
pittiGood morning03:44
pittirodrigo_: wasn't input support recently discussed upstream at least for ibus? that should solve most use cases anyway03:45
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BigWhaleGood Morning.06:41
rickspencer3hi pitti07:13
pittihey rickspencer3, how are you?07:14
rickspencer3pitti, I am doing well07:14
rickspencer3I am excited today07:14
rickspencer3looking forward to the increased manual testing cadence07:14
rickspencer3jono told me that they are going to go for complete test runs every 2 weeks!07:14
rickspencer3pitti, how are you doing?07:15
pittirickspencer3: I'm great, thanks! Making good progress on our jenkins autopkgtest tests07:15
rickspencer3nice to see us continuing to make progress on quality in 12.1007:15
rickspencer3pitti, is it true that we go for weeks without ARM images?07:17
rickspencer3ogra_, ^07:17
pittiI'm not sure07:17
pittiI haven't really followed them so far07:17
pittibut last Friday I got a Panda board delivered, I was going to set it up today07:18
rickspencer3so, I don't know why we would think that we need to wait for milestones to fix that07:19
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/20120619/ seems current, though07:19
rickspencer3I don't consider this to be a good state of affairs if we are going days without an image, we should figure out the problems and solve them07:19
rickspencer3I was wondering if it was a point in time thing07:19
pittirickspencer3: I think infinity, ScottK, you, and me are mostly talking past each other07:19
rickspencer3pitti, well, I tried to clarify on my last response07:20
pittirickspencer3: yes, that's the point of the stable+1 team07:20
pittiit seems we all violently agree07:20
rickspencer3I think there were a few discussions mixed together07:20
pittiand the main point of dissent is the nomenclature07:20
rickspencer3well, I really just wanted to know about not freezing, to be honest07:20
rickspencer3(for the milestones)07:20
pittiIMHO, when we all rally around testing on certain points in time (say, every two weeks) to shake out bugs found in manual testing, why not just call this a "milestone"?07:20
pittibecause that's exactly what milestones have been07:21
rickspencer3pitti, right07:21
pittiwe can call it differently, of course07:21
rickspencer3but we can't do that if we freeze the archive and everything07:21
pittiwe haven't actually frozen the archive for alphas in years07:21
rickspencer3well, we sort of do07:21
pittiit was a soft-freeze, so people still backed up a bit07:21
pittibut we need that if we want to be able to put out a known-good image07:22
rickspencer3well, people tell me that it caused them a lot of extra work, and it went slow07:22
pittiusing -proposed by default shoudl help a lot here07:22
rickspencer3I think Thierry's idea was ideal07:22
rickspencer3just use the "last known good" image07:22
rickspencer3which I think we can easily do these days07:22
pitti"a lot of extra work" and "slowing down developers" should be, quite frankly, blatant lies07:22
pittiyou can queue up stuff in bzr, in PPAs, work on bugs, work in upstream trunks, etc.07:22
rickspencer3well, that all sounds like extra work and slowing down development to me07:23
pittiexcept for the release team, of course, who do have to work fulltime on the images07:23
pittirickspencer3: not to me; we do stuff in bzr, at upstream, etc. anyway07:23
pittithe only thing that you need to hold back a bit is uploading to the dev release07:23
pittibut that's not causing any extra work07:24
pittiit's just causing some delay of landing stuff07:24
rickspencer3well, I think that delay is lost velocity07:24
pittiyou can upload to a PPA if you want other folks to test07:24
pittiwell, you can't have both07:24
rickspencer3can't have both what?07:24
pittiwe can't produce a known-good image for public testing _and_ have uploading go on at full speed07:24
rickspencer3I think we produce lots of known-good images07:24
rickspencer3good enough for public testing07:24
rickspencer3I think we do it *most* days, in fact07:25
pittiwe produce a lot of images where jenkins thinks they are good07:25
pittiif they actually _were_ good, the release team wouldn't need to work three times and 10 respins to actually _make_ them work07:25
rickspencer3yeah, but we know we need the respins because of the manual testing07:26
rickspencer3so, those respins are usually about fixing installer bugs and such07:26
pittiwe need the respins because of the bugs only found by manual testing07:26
rickspencer3yeah, so those bugs don't really block testing, do they?07:26
pittiif the daily image on milestone date minus two days were good, we would just use it07:27
pittisure they do07:27
pittiwe had a lot of cases where the installs completely fell over07:27
pittior the result didn't actually work07:27
rickspencer3yeah, but those installs falling over are test results, no?07:27
rickspencer3so we fix the bugs07:27
pittiand then need to re-test again until we have an image which really works07:28
pittionce we have that, we unfreeze and publish that07:28
pittiwhich is the really easy part07:28
rickspencer3a. it's not really frozen, is it, as we keep changing the installer07:28
pitti(well, there's documentation and announcements to write, and so on)07:28
rickspencer3b. we should be doing that at will, not only a few times per cycle07:29
pittithat's what we call a freeze - only upload minimal changes that fix the breakage, and not upload other stuff which introduces breakage again07:29
rickspencer3so, I think making sure the installer works is very very good07:29
rickspencer3but I think having the whole milestone process is a lot of effort for that one focused area07:30
rickspencer3we could just have people test the installer weekly, etc...07:30
rickspencer3and fix the bugs soon after they are introduced07:30
pittiwe could, but I really doubt it would go as well07:30
pittiinfinity hit the nail on the head07:30
pittialthough he expressed it differently07:30
pittiyou need to _make_ time for this07:30
pittiotherwise it will not happen07:31
rickspencer3but we need to make time for it more than a few times per cycle07:31
pittiwe don't have a lot of devs who say "gosh, I'm bored today, let's test some images"07:31
pittirickspencer3: I agree07:31
rickspencer3it takes a lot more time to fix bugs weeks or months after they are introduced07:31
pittiso if anything, we need more milestones, not fewer07:31
pittithat's what I meant with "we can certainly discuss about the frequency"07:32
rickspencer3well, we need more frequent testing, and higher standards for "daily quality"07:32
pittibut I don't see how we can drop the entire concept and process07:32
rickspencer3pitti, well, we drop it when it is no longer useful to us07:32
rickspencer3and it is no longer useful to us when our daily quality exceeds what we get from milestones today07:33
pittiwhen our automated daily testing is good enough one day, we won't need it, yes07:33
rickspencer3to be clear, I'm not arguing to drop milestones, I didn't actually bring that up07:33
rickspencer3oh, I think some manual testing is always needed07:33
pittiright, it won't happen in the next two years07:33
rickspencer3I think automated testing tells you how worth it is to do manual testing07:33
rickspencer3actually, I think it will happen soon07:33
pitti(automatic testing being sufficiently good, I mean)07:33
pittie. g. for the installer we do not test the UI at all07:34
rickspencer3but I think we can rally the testing community to give us more actionable and more frequent feedback07:34
pittithe preseeding is by and large a special-case code path07:34
rickspencer3pitti, it seems like the installer is such a special case for us, we should be much more focused on it07:34
pittiand we don't test GL, graphics, unity, sound, etc.07:34
rickspencer3like we have all of this release machinery and effort built around the whole distro, when it really comes down to ensuring the installer works07:35
pittiI'd actually like to drop the preseeding and do real interaction with the installer UI/widgets07:35
pittiwell, it's installer + kernel + X.org + unity + sound + different hardware platforms07:35
rickspencer3interestingly, xorg and unity do a lot of testing outside of the distro testing cadence07:37
pittiright; the more dev release daily users we have, the better (and they are growing, I think)07:37
rickspencer3yeah, and the better our daily quality, the more we will get07:38
rickspencer3but I think the community team can help by bringing rigor more rigor to the dev release testers07:38
rickspencer3I bet there are a lot of people who would love to contribute in that manner07:38
* micahg would love a way to automate UI testing :)07:39
rickspencer3micahg, sounds like you find a nice weekend project ;)07:40
pittiyeah, it's also one of the things I'd like to work on07:41
pittiI already test apport that way (GTK and KDE)07:41
pittiby emitting clicks to the buttons and other UI parts, and checkign the state of the program and widgets afterwards07:41
pittiit's still a lot of overhead, we need to think about how to make this radically simpler07:42
pittibut it does work in principle07:42
rickspencer3didn't someone make a desktop recorder kind of app at some point?07:42
rickspencer3like you click around and it generates Python code for your clicks?07:43
pittiit requires a11y enabled, and only works for blackbox testing07:43
pittibut for this kind of installer test, blackbox might actually suffice07:43
rickspencer3in the meantime, it sounds like we should see if we can arrange some people to test the installer on more like a weekly basis07:46
rickspencer3(by manual testing, I mean)07:46
jibelmicahg, ldtp is good for UI testing of GTK apps but not all components are exposed in Ubiquity. For Qt, the testability driver is very good.07:49
micahgjibel: I need non-GTK :), I'd ideally like to automate distro firefox testing :)07:49
pittiI thought firefox was gtk2?07:50
micahgyes, for some things07:50
jibelldtp works quite fine with firefox, but identifying links in pages is a real pain07:50
micahgjibel: links can be done other ways07:50
jibelwell, you can mix technologies07:51
micahgjibel: ok, I'll have to look at ldtp at some point then, thanks07:52
* micahg loves 500 errors when searching for stuff 07:52
didrocksgood morning07:56
pittihey didrocks07:57
* pitti hugs didrocks for the lost game, but at least you are in the quarter finals07:57
didrockshey pitti07:57
didrockspitti: are we? I'm totally disconnected from football world :)07:58
* didrocks hugs pitti nevertheless07:58
Sweetsharkgood mooooorning desktoppers!08:07
* Sweetshark survived a good flamefest yesterday: http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/ANN-Please-use-Gerrit-from-now-on-for-Patch-Review-td3990754.html08:08
Sweetsharkseb128: whats the current state with libreoffice SRU/MRE, btw? i somehow lost track there ...08:10
pittibonjour seb12808:10
pittihey Sweetshark08:10
seb128hey Sweetshark, pitti08:10
pittiseb128: hope you aren't too sad about the game08:10
* Sweetshark waves at pitti 08:10
seb128Sweetshark, it has been acked in principle, it just needs a courageous SRU team member to press the button08:10
Sweetsharkseb128: lets make that a big red botton with the text "nuke" on it ...08:11
seb128pitti, if we had to play bad once it was better to be this game, I hope we do better against Spain!08:11
seb128Sweetshark, yeah, RAOF said he was looking at libreoffice yesterday, not sure how far he went, otherwise we will need to chase down slangasek to ack it, I don't think the other SRU team members will do it08:12
Sweetsharkseb128: spain-croatia wasnt really showing any spanish dominance, so you should stand your chances ...08:12
seb128Sweetshark, yeah, we both had a day off, let's see how that plays out for the next game...08:13
micahgseb128: I finally managed a backtrace for my weird bug: Bug #101544308:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1015443 in thunderbird "Thunderbird hangs the desktop when escaping from password prompt" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101544308:19
micahgseb128:the thing is, I can't seem to reproduce on my metal precise system in the same env08:27
seb128micahg, is that an unity-2d issue again? ;-)08:29
micahgseb128: no, I can reproduce in lucid and natty w/out unity08:29
micahgI am thinking it might be an X/driver issue of some sort though08:29
micahgsince I can't reproduce in the host env08:30
seb128micahg, is that blocking the tb13 update?08:30
seb128micahg, what happened to firefox 13.0.1?08:30
micahgseb128: yes08:30
micahgseb128: well, I wanted to try to get TB out, but ran into this again, I'll go back to finishing FF now08:30
seb128micahg, that doesn't seem worth blocking the update honestly, especially if that happens only in vms08:31
micahgseb128: well, I don't know what video driver combinations would trigger it08:31
micahgif that's indeed the issue, if it's only VMs, I agree :)08:31
seb128micahg, are you sure it's a new issue in 13?08:32
micahgseb128: yes, I reverted to 12 and can't reproduce08:32
seb128micahg, did you open an upstream bug?08:34
micahgseb128: no, as I don't know if it affects upstream or not (depends if it's a thunderbird bug or a bug elsewhere in the stack)08:34
seb128micahg, we really have an issue there in the velocity of how we deal with problems and we need to sort that08:35
seb128micahg, we are over a week late for that update already, and that bug seems nowhere close from being resolved or debugged :-(08:36
micahgseb128: yes, indeed, we'll be testing 14 in advance08:36
seb128micahg, it usually doesn't hurt to take upstream input on issues08:36
micahgseb128: unfortunately, when I tried to reproduce last week, I couldn't, so I figured that maybe it was fixed by the unity update08:36
micahgseb128: but, we are slated to do beta testing this time around, so that should give us more time to fix issues as they pop up08:37
seb128micahg, ok, at least that's a move in the right direction ;-)08:38
seb128micahg, can you go finish the firefox update, I will try to see with chrisccoulson if we can help on the tb hang you are having08:38
micahgseb128: yep, doing so now08:38
micahgseb128: FWIW, the protocol testing that I managed to do before it froze each time seemed to be fine08:40
seb128micahg, does going to a vt and killing tb release the lock, i.e do you get your desktop back if you do that?08:41
micahgseb128: let me see, ISTR no, but I'll try again08:42
seb128micahg, the "hang" description is weird, keyboard working and no mouse?08:42
micahgooh, yeah, it does release it08:43
micahgmore info, mouse moves (menubar appears, but clicks aren't recognized)08:45
* micahg adds to the report08:45
mvopitti: do you remember the set_data/get_data in gobject we talked about some time ago? I use it in the tests in software-center quite a bit to store various bits and piece of information, is it coming back as a compat function for gobject or do I need to rip it all out and replace ?08:45
seb128micahg, chrisccoulson: if stopping tb releases it then it seems that tb keeps an active grab08:47
pittimvo: it's meant to be put back, but as deprecated API; so at some point it will disappear08:54
seb128pitti, did you see that davidz commented on the gvfs,loop mounting bug saying there were perhaps 2 bugs in there?09:05
pittiseb128: I saw that, yes; I was hoping to get a confirmation on the Ubuntu bug that we are really talking about the same bug09:06
seb128pitti, ah right, I did a ping on launchpad then ;-)09:07
seb128pitti, thanks09:07
mvopitti: ok, thanks, I have a look at this then09:14
pittimvo: I had an intial attempt for a backwards compat patch, but it doesn't work for many kinds of classes09:15
pittisince then I didn't find time to get back to this09:15
pittipresumably I'll revert the removal of it and add a g_warning() to it09:16
pittiand we'll remove it in GNOME 3.809:16
mvopitti: ok, thanks09:20
pittimvo: done now09:24
rickspencer3seb128, was there an SRU for nautilus lately?09:33
seb128rickspencer3, we got one to -updates a week ago and a new SRU candidate in proposed the same day09:34
seb128rickspencer3, any issue?09:34
rickspencer3seb128, well, nautilus just crashed on me on 12.0409:34
rickspencer3but if there was not update ...09:35
rickspencer3nothing really to see here09:35
rickspencer3whoopsie-daisey will let you know if there is a problem ;)09:35
seb128rickspencer3, yeah, I doubt it's due to an update, you just likely hit one not-so-new bug09:35
seb128rickspencer3, right09:36
seb128rickspencer3, what were you doing when the issue happened?09:36
rickspencer3renaming a newly created directory09:36
seb128rickspencer3, I've seen report suggesting issues around that in the past :-(09:39
rickspencer3I'm sure it will be fixed in the next SRU ;)09:39
seb128rickspencer3, could be bug #98584809:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 985848 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in icon_rename_ended_cb()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98584809:39
seb128rickspencer3, that one is ranked 11 on the nautilus bugs on errors.ubuntu.com with a frequency of 7309:40
rickspencer3there you go09:40
seb128I hope we get to it at some point09:40
seb128rickspencer3, thanks for point it ;-)09:41
rickspencer3after the SRU, we should see if the crash stops getting reported09:42
rickspencer3will be a good test of whoopsie-daisy09:42
mitya57hi everybody,09:45
mitya57is there any reason for still having revert_git_* patches in g-c-c and g-s-d?09:45
aquariuspitti, ping - does apport only have a CLI interface (ubuntu-bug) and not a (trivial) GUI interface (dash -> File A Bug -> enter package name in a zenity popup) from deliberate policy (filing bugs is technical, thus terminal-only) or because no-one's had a chance to make a simple GUI handler?09:58
pittiaquarius: actually we have had a GUI for this until precise09:58
pittiHelp -> Report a bug..09:58
aquariuspitti, yep, that's perfect for GUI programs (and I know it's gone away now), but it's harder for "ubuntu-bug linux", for example :)09:59
pittiachiang: we also used to have that, but quickly tore it down10:00
pittiwe got a massive increase in absolutely useless and misassigned bugs10:00
seb128mitya57, the same reason we added them to start?10:01
aquariuspitti, no problem; it's policy to not have such a tool, which is fine with me. I was debating writing a quick one, but figured that you might not have it by decision rather than by lack of resources, which is in fact the case :)10:03
mitya57seb128: we added them because we wanted the new version but were in UIF, didn't we?10:03
pittiaquarius: right10:03
pittiaquarius: the compromise that we found was bearable was to call ubuntu-bug without arguments10:03
seb128mitya57, no, we added them because compiz still uses gconf and not gsettings and because we don't use systemd and don't have their datetimed service10:04
seb128mitya57, neither of those assumptions changed10:04
seb128mitya57, though the compiz on gsettings update is being worked on this week10:05
aquariuspitti, cool, I didn't know about that :)10:05
mitya57seb128: ok, thanks10:06
seb128aquarius, we don't lack bugs reports and we don't need to make bugs easier to file ;-)10:06
* aquarius grins10:06
seb128mitya57, did you ask for a reason? i.e are they creating any issue?10:07
aquariusseb128, I did wonder if that was the case, which is why I asked rather than saying "here is a gui thing!" :-)10:07
mitya57seb128: no, just wondering10:07
seb128mitya57, btw https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa has g-s-d and g-c-c with the gconf->gsettings reverts dropped if you want to test it10:07
mitya57seb128: I'll test that when I'll update my quantal WM to the latest quantal :)10:09
xclaessewill Quantal have EDS 3.5 with the new storage format?10:11
seb128xclaesse, not decided yet but it's likely yes10:12
seb128xclaesse, do you need it or do you recommend against it? ;-)10:12
xclaesseseb128, we definitely need it for Folks10:13
xclaessemaster is already ported to the new API10:13
seb128let's see how that goes10:13
xclaesseseb128, cool :)à10:15
xclaesseseb128, the problem is that once the format is migrated, you can't go back10:15
xclaessewhich is problematic for testing :p10:15
seb128right, well going backward in versions is an issue for distros in any case10:15
seb128but we tend to not jump on such transitions, especially for evolution which has a record of making those bumpy for a while10:16
seb128so it might take some weeks before we get the new version of e-d-s10:16
xclaesseseb128, I was planning to upgrade to quantal once it has the newer EDS, so I can use latest folks again :p10:16
seb128xclaesse, we will let you know when that happens ;-)10:17
xclaesseeven when building newer EDS in jhbuild, it will migrate your DB and you're screwed10:17
xclaesseseb128, thanks :)10:18
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* achiang waves to pitti :)12:33
pittihey achiang12:34
pittiachiang: argh, tab failure, sorry :)12:34
achiangpitti: np. my error checker fixed it. but it's been a while since i said "hi" anyway. :)12:34
pittiachiang: indeed, how are you these days?12:35
achiangpitti: a bit tired. in korea for work, the taxi drivers decided to have a national strike today. so i got to explore the korean bus and metro system to get where i needed to go. 2 hours later, i am back from the customer site back to hotel12:36
pittiachiang: argh; consider it a real-life sightseeing tour?12:37
achiangpitti: "forced" tourism... sounds kinda funny. :) wie gehts?12:38
pittiachiang: quite well, thanks; I'm getting into my new QA role, and making some progress12:38
achiangpitti: good to hear! you sounded quite excited in your blog post so i think we're all excited by proxy. :)12:39
pittiI'm keeping a record on G+ (quite nice, and QA team policy anyway012:40
achiangok, time to write a few status emails and then perhaps... bed12:42
achiangcheers, pitti12:42
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popeychrisccoulson, did you know enigmail is broken in quantal?12:48
chrisccoulsonpopey, yeah :)12:50
seb128micahg, how is the tb debugging going?13:16
micahgseb128: hrm, I thought chrisccoulson was going to do that :(13:16
seb128micahg, he said he can't reproduce the issue13:16
seb128micahg, I fear you will have to do it13:16
seb128micahg, he has also other stuff to work on for quantal...13:17
seb128micahg, let we know if we can help on specific topics, but it doesn't seem we are in a position to just do the debugging and resolve the issue for you there13:17
micahgseb128: awesome, ok, I guess I'll look into this further when I start later today13:18
seb128micahg, ok, thanks, let us know how it goes13:18
* micahg wonders if he missed scrollback somewhere13:18
seb128micahg, well, scrollback never said chrisccoulson was going to work on,fix that issue either ;-)13:20
seb128micahg, but I did chat with him out of the channel and we can't reproduce the issue which makes it hard to work on it13:20
mterrymvo, darn, I was hoping you had been hiding some amazing UI driving framework that you had been too lazy to use.  :-/13:40
mterrymvo, the best I've used is ldtp, but it's very rickety13:40
mvomterry: yeah, excatly, I wasn't overly impressed with that one :/13:44
mterrymvo, well, I'm happy to write various tests, but since doing so might involve various code changes (for instrumentation) and since code is moving around a lot in my branches, would you mind if I did a big test branch after all these intermediate branches land?  (ala the indentation one)13:48
mvomterry: that is fine with me (for the given reasons)13:56
mterrymvo, cool, I'll comment on the merge request page saying that's my plan13:56
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xclaesseseb128, I just released telepathy-gabble 0.16.1 stable release, I would appreciate if that can make its way into ubuntu precise14:23
xclaesseseb128, it fix issue connecting to MSN's xmpp server14:23
xclaessethat just regressed last week because of a change on their server14:24
xclaessedetails: http://blogs.gnome.org/xclaesse/2012/06/20/problems-with-windows-lives-xmpp-server/14:24
seb128xclaesse, thanks for the notice, we will SRU that14:28
seb128kenvandine, ^ did you see bug reports about that?14:28
seb128kenvandine, did you want me to have a look to that SRU?14:28
kenvandinei hadn't seen a bug about that... but that doesn't mean we didn't get a new one14:29
kenvandineseb128, if you could please :)14:29
kenvandinei couldn't do it today14:29
xclaessethanks ç14:29
xclaessewe got upstream reports14:30
xclaessedunno about lp14:30
xclaessethere are over 10k users of that, so surely a lot of people noticed it14:31
xclaessebtw, it went from ~1000 to ~9000 just in a few days after LTS release :D14:31
seb128xclaesse, ;-)14:31
xclaessecompared to fedora's release almost unoticed in the chart :p14:32
seb128xclaesse, I will check our bug reports, I just want one to attach to the SRU (we need a bug for tracking purposes)14:32
seb128kenvandine, no worry, I will do it14:32
kenvandineseb128, you rock!14:33
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seb128Laney, ping https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1011361 ;-)15:54
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1011361 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] libpwquality" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:54
seb128Laney, I saw robert_ancell uploaded it, it's in quantal NEW queue15:54
LaneyI think it would be good to put it in exp, but I'm not sure I want to be uploader ;-)15:56
seb128Laney, start by putting it in the pkg-gnome svn? ;;-)15:57
* Laney checks if Robert is a member there15:57
Laneyusing SVN scares me these days, all of the actions being pushed out immediately15:58
seb128Laney, he is a member of pkg-gnome, I dropped him an email about the topic but he didn't seem interested16:00
seb128Laney, he mentioned "the ridiculous amount of Debian paperwork for new packages"16:01
Laneyone bug?16:01
* Laney will look at it then16:01
seb128Laney, though he discussed with mbiebl apparently who said the package seemed to be fine16:01
seb128just commit it to the svn and as a base for whoever will be wanting to pick that up ;-)16:01
seb128Laney, one bug, well apparently he failed to open this one16:02
LaneyI would have to review it for ubuntuisms though16:02
seb128thanks for the ridiculous bts email system :p16:02
Laneywhich is why I'd rather he did it, as he'd know16:02
seb128Laney, I doubt there is any, I reviewed it quickly, it seems fine16:02
Laneyok, will do16:02
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mbieblLaney, seb128: didn't have time really to look at libpwquality as I had other stuff on the todo list and16:20
mbiebllibpwquality being 3.5 was a low prio16:21
Laneyit's ok, not a high priority indeed16:21
LaneyI'll maybe put it in exp16:21
mbieblI think I made a few quick remarks regardign the location of the pam modules16:21
mbieblwhich was wrong /usr/lib/security iirc16:22
Laneymbiebl: you mean it should be in a multiarch path?16:29
mbieblLaney: they usually go to /lib/security or /lib/$(MA)/security16:31
Laneyyeah, looks (from the .install file) like this is going to /lib/security16:31
Laneylaney@raleigh> head libpam-pwquality.install                                                                                                                                  ~/temp/libpwquality-1.1.0/debian16:31
mbieblok, then robert has fixed this already16:31
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brycehRAOF, TheMuso, robert_ancell: we missed our meeting time yesterday, but I'm assuming no one had agenda items?23:33
robert_ancellbryceh, yep23:34
brycehgreat, thanks23:38

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