
=== jkridner_ is now known as jkridner
twbAre beagles armv7?02:17
twb(f17 arm was released recently and I was idly wondering what their minimum hw target was.)02:18
infinitytwb: Beagles are v7.02:23
infinitytwb: Their armhf port is v7-vfp-d16, same as ours.02:23
infinitytwb: However, theirs is binary incompatible, because they didn't sort out the cross-distro liker mess in time. :/02:23
twbFortunately I can be idly curious because I don't have to babysit FC boxes anymore :-)02:24
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ronocogra_, ping09:43
ronocogra_, pinga ring10:02
ogra_ronoc, yo, sorry, had an early lunch11:18
ronocno worries11:18
ronocogra_, timR is out now11:19
ronocogra_, later when he comes back I'll do some introductions if you don't mind11:19
ogra_fine, yeah11:19
ronocogra_, thanks11:19
tim_ogra_, ronoc, hi, just noticed this11:53
ronochey tim_11:53
ronocogra_, this is my mate tim_ i was speaking to you about11:54
ronocgumstix audio issues11:54
tim_Hello ogra_!11:54
ronoctim_, do you have your notifications turned on11:56
tim_not sure, don't ususally use IRC11:56
ronoctim_, when I write tim_ the icon on your panel should go blue or something11:59
ronocwhat client are you using11:59
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ogra_tim_, hey12:11
tim_ogra_ hi!12:12
ogra_so you got sound issues i heard12:12
tim_yep should we switch to direct message?12:13
ogra_nah, just keep it here12:13
tim_I'm just about to run out I'm afraid12:13
tim_I'll explain quickly12:13
tim_I'm using 12.04 on gumstix boards12:14
ogra_yep. connor said so12:14
ogra_-n :)12:14
tim_there is a driver called snd-soc-overo for the built in audio12:14
tim_It works in openembedded I beleive12:14
tim_I'm modprobling it and it is loading12:14
ogra_right, do you see anything with "dmesg|tail" if you load it ?12:14
tim_but no usable devices12:15
tim_no I don't think so, I'll check that12:15
ogra_and is there anything in /proc /asound ?12:15
tim_Is it ok if I check that and get back to you in about 2 hours? just have to do something 1st12:15
ogra_sadly we dont have amny gumstix users so we dont really get much feedback for that SoC12:16
tim_you are in charge of soc audio?12:16
ogra_i have meetings the whole afternoon so i wont be available much12:16
cvanvliettim, are you using armhf or armel?12:16
tim_anytime in the next few days would be great12:16
ogra_no, i only care for images usually and for the arm port in general12:16
ogra_but that often enough includes userspace audio fixes12:16
tim_OK.. will report back in a bit, and thanks12:17
ogra_cool, good luck :)12:17
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tim_ogra_, dmesg just says -  [  392.393524] overo SoC init14:36
tim_ogra_, cat /proc/asound/cards says  --- no soundcards ---14:37
ogra_hmm, then your driver probably either needs additional modules loaded ... or whats more likely (and happens often on arm) is that the driver only works properly if compiled in14:38
tim_there are already a bunch of modules loaded14:39
tim_snd_soc_core          111406  2 snd_soc_overo,snd_soc_twl403014:39
tim_is snd_soc_twl4030 supposed to load I wonder14:40
tim_twl4030 is the chip that's being used14:40
tim_and once I have loaded this once, it autoloads on reboot14:40
tim_btw uname -a : Linux overo 3.2.0-23-omap #36-Ubuntu Tue Apr 10 20:24:21 UTC 2012 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux14:41
=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague
GrueMastertim_: In my experience with the beagleXM and beagleboard (essentially the same SOC), the audio only worked when the drivers were built into the kernel.  You should try rebuilding the kernel with the twl4030 & overo drivers compiled in.15:03
GrueMaster(I "used" to work on the audio stuff for these boards)15:04
tim_I believe these may actually be built into the kernel already? There don't seem to be any .ko files for them..15:11
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GrueMasterTry "fgrep TWL4030 /boot/config-*"15:24
GrueMasterSee if they are.15:24
tim_GrueMaster ok - this checks the kernel build flags? -  CONFIG_SND_SOC_TWL4030=m15:49
GrueMasterYes.  And according to that, the driver is built as a module.15:50
tim_I guess this means they aren't15:50
GrueMasterNeed to rebuild with those set to Y.15:50
tim_Great! ok, this is going to take a bit of research..15:51
tim_do you know if it needs both of them?15:51
cvanvliettim_, which gumstix have you got? (I have an IronStorm)15:52
GrueMasterI think if you set one in the kernel config menu, it will flag the other, but I am not sure.  I would just enable both.15:52
tim_I have airstorm and tide15:52
tim_I believe they are all compatible with the same kernels?15:52
cvanvlietI am a noob ;)15:52
GrueMasterSee http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/92509415:53
ubot2Ubuntu bug 925094 in linux "No audio on omap (beagleXM) system" [Medium,Confirmed]15:53
GrueMaster(I knew I had filed one - with the fix).15:53
tim_OK this seems to be a similar issue alright15:54
tim_At the end there is a post that says its a dependency issue?15:55
GrueMasterYea, I just saw that.  Can't test it though (not at home, and beaglexm is packed away since I have moved on).15:57
cvanvliettim, did you use a preinstalled ubuntu image, I think I tried it earlier and just sat there15:58
cvanvlietUncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel15:58
tim_I  used a preinstalled image yes15:59
cvanvliethmm, ok15:59
GrueMastercvanvliet: That sounds like a desktop image.  It requires video & keyboard.  You won't see much else on the serial port.15:59
tim_I think the current one does that for me also15:59
ogra_cvanvliet,  you want a server image for serial output16:00
cvanvlietGrueMaster, it is set up with DVI, keyboard etc16:00
tim_aha, I just tried loading snd-soc-omap and snd-soc-omap-mcbsp and the device has appeared!16:00
tim_without rebuilding the kernel ;-)16:01
ogra_congrats !16:01
tim_now to check if there is sound16:01
GrueMastercool.  You can add the dependency to /etc/modprobe configs.16:01
cvanvlietogra, I actually want a desktop, but I can try the server image later16:04
cvanvlietI actually want 12.04 armel, tbh16:04
ogra_you cant install the desktop image if your screen doesnt work16:04
ogra_and there are no armel images for 12.0416:04
cvanvlietI know, I have been trying to make one16:05
cvanvlietogra, I am confused, there is a screen attached16:06
ogra_right, but the dirver your kernel ships was only tested on beagleXM16:06
ogra_its a matter of luck if it works on different omap boards16:07
cvanvlietthought that may be a the case16:07
cvanvlietnice to have it confirmed16:07
cvanvlietand when it worked for tim, I had hope16:07
ogra_desktop images run the installer on the display ... so without working kernel driver you wont be able to install them16:08
cvanvlietmine is a newer model, so every reason it may not work16:08
ogra_thats why i said use the server image ... it is a minimal ubuntu install that runs completely on serial and also offers to install the desktop at the end if you want to16:08
cvanvlietahh ok,16:08
cvanvlietahh thanks16:08
cvanvlietI can try that16:09
cvanvlietalthough I need armel, having an armhf may help me figure out the armel16:09
ogra_why do you want armel ?16:09
ogra_it will be lots slower16:10
ogra_(beyond the fact that nobody actually cares if it even works)16:10
cvanvlietI need the SGX drivers16:10
cvanvlietthis is for a business of mine16:11
cvanvlietand we will use opengl for the graphics16:11
ogra_you could ask over in #beagle if there are any people capable of re-rolling the binary driver at TI16:11
ogra_thats essentially what was done for the omap4 hf driver16:12
cvanvlietone of the guys asked someone here the other day,16:12
cvanvlietand the answer was dunno :(16:12
cvanvlietndec, I think it was16:13
ogra_yeah, he isnt working in the omap3 area i think16:13
tim_I just tried to test the audio.. no audio16:13
cvanvlietyeah it is quite hard, I feel like i will be using a below par system16:13
ogra_ndec, omap3 SGX armhf16:13
tim_I am aware that the mixer sometimes is preconfigured for no output16:13
cvanvlietif I don't use armhf16:13
ndeci don't do that ...16:14
ndeci don't do OMAP3 SGX, neither armel, nor armhf16:14
* ogra_ thought so :)16:14
tim_its a very complex mixer16:14
ogra_tim_, yeah, thats the problem with bug 92509416:14
cvanvlietndec, sorry if I got that wrong, I thought it was you who responded16:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 925094 in linux "No audio on omap (beagleXM) system" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92509416:14
ogra_if it was easy we would just have a UCM config already :)16:15
cvanvlietso, accordingly with what tim_  is seeing, i will have audio issues as well , (i need to record sound)16:16
ogra_likely, though for him the driver already works ... should just be a mixer issue now16:16
ogra_if alsamixer actually shows the device and its rulers you are about 90% done16:17
cvanvlietogra , ok16:17
tim_hmm, I have turned up every single bar in the mixer16:28
tim_alsaplayer thinks its playing a wav16:29
tim_but.. no audio16:29
ogra_tim_, did you also unmute everything ?17:17
GrueMasteriirc, the only way I got audio working on the beagle was to rebuild the kernel AND tweak the volume settings.  Hopefully you will get it working without rebuilding, but...17:18
tim_I think I unmuted everything- if OO means on and MM means mute17:21
tim_Gruemaster, did you also see a device but it didnt work until you rebuilt the kernel?17:21
tim_OK thats seems pretty clearcut..17:23
GrueMasterIt seems like the device doesn't power properly unless the driver initiallizes it during kernel init.  I don't know enough about the inner workings of the SOC code, but I would guess that the kernel initalization routine powers on devices that need it during boot, but not after.17:25
GrueMasterOn a PC, that's ok as there isn't as much device level power management, but on an SOC that is designed for low power cunsumption....17:26
GrueMasterIt's like the SOC needs hot plug support for on-die devices.17:27
GrueMasterOf course, my assumptions could be wrong (it has happened before, once or twice).17:28
bradfaGrueMaster, could the "disabling unused clocks" play into that at all? maybe the SoC is disabling the sound device clocks if it's not configured in kernel init17:29
GrueMasterThat might do it.  I'm not a hw designer though.  Maybe prpplague would know?17:37
prpplaguewho summons the plague?17:37
GrueMasterprpplague: question on the beagleboard/XM/overo Audio.  See scrollback.17:38
prpplagueyea it is possible that a clock is disabled17:39
prpplaguethat is something that would take some debugging17:39
GrueMasterIs there a way to enable it from user land?17:40
prpplagueone of the common issues the clock is disabled by mistake when another device enables their clocks17:40
prpplagueyea you can use devmem2 to enable most clocks, but without knowing what is enable/disabled, you'd be throwing darts in the dark17:40
* GrueMaster has done that with...interesting results.17:41
prpplagueGrueMaster: i'd bring this to the attention of mdp or tartarus over on #beagle, they'd be able to get to the bottom of it fairly quickly17:41
GrueMasterUsing real darts, of course.17:41
GrueMastertim_, bradfa, cvanvliet, there you go.  I have done what I can to help from here.17:42
* cvanvliet passes GrueMaster a beer17:43
tim_haha thanks a million..17:43
janimolilstevie, no news on the tf101g front?19:01
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