
JonathanDHey rmg5109:23
JonathanDWhats up?09:29
rmg51just us09:39
rmg51I'm just reading the paper online09:39
* InHisName doesn't read the paper online11:08
waltmanJonathanD: So what's the plan for hive?14:15
JonathanDYou wanna go?14:15
JonathanDdrive down together?14:16
waltmanSure. And then we ... build stuff?14:16
JonathanDno, we see what they are building.14:17
JonathanDand maybe fly an airplane.14:17
JonathanDI think crissi needs the car.14:17
waltmanShould I eat dinner before we go?14:17
JonathanDBut she may be able to deposit me in your general vicinity.14:17
JonathanDWEll, they usually order food. If you want to bring cash and go in on the order.14:17
JonathanDmexican most times.14:17
waltmanworks for me14:18
JonathanDI eat something first because I can't survive til 7ish without eating.14:18
waltmanI should warn you that I haven't really built anything more complex than Ikea furniture.14:18
JonathanDThats ok.14:19
JonathanDThe most I've done is some arduino things, recently.14:19
JonathanDBut it's fun.14:19
jedijfhey guys, keep in mind open house has been suspended for the room buildout - i really want waltman to get to hive, but you might want top check first14:21
JonathanDjedijf: I thought that had been canned?14:25
jedijfwell, they took down the post, i would still check in #hive7614:25
JonathanDlast I heard, anyway.14:25
jedijfok, bring the waltman \o/14:25
JonathanDThen we can all ask if there is a doctor in the house.14:26
JonathanDwaltman: if I can get to you, can we ride down in your car?14:27
jedijfhe can grab a msp430 if so inclined, maybe $10, i dont remember what they sell them for - this way he can play at home too - nice little board14:27
* jedijf is out of teensys atm14:28
waltmanJonathanD: Sure. Fortunately I even fixed the A/C last week!14:31
JonathanDnifty :)14:31
waltmanShould I bring my laptop with me?14:31
JonathanDNo harm in doing so.14:31
waltmanWhat time do you think you'll be coming by?14:35
JonathanD6? Or so?14:35
JonathanDin case of eviltraffic.14:36
waltmanI'm at a B&N this morning having a coffee.  There's a young boy in the cafe with a Mohawk and wearing orange crocs. Recommendations?14:36
InHisNameDepends, waltman  is he 23 years or 3 years ?14:38
waltmancloser to 314:43
InHisNameWell, you can't wow him with your thesis.  Try a conversation about pbskids.com or the TV shows.14:44
waltmanA stylish kid like that, I probably can't wow him no matter what I do :)14:47
InHisNameHe might like the YMCA indian guides ceremonies.  Its a father-son thing, so that still leaves you out of loop.15:05
MutantTurkeywhyyy mmm c aayy15:16
MutantTurkeysaw a free concert in Doylestown yesterday15:16
MutantTurkeypretty awesome, Anthony Green and The Dear Hunter @ Siren15:16
MutantTurkeySiren always has great shows15:16
InHisNameMusic  concert ?16:01
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
=== c_ is now known as Guest58500
JonathanDwaltman: hey20:09
JonathanDwhere should i meet you?20:09

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