
twobottuxauappdev: Is there a recommended DB to work with Quickly on Ubuntu 12.04? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153306/is-there-a-recommended-db-to-work-with-quickly-on-ubuntu-12-04>00:17
twobottuxauappdev: Is there a recommended DB to work with Quickly? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153306/is-there-a-recommended-db-to-work-with-quickly>01:33
twobottuxauappdev: Ubuntu Design / UI Guidelines <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153363/ubuntu-design-ui-guidelines>02:22
twobottuxauappdev: How do I access the preferences from my main dialog window? Also how do I add a new preference? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153368/how-do-i-access-the-preferences-from-my-main-dialog-window-also-how-do-i-add-a> || Are there any standard UI / UX / design principles or guidelines for building Ubuntu apps? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153363/are-there-any-standard-ui-ux-design-principles-or-guidelin02:34
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dholbachgood morning07:17
dpmgood morning dholbach and all07:18
dholbachhey dpm07:20
* ajmitch waves07:28
twobottuxauappdev: How to connect GTK3 button click events to callbacks <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153186/how-to-connect-gtk3-button-click-events-to-callbacks>07:57
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tvnmskI dont know if this is the right place to mention this but the link for "unity integration"-video is incorrect, it points to a different video location09:35
dpmtvnmsk, that's the right place, let me have a look...09:41
tvnmskit redirects me to the video of the first day, the last session09:42
dpmtvnmsk, fixed it now, you might need to reload the page to see the changes. Thanks for the heads up!09:46
twobottuxauappdev: How do I create and use keyboard shortcuts in a Gtk app that I am developing? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153501/how-do-i-create-and-use-keyboard-shortcuts-in-a-gtk-app-that-i-am-developing>10:07
pappijohow can I delete a dialog created with quickly?10:36
twobottuxauappdev: is Palestinians out of the Ubuntu App Showdown Contest? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153534/is-palestinians-out-of-the-ubuntu-app-showdown-contest>11:24
twobottuxauappdev: How to detect a computer's physical screen size in GTK <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153549/how-to-detect-a-computers-physical-screen-size-in-gtk>12:03
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twobottuxauappdev: How to actually submit my app to Ubuntu app showdown? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153570/how-to-actually-submit-my-app-to-ubuntu-app-showdown>12:50
twobottuxauappdev: Open Dialog, created with quickly does not work <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153580/open-dialog-created-with-quickly-does-not-work>13:07
__h__hi, anyone?14:02
dpmhi __h__14:07
__h__dpm: hi! any idea of what would be the best approach to get a countdown widget into an app, that is animated...14:24
__h__dpm: i mean, the countdown widget would be animated14:24
__h__dpm: http://cnanney.com/journal/code/apple-style-counter-revisited/14:26
dpm__h__, it all depends on the toolkit of choice. If you are using Qt, that would probably be really easy to do with QML. If you are using Qt, you can probably do some sort of animation with Cairo, or if you want proper animation, then Clutter14:33
__h__dpm:  are Cairo and Clutter Qt specific?14:34
dpm__h__, there are independent of the toolkit, if I'm not mistaken, but they are generally used with GTK14:38
dpmfor Qt you'd use QML14:38
dpmsorry, I've just realized what might have generated the confusion...14:39
dpm"If you are using Qt, you can probably..." I meant -> "If you're using GTK"14:39
dpmGTK -> Cairo or Clutter14:40
dpmQt -> QML14:40
__h__dpm: np14:45
__h__dpm: I see that cairo for example, is kinda a drawing library, do you think that maybe animating images would be more suitable for this widget?14:47
__h__like the good ol' sprite thing14:48
dpm__h__, yeah, I think a poor man's animation would do with Cairo (see the example at the bottom of http://zetcode.com/tutorials/cairographicstutorial/transparency/), but still, you might want to look at Clutter for proper, modern animation, or QML14:50
dpmwhat toolkit are you using then, GTK, Qt, or something else?14:50
__h__dpm: GTK but it is not a definite decision14:59
__h__so choices could be left to GTK -> Clutter or Qt -> QML15:01
dpmyeah, I think so. You might also want to ask on askubuntu, to see if you get more recommendations15:04
__h__dpm: do you know what could have been the reason for ubuntu to choose Gtk for its apps and quickly, and what are the plans for the future of toolkits in ubuntu?15:09
JanCor on stackoverflow15:13
JanC(there are more programmers on stackoverflow than on askubuntu)15:14
JanC__h__: Ubuntu has traditionally always been based on GNOME, which uses Gtk15:15
__h__JanC: I see15:29
__h__JanC: So I would say that Gtk is better integrated with ubuntu than Qt15:32
__h__JanC: I mean the default Unity shell15:33
JanCyes, although Qt is themed to look more or less like Gtk, looks & behaviour are likely to be (subtly) different15:35
JanCOTOH, Qt is somewhat easier to use than Gtk on e.g. Windows, so if your app needs to be cross-platform with minimal effort...15:44
__h__JanC: I will be targeting ubuntu unity + gnome shell atm16:33
JanCthen certainly Gtk is best (maybe combined with Clutter or similar)16:34
Kalidarnmore doco for Qt too16:39
Kalidarnand if you've gotta do multi-platform support Qt all the way16:39
Kalidarnthe good thing also about Qt is it looks acceptable in a KDE environment too16:40
twobottuxauappdev: How to View Submitted Apps for the Ubuntu App Showdown <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153739/how-to-view-submitted-apps-for-the-ubuntu-app-showdown>17:46
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twobottuxauappdev: How can I set a spin button? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153788/how-can-i-set-a-spin-button>19:27
titeuf_87Anyone familiar with how Gtk css themes work? I'm trying to have a hover effect for a label, but without much success.20:21
twobottuxauappdev: Using the AccountsService API with Python <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153828/using-the-accountsservice-api-with-python>21:16
twobottuxauappdev: How to use the AccountsService API with Python? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153828/how-to-use-the-accountsservice-api-with-python>21:28
twobottuxauappdev: How do I get dark toolbars in gtkmm? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153838/how-do-i-get-dark-toolbars-in-gtkmm>21:34
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