
ochosiUnit193: i'm afraid i have to disappoint you01:44
Unit193No blackbird. :/01:44
ochosiUnit193: no, not that :)01:45
ochosii mean: the categories you put down in the settings-manager UI are fine and dandy, but you can't create new categories on-the-fly it seems01:45
ochosiso we'll have to live with what we got01:45
ochosieverything isn't part of the defined standard categories goes into "other" automatically01:46
ochosiergo the current list will have to be re-adjusted to fit the existing categories in the 4.10 settings-manager01:47
Unit193Alright, that works.01:47
Unit193Once I know the list.01:47
ochosipersonal, hardware, system, other01:48
ochosithat's it, no more, no less01:49
Unit193Welp, not my fault.01:49
ochosii guess the .menu file of the settings-manager could be patched to allow more categories01:50
ochosibut personally i'd prefer and keep it simple01:50
Unit193https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-June/008260.html Indicates a meeting tomorrow, but not on the calendar, unless I'm blind. pleia2 <<<01:50
ochosiso maybe trying to stick to these makes sense01:50
ochosiyeah, there is a meeting tomorrow afaik01:50
Unit193Yes, just was trying to conform to what you requested.01:50
ochosii'm supposed to chair it, but i'm not sure i can make it01:50
Unit193Not it.01:50
ochosianyway, g2g to bed no01:52
ochosiif you have time it'd be great if you could apply the new categories :)01:52
ochosittyl, night Unit193 01:53
Unit193Good night, ochosi.01:53
Unit193knome: Take a look over those please?  I'm just randomly making something up, and would adding Passwords and Keys be good?01:58
pleia2Next Xubuntu community meeting at 21st of June, at 15UTC (knome, 15:55:04)02:33
pleia2but that's thursday02:34
pleia2(last one was on wednesday)02:34
Unit193If you wouldn't mind putting it on the GCal?02:37
pleia2for wednesday or thursday?02:37
pleia2meetings every day!02:39
Unit193Heh, whenever the meeting is. :P02:39
pleia2our last one was wednesday, in his email knome said "tomorrow" but in the meeting minutes for last time he said thursday02:39
pleia2so I'm thinking tomorrow/wednesday02:39
pleia2not the 21st02:39
pleia2ok, added it for tomorrow02:40
astraljavaWe could try a rolling meeting procedure. Analogous to gentoo's rolling releases.06:04
* micahg will probably miss this one too as it's looking to be a late night06:09
astraljavamicahg: Don't worry about the meeting, but if you have any pointers regarding the milestone next week, please do share. Otherwise, take care and don't burn out. :)06:19
micahgastraljava: just that we need testers and to let mr_pouit or I know if something is broke06:24
astraljavamicahg: Sure thing. Thanks!06:24
astraljavaI'm going through the results on the tracker before today's meetings, I'll pick up the bugs mentioned there.06:25
micahgalthough, my time is very limited until the weekend06:25
astraljavaNo worries, I'll mention them, but I won't expect you to stand on guard ready to act immediately. I'll see if I can do something myself, too. It's high time for me to get into bug fixing for Xfce. :)06:27
hobgoblinastraljava: one of the ones I reported is fix committed for precise - not sure it's been reported against quantal though06:34
astraljavahobgoblin: Ok. Do you have the bug # handy?06:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 870297 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lightdm logins not being logged in wtmp" [High,Triaged]06:36
hobgoblinI can do the bug if necessary06:37
astraljavaOk, so it should be hitting quantal when the fixed version gets released.06:49
hobgoblink - no need for extra work then - sounds good to me 06:52
knomepleia2, yeah, it's always wednesday07:39
Unit193knome: Had to re-categorize the programs, as you can't have custom ones.07:51
knomeUnit193, i noticed, still looks good07:54
knomeastraljava, erh, ok. :)07:55
knomeastraljava, i don't quite "get" that comic, but ok07:55
knomeastraljava, i mean, mtts generally07:55
Unit193Feel free to change around, I was guessing at best. :P07:57
astraljavaThey're really weird. Just thought it was fitting for the day.07:57
knomeheh, i suppose.07:57
knomeas if i didn't like weird stuff.07:57
knomeshould make some phonecalls07:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ochosihi everyone10:31
hobgoblinmorning ochosi 10:32
ochosiactually it's high noon here :)10:32
ochosibut morning hobgoblin 10:32
hobgoblinanother 30 minutes and it'll be afternoon here too 10:33
ochosiastraljava: just to be sure, do you need anything else from me for the display-dialog or can you pursue this by yourself on the weekend?10:53
ochosimadnick: ping10:53
madnickochosi: pong11:46
ochosihey, i just wanted to quickly follow up on yesterday11:46
madnickwhich part?11:46
ochosithe xubuntu-greeter part11:46
madnickah, yeah, I need to generate a new key11:47
ochosijust wanted to ask because there was no initial push yet11:47
madnicki just need to figure out how i can keep it his time11:47
madnickochosi: yeah you need the key for bzr11:47
ochosidon't leave it in the VM? ;)11:47
madnickI need the VM for the dev environment :-<11:48
madnickI suppose I could manually copy it11:48
ochosisure, but you can copy it to a safe location11:48
ochosi(some call that "backups")11:48
madnickI heard of those mythical things11:48
ochosiokie :)11:49
ochosiok, in that case i guess we have to wait until you have a key again11:50
ochosis/we/i/ :)11:50
ochosii think we need to create a todo-list of the changes though11:51
madnickYeah, I'll try to get to it asap, poke me with a stick if its not done tomorrow before 09:0011:51
madnickochosi: yes11:51
ochosione simple thing i'd love is for the login-box to be centered11:51
ochosiand we need to replace gnome-settings-daemon with xfsettingsd11:52
ochosiand ideally manage multi-monitor-support11:52
ochosiif that's not baked into unity-greeter already11:52
ochosithat's already it11:52
madnicki think it it draws the bg11:52
madnickfor each screen11:52
ochosiyeah, but does it also only display _one_ login box?11:52
ochosimy experience was that it mirrors11:52
ochosithen that's fine11:53
madnickHm, you made me unsure now11:53
ochosibut it'd be nice if the behaviour of primary-monitor would match the behaviour of the xubuntu-session11:53
madnickBecause in 12.04 I can only get mirrored anyway, thats why I still run 11.04 on this machine11:53
ochosiok, so: mandatory is to drop g-s-d11:53
ochosioptional is: small design tweaks (e.g. login-box alignment)11:54
madnickmandatory: change add an "x" to "ubuntu"11:54
ochosiwishful-thinking is: multi-monitor-support as drafted in the spec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/MultipleMonitors11:54
ochosithe settings-gui is also optional imo11:55
ochosibetter get a working greeter first11:55
ochosimadnick: i'm off for lunch now, would you mind compiling that into a list and throwing it on the whiteboard? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-xubuntu-new-lightdm11:56
ochosiok, thanks11:57
knomeochosi, astraljava, pleia2: just reminding: i'm not able to make the meeting today.11:59
knomeochosi, astraljava, pleia2: somebody of you should chair12:00
knomeerr, english fail, but anyway12:00
madnickI did not change the work items in the blueprint, since they are general (like an apple patent), but I added the stuff to the whiteboard :)12:01
knomei'd maybe add a work item for "Replace gnome-settings-daemon with xfsettingsd"12:05
madnickknome: True12:08
knomethat's kind of separate, the rest belong with the general item12:08
thauriswulfathey should add this metaphor to dictionary : like an apple patent. ha  ha ha12:49
thauriswulfasimile , my bad12:50
ochosiknome: are you still there?13:27
knomeochosi, for a few mins13:27
ochosiknome: ok, i just wanted to say that i can chair the meeting13:28
knomeok, good13:28
ochosialso: what's the plan for the action-item "en/disable compositor"?13:28
knomein the "open action items" -item, just go through things from the last meetings that ain't done yet13:28
knomediscussion, but i think we need to postpone that13:29
ochosiok, i'll just work with last meeting's summary13:29
ochosimaybe some of the others will be there as well and help me out :)13:29
knomewell, there is the quicklist for actions13:29
knomesee "Action items, by person"13:30
knomeother than those, there is really nothing13:30
ochosioh right13:30
ochosiyeah, that's useful13:30
knomewell, on the announcements, just point to the ML link13:30
knomeand say feedback is welcome13:30
ochosibtw, have you talked to gridcube yet about the music-player thingy?13:30
knomei think janne might want to go through some testing stuff13:30
knomeno, not yet13:31
ochosihow much time do you have now?13:31
ochosiwe could quickly drop a few music-players13:31
knomei don't know, but 0-5mins13:31
ochosithat should work ;)13:31
knomei got to go when i get a call13:31
ochosilet's drop: moc, nightingale, clementine for sure13:32
knomedrop: anything with Qt, anything CLI, nighthingale13:32
ochosimany of the others need investigation13:33
ochosiand i think we have to add a few and remove others13:33
ochosibut first off, we should decide whether the list of "desired features" is ok13:33
knomei need to go now13:33
knomesee you later13:33
hobgoblinI can give you some input on that if you want it ochosi 13:34
hobgoblinall of those desired features are important to me :)13:35
hobgoblinthe first 3 are important imo13:36
hobgoblinsaving playlists is too - searching and podcasts less so13:37
hobgoblinas far as the list goes - exaile will save playlists - it just calls it export13:39
hobgoblinI've never been able to tell the difference between gmusicbroswer and quodlibet13:40
hobgoblinof the 'simple' ones listen is the best I think13:40
ochosiactually there are a few other criteria that are important for an app, apart from features13:40
ochosie.g. how well is it maintained13:40
hobgoblinof course there are - I'm looking at it from a user pov :)13:41
ochosiis there a roadmap that implies that stuff we want will be implemented in the (near?) future13:41
ochosistuff like that :)13:41
ochosiyeah, just sayin that this has to be taken into account#13:41
hobgoblinnot that I know of - but I've only really been involved for a short while :)13:41
hobgoblinI said I'd give gridcube a hand with this - but I've not seen him much to speak too 13:42
ochosii added a few inline comments to gridcube's user-experience section14:03
ochosiif you see him feel free to let him know14:03
ochosialso: feel free to read through them yourself, i'm always open for discussions14:03
astraljavaI think he said he should be available today, flag day or something.14:09
astraljavahobgoblin: I'm still only half-way through getting the test results. Are you available for the meeting in less than an hour? I wanna talk about Alpha-2, and you have been testing it the most. Your input would be very valuable.14:12
hobgoblinI'll be about - ping me :)14:13
astraljavaThanks, will do, when the time comes. But it'll be obvious if you follow the meeting anyway. :)14:29
hobgoblinI'm right in the middle of trying to find out how my isp e-mail account has been compromised :(14:31
hobgoblinso I might not be following ... 14:31
ochosiReminder/Disclaimer: -- Xubuntu Community meeting in 20min here. --14:40
astraljavaouch indeed14:51
hobgoblink - all ears now 14:56
astraljavaThree minutes still. MAKE SOME NOISE!! *ahem*14:56
foobar55stop smoking plz14:59
ochosimorning pleia2 14:59
ochosiastraljava, pleia2: do any of you two feel like chairing? ^^15:00
astraljavaI thought you meant to? :)15:01
pleia2not really, just woke up, still pre-coffee :)15:01
ochosiastraljava: well i can :) but i don't mind if any of you want to15:01
* ochosi is so extremely humble, it's hard to take15:02
astraljavaGo ahead, be strong! You can do it. :) I'll cover the next one, then.15:02
ochosipleia2: ok, i guess that speaks for itself :)15:02
ochosiastraljava: hehe, ok ;)15:02
ochosimeetingology: ready?15:02
meetingologyochosi: Error: "ready?" is not a valid command.15:02
ochosii take that as a "yes"15:02
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jun 20 15:03:01 2012 UTC.  The chair is ochosi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:03
ochosisoo, welcome everyone15:03
ochosifirst thing on our agenda are the open action items from last time15:03
ochosii'll go through them by person15:03
ochosiastraljava: what about your two action-items?15:03
astraljava#info astraljava to send information on the Xubuntu QA meeting - DONE15:04
astraljava#info astraljava to look at enabling/disabling compositor - PENDING15:04
astraljavaI can talk about the first one on QA section.15:05
ochosisounds good15:05
ochosipleia2: what about your two items? (work on marketing products with knome, raise publicity on testing/docs)15:05
pleia2#info pleia2 and knome to work on marketing products is in progress, I made some edits to Xubuntu/Marketing this past week but still need to gather content for fliers15:06
pleia2#info pleia2 to raise publicity on triaging, testing and docs - no updates here15:06
ochosik, thanks15:08
ochosi#info ochosi to send more information on Greybird and a request for feedback to ML - PENDING15:09
ochosi#info information on Greybird has been distributed through the website and google+ so far, mailinglist will follow shortly15:09
ochosiok, since knome isn't present, this is it with open action-items from last time15:10
ochosipersonally i think the compositor-discussion should be postponed until astraljava has fully investigated15:10
ochosiastraljava: what do you think? ^15:10
astraljavaI agree, it needs more data to back up any decisions.15:11
ochosiok, good, let's continue with teams15:11
ochosi#topic development15:11
ochosimr_pouit, micahg: any further updates in the development department?15:11
ochosiok, let's skip ahead to QA and get back to development if one of the two comes around15:12
ochosi#topic Quality Assurance15:12
ochosiastraljava: take the stage :)15:12
astraljava#info We had our QA meeting last Sunday, the minutes of which can be read at:15:13
astraljava#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-June/008252.html15:13
astraljava#info We have again a similar meeting this coming Sunday, details can be found on the minutes above.15:14
astraljava#info Loosely, new testers were guided on how to do quality assurance, how to follow the testcases, where to get images to be tested etc.15:14
astraljava#info It was agreed that the testcases need more refinery. Related to that, we just had the Ubuntu QA community meeting. Agreed on there was that each point in testcase is critical, meaning if any of them fails, the whole test fails.15:16
astraljava#info There's also going to be new testcases, and a new interface for administering them, for flavors as well. More news about this when the thing develops.15:16
astraljava#info We have had a few tests done on the images (thanks hobgoblin, others!), but I need to gather a bit more data on how we're doing. This is more important to the upcoming milestone release, Alpha-2 next week.15:17
astraljavaBut we should talk about that later this meeting, not strictly a QA thing. 15:18
ochosiastraljava: so you're done with QA for now?15:20
astraljavaYep, that's what the '..' is there for. :)15:20
ochosiok :)15:20
ochosijust wanted to make sure15:20
ochosi#topic Marketing, Promotion15:20
ochosipleia2: ?15:20
pleia2#info knome mentioned it in passing last week, but we have a LinkedIn Xubuntu Users group now which is linked on the website and marketing page (with contact info for admins): http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Xubuntu-Users-405811315:21
pleia2#info I have some stickers to give away, but I'm going to blog about that on my personal blog and keep the "how to make stickers" stuff on the Products page15:22
pleia2this week I'm going to review our "Define the Xubuntu target audience" on our /Marketing page to better define that as *marketing* target audience (broader target audience is addressed in the strat document15:23
pleia2^^ you can action me15:23
pleia2that's pretty much it15:23
ochosi#action pleia2 to review "target audience" as "marketing target audience" on the Marketing page15:24
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to review "target audience" as "marketing target audience" on the Marketing page15:24
ochosi#topic Artwork15:24
ochosias you know i've reworked parts of our default theme15:24
ochosi#info Greybird has been reworked and a blog post on the website has informed people about some of the changes15:25
ochosi#info Our icon-theme will also need a few tweaks, but we'll have to wait for our first (alpha) release to be able to test15:26
ochosiastraljava: in fact this is something we could've discussed in QA, it would be great if people could also report missing icons or theme-bugs15:26
pleia2is there anything we can add to the /Long test this cycle to specifically target some of the changes?15:27
ochosiyou mean the greybird-changes?15:27
ochosinot really. if anything, it'll be more robust with the bright menus15:27
ochosithe dark menus were a troublemaker from the beginning...15:27
* pleia2 nods15:27
astraljavaBugs can be filed as usual, and reported on ISO testing as well, nothing special there.15:28
ochosibut there could again be changes in gtk3 or the unico-engine which might trigger bugs15:28
ochosiyeah, i agree15:28
ochosii just wanted to make people more aware that visual glitches are also bugs :)15:28
pleia2sure, just wondering if there is anything in particular we'll need to draw attention to in the testcase15:28
ochositbh i haven't thought about it enough, it was more an idea just now15:29
ochosibluesabre did quite a lot of those small bug-reports for visual glitches last release. very useful stuff for me15:29
ochosimaybe it's just the attention to visual detail15:30
ochosii'd say the panel, the menus and the desktop are the three first impressions15:30
bluesabre(I figured it was just annoying) :)15:30
ochosibluesabre: hehe, no seriously, it was really helpful15:31
ochosibluesabre: what would you draw attention to specifically for testers?15:31
ochosianyway, we can also discuss that after the meeting15:32
ochosino rush15:32
ochosiskipping ahead...15:32
ochosi#topic General updates15:32
ochosiany more updates anyone?15:32
bluesabreI guess I should mention that anybody who wants to do translation work could have a look at the catfish update.15:36
ochosiplease use a leading #info or #link15:36
ochosithat way it'll get in the minutes15:37
ochosiwhat do you think about sending an email to the ML with a call for translations?15:37
bluesabreSure, where do I email that to?15:37
ochosii guess both the -devel and the -users list15:38
bluesabre#info Anyone who is interested in translation work, we need new translations for lp:catfish-search15:38
bluesabre#link https://launchpad.net/catfish-search15:38
ochosi#action bluesabre to send email to our MLs calling for translations for lp:catfish-search15:39
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to send email to our MLs calling for translations for lp:catfish-search15:39
ochosiany more updates?15:39
Unit193Not in catfish-gtk3 anymore?15:40
ochosiUnit193: no, that was a private branch15:41
ochosiwe made it a real launchpad-project now15:41
ochosiso it can supersede current catfish properly15:41
Unit193Missed that part, could be why no updates. :P15:41
ochosiok, let's skip ahead again15:43
ochosi#topic Announcements15:43
ochosi#info there's a review underway of the Xubuntu Strategy Document15:43
ochosi#info An email has been sent by knome to the ML15:43
ochosi#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-June/008253.html15:43
ochosi#info The community is asked to give feedback on the review15:44
ochosiany other announcements?15:44
ochosipleia2, astraljava ?15:44
astraljavaNothing from me.15:45
Unit193I'd assume the settings manager blueprint will be looked at later?15:45
ochosiUnit193: do you need guidance/feedback for that or anything?15:45
astraljavaProbably skip to the next item on the agenda, anyway.15:46
Unit193Just if I'm missing any programs, just trying to follow process?15:46
ochosiUnit193: ok, we can look at it later if you want15:46
ochositwo more updates15:46
ochosi#info mr_pouit's work-items will have to be re-distributed, he'll be busy with RL during most of this cycle15:47
ochosi#info astraljava will take a look at improving xfce4-display dialog this weekend15:47
ochosi#info madnick is in process of forking unity-greeter as "xubuntu-greeter", which means we'll (hopefully) have a fully-fledged greeter for 12.1015:48
ochosi(actually those were three)15:48
ochosi#topic New and emerging items15:48
ochosiastraljava: shoot15:48
astraljavaThis is the spot I want to use for Alpha-2 talk.15:49
ochosigo ahead15:49
astraljava#info Alpha-2 milestones is during next week. Releases are always on Thursdays here in the *buntu-land. I'm gonna need to send a decision to the release meeting this Friday.15:49
astraljavahobgoblin: You have been doing most of the testing. What is your feeling about the quality of the present images?15:50
hobgoblinmostly good imo15:50
hobgoblinthe only bug I found which really annoyed me was the no partitions showing in thunar/usb's not mounting 15:51
hobgoblinthe who bug is sorted I think15:51
ochosithe "who bug"?15:51
hobgoblinother than that - they all seem to be fine for me 15:51
hobgoblinI have no users on my system - a lightdm bug I believe15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 870297 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lightdm logins not being logged in wtmp" [High,Triaged]15:52
hobgoblinthat one15:52
ochosiyeah, it's marked as fix committed, might take a bit until it lands15:53
ochosi(but it also affects ubuntu)15:53
ochosi(so maybe it won't take that long)15:53
pleia2I can try to do a daily test before friday too15:53
ochosiastraljava: are there any downsides to releasing an alpha-2?15:53
pleia2then we should start getting some release notes together15:54
astraljavaIn any case, that bug won't affect to normal usage and releasability.15:54
hobgoblinI'll manage to do some more before Friday too 15:54
astraljavaochosi: Not really, other than the slight overhead which pleia2 just mentioned.15:54
ochosipleia2: ok, actually now i have an icon-thing i'd like testers to look at in 12.10a²15:54
ochosigtk3 introduced symbolic-icons15:55
astraljavaochosi: And of course maybe the increased traffic on support channels. :)15:55
ochosiwe already support them, but gtk3 apps might've switched even more of their icons to symbolic ones15:55
ochosiso it would be great if people could look for broken icons in our gtk3 apps15:55
astraljavaBut we're moving away from the topic here a little. Do we, as the team, support releasing the Alpha-2?15:55
ochosiastraljava: +115:56
astraljavapleia2: Are you free to do some release note writing with me and knome?15:57
bluesabreSweet, broken icons15:57
pleia2astraljava: yep15:57
astraljavaOkay, then I guess we can release.15:58
astraljava#info The team decides to release Alpha-215:58
astraljava#action astraljava, pleia2, knome to write release notes15:58
meetingologyACTION: astraljava, pleia2, knome to write release notes15:58
bluesabreNext Thursday is going to be fun15:58
ochosiok, what about the next meeting? same time next week?15:59
ochosi(oh, actually i just see in my calendar now that it probably won't be possible for me to attend :( )15:59
ochosiastraljava: then you'll get your chance to chair ;)16:00
ochosii just see now that you voted for bi-weekly meetings last time?16:01
astraljavaYes, but today was special due to Alpha-2 next week.16:01
pleia2having a meeting the day before alpha2 is probably good16:02
ochosiand next time will be special due to the same reason i guess :)16:02
pleia2I'll add it to the calendar16:02
hobgoblinlot's of special reasons then 16:02
ochosi#info Next Xubuntu community meeting at 27th of June, at 15UTC16:02
ochosipleia2: thanks16:03
astraljavaWell, technically next week falls into the schedule. Milestones cause special events.16:03
ochosirighty, i guess that was it16:03
ochosithanks for your attendance everyone!16:03
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jun 20 16:03:36 2012 UTC.  16:03
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-06-20-15.03.moin.txt16:03
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-06-20-15.03.html16:03
Unit193ochosi, pleia2: Danke.16:03
astraljavaThanks for chairing, ochosi, others for participating!16:03
ochosiyw :)16:03
hobgoblinty ochosi 16:04
pleia2I can toss the minutes up on the meeting page in a bit if you'd like16:04
ochosipleia2: that'd be pretty great, cause i have to run in a few mins16:04
astraljavaJust a small reminder, I know we have a very relaxed policy here on this channel, but let's try to keep chit-chat to a minimum during the meetings. Also, sticking to the topic is highly appreciated.16:04
ochosiand sry for drifting off a bit before :)16:04
astraljavaIt's fine. :) Like I said, let's keep it to a minimum. :)16:05
* astraljava doesn't intend to make these like the kernel team's...16:05
ochosibluesabre: if one of us gets to test alpha2 we should look at gtk3 apps to find broken icons16:08
ochosibluesabre: like the two icons in calculator you found in 12.0416:08
bluesabreI will definitely check that out.16:08
ochosii think gtk2 apps should mostly be fine16:08
bluesabreMissing icons are the easiest bugs to find and log :)16:08
ochosiif you have suggestions to improve icons in USC that'd also be welcome16:09
ochosianyway, i gotta go now16:09
ochosiprolly bbl though16:09
bluesabrek, seeya16:09
ochosiyup, seeya!16:10
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
knomepleia2, thanks for putting the minutes up :)19:28
ochosiUnit193: sorry i couldn't be hear again earlier. you wanted to follow up on the settings-editor?21:05
ochosierr -manager21:05
Unit193Well, just that I was told it's supposed to be in some meeting, to gather more and weed out others.21:06
knomeochosi, Unit193: let's add that to the next meeting agenda21:06
ochosibut we can still talk about it now21:07
ochosiGridCube: ping21:07
knomehehe, sure21:07
Unit193Whatever you say, doc.21:08
knomepleia2, ochosi, astraljava: btw, there is a tool to create a new "minutes" page with the template we're using at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/21:08
ochosiGridCube: we should talk about your music-player spec. i added a few comments to the "user-experience" part of the spec. please get back to me as soon as you've read it21:09
ochosiknome: oh, nice21:09
ochosiUnit193: would you mind moving the categories of the items next to each item in brackets? (settings-man spec)21:20
ochosinext we'd have to re-categorize them under the four categories that exist in settings-man21:20
ochosibut keeping the info of the menu-category might be useful21:20
knomeyou mean a table?21:21
knomei just reverted a table ;)21:21
ochosiyeah, but a table makes more sense imo21:24
knomefeel free to move to a table (again), but please incorporate the alternating row-colors21:25
Unit193ochosi: Design isn't exactly my thing, I had it table style, and knome put it in a different one, I don't care really at all how it's placed on there.21:25
ochosiUnit193: ^ ? ;)21:25
knomeochosi, there was a table, but i changed it to the list we have now21:26
knome(the table didn't have alt row-colors)21:26
Unit193(Table wasn't the best)21:26
knomewell, it was like any plain table in the ubuntu wiki21:26
knomethat is, totally not readable21:26
ochosiUnit193: could you copy the table-style from the roadmap page?21:27
knomeor the top of the spec page21:27
knomethat's the same style21:27
Unit193knome: ^^21:27
knomewut? :P21:28
knomei can do that21:28
knomejust keep your sticky fingers out of the page for a sec then21:28
knomeochosi, what are the 4 categories you will have?21:28
ochosipersonal, hardware, system, other21:30
ochosithey're hardcoded in settings-manager21:30
knomebut we have those already on the page?21:30
knomelook at it you lazy man!21:30
* Unit193 added21:30
knomebut i can sure make a table out of them, if you want.21:30
knomebut i think this works well too21:30
ochosiknome: hey – i'm currently chatting with quentin about gmb so i'm distracted!! :)21:31
knomeso are you satisfied with the current layout, or do you really really want the table?21:31
ochosigive me a minute21:32
ochosii still want a table, because: i'd love to have additional info for each item21:33
ochosie.g. what category they usually appear in in our menu21:33
knomedoes a separate table under each heading work for you?21:33
knomechanges done and committed21:38
ochosithis is exactly how i would've wanted it :) thanks!21:39
ochosiUnit193: could you re-add the menu-categories?21:39
knomeok, good21:39
knomehuh, was those in?21:40
knomei must've missed that.21:40
knomeoh, right.21:40
ochosithat was before Unit193 changed the categories .)21:40
ochosii think it helps to discuss where each item belongs21:41
Unit193Quite, I just put them there for now, I'm not attached to any (though, jockey makes sense)21:41
Unit193Users, and *maybe* time as well.21:42
Unit193Well, anything I can help with?21:50
ochosii thought you'd re-add the menu-categories into the table :p21:51
Unit193They are already in category, no need to double that...21:53
ochosibut they are in different categories21:54
ochosiatm they're in the pre-defined settings-manager categories21:54
ochosii'd like to have the menu-category/categories in the table21:54
ochosiso that we know how the app-developers categorize their own apps21:54
ochosie.g. i'd argue that language-support should go into "system"21:55
Unit193And I'd be ok with that, but I didn't have those before, and I'm pretty sure I know what you mean.21:57
ochosiah ok22:01
ochosiwould you mind adding them though? :}22:01
Unit193I don't have all of those, but I may feel like adding the others, if it'd actually help.22:03
Unit193Categories=GNOME;X-XFCE;GTK;Settings;DesktopSettings;X-GNOME-Settings-Panel;X-GNOME-PersonalSettings    For example would be personal or settings?22:04
ochosiyou can make it easier on yourself and just put down the category the item appears in in our menu22:05
ochosi(at least if the category in our menu makes sense)22:05
GridCube:) ochosi pong22:06
GridCuberemoved the paragraph22:07
knomehey GridCube 22:07
GridCubesup mister k22:07
knome(me is partly unfocused, but will follow and answer questions)22:07
ochosiok :)22:07
ochosiGridCube: i read your spec quite thoroughly today – for the first time though, i have to admit22:08
ochosithat's why i added the comments, because you said you wanted feedback on it22:08
GridCubemmhm, it read what was commented, it made lots of sense22:08
GridCube:D yes thanks22:08
ochosibut i also quickly want to give more feedback in a structured way22:08
ochosifirst off:22:08
ochosiyw :)22:08
ochosii really care about our default music player, that's why i pushed gmusicbrowser, because it's very customizable and i worked hard with knome on what we thought would be the smoothest user experience22:09
ochosiso your feedback is really valuable22:09
GridCubeI understand22:09
ochosii think one very important factor when looking at our default apps (apart from features) is how well they are maintained22:10
ochosithis hasn't really been talked about enough22:10
ochosijust a random example:22:11
GridCubemmhm yes, i agree with that 22:11
ochosi"listen" has had its latest release 201022:11
ochosithat doesn't mean that it's bad software22:11
ochosibut it means that if we want a bug fixed, we might have to do it ourselves22:11
ochosiand we don't really have the dev-manpower22:12
ochosii'm also just a stupid pixel-pusher, so shame on me :}22:12
ochosi – i just realized i'm telling you why we chose gmb initially –22:13
ochosijust stop me if i bore you ;)22:13
ochosione concern that was raised wrt gmusicbrowser as default player was maintenance22:13
ochosigmusicbrowser is driven by mainly one person22:13
ochosiso if he stops, it's unmaintained22:14
GridCubeochosi, I don't think that gmb is bad, its not that, it has all the things we need, and is maintained, the thing is the user experience i've had, and the people I've converted agree, is that gmb is scary complicated22:14
ochosiactually the point i wanted to get to in the end is this: (i think we can skip ahead that far)22:14
ochosiwe can decide now to either (1) try to improve gmb based on your feedback22:15
ochosior (2) try to skim through all kinds of music players out there and try to find a better one22:15
ochosiso far most of what i've read in your spec seems manageable22:15
GridCubei think that we could try to make gmb work22:15
ochosiand i have a really good contact to gmb's developer22:15
ochosi(actually i was talking with him a minute ago :) )22:16
ochosiok, then let's try to improve it to a point where everyone is happy and if that doesn't work look for alternatives22:16
GridCubeIn fact, i think that 63,38% off all the problems with gmb would go away if clicking on something on the music library sended it to the queue list22:17
GridCubeand never, ever, play from the music library itself22:18
GridCubethats what makes gmb confusing22:18
ochosii mean that change is actually quite simple to do, but i would find it very confusing :)22:19
GridCubeyou dont know where the music is playing from22:19
ochosii think we should dig into that more22:19
ochosibtw, i'll quickly fix the problem with the "Add Music" ;)22:19
GridCube:D great22:19
ochosii just have to change a single digit in our layout22:20
ochosido you want to test it?22:20
GridCubeim in windows now, my brother is rendering on autocad22:20
ochosioh right22:20
ochosinp then22:20
GridCubenow really, if searching music would just simply search music, and sending the search to the playing list where something automatic then i think that gmb would do just fine22:22
GridCubeyou search, you find a disc/artist/genre/singlefile you select it and send it to the queue, then it plays22:23
GridCubethe way gmb does it now, its just weird22:23
ochosicurrently "send it to the queue" == double-middle-click with your mouse | or: right-click and say "enqueue"22:23
ochosiif you double-click it, it plays the song22:23
GridCubeO_o how you middle clic on a netbook?22:23
GridCubeor on a touchscreen? or where is told that?22:24
ochosimiddle-click can always be emulated by hitting both mouse-buttons at the same time22:24
GridCubenope, not anymore22:24
GridCubethat was disabled22:24
ochosiwhat was disabled?22:26
ochosileft-click + right-click == middle-click?22:26
ochosii mean it's too obscure for everyone to find out22:27
ochosii just wanted to tell you this so you have a better time using gmb for now :)22:27
ochosimaybe it helps if i quickly explain the library concept in gmb22:28
* GridCube is just using clementine lately, its pretty damn good22:28
GridCubesure do :)22:28
ochosiyou have 3 views22:28
ochosisimple-list, treeview (with albumcovers) and mosaic (only album-covers, with songlist on middle-click)22:29
ochosithose 3 work the same way22:29
ochosithey're just different ways of using the same resource the same way22:30
GridCubeconfusing, but ok22:30
ochosiok, let's stop here, why is that confusing?22:30
GridCubei mean, what use does it have to have the mosaic option? how users know what is being played?22:31
GridCubeyou double clic on an album cover and then...? 22:31
GridCubeyou have no idea what is being played22:31
ochosiif you double-click an album, that album will be played back22:32
ochosithat's all22:32
knome(added to queue)22:32
GridCubeoooo i see, ok22:32
ochosiif you middle-click, you can see the list of songs in that album22:32
ochosiif you right-click, you can execute tons of actions on that album22:32
ochosiit's just intended as a simple way of accessing a full album, instead of having to mark all songs in an album in a list by hand22:32
GridCubehave to admit i never used that, I was too frustrated toward gmb at that point to even try to understand22:33
ochosi(which can be annoying)22:33
ochosiok, so the 3 views are clear?22:34
GridCubeyes I think so22:34
ochosiok, then let's proceed22:35
ochosithe views all show the whole libaray22:35
ochosiunless you use e.g. the search-box in the top-right corner to filter the results22:35
ochosiby default, it _should_ (and we should look into that if it doesn't) sort and group your music well enough (if the tags are ok) and play back the songs in the order that is displayed22:36
GridCube(it doesnt)22:36
ochosiso if you double-click a song, e.g. song nr.2 in your favorite album, the next song should be song nr.322:36
ochosinow, gmb has a feature that many players don't have and that can be confusing at first, but extremely useful once you wrapped your head around it:22:37
ochosisort-order and play-order are independant22:37
ochosiso you can e.g. sort your music by "history" (i.e. when did i lasten listen to this album)22:38
ochosiwhile playing it back alphabetically22:38
ochosior the other way round22:38
ochosiobviously you can also "sync" play-order and sort-order22:38
ochosidoes that make sense so far?22:38
GridCubethat makes no sense at all22:38
ochosiok, where's the problem?22:38
GridCubeso it plays differently from how you see it?22:39
ochosi(just wondering)22:39
GridCubeyou sort things a way, but it still plays however it feels like playing, unless you know how to say it NO play it like this22:39
ochosiit doesn't do that by default22:40
ochosibut when you change the sort-order (e.g. by clicking a column-header) that doesn't mean that the play-order is also changed accordingly22:40
ochosi(although theoretically we could make it work that way)22:40
GridCubein any case, this all takes that, it. still. plays. from. the. media. library.22:41
ochosiit does22:41
GridCubeit should not never ever do that22:41
ochosii'm not sure i understand?22:41
ochosibtw, have you ever used itunes?22:41
GridCubenot really22:42
GridCubemaybe once a long time ago22:43
ochosiwhat players have you used?22:43
GridCubein windows, winamp, foobar2000, xmplayer, and many other i dont remember now22:43
GridCubein linux, audacious, exaile, clementine, rhythmbox, xmmp, decibel, and many others22:44
ochosiwow, that's quite a list22:44
ochosiok, let's stick with exaile for a second22:45
ochosiif you double-click a song in a list in exaile it plays it back to you22:45
ochosithe next song will be the one underneath the one you clicked before22:45
GridCubemmh yes22:45
ochosiif you set the playmode to "shuffle", it plays all songs in the list in random order22:46
GridCubebut, if you search a song/artist/genre on exaile, it will search, then on double clic it will send the files you, and that means the user, just choosed to the playing list22:46
GridCubeit will NOT play from the music library22:46
GridCubeagain, if you choose to shufle you shuffle the files YOU choosed, NOT everything on your media library22:47
ochosia quick hint22:47
ochosiyou can "lock" artists or albums22:47
ochosiyeah, that means only songs from that album/artist will be played back22:48
ochosino matter what playmode you choose22:48
ochosiit's very easy/intuitive to activate, once you've found it :)22:48
GridCubeif it needs finding... its not22:48
ochosiin the playback bar (that is very interactive btw), you see a structure like this:22:48
ochosi"song-title" << "album" << "artist"22:49
ochosiif you hover the "<<" it shows a lock22:49
GridCubeI see22:49
ochosiif you click the "<<" it displays the lock, so...22:49
GridCubeochosi, let me stop you for a moment here22:49
ochosi"song-title" $lock "album" << "artist" would mean only songs from that album are played back22:50
GridCubeand please dont take this as like i am mad or something, im just trying to pass my sensations to you so you see what happens through my mind right now22:50
ochosisure, go ahead22:51
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
GridCubegood gods22:53
GridCubeok here it goes again22:53
GridCubeochosi, im not against all the shiny things that gmb has22:53
GridCubethats all fine22:53
GridCubebut most people i know. all the people who i've introduced to xubuntu or linux, just dont understand gmb22:54
GridCubeand believe it or not, thats the main reason they ask me to take it away and reinstall windows22:54
knomeif we want to "fix" gmb, you have to specify what's confusing the users22:54
GridCubei tell them theres anothers players, but they are just tired of trying to uderstand all the quirkiness of them22:55
GridCubeknome, i will scream for a moment here: IT SHOULD NOT PLAY FROM THE MEDIA LIBRARY22:55
knomedoesn't that imply other players have quirks too, not just gmb? :)22:55
GridCube:P well yes22:55
knomeGridCube, please calm down22:55
GridCubeknome, i am, i just warned you, you know :P22:56
knomewell, does that justify anything?22:56
knome"warning; i'll kill you in the next 15 secs"22:56
knome"I TOLD YOU!"22:56
GridCubenot really, but i think i've made that clear before22:56
knomeso did you get some things solved out today with ochosi ?22:57
GridCubemost , if not all, the problems with gmb would go away if it just send your playlist to the queue list22:57
knomeochosi, wasn't there that "playlist mode" ?22:57
GridCubeall the other stuff, its nice and all, but they all depend on the player using the damn media library as playlist22:58
ochosiknome: that wouldn't really solve what GridCube's problem seems to be (from my perspective)22:58
GridCubeochosi, it would really do, because you would know from where the music is being played22:58
knomeGridCube, note that "playlist mode" might not mean what you are expecting.22:59
GridCubeknome, its ok22:59
GridCubeagain, im just trying to send to you how my mind feels witha ll this22:59
GridCubei understand you worked on it, so you understand it better22:59
knometbh, we don't need "mind" we need "brain"22:59
knomei mean not "mind feel" but "mind think" ;)23:00
GridCubebuf if you give gmb to an user that just wants to play musics, they wont want to learn all the gazillion options gmb can have, they just want to be able to search in their music, and play just what they want23:01
GridCube:) I understood knome 23:01
ochosiGridCube: just a simple suggestion, have you tried any of the other layouts gmb features?23:02
ochosithey don't only look differently, they also work differently23:03
GridCubeyes, i've noticed23:03
ochosiit'd be nice to see whether e.g. exaile works for you23:03
ochosiit has a "playlist" tab that does what you want (from what i understood)23:03
GridCubeagain, I havent really tried them, i dont see the point on using gmb to emulate exaile when i could simply use exaile23:03
ochosiit's not just emulating exaile23:04
ochosiit still has all the customizability of exaile plus the features of gmusicbrowser23:04
ochosii mean: the layout of exaile23:04
ochosii'm getting tired23:04
GridCubeochosi, but the features of gmb are the things i don't like about gmb23:05
ochosiok, i'm too tired for this today, let's continue some other time23:05
GridCubeok don't worry, i think im not making any sense anyway23:05
knomei think the next thing we need to do is to gather a list of features we really need for the default media player23:06
knomeand forget gmb, exaile and everything else23:06
knomejust thing what we want23:06
GridCubelets do that23:06
knomethis should have been the first step anyway23:06
ochosiknome: so you consider "improving gmb" failed?23:06
knomewell, i'm quite tired too23:06
ochosijust asking because those seemed to be the two options23:06
GridCubeknome, i didnt meant now23:06
knomeochosi, i'm not sure if you two can sort it out ;)23:06
knomei'm all in for "fixing gmb"23:07
GridCubeochosi, I don't think so, again if gmb would send what you searched to a now playing list, most issues with it would go away23:07
ochosiGridCube: some layouts do that23:07
knomeochosi, well, if you have time to continue on the issue23:07
knomei'm not too much help, since i don't know the playlist-stuff too well23:07
GridCubebut that option doesnt seem an option because theres a gazillion things that apparently you can only do while on the playing media library mode, as you where explaining me earlier23:08
knomejust note that we don't have unlimited time, if we want to do the change this cycle23:08
ochositbh i think now is the worst of times to decide on whether to continue or not, it's getting late and at least 2/3 are tired23:08
knome^ we need to test the new player too if we want to switch23:08
knomei don't need an answer now23:08
knomejust saying that you realize the reality too ;)23:09
GridCubeochosi, i agree, lets talk again on saturday or sunday ok?23:09
ochosiGridCube: i'm away on the weekend23:09
ochosinext week then23:09
GridCubeno problem23:09
GridCubeas you wish, or if you see me online just ping me23:09
ochosibut really, it is necessary that you give gmb a second chance if you don't just want to search for a new default player23:09
knomecan you schedule it on the ML so others can possible take part too?23:09
ochosiknome: no, i think we should first try to settle it between us, if that works we can include others23:10
ochosiif it doesn't, you guys can search for a new player :)23:10
knomeochosi, well, that's what i meant, but please do it so others will know when you're working on it23:11
ochosiGridCube: and by giving it a second chance i mean: actively trying it out again and trying to get it to act as you want. because i'm _certain_ there's a layout that does what you want23:12
GridCubeochosi, knome, in any case, thanks for all the problems you are taking with this, i really think is a very important thing when introducing new people to xubuntu(or all the linuxverse)23:12
GridCubeochosi, will do23:12
ochosiGridCube: then i can maybe understand your points better23:12
ochosiand we get a step closer to sorting this23:12
GridCubeok :)23:13
ochosialso: keep in mind that if you understand gmb better, you'll be better at showing it to other people ;)23:13
ochosii'm not saying this because i'm blaming anything on you23:13
knomealso, you kind of have to know gmb well to be able to compare it too23:13
ochosii'm just saying it, because so far we haven't had _any_ complaints about gmusicbrowser in that respect from any review23:13
GridCubei didnt take any blame (im not the only xubuntu user that first of all purges gmb away anyway)23:14
ochosiknome: +123:14
ochosii also purge away quite a few of our default apps23:14
ochosibut i don't moan about it because i know that many others cope well with it23:14
ochosie.g. thunderbird :}23:14
GridCubeyes, but if you dont complain, then stuff never changes23:15
GridCubeits like politics23:15
knomeotoh, we should be making best default choices for *our users* not the developers23:15
ochosiexactly, otherwise i'd have strived to push claws-mail as default mail client far harder :p23:15
knome(that's a bit weird in a way, to choose something that's not ideal for you, but.. yeah)23:16
knomethough i'm quite happy with the current default apps23:16
ochosiyeah, it's a bit weird, but it has to be that way23:16
ochosiyeah, overall i'm happy too23:16
ochosii think the distro works well23:16
GridCube(again, if you are involved on something that makes it easier for you, that doesnt means other would find it as easy or "obvious"23:16
ochosii have enough friends i "maintain"23:16
knomeGridCube, of course.23:17
ochosiGridCube: nobody said that :)23:17
GridCubei remember windows 98, when you started it a HUGE arrow appeared ont he "panel" area pointing to the Star button and said "Click here to start using your programs"23:17
GridCubeit was dumb easy to see it, but hey, people like that23:18
ochosiyeah, that's why we don't replace thunderbird with claws-mail23:18
GridCubeits not that people is dumb, but a default program should be thinked for dumb people23:18
GridCubehuge arrows, pointing to the places you should see, and things happening with your knowledge23:19
GridCubeif you want fancier stuff, you will search for them23:19
GridCubeyou could enable the "dumb skin" for gmb, and then the "pro skin" and add all those stuffs like playing from the media library and whatnot23:20
ochosiGridCube: darn it that is exactly what i implied by "try other layouts like exaile" !!! :D23:21
GridCubeyes, but i have to dumb it up, instead of smart it up!23:21
knomethe exaile layout -> gmb for dummies23:21
knomeGridCube, well, that's because you are.. nevermind. :)23:21
knome(just kidding)23:21
GridCube:P i know23:22
ochosiyeah, there are a few more layouts that are "for dummies"23:22
knomeochosi, but maybe that's a good idea. do a *REALLY SIMPLE* layout.23:22
ochosiGridCube: ok, final suggestion: you test layouts of gmb _until_ you find one that works ok for you, then we talk again about how to (1) either switch to a different layout by default or (2) improve the current default23:22
GridCubeyes, but they are not the default ochosi, you have to thinker with the program to find them out, if you are already frustrated with a program, and you just want to listen music, you wont go around searching for "more" options23:23
ochosiwe can set the default to whatever we want23:23
ochosiso all of them are the potential default look of gmb :)23:23
ochosiyou should've seen it before we started working on it23:24
GridCubeok, that makes sense23:24
ochosiit was a complete mess23:24
ochosino-one used it because it was rather cluttered23:24
ochosiit was a process of ~half a year to get to that default layout23:24
GridCubeI understand23:26
ochosiat the time it took me approx 1hour to make a layout in gmusicbrowser that would work and look like your favorite player23:27
ochosibut the cool thing about it isn't mimicking other players23:27
ochosiit's that you can easily go beyond that23:27
GridCubeochosi, yes, again i understand that, it might go the same way foobar2000 people like to reshape their players and what not, costumization is a huge plus, but then again, most people is just happy with a music player that just plays music23:29
knomewell, gmb just plays music.23:29
knomejust not the way you want23:29
* knome hides23:29
GridCubeknome meant to say: just not the one you want23:31
* GridCube hides23:31
knomewell, you said "a music player that just plays music" ...23:31
knomenot "... plays the music you want"23:31
* GridCube though that was implied23:32
GridCubemaybe thats where we cant connect23:32
knomedefinitely not.23:32
knomewell, gmb plays the music i want, when i add it to the queue. problem solved :)23:32
GridCubea music player that doesnt play the music you want to hear23:32
GridCubethats should be the tagline for gmb then23:33
knomei'm thinking you are being unfair again23:33
knomethat's totally not constructive23:33
knomewith that attitude, you're never going to finish the spec23:33
GridCubeknome, but again, you play something, go to shuffle, and its not playing what you searched anymore...23:34
GridCube:( i don't see why thats so hard to understand23:34
knomeit's not hard to understand23:34
knomei understand it23:34
knomebut there is other ways to achieve the same thing23:34
knomebut you are just flaming against gmb23:34
knomei understand your point very well - but you don't want to understand what we are saying with ochosi 23:35
GridCubeknome, i am not, im just frustrated at it, because it does things without saying why, it plays music you dont see...23:35
knomeyes, you are23:35
GridCubeknome, no, sincerily i dont see23:36
knome02:32  GridCube: a music player that doesnt play the music you want to hear23:36
knome02:33  GridCube: thats should be the tagline for gmb then23:36
knomewhat is that if not flaming?23:36
GridCubeknome, yes, that was a joke23:36
knomewith all respect, do you think that is going to take you anywhere?23:36
GridCubeno, not really23:36
knomethe thing is; you can make gmb play the music you want, it's just not happening as you are expecting23:37
knomei understand that this is making you frustrated, but i don't think it justifies for the jokes and other negative comments about gmb23:38
GridCubewell... yes?23:38
GridCubeknome, it does things behind you, it plays music you dont see, thats the problem, thats the major problem, if it would simply send what is playing to a now playing list, everything else would not matter23:39
GridCubeknome, im trying to explain myself in the most constructive way here23:39
knomeyeah, i understand that23:40
knomei'm just wondering why nobody else has given us negative feedback on that issue?23:40
GridCubethey simply use another player?23:40
knomeit might very well be the showkiller for you, but is it really for the majority of our users?23:40
GridCubeknome, i can sincerily say i dont know23:41
ochosileave it be for now23:41
ochosii mean this discussion23:42
ochosiwe can talk after the weekend, after GridCube tried other layouts etc23:42
knomeGridCube, just try to cut down on the jokes when we're disussing this matter - because i don't always know if you are serious or not23:43
ochosi(or add enough smilies)23:43
GridCubemy bad23:43
knomethat's the downside of irc, i can't really observe your expressions23:43
ochosithe upside is: i don't have to see your face! :D23:43
GridCubei could send a mail to the mailing list in users, asking for feedback of users on gmb asking if they use it or not?23:44
GridCube(i've seen that -users do have a pretty active base)23:44
ochosiif you formulate it nicely and _very_ neutral, then i can imagine that would work23:44
GridCubeok, will try that23:45
ochosiyou can also first send it to knome and he can tell you whether there's "a tone" :)23:45
knomethat works23:46
knomei can proofread it if you send it to me before monday23:46
knomei'm possibly away from mon-thu next week (so probably not at the meeting, again)23:46
GridCubeknome, ill pm you now :)23:49

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