
Azelphurgrr, my cursor keeps disappearing in gedit00:00
Azelphurannoying :(00:00
ali1234i actually came up with this idea earlier today!00:00
dogmatic69ali1234: what you doing on slashdot? all the cool kids are on reddit :P00:05
ali1234er, no00:05
ali1234that's precisely why i don't go on it00:05
ali1234it's full of kids who think they are cool00:05
ali1234so today's rejected idea for the ubuntu app showdown was an app that fills zeitgeist with fake data00:06
ali1234because if you leave it on it tracsk everything you do, but if you turn it off it looks like you're hiding something00:06
ali1234so the only workable solution is to generate fake innocuous data... but it seems apple already patented that idea00:07
ali1234here's an idea for you: why hasn't anyone ever made a tablet with the touchscreen on the back?00:08
ali1234that way you can use it without your hand covering most of the display00:08
dogmatic69possibly the issue of not seeing what you are touching00:09
ali1234that's irrelevant00:09
ali1234when you use a mouse do you look at your hand? no00:09
ali1234you don't even look directly at the mouse point00:09
ali1234you look where you are clicking00:09
ali1234when you point at something in real life, do you look at your hand? no, you don't00:10
ali1234in fact with a normal tablet you can't see what you are touching, because your hand is in the way. this is the problem that my idea solves :)00:10
ali1234ok maybe it's a bad idea00:12
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MooDoomorning all07:02
* diplo smashes his space bar :(07:16
* AlanBell is on a boat07:37
DJonesdiplo: Itwasbrokenbefore,noneedtobreakeverybodyelsesviatheinternet07:37
matttAlanBell: why ?07:37
AlanBellLondon Eye to Canary Wharf07:38
matttoh nice :)07:38
matttAlanBell: btw, i meant to show you something the other week07:38
AlanBellput it away quick, here comes the nurse07:39
mattti follow @LinuxFreelancer on twitter, and there was a tweet about someone needing help w/ openerp07:39
AlanBelloh cool07:39
matttyeah, meant to mention it, but it slipped my mind :(07:39
diploDJones: It's been broken since new, I was to lazy to get it fixed :(07:45
christelAlanBell: there was an impressive turnout of 19 people last night!07:45
dauberschristel: What for?08:00
matttdaubers: the secret party you weren't invited to!08:00
* mattt has no idea either08:01
christeldaubers: the surrey/hants hackerspace meeting08:01
christelpopey: you'll be pleased to know that we changed every other meeting to be on thursdays and that we volunteered you for the Looking at Venues team! ;)08:01
MartijnVdSLooking at Venus!08:03
dauberschristel: One day I'll get down to one of those, see if there's anything at Reading we can do to help08:09
christelawesome, we had a few people from the reading one turn up08:14
matttdaubers: there's one in reading ?  got details ?08:27
daubersmattt: http://www.readinghackspace.org.uk08:30
nperrymorn o/08:32
daubersmattt: and #reading-hackspace :)08:32
daubersthough it tends to be a bit quiet08:32
Guest40145Why do some ISOs only burn on CD-R or DVD-R08:33
Guest40145why isn't it universial?08:33
nperryGuest40145: You can only fit 700mb iso or less on CD-R08:34
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Guest40145yeah but why do some vendors only recommend -R and not +R08:36
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JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:37
DJonesFrom memory, weren't -R and +R differing technologies by different manufacturers so they were all promoting their own version08:41
daubersGuest40145: That's more to do iwth the dyes and drives than iso images08:42
directhex-R and +R applies to DVD, not CD08:45
directhexalso -RAM08:45
bigcalmGood mornings peeps :)08:48
andylockranmorning peeps08:53
andylockranand peepesss08:53
andylockranhow goes things?08:54
nperrypopey: isitoutyet?08:54
DJonesGrr, stupid Nat West, broken online banking systems isn't a good thing08:56
AlanBellthat doesn't appear to be wildly informative09:01
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:01
BigRedSwhat's the this-century version of dpkg --get-selections?09:06
MartijnVdSBigRedS: that :)09:07
BigRedSOh, good :)09:08
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popeybye bye always connected irssi09:28
bigcalmWhat are we to do without a popey in here?09:33
dwatkinswait until he comes back?09:34
* bigcalm bites his nails09:34
gordmake snide remarks about him behind his back obviously09:34
bigcalmWhat if he doesn't come back!?09:34
dogmatic69bigcalm: we can all 'hangout' on g+09:34
dwatkinsI'll pester him on Google+ until he does?09:34
gordcan we hang out behind the bike sheds on g+? only the cool kids allowed09:35
bigcalmNot me then09:35
czajkowskiwhy no popey :(09:43
* czajkowski peers at gord 09:43
czajkowskiwhatcha do09:43
bigcalmOne assumes that he needs to reboot a server09:47
bigcalmOr he's had enough09:47
nperryHe may have deleted the internet.09:48
bigcalmWe have only moments left09:48
nperryI'm spending the last minutes of the internet watching leweb :(09:49
gordwe can all stay safe in the knowledge that given that we still exist, we are not all just figments of popeys imagination09:50
diploToo Deep for this early in the morning09:51
bigcalmNeed more coffee09:51
* dwatkins is trying tea without milk for a change09:53
AlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1824/detail/ looks like we need a few more chaps to balance things out a bit09:53
dwatkinsI felt like saying to the kettle 'tea, earl grey, hot'09:53
diploWhere abouts are you Alan ish ?09:54
bigcalmAlanBell: if I were to come, so would Hayley. We would cancel each other out09:54
bigcalmThere, I'm tentative09:55
BigRedSAlanBell: could I sleep in your garden again?09:55
AlanBellyes, no problem09:55
DJonesAs if twitter wasn't enough for people to say that they're just getting up, now another copy/clone http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-1851816209:57
gorddon't the chickens mind?09:57
nperryDJones: "only available in the us"09:58
DJonesSo far09:58
DJonesI like this comment in the article " "This is an idea that I've had since Christmas. I've been a passionate user of social media since the days of AOL chatrooms, and that was the inspiration really.""09:58
DJonesInspired by AOL chatrooms :)09:59
nperry"Discussion on Menshn has initially been restricted to the US election but Ms Mensch says it will expand to reflect users' interests."09:59
nperryAwesome, a chinnese social network.09:59
gordnew social networks always survive, i'm sure we will be hearing more from this particular one09:59
davmor2morning all09:59
nperryI can imagine, "You are not allowed to post about Ubuntu, we want you to talk about apple today"09:59
DJonesNext thing you know, it'll be confirmed it will only work as long as you use Netscape10:00
nperryNetscape > *10:00
an0keyie IE610:00
AlanBellwonder if it is based on status.net10:01
diploAnyone know what RH/CentOS used for udisks equivalent before implementing in Cent6 ?10:01
DJonesYou can register for it if you use megaproxy to get around the Non-US eligibility10:03
* diplo guesses it was HAL10:03
DJonesMaybe not, its disabled by the proxy then10:04
bigcalmDJones: what if you're in Canada?10:04
AlanBellhttp://menshn.com/nopage it is running apache10:04
BigRedSX-Powered-By: PleskLin10:04
DJonesYou can log in with facebook if you so desire10:07
DJonesGive a politicians website access to your facebook account, its one way of getting your personal info for the security services & tracking10:09
* DJones gets out a foil hat10:09
BigRedSI love the idea of a politician working that bit out10:10
DJonesConversation in the office is about parents spying on their kids at school, they can check what they've had for dinner via the schools website, parents have to put credit on an account, the kid has to sign for whatever they'd picked using a fingerprint reader10:14
diploGood idea imp10:15
diploLook forward to it at my kids school10:16
DJonesSeems a bit too much like big brother10:17
DJonesI can understand why they do it though10:18
hamitrondoesn't that add extra expense? surely be money better spent on better food10:18
diploWell for me, I used to give my kids money to get lunch10:18
diploI found out he was having 3 portions of different chocolate10:18
diploNo thanks to the school10:18
BigRedSdepends how the parents handle it10:19
diploNow he has a fruit starter, some sort of sandwich type main and a fruit/yoghurt for pudding10:19
DJonesI used to go to my Grandad's for my dinner and had things like fried lambs heart, black pudding, liver etc :)10:19
BigRedSjudging by stories I hear of internet barring, frequently badly10:19
bigcalmAlanBell: what was the PHP profiler you used on vtiger?10:20
hamitronhow much are school meals now?10:20
diploI couldn't believe they let them have chocolate for all three courses10:20
diplobigcalm: xhprof10:20
diploWas looking myself earlier :)10:20
bigcalmEasy to use?10:20
diploSeems so, not used yet but AlanBell put a link up last night of what it generated10:20
diplo22:37 < AlanBell> http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/callgraphs/ comedy callgraphs10:21
diploWas that it, can't remember now10:21
hamitron£2 for a school meal? :|10:21
diploYep :)10:22
hamitronsame problem as when I was at school then10:22
diploHe rarely has one from me, normally packed lunch10:22
diploThink his mum does it quite often though10:22
hamitroncheaper to run out of grounds and go to bakery ;)10:22
diploDepends if i was organised or not10:22
AlanBellbigcalm: xhprof10:24
bigcalmTa :)10:24
bigcalmAlanBell: easy to use?10:24
AlanBellnon trivial to install10:24
AlanBellor I am incompetent10:24
bigcalmHehe, aww10:24
bigcalmOh my, popey came back!10:24
* hamitron steps in line10:24
popeybigcalm: yup ☺10:25
dogmatic69anyone seen the Gooseberry (competition for Raspberry Pi)10:26
dogmatic69Seems like a smartphone without the screen10:27
diplodogmatic69: After reading up about it, the guy is selling the board which comes in the cheap tablets10:27
diploand is basically selling it with a psu10:27
MartijnVdSso yes10:27
MartijnVdSit's a phone without a screen :)10:27
dogmatic69diplo: ah10:28
diploGood on him tbh, I could have done with thinking that up10:28
bigcalmMy intertubes are so slow recently. What are VM up to?10:28
dogmatic69the shape of the board is a give-away10:28
dogmatic69it has all those funny cut outs and one rounded corner10:29
diplobigcalm: Why I left a couple of years ago :/10:30
diploAlong with having a friends and family deal with sky10:30
bigcalmdiplo: it's ok mostly, just recently a bit iffy10:31
dogmatic696 days till 75mb/s line \o/10:31
bigcalmMight not be VM10:31
* bigcalm shrugs10:31
gordis mostly okay really good enough these days?10:31
diploMy main issue was with downloading anything torrent related10:31
diploif i downloaded a torrent I would get good speeds but i couldn't do _anything_ else10:32
bigcalmTraffic shaping :)10:32
diploAnd afterwards I had to reboot the modem every time10:32
bigcalmHeh, that sucks10:32
bigcalmAnd sounds iffy10:32
diploDownside was that it wasn't for pirated material10:32
bigcalmYou can limit the download speed of torrents10:32
diployeah it was, wasn't speeds... it was just using torrents that caused it10:32
hamitrondoes it help tunnelling the torrent traffic?10:33
diplonever tried, not been with them the last 2 years10:34
diplomoved to sky, only get 6mb max but it's sooooo much more stable :/10:34
hamitrontbh, stability I consider a lot more important10:34
hamitronI was tempted to sign up to bt infinity10:35
hamitronbut read bad things, so stayed on slow dsl10:35
gordyou can get a reseller for infinity that is.. well, not BT10:35
bigcalmStill waiting for the PECL site to load10:36
hamitronyeh, but didn't really see anything I liked10:36
hamitronI refuse to pay more than £30 per month10:36
gordi'm looking at zen right now, no traffic shaping, just a so many gb limit10:36
hamitronI just signed a 12 month contract with demon internet, they gave me a nice discount10:37
hamitronthen will re-assess after the year10:38
gorddoesn't seem like you can get anything good for less than £30 a month with an infinity reseller. you'll get 20gb limit on zen10:38
gord100gb for £35 though10:39
hamitronthere are some good packages if you sign a deal for calls on your phone line when I looked10:39
hamitronbut we are still locked into a contract with bt for that10:39
hamitronso after the year...... ;)10:39
hamitronI fancy giving plusnet a go10:40
hamitronunless demon offer bt infinity resale10:40
DJonesIf you're with Sky, you can get Sky Fibre Unlimited for £2010:40
hamitrondo they offer a static ip yet?10:41
gorddo they still require a tv contract too?10:41
DJonesgord: Yes10:41
DJoneshamitron: Don't know about fibre, normal isn't static10:41
hamitronatm I got a block of 8 :)10:41
AlanBellhamitron: plusnet only do static IP on the big package10:43
hamitronyeh, plusnet do everything I want10:43
bigcalmThere he goes again!10:43
DJonesSomebody get him a new carrier pigeon10:44
hamitronand Yorkshire broadband is good broadband10:44
hamitronI'd need a new usb stick to use pigeon :/10:45
* bigcalm gets out the crazy glue10:45
diplobigcalm: On virgin here and pecl seems fine here so a regional issue i guess10:49
bigcalmdiplo: aye10:49
diploooh DJones I didn't know that sky were offering that10:49
* diplo wonders whether I try that10:49
bigcalmdiplo: currently trying to load my.virginmedia.com to check their status10:50
* bigcalm twiddles his thumbs10:50
davmor2bigcalm: you want to glue yourself to crazy??10:50
diplolol, well that's not loading very quickly here bigcalm  :D10:50
DJonesdiplo: I'm waiting fore fibre to announced in my area10:50
diploIt has been here \o/10:50
bigcalmdavmor2: I keep losing my crazy, so that might help10:50
diploWonder if sky will make me sign another 12 months though10:50
diploI've loaded but i need to login bigcalm and don't know the details sorry10:51
diplomeh, may cancel total package10:51
diplosee if that works10:51
diploif i don't have it, i can't watch it10:51
bigcalmThat doesn't need a login10:51
diploheh, can't see any details for a VM at this address10:53
davmor2bigcalm: it only does you know :P10:53
* davmor2 thinks virgin poached bigcalm s crazy10:54
bigcalmIs faun the firewall?10:56
popeyguess so10:57
czajkowskidavmor2: Herrrro10:59
Myrttiyet another day11:00
davmor2czajkowski: Prodington Prod morning11:01
bigcalmWould somebody please stop drinking my tea!11:03
davmor2bigcalm: I blame virgin they seem to be getting the blame for everything else today ;)11:05
bigcalmSo it's true that the internet is a series of tubes11:06
davmor2bigcalm: we just need someone to implement boip now11:08
bigcalmdavmor2: No`11:09
davmor2bigcalm: why no beer over ip?  how about coip and toip then :D11:10
bigcalmDaviey: you silly man :P11:10
bigcalmdavmor2: do you not know No`?11:11
davmor2bigcalm: was the Daviey comment for me11:12
bigcalmdavmor2: yes, but he's a silly man as well ;)11:12
Myrtticzajkowski: http://twitter.com/myrtti/status/215401537130872833 :-P11:12
czajkowskiMyrtti: oh nice11:13
czajkowskithere does seem to be a lot of interest in that role11:13
czajkowskiMyrtti: harass aquarius11:13
bigcalmMyrtti: fingers crossed :)11:13
czajkowskiaka bbuy him beer11:13
bigcalmBuy him late night pizza11:13
czajkowskior chargers for travel11:14
bigcalmA passport locating device11:14
Myrttipack of smokes and earplugs for pubnights11:14
Myrttiso Mr. Brightside doesn't infiltrate his eardrums11:14
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czajkowskiah yes11:15
* gord looks around his office for elves11:15
czajkowskiand also if you could provide a DJ with decent music that may also help11:15
Myrttigord: have you noticed your ears and the fancy bow and arrow you have?11:16
* Myrtti cuddles everyone ♥ 11:16
gordbut i don't wanna be an elf :( </seinfeld>11:17
gordthats a lie, i totally do11:17
davmor2Myrtti: Yay, good luck!11:18
aquariusHmph. I see I am being caricatured again11:18
Myrttiaquarius: but we love you anyway ♥11:18
bigcalmaquarius: do you deny any of these traits?11:18
aquariusthe whole is, I sincerely hope, more than the sum of the parts11:19
aquariusalso, I know precisely where my passport is. :)11:19
* DJones is a DJ (maybe the wrong sort) but the music choice would probably be annoying11:19
bigcalmSlowly everybody in this channel gets swallowed by Canonical11:19
czajkowskiaquarius: see you do now, but I do look froward to the tweet where you go looking for it again when needed11:20
davmor2bigcalm: you this isn't canonical-uk darn it11:20
aquariusczajkowski, ah, the passport I'm careful with, since if I lose it getting another one is a nightmare. Adaptors, less so.11:20
aquariusMyrtti, can you say which role you applied for? By PM is fine if you prefer :)11:20
Myrttiaquarius: the support one :-)11:21
Myrttiaquarius: btw did you decide where to spend the windfall?11:21
aquariusah, gotcha. The role's not under me, but I know who *is* the hiring manager. :)11:21
aquariuswindfall: no. I need a bunch of new clothes, though, so that might be it. No Boxster for me :(11:22
MyrttiDid you have a particular one in sight or just a Boxster?11:24
hamitrondoesn't it require a fair amount of buying clothes, to spend the money what a boxster costs?11:26
directhexhow about clothes, plus a new pc for directhex?11:27
* hamitron is not greedy, and would be just as happy with only a new pc11:27
christelooh yes! someone should hire Myrtti11:27
bigcalmI wonder if popey is making up for all the times that he hasn't quit IRC11:31
christelso it would seem!11:32
Myrtti/mode +b popey!*@*$##fix_your_connection_or_use_irssi_damnit11:32
popeyshut your noise11:33
Myrttiaw. You're ruining my fun. I'm having a good day for a change11:33
popeycan't seem to get xchat to join all the channels I need11:34
bigcalmChannel connection limit?11:35
davmor2popey: I can :D11:35
bigcalmYou're connected here, what more do you need?11:35
popeybah, I'll go elsewhere for help11:35
bigcalmThough you seem to be missing from a MC channel11:36
davmor2popey: I have 36 channels open on 2 networks currently11:36
christelthat's just greedy11:36
czajkowski4 networks and 34 channels11:37
czajkowskimore than enough11:37
czajkowskibut some do refuse to autojoin which is kinda poo11:37
bigcalmMaybe they expect you to be registered with nickserv before allowing you to join11:37
popeydavmor2 not helping11:37
popeyit's invite only channels I'm having issues with11:37
popeybut have found /timer so will use that11:38
bigcalmpopey: I was about to suggest a race situation might fix it11:38
czajkowskipopey: ah likewise I have to have identified before I can join so it never autojoins, if and when you figure this bit out let me know11:38
jpdsbigcalm: No, a race situation is the problem.11:38
davmor2popey: it was more that it can handle that amount of channels so you knew what I had open as an example11:38
jpdsczajkowski: irssi right?11:38
czajkowskijpds: yarp11:39
jpdsczajkowski: Under chatnets, you need a autosendcmd = "wait 200";11:39
* popey tries again11:40
jpdswait 2000 might be better, wait 2 seconds before joining.11:40
czajkowskiit's suually I just need to identify with chanserv11:41
czajkowskito log into council channels11:41
czajkowskipopey: boo welcome back11:41
popeyfound out how to do it, timer not long enough it seems11:41
Myrttiin theory if you are using SASL to identify, you're identified before you join any channels no matter what connection settings you've got11:42
czajkowskipopey: did you see jpds suggestion of 200011:42
Myrttiif I've understood things right11:42
popeyis what i am doing11:42
bigcalmI do believe that it's lunch time \o/11:46
diploSorry coming late to the convo, I had the same issue popey11:46
diploWasn't authing soon enough, that was the windows version of xchat11:46
AlanBellpopey: any interesting reason for the xchattieness or just wanted a change?11:47
diplouse irssi now though :/11:47
davmor2popey: I thought you were a irrssi man why the move to xchat?11:47
AlanBelllunchtime for me too. Wonder if I can get away early and go bother people in bluefin today11:48
diplodaubers: Our local B&Q used to11:58
diplonot got one local ?11:58
daubersdiplo: 3 week lead time11:58
diplothat sucks11:59
diploDon't know anyone with a van, or roof rack11:59
daubersannoyingly if you buy paint from the B&Q website you can get it delivered in a few days11:59
daubersdiplo: Know a man with a van... but borrowed it not so long ago for plasterboard...11:59
diploLuckily my sister has horses, so my delivery of stuff like that is sorted12:00
diplolast job i could use a van/lorry when ever i wanted12:00
diploSo horse box is good fall back12:00
diploTried places like Wickes ?12:00
daubers£25 if you're within 5 miles of the store (more than the cost of the panel)12:01
diploSeems best bet is to buy man with a van some beer and ask nicely again :)12:02
daubersYeah... or buy a trailor and do the trailor test12:02
diploBuy a cheap roof rack ?12:05
directhex:D my first ever SSD has shipped :D12:05
Myrttidaubers: what are you looking for?12:06
dwatkinsdirecthex: which capacity did you order, I'm curious - I was looking for the sweet-spot in pricing a while ago12:08
directhexdwatkins, 240G for £13212:08
directhexso i'll give 60G to ubuntu and 180 to windows, with /home and c:\users on a different drive12:09
dwatkinsI bought a hybrid disk as it was about the same price but 750 GB12:09
daubersMyrtti: Need to get 2 fence panels, strugglign to find somewhere that will deliver12:09
daubers(in a reasonable time frame)12:09
davmor2daubers: wickes12:10
daubersdavmor2: I'm more than 5 miles from the store, so the delivery is extortionate!12:11
daubers"Delivery Cost - £42.00."12:11
daubersI could rent a van for less than that!12:12
davmor2daubers: try garden centers or local builder merchants12:12
Myrtti:-/ we just get a fencing guy to do it :-/12:13
daubersMyrtti: I'd rather do it myself..... It's only 2 fence panels12:17
Myrttiwe had the whole wall come down last spring I think, the guy replaced the wooden posts by concrete and leveled the edges a bit as apparently the previous tenants brought in too much soil and our plot is about a halffoot to foot higher than neighbours or surrounding areas12:19
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TwinkletoesI read somewhere that is was a bad idea to redirect mail for root by changing its alias, and to put a .forward file in root's homedir instead.  I can't remember where I read it, but why is one better than the other?12:52
BigRedSI can't think why it would be12:56
BigRedSwe use an alias on all our servers12:56
BigRedSI think ~/.forward fails more gracefully12:57
BigRedSif something's wrong the email  ends up in a mailbox rather than disappearing into the ether12:57
dwatkinsroot might get mails from failed cronjobs13:10
andylockrandwatkins: what's a hybrid disk?13:22
dwatkinsandylockran: normal hard disk with a caching SSD in front of it - http://www.ebuyer.com/321969-seagate-750gb-momentus-xt-ssd-st750lx00313:23
andylockranaye, looks cool13:24
dwatkinsyeah, I fitted mine in my Macbook Pro, has worked great.13:24
nperrydwatkins: Do you not get better performance out of ssd + hdd then a hybrid?13:24
andylockrannperry: not for the stuff on the hdd13:25
andylockranI like the idea13:25
andylockranI went with a 120GB SSD just over a year ago13:25
andylockran18 months13:25
andylockran£1 per GB13:25
dwatkinsnperry: I honestly don't know - I restored my backup onto the disk, so the fact it feels faster could just be due to less fragmentation.13:26
popeydown to 50p/GB now!13:26
popeyfragmentation is only usually an issue with linux filesystems if they're full13:26
popeyor nearly full13:26
* bigcalm waddles back in13:26
gordif it wern't for ubuntu one, i'd live on just ssd's everywhere + nas13:27
dwatkinspopey: this is HPFS, or whatever my Mac uses for its OS system partition, but may well be the same13:28
nperryI may get one of the hybrid to put into my laptop, which seems to be failing SMART at the moment..13:29
nperryHowever it has been for the last couple of weeks but fsck was able to 'block' the bad sectors.13:29
popeyI'm not going back to spinning rust13:30
popeySSD all the way13:30
dwatkinsif it's using up spare sectors because there are failing ones, it'll eventually run out13:30
directhexmy ssd should arrive tomorrow :)13:30
dwatkinsI gather SSDs are a lot better nowadays, but presumably they fail over time still13:30
bigcalmpopey: even in the proliant?13:30
popeyyes :p13:30
bigcalmOoo, money bags :P13:30
directhex180G for windows, 60G for ubuntu, and repurpose current main rust drive for /home and d:\users13:30
nperryI have never taken a HDD out of a laptop before, as mobos have died before the hdd, how hard is it to do?13:30
dwatkinsdepends on the laptop nperry13:31
nperryI'm assuming it is depandant on the laptop itself and where it is placed.13:31
dwatkinssome are really easy, others are a right pain, there should be tutorials with pictures etc. online if it's a common enough model13:31
directhexeasy on a thinkpad13:31
directhexone screw, then pull the tab13:31
bigcalmpopey: I bought 3 2.5" to 3.5" drive converters to put some USB disks into the server. They don't work because they centralise the drive rather than putting the connectors into the same location 3.5" drives use13:31
directhexbigcalm, nice13:32
bigcalmpopey: so let me know how you plan on putting SSDs into the Proliant13:32
nperryAnd pretty much any HDD or SSD would fit, as long as its 2.5", which I believe all laptops are now-a-days13:32
mgdmgaffer tape13:32
popeybigcalm, i dont plan to, i already have13:32
directhexbigcalm, the £130 240G ssd i just bought also comes with a 3.5" converter with appropriate placement, and a usb caddy to use it as an external disk13:32
bigcalmpopey: how?13:33
popeymy hp microserver has ssd for /13:33
popeyin the top bay13:33
bigcalmAh, not in the 4 removable bays though13:33
popeyno, i have rust in those13:33
bigcalmdirecthex: oh, which one?13:33
popeyi dont care about rust on old slow servers13:33
directhexbigcalm, kingston hyperx13:34
bigcalmGah, going to any site for the 1st time today is taking forever to connect13:35
bigcalmWhat do I blame for that?13:35
directhexDNS caching13:35
bigcalmIf I esc and then f5, things load quickly13:36
gordswitch to google dns?13:37
bigcalmgord: as far as I am aware, I'm already using google for dns13:37
bigcalmI should check13:37
bigcalmdirecthex: http://www.ebuyer.com/168671-kingston-2-5-to-3-5-hard-drive-bracket-and-screws-sna-br-35 ?13:37
gordvirgin does a bunch of proxying for content right? maybe on their side?13:38
bigcalmgord: 8 is one, is the other 4?13:38
directhexbigcalm,  http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-SandForce-Technology-SH100S3B-240G/dp/B005C95NCY13:38
bigcalmI forget which is the primary and which is the secondary13:38
davmor2bigcalm: I use,
gordi think the secondary is
gordthis is off the top of my head though13:39
* diplo agress with gord 13:39
bigcalmChanged in my router, hopefully will see a change now13:40
bigcalmdirecthex: I see.13:40
=== sprmtt is now known as SuperMatt
dogmatic69I an doing 'for file in `ls /some/path`' command in terminal. how can I do echo "Some$varThing" that is like "Some<var>Thing"13:56
dogmatic69actual command: for plugin in `ls Core`; do cake test $plugin "All$pluginTests"; done13:57
dogmatic69so it should run cake test $plugin "All<plugin>Tests"13:57
andylockranTEST='andy'; echo 'test' $TEST ' test'14:01
dogmatic69cool, thanks14:02
gordjacobw is a pokeman now?14:07
diploRather quiet this afternoon, everyone taking a siesta?14:12
diploBeautiful outside, went out to read at lunchtime, very nearly didn't come back in14:12
diploDropped off twice :)14:12
jacobwgord: that's right14:15
* jacobw is watching 'castle' right now14:16
diplo I love the show jacobw :)14:20
diploWhat series ?14:21
kvarleyWhat does "depmod -a" do?14:27
diploFrom what I've just read up it compiles a list of dependancies from /etc/modules.conf14:29
kvarleydiplo: Ok ty14:29
diplowhich modprobe uses to load modules14:29
kvarleydiplo: Ah that'll be it. I'm looking to enable my wifi and its on a guide I'm reading14:30
diploNever had to use it, but seen it mentioned here a few times before14:32
kvarleydiplo: :) me neither. This is for my MK802, weirdly it can see wifi networks but it won't let me connect14:33
diploProbably like an issue i used to have on older laptops having issues with wpa/wpa214:33
diplounless i updated them14:33
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
directhexi have paid out for a crashplan subscription.15:21
directhexALL MY MONEY :O15:21
diploI just don't think im important enough for that :)15:23
directhexgord, cloud storage thingy15:25
bigcalmHaving one of those days15:34
bigcalmWifi router stopped supporting wifi traffic15:34
bigcalmAfter a reboot, it stopped supporting cabled traffic as well15:34
* bigcalm shakes fist at Linksys15:34
bigcalm(Says cisco, but it's linksys)15:35
bigcalmNow back to using the VM superhub as a router again15:35
davmor2bigcalm: I now feel your pain15:36
bigcalmOh look, the superhub is in no rush to support wifi traffic either now15:37
davmor2bigcalm: apparently on 20meg they used a different network stack to the 30+ so now I have a super hub I've been switched over for my 60meg and it's pig slow and completely unreliable15:37
* bigcalm wonders if an EMP was allowed into the house15:37
bigcalmdavmor2: I thought you said it had improved since you got 60mb?15:37
davmor2bigcalm: no it improved on the 20meg15:38
davmor2bigcalm: this is the first day of using the 60meg15:38
davmor2bigcalm: after 5 calls to them they now realise that there is a fault15:38
davmor2bigcalm: I got a notice call off them saying it was fixed I had 60meg for 2 seconds at least and then back on the phone to them :D15:39
davmor2andylockran: why the ouch?16:04
dogmatic69found out how to stop recruiters sending spam16:29
dogmatic69*/1 * * * * /var/www/frameworks/cakephp2/app/Console/cake -app /var/www/sites/aqua.dev/public_html email16:29
bigcalmHow does that stop spam?16:30
dogmatic69wrote a little cake script to send out some mails. after 15 minutes I got a reply saying 'I can remove you if you wish', after 35 minutes I got one saying 'I have removed you from our list'16:30
dogmatic69bigcalm: the script sends out a mail16:31
dogmatic69back to the offender16:31
bigcalmHow sweet16:32
dogmatic69bigcalm: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/38932961416:33
ali1234damn, why does it always fall to me to actually go and do the research before spreading loads of FUD?16:34
bigcalmBecause you care?16:35
andylockrandavmor2: re: you having to spend more time on the phone to VM16:36
davmor2andylockran: ah right yeap when it works it is fantastic16:38
andylockranta ra all16:39
andylockrancatch you tomorrow!16:40
AlanBellanyone got multitouch gestures like pinch working on a laptop touchpad?16:46
AlanBellwould it be good if that worked and was plumbed in to compiz enhanced zoom?16:46
nperryAlanBell, I have got twofinger scroll working..16:48
AlanBellyeah, that works fine16:52
gordAlanBell, iirc you need a properly utouch supported multitouch laptop. which i think is maybe just apple ones and a few select others16:53
AlanBellmine did at one point do three finger window dragging16:53
AlanBelland I know the hardware supports more stuff16:53
popeyasus ultrabook does it16:53
popeyand the magic trackpad16:53
gordmight be able to get that working then16:53
AlanBellit occured to me that if super+mousewheel for zoom isn't allowed then pinch might be sufficiently intuitive that it would get in16:54
popeyits not that it isnt allowed16:56
popeyit's just been disabled to prevent accidentally getting stuck in it.16:56
AlanBellyeah, poor phrasing16:57
gordi think utouch enabled applications would want pinch all to themselves16:57
popeycould it not be enabled in the same screen as speech etc?16:57
issyl0grub error on 12.04 (a clean install): hd0 out of disk.17:01
MartijnVdS"out of disk"?17:02
MartijnVdSnothing elsed?17:02
MartijnVdSwhat kind of hw is this?17:02
issyl0Laptop, about three years old...17:02
MartijnVdSnothing else on it?17:03
popeygoogle says you're not alone17:03
issyl0No.  :-(17:03
nperryissyl0, have you chrooted in and re-ran grub-install?17:04
MartijnVdSpopey: do the googles have a workaround?17:04
issyl0nperry: No?17:04
issyl0nperry: What does chroot mean?17:04
* issyl0 ignorant.17:04
MartijnVdSissyl0: it changes the root fs :)17:04
MartijnVdSissyl0: only for the process you're starting and its children, of course17:05
MartijnVdSso you could do:17:05
MartijnVdSchroot /target17:05
mattiHi MartijnVdS17:05
MartijnVdS(it starts a shell by default)17:05
MartijnVdSmatti: hi17:05
MartijnVdSissyl0: everything that's "/" in that shell is actually /target17:05
* issyl0 confused.17:05
mattiHi issyl017:05
* issyl0 might reinstall and see if that fixes it.17:06
mattiissyl0: grub confuses everybody17:06
issyl0(It has booted twice before with this install!)17:06
issyl0At least twice...17:06
MartijnVdSmatti: except maybe mjg5917:06
issyl0matti: Hehe.  How are you?17:06
mattiMartijnVdS: No, he just pretends.17:06
mattiissyl0: Good, you? :)17:06
issyl0matti: Stressed.17:07
mattiissyl0: Oh, dear. Why?17:07
issyl0matti: Life.17:08
MartijnVdSissyl0: all the diodes down your left side?17:08
issyl0MartijnVdS: Hmmmm?17:08
MartijnVdSissyl0: Marvin (the paranoid android) said that :)17:08
issyl0I have no idea... :-)17:08
mattiissyl0: :/17:08
bigcalmissyl0: a Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy reference. Good book :)17:09
* christel tickles issyl0 17:09
issyl0bigcalm: Ah.  I've never watched it or seen the book.17:09
* issyl0 decides to reinstall. :-)17:09
issyl0christel: Hello.  :-)17:09
MartijnVdSissyl0: http://open.spotify.com/user/martijnvds/playlist/2UHNlhHRMcziirEn18834317:09
MartijnVdSissyl0: background music17:09
christelhai hai :)17:09
bigcalmissyl0: originally a bbc radio 4 play. Then a series of 5 books. Then a TV series. Then a film17:10
issyl0A bit like War of the Worlds then.17:10
bigcalmissyl0: hopefully you'll bump into it in some form or another one day :)17:10
bigcalmTime for me to play mr taxi driver17:10
bigcalmToodles :)17:10
MartijnVdSissyl0: except it's a complete spoof of all SF that ever was :)17:10
MartijnVdSso it's meant to be funny, not scary (like WotW)17:11
MartijnVdSat least, I hope it was.. or I might have read it all wrong.17:11
BigRedSIs there a page I can go to to see what the latest version of Wordpress I can run on a given version of PHP is?17:27
BigRedSAh, never mind, I can go as far as 3.1 apparently17:28
MartijnVdSheh http://fakescience.tumblr.com/post/2550667925818:47
bigcalm_xoomHey peeps :)18:51
=== bigcalm_xoom is now known as bigcalm_
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm_XOOM
bigcalm_XOOMRight, should be all registered to use this nick now18:54
* bigcalm_XOOM tickles pope18:55
bigcalm_XOOMdavmor2: connection any better yet?18:56
davmor2bigcalm_XOOM: Nope just disconnected me it's going so slow18:57
DJonesbigcalm_XOOM: Have you registered bigcalm_ipad or bigcalm_kogan ?18:58
bigcalm_XOOMIm spending the evening in the car park of the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham18:59
MartijnVdSbigcalm_XOOM: hmm.. in the car park?18:59
bigcalm_XOOMThankfully have a really good H signal here18:59
DJonesEverything ok?18:59
davmor2bigcalm_XOOM: erm that's not good18:59
bigcalm_XOOMHayley is visiting a friend. I am playing taxi man for the evening :)19:00
bigcalm_XOOMThe building is _huge_19:00
bigcalm_XOOMDJones: not registered. Not much point until I put irc on them. And I've given the kogan to my mum :)19:01
bigcalm_xoomSilly T-Mobile19:08
mcphailbigcalm_xoom: bet I'm getting more lag on O2 than you are19:09
bigcalm_xoomOur thrones of diamonds are too pointy ;)19:10
ali1234hmmmmmmmmmmm uefi19:25
andatcheanyone any idea what EC2 metadata I need to prevent cloudinit growing the root partition/filesystem on first boot?19:25
andatchethe documentation is woeful19:25
ali1234does anyone want to help me puzzle through setting up UEFI/OVMF in KVM and then actually try signing a bootloader with multiple certificates and booting it on two systems with different platform keys?19:31
ali1234see http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/tianocore/index.php?title=OVMF and http://sourceforge.net/projects/edk2/files/General%20Documentation/SigningUefiImages%20-v1dot0.pdf/download19:32
AlanBellgo ali1234 \o/19:34
ali1234i said help not encourage :/19:34
ali1234i have no idea what i'm doing19:34
AlanBellI just want to be a cheerleader19:35
AlanBellwith pompoms19:35
AlanBellI am led to believe that Daviey knows a thing or two about UEFI/OVMF19:36
=== bigcalm_x00m is now known as bigcalm_
AlanBelland mhall119 seems keen to poke about in this area19:37
ali1234if you look at that second link it gives actual screenshots of how to enroll keys and stuff. it's a good indication of how these bioses will probably work19:37
ali1234of particular interest is that it's more tha "yes or no" when running a particular piece of code19:38
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm_x00m
ali1234it can also be cnfigured to ask the user if the code isn't signed19:38
ali1234which is nice19:38
=== bigcalm_x00m is now known as bigcalm_xoom
ali1234basically the point where we're at is that the spec should in theory allow this, but the implementation doesn't19:39
ali1234now i'm not entirely convinced that the implementation doesn't allow it, mainly because two hours ago we all thought the spec didn't allow it either19:41
ali1234and also because without multiple chains/roots the whole thing seems unworkable and pointless19:41
ali1234but if i'm honest, two hours ago i didn't know anything about it at all19:42
AlanBellyeah, I was *very* surprised to see Matthew Garrett not knowing that bit of the spec backwards19:43
AlanBelland you would think that if the spec did it but the implementation didn't then they would file a bug against the implementation19:43
ali1234and first step to filing a bug is... steps to reproduce!19:44
ali1234possibly related? ^19:45
mhall119AlanBell: pong19:45
AlanBellhi mhall11919:45
AlanBellmeet ali1234 (you already met on G+)19:46
AlanBellwe are talking UEFI19:46
ali1234i think we already "met" on OMG ubuntu... probably got off to a bad start :)19:46
mgdmI hate that site soley based on its name19:47
mhall119hi ali123419:47
ali1234hello. :)19:48
mhall119Alistair Buxton I presume?19:48
* mhall119 says with his best fake British accent19:48
mhall119which has improved significantly thanks to a season of Dr. Who on Netflix :)19:49
ali1234so, i was reading about OVMF, which is a UEFI implementation you can run in KVM, based on tiano19:49
ali1234or tianocore... not sure how they are related19:49
ali1234anyway it supports secure boot with enrollment UI and everything19:49
andatchethe documentation for cloud init really is terrible :(19:49
andatcheworse than upstart19:49
ali1234http://sourceforge.net/projects/edk2/files/General%20Documentation/SigningUefiImages%20-v1dot0.pdf/download for an overview19:50
mgdmsecure boot... of a VM?19:50
ali1234mgdm: yes, it's for testing of course19:50
ali1234so i'm inerested in actually trying to test out the concepts of multiple platform keys and trust chains in a single executable, but basically i have no idea what i'm doing19:50
mhall119btw, is there a Tony Whitmore in here?19:50
mgdmmhall119: occasionally19:51
mhall119ali1234: that's cool, I have slightly less idea of what you're going :)19:51
AlanBellTonytiger when he is19:51
mgdmmhall119: 'tonytiger'19:51
mhall119cool, thanks19:51
ali1234ah i think last time i saw him he was saying "i don't like IRC, i prefer the ML"19:51
AlanBellhe is totally online right now :)19:51
mhall119ali1234: basically everything I know about SecureBoot I learned from reading the various specs and coverage in the past few days19:51
ali1234mhall119: yes, me too19:51
AlanBellmhall119: that doesn't put you as far behind the red hat gurus as one might hope19:52
mhall119in my younger days, that would have been enough to convince me that I understood something19:52
ali1234i know if i bash my head against this for long enough then eventually i will get a result, but there's a lot of peripheral stuff... for example, i've never used KVM before, nor PKCS in general19:53
mhall119I've done PKCS stuff before, with openssl, but not enough to really understand it19:54
ali1234i once set up a CA for self signing some certificates to use in openvpn, but i used the easy_ca script and followed a guide and didn't know what i was doing19:56
ali1234so yeah19:57
mhall119there's an easy_ca script?19:57
mhall119I spent weeks learning openssl's command line19:57
ali1234actually that's not even it19:58
ali1234easyCA is part of penvpn and is even easier than that19:58
ali1234anyway before even worrying about that, first step is to get OVMF running20:02
bigcalm_x00mI think I've fallen asleep twice so far20:07
bigcalm_x00mShould have brought my laptop, not just a tablet20:09
AlanBellvirtualbox has an EFI tickbox20:10
bigcalm_x00mOoo, time to go :)20:10
ali1234AlanBell: yeah but i don't think it's "comlete"20:11
AlanBellI have a VM with an efi shell running20:11
ali1234does it look like the one in OVMF pdf?20:11
ali1234virtualbox would probably be easier, what with it's simple USB support20:11
AlanBellit looks a *lot* like the one in the pdf20:12
ali1234ok, got it too20:13
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S05E09  The Hitch Hikers - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2012/06/20/s05e09-the-hitch-hikers/20:14
ali1234whenever i google for secure boot stuff all i get is people arguing about whether it will or won't break linux, and no actual hard facts :(20:14
ali1234maybe i should use bing instead20:15
ali1234i don't see any commands in this to enroll keys or set anything involving security, so i don't think this supports secure boot emulation20:19
ali1234otoh: http://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware2/VBoxPkg/VBoxPkg.fdf20:19
AlanBello/ tonytiger20:26
AlanBellmhall119: meet tonytiger :)20:26
czajkowskimhall119: see pm20:40
directhexbackin' up for ssditude tomorrow :)20:41
AlanBell"Secure Boot is configured from setup by selecting Device Manager and then Secure Boot Configuration from the Devices List."20:41
AlanBellany idea what that means ali123420:42
ali1234Device Manager as in Windows Device manager?20:42
AlanBellI want to get from the shell with the yellow shell> prompt to the ncurses style blue screens for configuring secure boot stuff20:42
AlanBellpage 24 of the PDF20:42
ali1234i'm just setting up qemu... then i'll see what happens20:43
directhexbut what key is the emulated firmware of the emulated pci devices signed with?20:43
ali1234the efi firmware isn't signed20:43
AlanBelldirecthex: you mean the emulated graphics device?20:43
directhexAlanBell: and networking, but yes20:44
AlanBellhow much of a driver does text mode boot require?20:44
ali1234virtually none20:44
ali1234pretty much you write characters into a standard address (same as serial)20:45
ali1234ok, got this working in qemu20:52
ali1234it just dumps you at the same shell as virtualbox20:55
AlanBelldid you do build –D SECURE_BOOT_ENABLE20:55
ali1234i used the binary release20:56
AlanBellah, exit from the shell20:57
AlanBellthen you get to the menu system20:58
ali1234nice one20:58
ali1234are you still using virtualbox?20:58
ali1234so... my "devices list" is empty. i guess i need to recompile20:59
AlanBellmine too20:59
ali1234also i had to -no-kvm to make this work... so it's incredibly slow21:00
* andatche sigh21:01
andatchedamn cloud-init21:01
Azelphurlol, Linux torvalds comments on nvidia now in gif form \o/ http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/files/2012/06/v40g6.gif21:03
zleapyou mean Linus21:03
Azelphuroops, yup21:04
ali1234lol he looks really mad21:06
ali1234edk2 is huge21:09
dwatkinsAzelphur: I do that every time I go to type his name...21:09
dwatkinsin other news, Edinburgh now has tiny police cars: http://i.imgur.com/YjMTh.jpg21:09
Azelphurdwatkins: haha21:09
ali1234edk2 building.....21:26
ali1234i get the feeling this will take a while21:26
ali1234https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI-howto hmm21:28
ali1234that pretty much has everything i've read so far in one handy place21:29
ali1234the only thing missing from that is the extra build command to get secure boot support21:29
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI-howto?action=info so who is manjo I wonder21:30
AlanBellcurrently in #ubuntu-server and #ubuntu-devel21:30
ali1234anyone know how i get bold on ubuntu wiki?21:43
bigcalmAhoy! I have returned21:43
bigcalmali1234: do something daring?21:43
ali1234well i think this whole project is pretty daring given my (lack of) experience on the subject21:44
BigRedSali1234: if it's mediawiki then with 's21:46
BigRedS''emboldened text''21:47
ali1234'' is italic, ''' is bold21:47
BigRedSOh yeah21:47
ali1234cheers anyway21:47
BigRedSMediaiwki syntax is rapidly getting to the same state as bash syntax in my mind21:48
BigRedSwhere I just keep trying likely arrangements of characters until something sticks21:48
ali1234damn it says right under the edit window how to do it as well :)21:49
AlanBellBigRedS: it is moinmoin21:50
ali1234um, ok, that doesn't work :(21:54
ali1234File/directory not found in workspace21:54
ali1234oh ok, you need to manually put openssl in there21:55
ali1234seems to be working now22:03
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali1234well that's interesting22:10
ali1234the required fv image size 0x524828 exceeds the set fv image size 0x50000022:10
ali1234it builds correctly without secure boot :(22:11
ali1234ok it built!22:32
ali1234yay i have Secure Boot Configuration22:40
AlanBellscreenshots or it didn't happen of course :)22:43
mgdmali1234: in the time between you saying you wanted to do something I was certain nobody could be bothered with, and actually doing it, I have been in the pub22:44
mgdmali1234: I'm impressed that you got it :)22:45
ali1234i'm not anywhere near done yet22:46
ali1234i still have to figure out how to make two platform keys, enroll them in two virtual machines, and then somehow sign an executable with both of them22:46
ali1234but this is a start anyway22:46
ali1234ok so the wiki now has everything you need to reproduce everything i've done so far22:51
ali1234"UEFI Secure Boot must be configured for each invocation of OVMF since variables are not currently persistent across OVMF invocations."22:55

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