
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
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JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:37
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gatoxgood morning!11:07
mandelgatox, morning!12:03
gatoxmandel, hi12:04
mandelgatox, I though it was holidays in argentina!12:04
gatoxmandel, yes..... but i'm on swap..... i'm going to take off on July 6th, for the PyCamp12:04
gatoxmandel, i added a comment in your mp12:05
mandelgatox, so, buildout is broken, with normal u1trial works..12:05
mandelgatox, I have not read the comment yet :P12:05
gatoxfinally i'm not the only one!! jejeje alecu is having the same error12:06
gatoxmandel, can it be that being sudo is affecting this some how?12:06
mandelgatox, should not. look at line 546 of the diff12:06
mandelgatox, can you execute that line with sudo and see what happens?12:07
mandelgatox, you need to build the daemon, line 54312:07
gatoxmandel, testing12:09
gatoxmandel, mmmmm it's failing to do the build now ......12:11
gatoxlet me check12:11
mandelgatox, could be that the last build is there which is owned by root12:11
mandelgatox, so it fails when trying to write on top12:11
gatoxit was that12:12
gatoxmmmmmmm if i do in the console:12:13
gatoxcd python12:13
gatoxsudo python $u1trial............12:13
gatoxit works12:13
gatoxwithout the exec.... and splitting it in 2 lines12:13
mandelgatox, remove the exec from the script and lets see12:14
mandeldoing cd python && python .. in a single step is better, but can work around it..12:14
mandelbut makes no sense that there is a bug there, is normal shell12:15
mandelgatox, or.. where did you set $u1trial?12:15
mandelcan you do:12:15
mandelsudo u1trial=/path/to/trial ./run-integration-tests12:15
mandelgatox, ^12:19
gatoxmandel, it's reallyyyyyyyy weird..... i can't run the things from your script..... but i can do it manually12:19
mandelgatox, did you try what I mentioned?12:19
gatoxmandel, i'll try that12:19
mandelgatox, if it works, I blame the buildout12:19
gatoxmandel, you can blame the buildout :P12:21
mandelgatox, hehehe12:22
mandelgatox, we have to fix that asap12:22
gatoxmmcc, i have a present for you! ^ :P12:22
gatoxmandel, so, there goes my +1 with a comment that we should fix the buildout12:24
mandelgatox, thx!12:24
gatoxmandel, sooooo..... why we need to do u1trial=... i ask again...... sudo is affecting this?12:25
gatoxi ask because i've seen something like that in the past12:25
mandelgatox, yes, sudo is a problem with env vars..12:25
mandelgatox, and i moved it to $u1trial but never tested it..12:25
gatoxdon't lie to me again mandel ! jejeje12:26
mandelgatox, you told me to use $u1trial, I followed your instructions :)12:26
mandelgatox, also, look at the commit :P12:27
mandelgatox, version 4512:27
gatoxmandel, well...... now that we know which is the problem, i'm going to try to finish with the refactor asap to finish with your reviews12:30
mandellunch time for me12:41
popeyubuntu one file sync seems busted in quantal.. is this known? it never seems to start syncing12:52
dobeypopey: can you more accurately describe "busted" ?13:02
joshuahooverdobey, ralsina: i know nightlies in precise haven't been connecting for me for the past day or so13:04
dobeyjoshuahoover: worked fine for me yesterday13:05
joshuahooverdobey: hmmm...maybe it's just me then?13:05
dobeycould be13:05
dobeyi explicitly tested that yesterday before doing the 3.99.0 release, to make sure stuff being backported from trunk for it wasn't broken13:06
joshuahooverdobey: ok, looks like it wasn't upgrading u1-client automagically for me doing a standard upgrade...seems to connect now...i was on an older nightlies version of u1-client13:08
dobeyah ok13:08
popeydobey, it hasn't worked (never starts sync) so i have tried start/stop in u1 control panel, which failed. so after i mentioned here i tried stop/start in magicicada and now it's connected and in sync :S13:21
dobeypopey: did you look in syncdaemon-exceptions.log? There was a version mismatch issue until last night when I uploaded the new version of ubuntuone-client, due to a security fix having to break API.13:22
popey2012-06-20 13:52:56,386 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - ERROR - GetPublicFiles               share:---                                      node:---                                      GetPublicFiles(running='False', _iri="u'https://one.ubuntu.com/files/api/public_files'") failure: ([('SSL routines', 'SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE', 'certificate verify failed')], Error([('SSL routines', 'SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE', 'certificate verify failed')],13:24
popey)) (traceback follows)13:24
popeygot some of that13:24
dobeyoh, interesting13:25
dobeyok. so i think that just means you won't be able to use published files stuff from nautlus/u1sdtool for a few days13:28
dobeybut that wouldn't prevent file sync13:36
dobeymandel: nice.13:50
mandeldobey, what?13:58
dobeymandel: "you are not such a bad engineer!" :P13:59
mandeldobey, hehehe13:59
mandeldobey, you are not :)14:00
mandeldobey, gatox, and we though we had translation issues in our apps: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=13086014:06
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mandelgatox, paths in the pyinotify events passed to sd must be ascii right?14:17
gatoxmandel, i think so.... but i'm not 100% sure14:17
mandelgatox, AFAIK as long as we run on python 214:18
gatoxmandel, yes.... i think that is the way14:18
gatoxmandel, did you see this? http://www.diegosarmentero.com/2012/06/escribiendo-un-unity-lens-para-ninja.html :P14:20
joshuahooverbriancurtin: any update on the win 3.0.2 release?14:21
mandelgatox, you've got to translate that to eng, have you tried using CAPS?14:22
gatoxmandel, caps?? i don't know what that is14:22
briancurtinjoshuahoover: just created it 0.1 seconds ago, running it once and then sending it back to IS for signing and then upload14:22
joshuahooverah, cool, thanks14:22
gatoxmandel, but i'm a lazy blogger..... if i need to write it in english too.... i'll stop blogging jejeje14:22
mandelgatox, capital laters, ref to the google chrome bug ;)14:22
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TalliesinHi. Does anyone know where to report bugs on the actual sign-up for ubuntu one music?14:44
dobeyTalliesin: from the android or ios app? or from the web site?14:45
dobeyTalliesin: and is it actually a bug, or a support request?14:46
Talliesindobey: From the website. Seems to be sticking on the 3d "secure" point (visa debit card, not previously used with 3d "secure").14:46
TalliesinExcuse my reflex for scare-quotes there. The my last banks implementation of 3d-secure is one of the reasons I now have a new card from a new bank...14:47
mandelgatox, guess where I found unicode errors...14:47
gatoxmandel, ohhhhh.... where?14:48
dobeyTalliesin: i think that might need a support request. https://one.ubuntu.com/help/contact/ is where to open that14:48
mandelgatox, local rescan on mac os x14:48
gatoxmandel, reallY?????14:48
TalliesinAnd a bit of both: It shouldn't just drop me back with an error message of "Reason: 3DSECURE", but a workaround in the meantime would be great.14:48
mandelgatox, yes.. 'Live at Rock Am Ring/09. Nail\xcc\x88ve.mp3'14:49
gatoxmandel, crap......14:49
dobeyTalliesin: i'm not sure what a workaround would be, but our support guys should be able to help you better than i can. :)14:49
gatoxmandel, i would thought that was going to behave like linux14:49
gatoxmandel, the filesystem encoding in mac is utf-814:50
mandelgatox, no really.. so doing a decode('utf8') should fix the problem right?14:50
mandelgatox, and on linux it is not, right dobey?14:51
gatoxmandel, try doing: import sys; sys.getfilesystemencoding()14:51
gatoxlinux: 'UTF-8'14:51
gatoxmac: 'utf-8'14:51
dobeylinux has no guaranteed encoding14:52
Talliesindobey: I can be surprisingly difficult trying to give people money sometimes! ;)14:52
gatoxmandel, what if you decode using the filesystem encoding?14:52
dobeygatox: it's UTF-8 for you, because you're in a locale with ".UTF-8" on the end of it14:52
gatoxdobey, english14:52
dobeyTalliesin: i know. credit card companies really don't like you using their cards a lot of the time14:53
dobeygatox: right, the default in ubuntu is en_US.UTF-8 i think14:53
mandelgatox, it does not have to be in utf afaik, I might be wrong14:53
mandelgatox, the stupid song is called Naïve14:54
mandella madre que me pario..14:54
Talliesindobey: I've dealt with having websites pass over to 3d secure myself. It's a mess :(14:54
gatoxmandel, the kooks?14:54
mandelgatox, yes14:54
gatoxmandel, awesome song14:54
mandelgatox, no, it breaks what we expected..14:54
dobeyTalliesin: no disagreement here :)14:55
* gatox puts the kooks in his playlist14:55
mandelgatox, we need to do what we did on windows to get the bytes correctly out of the fs, right?14:55
gatoxmandel, yes14:55
mandelgatox, I knew it was to nice to be real..14:56
mandelgatox, so I really thing that for that we can do a nice refactor and share somehow the code between windows and darwin14:56
gatoxmandel, windows-darwin refactor..... FUN....... not14:57
gatoxmandel, here it turns out to be a little more tricky of what i think.... but i hope to have it for today14:59
mandelgatox, yes.. I know14:59
mandelgatox, I;m basically running sd with lots of files and then looking at the logs for errors... found that one for example15:00
mandelgatox, not fun work, but seems to be useful15:00
gatoxmandel, yes15:00
gatoxohh standup.... i'm sure dobey doesn't want to do it :P and it seems that we are the only ones here..... and i only have to say: Refactor...... so?15:01
briancurtini'm here, writing right now15:01
gatoxbriancurtin, ahhh didn't see you15:01
mandelbriancurtin, you are not here ಠ_ಠ15:02
* mandel uses reddit stupidity 15:02
gatoxshould i start?15:04
mandeldobey, fancy to stand up?15:05
dobeyi suppose i have to15:05
gatoxhey.... there was more people of what i thought :P15:05
gatoxok..... go for me it seems15:05
gatoxRefactoring darwin-windows fsevents implementation15:05
gatoxRefactoring darwin-windows fsevents implementation15:05
gatoxRefactoring... No :P15:05
gatoxI wasn't kidding about refactoring15:05
gatoxbriancurtin, go15:05
briancurtinDONE: installer signing - should go live today, trying to create a virtualenv/pip equivalent of our buildout setup to see if that'll work15:05
briancurtinTODO: look more into the virtualenv/pip thing to see if its feasible15:05
briancurtinBLOCKED: no15:05
briancurtinNEXT: mandel15:05
mandelDONE: fixed bug 1015137. Ran sd on mac os x to find bugs, we have unicode issues. Fixed some branches per reviews.15:05
mandelTODO: Propose fixes for unicode. Keep running sd to see how it goes.15:05
mandelBLOCKED: no15:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1015137 in Ubuntu One Client "Add spotlight files to the ignored files in sd" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101513715:05
mandelmmcc, please15:06
mmccdone: reviews | todo: controlpanel UI | blck: no | next: thisfred15:06
thisfredDONE: Bug #1006872 TODO: same, BLOCKED: no, NEXT: NULL15:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1006872 in U1DB "sync_exchange should transmit the txid it thinks the target was at" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100687215:06
dobeyλ DONE: 3.99.0 client release/upload, cmake u1db review15:06
dobeyλ TODO: finish cmake u1db review, finish 3.99.0 triage/releases/uploads15:06
dobeyλ BLCK: None.15:06
mandelyes.. I hate the str unicode battle, give me python 315:07
gatoxmandel, +115:07
TalliesinWhile I'm here. Is there docs anywhere on the network protocol for ubuntu one? I was looking before, and I could find api docs but not docs on what goes over the wire.15:08
gatoxso..... EOM and start of lunch for me!15:08
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mmccmandel, this might be useful for testing sd on mac: http://www.n8gray.org/code/backup-bouncer/15:08
mandelmmcc, nice, that looks like a great idea15:10
mandelmmcc, I update the branch with the typo15:10
dobeyTalliesin: there are different parts. the file sync protocol is using google protocol buffers, you can see the .proto files in ubuntuone-storage-protocol to see it15:10
mmccok mandel, I'll go look now15:10
mandelso.. alecu and ralsina are out, mmcc, dobey can I have a simple review for: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/ignore-spotlight/+merge/11124115:11
mmcclooking mandel15:13
TalliesinCheers dobey. I'm a Windows coder that's recently started using Ubuntu more than Windows at home, but still only knows Windows when it comes to coding. Thought I might poke about at making a .NET access library.15:13
mandelmmcc, thx!15:14
dobeymandel: is that "*.-Spotlight" ?15:14
mandeldobey, yes.. stupid apple, it creates funny files with hash-Spotlight15:15
mandelTalliesin, what you might want to do is at Mono and the Dbus libs15:16
dobeymandel: is there a period between hash and -Spotlight?15:16
mandeldobey, there is no period, did I add one?15:16
* mandel looks15:16
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Talliesinmandel: there's already libs for mono? I didn't find them.15:16
mandelTalliesin, for dbus not for u1, sorry15:17
TalliesinAh, which is similar?15:17
dobeymandel: there's a \. in there, yes15:17
dobeyTalliesin: you'd use dbus to talk to the ubuntuone-syncdaemon15:18
dobeyTalliesin: generally you probably don't want to implement the protocol yourself15:18
mandeldobey, uh, nice catch, I'll remove that, ti should be \A.*-Spotlight\Z15:18
mandeldobey, pushed with no \.15:19
mandelTalliesin, so, yes, what you have to do is get the dbussharp (http://mono.github.com/dbus-sharp/) so that you can make calls to the u1 daemon15:20
mmccmandel, I don't seem to have any "hash-Spotlight" files, where are you seeing those?15:20
mmccmight be 10.6 vs 10.7 again15:20
dobeymandel: except that doesn't work on windows, if he wants to do it on windows15:20
mandelmmcc, they get raised by the fsevents15:20
mandelTalliesin, dobey, true.. on windows the ipc is not usable, I need to move use to json and kill that stupid banana protocol15:21
mmccmandel: I'm not sure what you mean. are they files being written somewhere or am I misunderstanding syncdaemon.conf, and it also filters non-files somehow?15:22
mandelmmcc, is something that stoplight seems to create and delete before the daemon gets to do anything, this results in lots of Error 2 from the hash queue15:22
TalliesinAnd relatively low-level stuff is where I've experience, while there's plenty of n00b stuff on *nix that I don't know. Play to your strengths :)15:22
mandelmmcc, the syncdaemon.conf tells the daemon to ignore those events that have a path that match the regexp15:22
Talliesins/low-level stuff/low-level stuff on windows15:22
mmccmandel: ah, ok - so the files exist but only for a short time, so we see the event but not the file, and we don't need to sync them anyway, so ignore. Is that right?15:23
mmccs/ignore/ignore the event/15:23
mandelmmcc, yes, spot on15:23
mmccok, cool. thanks15:23
mandelmmcc, if there is a hash error sd ignores them, but is expensive to get to the hashqueue when we are doing nothing with them at the end15:24
mandelTalliesin, so, to get things right, you want to interact with the windows client or the linux one?15:24
mmccmandel, so, if anyone has a legit file named 'my-Spotlight', then will we ignore that?15:24
MassiveTRubuntu-one says The authentication failed. when i try to login please help15:25
mandelmmcc, yes.. same as if the have a legit .goutputstream15:25
mmccalright, fair enough... I wonder if we have a list of ignored files somewhere in the user docs. might be nice to be able to point people at15:26
dobeymmcc: but my-Spotlight.txt wouldn't be ignored in that case15:26
mandelmmcc, certainly, there is some lack in the docs.. if we do have a user manual at all..15:27
mmccdobey: I didn't say .txt :) I was just clarifying, I understand it's an unlikely name15:27
Talliesinmandel: I just want to play and see how things work. Seems like exploring u1 could be an interesting thing to do in my move from my windows comfort-zone to looking a ubuntu stuff.15:28
dobeymmcc: right. i was just clarifying as well :)15:28
mandelTalliesin, then try to get to use dbus-sharp it is not hard for .Net developer and you will get to install all of gnome + mono-develop etc..15:29
mandelTalliesin, and hacing a .Net lib wrapper for it is something I'm sure I can help you with15:29
TalliesinThanks, that sounds like the sort of thing that would serve well; more interesting than a hello world, but not too different to what I'm used to.15:31
mmcchmm, I wonder if it's worth trying to make that regex even more specific. like, if the hash is always N chars long, we could limit it to \A[0-9a-fA-F]{N-GOES-HERE}-Spotlight\Z instead. mandel - are they predictable like this?15:33
* mmcc is probably over-thinking this15:33
mandelmmcc, is a hash, so yes I think so, let me look at the logs to see them15:34
dobeymmcc: i say worry about it if we get a bug about it.15:34
dobeyneed to get lunch15:34
mmccmandel: this might be relevant to your interests: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9757843/unicode-encoding-for-filesystem-in-mac-os-x-not-correct-in-python15:38
mmccit's UTF-8 but also - normalization form 'D' :)15:39
mandelmmcc, so, we can do .\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}-\w{4}-\w{1}-Spotlight15:40
mandelmmcc, the problem with using such complicated reg expressions is that most people do not understand them..15:41
mandelmmcc, and that stackoverflow link is great!15:42
mandelmmcc, it means that os_helper is broken :(15:42
TalliesinOS X uses NFD to allow for faster accent-insensitive searching. It makes a lot of sense. Until you try to do... anything.15:42
mmccmandel, I'm OK with leaving the .*-Spotlight as-is, if you think the more specific one is a maintenance problem15:42
mandelmmcc, I think so, yes, at least for now until people start naming their files spotlight..15:43
mandelTalliesin, we have had issues like that with the windows code too.. internally we deal with bytes which gets totally screwed when we have some kind of unicode form the platform, like mbcs for example15:44
MassiveTRubuntu-one says The authentication failed. when i try to login please help15:46
mandelMassiveTR, ok, can you try and speak with joshuahoover or rye please?15:46
mmccmandel: from that SO page, there is a link to a page at boodebr.org which links to an Apple tech QA that exists but was moved. FYI, here's that QA: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#qa/qa1173/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS10001705 -- for completeness. I think it's more detail than we need, but I'm saving the link in case15:47
joshuahooverMassiveTR: on ubuntu or windows?15:47
mandelmmcc, gatox_lunch, so this in a way is a little set back.. I'll get a bug for it and will start working on it asap15:48
mandelmmcc, do you have enough food (aka bugs) in you plate atm?15:48
mandelI don't want to be getting all the interesting ones :)15:49
mmccmandel, I'm still trying to figure out what's hanging the controlpanel UI, but feel free to assign anything to me. I have a feeling I'm going to end up with most of the mac bugs on my plate soon anyway, right?15:50
mandelmmcc, yes you are hehehe15:50
mandelmmcc, we will be moved to something else soon.. and I'll be in pycon eu and possible holidays15:50
mmccyep, exactly15:51
mandelmmcc, so yes, I'll take as much as possible before I go15:51
mmccwell, what about looking at JSONKit?15:51
mandelmmcc, so, is using the foundations libs a problem? cannot they be deployed to 10.6?15:51
mandelmmcc, shall I send you a version of the daemon to run on 10.6?15:52
mmccIt's a problem, yes - Foundation is shipped with the system, we can't really ship a different version for our use15:52
mmccfeel free to send me a copy, but I am pretty sure it won't run if it tries to call NSJSONSerializer15:53
mandelmmcc, I wonder what is the point of having 10.6 as the target on xcode, any idea?15:53
mandelmmcc, ok, sending for testing purposes :)15:53
Talliesinmandel: I think filenames beginning with # might be an example in windows, but I'm not reporting that until I've double-checked it wasn't just me being stupid.15:53
mmcchrm. Are you sure you're building for 10.6? If you're using the 10.6 SDK it should have complained15:53
mandelmmcc, it targets 10.6 uses 10.715:54
mandelTalliesin, is more on an internal problem we have until we move to python315:54
mmcchrm hrm15:55
mandelmmcc, did you get the email I sent about the sd runnig on darwin?15:55
Talliesinmandel: Ah yes. That's why my beginning look at python has stuck with version 3. I'm too much of a Unicode lover. Legacy encodings make me cry.15:56
mandelTalliesin, python3 is indeed the future15:57
mmccmandel: you mean the one you cc'd ubunet? yes16:01
mandelmmcc, ok, if you have a u1 account you can use the aouth creds from other machine to use it16:02
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
joshuahooverralsina: MassiveTR is showing "SSL handshake failed" in his sso log...any ideas?16:13
joshuahooverralsina: lubuntu with ubuntuone-client 3.0.1-0ubuntu1.0.116:14
mmccjoshuahoover: ralsina is on holiday today... maybe ping dobey?16:15
joshuahoovermmcc: ah, forgot!16:16
mandeljoshuahoover, is holidays in ar..16:16
joshuahooverdobey (or anyone else who has an idea): MassiveTR is using ubuntuone-client 3.0.1-0ubuntu1.0.1 but getting auth failed...sso logs show "SSL handshake failed"16:16
mandeljoshuahoover, we have to ask for an office there.. I already know the holidays :)16:16
joshuahoovermandel: i thought you guys got all the holidays in spain ;)16:17
mandeljoshuahoover, well, here we call it unemployment16:17
* mandel plays drum16:17
mmcc"bank holidays"16:17
dobeyjoshuahoover: is it the Valicert issue?16:18
joshuahooverdobey: not that i see in the logs...i thought it might be that but it doesn't show up like it normally would16:20
mandelmmcc, you own me a +1 or I add a diff regexp, you choose: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/ignore-spotlight/+merge/11124116:22
mmccwhoops, approved. sorry16:23
mandelok, EOD here.. it looks like I'll be playing with unicode tom :(16:26
mmccalright, bye mandel, cheers16:27
dobeyjoshuahoover: what version of ubuntu-sso-client is it? the version that is in precise doesn't have the extra logging yet, afaik, so it likely is that issue16:27
joshuahooverdobey: ah, you're right! i'm thinking windows where i normally see it in the logs16:29
joshuahooverdobey: 3.0.0-0ubuntu216:29
dobeyit is most likely the valicert issue then :(16:30
joshuahooverdobey: yep, sounds like16:32
joshuahooverlike it16:32
joshuahoovermmcc, mandel: have you guys seen this - https://github.com/chrisledet/Ubuntu-One-Mac16:32
mmccjoshuahoover: no I haven't... looking16:33
mandeljoshuahoover, uses the rest api, not the same as sd..16:33
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dobeyi'm not sure what the right wya to fix that is in sso though; which is where it's being problematic16:33
joshuahoovermandel, mmcc: i only mention it because i just heard about it via a support request...user kept insisting he was using the u1 mac client and it didn't work right16:34
mandeljoshuahoover, oh my.. at some point I can fix that ipc stuff and just let people create their own ui16:35
mmccthat github page keeps hanging chrome.16:35
joshuahoovermmcc: it was a trap...you fell for it! ;)16:35
mandeljoshuahoover, I guess we have to contact them so that they state is not the official.. or we fix the bugs there fuuuu16:36
mandelmmcc, is juta rick roll16:36
mmccjoshuahoover: chrome was a trap? I can't disagree16:36
joshuahoovermandel: yeah...i'll let aquarius know about it...he's the "developer program" guy!16:37
mmccyeah, it'd be nice if that was a little clearer that it was unofficial16:37
dobeyi'm sure legal could fix that :P16:37
mandeldobey, don't be evil..16:38
briancurtinthen that guy will get the lawyer for funnyjunk on us16:38
mmcclooks like there are two authors. chrisledet and yevmel16:39
mmccis this an icon they created or is it one we actually use: https://github.com/chrisledet/Ubuntu-One-Mac/blob/master/Classes/en.lproj/ul.png16:41
mmccthere are a couple other icons in that en.lproj directory16:41
ryemmcc: that icon is an old icon of Ubuntu One, before rebranding16:44
mmccaha. thanks rye16:44
mmccmust be why it's called u1-old.icns in the github :) (as-is, the icon won't be shown, since the plist specifies u1.icns)16:45
dobeyoh wow16:48
dobeyand not a great rendering of my amazing talents either16:48
dobeyalso he totally ignored the license on it16:50
dobeyi just feel like watching kung-fu now. must be the music.16:58
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
* mmcc leaves for lunch17:54
dobeymmcc, gatox: care to give https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/update-4-0/+merge/111291 a quick sanity check?19:11
mmccdobey, looks sane. +119:24
gatoxdobey, reviewing.... i wasn't seeing the notifications :P19:36
dobeygatox: it's already merged :P19:37
mmccI know why the controlpanel GUI was freezing. Just need to figure out the right fix.20:26
mmccWe were installing the qt4reactor before we'd initialized the QApplication, so the qt4reactor was helpfully creating a QCoreApplication instead20:27
mmcc... and that doesn't work20:27
dobeyoh fun20:42
dobeydo we really need to use a reactor on osx?20:42
gatoxgrrrrr..... ok, i'm out for today..... too much dirty reactorness and refactoring-problems20:43
mmccsorry, had to be afk to deal with a cleaning guy.21:07
mmccdobey: I'm not sure how to answer that. can you use twisted and pyqt without a reactor?21:08
mmccanyway, if we init in the right order it'll be OK21:08
dobeymmcc: well, i don't think we are using anything in twisted that requires a reactor, in cp; outside of the test suite21:09
dobeyat least, we aren't using a reactor on linux i don't think21:09
dobeyi guess on windows we need one for the IPC stuff21:10
dobeyand getting rid of qt4reactor is a win.21:10
mmccoh, the IPC on macos is the same as on windows, so if we need it for that then we need it for macos21:11
mmcccan't think of the name right now PB, jelly, jam, banana, something21:12
dobeyplastered broker21:13
mmccmy brain keeps trying to say protocol buffer21:13
mmccanyway you know it.21:13
mmccso why is removing qt4reactor a win? just complexity, or ?21:14
dobeyit's not really maintained upstream any more21:14
dobeyand us maintaining more stuff is a crappy option21:15
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
dobeyalright, need to go. have a good evening all21:21
mmcchm. oh. well, dbus doesn't seem like a good option - it apparently builds on macos, but since it's a system service, deployment is an issue...21:21
mmccalrighty, have a good night21:21
mmccif anyone's catching up on the scrollback, I wrote a lot of detail on what the UI freeze problem was and a couple of ways to fix it on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/1015825 -- I included a branch that takes one approach that works, but I wanted some feedback before I fix up  the tests it breaks.23:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1015825 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "UI does not update after credentials RPC on darwin" [High,In progress]23:29
mmccand it's late, so away I go23:30
* mmcc leaves for the day23:30

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