
=== The_soup is now known as GridCube
ochosimadnick: ping08:23
ochosiknome: i think you're right that we have to talk with GridCube about the default audio-player spec soon10:36
ochosiespecially because it implies that we should take care of the other default apps as well10:36
knomeheh :)10:37
ochosi"we" == xubuntu team10:37
knomei should send some email to the list10:37
ochosior you could also say: we (you and i) should at least assign someone10:37
hobgoblinwhat a good team you are 10:37
ochosihobgoblin: do you feel like helping us with default apps?10:37
hobgoblinI am scheduled to give gridcube a hand with the media stuff 10:38
hobgoblinbut if there's anything else I can help with I'm happy to 10:38
ochosihobgoblin: just check the list of default apps here and tell me if you're interested in any of it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Goals/Quantal10:39
hobgoblinI have looked at that already - there's really only a couple of things on there I could help with - media and arandr10:40
hobgoblinthough I could I suppose look at menu managing at a stretch10:40
ochosiideally the use-case of the app would apply to you as well – what i mean to say is: if you don't use backup-apps, it's probably too hard to compare apps for that10:40
hobgoblinok - well is there use-cases for them all?10:42
ochosithe things i personally care about in this list: package-manager, video-player, backup-app and probably monitor management10:42
ochosii'm not sure, i've never used a webcam app, not sure how useful it is tbh10:42
hobgoblinpackage management/monitors/media/menu (now and again) 10:43
ochosibut yeah, supposedly there is a use-case for that too (maybe gridcube can elaborate)10:43
hobgoblinI don't do gimp/webcam/10:43
hobgoblinbut I do fiddle about trying different things - for the last 5 years lol - so I suppose I have some experience at it :)10:44
ochosiyeah, personally i think keeping gimp is more a technical decision10:44
ochosiknome: we should really prioritize the list of default apps10:44
hobgoblinyea - imho opinion gimp is one of those - if there is enough reason then why not 10:44
knomeochosi, propose?10:44
hobgoblinbut - if someone can give me some guidance about what is needed - then I am happy to help10:45
ochosiknome: put those items, where we have an ok-working solution at the moment to the bottom :)10:45
knomeochosi, i mean, yeah, edit the wiki, do a proposal ;)10:45
ochosiknome: menu-manager, video-player, audio-player, image-editor etc10:45
ochosiknome: ok :)10:45
ochosihobgoblin: sure we can – as you said, we're a great team ;)10:46
ochosiknome: i'll do that after lunch, have to go in 510:46
knomeochosi, np10:46
ochosibut really, i think the list is misleading because it mixes apples and oranges10:46
ochosithere are use-cases where we don't haev anything currently (webcam, backups)10:46
ochosithen there are apps, where we're just considering alternatives10:47
ochosiand then there are apps that we'd love to replace if we can (e.g. USC)10:47
hobgoblinI replace USC with an empty menu place 10:47
ochosiyeah, we can all fix things for ourselves, but we should really think about what's best for everyone10:48
ochosii mean everyone who'd potentially use xubuntu10:48
hobgoblinwhat's the lubuntu one like? 10:50
ochositry it :p10:51
hobgoblinsounds like a dare to me ... 10:51
knomei've sent email to the -devel ML10:52
knomeeverybody please get to it10:52
hobgoblinochosi: well it works - but there's a whole lot of white space there10:55
ochosioff for lunch, bbl10:55
knomeochosi, bon appetit10:55
hobgoblinhave a good one 10:55
ochosiknome: i'll propose a few importances on the default apps, feel free to ping me on that12:18
knomeok, will do12:20
ochosiwhat do you think about sending an email to the ML asking people to help out with app-comparisons?12:22
ochosii mean as long as we show them the old samples we have, it won't fail too miserably (hopefully12:22
ochosijust an example: i never use backup-tools (apart from rysnc), so i dunno what people would wanna use12:23
ochosiotoh i think it's good to have by default12:23
ochosidropbox integration or ubuntu-one integration or something like that12:23
knomei use rsync exclusively, too12:23
ochosior an app that handles all of those12:23
ochosiyeah, many users don't have their own servers :)12:24
ochosiok, the proposed importances are set12:24
ochosiwhoop, row-color break12:24
ochosii'll fix that as soon as you've commented12:24
knomeoh right12:25
knomejust a sec12:25
knomei think "importance" is a bit wrong12:27
knomemaybe it should be something that describes how much work it is useful to put in that group12:27
knomerather than describing how important it is to change (now)12:27
ochosiyeah, i totally agree12:27
ochosibut this is kinda how i prioritized them12:28
knomemaybe change the importance-column to "priority"12:28
ochosimhm, better12:28
knomei'm thinking of monitor management -> high, and maybe video player -> med12:28
knomeand maybe package manager -> essential12:29
knomebut that depends much on when synaptic is dying12:29
ochosiyeah, we should inquire a bit12:30
ochosibtw, arandr is nice, maybe we could improve it to work better with xfce12:30
knomeanyway with these changes (+ importance -> priority), i'm ok with it12:31
ochosihey astraljava 12:32
* knome gets something to eat+drink12:32
knomebtw, i might not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow; in that case, could either of you chair it?12:41
ochosiyup, hope so12:43
ochosiastraljava: how busy are you on a scale of 1-10 (10==swamped with work)12:43
knomethere isn't much on the agenda, so it should be rather easy/quick12:43
knome..unless astraljava wants to go through some QA items12:44
knomeochosi, he's -10, whenever i talk with him on daytime, he's slacking at home12:44
* knome shakes head12:44
astraljavaknome: Yeah, but you have no idea about my moonlighting...12:45
knomeastraljava, if that relates to the silverlight-moonlight, i don't want to know...12:45
astraljavaochosi: Well, basically I'm probably around 8-9, but many of my tasks are slightly adjustable. :) Our definition of 'slight' may vary.12:46
ochosiastraljava: ok, thing is that we need to re-distribute mr_pouit's workitems12:46
knomemeh, this yoghurt said "less sugar", but it still tastes like sugar12:47
astraljavaochosi: Tell me more, you got me interested.12:47
knomelol, now you want to be the technical lead too?12:48
knomehunger grows eating, i suppose..12:48
ochosiastraljava: i don't think that it's actually _so_ hard to do, but we wanted to slightly improve xfce4-display-dialog#12:48
ochosiknome: or was it the other way round?12:48
knomeochosi, ;)12:48
astraljavaknome: Yes. And you know what comes after that?! O;-)12:48
ochosikhalif instead of the khalif? :}12:49
knomewell, it's possibly up for grabs after the 13.04 cycle12:49
astraljavaNah, I'm good with these two. *smirk*12:49
knomeanyway, don't believe ochosi when he says "it's not *so* hard to do"12:50
astraljavaochosi: Ok. Is there anything written somewhere about the problems?12:50
astraljavaknome: I don't believe anything written on this channel.12:50
astraljavaMyself the least.12:50
knomegood policy12:50
ochosiastraljava: well there's a multi-monitor-spec, but that is the advanced plan12:50
astraljavaAlright. Yeah I'm of the less-advanced variety.12:51
ochosiastraljava: for the small improvement (which i'd head for first), we'd just need more comboboxes to support xrandr-leftof and xrand-rightof and possibly a check-box for "mirror displays"12:51
ochosithat's already it12:51
ochosipeople have no simple way of aligning multiple displays12:52
astraljavaochosi: Right. Well that _does not_ sound overly complicated.12:52
ochosiatm they have to set that themselves in xfconf12:52
ochosiwhich sucks12:52
astraljavaochosi: But is there a reason why not to use arandr for that?12:52
knomenot very user-friendly at least.12:52
ochosiarandr is a bit nicer, it's in python and has a widget that represents the connected displays (whcih would be the advanced version)12:52
ochosiastraljava: tbh the UI is horrible12:52
astraljavaOk. :)12:52
ochosiastraljava: i already formulated an email to the author/maintainer in case you say "no" :)12:53
ochosiastraljava: also: i prefer to improve xfce, because that's good for all distros12:53
astraljavaWell I wouldn't say no. I've already planned the mid-summer long weekend for all *buntu and related computery stuff.12:53
astraljava...which means this upcoming weekend.12:53
ochosiunfortunately i won't be around for moral support12:54
* ochosi is going to a cottage with some friends12:54
astraljavaThat's fine, I'll just cough up a first draft.12:54
ochosibut if you're up for it, we can quickly write down a list of things to do12:54
astraljavaSure, sounds like a plan.12:54
ochosii can also make a quick mockup just to be sure we're talking about the same things12:54
astraljavaWouldn't hurt, either.12:55
knomeochosi, can you come up with something that *does* hurt?12:57
astraljavaYeah, gnome forgot to hurt me on Thursday.12:58
knomedid i? dang.12:58
ochosiastraljava: here you go, this is what i had in mind: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/MultipleMonitors#Improve_Xfce.27s_dialog13:09
ochosiastraljava: is it understandable/clear enough?13:10
astraljavaOUCH! That hurts!13:10
ochosiwhat does? me pinging you?13:11
astraljavaI won't tell you.13:11
ochosiok, well i'm satisfied as long as you tell me bout the display dialog :)13:12
knomeastraljava, stop trying to use those lightbulbs as earplugs.13:12
astraljavaochosi: Ok, yeah. That looks understandable even to me.13:12
astraljavaknome: But I've heard about this light treatment through your ears...13:13
ochosiastraljava: right. so it's one checkbox and one combobox, no more no less13:13
knomeyeah, at least try the energy-saving lights.13:13
astraljavaochosi: Cool. I'll chat with the guys on #xfce-dev if I run across any problems. Otherwise I'll try to produce this change over the weekend.13:14
ochosiastraljava: great!13:16
ochosibtw, the two guys mainly responsible for the display-dialog are mr_pouit and jeromeg13:16
ochosiboth of those french fries are currently a bit "off the grid"13:16
ochosiso don't expect immediate support13:17
knomehmm, french fries would be nice.13:17
ochosianother thing that would be cool would be a "identify monitors" button13:17
ochosibut that's for later :)13:17
ochosiastraljava: btw, if you're done with the simple improvement and are kinda bored, you can try and steal ristretto's wallpaper-widget for the display-dialog ;)13:18
astraljavaHeheh. :) Ok, I'll see if such a thing occurs.13:20
ochosiyeah, no problem though, the most important thing would be that we have this small yet so important improvement for 12.1013:20
astraljavaSure. But you're free to tell me what that is, and does. :)13:23
ochosiyou mean the identify-monitors?13:24
astraljavaNo, the wallpaper-widget.13:25
ochosiah :)13:25
ochosiit's this. http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-06192012-032531pm.php13:25
ochosiit knows about the alignment and resolution of the screens13:25
ochosiand it draws the monitors in cairo13:25
ochosiso it could be used to visually reflect the changes to position made in the display-dialog13:26
astraljavaOh ok. Sounds nice.13:26
ochosiyeah, that would be the advanced version ;)13:27
ochosimainly because of stuff like D'N'D13:27
hobgoblinthat was a lot of reading ... 13:44
knomeif you refer to the strategy document, imagine how much writing it was :)13:53
hobgoblinknome: I refer to both that and the backlog :)14:07
hobgoblinoh and the monitor thingy above :)14:07
* astraljava lols again at the kernel meeting17:07
ochosiUnit193: mind to check up on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/SettingsManagerApps ?17:07
ochosiUnit193: would be nice if you could pack them into a table and add the category to each item17:07
astraljavaClocked in  at less than 6.5 minutes, with 20 seconds at the end just idle time, waiting for unexpected items.17:07
astraljavaOops, sorry, wrong channel.17:07
ochosiUnit193: maybe we could also get two columns, one human-readable, one for the name of the desktop-file17:07
* Unit193 wanders around looking for a masochist17:08
hobgoblinha ha ha17:09
Unit193Is there a list of catagories?17:10
Unit193hobgoblin: Are you one? :D17:10
hobgoblinI guess you could if you stretched it call me a category. 17:11
hobgoblinfraid not 17:11
astraljavacategorically masochist17:11
hobgoblinthanks astraljava 17:12
hobgoblinbad timing17:12
ochosik, g2g17:16
Unit193I really don't know the names of all these, or have them installed (others added?)17:19
Unit193ochosi: As requested, categories and table, but only a start.17:29
hobgoblinUnit193: qtconfig-qt417:33
Unit193Thank you!17:33
Unit193(Is that the correct name?)17:33
hobgoblinthat's what it calls for in the menu17:34
hobgoblincompizconfig-settings-manager as well byt the way :p17:34
Unit193Stinking knome and his getting of small changes...  Thanks, never used that one.17:35
Unit193Name right?  And do you happen to know bluetooth? :D17:36
hobgoblinthe thing to install is qt4-qtconfig - but qtconfig-qt4 is what's in /usr/bin17:37
hobgoblinaboslutely no idea at all - uninstalling bluetooth is in the first things I do 17:38
Unit193There are many that go, if I were to install xubu-desktop, I'd gain many packages and 73.1M (not that bad.)17:39
Unit193Right, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blueman/blueman/trunk/view/head:/data/blueman-manager.desktop.in that's my guess.17:45
hobgoblinpretty sure that's it17:46
Unit193Danke, got it maybe all worked out.  Like the categories?17:49
hobgoblinUnit193: do you want proper feedback on having these things in the settings manager from a community member 17:49
hobgoblineven if it is a hobgoblin 17:49
Unit193Sure, why not?17:50
Unit193Though, I've been told the review of applications will be done in a meeting.17:50
hobgoblinok - then I'll do it then I'm about :)17:51
Unit193Categories is just something I randomly picked, or looked at Categories= section.17:52
Unit193Bluetooth may be a hardware thing, but seems more $whateveriputatthetime.17:52
knomei edited the page a bit.18:12
knome(layout only, should be a bit more readable now)18:12
Unit193Yeah, that's why I was looking for a masochist.18:12
Unit193ochosi wanted a table, so that's what I did.18:13
knomeprobably could've been readable with alternate row colors18:13
knome(we so have to get that to the ubuntu wiki as default :()18:13
Unit193Note, I don't really care, either way works for me™18:14
knomei don't care either as long as it is readable :)18:14
hobgoblinI can;t read it 18:14
Unit193Put on your old man glasses. ;)18:15
hobgoblinsure you don't mean "Put on your glasses, old man" :p18:16
* hobgoblin is going to read knome's tome again in the morning and right a long reply 18:17
hobgoblinor rather write one 18:17
hobgoblinastraljava: too late ... I did :)18:18
hobgoblinastraljava: I hope you noticed I did 5 dailies yesterday/today 18:18
astraljavaYou've got lots to learn18:18
astraljavaNo I didn't. 18:18
hobgoblinI'll not do that again then 18:18
* astraljava didn't pay any attention18:18
astraljavaI was too busy fighting with this stupid machine18:19
hobgoblinneither did hobgoblin 18:19
astraljavaBut thanks, anyway!18:19
hobgoblinha I spent 2 hours fighting my isp and e-mail today :(18:19
astraljavaThis is very good data for the release meeting on Friday.18:19
astraljavaWe're gonna have to talk about it tomorrow at the meeting.18:19
hobgoblinI'll do more tomorrow 18:19
astraljavaAre we gonna do Alpha-2 or not.18:20
hobgoblinbut I won't be doing any autoresize ones - unless vbox is ok 18:20
Unit193So the docs are re-written, and I have to read them before doing tests?18:20
hobgoblinUnit193: the short test is 18:21
hobgoblinI'venot seen new long one 18:21
astraljavaThe long one is still under construction.18:25
astraljavaI'll try to get that revised for the meeting on Sunday.18:26
hobgoblinastraljava: if you want a guinea pig to run through it let me know 18:29
astraljavaThanks! I'll keep in mind.18:36
knomehobgoblin, one wish; please separate different issues to separate paragraphs, even they were really tiny things. thanks! :)18:40
* knome is referring to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-June/008255.html18:41
hobgoblinI will - I tried to read that reply as well 18:45
knomei just replied to that18:45
ochosiUnit193: well done, thanks!21:06
Unit193knome helped, as did hobgob.21:07
knomei messed it up.21:07
Unit193I mess everything up, it's part of the plan.21:07
ochosihave you tried whether additional categories are added automagically?21:11
Unit193Xfce 4.821:12
ochosianyone else? knome?21:13
knome4.8 too21:13
Unit193Other has .10.21:13
ochosiok, i can give it a try tomorrow hopefully, but i'm rather busy this week21:14
knomeochosi, btw, i will be most probably away at the time of the meeting, so you'll actually get to chair the meeting ;)21:16
ochosig2g, bbl21:18
knomesee you21:18
GridCubeknome, tomorrow i have most of the day free21:30
GridCubeflag day :D21:30
knomeGridCube, congrats :)21:30
GridCube:P i say if you and ochosi want we could talk tomorrow21:31
knomemmh. i'm not sure if i have time, definitely not after 13UTC.21:33
astraljavaknome: If we're starting to become picky about posting styles, could we please pay a little attention to trimming the posts as well? Huh? *smirk*21:54
knomehuh? :P21:54
knomeare you saying i'm too verbose?21:54
knomeor did i do something weird?21:54
astraljavaTrimming the quotes, I should have said. :)21:55
knomei didn't really trim any of the text21:55
knomeif you are referring to...21:55
astraljavaI rest my case.21:56
knome>From my point of view, the best way to proceed is to give the Xubuntu21:56
knome... i didn't see that in TB21:56
knomeit looks okay for me :|21:56
astraljavaNo I'm not referring to that particular email (which I haven't even read, mind you). But the history.21:57
knomeif i did something weird, just tell me21:57
knomei'm trying to make sensible trims, though sometimes it goes all nuts.21:57
astraljavaNah, no big deal. Just that oftentimes, posts to the lists have full originals, and a line added either to the end, or somewhere in the middle.21:58
knome-devel isn't that much traffic that i think it hurts much. but what do i know?21:58
astraljavaxubuntu-devel alone might not be, but when you're on dozens of such...21:59
knomewell, i'm not21:59
* astraljava lost track of mailing lists subscribed back in '06...21:59
knomei just unsubscribed from some not a long time ago.22:00
astraljavaI should have thought of that. *grin*22:00
astraljavaCurrently, I'd estimate the number of incoming emails per day around 600 or so. Three thirds of them I can dismiss just by reading the subject line. But that still leaves a few to skim through.22:02
knomei had something like 50 coming a day, now i unsubscribed and reviewed the filter, and i have like 5 a day22:02
astraljavaNon-internet days become horror quickly. :D22:03
knomeheh, i see22:03

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