
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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=== Guest6354 is now known as jbicha_
highvoltagestgraber: so.18:05
highvoltagestgraber: I want to start putting the seeds together for the kubuntu tablet builds18:05
highvoltagestgraber: so that we could have them start building18:05
highvoltagestgraber: going to look at what they did at https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu-active.precise18:06
highvoltagestgraber: any thoughts?18:06
stgraberhighvoltage: do we actually need to change anything in our seeds?18:06
highvoltagestgraber: I'll probably be able to tell you that in a minute or so18:07
stgraberhighvoltage: AFAICT the only thing we'll want to change is disabling edubuntu-netboot/ltsp-live18:07
stgraberhighvoltage: the rest will be identical as I'm expecting us to use an sdcard as install media with the live environment and /pool like on a DVD, then have it install to the internal storage18:07
highvoltage* !linux-image-*                # xorg transitively depends on this, but this would pull in grub-pc; we handle that separately18:08
highvoltagenot sure if that bit is relevant (since we wouldn't want grub)18:08
highvoltagestgraber: ok, so it's definitely not going to use the expand thingy anymore?18:08
stgraberhighvoltage: unless we want it to always boot from sdcard, we definitely don't want that18:09
stgraberhighvoltage: and as ubuntu is moving away from it, I'm not sure we want to end up maintaining it anyway18:09
highvoltageok, since the zatab has internal storage it seems reasonable to do it like that18:09
stgraberhighvoltage: any progress on getting the hardware btw?18:10
highvoltagestgraber: yes it's ordered18:10
highvoltagestgraber: there was a problem with the form on the website where we didn't get the discount on the first try, but it's been fixed18:10
highvoltagehopefully we won't get any further delays with customs18:10
stgraberwith alpha-2 being next week, I'm starting to become a bit nervous about that tablet build ;)18:10
highvoltagestgraber: me too, especially since the kernel for it isn't in universe yet, I'm talking to the kubuntu folk to see what we could work out18:11
highvoltagestgraber: I'm not that failiar with packaging kernel modules and it's slightly tricky since some of the modules would need to go into multiverse18:12
stgraberhighvoltage: right... sounds like we won't have it for alpha2...18:12
highvoltagestgraber: but I'd like to get builds going so long. I just want to confirm something... the binaries (except for the kernel) will be the same for that as on the pandaboard, right? (the same armhf executables?)18:13
stgraberhighvoltage: yep18:13
highvoltagestgraber: could we perhaps use the pandaboard kernel in the meantime just to check and find other bugs in the meantime?18:13
stgraberhighvoltage: yeah, I can probably do an omap4 build once ogra_ is done landing the live image changes18:14
stgraberogra_: ^18:14
highvoltagestgraber: that would be nice. can the pandaboard boot from USB? (since it's storage is sd card to begin with?)18:15
highvoltagewell I guess testing from a live environment would be sufficient for now anyway18:15
stgraberhighvoltage: I think so, otherwise you can boot from sdcard, install to another sdcard that's plugged in USB, then swap18:15
* highvoltage wonders if kubuntu active is going to have an alpha 218:15
highvoltageah right18:15
highvoltagestgraber: I'd really like to have *a* image for alpha2, even if it's not perfect or working properly in any meaningful way, at least it would also give us a point of reference for the work that needs to be done for the next alpha18:17
stgraberhighvoltage: yeah, I'm having a quick look in the cdimage branches to see what's needed to build Edubuntu for omap4, if it's not a gigantic diff, I may steal an armhf builder and do a quick test build18:18
stgraberhighvoltage: actually wondering if there's anything to do besides kicking a build ;)18:20
stgraberhighvoltage: the archive is a bit broken at the moment so I can really test it though18:21
highvoltagestgraber: well, I guess we need uboot instead of grub but I can't think of anything else specific at this point18:21
stgraberhighvoltage: we're not seeding grub AFAIK so that's not a problem18:21
highvoltagestgraber: for edubuntu server, I guess we'll support i386 and amd64 since the desktop media will be for both and we're shipping it alongside that?18:23
highvoltage(just want to be sure that I'm not just assuming anything)18:24
highvoltage(I'd actually be ok with amd64 only for servers but I guess that would be too tricky, shipping-wise)18:24
stgraberhighvoltage: well, technically the installer on arm could support it but I don't think we want that ;)18:24
highvoltageyeah, maybe for 14.04 :)18:24
stgraberwe'd need hardware for an arm server build, I don't feel like asking people to use a pandaboard18:25
highvoltageyeah, so how about my i386/amd64 question?18:26
highvoltagelet me rephrase, I can see how I could have been a bit unclear18:26
highvoltagestgraber: we're supporting i386 for edubuntu server too, right?18:26
stgraberhighvoltage: yeah, our build scripts are already weird enough wrt architectures, don't want to introduce an extra hack in there ;)18:28
stgraberbesides it wouldn't save us much to only ship on amd64 as it wouldn't reduce the number of media being built18:28
stgraberdo you have any news from the zentyal guys? we're kind of waiting on the samba4 support stuff to implement edubuntu server ;)18:29
highvoltagestgraber: is it a big deal getting those squashfs's built already? I guess the ltsp scripts could be recycled somewhat? I know that ubiquity needs some work, but it would be kind of nice having those images kind of building already18:29
highvoltagestgraber: yeah, indeed. I'll have solid news on that next week. from what I understand the samba4 parts are working, but I'm fuzzy on the exact extent of the schooltool integration that's currently working18:30
stgraberhighvoltage: I'm still not sure of the exact architecture we want for edubuntu server so can't really work on the seeds or the build scripts until that's done18:31
stgraberhighvoltage: at least I have commit rights to most of them now, so should be easy to land whenever we know how we want to build that stuff18:31
highvoltagestgraber: I'd feel kind of more easy about it even just having a minimal debootstrapped ubuntu in there18:33
highvoltagestgraber: because I know that gets harder to do the further we get along the cycle18:34
stgraberhighvoltage: for example, I don't know if we want to have the installer create the containers and setup all that stuff or if we should have these preinstall in the squashfs18:34
stgraberbecause we'll basically end up shipping an ubuntu system for Edubuntu itself, another for the ltsp chroot, another for the server, another as the lxc template and one per container ;)18:35
highvoltageit depends. we want off-line installations to be possible. so if the containers don't already exist then the packages should be shipped on the disc18:35
highvoltagestgraber: wouldn't it make sense then to create the containers instead?18:35
stgraberI think shipping one big squashfs is the easiest, using squashfs to solve the data duplication problem18:36
highvoltagestgraber: because it would get a bit bit if we ship multiple containers? or would they use overlayfs or something?18:36
stgraberthe problem is that we then need to have all our server build happen on a buildd without internet connectivity and without being able to start the containers on it18:36
highvoltagethat seems to pretty much rule that option out for the immediate future then, doesn't it?18:39
stgraberhighvoltage: for alpha-2, definitely, for alpha-3, not necessarily, depends how much time you can spend on it ;)18:40
stgraberhighvoltage: we essentially need to introduce a package that contains a script used to build edubuntu-server, then push that to the archive and then I can update our build process for it18:40
highvoltageI feel that we should discuss this tonight :)18:41
stgraberthat package (edubuntu-server-base or something like that) would depend on everything that the "host" needs and ship a command that'll build all the containers without ever starting them18:41
highvoltageyeah that sounds reasonable18:42
stgraberworst case scenario we can just ship a squashfs with that package installed and have the user run the command post-install18:42
stgraberbest case scenario, that command gets run on the buildds and everything gets preinstall in the squashfs18:42
highvoltageyeah I was going to mention that as a possibility too18:43
highvoltagehave something basic and flexible but easy to extend based on the requirements. I'm /almost/ be satisfied if the first iteration of edubuntu server is just a nice lxc host, but it should be possible to do better than that, at least :)18:44
highvoltageogra_: are you around?18:45
stgraberhighvoltage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051408/19:05
highvoltage".1 - .9 is reserved for servers"19:07
highvoltagewhat kind of servers?19:07
stgraberLTSP or secondary edubuntu servers19:07
highvoltageah, physical servers then?19:07
highvoltageI like it.19:10
stgraberhighvoltage: hmm, I'm starting to think that we won't be able to ship the containers on the media because we won't know the domain name or subnet at that time19:16
stgraberhighvoltage: and it seems easier to call the whole build script at install time rather than trying to patch a preinstalled system19:16
stgraberhighvoltage: so we could have the .squashfs ship the host without the containers but with a basic tpl-edubuntu-server container that contains our base install and gets copied to all the others19:17
highvoltagestgraber: I'll have to take your word for it, I don't have enough insight yet to judge the amount of work for either. prebuilt could probably be templated somewhat... but yes I kind of like the idea that they're built at install time anyway19:18
highvoltagestgraber: yes that sounds very, very good19:18
highvoltage(and very sensible)19:18
stgraberhighvoltage: http://pad.ubuntu.com/edubuntu-server-quantal19:33
highvoltagestgraber: is nesting containers safe? (not just in terms of how it works, but is it in any way confusing or problematic implementatin wise?)19:38
stgraberhighvoltage: it's slightly dangerous but not scary19:39
stgraberhighvoltage: essentially the first level (juju in this case) will be able to bypass the cgroup restrictions19:40
stgraberIIRC the sub-containers are still moved to the same usual apparmor profile so they're as safe as usual19:40
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha

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