
=== vibhav is now known as Guest81049
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yofelapachelogger: didn't you want to schedule a meeting? (or did I and forgot about it...?)08:46
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apacheloggeryofel: I am not sure who was supposed to, but I regularly remember it and then go fuck it .... doodle's UI is making me crazy :(11:11
Tm_Tson! <311:12
apacheloggerI also should write a mail about dog food11:12
apacheloggerTm_T: mommy11:12
apacheloggeranything urgent needs doing? otherwise I'll prepare upload to make amarok and clementine build again11:15
Tm_Tamarok to build again sounds urgent (:11:19
apacheloggerwell, there was not FTBFS yet :P11:20
apacheloggeractually first I need to prepare a fix for ubiquity11:24
apacheloggerapparently also our installer is written in python and crashes in perfectly build time detectable stupid coding errors \o/11:25
apacheloggerRiddell: how is in charge of ubiquity these days?11:34
Riddellapachelogger: who?  cjwatson is in general11:36
Riddellnobody is maintaining the kde side11:36
apacheloggeractually that might be a bug in the kdeui11:36
cjwatsonapachelogger: hmm?11:36
* apachelogger finds all those unrelated classes stuffed in one find totally unparsable11:37
cjwatsonIf it's build-time detectable, we should have a test case for it11:37
apacheloggercjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/100825511:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1008255 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Instillation crashes mid instillation upon pressing continue of account details setup," [Low,In progress]11:37
apacheloggerseems to be in the ubi plugin when using a hostname with spaces11:37
cjwatsonIf it's build-time detectable, by all means present proof of this :-)11:39
apacheloggercjwatson: run a test that triggers the crash :P11:39
cjwatsonYeah, that should be self.ui.controller I think11:39
cjwatsonapachelogger: I would love there to be a non-zero number of tests for the KDE frontend11:39
cjwatsonAlthough that is in frontend-independent code11:39
apacheloggeryeah, I think the ubi tests are just incomplete11:40
apacheloggerand yes, kde frontend tests need to come, but only with the QML port I think11:40
cjwatsonOh, no it's not, the GTK frontend detects that earlier and presents the error inline11:40
cjwatsonSo in theory frontend-independent but in practice only KDE runs into it11:41
apacheloggercjwatson: doesn't change the fact that the code there is wrong as self has no controller attribute :)11:41
cjwatsonCertainly, I agree.  Do you want to commit a patch for that?11:41
cjwatsonIt ought to go into the SRU queue as well11:41
apacheloggercjwatson: feel free to fix it yourself, I'd have to make a merge request I think11:42
cjwatsonOh, you probably don't have commit access to lp:~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk11:42
cjwatson(Though I can add you if you're going to be doing a lot)11:42
cjwatsonBut you can just pastebin a patch if you like and I can commit it11:42
cjwatsonSeeing as it's assigned to you11:42
* apachelogger has not signed the contributor agreement so he actually cannot do a lot :)11:43
cjwatsonAh, damn thing11:45
apacheloggercjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050741/11:45
apachelogger"Buy a CD or DVD"11:46
cjwatsonsetup -> usersetup, but I'll fix that, thanks11:46
* apachelogger updates website11:46
apacheloggercjwatson: cheers11:47
apacheloggercjwatson: are you going to take care of the SRU?11:54
apacheloggeruh, MS announced a tablet11:55
cjwatsonapachelogger: if you assign me a precise task on that bug I'll try to remember ...11:55
apacheloggercjwatson: done, thanks11:55
* apachelogger moves on to fix liblastfm users11:56
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BluesKajhiyas all12:19
apachelogger -> Considering build-dep kdemultimedia-dev (>= 4:4.2.0)12:48
apachelogger      Tried versions: 12:48
apachelogger   -> Does not satisfy version, not trying12:48
apacheloggeryofel, Riddell: debfx: transitional package?12:48
yofelwhy not just fix it?12:49
yofelwe usually have transitional packages for upgrade reasons, not FTBFS 12:49
debfxyofel: and for stay-compatible-with-debian reasons12:52
apacheloggerah, it's only amarok it seems12:53
debfxamarok, audex and bangarang12:54
apacheloggerin main anyway12:54
apacheloggerdebfx: how can you tell?12:54
debfxreverse-depends -r sid -b kdemultimedia-dev12:55
debfxamarok is still in main?12:55
apacheloggernah, checked precise12:55
* apachelogger did not think of looking at debian ^^12:55
apacheloggeralso ETOOMANYTOOLS12:55
debfxyeah that's a bit of a workaround since reverse-depends doesn't track non-existent packages12:56
apacheloggerand build-rdepends only searches main 12:57
apacheloggerwell, main non-free and contrib ^^12:58
Riddelldebian will br dropping kdemultimedia-dev when they update to 4.912:59
apacheloggerwah? Oo14:10
apacheloggermanual dpkg-buildpackage works ....14:12
Riddellum never seen that before14:17
Riddellbut 2.6 beta 1 is compiled in quantal14:17
apacheloggerI also did not change anything14:19
apachelogger...in that cmake stuff14:19
apacheloggeralso that error does not make sense14:19
apacheloggerwhy would it fail on pbuilder build and once running it manually in the same env it installs...14:19
apacheloggerRiddell: should we make amarok make builddep on ffmpeg? used for transcoding and musicbrainz fingerprinting14:23
apacheloggerRiddell: happened again14:36
debfxapachelogger: the (k)ubuntu seed says "libavcodec cannot be shipped on CDs (c.f. Ubuntu technical board resolution 2007-01-02)."14:37
apacheloggerquestion is why14:38
Riddellapachelogger: patent risks presumably14:40
apacheloggeruh ah, I think I ran out of disk space ^^14:45
apacheloggerI have one gig of kcache files Oo14:51
yofelat least your dpkg isn't broken (hurray on dpkg 1.16.3)15:08
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CIA-45[amarok] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20120620170858-egvrpx2jjnq26l7a * debian/ (4 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)17:09
CIA-45* Add 0001-port-to-liblastfm1-api.patch from upstream (target 2.7) fixing17:09
CIA-45compatibiity with liblastfm1, fairly trivial and simple patch (LP: #1015526) *17:09
shadeslayeryofel: did you review digikam packaging from bzr?17:14
highvoltageanyone around that's involved with the kubuntu tablet stuff?17:44
yofelyou want to talk to bulldog98 or rbelem when they're here usually17:46
yofelshadeslayer: are you sure that those shouldn't be installed? http://paste.kde.org/50470417:47
rbelemhighvoltage, o/17:47
shadeslayerhighvoltage: I'm doing some stuff for kubuntu tablet, mostly trying to get all the pieces to work on ARM :P17:47
yofelotherwise digikam looks fine17:48
shadeslayeryofel: is that from the build log?17:48
yofelthat's from the buildlog of the test rebuild I did just now17:48
shadeslayerah yes, imgur stuff, I'm not so sure about that17:48
highvoltagerbelem, shadeslayer: great, not sure if you've been following but we (edubuntu) want to put together an image for the zatab as well17:49
shadeslayerbecause the imgur logo etc could be copyrighted, and I didn't find a copyright stuff for that in the src's17:49
highvoltagewe're ordering some of them but ran into some hickups so we don't actually have the devices yet17:49
highvoltage(but should have it by next week)17:49
shadeslayerhighvoltage: iirc DarkwingDuck has a ZaTab17:49
yofelok, sounds reasonable - and the templates?17:49
highvoltageI last spoke to DarkWing and he said it booted but the screen was black17:49
rbelemhighvoltage, i heard about that in uds-q17:49
rbelemhighvoltage, i got the tablet running17:50
rbelemhighvoltage, but no touchscreen17:50
highvoltagebut my actual question is, how do we go about getting arm images going so long on the canonical build infractructure?17:50
shadeslayeryofel: I thought I installed the templates ... lemme check17:50
highvoltagedo we need to set up new seeds? who should we poke?17:50
shadeslayerrbelem: can the zatab boot ubuntu ? Like .. what is needed?17:50
rbelemhighvoltage, you will need seeds17:50
rbelemshadeslayer, a custom kernel17:51
highvoltagerbelem: the kernel you use for the zatab is in universe, right?17:51
rbelemhighvoltage, you can take a look on current kubuntu-active seeds17:51
rbelemhighvoltage, not yet17:51
rbelemone minute17:51
highvoltagerbelem: how do you get builds then? or aren't there custom ones?17:51
shadeslayerofcourse, what I'm more intersted in was, is that custom kernel readily available?17:51
highvoltage*official ones, I mean17:51
highvoltageDarkWing said that he'd work on getting it into universe last when we talked17:52
shadeslayerI had a really hard time with the kernel bits17:52
shadeslayereven bricked my tablet :|17:52
rbelemhighvoltage, shadeslayer https://github.com/allwinner-dev-team/linux-allwinner17:53
shadeslayerthey seem to have thought of everything 17:54
rbelemhighvoltage, shadeslayer https://github.com/allwinner-dev-team/android_device_allwinner_zatab17:54
rbelemhighvoltage, i think that we can have zatab kernel on universe17:54
highvoltageah thanks rbelem 17:54
rbelemhighvoltage, i'm working with some linaro guys to get that done17:54
highvoltagerbelem: I'm not a kernel expert but if there's something I could do, please let me know, I'd like to get involved with that17:55
highvoltagerbelem: so I guess some of it will go into multiverse? (I see there's some non-free drivers in there)17:58
highvoltageshadeslayer: how do you brick that tablet? doesn't it just boot from sd card?17:59
shadeslayeruhh ...17:59
shadeslayerhighvoltage: I have a ASUS transformer17:59
shadeslayerI was using dd to write kernelblobs and flashed the wrong blob17:59
rbelemhighvoltage, oki17:59
highvoltageshadeslayer: aah18:00
shadeslayerno recovery, booted a borked android18:00
rbelemhighvoltage, probably we will have a package that will contain all non-free bits18:00
highvoltageand that's such a nice tablet too18:00
shadeslayermanaged to fix it though18:00
highvoltagerbelem: so the package will go into multiverse completely?18:00
shadeslayerhighvoltage: yeah, hardware acceleration is non existent though18:00
rbelemhighvoltage, i think so, only the non-free drivers will go to multiverse18:01
highvoltageshadeslayer: "fuck you nvidia"?18:01
* highvoltage actually likes the tegra chips (when they work)18:02
shadeslayeroh man, that talk is epic18:02
shadeslayerhighvoltage: mostly "fsck you ASUS for not contributing code back properly"18:02
shadeslayera) They're using the 2.6.39 kernel ( I think, will have to check )18:02
shadeslayerb) They just dump the kernel sources, no git history18:03
shadeslayerc) They didn't implement some things the right way (TM)18:03
shadeslayerI wouldn't know the correct way to do those things, but I'm quite interested :P18:03
highvoltagerbelem, shadeslayer: is Kubuntu going to have an alpha 2 image for the zatab?18:16
shadeslayeridk ... don't have the hardware to test18:16
rbelemhighvoltage, yup18:16
shadeslayerso we *could* spin images, but will need someone to test18:16
highvoltagewhat kernel do you currently ship?18:17
highvoltageI have a pandaboard that I could test with18:17
rbelemhighvoltage, i will try to fix the latest issues before alpha218:17
highvoltageif that would help18:17
highvoltage(and I should have my zatab next week some time)18:18
shadeslayerRiddell: have you seen this : http://www.360.ee/eng/index.php18:18
shadeslayerkayaking in Tallinn :P18:18
rbelemhighvoltage, awesome18:18
rbelemhighvoltage, yeah... pandaboard would be helpful to test some arm stuff18:19
shadeslayerI can test all the other packages18:19
highvoltagewe'll at least check all the kde-edu stuff too since we ship it in edubuntu :)18:19
shadeslayerexcept the kernel bits18:19
shadeslayerawesum :D18:19
shadeslayerrunning wrap and sort will make the debian delta huge18:53
highvoltageso, the pairs.desktop file needs a line that says "Categories=Qt;KDE;Education;Game;KidsGame;18:58
highvoltagewhat's the best way to get that into upstream? could one of you guys perhaps commit it?18:58
yofelreviewboard usually18:58
shadeslayerKidsGame ... didn't know that was even a category18:59
* highvoltage found it using Blinken as an example :)18:59
yofelshouldn't "Sort: By Top Rated" sorty by stars? http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/ms.png19:08
Riddellshadeslayer: mmm, got to be done20:16
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1015782] package qt4-doc (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: short read on buffer copy for b... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1015782 (by Andre)20:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1015782 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "package qt4-doc (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: short read on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/share/qt4/doc/qch/qt.qch'" [Undecided,New]20:46
dappermuisdoes anyone know what the plans are for packaging  libpoppler >= 0.2?22:33
BarkingFishis there anyway i can look back through my updates, and see what was updated and when?  I did a 25 package update a couple of days ago up to the 3 series 26 version kernel, and things are going awry, badly.22:45
yofelyou can see that in the apt history22:47
yofeleither look in muon View->History, or /var/log/apt/history.log22:48
BarkingFishIt appears something in the same update has messed with my system, and I want to find out what.  I have checked my system settings/default applications/web browser, and that's all normal22:48
BarkingFishbut everything is opening based on content, rather than directly into firefox - text into kate, music and vids in vlc, pdfs into okular, etc22:49
BarkingFishhtml and other direct urls go to firefox, but everything else is getting redirected without me getting a say in it22:49
BarkingFishi'll take a look at that now, yofel - thanks22:50
BarkingFishyofel, this is all of what went through with the upgrade on 17/June, this issue only started after that. Could you see anything here which *might* have caused this please?22:55

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