
=== CTtechguy__ is now known as CTtechguy
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
MassiveTRubuntu-one says The authentication failed. when i try to login please help15:24
pmatulisMassiveTR: bad credentials.  try resetting the password15:26
MassiveTRill try15:26
MassiveTRit still says the authentication failed15:34
ListenerGood morning, sound has disappeared from my otherwise perfectly working system. Any thoughts as to how to troubleshoot this?16:36
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
ListenerSo, I have this odd problem, I am only able to play music as root. Yes, I am a member of the audio group.18:05
bioterrorListener, sounds quite weird18:12
Listenerbioterror: I think so.18:15
bioterroris this a default lubuntu installation?18:16
bioterroras you seem to have root account enabled and probably logged in?18:16
Listenerbioterror: "sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav" works18:17
Listenerbioterror: "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav" does not18:17
Listenerbioterror: yes, default lubuntu, up to date18:18
wxlls -lh /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav18:18
bioterrornot the only one18:19
Listenerbioterror: misery loves company18:19
wxl^^ Listener18:20
bioterrorListener, what if you run alsamixer with your user?18:22
bioterrornot as root18:22
bioterrorjust as a regular user18:22
bioterrornothing is muted and so on?18:22
wxland do we know this is not a permissions problem for some reason? can't imagine it would be, but…18:23
wxlmaybe a cp /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav ~/ is in order18:23
bioterrorI would start with the alsamixer18:23
Listenerbioterror: alsamixer seem to run fine as either user or root18:23
bioterrorand nothing is muted?18:24
bioterroras I stated, do not run as root18:24
bioterrorand what's the output of aplay without root?18:24
wxl^ yes tat18:24
Listenerbioterror: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:985:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to create IPC semaphore18:25
Listeneraplay: main:682: audio open error: Permission denied18:25
wxlooh fu18:25
wxlO_O http://darkness.codefu.org/wordpress/2007/12/linux-audio-strikes-back/18:27
Listenerwxl: I saw that...18:29
wxli think that's your solution, as crazy as it sounds18:29
bioterror2007? :D18:30
bioterrorI would reinstall soundcard18:30
wxli hear what you're saying, however, i still see that same problem all across the internets18:30
Listenerwxl: no longer a \etc\alsa directory18:31
Listenerwxl: err /etc/alsa18:33
Listenerwxl: yeah, I saw that too, but I don't seem to have an .asoundrc file18:36
wxlgrep ipc_key /usr/share/alsa/*18:37
Listenerwxl: /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf:defaults.pcm.ipc_key 567829318:38
wxlsame as me18:38
wxlto get hex: printf '%x\n' 567829318:39
Listenerwxl: that's a nice trick18:39
Listenerwxl: least i learned something today18:40
wxlsame thing with dude, i see 56a4d5 and 56a4d618:40
wxlalthough nattach column for me is 218:41
kanliotif it's worth anything let me know, i'll put it on the wiki18:41
kanliotsorry but i'm already late18:42
wxli'm thinking this is less wiki and more bug report18:42
wxlseems pernicious across many distros18:42
wxland the reason is not clear18:42
wxlListener: what are your nattach values?18:44
wxlthose are attached processes18:44
wxlyou probably don't want to mess with removing those memory assignments if it's non-zero ;)18:45
wxlif it's zero run ipcrm -M and ipcrm -S on the hex value18:46
wxlthen supposedly audio worked but the comment suggests restarting alsa which may be necessary18:46
wxlwhich is easy: sudo alsa force-reload18:47
Listenerwxl: ipcs -m?18:48
wxllastly i'd REALLY encourage you to file a bug report. i don't know what conditions result in this occuring but it obviously didn't for a bunch of us here. and i have a feeling the ALSA devs are the only ones that are going to have a clue about where to go with this.18:49
wxlipcs -M not -m18:49
wxlhold on18:49
wxlipcrm -M18:49
wxlIPC = interprocess communication18:49
wxlrm = remove ;)18:49
wxl-M = memory18:49
wxl-S = semaphore18:49
Listenerwxl: sorry, how do I find my nattach values18:50
wxlhold a sec18:50
wxl0x0056a4d5 748453909  wxl        660        488        218:51
wxl0x0056a4d6 748486678  wxl        660        65536      218:51
wxl0x0056a4d5 469204994  wxl        660        118:51
wxlthat's the result of:18:51
wxlipcs -a | grep 0x0056a4d18:51
wxlsee the two there at the end?18:51
wxlthat's the nattach column18:52
wxlkey | shmid | owner | perms | bytes | nattach | status18:52
Listenerwxl: got it, numm repslt18:52
wxlum. is that a typo? ;)18:52
Listenerwxl: got it, null result18:53
wxlnull is curious18:53
wxli guess null is as good as zero18:53
wxlnothing's attached18:53
wxlso now you can do the ipcrm -M and ipcrm -S on the hex values18:53
wxle.g. ipcrm -M 0x0056a4d518:53
wxlwell this was fun :)18:55
Listenerwxl: done18:55
Listeneraplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav18:55
ListenerALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave18:55
Listeneraplay: main:682: audio open error: Device or resource busy18:55
wxlrestart alsa18:55
wxlwhich is easy: sudo alsa force-reload18:55
Listeneraplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav18:56
ListenerALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1089:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to initialize sum ring buffer18:56
Listeneraplay: main:682: audio open error: Permission denied18:56
wxlwow that's fun and new18:57
Listenerwxl: and I am out of time to wrestle with this18:57
Listenerwxl: Thanks for your help18:57
wxlno prob18:57
Listenerwxl: where should I file the bug report18:58
wxlyou need to file a bug report on something18:59
wxlsince you have no problem with alsamixer18:59
wxli'm going to say point the finger at aplay18:59
wxlso run a:18:59
wxlubuntu-bug alsa-utils18:59
wxlthanks in advance Listener19:01
Listenerwxl: no prob... it'll be filed this afternoon19:01
angrysheephrm do you think i could replace PCMan with Nautilus? And if I removed PCMan completely would this harm my system due to PCMan controlling the icons and desktop?19:08
angrysheepto both?19:09
Unit193nautilus --no-desktop, iirc?19:09
angrysheepHrm, so that would make nautilus only a file manager?19:10
Unit193Nautilus likes to take over everything, desktop, etc.19:10
angrysheepTrying to think of alternitives.. I use LXDE for stability not the lightweight reasons. Just wondering if there is a way to configure them to have a little something extra (already tried replacing openbox with icewm and did not like it)19:12
angrysheepI guess im using LXDE as a gnome 2 replacement and would love to be able to configure my own happy place that feels and performs like gnome 219:13
bioterrormove to mate, then19:14
bioterrorthey have "caja"19:14
angrysheepI'm running mate now, but I fear that upstream where it is not supported by lubuntu I may run into issues19:16
xRirishiI'm trying to install lubuntu20:12
xRirishiBut I got a black screen with MANY lines in white text20:13
xRirishi---[ cut here ]---20:13
bioterrorduring bootup or what?20:14
xRirishiWARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-3.2.0/kernel/watchdog.c:241 blabla20:14
xRirishiEh I opened the install screen20:14
xRirishiSelected language and chose to install updates and stuff. Then clicked next20:14
xRirishiAnd this showed up20:14
xRirishiWatchdog detected hard LOCKUP on cpu 020:15
xRirishiIt says on one of the first lines20:15
xRirishiAnd then20:15
xRirishiModules linked in: <much text>20:16
bioterrorsounds weird20:19
bioterroronce again :D20:19
bioterrorhave you tried reboot and run installer again20:19
xRirishiIll try20:21
xRirishiOh I got a K8V-F mobo with Radeon 960020:22
xRirishiIf you need that20:22
xRirishiAnd an AMD Athlon 6420:26
xRirishiTrying again now20:31
n1ckn4me09876543when I try to update using Update Manager it will search/download stuff but then I get this pop up window message:20:33
n1ckn4me09876543Failed to download repository information20:33
n1ckn4me09876543Check your Internet connection.20:33
n1ckn4me09876543Details W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ferramroberto/java/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found20:33
n1ckn4me09876543, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ferramroberto/java/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found20:33
n1ckn4me09876543, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.20:33
Unit193You added a PPA that wasn't made for Precise.20:35
xRirishiI tried to start the installer again, but it had a kernel panic at the point after selecting to install updates or not...20:36
xRirishipanic occured, switching back to text console. Is the last line20:36
xRirishiKernel Panic - Not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt.20:37
xRirishiWhat should I do?20:37
n1ckn4me09876543Unit193, thanks I think i'll remove that20:38
Unit193!ppa-purge | n1ckn4me0987654320:38
ubottun1ckn4me09876543: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:38
bioterrorxRirishi, try alternate installer20:38
bioterrorxRirishi, I would20:38
xRirishiWhat does that do?20:39
bioterror!alternate | xRirishi20:39
ubottuxRirishi: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:39
xRirishiThere goes 1.5 hours of downloading again20:41
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:41
xRirishiYeah I got 150Kb/s -.-20:42
xRirishiIm a kid :D20:42
xRirishiIm 13.20:42
xRirishiShall I do ubuntu or lubuntu?20:43
valdur55yea nice! Many young pepole don't like linux.20:43
bioterrorlubuntu, ofcourse!20:43
bioterrorminiman is my personal favourite!20:44
bioterrorminimal even20:44
xRirishiWhy valdur5520:44
xRirishiIDK if I like it20:44
xRirishiIt seems not to like my PC -.-20:44
xRirishiI got a "seemingly" 64 bit AMD20:45
xRirishiA friend tells me to try 32 bit20:45
xRirishiShall I do it?20:45
bioterrorif you dont have 4GB of RAM, it you dont get much benefits of the 64bit20:45
xRirishiO lol20:46
xRirishiI got 2 GB20:46
bioterrorI would go with the x8620:46
n1ckn4me09876543Unit193: yep got it, thank you.20:47
RirishiThis is me on my PC20:47
RirishiI was on my iPod20:47
Ririshican someone link me to the minimal x86 lubuntu?20:49
RirishiI cant find it :p20:49
holsteini would just use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD#A32-bit_PC_.28x86.2920:50
holsteinand install lubuntu-desktop.. im not aware of an official "lubuntu minimal"20:51
Ririshihow can i install lubuntu desktop when i can only download ubuntu on this site?20:54
=== xRirishi is now known as Ririshi_
Ririshi_Is someone there20:59
valdur55Ririshi, is your ISO ok ? Check witch md5sum21:01
RirishiI ask you: how can i install lubuntu if I download Ubuntu from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD#A32-bit_PC_.28x86.2921:02
RirishiI'll try Ubuntu mini.21:04
valdur55Ririshi, boot from cd and hit any key when you see Man and keyboard. Then select "check disk for defects"21:05
RirishiThank you. I will try.21:05
bioterrorRirishi, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop21:07
bioterrorif you have installed minimal21:07
RirishiEh.. totally new to linux/anything..21:07
Ririshihow to do that command?21:08
Ririshi_Weird sound came outta my pc 0.021:10
Ririshi_The minimal seems to work...21:14
bioterrorofcourse ;)21:14
Ririshi_Hope it'll work :D21:14
Ririshi_I got past archive server21:14
Ririshi_Its loading installationmodules arm21:14
Ririshi_Sorry if my english is bad.. i'm Dutch21:15
kanliotririshi have you tried the alternate cd?21:17
kanliotit's good for low-ram pcs21:17
Ririshi_What is low ram?21:17
kanliotwhy are you using the minimal?21:18
Ririshi_How should I do the HDD partitions?21:18
kanliotroot and swap21:18
kanliot2 partitions21:18
bioterrorRirishi_, 1.5x the RAM for swap and and rest  for /21:18
bioterroruse auto21:18
bioterrorit will do21:19
Ririshi_Will it wipe my previous windows?21:19
kanliothow much RAM do you have?21:19
bioterrorRirishi_, ofcourse it will :D21:19
Ririshi_I dont want it to...21:19
Ririshi_I'll do manual21:19
bioterrorthere should be option for "side by side"21:20
kanliothes doing minimal right?21:20
Ririshi_So I got my 140GB free space21:22
Ririshi_How should I make it?21:22
bioterrorRirishi_, 4GB for swap and rest for /21:22
Ririshi_Prim or logic?21:22
Ririshi_Type of the new partition21:22
bioterrorext4 :D21:23
bioterrorfilesystem is ext421:23
Ririshi_I got primair and logic?21:23
Ririshi_Begin or end?21:23
Ririshi_Ext4? For the 4GB swap21:24
bioterrorswap is swap21:24
bioterrorext4 for the /21:24
Ririshi_Swap area? (i got installer i dutch)21:24
Ririshi_And now for the other 136GB21:25
Ririshi_On / and no label?21:26
bioterrorand when it asks for mount point, you tell /21:26
Ririshi_And mount options?21:26
bioterroryou can label it as "root" without ""21:26
Ririshi_Eh how do you translate this..21:27
Ririshi_Typical use21:27
Ririshi_Its on standard noe21:27
Ririshi_Bootable-flag on?21:28
Ririshi_Its partitioning21:30
Ririshi_Basic system is getting installed21:30
Ririshi_What is dpkg?21:31
bioterrordeb k21:31
bioterrordebian package manager21:31
Ririshi_I'm totally new21:31
bioterrorlike we all was one day21:32
bioterroryou're taking the best step for this :D21:32
bioterrorlike how I did my fist installations21:32
bioterror(I still do them like that, mostly)21:32
Ririshi_It would be totally fxck'd if I just formatted my windows lol21:32
Ririshi_Everything really needed is on there xD21:33
Ririshi_Like school stuff and all that21:33
Ririshi_Lol it gets many different stuff.. Bur it keeps at 6% lol21:34
Ririshi_Downloading a package.21:40
=== Ririshi_ is now known as Ririshi
RirishiI installed it.22:17
RirishiBut... I said to install it in the MBR. But it automaticaly starts windows..22:18
RirishiAnd i tried to press F8 and choose the right HD. Now I'm at a screen with: "error: no such partition. grub rescue>"22:19
kanliotyou need to install grub to your right hard drive22:19
kanlioti'd help, but you don't have backups22:20
RirishiI installed grub to the "primary" drive with the win 7 loader22:20
RirishiNow what can i do?22:21
RirishiGrub rescue> _22:21
RirishiHow to manually start it? Or something..22:21
RirishiI'm in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS <pc name> tty122:25
RirishiHow to start ubuntu itself22:25
kanliotyou can also try #ubuntu for help22:25
bioterrorRirishi, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop22:35
bioterrorRirishi, run that command22:35
bioterrorI would also run sudo apt-get update, before that command22:35
bioterrorRirishi, sorry, I passed out on a sofa :D22:35
RirishiHow do I run it,22:36
RirishiPassed out again? >.<22:38
RirishiI got into grub by booting from usb..22:39
RirishiNow I pressed ubuntu and monitor turned off..22:39
RirishiSigh -.-22:40
RirishiMy monitor just doesnt get a signal..22:40
RirishiI got into recoverymode and opened a terminal22:44
RirishiThen did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop22:45
RirishiNow its installing22:47
RirishiEveryones dead -.-22:50
RirishiI'm installing the lubuntu-desktop package from recovery terminal and during the , my screen went black?23:00
angrysheephrm in lubuntu how do you replace openbox with metacity? I am able to do it in pclinuxos but they have special configuration tools23:02
angrysheepI also failed switching PCman with Nautilus, I edited the deasktop.config file and rebooted and nothing23:04
Cullenshum hello ?23:23
Cullenscan you help the noob I am on lubuntu ?23:25
RirishiI am afraid I cannot23:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:25
Cullensfine... I have installed Lubuntu after seeing ubuntu was too heavy for my computer... the problem is that lubuntu works, but when i want to go on internet (by chromium or firefox) it just freezes23:27
valdur55How much ram you have?23:29
Cullensgood question...23:29
valdur55free -m23:32
valdur55On lxterminal.23:32
RirishiI got ubuntu minimal installed and I try to install lubuntu-desktop, but I keep getting kernel panics.. What to do23:33
valdur55Ririshi, you can run live-cd ?23:34
RirishiAs in start a live session thing?23:35
RirishiI'm afraid that will kernel-panic too, as soon as I click 3 times23:35
Cullens(doesn't do anything...)23:35
valdur55Ririshi, reboot computer and when you see Man and Keyboard then hit Space. Then open "check disk for errors" and you may need check your RAM...  And next time use memdisk23:36
valdur55Cullens, it should give some outpud23:36
Cullensit's difficult... i can't give them to you... i'm on another computer23:37
RirishiWhats memdisk23:37
valdur55Total mem :)23:38
Cullensyeap 302023:38
valdur55Cullens, grep name /proc/cpuinfo23:40
RirishiValdur: I don't see any men with keyboards23:41
Cullenspentium (R) Dual Core CPU T4200  2.00GHz23:41
valdur55Ririshi, i don't have solution for kernel panics.23:43
RirishiSigh ):23:43
valdur55Cullens, type top to terminal23:43
valdur55Cullens, and then open firefox / chromium-browser23:44
valdur55what happens ?23:45
valdur55does it frezee ?23:46
Cullenson chromium yeap...23:46
Cullensit works with google search, but then impossible to do anything else23:47
valdur55put terminal window as allways on top.23:47
valdur55and then look what happens...23:48
valdur55Maybe your settings are bad?23:48
Cullenswhat could be bad...? i just installed lubuntu an hour ago23:49
valdur55ChanServ, ok... is it default conf?23:51
CullensI just followed everything which was written...23:51
valdur55Damn... your perfomance is nice... I have machine with lower spec and i don't have problems23:57
Cullenswell... i didn't have any problem before I installed linux...23:57

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