
bachi gmb11:44
gary_poster(bac is already here) benji frankban gmb: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cc873feeffaf2d89f51f40706dd22be36570cb3d?authuser=1&hl=en-US in 212:08
bacgmb, my last change to z.t was r43 "[r=bac] Cleaned up stdout/stderr data handling."12:21
bacgmb: i grabbed trunk, merged your changes, and ran the tests.  all hell broke loose.12:32
baccan you confirm?12:32
gmbWait, whut?12:32
gmbYes... I merged trunk, and then everything re-broke.12:32
benjigary_poster: I submitted the last blog post to hacker news: http://news.ycombinator.com/newest12:34
gary_posterbenji, heh, cool, thanks.  I guess I should follow along there too then.  They seem to like to talk amongst themselves over there12:35
gmbbac, So, my branch at r43 works.12:35
gmbMy branch with today's trunk merged into it, not so much.12:35
gmbbac, I need to go and grab some food - or else just eat a colleague - are you okay poking around at it for now?12:36
bacgmb, sure.  i just wanted to ensure we saw the same thing12:36
benjiwell, given that my submissions almost never take off, I wouldn't worry too much about that ;)12:36
gmbYep. It broke.12:36
bacgmb: not completely unsurprising since we worked in parallel making changes to sys.stdout12:37
bachey benji, got a second?13:24
benjibac: I will in about 2 minutes; be right back13:24
gary_posterbenji or bac, I want to start "lpsetup: add workaround for bug 1014916" but I'm not allowed without a partner.  boo hoo.  When either of you are available to pair, lemme know13:26
_mup_Bug #1014916: simultaneously started lucid containers pause while starting after the first seven <lxc (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1014916 >13:26
gary_posteroh nm13:26
gary_posterwe're full :-)13:26
benjibac: 'sup?13:27
benjigary_poster: you could pair with me on "lpsetup init"13:28
bacbenji: wanted to talk about stdout, __stdout__, etc in zope.testing.  it looks like our changes are a bit incompatible13:28
gary_posterok cool, benji lemme know when you are ready13:28
benjigary_poster: will do13:28
benjibac: do you want to discuss via hangout?13:28
bacbenji: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/52afa9329db48899dcaaf86f18e58df34ab497f3?authuser=0&hl=en13:28
=== benji is now known as Guest14462
benji___bac: hangouts seem to crash my UI on occasion; will you give me that URL again?13:32
=== benji___ is now known as benji
bacbenji: you've gone away13:46
benjibac: you have been booted from the hangout14:18
bacgoogle hates me this i know14:18
benjithis is the same thing that has happened to me14:19
benjiI think termbeamer needs a new transport14:19
baci'll start a new one14:19
bacjabber.benjiyork.com ?14:19
benjitermbeamer.com :)14:19
benjiI'll make it a pay service and get RICH!14:19
bacgoogle says "unable to reach chat servers.  check your internet"14:21
* bac gets a beverage14:21
baci have pissed off the GOOG14:25
baci cannot reconnect14:25
bacbenji: can you start a hangout and invite me?14:28
bacis this thing on?14:29
benjibac: trying14:30
benjibac: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/053813e4a0cbd571b5704a06108437be2b6af73f?authuser=0&hl=en-US14:32
bacfirst attempt failed14:33
bacgeez, do i need to reboot?  get a new IP address?14:34
bacbenji: skype?14:34
benjibac: ok14:34
bacbenji: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051006/14:40
gary_posterfun.  stub introduced a branch that gives our ec2 parallel test three failures, but it does not fail on buildbot nor can I make them fail locally even with the full worker test list.14:54
gary_posterI mean, it does not fail on lpbuildbot14:55
benjibac: lp:~benji/zope.testing/stdio-and-testing-debug-session15:06
benjigary_poster: I'm going to get a refreshing beverage and then I'll be ready to work on lpsetup init15:08
gary_posterbenji, ok cool.  I think I need to figure out what is going on with those test failures I mentioned above15:14
gary_posterWhen I do that I'll ping you15:15
gary_postergmb, bac, boo hoo (re the fix-all-the-tests branch)15:16
benjibootstrap seems to be broken ob my machine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051061/15:17
gary_posterplease make sure that's handed off, and if the card is still around tomorrow let's escalate its importance (making sure someone is always available for pairing and all that jazz per our checklists)15:17
gary_posterbenji, this is in lpsetup?15:18
gary_postergmb, "please make sure that's handed off..." was to you, in case that's not clear15:19
benjigary_poster: "this" being "lpsetup init command"?  If so, yes. ;)15:19
gary_posterbenji, um.  OK, is that the lpsetup bootstrap, or the Launchpad bootstrap as driven by lpsetup?15:20
gary_posterugh, I can't get the tests to fail locally that are failing in parallel tests!  :-(  :-(15:21
benjioh! the error; yes, that error is from running the bootstrap with my system python15:21
gmbgary_poster, understood.15:21
frankbanbenji: lpsetup no longer uses buildout for tests, so, no need to bootstrap. that said, bootstrap was broken in my system too and I had to run it inside a virtualenv to work around some setuptools problem15:23
gmbbac, benji: So, what's the situation with the zope.testing branch (apologies for the delay in asking; I've had a spectacularly interrupty afternoon)15:26
bacgmb: it looks like the use of doctests within testrunner is horribly confused by the stdout/stderr shenanigans15:27
benjifrankban: We should remove the [test] target from the buildout then.  And add something to README or a new HACKING file to describe how to set up a dev environment and how to run the tests.15:27
benjiin fact, does it need buildout at all now?15:27
bacgmb: our next approach is to rewrite those doctests as  unittests.  i have regretably rejected your MP as it appears DOA15:28
bacgmb: though some parts of that branch may prove useful15:28
gmbbac, Okay. Is there anything that I can do at this point to help you?15:28
bacgmb, not that i can think of15:29
* gary_poster performs small cheering routing about pairing. Everyone is frightened away and looks out the window, embarrassed.15:29
gmbbac, If, at your eod, you're not done, feel free to send me a summary of your progress so I can pick it up in the morning.15:30
bacgmb: will do15:30
frankbanbenji, no buildout is not needed at all, and the buildout/bootstrap files can be deleted. The README(.rst) file is already there.15:31
benjifrankban: indeed!  (I didn't expect the Spannish... .rst file)15:32
bachey benji, this is the start to the conversion: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1051482/19:56
baci've got most of the required structure.  the last test is one of the troublesome ones from the doctest and it works fine.19:56
baclemme know if you see something boneheaded19:56
benjibac: cool!19:56
* benji looks.19:57
bacnow, just put on some loud Lynryd and plow ahead19:57
bacor joshua bell19:57
benjibac: the tests look good; hopefully it will be mostly mechanical20:03
benjibac: if you need some extra sonic inspiration I suggest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmo1VW_wA_o20:03
baci can't type that fast20:03
* benji learns that bac types in rythm to the music.20:04
gary_posterbenji, how goes lpsetup init?20:17
benjigary_poster: (I was preparing to answer your question.) It goes well, I think.  Because of the lack of test coverage I have taken a conservative tack, but I think I'm about done.20:23
benjiwe should discuss testing strategies20:23
gary_postergreat, benji.  frankban had a thought on testing strategy: an object that had a minimal API that the commands could talk to.20:29
gary_posterthen we substitute in a testing version20:29
gary_posterthat approach captures at least some important aspects of testing20:30
gary_posterwe talked about that for the host, and then also for the lxc commands20:30
benjiI've had some luck with an approach like that in termbeamer tests, I did it at the module level (I have a few fake GTK modules that I use in different circumstances)20:31
bacgary_poster: i was just reminded i need to take an early lunch (11-12) tomorrow, lest i forget to mention it20:31
benjiwriting the more unity of unit tests for this won't be too hard (and there are several already), the hard part will be deciding what we really want the higher level tests to demonstrate20:32
gary_posterbac, ack20:35
gary_posteragreed benji.  I'm ok with aiming a bit low in that regard, but I'm also ok with be convinced otherwise :-)20:35
bachey benji, still around?21:35
bachow does testrunner-subunit.txt ever pass, given that it has hard-coded expected output with a path to jml's home directory?21:54
gary_posterbac, it works because the test hookup normalizes the output22:12
gary_posterlook at how that doctest is integrated into the python test suite22:12
gary_posterlook for ReNormalizer or something like that22:13
bacah, ok22:14

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