
mlankhorstso it seems intel works on x 1.12 but broke on earlier, sigh :S07:53
tjaaltonwhat broke it07:55
mlankhorstcrashes on some damage when I try to start it07:56
mlankhorstso I'm trying to bisect xserver now for it07:57
tjaaltonbut this is quantal?07:58
tjaaltoni'm just confused :)07:59
mlankhorstim trying to make this one start on precise at least, the x1.12 ppa works on precise07:59
mlankhorstso -> bisection time08:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mlankhorst ah perfect, the part where it bumped video abi still triggers crash09:38
mlankhorsthm, I think bisecting kernel is more pleasant than X..10:38
mlankhorstoddly enough now the 1.12 version is crashing too, i swear it worked before, but maybe that was without valgrind11:56
mlankhorstRAOF: is the osvendorfatalerror needed in the rethrow signals xorg-server patch12:08
mlankhorstcnd: ping?12:29
mlankhorstinteresting.. another valgrind issue14:02
mlankhorstvictim being radeon on suspend/resume it seems14:03
cndmlankhorst, pong14:04
mlankhorstcnd: in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/968845 you mention a xorg-xserver patch that has to be reverted due to another bug14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 968845 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu Quantal) "bcm5974 touchpad doesn't work after S3 on MacBookAir" [Medium,Fix released]14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1009629 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Precise) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in DeliverRawEvent()" [High,Triaged]14:05
mlankhorstis that x server patch really required for the other bug to be fixed?14:08
cnda fix is required, but there's a new set of patches that fixes it properly14:08
cndsee http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/log/14:09
cndeverything from "include: add BUG_RETURN_* macros" to "dix: disable all devices before shutdown" I think14:09
mlankhorstah k14:10
mlankhorstdoes it need any fixes in synaptics as well?14:10
jcristauthat set wasn't considered suitable for the stable branch though14:10
mlankhorstjcristau: hm I am tempted to send in a patch for server that reverts to the old behavior at least, quickly reviewing up to drop client argument reveals no functional change so that part could be skipped..14:14
cndjcristau, why not?14:14
cndis it an abi breaker?14:15
jcristaubecause it's a rabbit hole, aiui14:15
cndmlankhorst, we still need synaptics 1.6.214:17
cndand we will still need this bug fixed in the server14:17
cndwhether it's by backporting all those patches or just creating a smaller patch to do the same thing on our server14:18
mlankhorstok I'm not a xorg dev but looks like we'd need to pick 'dix: return early from DisableDevice if the device is already disabled' onwards only, but freeing sprite when device is disabled looks risky for stable.14:19
cndyeah, the previous patches just may include functionality that is used in these patches14:20
cndwe could remove any instances of BUG_RETURN_VAL14:20
mlankhorstI'll use my memory corruption for justification of synaptics 1.6.2 then :)14:20
mlankhorstthose seem functionally identical so yeah could be dropped14:21
cndmlankhorst, I can't tell if the bad patch is supposed to be reverted though14:22
cndor just left as is, with these new fixes on top14:22
mlankhorstI'll just check if that git tree has it14:22
cndI'm trying to figure out14:22
mlankhorstjudging from http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/commit/?id=4c68f5d395c66f28b56e488cb3cd12f36820357b it was supposed to be kept in14:23
mlankhorstI'll test 14:26
mlankhorstif Xephyr is broken still on top of those I'll sru the revert patch for now14:27
mlankhorstonly 1 patch has to be adjusted fortunately14:53
mlankhorstcnd: one question though, http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/commit/?id=e433d1046c222f9d969c2c28a4651ff9097614f415:10
mlankhorstdev->enabled is set last, wouldn't it be possible for DisableDevice to be called twice on same device as result?15:11
mlankhorstprobably not possible due to semantics, but I thought I'd ask :)15:12
jcristauthe server is single threaded15:12
jcristauand i don't think you get to call disabledevice from a signal handler15:12
mlankhorstjcristau: I mean more because of the additional disabledevice call there15:12
jcristaustupid me15:13
jcristaui don't think the if would fire for both paired devices15:14
mlankhorstneither, just wanted to have confirmation from someone who understands the code better :)15:14
* jcristau shuts up :)15:15
cndmlankhorst, yes, this shouldn't be an issue if I understand things right :)15:26
cndtbh, I don't know all the ins and outs of paired devices and how they are implemented15:26
cndwhot is probably the only one who does15:26
mlankhorstim guessing one of them has to be sprite owner15:26
mlankhorstin either case refreshed those patches on x1.11, seems to fix the Xephyr issue.15:31
mlankhorstcnd: can you upload to proposed?15:39
mlankhorstor anyone? :)15:54
cndmlankhorst, I can15:57
cnddo you have a package ready?15:57
mlankhorstyeah it's in xorg-server ubuntu-precise branch15:57
mlankhorstbrb food15:58
cndmlankhorst, ok, I'll review and upload16:00
cndmlankhorst, uploaded to precise-proposed16:27
mlankhorstthanks :)16:27
mlankhorstI added ubuntu-sru to the bug report, do I need to do anything else?16:28
seb128mlankhorst, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure16:31
seb128mlankhorst, basically your bug need "impact", "regression potential" and "test case" in its description16:31
seb128mlankhorst, and to be nominated for precise ... what bug number is that?16:31
mlankhorstseb128: those are in the bug :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/xorg-server/+bug/100962916:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1009629 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Precise) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in DeliverRawEvent()" [High,Triaged]16:32
seb128mlankhorst, ok, you are all set then16:32
mlankhorstperfect, thanks :)16:32
seb128mlankhorst, I've put the precise line to fix commited16:32
seb128since that got uploaded16:32
mlankhorstah k16:32
seb128mlankhorst, you should probably get the fix in quantal as well, or at least in the package vcs for quantal16:33
mlankhorstit is16:33
seb128mlankhorst, the SRU team likes to make sure issue will be addressed in the devel version as well16:33
seb128mlankhorst, ok, then probably put the bug from confirmed to fix commited16:33
mlankhorstcnd: can you upload xserver-xorg-input-synaptics ubuntu-precise branch too after I verify it? And maybe upload ubuntu branch to quantal so that version in quantal won't be lower than precise.20:09
cndmlankhorst, sure, just let me know when you're done verifying20:15
mlankhorstI verified it with the quantal package so you can upload that one at least (since it's just a version bump)20:15
mlankhorstok precise one too :)20:18
mlankhorstTomorrow I'm going to take a look at why valgrind is throwing errors at radeon suspend, noticed that when testing synaptics. Hopefully after that my radeon laptop shows up no errors with valgrind any more. :)20:25
ernstplooks like the radeon module in no longer included in linux-image from 3.4 builds and on21:32
ernstpboth precise and mainline21:32
ernstpit boots with vesafb and then I can't access the computer when xorg starts actually, still ssh though21:33
ernstpI mean qunatal and mainline21:33
jwiernstp: install the *-image-extra-* package21:41
dupondjeHi some small question. How about Optimus support in Quantal? Something got in yet or ?21:50
mlankhorst>implying support is available upstream21:51
dupondjehaving bumblebee would be a great step imo ...21:52
jcristauyou must be kidding21:52
mlankhorstbumblebee is a great step, it's in the wrong direction though..21:52
dupondjewhy ?21:52
dupondjebumblebee is not THE solution indeed21:52
mlankhorstit's unmaintainable and upstream work is already being done with dmabuf21:53
dupondjeI just want a solution so I can disable my second vga card21:53
dupondjecause in a laptop, its a power drain21:53
jcristauwhy did you buy it then?21:54
dupondjebecause else it works fine :)21:54
dupondjeits better having a partial solution then nothing no ?21:55
mlankhorstnot if the solution is WRONG :(21:55
jwias long as you don't have to maintain it...21:55
dupondjewhats the plan for Quantal then ?21:56
mlankhorstupstream the prime bits21:56
dupondjewhich will take care of suspending the second vga card ?21:57
mlankhorstdupondje: Hopefully, but that hasn't been completed yet :)22:16
dupondjewhere can I follow its status ? :)22:17
mlankhorstfollow x server commits, especially xrandr related ones currently22:17
dupondjeok thanks!22:19

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