvdisplay14:20
DeltaHeavyempt: If you want to run it like that just run it like that. Nothing needed, just make sure you're in the same directory. If you want it to run by just typing 'matlab', move the matlab executable to /var/usr/bin/14:20
Chamunkssacarlson, I think i've tried the init.d restart before but I'll give that a shot if ActionParsnip 's fix is insufficient.14:20
subb1Is it possibel to recover deleted directory with live-cd of ubuntu? any help guys?14:20
ActionParsnipsubb1: possibly with foremost but you will need a partition mounted writabel that will hold the whole partition. Your backups will be a much quicker method14:21
cypher-neosubb1: If the directory is still in your Trash folder, then yes. If it's been deleted, probably not.14:21
sacarlsonChamunks: I think you will still have to remove those files before restart,  also maybe add logout and login to your account14:21
empti know but a desktop shortcut would be nice though?14:21
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ActionParsnipempt: yes, and one is given on the guide I gave14:21
Meridioussubb1: not so much if you rm -rf'd it. There are data recovery tools such as dd and photorec14:21
cypher-neoActionParsnip: What is foremost? Never heard of it. :)14:21
Chamunkssacarlson, I mentioned a few minutes ago that the ctrl+alt+bksp does work some times.14:21
emptActionParasnip: how can i make a launcher in unity?14:22
Chamunkssacarlson, instead of a full reboot sometimes.14:22
ActionParsnip!info foremost | cypher-neo14:22
WuomeMandalord? Are you still there? :(14:22
ubottucypher-neo: foremost (source: foremost): Forensics application to recover data. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.7-1 (precise), package size 41 kB, installed size 140 kB14:22
sacarlsonChamunks: I'm not sure what ctl+alt_bksp does14:22
Meridioussubb1: these programs read the bits directly off of a drive, and can recover some files14:22
subb1thanks guys.. i didm  rm -rf on dir.... but I havent deleted any files after that ! would it be possible then? please suggest the most effective program?14:22
Chamunkssacarlson, it just restarts the gnome desktop14:22
DeltaHeavyempt: A "command" or "Typing ./matlab"  isn't really descriptive of a graphical shortcut. You can right click a panel, add to panel, then go to "Launcher". Under 'command' just type the command that's going to open up matlab.14:22
ActionParsnipsubb1: your backups, or foremost14:22
agc93sacarlson: once its turned on, it restarts X basically14:22
Mandalordwell thats confusing14:23
subb1ActionParsnip, i think i'll go with foremost. I do not have any backups !!14:23
Wuomei know14:23
ActionParsnipsubb1: why not, is yourdata not important to you?14:23
Mandalordsince the fdisk told us that there is sdb114:23
Wuomebut what can be the reason for noot being able to change the permissions?14:23
subb1ActionParsnip, it was. But i had newly transferred the files to a system.. didnt take thebackup...14:23
ChamunksActionParsnip, I believe that this, 'killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse* ' has worked thank you14:24
agc93wuome like i said, if you dont have rw access to the filesystem, you cant set permissions14:24
sacarlsonChamunks: ok at some point when you find what does work consistantly you can create a script that will bring up skype without doing all the steps to make it work14:24
AdvoWorkhow can i find out my machines default route?14:24
ActionParsnipsubb1: you learned the value of backups the hard way...14:24
Mandalordyour account is normal not root14:24
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: run:     route14:24
arusselMeridious: I'm reading this http://siva2009.wordpress.com/2010/08/26/how-to-create-lvm-using-pvcreate-vgcreate-lvcreate-and-lvextend-commands/ and he create the fs after issuing lvcreate14:24
Wuomeand how can i get rw access?14:24
subb1ActionParsnip, very true. thanks for help.. thanks a lot... i shall give it a try14:24
sacarlsonAdvoWork: sudo route -n14:24
Chamunkssacarlson, I think his fix did the trick ' killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*  '  The only other thing would be to put it into rc.d in the shutdown sequence to delete those files.14:24
emptwhat panel?14:24
emptagain i'm using unity14:25
agc93arussel: if your partition is already of type lvm, you can do it, but otherwise you need to change partition type which involves a reformat14:25
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Meridiousarussel: and?14:25
ActionParsnipsacarlson: the different between the route and sudo route commands is identical....14:25
Chamunkssacarlson, I could probably just hack away at the skype load code couldnt i.14:25
Mandalordwell normally try sudo chmod 777 /media/Z314:25
DeltaHeavyempt: idk then, I don't use Unity.14:25
ChamunksActionParsnip, thanks again I believe that worked like a charm. :)14:25
Mandalordbut i dont know if it will work on partition14:26
arusselMeridious: well, as agc93 said, I don't see how I can keep my data.14:26
ActionParsnipempt:    sudo wget 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=matlab-r2011a.desktop' -O /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop14:26
sacarlsonActionParsnip: as route is in /sbin  and I use it for other things I assumed it required sudo14:26
Meridiousarussel: good point. External backup?14:27
arusselMeridious: no, ec214:27
ActionParsnipsacarlson: makes sense :)14:27
arusselplain ami from ubuntu site14:28
empt<ActionParsnip> what have it done :-?14:28
Mandalordwuome did you work it out or not?14:28
emptActionParsnip: what have it done??14:29
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ActionParsnipempt: instead use:    sudo wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/MATLAB.desktop -O /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop14:30
ActionParsnipempt: it makes a .desktop for you, I got the file from the matlab how to, so you can do this all on your own...14:30
emptwhat a .desktop file does?14:31
ActionParsnipempt: you can also get the ison witj:    sudo wget http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Matlab_Logo.png -O /usr/share/icons/matlab.png14:31
ActionParsnipempt: it's what is used to populate the Unity menus14:31
emptaw ok, can u give me the link?14:32
emptwhich u found this on?14:32
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arusselhow do you create an ec2 snapshot without lvm installed and with default fs (ie, not xfs) ?14:33
Piciarussel: You'd probably have a better chance of getting that answered if you ask in #ubuntu-server14:33
arusselPici: thanks, I didn't know it existed14:34
Wuomemandalord it doesnt work14:34
Wuomei've tried that one hundred time14:34
ndlovuActionParsnip, if kill signals 9 and 15 don't work, then dpkg must be a zombie process? According to a previous askubuntu post, I need to send a SIGCHLD signal to the parent, which would appear to be 2244. It seems that the signal number can be 20,17,18. Any idea how to send such a signal? Will kill do it? (ref: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30891/is-there-any-way-to-kill-a-zombie-process-without-reboot)14:35
Mandalorddont have to do that much :(14:35
Mandalordbut im out of idea14:35
Wuomeyep me too14:36
Wuomebut thank you very much14:36
sacarlsonWuome: I'm guessing the disk is formated in something with no file permisions like ntfs or fat14:36
Wuomeyep, i think that so14:36
Wuomeand is there any way to change the permissions in ntfs or in fat?14:36
Mandalordbut we dont know the format type14:36
sacarlsonWuome: you could force at mount to set the user and read write permisions14:37
Mandalordwhat is the producer and the name of mp314:37
LantiziaLo, anyway to suppress apt-get messages about config file conflicts and just assume the default answer (which is N to keep the existing file)14:37
Wuomesamsung YP-Z314:37
sacarlsonWuome: but after mount you can't change it until you dismount and mount again14:37
Wuomesacarlson: how can i do that?14:38
LantiziaWuome, what are you trying to do? i had a Samsung YP once14:39
sacarlsonWuome: my network is very slow might check this I haven't read it yet http://linuxtuts.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-to-mount-fat32-or-vfat-partition-in.html14:39
andygraybealhold up brothers and sisters, i'm reading omgubuntu.co.uk and an article dated april 16, 2012 ( http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-12-04 ) says that Adobe won't be supporting Flash anymore for Linux .... is this true?14:40
Wuomewell Lantizia, i cant transfer files to my YP14:40
agc93andygraybeal: kind of14:40
agc93they will do security and maintenance on the current release14:40
andygraybealagc93, okay14:40
agc93but no more updates on Linux platform. Same as Android and a couple of other smaller platforms14:40
ActionParsnipandygraybeal: yes but the article tells you what will be happening in the future14:40
LantiziaWuome, is your samsung using UMS or MSC ?14:41
WuomeLantizia: And i don't know how to change permissions to the YP. I can open it and see the files, but i can't put files in it14:41
andygraybealActionParsnip, that google is going to be taking over the development?  Does this mean I'll never have flash in firefox ever again?14:41
WuomeUMS? MSC? I don't know?14:41
andygraybealps, yes i still like firefox.14:41
WuomeHow can i know this?14:41
LantiziaWuome, sorry not MSC I mean MTP14:41
Wuomei still don't know what do you mean14:42
ActionParsnipandygraybeal: i believe a similar API will be in firefox14:42
LantiziaWuome, not sure on your model, I had a Samsung YP-U3 - which in Europe/USA was sold with MTP firmware.  I then reflashed it with some alternative firmware to get UMS working14:42
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andygraybealActionParsnip, okay thank you14:42
WuomeI do't know what UMS or MTP are14:42
LantiziaWuome, MTP is Media Transfer Protocol - some stupid protocol for transferring music and such, very microsoft.....   UMS is USB Mass Storage - as in it works like a usb pen or a usb hard drive - it just gets mounted14:43
WuomeAnd I don't know how to see which ones they are14:43
WuomeNo, it's UMS sure14:43
kbringardcan anyone tell me how to force the network interface udev order during a PXE install?14:43
agc93andygraybeal: in future, that kind of thing would also be better suited to #ubuntu-offtopic unless you needed help with Flash particularly14:43
andygraybealagc93, thanks man14:43
LantiziaWuome, how can you be sure?14:43
Wuomebecause in Windows i just dropped the files inside14:43
Wuomelike in an usb14:44
Lantiziayeah but windows supports MTP though doesn't it? :P14:44
Lantiziathe ubuntu file manager (nautilus) does too14:44
agc93lantizia yes it does. MTP and Windows actually work quite well surprisingly14:44
itboxI have a problem installing Ubuntu: 1 month ago it worked just fine, but now i tried to reinstall again (got a new HDD) and it just gets stuck at the Install menu from the CD14:44
Wuomeso how can i manage this?14:44
LantiziaWuome, does the location of your YP show up as something like /media/samsungyp   orr something like   gphoto2://sweinfrinfnifwfnwie14:45
itboxalso, I tried installing from the USB drive, with the same result14:45
sacarlsonWuome: you must need to add a line in /etc/fstab to mount that disk with the user you desire to be the owner and setup permisions14:45
Lantiziasacarlson, i doubt it14:46
sacarlsonLantizia: why is that?14:46
Lantiziaif it really is UMS then it'll be vfat and ubuntu will just mount it14:46
Lantiziawhich by the sounds of it - it hasd14:46
itboxtoday, i went to BIOS and try resetting the settings, and it worked with xubuntu 11.10, i suceeded to start the installation, but then it just freezes at the partition tool (left it like that for over 1 hour, still nothing)14:46
sacarlsonLantizia: then you will need to write a script that will umount and remount it with the desired settings14:46
LantiziaWuome, can you run the command 'mount' on the terminal and paste the ONE line that mentions /media/Z314:47
ActionParsnipitbox: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?14:47
itboxyeah, the ISO is fine, and those CDs i tried already installed on multiple PCs14:47
Wuomedamn, i dont find any line with Z3. May i show you all the script?14:48
ActionParsnipitbox: have you tested the RAM using the install media?14:48
LantiziaWuome, nah don't paste it all - are you running 'mount' with the device in the computer?14:48
ActionParsnipWuome: sure, use a pastebin14:48
itboxi did memtest and it returned no errors14:48
MandalordAs opposed to USB Mass Storage, a number of operating systems do not support MTP out of the box. Some even require third-party software. damm, wiki say that ubuntu does not support MTP14:49
LantiziaMandalord, if he's using MTP that is14:49
itboxalso the pc was in the service a while ago and its in good health14:49
Lantiziadepending on region some samsung mp3 players do and some do not use MTP14:49
LantiziaWuome, umm the last line mentions Z3 :P lol14:50
Wuomelol it's true14:50
kbringardcan anyone tell me how to force the network device order during the PXE install? Perhaps during preseed? I need to ensure the ethX mappings are consistent14:50
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  now  keyring password i have delete the  keyring password.file from my home folder14:50
Lantiziaand it looks like it's mounted fine as UMS vfat14:50
itboxso far i didnt manage any linux distro to work from USB14:50
Wuomethat's a vfat14:50
Wuomebad news?14:50
LantiziaWuome, vfat is normal for this - so is jose your one and only user on this p?c14:50
profxis it pretty straightforward to setup an Ubuntu box as a gateway ?14:51
Zally666I did but in qemu usb14:51
itboxi tried Lubuntu 11.10 and 12.04, Debian testing dvd img, Debian testing USB img, Puppy14:51
itboxnone of those work14:51
profxalso, can someone link me to a URL that explains this14:51
itboxthey all freeze as soon as i choose any option from the install menu14:51
LantiziaWuome, you should get no issues writing mp3's to it then  (if that's the issue) as it's mounted correctly as read/write14:51
LantiziaWuome, unless it's full of course :P  what exactly is the error?14:51
ndlovuActionParsnip, I managed to kill dpkg by killing its parent process, but still getting the 'config.dat locked by another process' errors. Is there some way to find out which process is using a particular resource?14:52
DeltaHeavyitbox: Check if your hardware is supported. Your hardware might not support the Linux kernel at all.14:52
itboxit does14:52
compdockbringard, edit /etc/udev/rules.d/persistent net rules14:52
agc93ndlovu check out lsof14:52
ndlovuthanks agc9314:52
itboxi had different linux distros on my PC14:52
DeltaHeavyitbox: Can you boot the liveCD?14:52
ActionParsnipndlovu: lsof | grep config.dat14:52
itboxi can boot Xubuntu 11.1014:52
itboxbut cant install14:52
Wuomewhet i drag and drop any file over the Music directory in the mp3, it show the long bar of traspassing files, but it does not move14:53
Wuomeand none file is transferred14:53
sacarlsonWuome: maybe your not user 1000?14:53
ActionParsnipitbox: did you try updating ubiquity before running it14:53
Lantiziasacarlson, covered that already14:53
S4H4NHello friends... I installed 11.04. It works fine. But I can't see that Applications menu (like in 10.04). Instead there is menus File,Edit... even in desktop..Please tell me how to get Applications menu back.14:53
itboxis it maybe some BIOS setting that causes the problem?14:53
Wuomei'm the only user of the computer14:53
itboxwhat is ubiquity?14:53
kbringardcompdoc: right, I get that, but can I do it in like an early_command in preseed? I have PXE all working, but it finds my devices out of order, so eth0 isn't the interface that can talk to the PXE/DHCP server so installation fails14:53
ActionParsnipS4H4N: you do know that Natty has only 4 months support in it..?14:54
LantiziaWuome, do you get this on say a usb pen as well?14:54
ActionParsnipitbox: the installer application14:54
dwakari just upgraded to  12.04 and it seems that the  mousewheel scroll doesn't work14:54
Wuomenope, first device that shows this problem14:54
itboxi didn't but i think thats not a problem, because yesterday i installed ubuntu normally on my friends PC14:54
Wuomebut it's not an mp3 problem, because in windows in works perfectly14:54
ActionParsnipitbox: your system may need it..14:55
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S4H4NActionParsnip: Mmm..I didn't know it...14:55
LantiziaWuome, on your samsung do you have a section   Settings>system>PC connection>    ?14:55
LantiziaWuome, or something like it? (have an explore around)14:56
ActionParsnipS4H4N: I suggest you install Precise. Its not only the latest stable Ubuntu release, it is also LTS so will give 5 years support14:56
Wuomewait a min14:56
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ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  i have  another problem  of bugs in os http://imagebin.org/21709114:56
Sidewinder1S4H4N, This page will give you a full description of the various versions, their support dates, etc., I hope it helps: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%2914:57
viktori can't mount any external drive anymore, get a window saying "not authorized", can anyone help pls? running oneiric14:57
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compdockbringard, its a problem in that network devices come up in the order theyre ready. Which can cause a lot of problems if you have several nics, like renaming the device aliases, like eth0, eth1, etc. Im not sure about preseed, but once that udev rules file is edited, the system doesnt rewrite it. you'll just have to test14:57
meadhikariI changed my shell to fish, now I wanted bash back, but when i do "chsh -s bash" I get bash invalid shell, what should i do, please help14:57
WuomeMSC or MTP14:57
itboxwell, last time i installed Ubuntu on my system was 4 days ago, and today i tried to reinstall and it didnt work14:57
WuomeI can set one of them14:57
kbringardcompdoc: cool, yea, I'm trying it now, thanks for the info14:58
sipiormeadhikari: try using the full path to bash14:58
LantiziaWuome, MSC ...  NOT! MTP14:58
LantiziaWuome,  :)14:58
ndlovuActionParsnip, nothing comes up in lsof :(. Will paste a sample of dpkg output which might help to figure out the problem.14:58
kbringardcompdoc: but if there's no preseed option to specifically specify the order, then I'll figure something out :-D14:58
meadhikarisipior, pleas help, what would be the full path? using ubuntu 12.0414:58
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: then report the issue....14:58
sipiormeadhikari: also, i think you want "chfn -s".14:58
S4H4N ActionParsnip: It says that 11.04 is supported until 2012.10...Can't i get help here?14:59
sipiormeadhikari: "which bash" (should be /bin/bash)14:59
Wuomeooooooh my gooooood, you genius!!!!!!14:59
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, i have been tried several times but no success14:59
kbringardcompdoc: yea, hmmm, early command won't work either because network configuration happens before it pulls the preseed file (obviously) :-)14:59
LantiziaWuome, told you it was MSC/UMS vs MTP all a long :P14:59
emptthank's problem solved ;)14:59
emptguys another question, i cant see the chrome in my alt-tab list i'm using unity why is that?14:59
ActionParsnipS4H4N: sure but its a bit of a wastd effort, for such a short amount of support...14:59
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, look at this again http://imagebin.org/21709214:59
meadhikarisipior, thanks a lot14:59
ndlovudpkg output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049225/ some packages configured, some fail because of dependency issues, some fail because /var/cache/debconf/config.dat locked14:59
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: if you make a new ubuntu user, is it the same?15:00
cristianhow can I disable guesc account on ubuntu 12.0415:00
zackiv31does anyone have a recommendation for an ubuntu machine for development?  preferably something prebuilt with dual monitors and a little bit of power15:00
emptguys another question, i cant see the chrome in my alt-tab list i'm using unity why is that?15:00
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: have you tried a reboot?15:00
ActionParsnipempt: Unity, or Unity2D?15:00
WuomeLantizia, thank you very very much15:00
WuomeNut very very very much15:00
emptunity, 3d15:00
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, everytimes when i reboot it gives me the massage15:00
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, everytimes when i reboot it gives me the message15:01
ActionParsnipempt: tried a different ALT-TAB app?15:01
S4H4NActionParsnip:OK.Thanks...I'll try elsewhere..15:01
LantiziaMTP is BAAAD :P15:01
agc93zackiv31: practically any PC with a Core iSomething and a graphics card will do the job for you. What are you looking to do with it?15:01
ActionParsnipS4H4N: Natty is still supported, just confused why you are bothering with it15:01
emptActionParsnip: no i'm using the default one15:01
ActionParsnipS4H4N: by the time you get it set up, it will cease to be supported15:01
ActionParsnipempt: not thought to maybe try a different one...?15:01
WuomeLantizia, Sacarlson, Mandalord, i repeat, thank you very much for the time invested in me15:01
MandalordLantizia: this channel is really full of anti windows:D15:02
LantiziaWuome, I expect your device was allowing you to read files using both MSC and MTP mode... but only letting you write files using MTP mode - which linux doesn't understand very well :P15:02
zackiv31agc93: web development.. needs at least 4gb ram... i have an X2 4200 right now and its far too underpowered... i regularly have FF/Chrome and about 8 workspaces15:02
Sidewinder1!nounity | S4H4N15:02
ubottuS4H4N: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:02
emptcan u name one?15:02
ActionParsnipS4H4N: I suggest Precise, there are later packages, drivers and kernels in the release which may make it justwork15:02
empti'm not familiar15:02
ActionParsnipempt: ring switcher15:02
emptok, i'll try thanks15:02
Lantiziaanyway I have a question too you know :P15:03
LantiziaLo, anyway to suppress apt-get messages about config file conflicts and just assume the default answer (which is N to keep the existing file)15:03
agc93zackiv41: this is really a choice for you, but remember that Ubuntu is usually lighter on CPU and RAM than windows, but may need more graphics power than average to run the fancy GUI well. By the sounds of it, in your case, you just need RAM and plenty of it15:03
agc93Lantizia if you check the man page there is an option for quiet, which does that i think15:04
agc93i would check but im compiling15:04
zackiv31and a new CPU.. my load count is higher then available cores... but ok, didn't know if anyone had a recommendation for one... to buy a Dell or HP or try to squander up some no-name from newegg15:04
Lantiziaagc93, well --force-yes and -y doesn't work ... should I try -q or -qq ?15:04
ndlovuS4H4N, maybe it will help if you explain why you are setting up 11.04 and not 12.04?15:04
ActionParsnipLantizia: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104899/make-apt-get-or-aptitude-run-with-y-but-not-prompt-for-replacement-of-configu15:04
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, wat to do with this hell http://imagebin.org/21709215:05
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: what if you log in as a new user?15:06
DeltaHeavyUnity crashed15:06
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: you do realize you've given me 4 links to the same image....15:06
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, let me enter as guest15:06
=== surya is now known as Guest60172
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, let me look again on those link15:07
cypher-neoubuntu_64bit: Send an error report and relaunch15:07
blazinbassHi there, is there a way to increase the performance of ubuntu 12.04 by reducing the graphical appearance?15:08
blazinbassi came from 10.04 and all of a sudden my system is horribly laggy15:08
viktori can't access any external hard drives anymore. can anyone help me with that?15:08
cypher-neoblazinbass: You probably won't reach the low memory load of 10.04, but you can use Unity2d to reduce the graphical load a little bit.15:09
Mandalordblazinbass: how about Lubuntu:D15:09
ActionParsnipblazinbass: unity2D15:09
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest5963
Cleitusoh my god15:10
Cleituswhy everyone are quiting15:10
red_sorry for the noob quistion but does anyone know of a good USB wireless network adapter that works "out of the box" with 12.04?15:10
ActionParsnipCleitus: maybe a netsplit15:10
ActionParsnip!hcl | red_15:10
ubottured_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:10
Cleitusmr action can you help me to become a sys admin15:11
ubuntu_64bitcypher-neo,  i have  tried  to report several times but no success15:11
blazinbasscypher-neo: thank you15:11
cypher-neoblazinbass: np :)15:11
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: are you Vinicius Bj on Facebook?15:11
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  http://imagebin.org/217092 and this http://imagebin.org/21709115:11
ndlovustill trying to fix my failed upgrade. Running the command 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' multiple times. Each time it seems to make some progress, but exits because of too many errors. Should I keep repeating this process hoping that in the end the errors will be resolved, or am I breaking it even more?15:12
fidelCleitus: that basically needs experience ... so how about just testing/collecting experience with small projects?15:12
blazinbasscypher-neo: says it's already installed, how do i use it?15:12
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, am not  am using another using  username not that mentioned15:12
Cleitusfidel: can you tell me some15:12
Lantiziablazinbass, you can also simply install package "gnome-panel" to return to the old interface - just select GNOME instead of Ubuntu on the login screen as your default session15:12
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: all you had to say was "yes it's the same" you don't need to make 100 image links of the same thing15:12
fidelCleitus: what? this is an ubuntu-support channel - and we try to keep it ontopic15:12
blazinbassLantizia: thanks15:13
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: all I can say is report a bug15:13
cypher-neoblazinbass: Log out and select the Ubuntu logo across from your username15:13
fidelCleitus: consider asking meta-questions in i.e. #ubuntu-offtopic or similar15:13
DeltaHeavyCleitus: Get comfortable with the terminal. sysadmins mainly use CLI over GUI in *NIX enviroments (such as pretty much every Linux distro).15:13
cypher-neoblazinbass: switch to Unity 2D and then log back in15:13
OerHeksubuntu_64bit, send error report, or just cancel it and go on with your work.15:13
Cleitusi just need some kinda book you know15:13
Lantiziaunity is such bull :)15:13
blazinbasscypher-neo: do i have to do that every time i reboot?15:13
Pici!offtopic | Cleitus15:13
ubottuCleitus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:13
blazinbassLantizia: why is unity bull?15:13
sacarlsonviktor: I'm guessing you present user isn't a memeber of the group to allow mount user-space filesystems15:14
wylde_!manual > Cleitus15:14
ubottuCleitus, please see my private message15:14
cypher-neoblazinbass: It should automatically select the last-used DE by default, so if you log out of Unity and into Unity 2D, as long as you don't change that it should continue logging into Unity 2D.15:14
Lantiziablazinbass, well unless you've a touchscreen it slows you down - i find it more confusing - plus the name is nonsense, how things are more unified is beyond me, if anything breaking from GNOME makes it less unified15:14
viktorsacarlson, i only have one user, and i worked untill shortly15:14
ikoniaLantizia: don't use it then15:15
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, OerHeks  i have already send/report  the bug but no success was made for me15:15
ikoniaLantizia: it's a simple solution15:15
sacarlsonviktor: upgrade? update?15:15
Lantiziaikonia, hey he asked, i don't use it - xfce user here15:15
ikoniapoint taken15:15
cypher-neoLantizia: Unity is not designed by GNOME. GNOME's breakage is caused entirely by the gnome-team15:15
viktorsacarlson, i update regularly, definitively not gonna upgrade if i can't back-up (no external hdd usable)15:15
cypher-neoLantizia: Unity was designed by the Canonical team15:16
Lantiziacypher-neo, i know unity isn't gnome - i didn't join this party yesterday.... how you can blame gnome for unity's creation is beyond me15:16
sacarlsonviktor: external disk I assume are usb flash or other?15:16
cypher-neoLantizia: And I agree that GNOME packages are breaking more and more as of recent15:16
ActionParsnipLantizia: I find Unity faster persoanlly, but I use about 6 apps and few tabs, so it works well15:16
Lantiziayeah it's great for occasional-use devices like tablets and family pc's15:17
Lantiziabut for productively it stinks15:17
viktorsacarlson, yes, usb hard drive, it gets listed under devices in nautilus, but if i click it, i get a window saying "not authorized"15:17
cypher-neoLantizia: I agree... but this isn't the place for this conversation. Want to talk in #ubuntu-offtopic?15:18
viktorsacarlson, using oneiric if relevant15:18
ActionParsnipLantizia: depends on the user entrely15:18
Lantizianah i'm done :)15:18
sacarlsonviktor: I would check in user groups to see you have priv set15:18
ActionParsnipLantizia: plus it's optional, so who cares15:18
LantiziaActionParsnip, yeah but it's opt-out though... and it's not like a setting either, you physically have to install packages to get an alternative15:18
ActionParsnipLantizia: install Xubuntu, Lubuntu or Kubuntu, no Unity15:19
LantiziaActionParsnip, already have :) been a xubuntu user for years15:19
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, OerHeks wat can i do after bug report  cuz wat is  needed  is me to resolve just like  as we did in keyring password15:19
ActionParsnipLantizia: no manual install of any packages if you install Xubuntu.15:19
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest76544
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: ubuntu-bug unity-2d15:20
LantiziaActionParsnip, including gnome-panel on the cd wouldn't have killed anyone though... at least then if you upgrade you can get a dialog saying "new interface or old?"15:20
cypher-neoActionParsnip: That's like saying install Windows if you don't like Unity! Unity needs better options. It doesn't need to force users to install entirely unfamiliar DE's just to get out of a problem that Unity causes15:20
cypher-neoJust my opinion though...15:20
sacarlsonviktor: I think you need to be sure your a member of the fuse group https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fuse/+bug/38537515:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385375 in fuse (Ubuntu) "Purpose of the fuse group" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:21
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: there are lots of apps in Ubuntu I don't like, I just remove them and install what I like15:21
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  can i have the link for the bug report  for that 2d ubuntu15:22
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: you do't have to installl Ubuntu, you can install Xubuntu, Kubuntu or Lubuntu and use the same OS without Unity, its really simple15:22
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: run the command I gave, it will start the process15:22
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: Unity is also a shell, not a dE :)15:22
LantiziaActionParsnip, that's not quite true - I mean if you count the "OS" to be the kernel, services & bundled apps.... then xubuntu/lubuntu/etc.. come with very different non-gnome centric apps15:23
dark3nIve got an HDD and an SSD of which i can no longer boot, it seems f'cked something up, as i tried normal formating already, what is the next level to reset the hdd and ssd to make them useable again?15:23
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, okay  am waiting for the command15:23
Lantiziatechnically the OS is just the linux kernel :)15:23
ActionParsnipLantizia: you can install your favourite apps in the other variants, they will work fine15:23
ActionParsnip(16:20:25) ActionParsnip: ubuntu_64bit: ubuntu-bug unity-2d            I already told you....15:24
ActionParsnipLantizia: also, XFCE is coded using GTK15:24
LantiziaActionParsnip, sure but for the bulk of people familiar with the gnome-centric bundled applications... who just don't want unity - there is no official canonical distro that'll give them gnome any more (although like we've said they can install it themselves if they like)15:24
LantiziaActionParsnip, xubuntu/ubuntu/lubuntu/kubuntu may all work from the say repo's  -  but they're all very different out of box experiences15:25
harrrismrubini want to make a sync link between /home/harrrismrubin and /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop so when i add something to the gimp folder it goes into dropbox too15:25
harrrismrubinwhat code do i type in the terminal?15:25
ActionParsnipLantizia: true but the OS is flexible so the OOTB OS is pretty irrelevant15:25
llutzActionParsnip: nice theory at a time people change distro because they dislike the default wallpaper15:26
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: could just symlink the desktop folder to a link in dropbx15:26
sacarlsonharrrismrubin: you can also create symbolic links with nautilus with right click if your run desktop15:26
ActionParsnipllutz: sadly true15:26
LantiziaActionParsnip, not to first time users it isn't... OOTB is crucial.... ubuntu with it's gnome 2 layout was the most polished of all the different *buntu distro's in terms of usability and settings.... to replace the main UI with something people mostly dislike - means forcing them to a *buntu distro that has a less polished OOTB experience15:27
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: ln -s ~/Desktop ~/Dropbox/Desktop\ Stuff15:27
MonkeyDustharrrismrubin  i hardlink to my dropbox folder, even, with ln [source] [target]15:27
sisarI'm on all precise-security, precise-updates, precise-proposed, precise backports. And I did "sudo apt-get update" , "sudo apt-get upgrade" just now. But I still have Firefox 12. How can I clean the list of pacakages from apt-get ?15:27
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  it tell me this http://imagebin.org/21709315:27
ActionParsnipLantizia: I dunno, I've seen a tone of people liking Unity..15:27
compdocsisar, bad idea15:28
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: ok what is the output of;   apt-cache policy unity-2d; lsb_release -a     use http://pastie.org   to host the text15:28
LantiziaActionParsnip, I've seen plenty of people yell "Oh wow, this looks really nice" - but after a few days just find it confusing15:28
viktorsacarlson, i enabled the user_allow_other in /etc/fuse.conf but the problem persists, do i need to reboot to make this work?15:28
ActionParsnipLantizia: with: "orcing them to a *buntu distro that has a less polished OOTB experience"  do you mean KDE is less polished?15:29
ndlovuthis can't be good: 'cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/sda1' Seems I'm about 18 hours from swimming with the sharks (http://xkcd.com/349/)15:29
LantiziaActionParsnip, I think kubuntu is less polished - not kde15:29
sisarcompdoc: then what can I try ?15:29
sacarlsonviktor: oh I thought all that was required was to be a member of fuse group15:29
sipiorLantizia: ActionParsnip: this discussion should really be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic.15:29
erinaceus_Evening, I've got a small problem with ubuntu trying to mount /boot /home / from sda when in fact they are on /sdb is there a simple work around for that?15:29
fidelKantari: and kubuntu is what in detail? isnt it again ubuntu with kdeas preset DE?15:29
compdocsisar, I mean bad idea to use precise-proposed, unless youre testing something15:30
fidelbut yeah - we are going offtopic somehow15:30
Lantiziaerinaceus_, edit /etc/fstab15:30
sacarlsonviktor: what do you see when you type $groups15:30
fideldamn ... that was for Lantizia15:30
sisarcompdoc: Oh.15:30
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/411504215:30
ActionParsnipLantizia: anyhoo, did my link sort your config file issue15:30
sacarlsonviktor: is fuse in the list of groups?15:30
viktorsacarlson, viktor adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare jupiter15:30
viktorsacarlson, nope15:30
LantiziaActionParsnip, yeah but I might try -qq first since it's shorte15:30
sacarlsonviktor: you need to add yourself to the fuse group15:31
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: you have pulled down a deb and installed it. I suggest you reinstall with the official deb15:31
erinaceus_Lantizia: Thanks, I'll see if it helps15:31
viktorsacarlson, how do i put it there? i can't find the right file?15:31
ActionParsnipLantizia: the wonders of websearcing eh....its all I did15:31
sacarlsonviktor: there is a gui for user and groups15:31
LantiziaActionParsnip, I searched too - just that didn't come up :P15:31
sacarlsonI don't run unity do I don't know how to get there for you15:31
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  i dont know what is deb or is it debian15:31
viktorsacarlson, not in unity, unless i'm mistaken...15:32
erinaceus_Lantizia: Worked like a charm, thanks15:32
ActionParsnipLantizia: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=make+apt-get+always+keep+the+existing+config+file15:32
Lantiziaerinaceus_, np15:32
sacarlsonviktor: oh then System>Admin>Users and groups15:32
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: deb file is the files you use to install packages with15:32
LantiziaActionParsnip, I googled "debian apt prevent asking file changes" and got useless hits lol15:32
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: you have pulled one in from some 3rd party source, hence the bug page telling you that you aren't using the default package15:33
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  okay but can i install it if it miss in my package15:33
ActionParsnipLantizia: you didn't mention the config file, which is key15:33
ActionParsnipLantizia: obviously apt-get will make changes to files15:33
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, how can i pull the third part15:34
viktorsacarlson, those drop-down menu's aren't available anymore, i don't know how to edit groups from gui (i'm really starting to dislike unity)15:34
SpajderixI've just formated my external USB harddrive with cryptsetup luksFormat, then created ext4 on top of it, and after mounting it shows a bit over 7GB used even though I haven't copied anything yet. Is it possible that encryption steals so much of my free space?15:34
sacarlsonviktor: then sudo  useradd -G fuse  yourusername15:34
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: you could maybe run:   sudo apt-get --reinstall install unity-2d15:34
viktorsacarlson, useradd: user 'viktor' already exists15:35
sacarlsonviktor: oh I thought you said you not running unity15:35
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, and what about the third party source dealing with15:35
sacarlsonviktor: oh now groups15:35
sipiorSpajderix: is this a 150GB partition, by any chance?15:35
viktorsacarlson, maybe i made a typo...15:35
sacarlsonyou should be added to fuse in the list15:35
sacarlsonviktor: type groups15:36
viktorsacarlson, nope15:36
sipiorSpajderix: (in other words: did you change the default reserved blocks percentage when making the filesystem?)15:36
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: it should be overwritten, hopefully15:36
sacarlsonwhat did I do wrong is that not the method to add a user to a group?15:36
Spajderixsipior: It's 500GB external hdd all cover with one partition, after encrypting formated with mkfs.ext4 -m 015:37
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, nop overwritten15:37
sacarlsonviktor: best you read this maybe you didn't understand what I said http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/15:37
sacarlsonviktor: or maybe the group fuse doesn't exist?15:38
llutzsacarlson: never use "sudo  useradd -G xxx username"  it will kick the user from all groups except xxx. usermod -aG   or better adduser15:38
sipiorSpajderix: hmm. 7GB does seem a little high. how were you determining the space used?15:39
sacarlsonllutz: oh ok viktor did you get taht15:39
damms005Pls how can I set a shortcut key combination to lock my ubuntu (like in windows: windows key+L)15:39
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/private/lyrup2b8lcpmn54fzkkga15:39
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: try:  sudo apt-get update     first15:39
Spajderixsipior: df -h15:39
viktorsacarlson, use adduser instead, got it15:39
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: I saw the first time, youo don't need to give me the same lnk twice15:39
viktorsacarlson, how do i check if fuse exists?15:40
damms005Pls how can I set a shortcut key combination to lock my ubuntu (like in windows: windows key+L)15:41
sacarlsonviktor: well after the command you should see fuse in your groups list15:41
Spajderixsipior: Just reformated it without encryption, only ext4 using: mkfs.ext4 -m 0 /dev/blah, and it shows 7,1G used15:41
ActionParsnip!shortcut| damms00515:41
ubottudamms005: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts15:41
sipiorSpajderix: that was going to be my next question :-)15:41
damms005Thanks ActionParsnip15:41
llutzviktor: after adding yourself to a group, you need to relogin to activate the change15:41
ActionParsnipdamms005: default is CTRL+ALT+L15:42
viktorsacarlson, llutz, ok, just gonna reboot then15:42
llutzviktor: relogin, not reboot15:42
sacarlsonviktor: one method is to look at the file  /etc/group  with more /etc/group  you should see a list of all the groups15:42
damms005Again, thanks ActionParsnip15:42
llutzviktor: getent group fuse15:43
Spajderixsipior: I'll try changing partition table to gpt (current: msdos)15:43
viktorllutz, sacarlson, fuse:x:105:viktor, should work now, gonna relogin15:43
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  wat is the size of the package u gave me cuz it looks like very huge15:45
Amigo_couls some one help me15:46
Amigo_dose someone know how to install bz2 files??15:46
fidelAmigo_: bz2 should be an archive15:47
fidelAmigo_: so youwould need to extract first, then check whatever it contains15:47
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/private/mit7rigcy8xqr9wn2tbog15:48
Amigo_AH OK15:48
ndlovuI'm trying to capture the output of 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' in a text file, but 'sudo dpkg --configure -a > output' gives a much less verbose file. How to get the full output?15:48
Amigo_it contains a loot of differnet files xD :/15:48
fidelAmigo_: no need to write everything in uppercase ...anyway - hf ;)15:48
Amigo_yes sorry15:49
Amigo_tablock locked15:49
fidel!enter > Amigo_15:49
ubottuAmigo_, please see my private message15:49
DJonesAmigo_: What is you're trying to install? Have you checked that what you want to install isn't already in the Ubuntu repositories15:49
Amigo_i want to install the newest build of widelands15:49
Amigo_i want to install build 1715:49
Spajderixsipior: still the same :/15:50
Amigo_in the ubuntu software center is just build 1415:50
fidelAmigo_: consider checking the install instructions which are most likely provides within this archive15:50
MonkeyDustAmigo_  what's wrong with widelands in the repos?15:50
Amigo_and ppa is an trunk version around 1615:50
fidelusually there are files like: Readme, Install etc15:50
viktorsacarlson, llutz, still the same problem...15:50
Amigo_yes i know but15:50
sacarlsonviktor: wow bummer15:50
Amigo_this time there isnet15:51
Amigo_just an compli.sh file15:51
sacarlsonviktor: lets look at mount15:51
=== david is now known as davidaf
viktorsacarlson, is it possible i have to istall fuse?15:51
fidelAmigo_: 12.04 repo doesnt offer v1415:51
sacarlsonviktor: I don't think so15:51
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, are u there or away15:51
sacarlsonviktor: some reason you disk is mounting without adding you to have perms to read or write it15:52
viktorsacarlson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049321/15:52
sacarlsonviktor: it apears you have privs rw,nosuid,nodev,user=viktor15:53
fidel!pm > Amigo_15:53
ubottuAmigo_, please see my private message15:53
viktorsacarlson, don't understand all of that, but then i should at least be able to open it?15:54
sacarlsonviktor: oh that's your encrypted account15:54
=== fire is now known as Guest14900
sacarlsonviktor: I don't see any usb mounted15:54
sacarlsonviktor: did you try unplug and plug the usb device15:55
biopytehi, i  have a usb fan, but without power switch ... is there a way to turn off/on the voltage on a specific usb port?15:55
Amigo_check this out this is a screen shot from the what the folder is containing15:55
sacarlsonbiopyte: not that I know of15:55
viktorsacarlson, yes, it's not the 2nd line, i'll connect a second external drive and send mount-output again15:56
fidelAmigo_: how about updating your system to i.e. 12.04 first - which will result in an updated version to your current one without being in need to manual compile or whatever might be needed (havent checked your screenshot)15:56
Amigo_yeah that would be the best way15:57
viktorsacarlson, i meant to typ a "?" after "it's not the 2nd line"15:57
Amigo_but my pc can not handel this version15:57
fidelAmigo_: what version? and why wouldnt it be able to "handle" it=15:57
sacarlsonviktor: no that's your root file system15:57
sacarlsonviktor: unplug and replug your usb flash device15:58
Amigo_i think it is ortello15:58
ndlovuif 'dpkg --configure -a' is giving errors, would  'apt-get -f install' help or break the system more?15:58
FloodBot1Cleitus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:58
Amigo_the newest is Precise Pangolin15:58
AbysHi all, I'm on a ubuntu 12.04 live USB stick version and I'm trying to access the 4Gb casper-rw created. When I try to access is I get : Could not find "/cow". Please check the spelling and try again.15:59
fidelAmigo_: so answer my question- why do you think your pc can run 10.04 but not 12.04?15:59
viktorsacarlson, i replugged and connected another one as well, here's mount output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049333/15:59
=== HardFu is now known as HardFu|AFK
Amigo_i think its to weak because i had a fresher version than 10.04 and it coudend handel it16:00
viktorsacarlson, theyshow under devices in nautilus, so they have to be somewhere...16:00
Amigo_much performance lag16:00
sacarlsonviktor: no I don't see it so lets try lsusb16:00
sacarlsonviktor: oh they do?16:00
fidelAmigo_: a system being able to run 10.04 with i.e. gnome 2 - will stil lbe able to run 12.04 with gnome fallback as example16:00
Amigo_@ ah ok16:01
Amigo_@ fidel how can i reply to your answers??16:01
Pici!floodbot | Cleitus16:01
ubottuCleitus: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.16:01
fidelbut do whatever you think you should do ....consider your options - guess i mentioned both: compile source for yourself - or upgrade the OS and get the updated widelands? from apt directly16:01
sacarlsonviktor: if they mounted they should be seen somplace in /media if you didn't modify /etc/fstab16:01
fidelAmigo_: depends on your irc client. usualy be starting typing i.e.: fi +TAB-key16:02
Amigo_btw way i have no usb and no free cd rom xD :)16:02
viktorsacarlson, yes, if i click them i get the "not authorized" message, here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049340/ the last line is definitivly the other usb-hdd16:02
Amigo_oh im using open free client i dont have install a program or somthing like that16:02
Amigo_@ fidel: is there a way, to update my version without usb or cd??16:03
fidel!12.04 > Amigo_16:03
ubottuAmigo_, please see my private message16:03
viktorsacarlson, media holds only the cd-rom folder, checking fstab now, but i usuallt don't mess around in my files, so unless it got altered some other way...16:03
sacarlsonviktor: I don't understand why it won't mount16:03
fidelin short - yes. but upgrading from 10.04 directly to 12.04 isnt recommended right now16:04
nitrohaxfidel> you're right just gone fixing that mess16:04
fidelAmigo_: good luck - im  out16:04
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sacarlsonviktor: oh lets look in /var/log/syslog16:05
fidelnitrohax: hrhr16:05
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cypher-neofidel: Why isn't upgrading recommended right now?16:05
fidelcypher-neo: afaik you should wait for 12.04.116:06
fidelin case of direct upgrade from lts to lts16:06
ActionParsnipfidel: yes, it will be offered in 12.04.116:06
viktorsacarlson, this is fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049352/ don't see it here. looking in syslog now16:06
nitrohaxnot sure if it was the 32 to 64 bit arch. change or what. wouldn't boot16:06
cypher-neofidel: Oh, only in cases of upgrade from LTS to LTS?16:06
sacarlsonviktor:  instead of /var/log/syslog  short to look at /var/log/dmesg16:06
fidelcypher-neo: if you jump from 10.10 to 11.04 to 11.10 & finaly to 12.04 .....it should cause less issues in PURE theory16:07
cypher-neofidel: Cause I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 when it first came out16:07
sacarlsonviktor: nothing in fstab but root and swap16:07
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: you acn make the upgrade  happen now, but the .1 is to make sure all the initial big kinks areout16:07
fidelcypher-neo: thats direct follo-up16:07
cypher-neofidel: I understand16:07
cypher-neoActionParsnip: What kind of big kinks could someone expect?16:07
cypher-neoActionParsnip: Cause i have a friend who wants to do this big upgrade... what should I tell him?16:08
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fidelcypher-neo: backup first and be preparedfor manual debugging ;)16:08
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: go for it16:08
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AbysI'm on a ubuntu 12.04 live USB stick version and I'm trying to access the 4Gb casper-rw created. When I try to access is I get : Could not find "/cow". Please check the spelling and try again. Can't find any relevant information on google to troubleshoot that issue...16:09
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viktorsacarlson, euhm, how do i copy all that?16:10
sacarlsonviktor: from gedit?  pastebinit16:11
sacarlsonviktor: /var/log/dmesg16:12
viktorsacarlson, got it, was using vim, gedit is easier :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049367/16:13
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sacarlsonviktor: I don't see the device even attempted, maybe do tail /etc/var/log/dmesg  ; and see what might change when you unplug and replug the device16:16
sacarlsonviktor: maybe it's not seen in dmesg?16:17
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HairyDOMBT5 help?16:19
akshaydixihi whenever i open empathy it crashes with a segmentation fault16:20
ActionParsnipHairyDOM: ask in #backtrack-linux16:20
viktorsacarlson, don't know... here's the tail: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049381/16:20
wrinkliezhey, the internet confuses me;  can i or cant i sync my iphone4 with banshee / rhythmbox?16:20
sacarlsonviktor: I found that it's not seen in dmesg,  you need to tail -f /var/log/syslog ;16:20
fidelakshaydixi: how about reporting abug? you can use: ubuntu-bug PACKAGENAME for it16:20
sacarlsonviktor: and unplug replug16:20
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arooni-mobilecan someone help me to get the value of  echo 1 2 | awk '{ printf("%.2f", $1/$2*100) }'  ... assigned to a var in a bash script16:24
viktorsacarlson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049387/16:24
sacarlsonviktor: I guess I see it disconected but not reconnected?16:27
EaglemanHello i've just bought the TP-Link TG-3269 gigabit network card, it can be found with ifconfig -a and it is working but its only operating at 100mbit instead of 1000mbit16:28
EaglemanAny idea how to set it to 1000mbit?16:28
viktorsacarlson, doesn't it reconnect on line 13, the packerd bell thing?16:28
fidelEagleman: does the other side of the cable connects something that can do 1000?16:28
Eaglemanfidel i;ve connected the same cable thats currently in the onboard gigabit card16:29
viktorsacarlson, srry, line 17, that's the make of the hdd, no other hardware of that make16:29
sacarlsonviktor: yes I think your correct16:29
Eaglemanso it should be a device problem16:29
EaglemanI'm pretty sure its got a cat6 cable connected16:29
kk_tell me channel to join for ubuntu show down16:29
sacarlsonviktor: so if that's the case why is it not mounted now then?16:29
Zally666Are there virtual devices on apt?16:29
sacarlsonviktor: oh maybe it's not formated?16:30
ActionParsnipZally666: how do you mean?16:30
Zally666Aka device simulator?16:30
sacarlsonviktor:  so fdisk -l16:31
sacarlsonviktor: oh sudo fdisk -l16:31
EaglemanSome 1 has an idea how to set it do 1000mbit?16:31
viktorsacarlson, should be formatted in ext4, the other one is my back-up drive, that one's encrypted to, and if i try to format them with disk utility, i get th same message16:31
ActionParsnipZally666: you can make virtual network interfaces16:32
viktorsacarlson, euhm do i need to specify a disk, i don't want to format the wrong thing?16:32
sacarlsonviktor: no default will show all I think16:33
Zally666Aka vs 2003 device sim 4 studio16:33
studiorandom highlight lol16:34
sacarlsonviktor: for me I get /dev/sdd1   *           1        1023     1934462    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)16:35
EaglemanHello i've just bought the TP-Link TG-3269 gigabit network card, it can be found with ifconfig -a and it is working but its only operating at 100mbit instead of 1000mbit, its connected to a cat 6 network16:35
Zally666Use fiber16:36
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viktorsacarlson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049408/16:36
mneptokZally666: please be both helpful and coherent.16:36
viktorsacarlson, i think the last one could be one of the external hdd, it might be FAT32, i use it with other os sometimes16:37
sacarlsonviktor: ok I guess the format is mest up so it won't mount so how do you fsck a fat32 file system?16:38
bharathI have created a user and when I switched to that user I am unable to see the wireless networks panel on the top , how to solve this?16:38
sacarlsonviktor: could try sudo fsck /dev/sdb1 ;  see if it works16:38
viktorsacarlson, the other one is definitively ext4 and it's unlikely they both got messed up... i'll try fsck now16:39
EDinNYHow can I change the colors on Evolution so that the header will not be black on black?16:39
sacarlsonviktor: or we could try to manualy mount and see what the error is sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt16:39
ActionParsnipEagleman: you can use ifconfig to set rate16:39
sacarlsonviktor: make sure there is a /mnt directory   mkdir /mnt16:40
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EaglemanActionParsnip what would be the exact command for that since i've already tried that16:41
microcheapfxSalut tout le monde16:41
fidel!fr > microcheapfx16:41
ubottumicrocheapfx, please see my private message16:41
fideland hi ;)16:41
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plooanyone having issues with 12.04 server locking up on usb hub found?16:42
ActionParsnipEagleman: sudo  ifconfig eth0 rate 1000M 16:42
sipiorEagleman: install "ethtool" and kindly pastebin the output of "ethtool eth0" (mutatis mutandis)16:43
ndlovuif 'dpkg --configure -a' fails because of too many errors, is it safe to run 'apt-get -f install'?16:43
eternaltyroHi, I was wondering if anyone of you has ever configured CenterIM to use OTR ???16:44
Eaglemansipior http://pastebin.com/GXBGNaUu16:44
EaglemanI already have an eth0 that is working on 1000mbit16:44
ActionParsnipEagleman: then change the comand to eth1  ...obviously....16:45
morsnowski ndlovu if I run into package trouble I run apt-get -f install first and then dpkg --configure -a16:45
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  look at this16:46
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  look at this  http://pastie.org/private/mit7rigcy8xqr9wn2tbog16:46
sipiorEagleman: what is the result of "sudo ethtool -s eth1 speed 1000 duplex full"?16:46
EaglemanI already did i was just informing im16:46
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: looks fine16:46
ActionParsnipEagleman: cool16:46
Eaglemansipior Speed: 1000Mb/s16:47
nitrohaxis there still a problem with the file transfer speed with 64?16:47
EaglemanThanks alot for helping me :)16:47
sipiorEagleman: yep, enjoy.16:47
ndlovumorsnowski, thanks... don't really have any other options anyway!16:47
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip,  give me the next link after that on16:47
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: link for what>16:48
morsnowskindlovu, as long as you are not using stuff from outside the repositories that should work16:48
viktorsacarlson, i can acces the files on the hdd via the /mnt dir in nautilus (thay take forever to load though) and now the drive ISN'T listed under devices anymore in nautilus16:48
morsnowskiviktor, I had the same issue, I just mounted the drive and copied to a new drive from the command line16:49
sacarlsonviktor: ok so did the fsck fix it or??16:49
awais4ugsalaam to all16:49
munzirHi, can any one or help or comment on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/101415916:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014159 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "update-grub error: physical volume pv0 not found." [Undecided,New]16:50
viktormorsnowski, so do your drives mount automatically again, or?16:50
morsnowskiI didn't trust them and completely wiped them16:50
viktorsacarlson, haven't done the fsck yet16:50
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, do u remember this http://pastie.org/private/lyrup2b8lcpmn54fzkkga16:50
morsnowskiit happened when I tried to use a drive done with 12.04/64 under 10.04/3216:50
sacarlsonviktor: if it mount manualy I don't understand why it won't automount16:50
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: all I can suggest is drop to console, uninstall unity-2d package, then install it again. I have no idea how you got into this mess16:51
morsnowskisacarlson, viktor i bet if you mount them you'll actually see them in the drive section in nautilus16:51
sacarlsonviktor: but it's working to some extent and it's my beer time16:51
plooanyone having issues with 12.04 server locking up on usb hub found during boot16:51
nitrohaxploo> haven't yet16:52
sacarlsonmorsnowski: ya he can access the files in nautilus so ??16:52
ndlovumorsnowski, I'm getting too many 'dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ...' problems for it to deal with. Any suggestions of what to try next?16:52
m477if my pc is out of ram and it's getting lagging is it due to lack of swap partition?16:52
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, uninstallation  is via software center16:52
morsnowskisacarlson, at least he can rescue them :)16:52
sipiorm477: well, that certainly doesn't help :-)16:53
morsnowskiyou could make a screenshot and post it16:53
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m477sipior: I suppose you miss typed me with someone else16:53
viktorsacarlson, i'm gonna give it rest for now too, thnks for al the help16:53
viktormosnowski, nope16:54
sipiorm477: don't believe i did. your lack of a swap partition is not helping the performance of your machine.16:54
morsnowskihmm i could see the drives froma 12.04 live image though16:54
m477sipior: but when my ram is in full loaded16:54
m477without 'in'16:55
sipiorm477: you'll want swap to allow the system to page out what it thinks it can. you'll need more ram, of course, but the lack of swap space prevents decent memory management by the kernel.16:56
morphiss-binbashhi group I'm Morphiss-binbash............greetings to all!!!!16:56
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bazhangmorphiss-binbash, ubuntu support question?16:56
* morsnowski it's aliens time now16:56
ubunto_help_requI need a piece of help16:56
ubunto_help_requmy ubunto16:57
fidel!ask > ubunto_help_requ16:57
ubottuubunto_help_requ, please see my private message16:57
fidel!enter > ubunto_help_requ16:57
ubunto_help_requit is booting off syncronicity16:57
Linux_Noobhow are you?16:57
m477sipior: so isnt it the reason?16:57
ubunto_help_requI use puppy linux 2.5.816:57
bharathhow to access internet as a normal user?16:57
ubunto_help_requand it boots alright and install all intell drivers16:57
Egyptian-Masterby strong faith u can access anything16:57
Linux_NoobCan someone please help me with Dual booting Mac OSX/Linux Ubuntu?16:58
ubunto_help_requubuntu sees Samsung, o SyncMaster 753v  17  as laptop and boots out of  screen syncronicity. I go to monitors and try detect monitor yet it  ubuntu offers only THE LAPTOP possibility assuming my monitor is laptop  when that is not the case. Puppy Linux 5.2.8 boots alright and install  all intell drivers without problems, now and then I know it is not the  monitor itself, but UBUNTU that is failing to acknowledge my old monitor  which works flawl16:58
fidelLinux_Noob: i can give you one keyword: refit16:58
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, hint for uninstallation cuz i don know if is done via normal as  in software centre  unistallastion16:58
Linux_Noobi have that16:58
cypher-neoLinux_Noob: Mac OSX and Ubuntu? I'd take Egyptian-Master's advice. Strong faith and prayer.16:58
Egyptian-Masteri have no idea actually i just want to join icq rooms rofl16:59
tworkinhow do i update git-core on 10.04 LTS? I've done `sudo apt-get update` && `sudo apt-get install git-core`, but git remains at 1.7.0. Do I need to find a PPA where someone made a 1.7.11 package?16:59
i7ci have a notebook with both NVIDIA and Intel video card. luckily ubuntu uses the intel by default, which is nice to save battery. anyways i'd like to be able to switch. can somebody explain me, how?16:59
Egyptian-Masteri dont know where i am actually16:59
bazhang!ot | Egyptian-Master16:59
ubottuEgyptian-Master: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:59
viktormorsnowski, it's got to be a problem with my system, i have the same error with three different ext hdd. what do you want a screenshot of?16:59
bharathEgyptian-Master: hey I can't get connections panel16:59
fidelEgyptian-Master: we try to keep it ontopic inhere - there is #ubuntu-offtopic for the rest16:59
Linux_Noobso basically what im hearing is that it cant be done?16:59
fidelLinux_Noob: dualbooting linux and osx is possible on apple boxes - but as most things with apple & going the non-apple way at the same time ...it tends to be a mess17:00
Linux_Noobwell im currently running it out of VB17:00
fidelLinux_Noob: personaly - if you really need osx - consider using virtual machines inside osx to get linux without having need to reboot or mess around at all17:00
nitrohaxthe efi doesn't like to boot up anything other then an apple. are you using a newer apple with an intel proc?17:01
ubunto_help_requmy e-mail if anybody can help: portoalegre.rs.5@gmail.com bye thanks for the time.17:01
Linux_Noobfidel, yes I have Virtual Box running it now17:01
beandogdual boot os x and linux is possible, but it's a super big pita, so think about it really carefully how much you need it.  Short version, install refit, and GRUB into partition MBR, and not HDD17:01
fidelubunto_help_requ: this is an ubuntu help channel - i doubt we supoort puppy17:01
ubunto_help_requno fellow17:02
ubunto_help_requI said my monitor boots with puppy17:02
Linux_Noobbeandog would that be better than running it out of Virtual Box17:02
ubunto_help_requI am using ubunto latest version right now17:02
ubunto_help_requand it does not recognize my monitor17:02
fidelubunto_help_requ: and please read the ENTER advice i send you via the bot17:02
ubunto_help_requubunto sees my moniotr as laptop17:02
beandogOn top of that, getting the keys to work properly is a pita17:02
fidelthere is a reason we use those pre-defined help-texts inhere ;)17:03
fidelLinux_Noob: isnt that enough? just asking17:03
ubunto_help_requI tried MONITORS on ubuntu panel but it reads LAPTOP, I thing thats a UBUNTU BUG17:03
Linux_Noobwell im not sure. I would think that OSX and Linux running at the same time would be cutting my mem speed in half17:04
ubunto_help_requI am using a common old monitor that works well with puppy 5.2.8 and install alll intell drivers but ubuntu thinks it is laptop and does not enter graphical mode17:04
nitrohaxubunto_help_requ, are you using a tv?17:04
ndlovubeyond wearing sackcloth and ashes, any suggestions of what to do with an install where both 'dpkg --configure -a' and 'apt-get -f install' fail with too many errors?17:04
ubunto_help_requsyncmaster sumsung17:04
ubunto_help_requold monior 17 inches17:04
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fidelLinux_Noob: its not that hard - it heavilydepends how you configure your vms and what you do with them. normal desktop usage in a vm would be speedy enough with 512/1024 mb - osx itself tends to be mem-hungry yep17:05
ubunto_help_requI think the problem is the new intell processors17:05
ubunto_help_requthe old intell processor had easier assembly17:05
ubunto_help_requeverytime I buy a new computer17:05
bazhang!enter | ubunto_help_requ17:05
ubottuubunto_help_requ: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:05
fidelLinux_Noob: what amounf of ram do you have in that mac?17:05
nitrohaxubunto_help_requ, using vga?17:06
ubunto_help_requI have problems with ubuntu17:06
Linux_Noob2gb DDr317:06
i7ci have a notebook with both NVIDIA and Intel video card. luckily ubuntu uses the intel by default, which is nice to save battery. anyways i'd like to be able to switch. can somebody explain me, how?17:06
ubunto_help_requcommon old computer17:06
fidelLinux_Noob: ok - got your point17:06
bazhangubunto_help_requ, stop with the excessive enter key17:06
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, need an answer17:06
ubunto_help_requSYNCMASTER 735v samsung17:06
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: I gave a suggestion17:06
ubunto_help_requthat is my monitor17:06
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, hint for uninstallation cuz i don know if is done via normal as  in software centre  unistallastion17:06
ubunto_help_requubunto enters with failsafe17:06
sacarlsonndlovu: I look back over the irc log and fail to see what package you try and fail to install17:06
nitrohaxubunto_help_requ, it's not getting the identifier from the monitor like new ones with an dvi/hdmi. so it defaults to laptop as the display name17:06
fidelubunto_help_requ: PLEASE read the ENTER advices17:07
ubunto_help_requyes I am using UBUNTU right now failsafe17:07
ubunto_help_requand I TRIED MONIOTORS in the panel17:07
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=== rolfb is now known as rolf
ubunto_help_requbut it says my sceen is LAPTOP when it is not17:07
fidelwelcome to ignore17:07
h00k!enter > ubunto_help_requ17:07
ubottuubunto_help_requ, please see my private message17:07
OerHeksubunto_help_requ, on what videocard ? we need more details.17:08
ndlovusacarlson, failed upgrade. I've written up the history at http://askubuntu.com/questions/153131/what-to-do-when-dpkg-configure-a-fails-with-too-many-errors17:08
sacarlsonndlovu: ok reading17:08
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ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: sudo apt-get --purge remove unity-2d; sudo apt-get install unity-2d17:08
ubunto_help_requI am using irc for the first time i am ackward in locating things like private message sorry17:08
emobathtubI need help. Running 12.04, changed monitors, screen started flickering like crazy. Spent an hour trying to fix it, couldnt, got frustrated and reset the computer, and now no input devices work.17:08
EaglemanIs it possible to assign an WAN ( from my ISP ) ip address to an inside computer?17:08
OerHeksEagleman, yes, connect the server direct to the modem.17:09
EaglemanHmm it only has 1 "internet port"17:09
sacarlsonndlovu: wow too many so reinstall?17:09
joaojeronimo__Which package does pip (that tool to install python packages) come from ?17:09
h00kubunto_help_requ: Please keep your sentences to one line to avoid excessive talking in a row in here broken up into separate lines.  it makes things very difficult to follow.  Please consider using longer phrases and less 'Enter' key.17:09
ndlovusacarlson, that's looking like my next step but was hoping to avoid it17:10
emobathtubAnd right as I post this it all worked out, nevermind17:10
joaojeronimo__is it python-setuptools ?17:10
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jribjoaojeronimo__: python-pip17:10
joaojeronimo__thanks jrib !17:10
EaglemanThis is my current topology modem(pushes wan ip address to router)>router>pc17:10
sacarlsonndlovu: if you have space someplace you might just not destroy it yet and install the new version on another partition until you find a solution if ever17:11
OerHeksEagleman, no, that can't be done.17:11
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, look at this http://pastie.org/private/kx8roxsvuvkffelgbde1pw17:11
EaglemanOerHeks isnt it possible to setup two internet ports on my router with openwrt?17:11
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ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: looks good, reboot17:12
OerHeksEagleman, i do not know anything about openwrt17:12
Eaglemanok, thanks for helping17:12
ubuntu_64bitokay let me du it17:12
bazhangEagleman, check their irc channel here on freenode17:12
bazhang!alis | Eagleman use this to search17:13
ubottuEagleman use this to search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:13
rhizmoeEagleman: multiple segments on one subnet is the function of a bridge17:13
DX099hello, what's the package that add the possibility to change folder icon in nautilus ?17:13
PlizzoMy Ubuntu Server has been disconnected from the network for some hours, and now that I plugged it back in it only gets an IPv6 address, and no IPv4 one. This means I cannot access it properly, what do I do?17:13
ubunto_help_requ0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)17:13
nitrohaxDX099, you can't do it under properties on the folder you want to change?17:13
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ubottupacci: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:13
ubunto_help_requIf I post my puppy linux X11.conf17:14
ndlovusacarlson, I could do that, but looking for the path of least potential failure at the moment, considering my limited sysadmin skills. Partitioning has warning bells ringing.17:14
ubunto_help_requthen it would work, puppy detects everything, ubunto the new one is failing17:14
ActionParsnipDX099: it does that by default, just want to change and hit properties. Then click the folder icon and you can change it to what you want.17:14
ubunto_help_requI think I will reboot with puppy linux and copy the X11.conf and post it to you17:15
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, ready rebooting17:15
ActionParsnipubunto_help_requ: the OS is called ubuntu, not ubunto17:16
ActionParsnipubunto_help_requ: you can copy the puppy xorg.conf to ubuntu if you want :)17:16
ubunto_help_requI am brazilian I how we pronounce17:16
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, again repa17:16
h00k!br | ubunto_help_requ17:16
ubottuubunto_help_requ: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:16
nitrohaxdoes 12.04 lts come preloaded with wine?17:16
ActionParsnipgotta love puppy :)17:17
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, again repeat the same problem of http://imagebin.org/217091after rebooting17:17
BluesKajActionParsnip, ever get the feeling you're being trolled at times17:17
ActionParsnipnitrohax: not by default17:17
h00knitrohax: no, but you can install it from the Software Center.17:17
ubunto_help_requI know it is ubuntu best of best yet as portuguese speaker I have a tendency to spell ubuntu17:17
ActionParsnipnitrohax: its easily installable though ;)17:17
BluesKajubunto_help_requ, ubuntu isn't an english word, it's from anafrican language17:17
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: I eattrolls for breakfast17:17
ubunto_help_requubuntu 11.4 would boot without problems my monitor17:18
nitrohaxActionParsnip, just dind't want to install two instances17:18
ubunto_help_requthe new one is not booting the new kernel I will have to wait to learn17:18
ActionParsnipnitrohax: understandable17:18
BluesKajActionParsnip, good to hear , keeps the troll population down17:18
ActionParsnipubuntu_64bit: I suggest you report a bug now then17:18
nitrohaxhad enough headaches with the 10.4 - 12.04 update. LOL17:19
ActionParsnipnitrohax: could always clean install17:19
ubuntu_64biti  have been reported  but no respondent17:19
ubunto_help_requok, I will. Thank you. I boots with the new LCD alright, the new kernel. The problem is I broke my lcd and returned to old monitor17:19
CrazyGangsterWhat should do when my screen freezes while Im playing flash videos in fullscreen mode?17:19
CrazyGangsterI switch to tty1 and execute "openbox --restart" but i get the msg "Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable."17:19
nitrohaxalready did. had to do back up and transfers to a clean install and rebuild the raid after that. LOL17:19
ubuntu_64bitActionParsnip, i  have been reported  but no respondent17:19
ubunto_help_requnew ubunto kernel works well with LCD17:20
ubunto_help_requtoo delicate screen the LCD I have broken many gave up using it17:20
OerHeksubuntu_64bit, you won't get a respond, unless you have a launchpad account so ubuntu can find you.17:20
nitrohaxi take it you still need to d/l the restricted extras to view copyright dvds and such?17:20
ubunto_help_requI drink beer, whyskey and go parting and flood my keyboard and drops LCD to the ground17:20
bazhang!ot | ubunto_help_requ17:21
ubottuubunto_help_requ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:21
ubunto_help_requnow I have returned to old monitor17:21
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, can i have the link for launchpad17:21
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/17:22
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, how much is launchpad account needed for creation17:22
hypnosealGood afternoon #ubuntu.  Would anyone be able to point me towards some reading material or docs which will educate me on: 1) Load balancing multiple internet connections for a single network, and 2) Scripting on linux.  I'm quite familiar with running linux as a webserver (LAMP stacks and the like) and programming (python, ruby, java...), the more indepth I can read the better!  Thanks for the17:22
hypnosealhelp :)17:22
ndlovuAnyone familiar with the command 'sudo apt-get -o APT::Immediate-Configure=no upgrade'? Is it safe to run on a failed upgrade?17:22
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, launchpad is it for free17:22
OerHeksubuntu_64bit, does it say any money involved?17:23
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milne8204Anyone can say good melody songs ?17:25
bazhangmilne8204, thats not on topic here17:25
donvitoyes milne820417:25
donvitolisten it :)17:25
FloodBot1donvito: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:25
kevinHi. I had 11.10 and upgraded to 12.04 lts and now I have some weird distro Gnome 2.30.2 ???17:26
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, i was just asking17:26
bazhang!bug | ubuntu_64bit17:27
ubottuubuntu_64bit: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:27
bazhangdonvito, dont paste that here17:27
bazhangkevin, 12.04 is gnome317:27
fidelkevin: gnome is not a distri. are you talking aboutthe session you can choose at login screen=17:27
kevinwell it looks similar to ubuntu 9, plain screen no left bar or anything it even has for palm notebooks17:28
muh2000hi all17:29
awais4ugh r u muh17:29
awais4ugi am from pak17:29
FloodBot1awais4ug: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:29
fidelkevin: logout and check what you choose before you login as first step17:29
muh2000how can i change the file association of firefox when i download and open an PDF file?17:29
bazhangawais4ug, ubuntu support question?17:29
newsunhi! is it possible to download torrents to a usb drive from the ubuntu live cd?17:29
kevinbut it was an upgrade in the software manager of 11.10 to 12.04 LTS17:30
kevinfidel, ok I will log out17:30
OerHeksnewsun, sure, transmission is the standard client, go in preferences and choose your usb drive as target for files17:30
newsunOerHeks: can the ubuntu live cd automatically detect usb drives, or tweaks needed?17:32
emobathtub_How do I make my screen stop flickering17:32
OerHeksnewsun, depends on the type of format.17:33
OerHeksfat16/32 will be recognized, you need ntfs-3g package for ntfs.17:33
newsunOerHeks: ntfs, probably17:33
=== Kay-zar is now known as kay-zar
OerHeksnewsun, you can install it in the live session, no problem, only install it every time you boot the live cd17:34
newsunbut doesn't ubuntu detect ntfs by default?17:34
roastedHello! Is there a way to manually update ntp time? My server is off by 21 seconds (causing issues with other applications) yet both my laptop andserver are set to get time automatically....17:35
fidelroasted: you could manually run ntpdate NTPSERVERADDRESS once17:35
fidelroasted: but ask yourself why your current ntp setup isnt working in the first place ;) any log output or similar?17:36
roastedfidel: no. It's set to automatic, but the time is off by a few seconds. I have no idea why. Only just noticed it.17:36
fidelautomatic means: run ntp17:36
roastedfidel: looks like that may have corrected it. It detected my server was off by 21 seconds, which is the exact time that owncloud said it was off (hence the refusal to sync)17:37
fidelroasted: so check if some kind of ntp daemon is running - then check if there is logout17:37
roastedfidel: its identical now.17:37
fideloh - i overread the 'seconds'17:37
damms005roasted: ubuntu parted does'nt support moving ntfs partitons. any idea of other programmes to use?17:38
emobathtub_Is there any reason why x would have issues with17:38
emobathtub_Lower supported resolutions?17:38
fidelroasted: hows the ownclod experience so far. feel free to pm me in case you want to share17:38
damms005Pls ubuntu parted command does'nt support moving ntfs partitons. any idea of other programmes to use?17:38
MathuinI have four or five Ubuntu boxes running precise behind a slow link.  I'd like to download stuff like nvidia-current only once if possible.  What's the best way to do this in an automated fashion?17:39
quazimodowhycome no emacs24 in ubuntu12.04lts?17:39
emobathtub_Most desktop users don't use means17:39
damms005Mathuin: Checked if available in repository?17:39
damms005Pls ubuntu parted command does'nt support moving ntfs partitons. any idea of other programmes to use?17:40
emobathtub_damms005: What are you trying to do?17:40
damms005emobathtub_: move an sdc2 partition to the beggining of the disk beacause17:41
BluesKajdamms005 , you can't move any partition that's mounted and being used17:41
damms005emobathtub_: sdc1 is empty17:41
damms005it is not mounted17:41
damms005I'd just like to shrink17:41
BluesKajis it on the same drive as the one you're using ?17:42
emobathtub_damms005: try to Just expand the partition?17:42
bitonicemacs24.1 is never going to be backported to 12.04, right?17:42
DX099nitrohax, sorry for the long latence. No, the menu in which I should be able to do it is missing17:43
hypnosealWhich network load balancing program is the most active and stable? BalanceNG, HAproxy or Crossroads Load Balancer?17:43
damms005emobathtub_: sdc2 partition is about 240G and only 120G is used. I want to shrink/move it so that the partition is just 120G17:43
damms005sdc2 partition is about 240G and only 120G is used. I want to shrink/move it so that the partition is just 120G17:43
Anakin6im haveing a issue with my network card is this the right chatroom to ask for help??17:44
UndiFineDAnakin6, yes it is17:45
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damms005emobathtub_: It is like saying that I want to resize sdc2 so that it is the size of what it contains17:46
ActionParsnipAnakin6: if it is under ubuntu, then yes17:46
damms005ActionParsnip:  sdc2 partition is about 240G and only 120G is used. I want to shrink/move it so that the partition is just 120G17:46
ActionParsnipdamms005: use gparted, you can shrink the partition provided the partition is unmounted.17:47
Anakin6im trying to install intel pro wireless card which nedds the ipw2200 driver...17:47
damms005ActionParsnip: Not working.17:48
Anakin6here is a dmseg with driver name grap17:48
Radexhi, i created new raid md1 and after reboot it's like md127 (version 12.04) - any ideas how to fix it?17:48
damms005ActionParsnip: Gparted won't let me drag it beyond where it is. It only allows me to drag-extend it17:48
anddamhi, is there a way to add an user to sudoers with a single command from CLI?17:49
Anakin6can anyone assist me on this17:49
DX099ActionParsnip, that menu is now missing. all I have now is "general, permission, share"17:49
schnuffleRadex: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176486117:50
beandoganddam: maybe not a single command17:50
anddamor better is a group in sudoers by default? (wheel, staff)17:50
beandoganddam: admin is the group in sudoers, but it's not created by default17:50
anddambeandog: I'm over the phone with a non computer-savvy people trying to use an ubuntu system17:50
schnuffleanddam: admin and sudo group17:50
nyuckm having a massive issue on multiple machines all basedi n Ubuntu.17:50
Jon--More of an xorg question I suppose, whenever I use multiple monitors on my laptop now, it creates it like one large monitor. If I have the monitor on the left and my laptop on the right, docks like cairo-dock will display when I move my mouse to the far left monitor sidebar, but it appears on the left side of my laptops monitor. xorg.conf does not have twiview enabled. This behaviour did not exist before I moved to ubuntu 12.04. Ideas?17:51
beandoganddam: gpasswd -a sudo <username> (as root)17:51
damms005ActionParsnip: http://imagebin.org/21710417:51
anddambeandog: so I can make him reboot single mode and add his user to sudoers17:51
beandoganddam: but they'd either have to re-login as that user, or sudo back to that user so they are using those permissions17:51
beandogor reboot :)17:51
anddamreboot is fine, these are windows users17:52
beandoganddam: yah should be okay17:52
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, direct link for bug reporting to the launchpad  (bug like this http://imagebin.org/217091)17:52
damms005ActionParsnip: http://imagebin.org/21710717:52
anddamI mean they reboot anyway for whatever reason17:52
anddamI didn't know gpasswd17:52
UndiFineDAnakin6, i found this: http://vanilla.slitaz.org/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/11534#Comment_1153417:52
damms005ActionParsnip: I can't shrink that. Gparted only allows me to extend that partiton. http://imagebin.org/21710717:52
nyuckWhen using a laptop for everyday tasks occasionally the computer will completely lock up, mouse will not move, can't change to a different tty, only option is a  hard reboot. This affects MY laptop, this affects my WIFE laptop, which is a completely different manufacturer, this affects my FRIENDS laptop which makes me look bad because I installed Linuix on there. I am running Pinguy 12.04, my wife is running Ubuntu 12.04, and my friend is using Linux Mint 1217:52
nyuck.04. All are identical issues despite completely different hardware setups.17:52
hypnosealAnakin6: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=10138&ProdId=1637&lang=eng&OSVersion=Linux*&DownloadType=Drivers17:52
UndiFineDAnakin6, seems like a firmware issue, where you need to install them17:53
OerHeksUndiFineD, Anakin6 missing firmware, download the latest @ http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/firmware.php17:53
UndiFineDTY OerHeks17:53
Daekdroom!mint | nyuck17:53
ubottunyuck: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:53
quazimodoemobathtub_: yeah but emacs rocks17:53
nyuckWe're also using different DESKTOP ENVIRONMENTS, I'm using XFCE, my wife is using Unity, and my friend is using Cinimon17:53
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, direct link for bug reporting to the launchpad  (bug like this http://imagebin.org/217091)17:53
=== axl__ is now known as axl_
hypnosealAnakin6: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man4/iwi.4freebsd.html17:53
nyuckoh shut up, did you not even read the goddamn statement?17:53
emobathtub_Xorg hates me, I cannot get this display to work. :(17:53
emobathtub_quazimodo: eh, I couldn't get used to it17:54
p3rrorplease i can not access internet from my ubuntu17:54
OerHeksubuntu_64bit, oke, now you wait for responce on launchpad. we can't help you further now.17:54
p3rrori can ping17:54
anddamschnuffle, beandog: any difference between using "sudo" or "admin" group? this questions suggests the latter http://askubuntu.com/questions/7477/how-can-i-add-a-new-user-as-sudoer17:54
quazimodoemobathtub_: haha17:54
p3rrorbut i can not do wget nor apt-get17:54
sacarlsonp3rror: and a browser?17:55
schnufflenyuck: are all PC on the same network and does it happen when you take your laptop somewhere else?17:55
glosoliIs there any other way instead od Bodhi Linux to use E17 on Ubuntu ?17:55
alecjwhi, does anyone know why the package smlnj exists in natty and quantal but not maverick or perfect?17:56
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, i didnt send it yet17:56
nyuckNegative, they're actually on three different networks entirely. Me and my friends are SIMILAR networks, we are both using a Huaweii mobile wifi defice, my wife is uing a typical wireless connection through a standard Netgear router17:56
schnuffleanddam: I can't check the difference because my sudoers is already tweaked17:56
beandoganddam: no difference, but in my experience, the admin group doesn't exist by default17:56
Mathuin[repost due to disconnect] I have four or five Ubuntu boxes running precise behind a slow link.  I'd like to download stuff like nvidia-current only once if possible.  What's the best way to do this in an automated fashion?17:57
nyuckWe are all running 32 bit distros17:57
nyuckas well as the PAE kernel17:57
ikoniaMathuin: download the packages to a local machine, and setup your own repo17:57
schnufflenyuck: okay so no physical impact that would reach all the PCs. Have you checked the kernel logs after the failures to find a cause ?17:57
beandogikonia: meh, rsync seems easier17:58
nyuckWhen I next have a freeze, I will make sure to get the dmesg output17:58
Mathuinikonia: is there an automated way to do that?17:58
schnuffleMathuin: create a local repo cache17:58
nyuckIs there another method you'd want?17:58
MathuinLinks to wiki pages explaining what I need to install and configure would be dearly appreciated. :-)17:58
tworkinhow do i check for a newer package for git-core on 10.04 LTS? apt telling me i'm up to date with 1.7.017:59
ikoniabeandog: what ?17:59
ikoniaMathuin: not really no17:59
damms005sdc2 partition is about 240G and only 120G is used. How do I shrink/move it so that the partition is just 120G17:59
beandogikonia: just using rsync to copy files instead of setting up a repo seems simpler17:59
ikoniaMathuin: you just download the packages you want from repository you are using (its just a http server)17:59
schnufflenyuck: of course as much info possible helps. Did all PCs were fine before you installed Linux on them?18:00
alecjwanyone? i'm looking to install smlnj on perfect18:00
alecjwor precise or whatever its called18:00
ikoniabeandog: it's the same thing18:00
ikoniabeandog: copying to a local location for the other machines to share18:00
sacarlsontworkin: I'm running git  on ubuntu 10.04 works fine for me18:00
Mathuinikonia: okay, so there's no automated solution.  I find that really surprising, as what I want to do is just the junior version of what a large site admin would do.18:01
=== arges is now known as arges-lunch
schnuffleMathuin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Apt-Cacher-Server18:01
MathuinThough a large site admin would probably hand-pick packages and test them first before deplying.18:01
ikoniaMathuin: why would it be automated18:01
nyuckschnuffle, I can't say for my machine, I did not boot into any other OS with it, I just plopped the CD in as soon as I had it. Their machines had OTHER issues when they ran Windows, nothing similar to this, all very common virus/spyware issues.18:01
ikoniaMathuin: it's just download the packages you want, and share them to the other machines18:01
tworkinsacarlson:  it "works" but it doesnt have lots of updates, subtree, status -sb, etc. git is at 1.7.11 now18:01
ikoniaMathuin: it's not exactly a tough task or concept to grasp,18:01
tworkinguess i'll just build it from source18:01
damms005sdc2 partition is about 240G and only 120G is used. How do I shrink/move from the initial 240G it so that the partition is just 120G18:02
Mathuinikonia: I've been a sysadmin for a while, the difficulty here is not in grasping the concept, it's in desiring that the process run unattended.18:02
ikoniaMathuin: it is unattended18:03
schnufflenyuck: So its more of 3 different PCs all of them not running as the should. So you should not search for a common cause but for the specific problems of each of them. Sounds like to had a meeting with Murphy :)18:03
BluesKajdamms005, use the gparted live-cd , it woks well18:03
ikoniaMathuin: you do it once, and it's done18:03
nyuckin /var/crash I have a few files, all relating to various programs but none that consistently show up18:03
MathuinI'm looking at apt cacher.18:03
beandogMathuin: what are you trying to do?18:03
ikoniaMathuin: then just cron it18:03
ikoniaMathuin: for a sys admin of "a while" this is bread and butter stuff18:04
Mathuinbeandog: I have multiple Ubuntu machines running precise.  They are behind a slow link.  I do not want to have each box downloading large packages and storing them on their own drives.18:04
sacarlsontworkin: so newer version have more features?  did you try gitg?  I love gitg gui18:04
BluesKajdamms005, gparted works well, not like my spelling18:04
nyuckschnuffle, The common applications would be Google Chrome, Skype (different versions, however) Network MAnager, and uh... any other very common programs that come with these OS.18:04
Mathuinikonia: It's distro-specific stuff.  When you start with System V Release 2.0 and VMS 5.5 and Novell, the newer stuff blends together if you don't use it.18:04
MathuinAnd on VMS, this was easy.18:04
ikoniaMathuin: the concept of downloading the files from the repo and pointing the other machiens at the downloaded server is not new or modern technology18:05
Mathuinbeandog: my desire is for this process to be unattended.18:05
Mathuinikonia: again, yes, I agree, and I have agreed with you there.  I do not want to download them by hand, that's all I am saying.18:05
schnufflenyuck: To go further we would need some info about the logs and dmesg the next time it crashes.18:05
ikoniaMathuin: just download the files you want, cron it if you want it to be automated/unattended, then setup your other machines (clients) to point at that central downloaded package list18:05
damms005BluesKaj: I am using GUI Gparted. The fs isn't  mounted. I just plugged in the dongleand used fdisk to write linux ext2 fs on sdc1. sdc2 is a windows' fs (ntfs). I need a linux facility to work with it18:06
ikoniaMathuin: you have a choice 1.) download by hand 2.) write a script using something like rsync to download the whole repo -exlucind what you don't want 3.) use apt-mirror to mirror the whole 60GB repo to your local machine18:06
sacarlsontworkin: I see git 1.7.10 in ppa18:06
Mathuinikonia: so far, apt-cacher looks like a fourth option which is wayyyy better than what you're suggesting.18:06
nyuckschnuffle, I found one log on my friends computer relating to a kernel crash....18:06
fratermMathuin, you'll probably need to do some scripting in this case as your environment isn't necessarily going to be something where lots of people have had the same request of ubuntu to provide it.18:06
sacarlsontworkin: https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ppa18:06
ikoniaMathuin: if you think so, use it18:06
damms005BluesKaj: My CD-RON is bad. Can't use CDs18:06
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Mathuinikonia: I'm trying to finish the docs. :-)18:07
damms005BluesKaj: I just need to shrink it GUI18:07
Mathuinfraterm: that's sorta surprising.  I figure developers would do this sort of thing a lot at home.  Back to the docs.18:07
Picialecjw: It looks like smlnj was removed from debian some time in 2011 due to no one maintaining the package. Since we sync from debian, if they remove a package, so do we.  Sometime after that, it gained a maintainer and was republished to debian. And then subsequently resynced to Quantal.  Maverick is EOL, so there are no packages for that release available.18:07
Picialecjw: See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/smlnj/+publishinghistory and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=598686 and http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/s/smlnj/smlnj_110.74-1/changelog18:07
ubottuDebian bug 598686 in ftp.debian.org "RM: smlnj -- RoQA; orphaned rc buggy" [Normal,Open]18:07
tworkinsacarlson: thanks for the PPA18:07
BluesKajdamms005, I've never had any luck with using a gui partitoner running on the same drive as the partitions that I wanted to edit ...always used live-cd18:08
OerHeksdamms005, there is a gparted live iso too, use a usb-stick if your cdrom is bad.18:09
i7ci accidentally did crazy stuff with my xorg.conf. how can i reset it?18:10
nyuckschnuffle, I just thought of something we all have in common, we're all running similar partition schemes.18:10
damms005OerHeks: BluesKaj : can't I use CLI parted? the -move option?18:11
kkuseri7c, if you have the open graphic drivers, then you can erase xorg.conf and restart.18:11
Mihai00Salut, ma poate ajuta cineva?18:11
LabanWhere does Ubuntu save the config for internet sharing? I've enabled connection sharing and it's decent, but I'd like to tweak it a bit.18:11
schnufflenyuck: any special setup?18:11
OerHeksdamms005, BluesKaj explained: your partitions need to be unmounted, the easy way is booting live cd/usb18:12
i7ckkuser: ok, i'll try18:12
damms005OerHeks: the partion is not mounted. I double-checked with df and fstab18:12
MathuinAfter further reading, this apt-cacher plus proxy will do what I need.  Thank you for your patience.18:13
ubuntu_64bitOerHeks, where do i post my bug here in launchpad http://imagebin.org/21711618:13
tworkinso, what is the process for moving a package from a PPA to the mainline?18:13
=== HardFu is now known as HardFu|AFK
ubuntu_64bitikonia,  where do i post my bug here in launchpad http://imagebin.org/21711618:14
Piciubuntu_64bit: You need to stop addressing particular people when you ask a question for the first time.  You have been told a few times not to do that.18:14
Mihai00Salut, ma poate ajuta cineva?18:14
OerHeksubuntu_64bit, follow the instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs18:15
BluesKajdamms005, like I said , trying to edit partitions on the drive in use , whether the partitions are mounted or unmounted has never worked for me18:15
i7ckkuser: nice, thx18:15
ubuntu_64bitPici, we have been started before with these guys thats why i was directly addressing18:16
Devil^Soul /server irc.plcnet.org18:17
GrandCouillonHello guys ! I've created a GNU/Linux application and I would like to create binary debian package. The guides I've seen online are not very "friendly" and I don't want to spend hours on this subject ... Can anyone points me a friendlier page ?18:18
EigelDanI am new to Ubuntu 12.04 and need help getting my mouse scroll wheel to work (it does not work at all in any application)18:19
bibi23everytime I edit a file with gedit, it creates a filename~ file in the same folder, why?18:20
bibi23it's not a tmp file, it's still here after closing gedit18:20
schnufflebibi23: its a backup18:20
bibi23schnuffle: is there a way to disable the backup?18:21
jostdid anyone experience that firefox makes the desktop unusable recently? Most the time it happens when you drag something (a tab i believe, but am not sure), then the cursor stays the hand and nothing reacts... only logging into tty and killing firefox seems to help.18:21
=== emobathtub_ is now known as emobathtub
fratermjost, which desktop?  Unity?18:21
OerHeksGrandCouillon, this is the official docu > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete and this article is a good start > http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/how-to-create-deb-package-ubuntu-debian.html18:22
schnufflebibi23: i don't know18:22
fratermI sure don't run unity if I can help it.18:22
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:22
GrandCouillonOerHeks, thanks !18:22
jostactually, i've gotten accustomed to unity, and am beginning to like it18:23
bibi23schnuffle: ok, I'll google it18:23
avalarion_Hi there, I am normaly using gentoo.... I have a problem installing iptables, a block or something like this I guess... http://pastebin.com/kZ76aCjV18:23
schnufflebibi23: I've checked the options but couldn't find anything18:24
bibi23schnuffle: http://askubuntu.com/questions/83026/prevent-gedit-from-creating-files-with-the-suffix18:24
jribavalarion_: did you read what you pasted?18:24
Mihai00Salut, ma poate ajuta cineva?18:25
avalarion_jrib: oh, an other error in the error.txt than on my console, interesting *G*. I am able to work with it, thanks =)18:25
jribavalarion_: it's an issue with your postgresql setup18:25
schnufflebibi23: perfect :)18:26
OerHeksavalarion_, 91 not upgraded. i think you need to update first.18:26
GrandCouillonI've got a problem under gnome classic : when starting a program its window doesn't come on top of the others. Any idea ?18:27
avalarion_OerHeks: thanks^^. 19 MB... And the girl said she had updated today...18:28
nyuckschnuffle, A 10-15 gb root partition, a swap partition twice the size of the ram, and the rest dedicated to /home . All are ext318:28
avalarion_jrib: thanks!18:28
OerHeksavalarion_, i agree, it is not easy to read a error, but somehowe ubuntu gives a clue in it.18:29
schnufflenyuck: enough space on all partitions?18:29
nyuckYes, no real lack of room, especially on the root partition.18:29
Vickyyya question: will a kingston 2 giga pendrive be enough to install ubuntu?18:30
BluesKaj!ro > Mihai0018:30
ubottuMihai00, please see my private message18:30
steevB64 or 32 bit?18:31
steevBwait, ckyy are you wanting to install onto the pendrive, or install from it18:31
Vickyyy32 bit18:31
Vickyyyfrom it18:31
Vickyyyonto my desktop18:31
OerHeksVickyyy, 1 Gb is enough18:31
steevByeah, you should be fine18:31
steevByup, good luck have fun18:32
Vickyyywell I already installed it once, but from a live CD18:33
javierf_Hi! I have problem with my internet connection, that sometimes go very slow in Ubuntu 12.04. I can solve it parcially with the command "sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off". I would like to which off wlan power permanently, so I don't have to introduce that order so often... someone can asses me how to do that? Thanks!18:33
Vickyyyhowever when I installed a new hard drive I only installed win 7 on it18:33
steevBahh, got it18:34
Vickyyymy mum used to like ubuntu for some reason18:34
OerHeksjavierf_, lots of slow network problems can be solved by disabling IPv618:34
K4kWhen customizing the packages on the ubuntu iso, according to help.ubuntu you make a dists/precise/extras/binary-i386 directory. Would you change binary-i386 to binary-x86_64 if you're working with a 64bit edition ISO?18:35
steevBthats cool, until she tries to install something herself and screws it up, haha18:35
Mihai00does anybody knows how to install ubuntu on a android tablet?18:35
ubuntu_64bitikonia, bans me18:35
d1gital__Mihai00: you'll need to set up a chroot environment, and install ubuntu there using debootstrap.  There are step-by-step guides online, just search for one.18:37
=== d1gital__ is now known as d1gital
Mihai00and run nativ ?18:38
ubuntu_64bitwe do need to share ideas over these channel but not  because u have power and authority  to us that u can do anything to us isn't fair what u have done for me am real  excited with such   behaviour shown18:38
jpohnIs this workin??18:39
=== Aaton_off is now known as Aaton
arjunhttp://pastebin.com/0SbF9hxP   i want to have access in gui mode18:40
arjuncan any one tell me what does /bin/sh shells means18:40
jpohnCan anyone see me?18:41
Meridiousarjun, that is the filepath to some of the shell commands18:41
Meridiousarjun, there are other places where commands can be found, such as /usr/bin/sh too18:42
d1gitalMihai00: all of the software you'll be running has been compiled for ARM, so, yes, it's native in the sense that you're not using an emulator, but executing the code directly.  X support, however, is in early development, so you're better off using a VNC client/server if you want a GUI.18:42
ShinyObjects|AwaHey all - I'm trying to share some files with Windows PCs on my network. I right clicked the folder I'd like to share, went to "sharing" and made sure "guest access" is checked18:43
kayvemy mouse is going crazy I have an assignment due today! aaaiiieee  {=:O18:43
ShinyObjects|AwaBut it still wants a login when people try to access it for some reason.18:43
gr33n7007hCould someone tell me what these errors are when using apt-get to install programs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049633/18:43
ShinyObjects|AwaAnyone got a pointer for me?18:43
d1gitalkayve: ditch it. ^_^18:43
=== ShinyObjects|Awa is now known as ShinyObjects
Meridiousarjun, http://kb.iu.edu/data/acar.html18:43
kayveI can't man18:43
Meridiousarjun, some reading materials for you18:43
GeertJohanwhy is audio in ubuntu still a bitch to set up ?18:44
kayveI don't have time to learn rat poison or something d00d.  I have to finish this assignment within a couple hours18:44
MeridiousGeertJohan, cuz driverz18:44
kayveit's my touchpad18:44
GeertJohanMeridious: yeah but then there's also alsa, pulseaudio, and whatnot..18:44
kayveit keeps wantonly dragging stuff and doing stuff I don't want18:45
jpohnCan Anybody See ME?18:45
GeertJohanjpohn: catch18:45
Mihai00d1gital : run like a virtual machine .. and access with VNC ?18:45
jpohnWhat's Catch Mean?18:45
Mihai00sorry for my bad english18:45
arjuncan any one tell me what does /bin/sh shells means18:46
d1gitalkayve: isn't there a key macro to enable mouse control via the numpad? (that'd be fun)   or borrow a mouse?18:46
kayveI should try using my USB?18:46
kayvewoops.  Should have thought of that?18:46
gr33n7007harjun, it's the older shell environment, new one is bash or Bourne Again Shell18:47
d1gital^ implied there's a key macro to borrow a mouse.18:47
Zx432I have Ubuntu installed on 20 gb virtual hdd. Is there a way to enlarge it without reinstall?18:48
bazhangZx432, wubi?18:48
arjunbut my account is not able to get login into gui mode18:48
=== HardFu|AFK is now known as HardFu
fidelZx432: i guess the easiest way is to just add another virtual hd and mount it18:48
mynameisthomhello.. I've a little problem. Ctrl + A is not working for select-all in my laptop, but behave just like Home button. What should I do to normalize it? FYI, in nautilus on rename and libreoffice, it's working just fine. But in browser's address-bar and gedit, it has the strange-behavior. Can anybody guide me to solve this? Thankyou18:48
bazhangZx432, virtualbox, vmware, wubi, or what18:48
Zx432It wont help18:48
Zx432I have a partitioned HDD. For Ubuntu I allocated 20 GB18:49
ubuntu_64bitmelodie_, yes18:49
K350Hi, I'm just testing a theme....18:49
bazhangZx432, how is that virtual18:49
Zx432This proved to be too litle18:49
Zx432I am stujpid sorry18:49
Zx432Used the wrong terminology.18:50
arjunhttp://pastebin.com/SBjFdAyU please check this18:50
arjunhttp://pastebin.com/SBjFdAyU please check this i have try to change the shell /bin/bash in order to get inside Graphicl user mode but i am not able to get inside18:51
melodie_<ubuntu_64bit> ?18:52
melodie_someone expert in configuring the Unity Launcher here ?18:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:52
OerHeksarjun, what are you trying to do?18:52
melodie_ubottu, stop18:52
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.18:52
llutzarjun: "sudo chsh -s /bin/bash hacker"18:52
Meridiousmelodie_, you do realize that ubottu is a bot right?18:53
arjunOerHeks: i am trying to get bash shell so that i can  get inside in a graphical mode18:53
melodie_if someone is expert in configuring the Unity Launcher here, I would like to know the secret about the unity launcher config files18:53
melodie_Meridious, yes I do. :)18:53
arjunllutz:  will this work ?18:53
OerHeksmelodie_, i use my-unity tool to customize the unity launcher, it is in softwarecentre18:54
melodie_OerHeks, I'll try it thanks18:54
muh2000how can a "grml" kernel/initrd be on a ubuntu installation?  i saw that during  update-initramfs  update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.1.0-3-grml-amd6418:54
gr33n7007harjun, chsh <user> -s /bin/sh18:54
gr33n7007harjun, chsh <user> -s /bin/bash18:54
melodie_OerHeks,  can you stick the launchers in a way such that only root can move anything from it ?18:54
arjunman chsh18:54
miceikenHey. insserv is installed, but when I use it it says command not found18:55
gr33n7007hconsidering your already root user18:55
melodie_gr33n7007h, are you talking to me ?18:55
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OerHeksmelodie_, i am not sure that is an option right now.18:55
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gr33n7007hmelodie_, no arjun sorry18:55
melodie_OerHeks, I would like to find how to do that, because I am now doing a week training in a place with people who work there, and have lots of machines running Ubuntu18:56
gr33n7007hCould someone tell me what these errors are when using apt-get to install programs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049633/18:57
melodie_and I am very curious to know where the files are located (all the file, not just one or two) and how to have the hand on the one thing18:57
Zx432Can you enlarge a partition that already has Ubuntu on it?18:57
Zx432That is the actual partition with Ubuntu.18:58
holaa2on2 sv_off18:58
melodie_gr33n7007h, the message is not complete so it is not possible to say18:58
melodie_Zx432, yes it is18:58
melodie_gparted live18:58
gr33n7007hmelodie_, sorry my bad!18:59
javierf_OerHeks, ey, sorry for delay. How could I do that? (dissable IPv6)19:00
srf21cHey anybody here know where you can download the infamous Ubuntu "triple ass" wallpaper from a few years back?19:00
OerHeksmelodie_, i just went tru http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/101415#101415  ... no root lock options or something like that ( massive list of tweaks)19:00
srf21cbeen searching like crazy and cannot find it.19:01
OerHeksmelodie_, maybe worth sending your idea to launchpad brainstorm19:01
miceikenHey. insserv is installed, but when I use it it says command not found19:01
melodie_OerHeks, I am now on the ubuntu-unity chan19:01
melodie_I have lots of ideas and can't be on launchpad for each of it19:02
melodie_or each one (would be a better sentence in English I suppose)19:02
javierf_OerHeks, i could dissable Ipv6 from the network I connect to more often. Will try how does it go19:03
Hiob#join #debian19:05
Hiobjoin #debian19:05
TheDrumsTry with a slash /19:05
melodie_Hiob, like this:19:05
melodie_/join #debian19:05
PennypincherI gots problems installing Ubuntu the latest version19:05
melodie_check your media Pennypincher19:06
Pennypinchermy media?19:06
melodie_or check the cpu : is is pae capable ?19:06
melodie_this time only lubuntu provides a kernel non pae19:06
PennypincherI've never used Linuix before19:06
melodie_Pennypincher, I see19:06
PennypincherI installed Ubuntu with the installer19:07
Pennypincherdual boot19:07
Pennypincherand I got this19:07
FloodBot1Pennypincher: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:07
ActionParsnipPennypincher: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?19:07
PennypincherI didn't download an iso19:07
ActionParsnipPennypincher: what did you download?19:07
melodie_Pennypincher, he, that's my monitor ! :D19:07
melodie_I have the same !19:07
melodie_how large is your's19:08
PennypincherI couldnt say for sure19:08
i7cwhen i click links in therminal it keeps opening the wrong (not standard) browser. how to change that?19:08
PennypincherUbuntu Desktop19:08
ActionParsnipi7c: which terminal?19:08
Pennypincheralso it runs that way for a while and then goes black19:08
ActionParsnipPennypincher: what video chip do you use?19:09
melodie_Pennypincher, have you first used the option "try without installing" ?19:09
K4kWhat's the best way to find out what the dependencies are of a package without installing the package?19:09
i7cActionParsnip: gnome-terminal19:09
ActionParsnipK4k: you can use packages.ubuntu.com19:09
llutzK4k: apt-cache depends package19:09
PennypincherI havent19:09
melodie_Pennypincher, you must hit a key from the keyboard at the beginning when you have the 2 small icons on the bottom of the screen19:09
K4kllutz: thanks19:09
Pennypinchermelodie_ how do you do that19:09
melodie_then you choose that option19:09
melodie_I just told you how to do it19:09
Pennypincherwhile on that screen?19:10
ActionParsnipPennypincher: what video chip do you use?19:10
melodie_no, start the live cd, then you have 2 small icons19:10
melodie_I have to go for a moment now19:10
ActionParsnipi7c: did you set the default browser ok?19:10
PennypincherIts an Nvidia Gefore 6100 something like that19:10
ActionParsnipi7c: sorry, wrong target19:10
PennypincherI'm not on that computer right now19:10
ActionParsnipi7c: actually, right target19:11
ActionParsnipPennypincher: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=119:11
i7cActionParsnip: i did. i changed in "preferred applications" and i did a sudo update-alternatives19:11
miceikenHey. insserv is installed, but when I use it it says command not found19:12
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PennypincherActionParsnip, how do I add a boot option I hit F8 to choose what to boot19:13
ActionParsnipi7c:  what is the output of:   file /etc/alternatives/gnome-www-browser19:13
ActionParsnip!bootoption | Pennypincher19:13
ubottuPennypincher: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.19:13
PennypincherInternal Server Error19:14
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Pennypincher19:14
ubottuPennypincher: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:14
i7cActionParsnip: /etc/alternatives/gnome-www-browser: symbolic link to `/usr/bin/google-chrome'   that's what i want. chrome as standard. i could remove ff and it would work, but i wanna use ff as well19:14
laptopshopperI'm looking to get a new laptop, but the one I'm currently leaning towards isn't on any of the Linux compatibility lists (maybe because it's too new?) So what kind of stuff should I look at or where should I look to know if it is going to work on Ubuntu (and other Linux destros) or if I should keep looking19:14
ActionParsnipPennypincher: just use:  nouveau.blacklist=1   instead of:  nomodeset19:14
vvernerhi all19:15
schnufflelaptopshopper: for graphics take intel if its enough the rest just try something not brand new19:15
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reisiovverner: hi19:16
vvernerI have a simple (1Gb only) ASUS eeePC. how do I get Ubuntu on that?19:18
laptopshopperschnuffle, the one I'm looking at has this screen: 15.6" FHD 16:9 "Matte Type" Super Clear Ultra Bright LED Anti-Glare Screen w/ 95% NTSC Color Gamut (1920x1080)     and the video card is: nVidia GT 630M 1024MB PCI-Express GDDR3 DX11 with Optimus™ Technology.....I don't know about the screen (or if there would even be an issue there) but the video card is listed here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-295.59-driver.html19:18
OerHekslaptopshopper, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/19:18
laptopshopperOerHeks, I've looked there, it isn't listed19:19
fidellaptopshopper: optimus itself should work nowadays at least acceptable19:20
antonhi, is there something like alt+ctrl+del in ubuntu?19:20
reisioanton: CTRL+ALT+DEL19:21
Hiobanton: search for system control19:21
PennypincherActionParsnip, I can't even load Ubuntu up, I don't understand how to set boot options19:21
Hiobor system monitor, i dont remember the english name19:21
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OerHeksfidel, not really pure optimus as it should be, it is still in development/reverse engineering, see bumblebee19:22
fidelOerHeks: i know - but it is not a full nogo nowadays from my point of view19:22
fidelmy dell has the optimus aswell19:22
reisioworking is working19:23
fidelanton: its: gnome-syste-monitor - in case you search for something similar to the windows task-manager19:23
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Hiobanton: you also can kill certain  applications by a comandline tool: killall [name]19:25
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zetherooJust trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 on my T400 Thinkpad ... after fresh install it will not boot to Ubuntu ... all I get is a black screen with a blinking cursor19:26
antonit's all right Fidel helped me19:26
PennypincherI'm using wubi installer and it boots up like this19:27
Pennypincherand freezes black screen19:27
PennypincherI have nvidia.19:27
Hiobzetheroo: have select something like VT-d in bios and using 64bit?19:27
Pennypincherhow can I set boot options for wubi?19:27
zetherooHiob: I am using Ubuntu 64bit - yes19:27
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zetherooHiob: is there something that I should enable/disable in BIOS?19:28
Hiobzetheroo: search in bios for virtulization and disable these options19:28
zetherooHiob: ok, well I just installed 11.04 to see if it works ... and it seems it's loading after install perfectly ... I wonder why 12.04 was not ... !?19:29
OerHekszetheroo, thinkpad with hybride ati ?19:30
PennypincherSomeone help.19:30
ikoniazetheroo: optimus graphics card ?19:30
Hiobzetheroo: i think it is a problem of a newer kernel19:30
reisiomost thinkpads have only Intel last I checked19:30
zetherooikonia: no, ATI Mob Radeon19:31
Peckerin 12.04 after installing nvidia drivers, it wont boot, just sists at screen with blinking _19:31
zetherooreisio: this one has switchable gfx .. Intel/ATI19:31
Peckerany ideas?19:31
reisiozetheroo: must be one of the 'big desktop replacement' ones19:31
reisiozetheroo: which one is it? :)19:32
kapzwil gimp ever be updated to 2.8 on ubuntu 12.04?19:32
kapzI mean in the near future19:32
zetherooreisio: no, T400 ;)19:32
ikoniakapz: doubtful19:32
Peckerkapz: idk, have you tried 3rd party reops?19:32
emobathtubI am getting all sorts of weird issues ever since switching to 12.04... For an lts, this is incredibly broken.19:32
zetherooHiob; huh .. you would think new kernel is better :P19:32
kapzPecker, I want to be sure that it won't be officially updated before I do that...19:33
reisiozetheroo: hrmmm, wonder if the T line still has that19:33
melodie_zetheroo, kernels are delicious, did you taste one ? :D19:33
ikoniakapz: using a 3rd party gimp repo is a bad idea19:33
Peckerit might take a while for updates to programs19:33
kapzwell for one, it would be official and second it's 3rd party19:34
kapzwhy? ikonia19:34
Peckerok would someone fill me in on why 3rd party repos are a bad idea19:34
ikoniakapz: pretty much every gimp PPA created is terrible, contains conflicting dependencies and stop the core ubuntu updates working19:35
zetherooreisio: not sure - but I have the impression that this is the last of it's kind :D19:35
reisiohuh, looks like they're using nvidia/optimus now19:35
zetherooreisio: yes19:35
kapzI mean I updated skype from the official website, if only it were same for gimp too19:35
reisioI wish they'd offer more than just intel for the X tablet19:35
ikoniakapz: skype is different as it's self contained, gimp is not19:35
fidelikonia: really? i dont realize issues here19:35
zetherooreisio: you mean like dedicated gfx?19:35
reisiozetheroo: yeah19:36
kapzwell that's a pretty soluid reason. I'll wait for it afterall it's LTS19:36
ikoniafidel: there are few (from my experience and repos) PPA's and 3rd party repos that are actually "good" and contain well thought out packages and stable/supportable packages moving forward19:36
reisiomeh, half the T models have that awful new chiclet keyboard19:36
ikonia*and research*19:36
fidelikonia: somehow i remember we discussed that before hehe19:36
Hiobthe old thinkpad keyboard is so damm good : i am on a W520 ;)19:37
reisioit's certainly better than any chiclet19:37
zetherooreisio: dedicated gfx in the X series would hamper battery life ... and I know what you mean about the chiclet KB's19:37
ZengerHi guys, could someone help me in setting my mic here. I have a builtin mic in a camera. The camera works fine, and the sound worked in ubuntu 10.10 ( I think ). Now the mic doesn't work but the camera does. arecord did some sounds while I was playing with alsamixer, but now I'm lost19:37
reisiozetheroo: yeah but particularly in this age of switchable, it's annoying19:37
ZengerAnd I need skype badly, don't wanna switch to windows just for skype19:37
kapzwell speaking of keyboards, ALL logitech keyboards suck...19:37
zetherooI am using my R61, T40p and now the T400 ...19:37
Zengerif anyone could give me some hints, i'll be very glad to hear them19:37
zetheroolove the Thinkpad KB ... as it once was :P19:38
reisiokapz: yup19:38
ikoniakapz: please keep the random pontless comments out19:38
trismkapz: once bug 888665 is fixed we should be able to see a gimp backport bug 100278019:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 888665 in Launchpad itself "Backports can't build-depend on other backports" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88866519:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002780 in Precise Backports "Please backport gimp 2.8.0-2ubuntu1 (main) from quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100278019:38
reisioZenger: go through alsamixer and make sure stuff is unmuted, hit TAB to see more19:38
kapzhey it's random but ain't pointless ;)19:38
morsnowskichicle are time proven19:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:39
* morsnowski point sinclair zx spectrum19:39
kapzthanks triskm19:39
kapzthanks trism19:39
zetheroowell I am going to try installing 12.04 on the T400 again :P ...19:39
reisiozetheroo: what's on it right now?19:39
kapzas I said logitech keyboards suck...damn buttons get stuck19:40
ikoniakapz: stop please19:40
zetheroothis time I have disabled OS Switching in the BIOS and selected the Dedicated card to be used19:40
kapzok ok19:40
zetherooreisio: 11.04 ... works fine19:40
reisionot to be a curmudgeon, but Linux is not meant to require reinstalls like Windows19:40
Zengerreisio: done, tried arecord , gives a sound like Ocean waves but 0 luck :(19:40
reisioyou should be able to just upgrade19:41
Zengerbtw I've uninstalled pulseadio19:41
reisioZenger: well maybe you didn't uninstall it properly19:41
Zengersudo apt-get autoremove pulseaudio19:41
reisioZenger: some reason you did that?19:41
reisioI doubt that's sufficient19:41
ZengerI googled, and ppl suggested that19:41
reisiothere are numerous thorough pulse removal howtos out there19:41
morsnowskiI'd use purge for full removal19:41
reisioIIRC there's more to it than that19:42
zetherooreisio: ha - know what you mean19:42
Zengershould --purge ?19:42
reisiobut it doesn't answer the question of why you did it at all19:42
zoraelCould someone on 12.04 pretty please pastie their terminal output of 'initctl version', 'initctl show-config' and 'initctl check-config console.conf'? [http://paste.ubuntu.com]19:42
Zengerreisio: scince there is alsa, i figured why should I use pulse19:42
ZengerI don't think it's a problem to install it19:42
Hiobquestion: why is ubuntu not using aptitude instead of apt?19:42
Nach0zHiob: you CAN use aptitude. apt is just slightly more user-friendly19:42
ikoniaHiob: apt is still there19:42
reisioZenger: that's logical, but moreso from a system that starts with only ALSA, not one that starts with ALSA and pulseaudio both19:42
reisioas you're now always going to be fighting against Ubuntu's upstream defaults19:43
reisiotommy2000: hi19:43
tommy2000what are you doing19:43
Zengerso, what should I do next ?19:43
Zengerwhat would be the logical step19:43
Zengerto fix this mess19:43
Hiobdoesnt aptitude install more then apt?19:43
reisioif I were you, I'd attempt to undo whatever pulseaudio removal I did, or at the very least make sure it was removed properly19:43
tommy2000im italian19:43
reisioHiob: they are not the same tool, they do behave differently19:44
reisiotommy2000: neat19:44
tommy2000and you ?'19:44
reisioI'm not Italian19:44
tommy2000were are you19:44
Zengersudo apt-get install pulseaudio, sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseudio , should be ok right ?19:45
Zengerso install it (it will merge with existing files ( if they were some)) then purge will delete them right ?19:45
Zenger(in theory thou)19:45
reisiohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio#PulseAudio_Removal says just autoremove is enough19:45
Zengerreisio: yep19:45
reisioI remember seeing more in-depth command sets, though19:45
* reisio shrugs19:46
melodie_reisio, just what you said and if you need to do "apt-get autoremove" subsequently the shell console will tell you19:47
=== gary_ is now known as Guest73647
bekoranyone know how to remove right protect from a flash drive with ubuntu.some how mine became  right protected19:48
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=== garyhe is now known as game16
OTGName test19:49
morsnowskibekor, either thats HW then there is a little switch on it or it's permissions den chown that thing19:49
morsnowski-den + then19:49
Zengerbekor: note that that if you can't remove it with windows or any other way, there might be a damage. I've encountered this problem to a micro SD flash , which had write protection , and I couldn't remove the write protection due to a damage. (just for notice)19:50
OTGHi. I'm looking for a remote access solution for ubuntu.  SSH and VNC with port forwarding is too complicated for the person I'm trying to support.  Is there something like logmein or join.me that works with ubuntu19:50
zykotick9Nach0z: Nach0z aptitude doesn't have multiarch support!  and thus should be avoided.19:51
theadminOTG: TeamViewer19:51
zykotick9Hiob: ^19:51
Nach0zzykotick9: aight. where'd that come from o_019:51
Nach0znvm XD19:51
* morsnowski 'aliens 3' time now19:52
reisioOTG: needs Ubuntu's Wine package, IME, though19:52
theadminreisio: That's not true -- TeamViewer includes a custom Wine version in all it's packages19:52
reisiothe bundled Wine that you can get with TeamViewer for Linux is not reliable19:52
ikoniawine is not reliable19:52
reisioI grant you that it is there, but it's not reliable19:53
ikoniaand should not be considered for a solution19:53
reisiono Wine is reliable :)19:53
ikoniait is not19:53
reisiothe one TeamViewer bundles, on its own, is not19:53
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zoraelspamspamspam, could someone on 12.04 pretty darling please pastie their terminal output of 'initctl version', 'initctl show-config' and 'initctl check-config console.conf'? Would be swell!19:53
reisioikonia: don't be absurd19:53
ikoniawine should not be considered as a soution, use the native OS19:53
theadminreisio: Well, it's bundled there for a reason. It works great with TeamViewer, so...19:53
ikoniazorael: please don't spam19:53
reisioikonia: that makes sense, but Wine is still reliable19:53
reisiotheadmin: it really doesn't19:53
ikoniareisio: I disagree, it is not a reliable solution19:53
reisioikonia: it's not a matter of opinion19:53
ikoniareisio: it is19:54
zoraelikonia: I waited 10 minutes, surely that's good enough. The spam bit was a joke.19:54
theadminBeh, whatever, I did a suggestion, it's up to the user to decide19:54
* zykotick9 thinks wine is a nightmare - and makes little sense19:54
K4kIs there a list available of the default package set on a fresh ubuntu installation?19:54
reisiozykotick9: well it's win32, of course :p19:54
ikoniatheadmin: it's a valid suggestion19:54
reisioK4k: dpkg -l, if you have a fresh install handy19:54
* devxdev needs a good screen capture program19:54
reisiodevxdev: search for 'recordmydesktop', it has a couple frontends19:55
theadminikonia: Yes, but it's up to the user to decide whether this suggestion suits him/her, he/she may not like Wine. Besides, TeamViewer is only available for i686/amd64 which may be a problem19:55
devxdevreisio, thanks19:55
Picizorael: this is a headless vps, init (upstart 1.5) and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1049792/19:55
Picizorael: initctl check-config console.conf yeilded nothing.19:55
zoraelPici: glorious! Any chance of the output of initctl version?19:56
jimmy51_i've got a dell optiplex 990 with a radeon HD6450. i boot to the livecd and install OK, but on reboot i get weird flashing. i don't even see the grub menu at all. if i hit ctrl-alt-del, i reboot so i'm sure something is running.19:56
jimmy51_if i remove the ati card and re-install, it boots fine.19:56
Picizorael: that was just "init (upstart 1.5)"19:56
jimmy51_if i boot to the livecd, is there something i can do to tell the installed OS to use the same graphics options as the livecd?19:56
zoraelPici: Ah, I see. Many thanks!19:56
BlueEagleikonia: I do believe you are in the wrong regarding Wines stability. I will agree with you that many applications don't run stably in Wine, but I find it rare that wine is crashing and more often that applications are crashing in Wine.19:57
theadminjimmy51_: Try booting to console and running "aticonfig --initial" as root. If that doesn't help, boot with "nomodeset"19:57
theadmin!nomodeset | jimmy51_19:57
Nach0zdafuq. aptitude is gone from my system19:57
ubottujimmy51_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:57
ikoniaBlueEagle: thanks for yhour views, I disagree, wine is not a reliable solution19:57
miceikenHey. insserv is installed, but when I use it it says command not found19:57
K4kreisio: Ok, that helps a lot. I did that and ran it through grep and awk to show just the package names. You wouldn't happen to be familiar with writing ks.cfg files for ubuntu would you?19:58
reisioK4k: nope, what's a ks.cfg file19:58
BlueEagleikonia: I do believe that is a statement that need to be moderated, because Wine has proven a very reliable solution for Ventrilo and Anarchy Online for years.19:59
theadminNach0z: aptitude doesn't come preinstalled with Ubuntu nowadays, "apt-get install aptitude" if you want it19:59
K4kreisio: a file that you can use at install time to create an unattended installation (IE it answers all the install questions for you)19:59
ikoniaBlueEagle: I don't care, I don't believe wine is a reliable solution. You are welcome to use it and like it though19:59
OTG1Sorry, My chat session froze.  Does anyone know of a remote access solution for Ubuntu like Logmein or Join.me19:59
reisioK4k: ah, I just copy existing installs for that, and modify as required for hardware changes20:00
titeuf_87What irc channel could I go to to ask questions about quickly and developing apps in Ubuntu?20:00
theadminikonia, BlueEagle: Guys, guys... Offtopic much, this isn't even a wine support channel, not to mention a wine "opinions" channel of any sort20:00
Picititeuf_87: #ubuntu-app-devel20:00
titeuf_87Pici, thanks!20:00
BlueEagleikonia: Then I do suggest you say that "I don't believe Wine is a reliable solution" as an opinion as opposed to saying that "Wine is not a reliable solution" stated as a fact.20:00
vu1kanOTG1 there's several, ssh, standard vnc, teamviewer even has a linux client20:00
ikoniaBlueEagle: thanks for your suggestion, but no20:00
theadminOTG1: As mentioned above, TeamViewer.20:00
BlueEagleikonia: Then you are simply wrong.20:01
ikoniaBlueEagle: ok, thanks20:01
OerHeksOTG1, linux versions @ https://secure.logmein.com/US/labs/20:01
OTG1Thanks.  Excellent.20:01
vu1kanevery few minutes, a process consumes 30-90 of my cpu, specifically phy0. via google i found the madwifi project, an apparent replacement...my question: is this driver in the repo? or is there maybe another method to go about removing/replacing phy0 to reduce my cpu load?20:01
ikoniavu1kan: what is the process20:02
K4kreisio: In case you were wondering I think I've found what I'm looking for. An application call "tasksel" will list the package groups and which are installed :)20:02
vu1kanikonia phy020:02
ikoniavu1kan: that is what the process is called "phy0" ?20:02
theadminvu1kan: Uh, phy0 sounds like a /dev node, not a program20:02
vu1kani have a mini-top embedded in my desktop via conky :)20:02
BlueEaglevu1kan: Does your access point have a short lease time on the DHCP server?20:03
vu1kanBlueEagle it's lease time is two days20:03
guntbertK4k: be warned, tasksel has it's dangers20:03
guntbert!tasksel | K4k20:03
ubottuK4k: Tasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated "task" onto your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel for more information. Use tasksel only to INSTALL tasks, not to remove them. It will remove every package listed within the removed task! see https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428720:03
OTG1How do I tell if I have Ubuntu 32 or 64 bit?  Thanks20:03
theadminOTG1: uname -m20:04
vu1kanindeed.../always/ let tasksel finish...never ever stop it in the middle20:04
OTG1Thank you.20:04
BlueEaglevu1kan: I guess it could be an encryption key cycle. For how long does it consume so much CPU power? 1 second? 20 seconds?20:04
K4kguntbert: thanks for the warning. I think it will accomplish what I need. I just needed the names of package groups available to me so I could list them in my ks.cfg file instead of listing out every package individually20:04
mcphailvu1kan: is the process causing problems? If not, ignore it. I have never understood the appeal of conky. CPUs are supposed to be used...20:04
vu1kanBlue1 from one second to ten...just enough to make video/audio skip20:04
reisioOTG1: there are a number of website/Flash-based remote support offerings, too, but you'll have to audit them for compatibility yourself20:05
theadminOTG1: You may "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm" to find out whether your hardware (processor) is 64-bit, by the way. Just saying, you may find that useful.20:05
vu1kanBlueEagle it's from one to ten seconds20:05
guntbertK4k: it is ok for that :-), but it wreaks havoc when used to remove a task20:05
OTG1is i686 32 or 64.  Sorry for the dumb questions20:06
vu1kanmcphail conky uses around 2 % continuously, my main issue is that it's just enough extra cpu usage to cause any video/audio to skip20:06
theadminOTG1: That's 32-bit20:06
theadminOTG1: 64-bit is normally written as either "amd64" or "x86_64"20:06
mcphailvu1kan: saw that after i pressed "enter" :)20:06
vu1kannp ^_^...happens sometimes20:07
BlueEaglevu1kan: You could try to renice the phy0 process to see if it completes faster. If you run flash videos those tend to consume CPU and if phy0 needs to fight for CPU it may need to run its process for longer causing the buffer to empty.20:07
clarleHi, dumb question, but a package in 10.04 that I need has been removed from the repositories in 12.04.20:07
clarleHow can I apt-get that package?20:07
guntbertclarle: what package?20:07
BlueEagleclarle: Which package?20:07
vu1kanbut, just as a point of interest, mcphail, i use conky to monitor my cpu, ram, bandwidth, top, processes using outbound ports, wifi signal strength and rhythmbox20:08
schultzawhere does ubuntu install the postgresql database cluster files from the postgresql package?20:08
vu1kanplus a clock, just 'cause20:08
laptopshopperclarle, download the source and make install it manually20:08
schultzait's not the standard location from the manuals20:08
clarleguntbert, BlueEagle: I'm looking for python-gtkmozembed.20:08
clarlelaptopshopper: I can't find the source. >_>20:08
vu1kanBlueEagle almost all my video is in .avi or .mp4 via vlc20:08
BlueEaglevu1kan: HD?20:09
laptopshopperclarle, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199719220:10
Kartagishow to upgrade to 12.04 off iso?20:10
clarlelaptopshopper: I saw that, I don't want python-webkit though, I want the Gecko rendering engine.20:10
laptopshopperclarle, looks like you should use python-webkit20:10
vu1kanBlueEagle definitly not...i'm stuck with onboard video for now, 64mb woo...so they're usually much lower res than 720...around 640x37020:10
clarlelaptopshopper: I'm trying to automate a few browser tests, so I need something similar for Firefox/Gecko :)20:11
BlueEaglevu1kan: Well that does sound odd. Still renicing phy0 may be worth a shot. Are you running low on memory by any chance?20:11
vu1kanBlueEagle but it's not just vlc, it's rhythmbox as well...it seems anything that uses pulseaudio is affected, but only when phy0 pops to the top of top20:11
vu1kanand i just loaded out my mobo with 2gb20:12
vu1kanBlueEagle would you suggest a nice of 10? or higher?20:14
BlueEaglevu1kan: I would recommend -120:14
guntbertKartagis: I didn't understand - how do want to upgrade?20:14
vu1kan(i'll do proper research into what phy0, what it does and how it does it, when i have more time on my hands)20:14
Kartagisguntbert: off iso20:14
guntbertKartagis: what does that mean?20:15
Kartagisguntbert: I want to upgrade by mounting iso file. I heard that could be done20:15
BlueEagleKartagis: Why do you not want to dist-upgrade?20:16
guntbertKartagis: ah, now I understand, but I have no idea, sorry20:17
BlueEagleKartagis: I know there are bandwidth related reasons not to, but just need to make sure.20:17
KartagisBlueEagle: I have a quota on my net20:17
Kartagishttp://superuser.com/questions/73624/how-do-you-upgrade-ubuntu-from-an-iso-image-by-mounting-as-loopback-without-bur <--- this page says a dialog should pop up. never did for me20:18
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guntbertKartagis: did you download the alternate iso?20:19
theadminKartagis: That can be done only with the alternate image20:19
churlHelp:  After recent updates, I am unable to login to any window manager or the recovery console.  Screen flashes to bootup text, then black, then back to the login screen.  Guest session works fine20:19
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Kartagishrm, I'm screwed then20:20
vu1kannope, renice to -1 the issue persists20:20
Kartagisheck, I'll just upgrade20:20
Ralph|2Very cool. I had my doubts about linux.. They really out did themselves.20:20
Kartagisalternate differs in what way?20:21
BlueEagleKartagis: You could ofcourse pipe the .iso to an USB-drive I guess if lack of a CDROM is what is holding you back. :)20:21
marcel_sthow can i set date with a timestamp... date -s .... ?20:21
KartagisBlueEagle: no, I have a cdrom20:21
Ralph|2definitely have a lot to learn, understanding codes and such20:21
vu1kanmarcel_st take a look at <man strftime>20:22
guntbert!alternate | Kartagis20:22
ubottuKartagis: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:22
Kartagisguntbert: if I burn the desktop iso to a cd, will it not let me upgrade once I boot off it?20:23
BlueEagleKartagis: Then the easiest way is to burn the ISO to the CDRom and upgrade from there (provided you have a CDRom-Drive on the computer to be upgraded). :)20:23
guntbertKartagis: no, only the alternate CD20:23
marcel_stvu1kan i need a bash-cmd.. this looks like a c function ^^20:23
ikoniaKartagis: you cannot upgrade from the desktop CD20:23
ikoniaKartagis: you can only upgrade from the alternative CD20:24
Kartagisthe only way left is to just upgrade20:24
ikoniaKartagis: and you do not boot from it, as then you would be running from the CD (read only) not your system20:24
Jordan_UKartagis: Unless you can get Ubuntu iso images without using your quota (some people can, but they can also usually get packages from repositories the same way), you cannot save bandwidth by downloading the iso and upgrading.20:24
* Kartagis makes a note: download the alternate cd next time20:25
Jordan_UKartagis: Wrong note to make,20:25
Jordan_UKartagis: Again, unless you're downloading the alternate CD from a different connection, you've saved nothing (and in fact cost yourself more bandwidth for the upgrade).20:26
LartzaHow do I search installed packages? terminal20:26
LartzaSInce aptitude doesn't exist anymore :/20:27
PiciLartza: apt-cache search something20:27
theadminLartza: dpkg -l20:27
LartzaPici, Searches from everything20:27
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theadminLartza: aptitude exists, you can apt-get install it20:27
Lartzaahh well20:27
PiciLartza: sorry, I misread. theadmin's command will work.20:27
Lartzabut ...20:27
emobathtub Please help me20:27
Lartzadpkg just lists everything20:28
Lartzaman seems to have no search20:28
theadminLartza: dpkg -l blah20:28
emobathtubIve been all over the internet trying to find a solution to this problem and its like im invisible20:28
Lartzamy bad :D20:28
theadminLartza: Or, for more power, dpkg -l | grep -P 'some_regex'20:28
rinzlerwhen installing php5, it wants to resolve an issue by uninstalling two packages (apache2-mpm-worker and libgd2-noxpm). should I do this?20:28
vu1kanemobathtub what's your problem?20:28
Lartzatheadmin, Yeah grep crossed my mind20:28
emobathtubMy display refuses to work correctly, I cant configure Xorg20:29
trismLartza: you can also use globs in the dpkg -l search: dpkg -l '*something*'20:29
Jordan_UKartagis: The alternate install CD contains all of the packages needed to install Ubuntu, and all of the packages needed to upgrade *the default installed packages* to the *not completely up to date* version contained in the iso. So even after upgrading via the alternate CD, you need to download packages not contained on the CD, and updates since the CD image was created. That, and the CD image doesn't compress the packages any more than the mirrors ...20:30
Lartzatrism, Yeah figured that out when I got no results :D20:30
Jordan_U... do, so getting them in one iso saves you nothing vs getting them individually during a normal upgrade.20:30
SkippersBossemobathtub: define refuses to work20:30
churlHelp:  After recent updates, I am unable to login to any window manager or the recovery console.  Screen flashes to bootup text, then black, then back to the login screen.  Guest session works fine20:30
SkippersBossWhat is it saying what error messages20:30
Hans_Henrik_how can i get full read/write access for my user account, recursively for /var/www   ?20:30
vu1kanemobathtub take a look at the output of both <man xrandr> and <xrandr -q>20:31
emobathtubSkippersBoss: It flickers all over the place, started today when I got a new smaller monitor. As many times as I try to kill x it is always there so it doesn't let me reconfig Xorg20:31
SkippersBosslike vulcan says20:31
SkippersBosstry xrandr in a terminal20:32
emobathtubSkippersBoss: vu1kan: says "Can't open display"20:32
EmeryAnyone know how to enable root account ?20:32
theadminEmery: That's not supported here.20:33
Dr_WillisEmery:  you use sudo as needed  - is the reccomended way to get a root shell.20:33
EmeryI don't want to use sudo20:33
EmeryI want to use root20:33
churlhere it comes!20:33
Dr_Willissudo -s is a root shell..20:33
theadminDr_Willis: -i, -s messes the environment up somewhat20:33
Dr_WillisYou dont directly login to X as root.20:33
EmeryI need root bro20:33
theadminEmery: You don't.20:33
Emerysudo keep breaking stuff20:33
churlwhat are you trying todo?20:33
mbalmernotjin beats rootly powers20:34
Emerytrying to use aptitude to install a brothel on my box20:34
Dr_Willislogin as the user, sudo -i, => same as directly logging in as root at the console.20:34
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Emerybut it aint workin20:34
Emeryneed root20:34
OTG1Is there a way to increase the speed of graphics in ubuntu?  Disable 3D?20:34
Emerybrothel > IDE20:34
theadminOTG1: You can. Log out, click on the sessions icon (looks like a gear), choose "Ubuntu 2D" out of the dropdown20:35
Dr_WillisOTG1: switch to a desktop thats lighter like lubuntu if you find unity slugish under Unity2d20:35
EmeryRoot account please ?20:35
Emeryanyone ?20:35
PiciEmery: brothel?20:35
theadmin!find brothel20:35
ubottuPackage/file brothel does not exist in precise20:36
vu1kanOTG1 rightclick your desktop, choose 'change desktop background', nav to 'visual effects' and select 'none'20:36
PiciEmery: What is that?20:36
emobathtubWe're all saying sudo for a reason20:36
EmeryIt's an IDE20:36
theadminEmery: That's not a package here. Sudo has nothing to do with your problem.20:36
hzxAAAOTG1: you can install mate desktop which is lighter20:36
Guest60864im having issues with gparted and there's no one on that server to talk to20:36
Emerysudo keep breaking bro20:36
EmeryI need root20:36
OTG1I'll try that.20:36
Emeryanyone know how to use root ?20:36
wylde_!noroot | Emery20:36
ubottuEmery: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.20:36
PiciEmery: Thats not a sentence. Please explain what the issue is.20:36
theadminI say we have a troll.20:36
churli'll go with that20:37
EmeryBrothel IDE20:37
EmeryIs asking for a root account20:37
EmeryAnd sudo isn't cutting it20:37
ikonia!root | Emery20:37
ubottuEmery: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:37
tdhz77Does the mv command actually move the file/folder or does it just replace the pointer in the first sector of the device?20:37
ikoniaEmery: why is sudo not cuttting it ?20:37
theadminEmery: That's not in the Ubuntu repos so we can't really help with that.20:37
EmerySudo is just shit20:37
EmeryAnd I want to use root20:37
ikoniaEmery: drop the lagnuage20:37
FloodBot1Emery: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
churli've got a real problem! Help:  After recent updates, I am unable to login to any window manager or the recovery console.  Screen flashes to bootup text, then black, then back to the login screen.  Guest session works fine20:37
theadmin*sigh* obvious troll20:37
ikoniaEmery: why is sudo not cutting it - give something real20:37
EmeryI had a look at the src20:38
theadminEmery: Give the real error message, will you.20:38
EmeryAnd it appears to be a backdoor20:38
theadminikonia: Thanks.20:38
Guest60864im having issues with gparted and there's no one on that server to talk to20:39
theadminGuest60864: Well, describe the issues in as much detail as you can.20:39
churlany one know what would stop me from logging in to a window manager with my account?20:39
OTG1got to desktop setting but did not find visual effects.  thanks.20:39
reisiochurl: lots of things20:39
tdhz77Anybody care to explain this? Cannot move folders – inter-device move failed, unable to remove target: Is a directory20:40
Dr_Willischurl:  descriibe what its doing exactly.20:40
Guest60864im trying to install linux on a partition side-by-side with windows 720:40
churlreisio: any good way to track that down20:40
reisiochurl: run something from a terminal, observe the error messages20:40
reisioor you could grep EE /var/log/Xorg*log20:40
bastidrazorchurl: look in .xsession-errors20:40
Guest60864when i go into gparted to create the partition, it has the entire hard drive as unallocated20:40
Dr_Willischurl:  login to just a X terminal, try starting the WM. look for errors20:40
churlat log in screen: Screen flashes to bootup text, then black, then back to the login screen.  Guest session works fine20:40
Guest60864what's strange is that i looked at fdisk and that actually found all the existing partitions20:41
vu1kanOTG1 it's a tab in 'appearance'; ubuntu menu>system>preferences>appearance20:41
reisiohr probably doesn't mean wm alone :p20:41
churlDr_Willis: from a tty?20:41
theadminvu1kan: There's no "System", that's a GNOME2 thing.20:41
miceikenVirtual packages like 'gitosis' can't be removed <- what does this mean? how do I remove it20:42
vu1kanoh, sorry, i don't know anything 'bout 11.04 yet, i'm still on 1020:42
Dr_Willisfrom a xterm churl20:42
Dr_Willischurl:  I have some session at the login screen here that just starts up a Xterm, nothing else.20:42
Guest60864i've seen that it's actually a common problem, but i've installed linux beside windows 7 before and never had that issue20:42
theadminGuest60864: Are you sure that gparted is installed properly? Did you install it from the repos?20:44
churlDr_Willis: i can't log in to recovery session (xubuntu so kinda different)20:44
Guest60864it's from a live cd20:44
theadminGuest60864: Ah okay20:44
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Guest73493Hi anyone here use Sublime Text 2? Is there anyway to install it from a package manager? I don't love the idea of having it sitting around20:44
Dr_Willischurl:  so NO X sessions work?20:44
=== Guest73493 is now known as game16
theadmingame16: I highly doubt that commercial software will ever be in the repos. You may try to look for a PPA, though.20:45
schnuffleGuest60864: sure you selected the correct harddisk?20:45
Guest60864there's only one20:45
churlDr_Willis: the guest account works, but with my account, NONE will work :(20:45
game16thanks for the heads up theadmin20:45
ironhalikGuys - anyone noticed the bug when dropdown menus are rendered below the current window? At the bottom of the drawing hierarchy?20:45
Dualitywhat does :(){ :|:& };: do?20:45
theadminchurl: Open a terminal in the guest session and "su your_account"20:46
Dualityif i type that in terminal that is20:46
Dr_WillisDuality:  crashes your system.20:46
zykotick9theadmin: "commercial software" is an RMS suggest avoid word - as free software can be commercial as well ;)20:46
theadminDuality: Hang your system, it's a forkbomb basically, do NOT run20:46
Guest60864think there's a difference between the 64-bit and 32-bit versions?20:46
Guest60864aside from the obious20:46
beandogtheadmin: a forkbomb?  heh20:46
theadminzykotick9: Well, Ubuntu repos do have non-Free software (Flash, anyone?)20:46
LartzaFor some reason phpmyadmin and apache show some random characters on the login page on username ??20:46
zykotick9theadmin: plus lots of paid application these days :(20:46
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theadminzykotick9: wait, wut?20:47
theadminHow does one even realise payments with apt-get?20:47
churltheadmin: like just su my_name  nothing else?20:47
zykotick9theadmin: have you seen U-S-C in 12.04?20:47
theadminzykotick9: nope20:47
zykotick9theadmin: ;)  $$$20:47
theadminchurl: Pretty much, it will give you a terminal as if you opened it with your own account. It may be better to use "su - my_name" in this specific case though20:48
t0ntinI was advised to adjust my microphone volume using alsamixer, but could not do it. Are there supposed to be adjustable bars for the microphone like for the speaker and other things? I only have bars for speakers, etc. Mic volume is very low. Any ideas?20:48
=== ubuntu is now known as Adot
AdotI'm experiencing issues with the current version of Ubuntu20:48
churltheadmin: operation not permitted in both cases20:48
theadminchurl: Huh. Okay, you can probably log in to your account from a TTY, hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 and log in20:49
AceFacehello all!20:49
theadminAdot: More details required.20:49
Vickyyyhi people20:49
VickyyyI created a bootable USB stick20:49
Adotright now I'm trying Ubuntu without installing, I can install it fine but it goes to this screen20:50
Vickyyybut my PC is not detecting it20:50
Adotthen eventually a black screen20:50
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:50
churltheadmin: it says: fatal server error:  server is already active for display 020:50
theadminAdot: A CRT monitor? Um, you sure your computer meets the system requirements?20:50
AdotI don't understand why I can try it fine but when I boot it from F8 it doesn't come up properly.20:50
AceFacei have a shell script located at "/usr/bin/folder/script.sh" and i would like this script to run at bootup and if the server reboots as well, what would be the best method to cause this to run at startup?20:50
Vickyyysorry! so, what should I do? am I pressing the wrong key when the pc is booting? I'm pressing F1220:51
Dr_Willis!nomodeset | Adot20:51
AdotI've actually just switched monitors.20:51
ubottuAdot: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:51
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:51
Adotnomodeset doesn't seem to work.20:51
theadminAceFace: echo "/usr/bin/folder/script.sh" | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local20:51
jribAceFace: what does it do?20:51
Dr_WillisAceFace:  quick and dirty way, run it from /etc/rc.local20:51
Guest60864also, i previously installed windows 8 release preview (which wasn't all that good), so im wondering if that has something to do with the partitioning20:51
schnuffleAceFace: use rc.local or create an upstartscript20:51
AceFaceok, i see, add it to /etc/rc/.local... thank you for your help, theadmin!20:52
Dr_WillisAdot:  and your videochipset is what?  and the rest of the pc is what? laptop? desktop? Using Optimius? brand new? real old?20:52
Dr_WillisAceFace:  rc.local ;)    not rc./local20:52
AceFacejrib: it loads "connection manager" pre-compiled binaries for openfire20:52
AdotBut I have Desktop, Nvidia Geforce 6100 or something or the other.20:52
AdotDual core processor20:52
=== Hans_Henrik_ is now known as Hans_Henrik
jribAceFace: you intend to run this as root?20:53
AceFaceyeah, root is fine20:53
ironhalikIs there a way, without restarting xorg, to fix the error with menus being drawn underneath windows?20:53
AdotI don't know what optimus is.20:53
AceFaceit doesnt need to though20:53
AceFacethe only purpose of the entire machine is to host this running service20:53
Dr_WillisAdot:  you could boot to the consoel and try installin the nvidia drivers.  either by running jockey-text, or just 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current'20:53
theadminAceFace: Err ,it's /etc/rc.local, not /etc/rc/.local20:54
jribAceFace: well if it doesn't need to be run as root, you usually shouldn't run it as root.  Either use su in your command or just use the user's crontab with @reboot20:54
wilee-nileeironhalik, which desktop?20:54
Adotcan I just install it while I'm in the try ubuntu20:54
AceFaceok, i will check it out, thanks peoples!20:54
ironhalikwilee-nilee: pretty much everything is stock - unity on precise, with nvidia binary drivers20:54
paulmainI'm having weird sound stuttering issues in VLC (playing cds) and on youtube.  I have no such trouble in rhythmbox.  Fairly up to date lucid.  ANy ideas?20:54
majusculeI've got 12.04 powering a tv, and it the tv goes on standby even with `xset s off`. Can anyone recommend something to fix this issue?20:55
wilee-nileeironhalik, alt-f2 unity --reset will restart a reset unity.20:55
AdotDr_Willis: I got an error.20:56
theadminpaulmain: I suggest you use the VLC's PPA to pull 2.0.x in -- 1.x has WAY more issues with this kind of stuff20:56
ironhalikwilee-nilee: did I just reset all my unity settings? :>20:56
theadminThen again, if it happens on YouTube, I assume a gstreamer problem.20:57
ironhalikwilee-nilee: well, either way, it helped - thanks ;>20:57
LartzaWhat am I missing since I don't have the generate button on phpmyadmin new user creation20:57
Vickyyyanybody goit any idea why my pc doesn't detect my usb stick?20:58
Lartzafor password generation20:58
mcphailVickyyy: memory stick?20:58
Vickyyyit's an 8 giga kingston usb stick20:58
mcphailVickyyy: new?20:58
Dr_WillisVickyyy:  made burnt wrong. pc cant boot from usb, not set to boot from usb.20:59
Dr_Willishow did you make the usb?20:59
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadowfire
rudi_can't find any duplicate records in sources.list. Any idea how to fix this: "Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ precise/partner i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_partner_binary-i386_Packages)" ?20:59
Vickyyywith the pendrivelinux.com proggie21:00
Picirudi_: look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ too?21:00
Dr_Willisrudi_:  maybe comming from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ entries21:00
fuzzybunny69yhey guys does anyone know how to enable remote desktop support using the command line with ssh?21:00
rudi_Pici,  Dr_Willis thanks, wasn't aware of sources.list.d!21:00
mcphailVickyyy: my netbook is erratic at detecting bootable USB drives. I just have to keep unplugging and replugging...21:00
rothamhey.. how can i make an ubuntu boot disk using windows 7?21:01
Dr_Willisfuzzybunny69y:  one way.. install a vnc server, or freenx and connect. but thats not shareing the current visible desktop. It would be its own session. I think its possiuble to share the local desktop. but i never do it that way21:01
Vickyyyit detects it when I plug it on windows, and it's now called Install Ubuntu21:01
Dr_Willisrotham:  dozens of tools at pendrivelinux web site for that. ubuntu homepage also has a tool i belive.21:01
mcphailVickyyy: check you bios is set to boot from removable media21:02
Dr_WillisVickyyy:  being 'seen' and being 'bootable' are 2 different things21:02
theadminAnyway, I'm off21:02
=== Jordan_ is now known as jcrza
Vickyyyhm, I see21:02
ubottucorsaronero: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:03
plooany idea why the grub2 boot menu wont show the system booting?21:04
majusculeploo: waddaya mean by that?21:04
rudi_hmm... lucid-partner.list and lucid-partner.list.distUpgrade . The latter still has lucid sources - possible source of failed upgrade?21:04
wilee-nileeironhalik, reset is what it means I said that it would. ;)21:04
vu1kanso...back to my original question...is the madwifi driver in the repos? or some alternative for running an atheros NIC?21:04
wilee-nileeironhalik, your rhetoric was a vanilla install as well.21:05
miceikenHey. insserv is installed, but when I use it it says command not found21:05
reisiomiceiken: dpkg -L insserv21:06
=== qwebirc73796 is now known as OTG
Dr_Willis!info insserv21:06
ubottuinsserv (source: insserv): Tool to organize boot sequence using LSB init.d script dependencies. In component main, is required. Version 1.14.0-2.1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 48 kB, installed size 219 kB21:06
miceikenwhat about it reisio?21:06
reisiomiceiken: what about what21:06
Dr_Willisits not in the default path it seems.. perhaos its not the right command21:07
miceikendpkg -L insserv just gave me a list of dir/files21:07
Dr_Willisthere is no insserv in any of the bin dirs21:07
plooI get no grub menu but the system boots21:07
plooI can ssh to it but nothing on screen21:07
rudi_shouldn't /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sources be commented out by the update manager when upgrading?21:08
Jordan_Uploo: Hold shift during boot.21:08
Guest9115I am wondering is there away to install or get the old Thomas shell the original for ubuntu21:09
Vickyyyyay, did it, I had to change the hard drive priority21:09
Guest9115i.e the first shell21:09
Guest9115or is that not available only for old unix systems21:09
Dr_Willis'use the source luke'   ;P21:09
reisioGuest9115: thomas shell?21:10
VickyyyI was looking in the wrong place21:10
reisioGuest9115: csh?21:10
Guest9115sorry Thompson shell21:10
Dr_Willis!info tcsh21:11
ubottutcsh (source: tcsh): TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkeley csh. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.17.06-2 (precise), package size 508 kB, installed size 1369 kB21:11
Dr_Williswrong T. ;P21:11
Guest9115I know tcsh ,csh,ksh ,...etc they are all installed I am looking for the original Thompson shell21:11
reisioGuest9115: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thompson_shell#External_links21:12
Vickyyyif I already have an empty partition, which option should I choose?21:12
Vickyyywhen I'm about to install, that is21:12
=== HardFu|AFK is now known as HardFu
jimmy51_theadmin: sorry... i had a walk in and couldn't respond.  thank you for the tips, i'll try them out.21:12
rudi_trying everything I can to fix a failed 10.04 -> 12.04 upgrade. Would this be a good process to follow (many broken dependencies): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure ?21:13
Guest9115that does it later I am going to play with it to see what it has :)21:13
Dr_Willisrudi_:  often its quicker to just backup imporntant stuff and do a clean install.21:13
rudi_Dr_Willis, would that mean downloading and burning a Desktop image and taking it from there?21:15
Dr_Willisthats the normal way you do a install yes.21:16
Dr_WillisI put mine on USB flash > :) its faster21:16
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
dulynotedPete:Waiter, this meat is bad.21:18
dulynotedWaiter:Who told you?21:18
dulynotedPete:A little swallow.21:18
dulynotedPING osaru.kicks-ass.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.21:19
dulynoted64 bytes from 184-99-84-130.boid.qwest.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=50 time=109 ms21:19
dulynoted64 bytes from 184-99-84-130.boid.qwest.net ( icmp_req=2 ttl=50 time=108 ms21:19
dulynoted64 bytes from 184-99-84-130.boid.qwest.net ( icmp_req=3 ttl=50 time=108 ms21:19
dulynoted--- osaru.kicks-ass.net ping statistics ---21:19
FloodBot1dulynoted: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:19
dulynoted3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms21:19
EDinNYIn Evolution, how can I change the color of the message headers?  For some reason in Ubuntu 12.04 I see black on black21:19
AceFacebummer, i just tried echo "/usr/bin/folder/script.sh" | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local and then i rebooted the server and the script didnt run... :(21:19
dulynotedfriends and foes do you like pokemon?21:19
_virusHello everyone. I installed the last version of Wine and then after I installed Office 2010. The problem is that the Word icons are very large.21:21
Jordan_U!wine | _virus21:21
ubottu_virus: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:21
sindastraso many users..21:22
notwowhatit's really working so i cna get you permanent voice21:22
Dr_WillisAceFace:  just edit the rc.local and look whats there.21:22
Dr_WillisAceFace:  make sure the sh is executable.. and I Dont see why you have it in /usr/bin/folder/21:22
notwowhataceface:  just edit the rc.local and my soudn still no werks21:22
Dr_WillisAceFace:  you may mean /usr/bin/script.sh21:23
ploocan I do a groupinstall of the basic ubuntu server packaeges?21:23
* Dr_Willis wonders what sort of service uses a script called 'script.sh'21:23
ikoniaploo: what version are you currenly running ?21:23
notwowhati installed the last version of wine and counting to fuck?21:23
ikonianotwowhat: tone the lagnuage down please21:24
notwowhatnotwowhat: i allow you permanent voice21:24
Dr_Willisploo:  you could always just make a script to apt-get install what you need...21:24
ikoniaploo: you already have most of what ubuntu server installs21:24
ploocurrently when I boot up I get no login prompt21:24
ploojust kernel text21:24
notwowhattoo much text21:24
ikoniaploo: just install the additional packages you want21:24
ploosystem boots and I can ssh to it21:24
notwowhatyou can invite him21:24
FloodBot1Guest9115: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:25
notwowhatyou should use this bot21:25
_virusJordan_U, Thank you.21:25
sindastralol, hi dfighter21:25
ikoniaploo: so what's the actual issue you want to resolve ?21:25
plooikonia, get to the login prompt21:26
notwowhatcurrently when i boot up i get no login prompt21:26
plooon boot21:26
ikoniaploo: what happens when you boot ?21:26
plooit boots21:26
notwowhatsystem boots and i can i love this bot likes you21:26
Vickyyyoh wow ubuntu looks NICE21:26
plooand show kernel messages and never no prompt but I can ssh21:26
ikoniaploo: ok, do you not get a login prompt ??21:26
notwowhatno login prompt but it sould21:26
Picinotwowhat: stop that.21:27
ikoniaploo: what is the last thing you see on screen ?21:27
plooread above21:27
ikoniaploo: I don't see anything telling me what the last thing you see on screen is21:27
notwowhatnotwowhat: you sure the !appdb for application help - see !virtualizers for running windows programs on screen ?21:27
profiler1982new kernel on 11.10 any issues21:27
notwowhatand show kernel text21:28
Jordan_U_virus: You're welcome.21:28
VickyyyI like the left bar21:28
sindastrahello, i'm an openSUSE user21:29
sindastrajust saying21:29
Picisindastra: Please don't join your bots to this channel.21:29
Artoxyeah opensuse is awesome21:29
sindastrawe all love openSUSE21:29
Lurker-same here :P21:29
Artoxand apple pies21:29
sindastrapinkie pies!21:29
plooikonia, kernel text USB hub found21:30
sindastraanypony here knowing pinkie pie?21:30
qinagahi sindastra:  i was just thinking earlier today whether or not I should give openSUSE a try again...21:30
sindastrashe's so random21:30
Picisindastra, Artox, Lurker-: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.  If you want to just chat, theres #ubuntu-offtopic.21:30
ikoniaploo: that's the last thing you see on screen ?21:30
qinagajust saying...21:30
Artoxgood idea21:30
sindastraoh, this is a support channel? O.o21:30
Artoxits 1400 people less watching21:30
ikoniaploo: what happens if you hit enter ?21:32
sindastrasrsly.. too many people21:32
sindastrahow can you all handle them?21:32
Myrttisindastra: by keeping this channel strictly support only, no chitchat. And so... please continue in #ubuntu-offtopic, if you must. And please keep your bot out.21:33
sindastraokay, brb!21:33
sindastraremoved it, because you've asked so friendly xD21:34
qinagaanyone:  I'd like to know, would running Gnome shell on xubuntu/lubuntu also be faster/more resource efficient than running it on regular full ubuntu?21:34
zykotick9qinaga: should be exactly the same21:34
plouffetroll alert21:35
qinagaso running Gnome shell should be the same regardless of the distro it's loaded on then?  (still quite new to linux...)21:35
Myrttiqinaga: gnome-shell in lubuntu/xubuntu makes it Ubuntu with gnome-shell.21:36
zykotick9qinaga: well xubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu are all the same distro - ubuntu.  on other gnu/linux distros - it's probably different21:36
MageofHopeHey, has anyone here been able to get touchegg to work with Ubuntu 12.04?21:36
qinagai'm asking coz i had regular ubuntu with unity running on my laptop, and althought i love the overall look and feel of unity, it's seems terribly slow and resource intensive..21:36
qinagawhereas, it seems, gnome shell is not so much...21:37
qinagabut just wanted to know if there would be a performance difference using the exact same gnome shell configuration on various ubuntu variant, i.e. ubuntu vs xubuntu vs lubuntu...21:38
qinagai do like a few bells and whistles, so i'm not to keen on xfce or lxde...21:38
sindastrawell, let's go back to openSUSE21:38
sindastragood bye!21:38
dollarromain__: hello21:39
aaastried to update to 12.04 and package hell:  '/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error... perl_xs_apiversion_bootcheck..error 127",  cant dpkg --purge perl-base (is essential package), apt-get install -f (gives those perl errors over and over), cant dpkg -i /usr/cache/apt.../perl-base... (gives above perl error), any ideas?21:39
plooikonia, nothing21:39
ikoniaploo: what about alt+f1/f2/f3 etc21:40
Guest44276hi, I've made 'sudo apt-get remove libfreetype6', I saw all my programs being uninstalled, the whole ubuntu interface started to bug, all icons on the left disappeared, now I can't start ubuntu anymore, I'm with a boot demo cd... do I have an other choice than reinstall? :(21:40
plooI got /sbin//getty -8 38400 tty[2-6] showing in the process list21:40
ikoniaploo: what happens if you hit enter on one of those other screens ?21:40
MageofHopenobody here uses multi touch features? dang21:41
=== Bish_ is now known as Bish
systestAnyone have a pointer to a doc on how to get dnsmasq to honor domain-search from DHCP or specifying for static interfaces?21:41
aaasGuest44276 did you try reinstalling things:  apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?21:41
plooI can't get to those other screens21:41
plooI'm in through SSH21:41
ikoniaploo: what do you mean you can't get through21:41
ikoniaploo: you press alt+f1/2/3/4/5 on the console, what do you get ?21:42
ikoniaploo: so the screen doesn't change at all ?21:42
systestploo: did you say you have ssh'd into a remote machine21:43
beandogfor whats its worth, each terminal is gonna look the same if you're at the login screen21:43
Guest44276aaas: I think so, in grub I choose the repair linux instead of the classic, then I've made "reinstall broken packages" or something like that, it tried to reinstall things but without success21:43
ikoniaploo: so you see the usb kernel boot line on all the screens alt+f1/f2/f3 etc21:43
tumppu_should it be ctrl+alt+f1/2...?21:44
ploothe screen doesn't change!21:44
systestikonia: at the risk of butting in mid stream, ploo will not be able switch virtual consoles via SSH21:44
hydesteranybody know of a program (openshot, etc.) that can easily insert a text overlay or title visually?  for example, openshot opens up inkscape, but then it can be customized blindly, without seeing the video or still frame during the edit21:44
aaasGuest44276 you said you're with a demo cd, like a live cd?  so it's not installed on your hard drive?21:44
ikoniasystest: he's also at the console21:44
systestikonia: ah, sorry.  I'll butt out21:45
ikoniasystest: a valid check to raise21:45
ikoniaploo: if you press numlock on the keyboard connected to the console, does the light go on/off21:45
paaniii want to remove the "format" option that shows up when i right click a usb drive on the launchpad21:46
rinzlerhow do I change file permissions so that others can access them from the web through apache?21:46
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
Guest44276aaas: yes it is, I'm on a live cd because ubuntu installed on hard drive doesn't boot anymore, it show up some error messages, I've just messed up with this command it uninstalled so many stuff... all my programs one by one, firefox, ... then I've closed the terminal before it finishes to uninstall everything but it was too late21:46
blendedbychrishow can i port that to precise?21:46
aaasGuest44276 but you cant boot from that live cd to a prompt?21:47
aaasGuest44276 or a desktop21:47
Guest44276aaas: I don't get it, what is a prompt?21:47
aaasGuest44276 some place you can type commands21:48
Guest44276aaas : yes I think so, terminal?21:48
aaasGuest44276 yes and if you go there and type 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' what happens?21:49
Guest44276aaas: it says it's already installed, but I don't think I can fix things from here, it's the terminal from the live cd, can it fix things from the ubuntu on the hard disk?21:50
aaasGuest44276 you basically have to reinstall things that were removed...ive done this before too.. it's hard to tell everything that was removed, but you shoudl be able to tell what is not working (desktop, xserver, window manager, etc, and install those)21:50
plooikonia, yes, its usb issue21:50
aaasGuest44276 yes it can if you mounted the drive21:50
plookeyword doesn't work21:50
mcphailrinzler: if you've set up apache properly, chown them to www-data21:50
ikoniaploo: there we go21:50
plootried multiple kbb21:50
ikoniaploo: what happens if you boot without the keyboard in ?21:50
rudi_I really should give up and just do a clean install, but I can't stop scratching. What to do about this sort of error? samba : Depends: samba-common (= 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3) but 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.2 is to be installed21:50
plooafter tweaking some grub settings I got it to get to the login prompt21:51
rinzlermcphail: Thanks!21:51
ploojust no keyboard now21:51
aaasGuest44276 what happens when you boot up without the cd how far does it get you and what does it say..whats the error21:51
ikoniaploo: which option did you pass ?21:51
ploojust queit21:51
plooand changed to some grub settings console/text only21:52
Guest44276aaas: I don't remember the error exactly, it doesn't even go through the ubuntu purple screen, after the grub it shows an error related to some graphical stuff21:52
Guest44276on a black screen, one error line at the top21:52
ploolsusb shows the devices21:53
aaasGuest44276 you might need to get that error...unless you want to reinstall... since you were dealing with truetype it might be your xserver was removed what if you try 'sudo apt-get install xorg-xserver' (I think that's the package21:53
aaasGuest44276 sorry it's xserver-xorg21:54
Guest44276aaas: I think I first need to mount as you said, to be able to run commands to the ubuntu on the hd21:54
aaasGuest44276 yes see here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libapt-pkg4.1221:54
aaasGuest44276 sorry one sec wrong link21:55
Guest44276ok :)21:55
aaasGuest44276 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165643121:56
Guest44276aaas: it looks like I want to use /dev/sda6, I've made the mount command as it is written by garvinrick, but then if I do sudo fdisk -l, the star is still in sda222:01
Dr_Willisstar? thats the  boot flag. Mounting wont change that.. i dident think theboot flag was used these days either.22:02
rinzlerNeed to allow php to write to a certain directory. Any ideas?22:02
aaasGuest44276 one sec22:03
Jordan_UDr_Willis: It's still used by Microsoft's MBR code.22:03
ceti331__does ubuntu run on microsoft surface?22:03
Artoxceti331__: it shoulkdnt have any problem with that22:04
mcphailceti331__: honestly...22:04
aaasGuest44276 yes i dont think that matters, that just shows what you're booting off of... if you got to /media/ is your hard drive there22:04
zetherooI cannot get Flash to work in 12.0422:05
zetherooafter scouring the forums for a solution and trying all sorts of things... still no joy22:05
aaasGuest44276 sorry he mounts it in /mnt22:05
aaasGuest44276 not /media22:05
zetheroothe only thing that works is YouTube ... anything else flash-related does not work22:05
Guest44276aaa: ok it was here in media, I'm checking mnt22:06
Dr_Williszetheroo:  found a  plugin for firefox - that makes fllash  videos play in vlc, or mplayer or totem. :) bookmarked the  askubuntu url at http://delicious.com/dr_willis with the info  been using it all day22:06
Guest44276aaas:  yes it's here: at the root of mount it's my hd content22:06
Guest44276I'm in /mnt currently22:07
aaasGuest44276 ok good now try apt-get install xserver-xorg22:07
rinzlerphp needs to be able to write to a certain directory. How do I enable this?22:07
aaasrinzler make a symbolic link from your webroot?22:08
zetherooDr_Willis: thanks, but would you know if its possible to install an older version of Flash in 12.04?22:08
Dr_Williszetheroo:  no idea. askubuntu.com had several  pages of 'fixing flash' guides/questions22:08
plooMy usb keyboard doesn't work at the console22:09
plooany ideas?22:09
ploowhen I ssh in it shows up fine in lsusb22:09
Guest44276aaas: it says it's already installed, but it looks wrong, if I do sudo apt-get install screen it installs it, but it was already installed on my hd ubuntu, so it looks like I'm still running command to the current live cd ubuntu22:09
=== gmgauthier is now known as kb9zyw
Dr_Willisploo:  but it works in X ?22:10
aaasGuest44276 how do you know it wasn't removed? did you check22:11
VickyyyI got an error22:11
Vickyyyit says Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: No wubildr22:12
plooI dont have X22:12
ploothis is -server22:12
Guest44276aaas: yes maybe, but I don't know what comman should I run to be sure I've switched to the hd..22:12
aaasGuest44276 it shouldn't install something that is already installed22:13
aaasGuest44276 sounds like its working, im not sure of a command22:13
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aaasGuest44276 but this is a guess anyways, we probably need the error22:14
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aaasGuest44276 what does 'more /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE' say22:14
aaasGuest44276 what does 'more /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep WW' also22:14
Guest44276aaas: the second one shows : 248.834] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.22:15
Guest44276and some other lines with other names instead of cyrillic22:15
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bumsnnosesso. does ubuntu 12.04 have intel HD Graphics family drivers or do i still have to use the work around?22:16
Guest44276and the first : 248.840] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 022:16
aaasGuest44276 bud nothing for EE?22:16
aaasGuest44276 ok  do you know the video card you have in your computer?22:16
Guest44276aaas: it's an ati22:17
aaasGuest44276 what does ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf say? does it exist?22:17
delinquentmefor octave to be able to *read* a file22:18
delinquentme-rw-r--r-- 1 thrive thrive   3775 2011-10-29 16:04 ex2data1.txt22:18
delinquentmethese permissions will work right?22:18
MageofHopeI asked a little while ago but ill ask one last time i guess: anyone here gotten touchegg to work on ubuntu 12.04?22:18
Guest44276this file doesn't exists22:18
aaasGuest44276 ok this is 12.04?22:19
Guest44276aaas: yes22:19
aaasGuest44276 i think you need to reboot and get that error22:19
aaasGuest44276 its not clear what to try and install22:20
bumsnnoseswow one person giving help -_-22:20
wrapidsI just started using Unity and I can't find the "connect to server" option for nautilus anywhere.22:20
zetherooAnyone know how I can completely remove Flash from my system?22:20
aaasbumsnnoses what chipset do you have?22:21
beandogbumsnnoses: no idea, I use nvidia22:21
Guest44276aaas : I think I'm just going to reinstall, I can just copy my important files as I have access to the hd22:21
bumsnnosesi know its the pentium b950 processor thats about all i can find on it. its a pavilion g7 so i know they had the issue in 11.1022:21
aaasGuest44276 ok..whatever you think is easiest...you learn more by trying to fix, but it also takes a long time sometimes, and if you don't have a lot on there it might be easiest22:22
aaasbumsnnoses yeah im not sure..i remember having problems with intel onboard stuff before so i can't help much, you cna boot with the live cd to see how it deals with it22:23
Guest44276aaas hum I don't know maybe I'll forgot some stuff, and there is also all my configs and what i had installed22:23
Guest44276I'll write the error message and I come back to see if there is a solution22:24
bumsnnosesi can boot it properly the issue i get is the screen goes black after it boots, i know it boots because it makes the noises from the speakers but thats about it. i know its a driver issue i was just wondering if it has been resolved22:24
bumsnnosesthere is a work around with nomodeset but i really dont feel like messing with more then i need to today lol22:24
aaasbumsnnoses if it doesn't boot properly with the live cd (with the proper driver running) theres a decent chance it has not been resolved...but I'm not really familiar with the parituclar issue..is there a launchpad bug number?22:25
uznaWhy does Ubuntu 12.04 lag out, random programs crash, and desktop disappears?22:26
uznaIt takes multiple reboots to get back to "normal"?22:26
bumsnnosesima set up a live usb, it litterally gives me nothing though just a blank screen, sometimes it'll look like its booting ubuntu but it'll just fuzz out before it loads fully, like i said i've figured out there isnt a driver for the chipset for 11.10 (based upon other peoples issues similar to mine)22:27
aaasbumsnnoses so it's not a bug it's just no one wants to develop a driver?22:28
dreginanyone have any experience getting a Logitech Quickcam Express webcam working with recent versions of ubuntu? Trying to compile the qc-usb driver in 12.04 just isn't happening :(22:28
aaasuzna i think that's only happening for you...is this a fresh install?22:28
bumsnnosesit seems that way. i was asking if the driver was included in 12.04 sorry if there was confusion in my question22:28
uznaI installed it about a month ago, and it's getting progressively worse.22:28
aaasbumsnnoses just get a $10 card and save yourself the pain...i did that with my network card..its not worth the hassel sometims22:29
Cottusuzna, it might have sth to do with the hardware22:29
uznaThe only two useful things I have found about it mention hardware.. specifically memory or my nvidia graphics card.22:29
uznaWindows XP SP3 runs fine though(I mean, considering it's windows)..22:29
aaasuzna whats the maximum time until you get the problems hours, days?22:30
uzna0 minutes..22:30
uznaAs soon as it boots.. problems.22:30
thomidoes anyone know how I can get openssh-server running on the precise live CD? It installs OK, but when I try to start it I get: "initctl: Unknown job: ssh"22:30
bumsnnosesi really cant though its a laptop XD so ima try it if that dosnt work then ima try the nomodeset work around and if all else fails, just give up till i get myself another computer22:30
aaasuzna boot with a live cd, does it happen then?22:30
uznaOther times, it's fine for hours, then problems appear.22:30
Cottusthomas, do you do service ssh?whatever start?22:30
peyottehi everyone, i could use some help. I have just accidentaly deleted .anki file with vocabulary for test i am taking in the morning. I don´t think scalpel utility can help with this file. What can i do? i am freaking out....22:30
aaasbumsnnoses may be the gods telling you to make an investment ;)22:30
uznaI'll try the live CD and see.22:30
bumsnnosesif i had the money i would lol22:31
bumsnnosesthanks for your help though.22:31
bumsnnosesgonna go try now.22:31
uznaThe problem seems random though, so I am not thinking it's hardware, cause sometimes it'll run fine for a couple days and then start acting up again.  Usually after updates and reboot.22:31
Jordan_U!undelete | peyotte22:31
ubottupeyotte: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:31
brandonboltonHow can I install Ubuntu server without a CD? Everytime I try to install with a USB it says failes to find CD and the screen turns red. I used Unetbootin to make the live disk.22:31
thomiCottus: yes, and I get the same message. It seems initctl doesn't know about ssh22:32
Jordan_Ubrandonbolton: You can use the netboot install image, which will grab almost everything from the internet, as a work-around.22:32
peyotteubottu: thanks a lot:) hope it will help22:33
ubottupeyotte: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:33
brandonboltonJordan_U, Thank you, I will try that right now. I didn't even think of that. :)22:33
Jordan_Ubrandonbolton: You're welcome.22:33
ldiamondanyone know how I can change my / partition to a copy I made on another device?22:34
cimehi! is a 2.5 SSD the same for netbooks and desktop PCs? are connectors the same?22:34
ldiamondI changed it in fstab but that doesn't seem to do the trick.22:34
Jordan_Ubrandonbolton: Note that you don't actually need to netboot, it's just that the netboot image doesn't need to "mount" anything as it's all in the initrd, thus netboot images will pretty much always work for this type of thing (and other more complex ones) without even being designed to. And thus why the tool was named "uNETbootin" :)22:35
brandonboltonJordan_U, I was wondering why it was named that. :) Would the netboot image be on Ubuntu.com? I cannot find it, even on the alternate downloads page. :(22:36
mikefarrhello - i am running 12.04 and having a hard time getting my dvd to work with regular movie dvd's - looking for some help22:37
Jordan_U!minimal | brandonbolton22:37
ubottubrandonbolton: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:37
brandonboltonThank you :)22:37
Jordan_Ubrandonbolton: You're welcome :)22:37
dlentz!dvd | mikefarr22:38
ubottumikefarr: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:38
Loshkildiamond: have you also checked your grub files for hardcoded UUIDs22:38
dlentzmikefarr, have you done that^22:38
ldiamondLoshki, yea I already did that... didn't seem to work. I'll give it a shot again.22:38
mikefarryea i downloaded the libraries that it said to but that didnt seem to work22:38
dlentzmikefarr, what video player aere you using/22:39
mikefarrubottu, yea that is the link i went to22:39
mikefarrdlentz, I had Parole already and downloaded the VLC media player22:40
m477how is called graphic  program which kills  after clicking on window?22:40
dlentzwhat happens when you start parole from the terminal and try to play a dvd?22:40
mikefarrit gives me an error - let me do so i can give it to you specifically22:41
m477dia: thx22:41
m477dlentz: *22:41
mniceseems like the clementine has hardcoded gstreamer codecs and can't be changed, right ?22:41
|thunderHi all. Anyone have a link to a how to on "How to make ubuntu have regular gnome instead of that annoying panel on the left as it come default?"22:42
Jordan_U!notunity | |thunder22:42
ubottu|thunder: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:42
SDX|thunder: Or you could just install Kubuntu, Xubuntu, or Lubuntu.22:42
|thunderThank you SO very Much Jordan_U !22:43
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mikefarrdlentz, oh i didnt try to start parole from terminal - missed that22:43
|thunderThank you SDX22:43
Jordan_U|thunder: You're welcome.22:43
SDX|thunder: You're welcome.22:43
mniceoh god22:43
dlentzmnice, i'm not aware of clementice statically linking to gstreamer. what are you trying to play?22:44
|thundermy gf wants me to install linux on her laptop cuz she's hella jealous of my debian squeeze install. thought new ubuntu would suite her. But, I havent used ubuntu since Dapper, so. A lot has changed.22:44
mikefarrdlentz, Parole no longer sees the dvd22:44
dlentzhmm, try with vlc then22:45
AceFacealright, i am still having problems figuring this out... i have a script that i want to execute at bootup (script located here: http://pastebin.com/hxk4fwVD ) and this script is supposed start a service called connection manager (binaries located here: http://download.igniterealtime.org/connectionmanager/connection_manager_3_6_3.tar.gz ) so i extracted the folder "connection_manager" to /usr/bin. ive tried a few things and i just cant make the script sta22:45
mnicedlentz: whatever with not crippled sound .. i work with sound and gstreamer has generally broken output compared to xine22:45
SDX|thunder: You know that Gnome 3 is vastly different to Gnome 2, right?22:45
mnicedlentz: everything uses gstreamer has crippled sound22:45
|thunderAce, you need a generic init.d script i think22:45
SDX|thunder: Just a warning so that you aren't surprised when the desktop shows up.22:46
|thunderSDX; no, im not sure ive used it. Is unity part of it? cuz it really sucks22:46
AceFaceso the location of the script is /usr/bin/connection_manager/bin/cmanager.sh22:46
AceFacegeneric init.d script?22:46
|thunderhah, thanks SDX . i dont think I've seen it22:46
dlentzmnice, ah, i see22:46
SDXIt's more like Unity than Gnome 2, I'd say.22:46
AceFacehow would i go about making a generic init.d script?22:47
|thunderAceFace; init.d manages all of your sercives. a generic script script can be modified to start and stop it depening on runlevel22:47
mnicedlentz: thanks .. forget that if you don't know at glance .. i don't think that's possible .. was rather rhetorical q22:47
nuclearj_hey all, I need some help with my computer freezing, specifically how can I find a crash/freeze log22:47
|thunderAceFace; google it. might toast your system startup scripts if your not careful though.22:47
AceFacei am under the impression that connection manager needs to run at level022:47
AceFacei will google some more22:48
|thunderAceFace; thats not how it works. research runlevels and init.d  "man init.d" i think22:48
AceFaceNo manual entry for init.d22:48
dlentzmnice, have you tried using alsasink instead of pulsesink?22:48
mcphailAceFace: first, don't install anything to /usr/bin. Use /usr/local/bin or /opt22:48
mnicedlentz: sure think .. i don't use pulse at all22:48
mikefarrdlentz, it crashed and closed the program - gave a crash notice22:48
rinzlerapache2 service won't restart after php5-mysql was installed. any ideas22:48
AceFacei think i saw that /opt location in the script, i will move it22:49
zubinhi when i am trying to boot from a kernel i edited the booting process ended with the following error---[end trace f2bed1a94e5867c0]--- can anyone please help me out?22:49
mnicezubin: broken linux/initrd file22:49
zubinthen what to do?22:49
dlentzmikefarr, can you pastebin the crash?22:49
mcphailAceFace: second - subdirectories of a $PATH will not be in your $PATH by default (so having something under /usr/local/bin/foo/bar.sh won't work unless /usr/local/bin/foo/ is part of your $PATH)22:49
dlentz!pastebin | mikefarr22:50
ubottumikefarr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:50
Jordan_Uzubin: Don't "edit" the kernel?22:50
Guest12433aaas: it's me who had the issue after the sudo apt-get remove libfreetypes6, the error I get is : intelips fail to get i915 symbol, graphics turbo disabled22:50
Guest12433"intel ips" *22:50
AceFaceok, so if i add /opt/connection_manager/bin to $PATH variable then i can assume it will work?22:50
mikefarrdlentz, a little rusty with navigating linux - not sure how to capture the text from the crash report22:51
Jordan_Uzubin: What problem are you having with the stock Ubuntu kernel?22:51
rinzlerapache2 service won't restart after php5-mysql was installed. any ideas22:51
zubinjust it wont boot.22:51
dlentzhighlight it, right-click and copy (or highlight and press Ctrl+Shift+C)22:51
|thunderwow, i must admit the gnome team took their project in the wrong direction.22:51
Jordan_U!ot | |thunder22:52
ubottu|thunder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:52
mcphailAceFace: no22:52
aaasGuest12433 and the rest is just a black screen?22:52
brandonboltonJordan_U, I just realized, it didn't give me an option for the server or desktop. Does the mini.iso install the Desktop version by default?22:52
|thunderlol, ok Jordan_U thanks again.22:52
mikefarrdlentz, it only highlights one line at a time - cant seem to grab multiple lines22:52
mcphailAceFace: that script checks for an install under /opt/connectionmanager by default and should set things up itself22:52
sunexplodesSO, an odd question, I can't seem to find any results on the internet.22:52
sunexplodesIs there a way to reverse-WUBI?22:53
Jordan_Ubrandonbolton: I believe so, but I'm not certain. I know that it *can* install any variant, including only installing specific packages you choose.22:53
brandonboltonsunexplodes, any results? What do you mean?22:53
AceFaceok, i will see if it will work22:53
mcphailAceFace: the issue is getting the script to run in the first place22:53
Vickyyywtf, my keyboard is in ARABIC22:53
brandonboltonsunexplodes, you can via the uninstall menu on Windows.22:53
Guest12433aaas: yes, and just below "stopping save kernel message"22:53
Vickyyyand I can't click on anything and nothing is working... how on earth do I solve this?22:53
sunexplodesI mean in the sense of installing windows into an existing linux install, without having to first create a partition.22:53
brandonboltonJordan_U, Okay, I will just have to figure out how to install the server then. :) Thanks again. :)22:53
Jordan_Uzubin: What happens when you try to boot a fesh install of Ubuntu, without any modifications?22:53
mcphailAceFace: sorry -i'm having such severe lag I can't really help you more just now22:54
Jordan_Ubrandonbolton: You're welcome :)22:54
AceFacethank you mcphail22:54
rinzlerapache2 service won't restart after php5-mysql was installed. any ideas?22:54
AceFacei do appreciate it22:54
Vickyyycan anyone give me any inkling on how to solve this? I think I screwed up22:54
aaasGuest12433 two pages might help you:22:54
aaasGuest12433 http://goo.gl/iypGy22:54
Vickyyyit doesn't respond to my clicks22:54
zubini am using ubuntu but when i try to boot from my kernel i just shows that message and stops booting.22:54
aaasGuest12433 http://goo.gl/IMMDK22:54
Vickyyywell I guess I'll uninstall22:55
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aaasGuest12433 try just blacklisting the intel_ips first22:55
rinzlerVickyyy: It's a crowded room... just be patient...22:56
Guest12433aaas: thanks, I've never took care about that before, but I've just remember that it's not a fatal error, I usually see this message from times to times on boot, but then it continue and there is no problem22:56
aaasGuest12433 then add the ninetel_ips in /etc/moduels if necessary22:56
Guest12433I think the fatal is the one just below22:56
Vickyyybut I'm sort of trapped22:56
ichbinderhello. Please, please, please help! I have two external hard drives, one dropped the other day and I wanted to be on the safe side and backup everything on it. So I connected it to Ubuntu and used rsync to copy all its content to my other external 3GB hard drive. Took about 12 hours. Rsync finished without errors and all looked fine. Now, a few hours later, I wanted to access the large, second hard drive in my file manager. Ubuntu22:56
ichbindercrashed while loading and all I could do was to switch to terminal 1 and do init 6. The next boot process didn't process so I restarted and disconnected all external hard drives. Ubuntu came up. But now, the large hard drive doesn't work anymore and all I get from dmesg is " [sdf] Spinning up disk..." while I can't hear the hard drive spinning. However, it's not making clicks or noise that sounds like a head is broken... what can I22:56
ichbinder do? :(22:56
aaasGuest12433 ah, so it's a different error, and it's still not working?22:56
FloodBot1ichbinder: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:56
VickyyyI mean I can't click or typw22:56
Vickyyyor do really anything, I couldn't even get on the admin account because ofc the password is in the Latin alphabet22:57
Guest12433aaas: I'm sure I've already seen this message sometimes before, maybe a missing config or something but it never blocked the boot22:57
VickyyyI wonder how the hell did this happen22:57
aaasGuest12433 what does /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log | grep EE say22:57
rinzlerVickyyy: also, to be heard, you need to type your full question on one line, and wait. adding things to what you've already said seems disjointed and won't be understood22:57
Guest12433aaas: I'm fed up with this, I'm going to backup all my files, and reinstall, and not remove packages without knowing exactly what I'm doing, thanks for your help ;)22:58
aaasichbinder so your data is only one one drive now?22:58
aaasGuest12433 haha ok np22:59
Vickyyyok. How do I change the keyboard language on a guest account?22:59
ichbinderaaas: the data that was on that disk before I copied the other disk, yes...22:59
aaasichbinder so the data is fine? you're just worried about the drive?22:59
ichbinderaaas: nope. I am worried about the 1.5 GB of data that were already on that drive.23:00
ichbinderaaas: or rather panicing. :(23:00
aaasichbinder  is this your boot drive?23:00
ichbinderaaas: no, external hard drive.23:00
aaasichbinder usb?23:01
ichbinderaaas: yes23:01
mikefarrPlayback failure:23:01
mikefarrDVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd".23:01
mikefarrYour input can't be opened:23:01
mikefarrVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for details.23:01
FloodBot1mikefarr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
aaasichbinder it doesn't automount when you plug it in?23:01
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadowfire
ichbinderaaas: this one: http://wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=24023:01
ichbinderaaas: nope. Nothing pops up.23:01
rinzlerapache2 service won't restart after php5-mysql was installed. any ideas?23:01
ichbinderaaas: it doesn't even show up in /dev/23:01
aaasichbinder have any other computrs or a windows machine?23:01
arooni-mobileis there a reminder type app i can use to give me reminders twice a day?  i'd like to have a dialog box pop up modally on top of the screen so it's impossible to ignore.23:02
ichbinderaaas: yes, I have a windows laptop. But the disk also does not spin there... however, it did spin this afternoon while copying.23:02
yeatsrinzler: check /var/log/apache2/error.log23:02
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rinzleryeats: will do.23:02
aaasichbinder windows doesn't automount it either?23:02
ichbinderaaas: it can't as long as the disk doesn't start spinning.23:03
brandonboltonJordan_U, after it downloaded all of the files, it lets me choose what I want installed. Very useful, thank you for suggesting it. :)23:03
aaasichbinder well it can detect the drive even if the heads arent moving...does it even see it23:03
aaasichbinder in windows does it say 'new drive detected' or give you a new drive letter?23:03
arooni-mobileive tried using kalarm but i feel it tkaes up too many resource for whta it does23:03
mikefarrdlentz, i pasted the error i got from vlc - but that paste ubuntu site still got me in trouble for flooding lol23:03
ichbinderaaas: it does give me a message that "this drive" can run faster if I connect it to a USB3 plugin... but no letter23:04
Vickyyyok. How do I change the keyboard language on a guest account?23:04
Jordan_Ubrandonbolton: You're welcome.23:04
ichbinderaaas: thanks for trying to help me btw.23:04
aaasichbinder in windows can you go to 'manage drive' to see the drive?  or in ubuntu if you type 'dmesg' before and after plugging in usb does it show anything ...np23:05
ichbinderaaas: here is the full dmesg message. Seems like it can give me some error messages after a while: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050072/23:05
ichbinderaaas: this is exactly what happens in dmesg right after connecting the drive23:05
aaasichbinder and this happened after you dropped it?23:06
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lkjis there a way to make everything smaller on Ubuntu 12.04? I've reduced all the font sizes, now I just need to reduce the padding, borders and tabs?23:07
lkjI cannot see an easy way to do that though23:07
rinzleryeats: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050074/23:07
ichbinderaaas: no, I dropped the other hard drive.23:07
aaasichbinder if the windows machine is close can you try start->(right click) computer -> manage -> disk managment and see if it sees the drive there23:08
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ichbinderaaas: this one I only used to back up the other hard drive today. For a while, I could enter this hard drive normally. But about an hour ago, ubuntu freezed while trying to access this drive.23:08
AceFaceim looking for help configuring a startup script, would anyone be willing to help?23:08
ichbinderaaas: let me connect it to windows23:08
aaasichbinder ah, is it formated ext3 or something like htat?23:08
ichbinderaaas: no, ntfs23:09
aaasichbinder ok that should work then23:09
aaasichbinder try it in the windows machine and try disk management23:09
aaasichbinder just see if it sees the drive and see what it says the filesystem type is (if it's there)23:10
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yeatsrinzler: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6148679/php-gd-library-error-in-ubuntu23:10
Guest55219i need help23:10
rinzleryeats: thanks!23:10
Jordan_UGuest55219: Ask away :)23:11
yeatsrinzler: also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/87526223:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875262 in php5 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/sqlite.so'" [High,Confirmed]23:11
lkjwhere do you change compiz settings?23:11
Guest55219i need to use a xfs repair command for a usb hard drive23:12
yeatsrinzler: sorry - that bug may not actually be relevant to your message23:12
Guest55219but i'm lost in terminal23:12
ichbinderaaas: nope, the disk is not there23:12
aaasichbinder but there is a change in dmesg when you plug/unplug?23:12
Jordan_UGuest55219: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid"?23:12
brandonboltonWhile doing the netinstall of Server, I had errors installing mysql-server-5.5, apparmor, ca-certificates, libcurl3, libcurl3-gnutls, ntfs-3g, popularity-contest, and whoopsie packages.23:13
Guest55219/dev/sdb1: UUID="54c2add8-01a1-48fe-b49d-876a6593d506" TYPE="xfs"23:13
yeatsrinzler: you could try 'sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt' to get rid of the second error23:13
lkjIs there a way to stop applications from opening in the bottom right corner of my screen?23:13
lkjI would like them in the middle or top left instead23:13
ichbinderaaas: yes23:14
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rinzleryeats: looks like it worked, though...23:14
yeatsrinzler: great23:14
=== Guest55219 is now known as Jlander
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aaasichbinder you're getting all these stack traces as if it's a software thing, but it could be hardware, and the fact that it doesn't work on windows is a big one, two things you could try: 1) boot with a livecd on ubuntu and see if it picks up the usb drive..should be automatic 2) take the thing apart..these exterenal usb drieves are normal drives hooked up to a enclosure interface with just some fancy bezel.. there may be a lo23:15
aaasose conection23:15
aaasichbinder did you hear it spin up before?23:15
aaasichbinder it was noticable before?23:16
ichbinderaaas: yes, it was noticeable before23:16
Jlanderhow do I enter in dev/sb1?23:16
=== abyss42 is now known as abyss422
aaasichbinder yeah the power connecter might have fell out23:16
aaasichbinder  it is definitely leaning towards something with teh drive23:16
ichbinderaaas: yeah, taking it apart and trying to plug it into my computer directly was also the step i planned to do next...23:16
AceFaceim looking for help configuring a startup script, would anyone be willing to help?23:17
ichbinderaaas: well, the front light is still showing up...23:17
aaasichbinder i think thats probably your best shot.. you might just find the power fell out23:17
aaasichbinder no this is the power to the drive not the bezel23:17
aaasichbinder like the kind you see in your computer23:17
AceFacei have a script that i want to execute at bootup (script located here: http://pastebin.com/hxk4fwVD ) and this script is supposed start a service called connection manager (binaries located here: http://download.igniterealtime.org/connectionmanager/connection_manager_3_6_3.tar.gz ) so i extracted the folder "connection_manager" to /opt , to see directory structure please look inside the tarball. ive tried a few things and i just cant make the script star23:18
paanii i want to remove the format option when i right click the usb drive in the launchpad23:19
AceFacewould this work?: http://pastebin.com/b3gCNApw23:19
D3RGPS31firefox isn't using my 'Print to File' settings :l i've checked prefs.js; they're there23:19
hayloAceFace, i think basrc will start anything pretty much, just put  ahefty sleep command on it so it doesnt fail while GUI Xorg is starting23:20
haylo.bshrc *23:20
harrrismrubinhow do i copy the address of a folder23:20
AceFaceits ubuntu server on a solid state, no desktop environment23:20
bladezerozany women here in the US23:20
haylo.bashrc* sorry something wrong with my hands/head23:20
hayloand this is the world, not the us23:21
Jlanderalguien habla español?23:21
haylono not that kind of world23:21
AceFacesi, puedo hablar en espanol23:21
MissBennethi there! hw r u?23:21
bladezerozI'm talking about US specifically23:21
AceFaceun poco, jaja23:21
bladezerozhi MissBennet23:21
Jlanderme ayudas con una cosa?23:21
bladezerozCare to private msg23:21
AceFacequal cosa?23:22
xangua!es | Jlander AceFace23:22
ubottuJlander AceFace: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:22
hayloAceFace, well duh , then you use .bashrc, ever considered rtfm23:22
yeats!rtfm | haylo23:23
ubottuhaylo: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.23:23
=== jedney is now known as JonEdney
Jlanderubuntu-es :No such channel23:23
Jlanderthanks xangua23:24
ichbinderaaas: sorry, was in a different channel also...23:24
=== HardFu is now known as HardFu|AFK
ichbinderwell, we will see.23:24
ichbinderaaas: thanks for your help!23:24
aaasichbinder np23:24
bladezerozUBUNTU SUCKS!23:25
=== whoever is now known as Guest80979
Jordan_U!pm | Jlander23:28
ubottuJlander: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:28
Jordan_U!pastebin | Jlander23:28
ubottuJlander: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:28
harrrismrubinwhen i add a file to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Gimp i want a copy to go to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Dropbox23:29
=== qhartman_ is now known as qhartman
Jlander/dev/sdb1: UUID="54c2add8-01a1-48fe-b49d-876a6593d506" TYPE="xfs"23:29
leo-unglaubyes guys..i have a little problem...i installed something wrong and got 200 mb of dependencies with it23:30
Jlanderi can't access to disk23:30
Jlanderpermission denied23:30
Jordan_UJlander: sudo fsck -y /dev/sdb123:30
leo-unglaubi removed the wront package, but all the debs are still here23:30
leo-unglaubhow can i remove all software i installes totday?23:30
BlackshirtJust uninstall it23:30
zykotick9leo-unglaub: "sudo apt-get clean" will delete all downloaded DEBs -- usually save to do - clears /var/cache/apt/archives/23:31
leo-unglaubzykotick9: no, they are still installey23:31
zykotick9leo-unglaub: what did you install?23:31
JlanderJordan_U,  /sbin/fsck.xfs: XFS file system.23:31
glitsj16ln -s $HOME/Desktop/Dropbox/23:31
leo-unglaubbut glade223:32
leo-unglaubi misstyped23:32
leo-unglauband now i have 200 of dev tools and libs installed..23:32
Jordan_UJlander: Why did you originally think that you needed to "use a xfs repair command"?23:32
Jlanderi need it23:33
Jordan_UJlander: Why?23:35
LoshkiJlander: I'd also like to know why...23:37
harrrismrubin when i add a file to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Gimp i want a copy to go to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Dropbox23:39
harrrismrubin* Therstrium has quit (Quit: Therstrium)23:39
Jlanderto repair a hard disk23:39
Jlanderis a usb hard drive from TV23:40
Dr_Willisisent it /home/username/Dropbox23:40
Jlanderthat often fails and i need to do this process to recover fi23:40
Jlanderles recordings23:40
Dr_WillisJlander: ddrescue to clone it to an image file. then mount and recover from that file. is how its foten done23:41
Jlanderi do  xfs_repair23:42
Dr_Willisa tv that can read xfs... thats weird23:43
D3RGPS31Dr_Willis: it's weird for appliances to use open source software?23:43
Jlandersamsung tv use xfs23:44
Dr_WillisD3RGPS31: weird uts using xfs. and nit vfat yes23:44
Dr_Willisbut ive not seen a rv that records either23:44
Dr_Willismy samsung has 4 usb ports. not sure it can record23:45
LoshkiJlander: I assume you've seen this: http://docs.cray.com/books/S-2377-22/html-S-2377-22/z1029470303.html23:45
Jordan_UDr_Willis: Most DVRs that i have encountered run GNU/Linux and use either xfs or ext3.23:45
Jordan_UJlander: If you are having problems running xfs_repair because you don't have it installed, then "sudo apt-get install xfsprogs".23:46
AwaitingMahdiI'm thinking to install ubuntu for my dad because his pc is a bit slow for windows 7. How would I install the hp printer software and the software for the graphics card?23:47
Jordan_UJlander: But if it's a problem with the hard drive, i.e. a hardware problem, then I would second Dr_Willis's point and say that it would be better to clone the drive using GNU ddrescue first.23:47
LoshkiDr_Willis: it's surely off-topic, but my LG tv can record via usb1 if it finds enough space. I've never cared enough to actually use it as a feature, so I don't know the disk format. I assumed it would be ntfs but maybe not...23:47
Jlanderwith xfs_repair -L23:47
=== john__ is now known as ki4ro
OerHeksHP will automatic be detected and installed. good supported printer vendor, AwaitingMahdi23:48
Jlanderi can recover23:48
AwaitingMahdiAnd what about the graphics card? ati radeon x1650 pro23:48
=== awayy is now known as yy
Dr_Willisill have tocheck my new tvs manual. i know it can use a usb mouse/keyboard. and read/play from usb hds. but i never saw any record  features.. but i use it as a PC monitor. ;)23:48
=== yy is now known as yyy
yyyi have a dependency issue I'm not sure not to solve23:49
LoshkiDr_Willis: may I pm you re: tvs23:49
OerHeksAwaitingMahdi, for graphics driver that cannot packed in the iso, there is a menu available to check & download.23:49
Jordan_UAwaitingMahdi: I would recommend using the drivers which are installed by default unless you actually have issues with them. If you want to install ATI's proprietary drivers you would use the "Additional Drivers" tool though.23:49
Dr_Willisnot really got a lore more to say about it Loshki  :) i rarely even use the tv as a tv.23:49
LoshkiDr_Willis: ok23:49
AwaitingMahdiDo you think it would be better if I dual boot his hard drive? 20gb for linux and if I can get everything working just delete the windows 7 partition?23:50
yyywhen I look at the lsb_release content, it says the system is 10.0423:50
Dr_Willis40 Inch TV is what i use for playing skyrim. :)23:50
AwaitingMahdiHis hard drive is 80gb. Amd single core processor and 1.5 gb ram.23:50
yyybut the sources.list is set to precise23:50
Dr_Willis80gb hd? hats sort of tiny by todays standards23:50
yyyso when I changed sources.list to lucid and do apt-get install -f, it says it will free 2GB of storate23:51
AwaitingMahdiOld pc :)23:51
OerHeksAwaitingMahdi, sure, decrease the partition from within win7 diskmanagment23:51
yyyand says I should not do this unless I know what I'm doing23:51
yyyit has apt, libc6 and etc in the list of files to be removed23:51
yyyany advice?23:51
AwaitingMahdiHe tends to browse the internet, youtube, listen to a few mp3s and use the printer.23:51
AwaitingMahdiNot a heavy user at all.23:51
Dr_Willisyyy:  you are just changeing the words 'precicse' to 'lucid' in the sources.list ?23:51
AwaitingMahdiWindows 7 is kinda slow on his pc and ubuntu would look much faster.23:52
AwaitingMahdiSeems that way.23:52
harrrismrubincan you help me make a symlink again23:52
yyyDr_Willis: I used sources.list generator online23:52
Dr_WillisAwaitingMahdi:  you could install to a 16 or 32gb flash as a 'testbed' to see how well it works.23:52
yyyi think the system was upgrading from lucid to precise or something but it didn't go well. that's my guess.23:52
Dr_Willisyyy:  you normally dont just change the release name that way. what are you trying to acomplish by doing this?23:53
harrrismrubinDr_Willis,  can you help me in pm23:53
hayloAwaitingMahdi, if its an old computer you should use debian, not ubuntu23:53
magnumXopusAwatingMahdi: does his computer have an nvidia gpu?  There's a bug, that could prove very frustrating.23:53
AwaitingMahdiWhat's the difference between debian and ubuntu?23:53
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  im at work. so may have to leave at any time without notice.23:53
yyyDr_Willis: I didn't do it. I have to fix it23:53
Dr_Willisyyy:  so you need to change lucud, or whatever it is , back to the proper name for your release.23:53
yyybut if I get a sources.list for lucid and run apt-get -f isntall, will it be safe?23:53
hayloAwaitingMahdi, ubuntu is made form debian, debian is very old, form when that computer was made or earlier, it will work at least23:53
Dr_Willisyyy:  so you are on lucid?23:54
AwaitingMahdiTbh I think I'll just go with ubuntu23:54
yyyIt seems like the system is on lucid but the updates are all set to precise23:54
AwaitingMahdiIt should be fast due to it's system requirements23:54
hayloAwaitingMahdi, you learn fast23:54
harrrismrubinok is that a yes23:55
Loshkiyyy: I'm not sure I'd trust the result anyway. A possibly botched upgrade followed by a downgrade (unsupported I believe)? Might as well install from scratch...23:55
yyyand when I get the lucid version of sources.list and apt-get -f install, it says it's not safe and I shouldn't do it23:55
Dr_Willisyyy:  you can change the word precise back to lucid in the sources file. hopefully nothings allready gotten brioken because of that23:55
yyyyeah i'd want to install from scratch but it's not my computer23:55
Dr_Willisyyy:  what does 'uname -a' say about the system?23:55
AwaitingMahdiI'll just partition his pc tomorrow or something. Can I install it using a portable hard drive? 250gb?23:55
harrrismrubinDr_Willis,  when i add a file to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Gimp i want a copy to go to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Dropbox23:56
yyyLinux fmiguez-system76 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:56
Dr_WillisAwaitingMahdi:  i do full installs to external usb hds all the time23:56
yyyDr_Willis: Linux fmiguez-system76 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:56
Dr_Willisyyy:  what reelase does lsb_release -a say:23:56
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:56
AwaitingMahdiI mean as in put the iso on the portable hard drive and use that to install on a pc23:56
yyyDr_Willis: Lucid23:57
Dr_WillisAwaitingMahdi:  you can set up grub2 to boot an iso file from a usb hd. or flash23:57
magnumXopusAwaitingMahdi: You should make a live disk first and see how he likes it.23:57
yyySo I tried changing the word precise to lucid, but it gives me a pretty serious warning23:57
Dr_Willisyyy:  could be the system is all confused  because it tried to (and did) install some precice updates.23:57
yyyand I"m wondering if it's safe to do so23:57
AwaitingMahdiCan I put the live disk on a dual layer disk?23:57
yyyDr_Willis: I agree.23:58
AwaitingMahdiI don't have anything else to use atm.23:58
haylocmon  live disc to see if he likes it? thats only going to be slow. make it correct and they will like it23:58
yyyBut now I want to c hange it back to lulid23:58
yyyDr_Willis: But now I want to c hange it back to lucid23:58
yyyDr_Willis: but it gives me a warning when I try to "downgrade"23:58
hayloinstall it onto the usb AwaitingMahdi just like its a normal hdd, and select it form bios23:58
magnumXopusAwaitingMahdi: ..or use unetbootin to create a startup disk on an external23:58
Dr_Willisyyy:  safest thing is do a reinstall.  even if it 'seems' to go back to lucid.  it might have issues23:58
yyyDr_Willis: what if reinstall is not an option?23:59
LoshkiAwaitingMahdi: Also, there are distros specially designed for older, smaller machines with less memory.23:59
D3RGPS31firefox isn't using my 'Print to File' settings :l i've checked prefs.js, the settings are there; wat do23:59
Dr_Willisyyy:  its an option if the alternative is a unuseable system23:59
yyyDr_Willis: I would have reinstalled if I could along time ago23:59
AwaitingMahdiLike what?23:59
AwaitingMahdiI've fallen in love with ubuntu23:59
yyyhmm ok23:59
harrrismrubinDr_Willis,  can you help me23:59
Dr_Willisany fixing you try may totally rbeak things..  thats a posibility. ;)23:59
haylolike debian AwaitingMahdi i just told you. its the pillar of linux right now23:59
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  with what.23:59

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