
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
bmg505good morning06:35
Kilosmorning superfly SmilyBorg sflr 06:37
SmilyBorgHey there :-)06:38
Kilosand everyone else06:38
Kilossounds like an old song06:39
Kiloshey there, you with the smile on your face06:40
Kiloshiya maiatoday highvoltage 06:59
inetprogood mornings07:01
Kilosmorning inetpro 07:01
SmilyBorgHi inetpro07:01
inetproSmilyBorg: hiho07:01
maiatodayI'm not going to say hello again, incase someone asks me to buy a car. Ah ok I'll be brave, hello everyone07:02
inetproKilos: you mande me think of the Beatles's "Hey Jude", or what was that title?07:02
inetpromaiatoday: you looking for a new car? :-)07:03
Kiloslol inetpro am try to remeber more07:03
Kilosnext line was you with the loving embrace07:04
sflrmorning everyone! beautiful sunny day =)07:08
Kilosyeah sflr 07:09
Kilosmax 21°c here today. penguin weather07:09
sflrits cold, but at least its sunny. hehe07:10
sflrapparently its going to rain for a week from tomorrow07:10
Kiloseish its always raining there by you guys on very seldom here07:11
sflrrain is ok, but the wind my friend! eish!07:12
Kiloswe get it at times over the snow in lesotho thats eish07:13
Kilosyo psydroid 07:18
Kilosxchat fixed sflr ?07:23
sflrKilos, yeah its working, bec i'm at home :) its only not working at the office. but that's cool, i can use the webchat07:24
Kilosinetpro, gaan jy nog met die ponie werk toe?07:24
Kilosthe fly said you can just change the ports07:24
Kilosthere is also weechat maiatoday s favourite07:25
sflrIf I get fed up with this one day will install another one. for now its all gut07:31
Kilosnee man xchat rocks07:37
psydroidhi Kilos07:40
plustwomorning everyone ... o/07:42
Kiloshi plustwo 07:42
plustwo:) oom Kilos07:43
plustwoi'm tired of using odin; has/is anybody making use heimdal here?07:45
SmilyBorgplustwo: for rooting android phones?07:54
Kiloshi sakhi 07:54
plustwohi sakhi07:55
plustwoSmilyBorg: yes07:55
SmilyBorgI used heimdal when I rooted my Samsung Galaxy S207:55
SmilyBorgwent fairly smoothly07:56
plustwoSmilyBorg: currently i'm using odin on M$ and my primary OS is ubuntu.07:56
SmilyBorgthink I just had to run it as root or via sudo 07:56
SmilyBorgI never looked at odin07:57
plustwook, so heimdal is in the repositories? not the SDK from android?07:57
SmilyBorgI just followed the instructions on the CyanogenMod wiki and a little trial and error07:57
SmilyBorgum.. I think it was a seperate package that I downloaded and installed. I think the heimdal that is in the repositories does something else all together07:58
plustwowell i rooted p1000 early edition on odin cause most of the howto's are based on odin :(07:58
SmilyBorgthe thought of using windows to root a device scares me. Don't want to brick my phone because windows crashes07:59
SmilyBorgbut that's just me08:00
plustwonow i have s5300, which i rooted using a "universal_gb_root" zip file08:00
charlmorning all08:01
Kiloshi there charl 08:01
SmilyBorgoki. not sure I saw that before08:01
SmilyBorghi charl08:01
plustwowell, i have an "unbrickxxxx" file for the p1000 of which i used when i bricked my tablet... it works very fine. problem is; it runs on odin08:02
plustwohi charl08:02
charlhi Kilos, SmilyBorg, plustwo08:02
plustwomost youtube vids also shows odine most of the time. i just want 2 or 3 heimdal pointer's or howto's where i can start using heimdal. will google more on heimdal vids or howto's08:04
plustwoSmilyBorg: thanks for sharing :)08:04
SmilyBorgplustwo: I just followed the stuff at http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy_S_II:_Full_Update_Guide but I'm sure they have a similar doc for most devices08:05
SmilyBorgthey link to the heimdall packeges for ubuntu in there too08:06
plustwothing is; s5300 is still new in the market. there's no HC or ICS ROM for as well.08:11
plustwoit's such a small device08:11
plustwothanks for the link SmilyBorg, will look into it now08:12
SmilyBorgno prob :-)08:12
Kilosyo NeVeR_ 08:19
NeVeR_yo yo08:21
sflrsjoe, its 10.30, time to go to work :D08:31
sflryeah Kilos, there is a bachelor party at work today! 08:34
Kilosha ha ha08:34
Kilosanother one bites the dust08:35
Kilosdum dum dum dum08:35
sflrsomething like that :P lol08:35
superflymorning everyone08:53
plustwohi superfly08:54
Kilosyo the fly08:58
Kiloshi queery 09:27
queeryhi oom Kilos09:27
Kiloswb sflr 09:38
sflrhey Kilos 09:39
sflrjust noticed ubuntu doesnt lock screen when I suspend the machine. it must be in some settings to change that.09:41
sflrbut the scrollbar is quirky. funny behavior on long lists.09:42
Kilossystem / screensaver09:42
Kilosthere is a lock screen block to tick09:42
Kilosim scared suspend and hibernate. often had to pull plug to get going again09:43
Kilosjust use blank screen screensaver09:43
sflrits all set Kilos, its not a problem when the screensaver comes on. when waking from there the log in screen appears.09:44
sflrbut if I go and manually suspend the machine. in that case the screen is not locked when I wake the machine09:45
Kilosif you dont want the login screen untick09:45
sflrI do want the login screen in both cases. but for now only the screensaver lock works.09:45
Kilosuntick ativate screensaver when pc is idol09:46
Kilosor in system power management09:48
Kilosremember something about turning screen off09:48
Kilosi made mine never09:48
sflrit seems like its a feature and can't be turned on or off. bummer.09:51
Kilosi think that lock screen block makes it ask for password09:51
sflryes. i want it to ask me for password :)09:53
Kilosthen thats the one you tick09:53
sflrwhich it does if I lock the screen or screensaver comes up09:53
Kilosand in power management make drive run down and screen thing both never09:53
sflrhowever if I put the machine in Suspend mode, after resume it doesnt ask for password09:54
Kilosi never use suspend or hibernate09:54
sflrok. I need to use it all the time on the laptop while travelling09:55
Kilosmaybe one of the experts will hop on now now and tell you what to use09:55
Kilosoh ya those battery driven thingies09:55
sflryeah. battery thingies. lol09:56
Kiloswhat does closing the lid do? make it suspend?09:56
sflrno, I put it not to suspend. I only want to suspend manually from the menu.10:03
Kilosek sukkel with them lappys10:03
inetprosflr: what version of Ubuntu?10:07
* inetpro didn't have the problem with Oneiric10:08
inetproat least I can't remember having it while I also preferred to suspend manually in stead of automatically when the lid is closed10:08
inetprostill prefer10:08
inetproKubuntu 12.04 works just fine for me as well10:09
inetproKilos: ja ek ry steeds met die ysterperd, elke dag10:10
Kilosbrave man , biking in winter10:15
inetproKilos: it's not that bad at all, much better than waiting in traffic and wasting prescious time10:22
inetproonly those three odd days or so every now and then are a bit tough, but with a proper jacket and all it's ok10:23
inetprosflr: do you perhaps have autologin enabled?10:24
inetprosflr: you may want to look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192162110:25
Kilosyo kaw10:41
Kiloshi HawkiesZA 10:41
HawkiesZAHi Kilos10:43
sflrinetpro: no autologin. read the forum post, but the guys get distracted with the encryption. hehe10:47
sflri use buntu 12.0410:47
inetproKubuntu 12.0410:48
Kilossflr, you will learn. often when one says we have such and such a problem10:49
Kilosthe fly and/or pro will say the dont have that prob because they use kubuntu10:49
inetproKilos: eh10:49
inetproKilos: at least we try to help whenever possible :-)10:50
Kilosyeah you two are great to have around10:51
sflrhehe. not enough reason for me to change to kubuntu yet10:51
Kilosinetpro, ++ superfly ++10:51
inetproand sometimes we just serve as a rubber duck10:51
Kilosto bounce ideas of off?10:51
Kilosoff of10:51
inetproKilos: yep, ala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging10:52
Kilosha ha ha does that help10:55
Kilosmind you musta been like that explaining to me in the beginning10:55
HawkiesZANow I have a term for what that is11:01
HawkiesZADoes it count if you just sit there and mumble to yourself?11:02
sflras long as it comiles HawkiesZA. lol11:02
Kilosdunno if you have seen this sflr http://www.ubuntu-news.net/2012/06/03/simplify-your-life-with-the-unity-orientation-guide-fully-revised/11:26
Kiloshi psydroid 11:26
psydroidhi Kilos11:43
sflrthanks Kilos11:51
sflrlink to the guide not working. hehe11:55
Kilosdunno if this one is the same11:57
Kilossflr, its actually a downloadable book of 3 megs11:59
sflrmccarthy launches new website with sql injection vuln. come people, who hires these kind of devs?12:00
sflrKilos: they point to the same location: http://ubuntuone.com/1JdumBrwyvEN2tMMDAxKQL 12:00
Kilossec i ask maaz again12:01
Kiloscan mail it to you12:02
sflrI find it on the internet. too much for your data bundle :)12:03
Kilosty sir12:03
Kilosim not sure who gave us the link, maybe neil12:04
Kilosinetpro, do you member ?12:05
sflrfound it on another website12:06
Kilossorry mine didnt work12:06
sflrits cool Kilos, same document :)12:11
sflrSo far I only miss Excel, Picasa and Snipping Tool from windows12:12
Kiloshasnt ubuntu got equivalents12:13
KilosMaaz, google ubuntu equivalent for excel12:13
MaazKilos: "Linux software equivalent to Windows software - LQWiki" http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software :: "Linux.ie :: Alternatives to Windows Software" http://www.linux.ie/newusers/alternatives.php :: "language agnostic - Code Golf: Numeric equivalent of an Excel ..." http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2634427/code-golf-numeric-equivalent-of-an-excel-column-name :: "Excel | Open Source Alternative12:13
Kilospicasa is photos hey12:14
KilosMaaz, google ubntu equivalent for snipping tool12:15
MaazKilos: "Shutter: A snipping tool for Ubuntu « Remember's Blog" http://lembra.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/shutter-a-snipping-tool-for-ubuntu/ :: "screen - .NET Equivalent of Snipping Tool - Stack Overflow" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3123776/net-equivalent-of-snipping-tool :: ".net - How does Snag.IT/snipping tool create captures of a window ..." http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4024081/how-does-snag-it-snipping-tool-create-captures-o12:15
sflryeah, there is LibreOffice Calc for Excel, but only supports basic stuff. Picasa is photo editing and uploading. Snipping Tool is screen capture 12:17
sflr+ annotation12:17
Kilosuse gimp for photo editing12:17
Kilosor shotwell12:17
sflrI do, but its different :)12:18
Kilosi only miss game playing on windows between crashes and virii12:18
sflrwhat games do you play Kilos?12:19
Kilosred alert 1 and AOE2 12:20
Kilos# needs a better graphics card12:20
Kilosdid play, now freecell and mahjongg12:22
highvoltageheya Kilos 12:28
Kilosyo highvoltage 12:28
Kilosall well?12:28
highvoltageyep, and you mr Kilos?12:29
Kilosyes ty very much12:29
Kiloslol whats with the mr kilos12:29
Kilosnice seeing you back with us12:29
sflrNvidia responds to Torvalds by citing Linux ARM kernel contributions: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2185764/nvidia-responds-torvalds-citing-linux-arm-kernel-contributions13:13
WOLFEYESyeah whew13:13
WOLFEYESOk back to work.13:13
Kiloshi WOLFEYES13:14
sflrthought we lost you there Kilos 13:15
nuvolariMaaz: morse -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . .--. .- - . -. - . -.. .. -. .---- ---.. ....- -----13:15
Maaznuvolari: Decodes as MORSECODEPATENTEDIN184013:15
nuvolariMaaz: last update by thinkgeek13:16
Maaznuvolari: What?13:16
nuvolariMaaz: last twitter update by thinkgeek13:16
Maaznuvolari: "Today in Geek History: -- --- .-. ... .   -.-. --- -.. .   .--. .- - . -. - . -..   .. -.   .---- ---.. ....- -----" 13 minutes and 49 seconds ago, http://twitter.com/thinkgeek/statuses/21542939621813452913:16
Kilosi battled to get back sflr. wouldnt connect to irc.freenode.net13:18
Kiloshad konversation and xchat trying13:19
sflrsjoe, glad you back!13:19
sflrnuvolari: cracking the code? hehe13:19
Kilosxchat still battling13:20
Kiloslo nuvolari13:20
Kilostoods from here13:21
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
sflrnmap: Fortinet embedded. hmm.. guess I am hitting the corporate firewall. hehe #fail13:26
Kiloseven twitter is struggling13:29
Kilosmust be internet13:29
Kilosinetpro, you guys must tell me if you want something tweeted hey13:30
Kilosyeah vodacom13:30
Kilosmake sure its ubuntu related13:30
sflrlol @ kilos13:31
Kilosfollowewrs wont grow if nothing is ever said13:31
Kilosfollowers too13:32
sflrit will. patience :)13:32
* sflr looks at the clock: meeting time!13:33
Kiloshope you get coffee13:33
Kiloswb charl 13:37
inetproKilos: hmm...13:57
inetproKilos: do you have something in mind?13:57
Kilossomething like the link to the unity guide14:04
sflrKilos: I think we need to wait until the official link is working again14:07
Kilosok will do14:08
Kilosi found where i got it originally in mail14:08
sflrI wouldnt really click on a link which takes me to frenchfortunecookie subdomain to read ubuntu guide. hehe14:08
sflrinetpro: somebody mentioned Ubuntu dev podcasts or hangout meetings. we could tweet that14:09
Kiloswhen its working again you can give it too me again please sflr . just saw i dleted it with other junk from fb14:11
sflrbut what we could do is to upload the guide to ubuntupza.org, then send out that link. brings traffic to the site14:15
Kilosmade a dof move. told an open office document to open fullscreen and couldnt see panels or where to close the document. hit ctrl+alf+t and terminal opened but everytime i closed the terminal the office doc took whole screen again14:21
BanlamF11 ?14:22
Kilosaw ty guys14:22
Kiloswont ever open full screen again thought14:22
Kilosrebooted while terminal was open14:22
inetproin fact the correct key combination is Ctrl+Shift+J14:23
inetproat least for LibreOffice14:24
inetprobut ESC should work as well14:24
Kilosty goosie14:24
Kilosscared to try again today14:24
Kilosmôre is nog n dag'14:24
inetprotry it and teach your fingers the right way14:24
inetprolet the fingers do the...14:25
Kilosyip ctrl+shift+J works kiff ty14:26
Kilossjoe legal docs have tons of funny stuffs in14:27
KilosF11 and esc also work14:29
Kilosgracias amigos14:29
Banlamtoo many choices!14:29
Kiloslol remembering is the thing14:30
Kilosesc is a good one14:30
Kiloseasier than rebooting with terminal and doc open14:31
inetproKilos: you still believe in rebooting after all this time?14:31
inetproa reboot never fixes anything!14:31
inetpronot the way to do it!14:32
Banlamit lets ou clear your mind while you think about what to do14:34
Kilosthe reboot was a way of killing it only inetpro  dint know how else to close the thing without place to see quit available14:38
Kilosthere are times though if nm is struggling that a reboot sorts it out14:38
Kilosthere are times that it tries to connect and cant then gives up. even moving dongle to another usb port dont help14:41
Kiloslol @ banlam14:42
charlhi all14:53
Kiloshi charl 14:53
charlthanks Kilos 14:53
charlsorry i am in and out today14:53
Kilosnp ladd14:53
Kilosas long as you dont disappear for good its fine14:53
charli'll try not to :)14:55
Kilosyo goar 15:24
goarHi Kilos15:24
goarHow r you?15:24
Kilosgood ty and you?15:24
goarim well, thanks.15:24
Kilosyes ?16:16
goarye boss16:16
Kilosoh i musta been offwhen the question was asked16:17
Kilosyo RootChaos 16:22
RootChaoshey Kilos16:22
Kilosvery powerful word hey. shout it somewhere and watch the peeps faces16:23
Kilossome look guilty others enquiring16:24
Kilosothers offended16:24
Kiloshmm peer got him too16:32
Kilosyo Mezenir 16:35
Mezenirhey kilos16:36
Kilosnot much16:36
inetproKilos: you're a much better bot than the bot16:40
Kilosha ha ha16:40
inetprobut shh... don't tell Maaz16:40
superflyEvening folks.16:40
Kilosi wonder what happened to the monkeys greeting bot16:40
sflrKilos please make coffee16:40
sflrhi superfly16:40
Kiloshi superfly 16:40
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:41
* Maaz puts the kettle on16:41
KilosMaaz, coffee for all16:41
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already16:41
sflrMaaz, beer for all16:41
Maazsflr: Sorry...16:41
sflrf@k lol16:41
* sflr gets his coffee mug and stand in the queue16:42
goar+1 coffee influence16:42
inetprosflr: be nice, we have children in the channel16:42
sflrops sorry inetpro16:42
* sflr puts on nice hat16:42
* inetpro bbl16:42
superflysflr: have you seen the Ubuntu Code of Conduct?16:43
sflryes superfly. signed it!16:43
superflycool. We like to keep the atmosphere here polite and respectful :-)16:43
Mezenirhey all16:44
sflryes, I like that.16:44
superflyYo Mezenir16:44
superflysflr: awesome.16:44
Mezenirhowsit going superfly ?16:44
sflrhey Mezenir16:44
Mezenirhey sflr16:45
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:45
sflrI'm not a swearing person anyway. i meant is a  joke for Maaz's response.16:45
sflrsuperfly, when can we discuss the site changes? just to bring things up to date16:45
KilosMaaz, danke16:45
superflyMezenir: yeah, OK thanks, just a little tired.16:47
Mezeniralmost weekend :)16:47
superflysflr: a little later this evening? I'm just busy getting the food on the go here16:48
sflrok superfly, i also have a meeting at 7.30 til 8.30 so will be online around 9pm16:49
superflysflr: cool, that'll be fine16:49
smilehi Kilos :)17:10
Kiloshi smile :=)17:20
smilemy exam went well :D17:20
Kilossorry i went for supper17:20
Kilosgood thats nice17:20
Kilosnow to start getting ready for the next one hey?17:21
smileKilos: the next two ones ;)17:22
smilebut also the last ones :)17:22
Kiloswhew you make me tired17:22
smilescience & electronics :)17:23
smilelol! :p17:23
Kilosthats good17:23
smileI made one new article on Wikipedia today, but it's not so extended atm :)17:23
smilejust a beginning :)17:23
smileinfobox and basic information17:23
Kilosyou too clevr hey17:24
Kilosclever as well17:24
bakumanken een van julle "quickly"?17:32
smileKilos: aren't you? :)17:32
smilefast? ;)17:32
charlbakuman: is that some type of pdf viewer or some other viewer thing ?17:32
bakumanubuntu app maker17:32
charlah ok no sorry17:33
Kilosna smile17:33
bakumanthe most gui based programming i have ever seen in ubuntu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sO8hiPreNBg17:33
smileKilos: hug :)17:34
bakumanbasically a programming environment17:34
bakumanbut sounds nice as it handles all the crappy stuff like the gui and packaging17:34
charli see some python on there?17:35
charlgui programming is actually a lot more difficult than it sounds17:35
bakumani havent used it, just watched the first few minutes of the video17:35
charlyou need to cater for all kinds of different screen sizes17:36
bakumani know, that why im happy it handles it, i dont want to program button, lots of hard work :(17:36
charland then there's accessibility, localisation, etc but that's important for all software17:36
bakumanby crappy, i mean the things i dont like, as im not good at visual stuff17:37
bakumani remember using Swing for java programming, never again, netbeans all the way17:37
charlhow do you mean?17:37
bakumanim not good at making stuff look nice17:38
charldoesn't netbeans also use swing?17:38
charlswing is just a gui library17:38
charlnetbeans is an ide17:38
bakumanyea, but you dont have to code it by hand17:38
charltrue netbeans gives you a lot of options for automatically generating code17:39
charlbut if you go and programme for an android device you can define the gui in xml17:39
charlsome people say it's easier and that's probably true17:39
charlgui code is very long-winded17:39
bakumanyea unfortunately17:39
charlbut then if you do it by hand at least you can choose the layouts carefully and make the layout flexible17:39
charlso if the user resizes the window then the contents still look good17:39
bakumanyea, but quadruples the coding time :(17:40
charlit's easy if you design an app to work for 1080p display but if you go and take that to a smaller screen you get a problem17:40
bakumanalways a problem yes17:40
charlit's ok if you design apps for yourself but if you want to go commercial then there's no taking shortcuts if you want to deliver a quality product17:40
charlbut quickly hitting together some simple stuff just for your own use.... there is room for quick and dirty in certain instances17:41
charlor if you know exactly who will be using your software17:41
bakumanyea, but i will probly het someone more visually inclined to do the pretty stuff for me :D17:41
bakumanand rather do the back-end17:41
charlyeah sure but the whole app doesn't have to look pretty, just follow gui standards and norms17:41
charli'm also like that, i absolutely detest spending time on front end issues17:42
charli am a back end person myself as well17:42
charlbut i don't always get that luxury of having others do all the front end work for me17:42
bakumanhmm.. dont know if that came out that well17:42
charlif i design apps for myself, they are always command line based17:42
bakumanyea i also enjoy command line more17:43
bakumanand you cat pipe input into it etc.17:43
charli am starting to use bash scripting more of late17:45
bakumanyea is started replacing some python with bash, but python's still just easier17:46
charldepending on what you want to use it for17:46
charlright tool for the job and all that17:46
charlbut i find i can do a lot with bash that i used to do in python17:47
bakumangetting file lists and renaming works well for me with bash, haven't really done much more17:47
Kilosconfluency, why so quiet lately17:51
* Kilos forgets them things ???17:51
confluencyI'm hunting wabbits.17:51
Kilosha ha ha17:51
KilosMaaz, define wabbits17:51
MaazKilos: I don't know about wabbits. Maybe you meant rabbits or wabbit?17:51
KilosMaaz, define wabbit17:52
MaazKilos: wabbit /wab'it/, n.  [almost certainly from Elmer Fudd's immortal line ?You wascawwy wabbit!?]  1. A legendary early hack reported on a System/360 at RPI and elsewhere around 1978; this may have descended (if only by inspiration) from a hack called RABBITS reported from 1969 on a Burroughs 5500 at the University of Washington Computer Center. The program would make two copies of itself every time it was run, eventually crashing the s17:52
Kilosoh you battle to say R17:52
Kilosor you hunting hacks17:53
superflyKilos: most likely a reference to Elmer17:55
Kiloshows supper doing superfly ?17:55
Kilosyou shoulkda asked maaz for some17:56
Kilosshoulda as well17:56
KilosMaaz, whats for supper17:56
MaazKilos: whats for supper is <reply? A nice thick homemade  oxtail and vegetable soup for starters and then Spaghetti bolognaise17:56
Kilosim sure he did that wrong17:57
superflyKilos: baie lekker. Bangers and mash, and LOTS of it. Now I'm burping like kid after drinking a 2L bottle of coke.17:57
Kilosha ha ha17:57
Kilosmethinks maaz is sick17:57
Kiloshe isnt supposed to do the is <reply> bit17:58
Kilosoh i see17:58
superflyKilos: when you type "<reply?" then he does :P17:59
Kilosya sigh18:00
KilosMaaz, whats for supper18:00
Kilosuh oh18:00
MaazA nice thick homemade  oxtail and vegetable soup for starters and then Spaghetti bolognaise18:00
Kilosthere we go18:00
Kilosclever bot 18:00
Kilosblind kilos18:00
Kilossigh i gotta fix a P2 that can boot. error message is cant find VxD something or other18:01
* Kilos hates windows18:02
Kilosno internet connection so no virii but still crash now and again18:03
smilebrb :)18:15
Kiloswb smile 18:20
smilethanks, it worked :) (mountpoint changing)18:21
Kiloswell done18:22
Kilosmake sure all exams are in same positive note hey18:22
Kiloshi psydroid 18:27
psydroidhi Kilos18:28
smilebye! :D18:31
smileKilos: yes, of course18:31
smilegood night18:31
Kilossleep tight smile 18:31
Kilossee you tomorrow18:31
smileKilos: jap! :)18:32
smile(dutch :DD )18:32
Kilosyebo gogo18:32
Kilosyes old person18:32
Kiloslo drussell 18:43
Kilosyo magespawn 18:46
magespawnevening all18:46
magespawnhey Kilos18:47
Kilosim not all im Kilos18:47
Kilosyou winning lad?18:48
Kiloswith whatever you are doing18:48
magespawnsome yes, but some problems along the way as usual, nothing too bad though.18:49
Kilosno rhino poaching hey18:50
magespawnnot today at least.18:50
Symmetrialinux boxes that run outta ram need to die18:57
* Symmetria cant wait for latest upgrade to mirror.ac.za to arrive :( placed the order yesterday to upgrade it to 128gig of ram18:57
magespawnwhy are they running out of ram?18:58
Symmetriamagespawn because sourceforge requires awstats processing of the logs 18:58
Symmetriaand heh, awstats processing of logs that are racking up that fast is well, screwed up18:58
Symmetriathat and the fact that there are like, 5 thousand concurrent tcp sessions to that box at any one time 18:59
charlSymmetria: if i remember correctly you had a nice anycast setup with that mirror service right?19:01
magespawnthat would do it.19:01
Symmetriacharl turned that off before I left tenet, to maintain the number of systems to do tht properly simply got 2 expensive19:01
Symmetriato much disk space that had to be duplicated etc 19:02
Symmetriathat system is *huge* now19:02
Symmetriaheh, its got 32 cpu cores, about to go from 64gig of ram to 128gig of ram (order placed), and 140 terabytes of raw disk space 19:02
* Symmetria notes that vodacom finally sold gateway19:03
Symmetrialol wow they took a huge loss on that 19:03
charlyou mean this? http://www.vodacom.com/av_wwd_global.php19:04
highvoltageSymmetria: you used to talk much bigger than that, you can fit 194GB of RAM in some desktop systems these days and it won't even cost that much :)19:04
Symmetriayeah they just sold gateway comms19:04
Symmetriafor $27 milion dollars19:04
Symmetriato PCCW 19:04
Symmetriaheh, which amounts to a $273 million dollar loss since they bought it19:05
Symmetriahighvoltage heh, this is true, my own home machine has 64gigs of ram in it 19:05
Symmetriacharl heh, you know how many nice cars I could buy for $273 million? :p19:05
Symmetriabut seriously, awstats is *NOT* a nice piece of software when it comes to massive log files that are coming thick and fast19:06
Symmetriait *CHEWS* memory 19:06
Symmetriaand linux running outta memory is NOT pretty :)19:07
inetproSymmetria: how often do you generate stats?19:07
Symmetriainetpro awstats processes live I believe, we implemented whatever it was that sourceforge demanded19:08
Symmetriayeah sourceforge has some interesting stuff they wanted 19:09
Symmetriaoh shit19:09
Symmetriathe box also ran outta disk space on one of the partitions19:09
Symmetriathat couldnt have helped19:09
inetproSymmetria: ok and how do you handle your logging if I may ask?19:09
Symmetriahold on, lemme see if I cna move some stuff around to free up some space quick19:10
Kerberowhat is going on with ubuntu.mirror.ac.za?19:10
SymmetriaKerbero working on that now19:10
Kerberoo ok19:11
Symmetriatrying to figure out what the hell used up an additional 2 TB of disk space in the last 2 days on that particular array19:11
Kerberogetting an email from my server every hour that complains about updating :(19:11
Kerberobut thanx19:11
SymmetriaKerbero fixing it now, gimme a few minutes19:11
Kerberono problem19:12
Kerberoi'm just glad we still have you around that cares about stuff19:12
charlSymmetria: yeah i know, i used to do work for vodacom19:13
charlit's a strange type of thinking you get when you deal with huge figures like that19:13
Symmetriaheh charl I used to deal with figures like that at tenet, and I know that if I ever made a multi-million dollar screwup I'd be a deal man19:14
* superfly wonders if sflr is around yet19:15
SymmetriaKerbero should be back online in a minute, Im just copying 250gigs to another disk system quick19:16
sflrsuperfly, just got here :)19:16
Symmetriato give us a bit more space, can move something bigger once I've made that space available19:17
Symmetriahrm Im gonna need to add another 30 tb or so to this box19:18
Kerberois mirror.ac actually one machine?19:18
sflrawstats.hmm. isnt there something better available? :)19:18
SymmetriaKerbero its one frontend with a ton of disk arrays linked to the back of it19:18
Symmetriaone very big machine :)19:19
superflysflr: what did you want to ask about the web site?19:19
SymmetriaI probably need to add another 45 TB array to it 19:19
Symmetriawill phone tenet tomorrow and see if they will agree to that and pay for it :p19:19
sflrSymmetria, cant the awstats streamed onto a different server and serve the stats from there?19:19
Symmetriasflr heh, would need another very big machine to process that though and heh, would have to get tenet to pay for it :P19:20
Symmetriayou cant even believe how fast those logs generate 19:20
Symmetriawe're running at peak times at 70-80 hits a second19:20
sflrSymmetria, ok. I thought the RAM was the problem :)19:20
Symmetriasflr heh, yeah, but would need a machine with a crapload if even so :)19:20
Symmetria:P easier to just upgrade the current machine to 128gig of ram19:21
Kerberothe machine is on 10gbps right?19:21
Symmetriabut we're stil running low on disk space as well, thanks to the morons at biomirror by the looks of things that never clean out their archive19:21
SymmetriaKerbero yeah19:21
Kerberoi can use up one of those at a time19:21
Kerberomaybe two19:21
Symmetria10gig fiber nic 19:21
sflrsuperfly, some changes to the site. for example fixing the Events, adding tweetroll and facebook box. Then under GetUbuntu add the latest releases.19:22
Symmetriaand unlike a lot of machines on 10gig nics, this thing actually has 10gig of backend internet bandwidth hooked to it ;p19:22
superflysflr: ever played with Drupal?19:22
Kerberoi would find it interesting to iperf that machine again some time19:23
Kerberofrom 3 machines on gigabit here19:23
sflryes, I used Drupal before superfly. I can do the changes.19:23
inetproSymmetria: that's only like 288,000 hits per hour19:24
sflrSymmetria, is it only ONE server? I would rather setup up 3 lower specs and load balance it. 128gig RAM not cheepo19:24
superflysflr: I can give you admin access on the site, but I don't have the authority to give you access to the physical server. That said, I can load up modules for you.19:24
sflrsuperfly, that is fine. I find the right modules then I let you know to upload it. Then I include it on the site.19:24
inetproawstats should not suffer from that!?19:25
sflrwhere is the site hosted superfly?19:25
Symmetriainetpro dont ask me, it doesnt love it :p19:25
superflysflr: on CLUG's VPS at Frogfoot19:25
sflrSymmetria, other question is how often people look at the reports?19:26
inetprosflr: hence me asking how the logs are handled19:26
sflrok superfly, thanks. let me check the modules then first and take it from there.19:26
inetproif you break up the logs in smaller chunks then awstats should smile at the generation process19:27
sflrinetpro, yeah. what's wrong with Google Analytics? :) @ Symmetria19:27
inetprosflr: eish, no!19:27
superflysflr: I presume you already have an account on the site?19:27
sflrsuperfly, i dont. can register one now. give me a sec.19:27
* inetpro not likes google analytics19:28
superflysflr: as someone who uses SF.net's stats, I can tell you they don't want to use GA, and they need a specialised stats solution19:28
inetproand like many others I blacklist it with my noscript19:28
sflrsuperfly, i registered on the site: sflr username19:30
inetproyou can't beat stats that are generated directly from local logs19:30
superflysflr: an example of how to use the SourceForge stats: http://openlp.org/stats.html19:30
SymmetriaI hate shifting crap around on these arrays, so much stuff all over the place19:30
* Symmetria does some loopback mounts to make this easier19:30
sflrI agree regarding the sites, I was referring more to the fact that remote logging will chew Google RAM and not local19:30
charlnn all19:31
inetprocharl: good night19:31
sflrthanks for the link. so the SF stats are generated from awstats log files?19:32
Symmetriaroot@mirror:/var/log/nginx# du -h19:32
Symmetria21G     .19:32
Symmetriaand thats with everything older than 6 hours gzipped 19:32
SymmetriaKerbero lol, its a busy system :) I just checked, those 70 hits a second  was a way out figure :P 70 19:34
Symmetriathat was 70 hits a second on the ubuntu mirror alone :p19:34
superflysflr: that's just the download stats for one of my open source projects, which is gathered once a day from the SF.net stats API19:34
Symmetriacombined, its god knows how many19:34
sflrhaha Symmetria *scratches head*19:34
inetproSymmetria: what web server?19:35
Symmetriainetpro nginx19:35
Symmetria(well, a slightly modified version of nginx, but thats the base)19:35
inetproobviously with that log folder :-)19:35
Symmetriaapache was *WAY* 2 heavy19:35
superflyfor just serving files, yes, nginx is much better than Apache19:36
sflrsuperfly, thanks for the admin on the site!19:36
superflysflr: np19:36
Symmetriaheh box will be a lot happier once it has 128gigs of ram though19:37
Symmetriaand ram upgrades are sooo cheap19:37
Symmetriait cost 12 grand to upgrade that box from 64gig to 128gig 19:37
Symmetriaand thats on high speed server ram, desktop ram is even cheaper19:37
inetprodoes nginx not have a status output like apache2ctl? 19:37
Symmetria(though going to 256gigs of ram, which we looked at, was a LOT more because then you start dealing with 16gig chips and those things are rather pricey)19:37
inetprowhere it can tell you the amount of req/sec19:38
Symmetriainetpro nope it doesnt and apache2ctl tends to be horrifically inaccurate in many respects as well :)19:38
inetproI guess19:38
inetprodepending on load19:38
sflrSymmetria, is this local or international traffic?19:38
Symmetriasflr mixture 19:39
Symmetriawe dont really split it up to notice 19:39
Symmetria*shrug* the bandwidth is there and its all outbound and the machine will die long before the bandwidth saturates19:39
Symmetriaso its not like we care 2 much :)19:39
Symmetriaheh, the current bandwidth available to that machine is:19:40
Kerberocan i get the machine when it is retired? :P19:40
Symmetria10gig on the NIC19:40
Symmetria10gig from that machines rack to the router at JINX19:40
Symmetria10gig from that machines rack to the router in bloemfontein thats on the ring that will take it to thei nternational router, which has 10gig of international bandwidth19:40
Symmetriaanother 20gig to carry it the other way around the ring towards the international router 19:41
sflrwe have our own logging system, because most of our content is server from cache, so requests hardly hit the webservers. these logs are collated and sent to backend services to process. the files roll every 15 minutes. each file around 90GB19:41
Symmetriaso effectively, you could flatline 10gig as a combination of national and international and not feel it on either :p19:41
Symmetriaheh, if I look at the total external connectivity to the network by third parties19:42
Symmetriaits 20gig to NTT, 10gig to LINX, 10gig to JINX, 10gig to CINX, 10gig to AMSIX, 10gig to INIT-7, 2gig to Neotel, 20gig to Internet Solutions 19:42
Symmetriaoh, and 1gig to Telia 19:43
Kilosnight all. sleep tight when you get to bed20:01
sflrdoes anybody know who is this email belong to: djnoeth@gmail.com ?20:01
Kilossee youall morrow20:01
sflrbye Kilos!20:02
sflrDewald J. Noeth20:03
Symmetria^^^ lol me and my puppy20:03
Symmetriashe's so cute :)20:04
Kerberonice safe :P20:04
sflrcute :) looks freezing there :)20:04
Kerberono scrap that, nice mug20:04
Symmetrialol, its bloody cold :P20:04
Symmetriahahaha that cup is useful, its big and takes lots of coffee20:05
sflrthanks Kerbero. will email him.20:05
Kerberono prob20:05
Kerberolots of coffee is good20:06
Symmetriaheh, that jacket I'm wearing in that photo is so awesomely warm :)20:06
Symmetriaand the leather is so soft its like they beat up some baby seals to make it :p20:06
sflrwhat is the dog's name Symmetria?20:08
Symmetriamorocca, heh, name she had when I got her20:08
Symmetriashe was 9 months old when we got her20:08
Symmetrialol, she's a tad psychotic :p20:08
Kerberoi almost though you called it doggie :P20:08
sflris she wearing an outfit or blanket? lol20:08
Symmetrialol, its a dog jersey thing I got at the pet store 20:09
Symmetriacause she was shivering :p20:09
Symmetriaexcept its 2 big for her20:09
sflrshe will grow into it20:09
Symmetriagotta go get a smaller one but lol, those things are bloody expensive20:09
Symmetrialol, she stands and barks at me when I wont pay attention to her20:09
sflryou must get her a baby seal leather jacket :P20:09
Symmetriaand if I keep ignoring her, she puts her paws on my desk and starts trying to bite my fingers while Im typing20:10
Symmetriahahaha that jacket cost 500 euros, my dog aint getting that20:10
sflrfemales all the same20:10
sflrwhat?! wow, must be a good jacket then!20:11
Symmetriaheh, its a really nice jacket20:11
Symmetriawouldnt normally spend that on a jacket, but lol iceland was cold as hell and the wind was bugging me20:11
SymmetriaI think I only have one piece of clothing worth more than that, and only because a friend of mine had bought it a few years before and NEVER worn it so he gave it to me for like, nothing20:13
Symmetria:P then I went and found out what it actually cost and almost died 20:13
Symmetria(15 grand leather trench coat)20:13
Symmetriagod I wish this damn rsync on mirror.ac.za to move this stuff around would hurry up20:15
sflryeah, those coats are really expensive! are you wearing it though?20:21
Symmetriaheh the trench coat I wear when i go out to certain pubs and goth / alternative clubs20:22
sflrjust for that you get VIP treatment already. hehe20:23
Symmetriahehe 20:28
magespawneducational evening gentlemen, good night all.20:31
inetprohmm.... what happened with the time?20:43
Kerberowell, rsync ate it20:43
inetproKerbero: ahh, nou verstaan ek20:44
sflrate who?21:04

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