
=== root is now known as Guest72437
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brian___ummmmm, i just installed kubuntu for the first time....03:21
brian___and muon doesnt work at all03:21
brian___The package system could not be initialized, your configuration may be broken.for every installation option03:22
brian___this is a little wacky03:23
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skierpageshould I repartition my MacBook Pro to run Kubuntu, or just run Kubuntu in a VirtualBox VM?06:50
mokushdo the user avatar images work for you guys in kdm?06:50
skierpageI boot Kubuntu on my desktop so I was going to repartition the Mac and dual-boot, but now I wonder.06:51
SmurphyI use my mac-mini under KUbuntu only. Have Mac OS-X only on it for iTunes ... :(06:59
pythonwhen i try to edit  my resolv.conf file using vim it says error: the file cannot be modified07:00
Smurphypython: how about sudo ?07:02
pythonSmurphy: i tried as root07:02
skierpageSmurphy, OK I'm going for it, using mostly http://lifehacker.com/5531037/how-to-triple+boot-your-mac-with-windows-and-linux-no-boot-camp-required07:12
Smurphypython: Chcek if the OS filesystem is mounted read-only07:13
skierpageI downloaded kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso and put it on a flash drive, but now I see there's a special kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso "adjusted to work properly on Mac systems". Hmm.07:14
Smurphyskierpage: take that one ... :}07:14
Smurphyskierpage: that's when and a little bit how I hda done it. http://stargate.solsys.org/mod.php?mod=blog&op=view&view=174&expand=yes07:15
brittyboihello everyone07:28
pythonSmurphy: i remember now that i had changed the file attribute..07:33
britt_Has anyone else noticed in the 4.9 beta that some of the taskbar icons are are too large?07:35
Smurphypython: you should be able to fix it then :}07:40
britt_lol I wish. I'm not much of a developer07:42
skierpageSmurphy, which one is "that one"?  You mean only the +mac.iso will boot from USB Flash, even with rEFIt?08:20
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aetoxxHow can I change the open terminal here action as a user without root rights?08:33
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Smurphyskierpage: don't know. I just know I had some major and big issues to get the mac running nicely. -> http://stargate.solsys.org/mod.php?mod=faq&op=extlist&topicid=27&expand=yes08:58
skierpageHold down option and restart, and the Mac offered to do EFI boot from the flash drive. So now I'm at the grub version 1.99-21ubuntu3 prompt09:00
Smurphygood ... :}09:02
jpjacobsHi! I'm running Kubuntu 12.04 and experiencing pretty random malfunctions with KDE. Programs randomly crash (like plasma desktop, krunner, ...) or don't open (dolphin), or the activities popup pannel stops responding, ...09:07
jpjacobsThe worst is that most problems are not reproducible (though they happen quite often).09:08
Smurphyjpjacobs: Check out the .xsession-errors file - maybe you'll find a hint on what is wrong.09:09
SmurphyYou applied all the update correctly ?09:09
jpjacobsThere's nothing in dmesg or logs either09:11
jpjacobsSmurphy: I'm all up to date with the repos09:11
Smurphyjpjacobs: you checked the .xsession-errors file ?09:12
jpjacobsthere's lots of stuff... I'll paste it09:14
Smurphyjpjacobs: pastbin ?09:16
jpjacobsI really really like kde and kubuntu , but these things are driving me crazy. Makes me consider fluxbox as an option.09:19
aetoxxWhere is ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals documented?09:26
Smurphyplasma-desktop(2107)/libplasma Plasma::isPluginVersionCompatible: unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability09:26
aetoxxOr where is some command line application documented which modifies these values?09:27
Smurphyaetoxx: Try stopping the kmix app...09:29
aetoxxSmurphy, you are talking to the wrong person.09:30
Smurphyaetoxx: Sorry ...09:31
Smurphyjpjacobs: y stopping the kmix app, and disable the Desktop effects to see if it stabilizes KDE.09:31
BeRoots\* un test\*09:32
jpjacobsSmurphy: ok, I'll give it a go. (btw the dolphin that wouldn't surface has surfaced after a long long time :))09:55
Smurphyjpjacobs: Ah. Hold on. How long agog did you do your install ???09:58
SmurphyCheck if th Desktop Search file indexing is finished or not.09:58
skierpageSmurphy, even the kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso gives "Boot error", whether I boot it from Mac bootloader or rEFIt.10:00
skierpageEither my USB flash drive is messed up, or I should try Fedora that has a better boot loader, or I take the hardware back. Thanks anyway.10:00
Smurphyskierpage: you have an external DVD Drive you cann hook up ? Try that one.10:03
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Smurphyjpjacobs: If the file indexing is running, it takes up resources drastically... I configured it to only index a specific directory10:03
skierpageSmurphy, this has a built-in slot. Good idea, burn a DVD10:05
jpjacobsSmurphy: I installed it when the previous version came out. Then did an upgrade to 12.0410:07
jpjacobsSmurphy: I disabled file indexing because that was running to often to my taste.10:07
jpjacobsand squandering resources10:08
jpjacobsSo what's with the version, was this a known problem with the previous one?10:08
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viktor_alguien podria decirme si sabe porque wine no me abre las aplicaciones?10:27
DoctorPepperhi guys !!!10:29
viktor_wine no me abre aTagged : public, reality, outdoor, hardcore, more tags. Show and post comment (0)slgunas aplicacione10:29
viktor_alguien sabe porque?10:30
DoctorPepperviktor_:  speak english please ,  not all people  understand spannish in  here10:31
viktor_ok sorry. Ive got problems with Wine10:32
viktor_dont open .exe files10:32
viktor_loading and then close...10:32
DoctorPepperwhich application  are you trying to run10:32
viktor_im only try to install one game. Warcraft.exe10:38
viktor_but it appear too with another apps10:38
viktor_loading an instant and then close10:38
DoctorPeppersorry  i dont play any games so  cant really help you10:42
skierpageburned kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso  to CD-R, rebooted Mac with c key held down, CD-R whirs away, then stops with blank screen and flashing cursor :-(10:48
SmurphyHold on ...10:49
Smurphygive the bootloader the "nomodeset" option.10:49
Smurphyjust rebooting my mac mini under linux to check (Update/sync  just finished).10:50
skierpagewhat "bootloader" is this, rEFIt?10:52
viktor_ i need help for install Jdownloader10:55
viktor_somebody help me in a moment?10:55
skierpagewith CD inserted, rEFIt shows "Boot legacy OS from HD". Maybe rEFIt isn't compatible with a 2012 MBP 9,1.10:58
skierpageOh well, goodnight all10:59
Smurphyyes. That's what I'm using.11:00
Smurphynomodeset on the grub loader kernel parameter list11:01
Smurphyskierpage: that us possible.11:01
skierpageSmurphy, so you modified the CD image?  Is there some way to issue grub commands while booting from CD?11:02
viktor_no help¿¿11:02
hateballskierpage: Press F611:02
skierpagehateball, holding down F6 after choosing to boot the MBP from CD-R didn't seem to do anything, maybe I have to press Fn+F6 or something. All I ever get is blank screen and flashing cursor.11:05
hateballskierpage: I was assuming you were at the boot options page, there you should be able to press F6 to enter custom grub options11:06
skierpagehateball, if you mean the usual linux boot menu, no I never see that. The CD-R whirs, but I never see any text mode stuff at all.11:07
hateballAha ok. Well I've no experience with Macs, so I'm backing off :)11:08
skierpageI gotta sleep. Thanks everyone anyway. I seem to be the first MacBook Pro 9,1 owner to try Ubuntu.11:08
viktor_i cant install jdownliader11:24
szalviktor_: details please11:28
viktor_i cant install jdownloader11:28
szalwhy not?11:28
viktor_i open Konsole and write lines: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader11:28
viktor_then i write:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install jdownloader11:29
viktor_and dont appear in Muon soft. center11:29
szal[13:28:46] <viktor_> then i write:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install jdownloader <- if that didn't produce an error, then you have JDownloader installed now11:30
viktor_jdownloader doesnt appear in my apps list11:31
viktor_i try again and i say you the progress ok?11:31
viktor_u there?11:35
viktor_i pàste the progress in a pastebin link11:35
viktor_wine dont open my apss ¬¬11:45
viktor_nobody here?11:49
viktor_omg... shit irc...11:52
BluesKajhiyas all12:19
viktor_Cannot open sound output device.12:21
viktor_GStreamer cannot output audio for playback (Error T:2142)12:21
viktor_please help12:21
BluesKajviktor_, check for alsa drivers by doing , sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils , in the terminal12:23
viktor_problem solve but continue the error message12:26
viktor_is transcribe program12:27
viktor_i try to open a song but the program close repently12:27
BluesKajviktor_, install kubuntu-restricted-extras12:31
UbuntuSGSHey Guys...13:02
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gabraffhow do i repare broken packages?13:52
mydogsnameisrudygabraff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto13:56
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AlexZionhi everyone , I'm using kubuntu 11.10 and since few days I haven't anymore kwin effects on my desk, but on system settings it's still activated ...., how can be possible ?14:29
BluesKaj_AlexZion:  have you updated/upgraded lately ?14:30
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AlexZionyeah BluesKaj_ I upgraded the all system , I do it every day if there are upgrade ....14:32
AlexZionwell actually I'm on a particular machine with nvidia optimus technology , so probably the problem is there .....14:34
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AlexZionI found the problem BluesKaj_ , during the upgrade automatically change the composition type to xRender , now I changed it to OpenGL and it works perfect like before ...14:43
skramer_I have one strange problem since I upgraded my laptop to Kubuntu 12.04: whenever I close laptop lid & later I open it to continue working, at least one of the open apps has crashed. Sometimes it´s rekonq or Kontact, seldom it´s Kopete. Often the whole plasa-desktop crashes.14:45
skramer_Unfortunately, I could not find anything related on the web except removing /var/tmp/kdecache-MYUSER which did not help :-(14:45
skramer_So does anybody have any  idea what else I could do to solve that problem?14:46
BluesKaj_AlexZion:  thanks , good to know14:46
mydogsnameisrudyskramer_:  have you looked at power managment it might be turning it off ... i had problem with network14:47
skramer_mydogsnameisrudy: maybe I should un-check "lock screen after ...."?14:51
mydogsnameisrudyskramer_:  i had to mess with it but ya try it14:51
skramer_Very often I also have plasma-desktop crashing immediately after start of KDE, not sure if it is related...14:54
BluesKaj_skramer_:  I have to ask , have you updated/upgraded lately , you may have unconfigured plasma dependencies14:56
skramer_BluesKaj_: yes, I upgraded from 11.1014:58
skramer_BluesKaj_: but how do I find out if there are such unconfigured plasma dependencies? Apt did not complain about anything...15:00
BluesKaj_skramer_:  in the terminal , sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:02
skramer_BluesKaj_: gives no error, though...15:05
BluesKaj_were there any pkg upgrades , skramer_ ?15:06
skramer_BluesKaj_: no upgrades. Actually, I did the upgrade in early May already. And it went without any problem...15:08
skramer_BluesKaj_: by now, I´m already running latest KDE 4.8.415:09
BluesKaj_skramer_:  that could explain it..4.8.4 on 12.04 is somewhat unstable ,especially the plasma desktop etc15:11
aeiouwhen i am compiling and doing"make installl" in terminal, i am getting an error of "require administration previleges"? How do i solve it?15:12
skramer_BluesKaj_: maybe. but I still got the problem immediately after upgrading to 12.04, whereas KDE 4.8 was running without problem under 11.1015:13
BluesKaj_skramer_:  did upgrade to 4.8.4 using a ppa ? ..check launchpad for bugs ...i'm on 12.04 but using 4.8.315:17
BluesKaj_there isn't much difference from what I've heard , just the stability15:18
skramer_BluesKaj_: I´m using ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa, but I will check Launchpad anway15:18
aeiouanyone.....when i am compiling and doing"make installl" in terminal, i am getting an error of "require administration previleges"? How do i solve it?15:24
twoEnemy98can I establish a wired internet connection on kubuntu 12.04 on the live cd15:29
aeiouanyone.....when i am compiling and doing"make installl" in terminal, i am getting an error of "require administration previleges"? How do i solve it?15:29
BluesKaj_twoEnemy98:  it should work with an ethernet connection automatically15:30
Sentynelaeiou: sudo runs a command with root privileges, which are required to install to the system directories, so run sudo make install15:31
twoEnemy98aeiou: you must use sudo before the command15:31
twoEnemy98BluesKaj_: will it save the DSL username and password?15:32
BluesKaj_make works a user , make install needs root permission15:33
new2neti was playing with alsamixer, how do i reset it to the defaults XD15:34
twoEnemy98BluesKaj_: and establish an internet connection?15:34
BluesKaj_twoEnemy98:  how do mean ? the live cd intsaller mode will, but just using the live cd without installing kubuntu will not15:35
twoEnemy98yeah i mean the live cd installer of kubuntu 12.04 im asking15:36
twoEnemy98BluesKaj_: *15:37
BluesKaj_new2net: open system settings>multimedia>phonon>preferred devices..set your soundcard parameters there15:37
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BluesKaj_twoEnemy98:  yes the install mode will ask you for a system username and password ..as far the internet/ethernet connection , you can use the Network Manager to set up any usernames and passwords required by your company for network security15:40
BluesKaj_otherwise the ethernet connection is automatic ...anyone trying to logon to your pc without using your system username and pw won't be able to logon, twoEnemy9815:42
aeioualso once i use sudo make install, terminal is not taking any keyboard input except enter.....why??15:43
twoEnemy98blueKaj_: ic thanks for the help15:43
BluesKaj_twoEnemy98:  np, good lucik with your install ...any more questions afterwards then return for help if you wish15:44
twoEnemy98blueKaj_: alright, thanks again15:45
aeiouanyone...once i use sudo make install, terminal is not taking any keyboard input except enter.....why??15:48
ubuwhois __CA__15:48
ghost__Hello all, where might I find reliable instructions to install the AMD 12.6 Beta drivers on Kubuntu 12.04?15:52
BluesKaj_AMD 12.6 Beta drivers for? ghost__15:53
ghost__ATI graphics, I apologize if I am not giving you the right answer15:54
BluesKaj_ghost__:  ati graphics , which card ?15:54
ghost__HD 545015:54
ghost__I did check, it is supported15:55
BluesKaj_ghost__:  I beleive that's the fglrx driver, is it not ?15:58
ghost__12.4 is the stable one yes, 12.6 was released last month15:59
ghost__the proprietary 12.4 and 12.6 fail to install and any patch I have attempted to use fails as well to provide the performance it should have.15:59
ghost__BluesKaj: this is why I ask if there are othe rinstructions15:59
BluesKaj_is it in the additional drivers list in kmenu>apps>system? or are you trying to install a driver from ati's website?16:00
ghost__ati website, the beta frivers are not offially a package yet16:01
BluesKaj_what's the file extension on the driver16:02
ghost__BluesKaj: the ones from additional drivers locks up with diablo 3, and reports from users say they have gotten the 12.6 beta drivers to work and this solves teh problem16:02
twoEnemy98Bluekaj_:how to run root in dolphin16:02
ghost__BlueKaj: the file comes in .run, and it can automatically install (which fails) or you can compile distro specific .deb files (which also fail)16:03
BluesKaj_twoEnemy98:  my nick is BluesKaj_ , use the tab key to autospell16:03
gabrafftwoenemy9: sudo dolphin in terminal16:03
ghost__BluesKaj_: Nice tip on the autocomplete, not used to Konversation yet16:04
BluesKaj_gabraff , twoEnemy98  use kdesudo for dolphin not sudo16:04
BluesKaj_always use kdesudo for GUI apps , sudo for terminal apps16:05
BluesKaj_especially applies to the krunner or run command (right click on desktop) or alt+f216:06
BluesKaj_ghost__:  and why are you trying to install this driver?16:09
ghost__BluesKaj_: Attempting to play Diablo 3, the 12.4 drivers lock the system.16:09
BluesKaj_ghost__: is this on your HDD or removable media ?16:10
ghost__BluesKaj_: HDD16:10
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BluesKaj_ghost__, well, if the the driver fails to install with either the .run or .deb versions of the driver, that's a problem that's beyond my scope , you obviously need to check the logs in /var/log to see the errors and what's causing them to get clues.16:15
ghost__BluesKaj_: it appears to be the same issue with ubuntu 12.04 and using the 12.4 AMD drivers.  DKMS being the problem.  If I get an answer I will bring it back16:17
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BluesKaj_ghost__, are you running a 64 bit system16:21
ghost__BluesKaj_: no sir / ma'am (don't know which)16:21
new2netBluesKaj_, thanks; that's not what I was looking for, but it's even better :)16:23
BluesKaj_ghost__, run , uname -a , in the terminal16:23
ghost__3.2.0-25-generic-pae #40-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 22:11:24 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux16:24
BluesKaj_new2net, what is ?16:25
utkuHello guys, I'm trying to change GTK fonts, installed gtk3-engines-oxygen and gtk2-engines-oxygen (both amd64 & i386 versions). After that edited my ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini, but nothing changed.16:25
utkuSettings > Appearance > GTK+ Appearance didn't really help.16:25
ghost__BluesKaj_: ?16:26
new2netBluesKaj_, oh... i was playing with alsamixer and I don't know what I changed... since I had never played with it before I seems reasonable that it would have been on the default settings. I wanted to restore the default settings in alsamixer16:26
lordievaderGood evening16:27
new2netBluesKaj_, but it turns out I don't have to use ALSA.16:27
BluesKaj_ghost__, that's a 32bit system, playonlinux / wine should work with it ...really can't help much16:28
ghost__BluesKaj_: yeah it's somethign witht he 12.4 I am combing more forums.16:28
plsguys can you view x509 certificate info just clicking left mouse button??16:29
BluesKaj_pls ??16:30
BluesKaj_more info needed , pls16:31
plsi have kde 4.8.3 on ubuntu 12.04, originally i had unity but then switched to kde. So i was playing with kde apps and actually HAD an opportunity to click *.cer file and see popup window with certificate info16:33
plsafter i stopped playing (i cant rememmber what actually i had done), i tried to click and view *.cer file and got nothing but a menu to choose the program i wish to open this file with16:35
plsso somehow i'd lost the appication link to this file extension. and i dont know what was the app!16:35
plsso if you try to click on any certificate file and will be able to view it with some viewer i can get a clue which application should i use16:37
pls2BluesKaj, any guesses?16:38
BluesKaj_pls,, why are you so concerned ..certificates are applicable to both ubuntu and kubuntu , you can check in system settings>SSL Preferences16:41
plsok, i see ssl signers there, what should i do?16:43
plsi just need an app that views x509 certs16:43
plsBluesKaj_,  can you open any x509 certificate by single(double) clinking on it in, for example, dolphin?16:45
pls*in dolphin16:45
BluesKaj_pls, sorry , i don't know ...being a home user I've never had any occasion to check them16:50
plsguys can you view x509 certificate info just clicking left mouse button?? I've lost association for *.cer file extension in Dolphin (KDE4.8.3), please help!17:03
kuserhi all. problems with udisks/policykit/ck-launch-session... anyone who understands this stuff? :)17:04
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kuserback again, did some tests17:18
kuseranyone who undestands policykit/consolekit/udisks please? :)17:18
kishi got some serious packet loss on my wireless driver in kde17:24
kishthe same problem does not occur in windows on the same machine using the same card17:24
BluesKaj_kuser, sudo udisks --mount /dev/sdh1 ?17:24
kishthe driver is ath9k17:24
kuserBluesKaj_: with sudo works17:25
BluesKaj_kish, how do you know ?17:25
kishblueskaj_, how i know it is a linux thing?17:25
kuserBluesKaj_: what am i missing?17:26
BluesKaj_that you're having packet loss, kish17:26
kishblueskaj_, i do "ping -f gateway-ip"17:26
kishthat tells me i get 25% packet loss at times17:26
BluesKaj_what about if you just ping without  -f17:27
kishim sure it happens17:27
kishping -f has 0% packet loss on my other machines17:27
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kuserBluesKaj_: corect me if i'm wrong but.. i think i should do it as a normal user...17:29
kishblueskaj_, 1300 packets sent 0% packet loss17:31
kishokay so it seems you were right ;)17:31
kishof course17:33
kishi am an idiot who didnt realize i was running over the ethernet port17:33
kishyep, 14% packetloss over the wireless even without ping -f17:34
kish19% now217:35
BluesKaj_kuser, afaik mounting disks always requires root perm issions17:41
kuserBluesKaj_: that's the reason why i'm dealing with policykit17:42
BluesKaj_ok , kuser,  never used policykit for mounting any drives/partitions17:43
BluesKaj_sudo always worked for me17:44
kuserBluesKaj_: no problem, i'l wait for a policykit master :)17:44
BluesKaj_kuser, you'll probly be better off asking in #ubuntu , since it's not kubuntu specific17:45
kuseri'm trying too, thanks :)17:47
krikohello! anyone else had problem with mapping a global shortcut composited from meta key and numpad key? I've found this bug report: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=183458 but that doesn't fix it for me17:55
ubottuKDE bug 183458 in shortcuts "Numpad (keypad) keys not mapped correctly when setting Global Shortcuts" [Normal,New: ]17:55
markushow would I make magnet links work?17:56
krikoI also have another machine with upstream kde 4.8 based on opensuse and in same scenario (clementine player) works.17:56
markusThey do not work in rekonq and firefox17:56
markusI tried everything I found on goole. but nothing works17:57
krikomarkus: add magnet uri as application handler. did that in opera and works17:57
markusin prefences?17:58
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krikoI'm not using ff, sorry17:58
markusdoes not work in rekonq either17:59
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skierpagekuser, I dunno about the policykit level, but maybe you can get `solid-hardware --commands` or  System Settings > Removable Devices to do what you want? I used to understand how udevd trigger Solid device actions, it was complicated ;-)19:59
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natmanI am looking to get a C++/QT IDE for my kubuntu? I am pretty new to programming so nothing too fancy, any ideas?21:16
Sentynelnatman: try QtCreator21:23
natmanSentynel: will that do C++ also?21:25
Sentynelnatman: Qt is just libraries for C++; by necessity something that functions as an IDE for Qt must work without the Qt libraries being included21:27
phoenix_firebrdSentynel: kdevelop?21:28
natmanSentynel: yes i know, but i meant will Qt creator be also suited for learning just C++ without Qt21:28
Sentynelphoenix_firebrd: I don't like it, personally; I think it's overly complicated (which makes it less suitable for a first IDE than qtcreator)21:29
Sentynelit's fairly rare I use an IDE at all though, so take that as you will21:29
natmanphoenix_firebrd: i tried kdevelop once before, honestly found it hard to use and no help in it either, but that was over a year ago21:29
phoenix_firebrdSentynel: qtcreator is nice, you can do c++ without qt also in it21:30
Sentynelnatman: like I said, qt creator works just fine without qt, and on the rare occasions I've done any C++ coding without qt and wanted an IDE, qtcreator is still the ide I used21:32
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ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:26
dappermuisdoes anyone know what the plans are for packaging libpoppler >= 0.2?22:33
AknotMy wallpaper resets after reboot/logout, unless its a default or gotten from "get new wallpapers"22:36
BarkingFishGuys. I need your help, big time. Stuff is going very weird here, and it's only since I updated my kernel and a few other things about 2 days ago.  I want to get this fixed, but I don't even know where to begin.22:38
mickymiseck_hello, please know if there Bespin deb for 64 bits22:39
BarkingFishThis is what happens:  When I clicked on a weblink in IRC, everything got sent to firefox. No problem.  Now, when I click on a weblink in IRC, things are getting sent all over the place.22:39
mickymiseck_hello, please know if there Bespin deb for 64 bits?22:39
BarkingFishPictures are getting sent to Gwenview,  Music to VLC, Video links to VLC, regular web pages to firefox, text document links to kate, pdfs go straight to okular...22:40
BarkingFishWhat the hell is going on?22:40
BarkingFish!search Bespin precise22:41
genii-aroundmickymiseck_: That application looks like it was abandoned twice: https://mozillalabs.com/en-US/skywriter/22:41
BarkingFishI also get this little box in the corner which says something about "Source" - it has a progress bar, and then says "Transferring"22:42
BarkingFishI have no idea what is going on but I really, really want this fixing, cause it's driving me bonkers.22:42
AknotAnyone know about my problem?22:43
SentynelBarkingFish: system settings > default applications > web browser > in the following browser: firefox22:45
Sentynelthis may have been reset by a kde update22:45
BarkingFishSentynel, thank you - I didn't see any kde updates in my last batch, but I'll check it.22:46
BarkingFishSentynel, system settings are perfectly normal, I've passed this into the dev channel along with a copy of my log entry for the upgrade22:57
BarkingFishyou can see it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051766/22:57
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