
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
dholbachgood morning07:17
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dpmmorning dholbach07:19
jcastrodpm: woo, some really good app-dev questions on AU13:07
jcastroand some bad ones, but generally speaking ...13:07
dpmjcastro, yeah, that's pretty cool :-) Is there any easy way to see the growth in number of questions for a tag? As in a graph going up or something like that. I know you can probably do this through the API, I'm wondering if there is something like that already set up13:09
jcastroI dunno, that's a good idea13:10
jcastroI need that for juju too13:10
jcastromarcoceppi: ^^ any ideas?13:10
dakerdholbach, if you are still interested http://youtu.be/MqaDMLUTV_c13:48
dholbachdaker: :-(13:53
dakerdholbach, watch the video, then you will understand why i told you to hide the camera14:13
dholbachyes, I understand14:13
marcoceppidpm: jcastro probably let me try to whip something up14:25
jcastrodholbach: hey we have a hangout today?14:43
jcastroMy brain is hurty14:43
* jcastro feels like an extra on Walking Dead today14:43
dholbachjcastro, I think so, but I'm not 100% sure with UADW going on14:43
dholbachdpm, mhall119: ^?14:44
dpmdholbach, jcastro, I think we probably have14:44
dpmno other events going on, and jono didn't mention anything about skipping14:44
mhall119UADW is done for this week (2 more days next week)14:45
mhall119I'm up for a hangout, as long as it's not 5 hours long14:45
dholbachI agree with mhall119 :)14:47
dholbachI'm invited to the Qt barbecue later and I was planning to show up before 22:00 :)14:48
nigelbdholbach: Is that where you put fire to maemo?14:49
* nigelb runs14:49
dholbachnigelb, my plan was to be a well-behaved guest :)14:49
mhall119nigelb: lol14:52
czajkowskimhall119: Fixing a simple bug in Launchpad – A screencast - http://blog.launchpad.net/general/fixing-a-simple-bug-in-launchpad-a-screencast16:07
czajkowskifollowing on from jono hangout yesteday16:08
czajkowskiye may want to give that some app dev tweeting love16:08
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jonodpm, mhall119, dholbach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO8hiPreNBg16:26
dpmjono, cool, watching it right now.16:30
jonodpm, :-)16:30
jonoyou might want to set it to 720 and full screen it16:30
jonodpm, mhall119 the video lags a little, but I think it works fine16:32
dpmlooks fine to me, apart from the "blue youtube videos" bug in flash :/16:33
jonodpm, spin forward 20 mins and you see it lagging a little16:34
jonothis is a bug in gtk-recordmydesktop it seems16:34
jonobut I already recorded this twice, I am not doing it again :-)16:34
dpmjono, for next video you might want to try kazam, it's pretty cool16:34
jonoahhh cool16:34
jonodpm, can you reddit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO8hiPreNBg ?16:35
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dpmjono, ^16:40
dpmanyway, time to call it a day16:40
dpmsee you all tomorrow!16:40
dholbachalright, I'll call it a day too - have a great rest of your day :)16:42
* balloons sings "just my imagination, running away with me . . ."16:53
nigelbAlanBell: http://notalwaysworking.com/in-feigned-english/2538016:59
AlanBellnigelb: I was a bit freaked out first time I went to Florida and they asked me if I would like iced tea17:09
nigelbAlanBell: haha17:09
nigelbBritish trained!17:10
mhall119AlanBell: the way God intended it17:13
balloonsnigelb, AlanBell ROFL!17:20
czajkowskimhall119: you know my feeling on this ice in tea lark17:34
bkerensa_mhall119: check this out lp:~ubuntu-us-or/+junk/get-contributors17:40
mhall119bkerensa_: every time I see BeautifulSoup, a part of me dies17:42
czajkowskihttps://plus.google.com/102673546895803839652/posts/HNCjnwFTy7d  have your say17:43
mhall119but alas, the wiki doesn't give you many options, does it?17:43
bkerensa_mhall119: basically the script looks at contributors to Ubuntu at the LoCo level17:43
mhall119bkerensa_: pretty cool17:43
bkerensa_idk its something some guy in our loco put together over night17:43
bkerensa_running ubuntu-uk right now17:49
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AlanBellmhall119: o/ can you pop into -uk for a sec19:35
JanCmhall119, that you: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/previews/2159/1 ?  ☺20:03
mhall119JanC: nope20:04
mhall119in 2000 I was just starting to experiment with Caldera OpenLinux20:05
czajkowskimhall119: you were a pup :)20:05
JanCjust got on that page searching for some info about Corel Linux and saw a familiar name  :p20:05
mhall119czajkowski: what are you talking about, I still am :)20:05
balloonsa pup, but not a spring chicken mhall11920:06
mhall119glad to see that in 2000 everybody hated Gnome 1.020:06
mhall119balloons: quiet you :P20:06
czajkowskimhall119: :)20:07
jonoballoons, lets roll21:38
jonoballoons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/308b0c0997d63087f5767d2ebf58cc3ec48d53f3?authuser=0&hl=en-US21:39
balloonsbe with you in a moment21:39
jonoballoons, np21:41

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