SrRobot | He! | 13:11 |
SrRobot | *Hey! | 13:11 |
DarwinSurvivor | hey | 13:33 |
wylde_ | hey hey | 15:11 |
dscassel | Hey! | 16:51 |
dscassel | Waterloo Ubuntu Hour is at 8pm tonight at Duke of Wellington! | 16:53 |
dscassel | It immediately follows the IRC meeting. So if you're in Waterloo, come to the Welly at 7pm and join the IRC meeting IRL! :D | 16:54 |
LinuxMonkey | Hey all : woot woot just got hydro back will be here in 4 hours :) | 19:06 |
dscassel | Woot! | 20:08 |
genii-around | dscassel: Howdy | 20:08 |
dscassel | genii-around: Hi. :) | 20:08 |
* azend might finally not miss a meeting this month :) | 20:53 | |
azend | Thenagain I am running arch | 20:56 |
LinuxMonkey | i might actually be here for a meeting that is if I dont forget/get immersed into diablo3 running on ubuntu | 21:09 |
willwh | LinuxMonkey: wine? | 21:12 |
willwh | crossover? | 21:12 |
willwh | I'm playing in windows | 21:12 |
LinuxMonkey | willwh: crossover :) | 21:12 |
willwh | ah :) | 21:12 |
LinuxMonkey | willwh: I sold 1 item on the RMAH | 21:12 |
willwh | you don't work for them do you? | 21:12 |
willwh | nice | 21:12 |
LinuxMonkey | willwh: nope I dont but I do chat with their QA folks alot | 21:13 |
willwh | | 21:14 |
willwh | nice | 21:14 |
willwh | I have an i5 2500k, 560gtx, 8gb ddr3 etc | 21:14 |
willwh | I think I still have access to their beta builds | 21:14 |
willwh | does it run ok? | 21:15 |
LinuxMonkey | im getting a new pc soon, its being built as we go DELL :} | 21:15 |
LinuxMonkey | yeah runs ok however with ubuntu there an issue with ptrace | 21:16 |
LinuxMonkey | Hahahaha asked my friend whats up...he replied... Not much, just walking the door, just got off he meant just walked in the door | 21:20 |
dscassel | Meeting in (about) 20. | 22:37 |
* genii-around makes coffee | 22:38 | |
dscassel | Arrived at our Ubuntu Hour location! | 22:58 |
dscassel | Meeting starting momentarily | 22:59 |
BobJonkman | Ready to go! | 22:59 |
dscassel | Mass call! cyphermox genii-around khoover mars azend DarwinSurvivor IdleOne LinuxMonkey KombuchaKip oracology willwh bilal Jaguar Kulag ryanakca wylde_ BobJonkman egerlach james_w sipherdee bregma FiReSTaRT jlamothe txwikinger2 | 23:00 |
dscassel | Meeting starting now! | 23:00 |
khoover | ohai | 23:00 |
KombuchaKip | Hey folks. My name's Kip from White Rock, BC. I'm project lead for Avaneya, a cerebral sci-fi game for Ubuntu ( | 23:01 |
dscassel | Agenda here | 23:02 |
* BobJonkman is Bob Jonkman from Elmira, but currently sitting in the Duke of Wellington Pub in Waterloo. | 23:03 | |
genii-around | dscassel: Thanks, was just looking for that! | 23:03 |
dscassel | Hi, Kip, khoover :) | 23:03 |
wylde_ | o.O | 23:03 |
BobJonkman | genii-around! Good to see you around! | 23:03 |
wylde_ | o/ | 23:03 |
dscassel | Introduce yourself, svp. Who are you, where are you and what do you do with Ubuntu | 23:04 |
BobJonkman | Ambitious agenda today - 'cos we didn't get around to everything in previous meetings | 23:04 |
khoover | O_O genii's here? | 23:04 |
LinuxMonkey | :) im here :) yay.... I run ubuntu, I install ubuntu, i would probably breath ubuntu if I could, I;m LinuxMonkey (aka Terry Jacob) | 23:05 |
genii-around | I'm Mike, in Toronto. I assist and moderate users on the IRC channels, promote Ubuntu locally with release parties and distributing CDs, etc. | 23:05 |
wylde_ | James PLate from Wellend Ontario. I push Ubuntu on friends and relatives! I also spend some time bug triaging, and corrections in ubuntu docs | 23:05 |
dscassel | I'm Darcy in Waterloo and I'm LoCo contact for Ubuntu Canada. | 23:05 |
* genii-around slides khoover a coffee | 23:05 | |
khoover | I'm Ken Hoover, in Markham (north of Toronto), heading into first-year CS at UofT St. George. Been using ubuntu for a while, starting to expand now. | 23:07 |
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dscassel | Hi, folks! :D | 23:08 |
dscassel | LinuxMonkey: You're from Moncton, I gather? :) | 23:08 |
LinuxMonkey | yes sir! | 23:09 |
dscassel | Cool. You have your own agenda item later on. :) | 23:09 |
LinuxMonkey | :) | 23:10 |
SrRobot | Hey! | 23:10 |
IdleOne | hello | 23:11 |
wylde_ | o/ | 23:11 |
BobJonkman | We're here. Since some of us are doing IRC In Real Life just before Ubuntu Hour Waterloo we're likely to be a bit distracted | 23:12 |
BobJonkman | So, was anyone at UDS back in May? | 23:12 |
IdleOne | I sorta was | 23:13 |
wylde_ | remotely I was :) IRC and audio feeds. | 23:13 |
IdleOne | I did a skype call with AlanBell during one of the sessions. I was on the big screen | 23:13 |
dscassel | Sweet. | 23:14 |
dscassel | I know bilal was there. | 23:14 |
dscassel | bregma probably was too. | 23:14 |
IdleOne | wait, it a was a google video | 23:14 |
IdleOne | not skype | 23:14 |
dscassel | IdleOne: Ah, I was in a session where they said they were going to try to set up a google hangout, but I didn't think it actually happened. | 23:15 |
dscassel | Whas this on the Friday? | 23:15 |
IdleOne | dscassel: it didn't turn out to be a hangout, was just me | 23:15 |
IdleOne | I think it was on a Thursday, well it was a hangout in the sense that Alan and I were both in the hangout | 23:16 |
dscassel | I see. :) | 23:16 |
genii-around | afk 3-5 minutes. I'll catch up on scroll when I get back. | 23:17 |
* IdleOne takes genii-around's cup | 23:17 | |
dscassel | IdleOne: Do you know what's going on with the Montreal Hours? | 23:17 |
dscassel | We've got them in the ubuntu-ca calendar, but we're not sure if they're still happening. | 23:18 |
IdleOne | The one that MagicFab was doing weekly has sorta stopped, he's busy with FSF and real life but I know cyphermox mentioned yesterday that he is working on getting them started up again | 23:18 |
BobJonkman | I distributed some Ubuntu 12.04 CDs at Linuxcaffe in Toronto last month. Called it a Release Party ;) Sammy from FreeGeekToronto was there, and Gord Campbell from Full Circle Magazine, and a gentleman named Larry. Gave away some CDs, but Linuxcaffe is no longer distributing distro CDs. All their Linux reference texts are gone, too. | 23:19 |
IdleOne | btw Quebec LoCo is official again as of yesterday thanks to komputes and cyphermox | 23:19 |
dscassel | Nice. :) | 23:19 |
IdleOne | yup :) | 23:20 |
dscassel | I'll pester cyphermox about the hours some other time... :) | 23:21 |
IdleOne | yeah, I don't have any details about it yet. | 23:21 |
IdleOne | This isn't really .ca related but I am now on the Memberships board :) | 23:22 |
LinuxMonkey | Congrats IdleOne | 23:22 |
wylde_ | congrats! :) | 23:22 |
IdleOne | Thank you | 23:22 |
genii-around | Back | 23:22 |
* LinuxMonkey passes IdleOne a beer :) | 23:22 | |
dscassel | Sweet! | 23:22 |
* IdleOne gives genii-around back his cup | 23:22 | |
genii-around | IdleOne: Hah, thanks | 23:23 |
* dscassel is trying to convince BobJonkman to get his membership. :) | 23:23 | |
BobJonkman | IdleOne: Sounds Cool! So what do you do on the Membership Board? | 23:23 |
* BobJonkman is gobsmacked | 23:23 | |
IdleOne | BobJonkman: basically we decide if a users contributions are sufficient and sustained enough to merit them being official Ubuntu members | 23:24 |
genii-around | I have a Toronto Freenet board meeting which will start sometime between now and 7:45-8:00. I'll let you know when i called up there and leave my client running to check scroll when I get back to my computer. | 23:24 |
IdleOne | !membership | 23:24 |
lubotu1 | Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community. For more info see | 23:24 |
dscassel | LinuxMonkey: Tell me about this Moncton LUG... | 23:26 |
dscassel | :) | 23:27 |
IdleOne | BobJonkman: The kicker is that when you do become a member they expect even more work from you | 23:27 |
LinuxMonkey | Well. I just started the moncton lug again, for those of you who dont know were moncton is...its in NB. | 23:27 |
BobJonkman | :D Just like every other place that depends on volunteers | 23:27 |
IdleOne | -----------------------------------------------------------------> that way | 23:27 |
LinuxMonkey | I got a website up and running and new mailing list setup at | 23:28 |
LinuxMonkey | past few weeks havent had much time to dedicate to it as much but were trying to kick start it again and be part of Ubuntu Canada while were at it :) | 23:28 |
dscassel | LinuxMonkey: Awesome! | 23:29 |
LinuxMonkey | Thats about it not much to say about | 23:29 |
IdleOne | Does NB have a Ubuntu LoCo team? | 23:29 |
dscassel | Well, by being here, you're as much a part of Ubuntu Canada as you need to be. (Although it's generally helpful to join the mailing list and the group on Launchpad) | 23:30 |
dscassel | IdleOne: Canadian LoCo teams are Canada, Quebec and Vancouver. | 23:30 |
dscassel | The LoCo council seems to want to split Canada into provinces, but they haven't actually talked to us yet. | 23:30 |
LinuxMonkey | yep and im allready a part of Ubuntu Canada :) | 23:31 |
dscassel | So Canada would become Ontario, because that's pretty much where we've been doing stuff. | 23:31 |
BobJonkman | Current Canadian Team Chapters are listed at | 23:31 |
dscassel | If they split Canada into provinces, LinuxMonkey would have to (or get to, depending on your point of view) start his own loco. | 23:32 |
IdleOne | Can't wait for the referendum to split the qc loco and make it independent | 23:33 |
IdleOne | lol | 23:33 |
wylde_ | lol | 23:33 |
dscassel | Heh. | 23:33 |
LinuxMonkey | And for a small province like ours population wise would not be wise | 23:33 |
dscassel | Quebec is already independant | 23:33 |
dscassel | As far as LoCos are concerned. | 23:33 |
dscassel | Which makes sense to me, since it primarily operates in French. | 23:34 |
IdleOne | I see us all as part of the same family. | 23:34 |
IdleOne | except better because here we actually tend to like each other | 23:34 |
LinuxMonkey | im also guessing im the only one here from NB :( | 23:34 |
dscassel | And, well, Vancouver is Vancouver. | 23:35 |
IdleOne | Vancouver is made of Rock Stars | 23:35 |
LinuxMonkey | dscassel: we didnt want their riots anyways :) lol just kidding | 23:35 |
IdleOne | Who had riots? | 23:35 |
BobJonkman | IdleOne: That's pretty much what we decided amongst ourselves. Even if the LoCo Council does want to split up Canada, I doubt that would change how we do things. | 23:36 |
IdleOne | BobJonkman: I agree :) | 23:36 |
dscassel | LinuxMonkey: You're the onoly New Brunswicker to admit it so fa' :) | 23:37 |
LinuxMonkey | I was born here, couldnt afford Ontario, So here i am again :) | 23:38 |
dscassel | Yeah, if they split Canada, I'm going to petition to keep the ubuntu-ca communication channels. | 23:38 |
dscassel | Tiny, province-specific email lists and IRC channels will just die off. | 23:39 |
BobJonkman | just the fact that we're having regular IRC meetings shows a cohesiveness for the Canadian Team | 23:40 |
dscassel | Anayway, back to Moncton! | 23:40 |
dscassel | LinuxMonkey: you should run events! :) | 23:40 |
dscassel | The easiest one is the Ubuntu Hour: | 23:41 |
BobJonkman | And that Ubuntu Hour Moncton could be the first meeting of the Moncton LUG | 23:41 |
LinuxMonkey | dscassel: I was planing on getting something setup soon :) | 23:42 |
dscassel | When you do, add it to the LoCo directory, here: | 23:42 |
dscassel | I'll probably blog about it. :) | 23:42 |
dscassel | Take pictures and I'll send you Ubuntu CDs. :) | 23:43 |
LinuxMonkey | i'm also supposed to go hubcitylabs... their a hackerspace just started in moncton too. They offered to let me use their space for meetings and so on :) I have yet been able to go but hopefully this Saturday I will go meet up with them :) | 23:45 |
BobJonkman | Hackerspaces are great place for Ubuntu events | 23:45 |
dscassel | Awesome! | 23:45 |
* dscassel is president of a hackerspace. :D | 23:46 | |
LinuxMonkey | I'm a bit sad that Ubuntu got rid of the ship it cd's I used to get hundreds and pass em out at events | 23:47 |
dscassel | That's what LoCos are for now. :) | 23:47 |
SrRobot | Hello. | 23:47 |
dscassel | We can get an event pack if you want to set up a table. | 23:47 |
genii-around | SrRobot: Hello. Welcome to the Ubuntu Canada team meeting | 23:48 |
LinuxMonkey | nice I'll have to keep that in mind. I'm gonna have to search the events in town to see if we have any tech related stuff coming in. | 23:49 |
dscassel | SrRobot is sitting two seats to the right of me. :) | 23:49 |
LinuxMonkey | I doubt we have anything coming in but who knows. hehehe | 23:49 |
SrRobot | dscassel is two seats from me ;) | 23:50 |
genii-around | Heh! | 23:50 |
dscassel | And, like I said, I'll send you (or anyone else in Canada) a pack of 10 CDs for photographic proof that they ran an Ubuntu event. :) | 23:51 |
genii-around | LinuxMonkey: How many people currently are attending the Moncton meetings? | 23:52 |
dscassel | Moving on, we still need to do team reports. Anyone have a few spare minutes and want to help out? | 23:52 |
LinuxMonkey | genii-around: since the colapse of the old lug in 2004 ...none I'm starting it again :) we have yet to have a meeting but I got interest from approx 10 or so persons | 23:53 |
BobJonkman | dscassel: Were you working on an automated reporting tool? | 23:53 |
genii-around | dscassel: I was just looking at the team reports from March and April ( which are the latest posted at ) .. we did stuff during that time like Ubuntu Hours and release parties but nothing there | 23:54 |
dscassel | Yeah, if someone's interested, I'll see if I can dig it up. | 23:54 |
dscassel | genii-around: I'm pretty sure I didn't do a report for March or April. | 23:56 |
dscassel | When I was doing them, I was just going by what was on the LoCo directory and anything extra I could remember | 23:57 |
BobJonkman | Canadian Team Reports are at - last one from October 2011 | 23:57 |
dscassel | :) | 23:57 |
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