jimbaker | SpamapS, subparsers can be useful, but they usually need some programmatic help on the parse. one extreme example is what i did with jitsu watch | 00:24 |
jimbaker | still better than trying to write that parser from scratch however | 00:24 |
SpamapS | perhaps | 00:25 |
SpamapS | I think I've wrangled it almost | 00:25 |
SpamapS | but still can't suppress --help in subparsers | 00:25 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, add_help=False doesn't help? | 00:29 |
jimbaker | so to speak ;) | 00:29 |
surgemcgee | Any still around? Is the only way to get the charm revision number with a --> cat hooks/revision <-- ? | 01:23 |
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_mup_ | Bug #1016003 was filed: "juju debug-hooks -h" doesn't say what it does <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016003 > | 11:44 |
_mup_ | txzookeeper/trunk r48 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com | 12:15 |
_mup_ | correct unit tests minors [thanks to ben bangert for spotting] | 12:15 |
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jml | I'm working on a charm that deploys code from a bzr branch. Currently, I'm fetching the branch into $PWD, which is /var/lib/juju/units/$UNIT_NAME/charm/. Is this sensible? | 12:22 |
jml | Is there a better practice? | 12:22 |
hazmat | jml, its sensible, but you can pull it anywhere | 12:26 |
jml | what user is 'install' run as? | 12:26 |
hazmat | jml all hooks run as root | 12:26 |
jml | huh | 12:26 |
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hazmat | jcastro, ping | 12:43 |
jml | is everything in the charm directory copied up to the instance indiscriminately? | 13:01 |
jcastro | hazmat: pong | 13:06 |
james_w | jml, yes | 13:11 |
james_w | jml, or at least you can add arbitrary stuff, I don't know that e.g. metadata.yaml is copied exactly | 13:11 |
marrusl | hey folks.. does juju on openstack require swift? | 13:14 |
james_w | marrusl, IIUC yes, but you can point it to S3 and it works fine | 13:15 |
james_w | as in, it needs object store, but it can use openstack for compute and s3 for object store | 13:16 |
marrusl | james_w, aha, ok. great, that makes sense. | 13:16 |
james_w | but I don't know how auth works there | 13:16 |
marrusl | I imagine it doesn't store much, but I wonder if that will be a security issue for some. they might feel safer keeping it all inside. | 13:17 |
hazmat | marrusl, there's also a standalone s3 compatible impl nova | 13:27 |
hazmat | if their not using swift they can just stand that up by itself on a nova api server | 13:28 |
marrusl | hazmat, oooh? i.e. nova-objectstore? | 13:28 |
hazmat | marrusl, its just a dumb s3 impl in nova for compatibility &testing, no replication etc, just stores files in a dir. | 13:28 |
hazmat | but functional for juju's needs | 13:29 |
marrusl | hazmat, indeed. we will check it out. thanks! | 13:30 |
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SpamapS | jml: re your question about whether its good practice to store in the charm dir or not.. I think its actually the best practice, because the charm dir gets completely deleted when the service is destroyed. | 14:20 |
jml | SpamapS: I can't make the connection | 14:22 |
jml | SpamapS: If you're installing a package, you don't care that it's in the system directories | 14:22 |
jml | SpamapS: so why is auto-deletion from the charm dir a win if you're installing/running from a branch? | 14:23 |
SpamapS | jml: I mean, if you are, at runtime, storing flag files or downloaded data or something, the charm dir is a good place to do that. | 14:23 |
jml | SpamapS: ah rigght. | 14:23 |
jml | SpamapS: in this context, I'm am bzr branching at install time | 14:24 |
SpamapS | hm | 14:24 |
SpamapS | for that I might put it somewhere else in case I re-deploy onto the box | 14:24 |
SpamapS | since its basically an immutable cash | 14:24 |
SpamapS | cache | 14:24 |
jml | well, it's just apt by another means, no? | 14:24 |
SpamapS | right, and apt is going to cache your debs in /var/cache :) | 14:25 |
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hazmat | SpamapS, i had to do an increment on txzookeeper latest is 0.9.6.. it looks like the build doesn't like that though | 14:42 |
SpamapS | hazmat: looks like you still are using the debian dir from trunk instead of distro | 15:06 |
SpamapS | hazmat: so you will need to dch -i in trunk, since the recipe uses debupstream | 15:07 |
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hazmat | SpamapS, ack, will check it out post meeting | 15:21 |
mars | Question for the room: I saw a note about augtool in the wordpress charm. Has anyone tried it out? | 15:26 |
mars | http://augeas.net/tour.html | 15:27 |
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jimbaker | mars, re augtool, that's an old note on my part as a todo. but sure, it would be cool to try | 15:57 |
mars | jimbaker, it has potential, a standard interface for config files is a nice idea. | 16:01 |
mars | jimbaker, otherwise every charm writer will use their own way of hacking config files | 16:02 |
SpamapS | mars: My feeling, after using augtool/augeas a few times, is that it is useful when you absolutely must only *edit* a complicated config file. | 16:02 |
SpamapS | mars: its far simpler to use templating and just build the whole file. | 16:02 |
jml | is there an idiom for 'juju-log if I can but otherwise skip'? | 16:03 |
mars | SpamapS, makes sense | 16:03 |
jml | (my subtly hidden question is, why isn't that an option or even the default behaviour of juju-log?) | 16:03 |
SpamapS | jml: || : ? | 16:03 |
imbrandon | mornin | 16:03 |
mars | jimbaker, SpamapS, thanks | 16:03 |
jml | SpamapS: ok. | 16:03 |
SpamapS | jml: when are you failing to log? | 16:03 |
jml | SpamapS: when I'm running scripts manually on the instance to debug stuff | 16:04 |
jml | No JUJU_AGENT_SOCKET/-s option found | 16:04 |
SpamapS | jml: I find it better to use debug-hooks for that | 16:06 |
mars | jml, fwiw, we saw that exact error on the first day of our sprint | 16:06 |
SpamapS | jml: as then you're running it in the appropriate context | 16:06 |
jml | SpamapS: sorry, I figured debug-hooks wasn't ready for folk to use | 16:07 |
SpamapS | no way, its a pretty awesome toy :) | 16:08 |
mars | jml, we resolved it by making sure we used the correct procedure to run debug-hooks | 16:08 |
jml | as debug-hooks --help doesn't actually say what it is, and the documentation on the website says it can't be used for install | 16:08 |
SpamapS | It has proven hard to describe how to use debug-hooks.. I think we need screenshots in the documentation | 16:08 |
SpamapS | jml: OH thats a bug in the docs.. that was fixed | 16:08 |
mars | +1 for debug-hooks docs with screenshots. The text description of the procedure we have written down is difficult to follow without a live byobu terminal in front of you. | 16:10 |
jml | mars: OK, I'll bite. What's the correct procedure? How did you make sure you used it? | 16:11 |
mars | jml, just a sec, I'll pastebin it | 16:11 |
SpamapS | I do think we need to add a --debug flag to deploy which deploys and immediately fires up debug-hooks so you don't miss the install hook, as that is possible if the machine is already running. | 16:12 |
mars | jml, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1052882/ | 16:12 |
jml | mars: ta | 16:13 |
japage | hi | 16:14 |
jml | so I have these neat bash hack that pops up an inotify thingy when long running commands finished | 16:15 |
jml | I wish, I wish, I wish I could have a command that ran for as long as the deploy process took. | 16:16 |
jml | fwiw, notes I've made on today's work so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1052894/ | 16:17 |
SpamapS | jml: jitsu watch | 16:18 |
jml | SpamapS: oh that's right. I forgot to play with that. | 16:19 |
SpamapS | jml: and when I release juju-jitsu 0.13 later today or tomorrow, it will actually have a --help :) | 16:19 |
SpamapS | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1052901/ | 16:19 |
SpamapS | jml: still needs a lot of work.. some of the commands don't have their own --help .. but its a nice step forward. :) | 16:20 |
jimbaker | jml, jitsu watch could definitely be nice for starting your notification | 16:20 |
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jml | SpamapS: will 'jitsu watch mysql' also stop watching if the service has an error in its deployment? | 16:20 |
SpamapS | jimbaker: btw we need to be able to wildcard unit ids | 16:20 |
jml | SpamapS: looks good :) | 16:21 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, i think this really is covered by --num-units | 16:21 |
SpamapS | jimbaker: how so? | 16:21 |
jml | I really need to figure out how I can make my bash hack more readily usable by others. | 16:21 |
SpamapS | jimbaker: I want to deploy, then immediately wait for a state of started. But id is not guaranteed to be 0, because the service name may have been used before. | 16:21 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, let me dig out the example | 16:21 |
japage | SpamapS: do you know how juju is retrieving the node's public ip when using maas? I seem to be getting <nodeName>.localdomain . In MAAS, i am using a blank domain, because I didnt feel like setting up a real domain. <nodeName> resolves in my environment, <nodeName>.localdomain does not. I think this is causing my relations to not work. | 16:22 |
* jml is on libdep-service/29 | 16:22 | |
jimbaker | SpamapS, you can do stuff like this, once the watch-ports branch is approved & merged: | 16:23 |
jimbaker | timeout 600s ./sub-commands/watch \ | 16:23 |
jimbaker | mysql --state=started -r "mysql wordpress" --setting=database \ | 16:23 |
jimbaker | wordpress --state=started --open-port=80 | 16:23 |
jimbaker | so that's saying, wait until at least one unit of mysql (--num-units=1 is implied with the branch) is in the started state, and it has a database setting | 16:24 |
jimbaker | likewise also wait until at least one unit of wordpress is in the started state and it has an open port of 80/tcp | 16:24 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, i think that works better than wildcards on service units, really care about services here | 16:25 |
SpamapS | japage: IIRC, its just 'hostname -f' .. but I could be wrong | 16:25 |
SpamapS | jimbaker: ah ok thats good, I didn't realize I could use --state without a unit id | 16:26 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, yeah, it's pretty nice in that way | 16:26 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, you do need to specify --num-units until watch-ports branch lands however | 16:27 |
japage | Spamaps: yep, that seems to be it... hmmm, i wish that didnt happen. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction | 16:27 |
jml | what am I doing wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1052914/ | 16:27 |
jml | docs say "$ jitsu watch mysql # service is deployed" | 16:28 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, here's another nice example, drawn from your unit test spec | 16:28 |
jimbaker | timeout 600s jitsu watch \ | 16:28 |
jimbaker | mysql --state=started -r "mediawiki:db mysql:db" --setting=database \ | 16:28 |
jimbaker | memcached --state=started -r "mediawiki memcached" --setting=host \ | 16:28 |
jimbaker | mediawiki --state=started --open-port=80 | 16:28 |
jml | but status says service is not deployed. | 16:28 |
jimbaker | so it waits until the full stack is deployed and in a steady state, because the appropriate settings have been made and in particular mediawiki has reached the end of its -relation-changed hook and has opened a port; note in this case it ignores exposed or not | 16:29 |
_mup_ | Bug #1016138 was filed: The juju manpage should mention the JUJU_REPOSITORY environment variable <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016138 > | 16:29 |
SpamapS | japage: I think there's an assumption in MaaS that you will have working DNS | 16:30 |
japage | SpamapS: It provides you with the option of using blank for the dns, which is supposed to use the maas server's dhcp to provide the dns, however i could be wrong about that. | 16:32 |
imbrandon | well your problem is there is no proper domain setup, not that there isnt dns, localdomain is in the hostfile | 16:37 |
imbrandon | not dns | 16:37 |
imbrandon | thus the node will report it but others will not reach it. break down and setup a domain if you need one :) | 16:38 |
japage | imbrandon: yea | 16:38 |
imbrandon | japage: in otherwords its working as intended , you just need to setup a domain if your going to use one | 16:39 |
jml | still having a bit of trouble with 'jitsu watch' | 16:40 |
jml | is 'jitsu watch <service>' supposed to wait until <service> is deployed? i.e. until at least until after 'install' completes successfully? | 16:40 |
japage | juju is working as intended, im just not sure why hostname -f is returning maas-1.localdomain | 16:41 |
m_3 | jimbaker: watch-ports is in trunk... I'll wait a day or so before another release unless anybody needs this now | 16:41 |
SpamapS | jml: no, you need --state=started and --num-units=1 | 16:41 |
imbrandon | japage: because localdomain is set properly in the hostfile and there is no other domain setup for the box | 16:42 |
jml | SpamapS: thanks. | 16:42 |
SpamapS | Anybody familiar with argparse want to help me fix 'jitsu sub-command --help' ? I want to override it to pass --help to the subcommand instead of intercepting and printing lame sub-command help | 16:42 |
imbrandon | japage: i was saying dns is working as intended | 16:42 |
SpamapS | (only an issue in trunk.. 0.12 has no help for jitsu) | 16:43 |
jimbaker | jml, when m_3 releases the next version of jitsu, you won't need to specify --num-units if using service unit specifications | 16:43 |
jimbaker | unless you want to do --num-units=2 or whatever | 16:43 |
jimbaker | m_3, thanks for that merge | 16:43 |
imbrandon | SpamapS: what about juju its self, doesnt it do that ? | 16:43 |
jml | jimbaker: 'if using service unit specifications'? | 16:43 |
jimbaker | jml, correct | 16:43 |
jml | jimbaker: sorry, what I meant was I don't understand that clause | 16:43 |
jimbaker | i quickly realized it was an oversight | 16:43 |
jimbaker | jml, not certain what you mean by which *clause* | 16:44 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: juju's sub-commands are all just python modules | 16:44 |
jml | jimbaker: what's a service unit specification? | 16:44 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: so they all just add their sub-parser to the main parser | 16:44 |
imbrandon | ahh | 16:44 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: but I need to essentially say "don't print --help for sub-commands" | 16:44 |
imbrandon | optparse :) heh | 16:44 |
SpamapS | which I'm pretty convinced argparse just won't allow | 16:45 |
SpamapS | perhaps | 16:45 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, i can take a look at --help support | 16:45 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, i assume you just want what we see with juju --help, right, a synopsis for each available subcommand based on the description | 16:46 |
m_3 | SpamapS: looks like there's a `parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', add_help=False)` | 16:46 |
jimbaker | from the subparser | 16:46 |
imbrandon | japage: you see what i'm gettin at ? it returns that ( rightfully ) because that is in its hostfile as it should be, that does not garentee its reaschable | 16:46 |
m_3 | then maybe explicitly add it to the subcommands | 16:46 |
SpamapS | m_3: so unfortunately, all the sub-parsers will share --help with the main command. | 16:47 |
SpamapS | m_3: as in, if you don't add_help .. you get no help. | 16:47 |
japage | why would, for a maas with no domain set (blank, not local, which tells it to use mDNS), cloud-init write an /etc/hosts file with <hostname>.localdomain <hostname> ; instead of <hostname> <hostname>.localdomain ? | 16:47 |
SpamapS | and once you add it to one command | 16:47 |
SpamapS | you can't add it to any other | 16:48 |
m_3 | it's like we need a help delegator | 16:48 |
japage | nvmd, i just figured it out, /me stupid question previously... | 16:48 |
SpamapS | m_3: yeah I think we just need to override the --help action with a function that is smarter than me :) | 16:48 |
imbrandon | japage: becase thats how dns is designed, you need to setup a proper domain if you want to use one | 16:48 |
SpamapS | m_3: but one tricky part is, I want it to use the usual --help action if there's no sub-command specified | 16:48 |
m_3 | right... doesn't juju do this? | 16:49 |
jimbaker | m_3, indeed, that's what it does. looking at jitsu, it's roughly doing something similar | 16:50 |
jimbaker | but clearly not quite there | 16:50 |
jcastro | SpamapS: imbrandon: Which one of you "owns" the sexy column-on-the-side layout for the docs? | 16:51 |
imbrandon | me | 16:51 |
jcastro | hey can we get it reviewed and landed by say Monday PST? | 16:51 |
jcastro | it's too sexy not to show off at Velocity | 16:51 |
imbrandon | its supose to be landed now, but its not building | 16:51 |
imbrandon | need to get in touch with IS | 16:51 |
jcastro | oh, heh | 16:51 |
SpamapS | probably on a lucid box or something :-P | 16:52 |
imbrandon | as in the cron is broken or something | 16:52 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: try in a lucid chroot, probably some missing sphinx feature | 16:52 |
imbrandon | k | 16:52 |
imbrandon | yea its using sphinx 0.6.3 OLD we;re all on 1.1.3 | 16:52 |
imbrandon | heh | 16:52 |
imbrandon | jcastro: but yea as soon as we figure that out, its landed | 16:53 |
* imbrandon goes to build a chroot | 16:53 | |
SpamapS | imbrandon: mk-sbuild ftw :) | 17:00 |
imbrandon | heh | 17:00 |
SpamapS | Last Generated on Jun 20, 2012. Created using Sphinx 0.6.4. | 17:00 |
imbrandon | sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 lucid /mnt/lucid/ | 17:00 |
imbrandon | :) | 17:00 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: schroot is your friend | 17:01 |
SpamapS | one-off chroots are just a waste of time | 17:01 |
imbrandon | likely but i'll keep this one until they upgrade the docs | 17:01 |
imbrandon | box | 17:01 |
SpamapS | Probably won't happen until 12.04.1 is released in August | 17:02 |
imbrandon | yea, so we may run into this again | 17:02 |
imbrandon | hopefully not, but you know | 17:02 |
imbrandon | heh | 17:02 |
imbrandon | brb more mt dew while that builds | 17:03 |
japage | imbrandon: i set up a real domain, called localdomain. (cheating ftw) :-) | 17:04 |
imbrandon | lol | 17:05 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: where does that branch live btw? | 17:05 |
SpamapS | since I have lucid as of 'schroot -c lucid-amd64 -u root' ;) | 17:06 |
imbrandon | SpamapS: what one ? docs ? lp:juju/docs | 17:06 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: oh so docs just isn't building at all right now? | 17:06 |
imbrandon | right | 17:06 |
imbrandon | look its still old from before all our changes | 17:06 |
SpamapS | Exception occurred: | 17:06 |
SpamapS | File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/sphinx/builders/html.py", line 653, in <lambda> | 17:06 |
SpamapS | ctx['toctree'] = lambda **kw: self._get_local_toctree(pagename, **kw) | 17:07 |
SpamapS | TypeError: _get_local_toctree() got an unexpected keyword argument 'maxdepth' | 17:07 |
imbrandon | nice | 17:07 |
imbrandon | ok one sec | 17:07 |
SpamapS | heh, we really should make juju.ubuntu.com a charm | 17:07 |
imbrandon | :) | 17:07 |
SpamapS | like.. seriously | 17:07 |
imbrandon | how its on lucid :) | 17:07 |
imbrandon | unless we chroot it on the box, but yea that woudl be awesome , dogfood it | 17:08 |
SpamapS | mouth.where().put(money) | 17:08 |
imbrandon | ok let me fix the maxdepth issue | 17:08 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: it shouldn't be on lucid forever though. :) | 17:08 |
imbrandon | one sec | 17:09 |
SpamapS | ./source/_templates/ubuntu1204/layout.html:{{ toctree(maxdepth=2) }} | 17:09 |
SpamapS | so thats f'ing it up? | 17:09 |
imbrandon | yea | 17:09 |
m_3 | imbrandon: redirect :) | 17:09 |
imbrandon | SpamapS: just make toctree(maxdepth=2) == toctree | 17:09 |
imbrandon | 2 is the default anyhow | 17:09 |
japage | hmmm, appears my kludgy dns was a red herring, still seem to be having mysql issues creating relations | 17:12 |
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imbrandon | m_3: hehe :) | 17:17 |
m_3 | imbrandon: seriously... I do agree we should be dogfooding that one | 17:17 |
m_3 | just have the dang thing redirect to ec2 | 17:18 |
m_3 | SpamapS: fido | 17:18 |
imbrandon | yea i think i;m gonna do that today | 17:18 |
imbrandon | we dont have a sphinx charm anyhow | 17:18 |
imbrandon | that i know of | 17:18 |
SpamapS | You know, the more I think about our need to cryptographically verify upstream software.. the more I think we should just require embedding anything not in the Ubuntu archive. | 17:21 |
SpamapS | Or, an archive that is sufficiently highly available like that one. | 17:21 |
SpamapS | would simplify a lot of charms to just toss tarballs into them | 17:21 |
SpamapS | and make them more robust | 17:21 |
imbrandon | ... the more i hear stuff like that the more i think about jcastro saying "you can do anything in a charm" | 17:21 |
imbrandon | heh | 17:22 |
SpamapS | YOU can do anything in a charm | 17:22 |
SpamapS | But I'm not going to inflict all the crazy brandon stuff on everyone. ;) | 17:22 |
imbrandon | heh well i can do anything in a deb too for that matter :) | 17:22 |
SpamapS | right! | 17:22 |
imbrandon | lol | 17:22 |
jcastro | SpamapS: right, so like right now the mod_spdy one is worthless because the google archive times out all the time | 17:22 |
jcastro | and so on | 17:22 |
SpamapS | deb can do anything charms can do better.. debs can do anything charms can do... | 17:22 |
* SpamapS sings a little song | 17:23 | |
SpamapS | there's an offline apt thing that would work for that too | 17:23 |
imbrandon | SpamapS: http://s3.assets-online.com.s3.amazonaws.com/files/nginx/nginx-1.3.1.spdy.tar.gz | 17:23 |
imbrandon | :) | 17:24 |
SpamapS | more and more I think charms might benefit from a build step too.. where you could just run a "rebuild" that downloads and unpacks and stuff.. so the install hook isn't doing so much work | 17:24 |
imbrandon | patched and ready, just not had the time to build it into a charm yet | 17:24 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: yeah thats plenty available | 17:24 |
SpamapS | even from outside Amazon :) | 17:24 |
imbrandon | right, none pre-patched tho, thats why i made that tarbal | 17:25 |
m_3 | SpamapS: yeah, install feels like a beast sometimes | 17:25 |
m_3 | I try to move as much out of it as possible | 17:25 |
m_3 | can do the "build" step in config-changed really | 17:25 |
m_3 | win 17 | 17:25 |
jimbaker | SpamapS, re jitsu --help on trunk, it's just not introspecting things properly. i can fix that | 17:26 |
SpamapS | m_3: did you not see my objections to kees's sbuild merge in the bug? | 17:26 |
SpamapS | m_3: actually I didn't make them in the bug, whoops | 17:26 |
SpamapS | m_3: anyway, we can't be dropping config options | 17:26 |
SpamapS | m_3: will likely break deployed services | 17:26 |
m_3 | SpamapS: whoops... sorry, no didn't see that | 17:26 |
SpamapS | m_3: It wasn't well communicated | 17:26 |
imbrandon | well we can, we just need a way to get at the old ones | 17:27 |
imbrandon | keeping the old ones promostes crift | 17:27 |
imbrandon | cruft | 17:27 |
SpamapS | m_3: lets just leave this one be, but the policy doc I put out described this as a 'de-facto' rule.. where if something has been around for 30+ days, it can't be dropped | 17:27 |
m_3 | SpamapS: roger | 17:27 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: cruft can be removed in the next series | 17:27 |
imbrandon | ugh that sounds bad | 17:27 |
SpamapS | Until juju gives us config-set .. cruft must remain | 17:28 |
imbrandon | next series 5+ years | 17:28 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: no, 2 years | 17:28 |
SpamapS | tho we can fix it in quantal | 17:28 |
SpamapS | just that nobody will care ;) | 17:28 |
imbrandon | server where most of these target | 17:28 |
imbrandon | 5 | 17:28 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: *2* | 17:28 |
SpamapS | every 2 years theres a new LTS | 17:28 |
imbrandon | so you expect that everyone will upgrade ? we still have stuff in IS on lucid | 17:29 |
SpamapS | I don't mind keeping the cruft around for the full LTS lifetime as long as we don't keep it forever in the current LTS | 17:29 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: this isn't about everyone upgrading, its about easing development burden | 17:29 |
SpamapS | existing users won't care about the cruft | 17:29 |
SpamapS | I would like to see juju grow a 'deprecated' tag for options | 17:30 |
SpamapS | so deploy will yell loudly | 17:30 |
SpamapS | and set will warn | 17:30 |
imbrandon | yea thus i say we need a way to get at historical config options not promote cruft | 17:30 |
imbrandon | we are making policy based on bugs | 17:30 |
SpamapS | yes we are | 17:30 |
SpamapS | thats life | 17:30 |
SpamapS | if we made policy on perfection, we'd have no policy :) | 17:30 |
imbrandon | welll thats like me adding to the metadata.yaml cuz i could | 17:31 |
SpamapS | the bug being.. ? | 17:31 |
imbrandon | only approved items should be there | 17:31 |
SpamapS | Thats not a bug, thats a fact. :) | 17:31 |
SpamapS | One agreed upon by a pretty short discussion. | 17:32 |
imbrandon | but nothign enforces that , i am just saying instead of a short lived policy lets fix the bug | 17:32 |
SpamapS | its on the TODO | 17:32 |
imbrandon | ok then no need for policy | 17:32 |
SpamapS | Yes there's a need for a policy so we can ease unwanted affect of the bug being fixed | 17:33 |
imbrandon | and how is it on the todo i just sugested it ? | 17:33 |
SpamapS | Basically the policy is saying "Don't do that, because its not going to work at some point" | 17:33 |
imbrandon | no it will work at some point when the bug is fixed, it dont work NOW and coudl breaak things | 17:34 |
SpamapS | There's already a bug somewhere to start warning on unknown fields. | 17:34 |
imbrandon | see the diff | 17:34 |
imbrandon | no no | 17:34 |
imbrandon | i'm on the original thing, not metadata | 17:34 |
SpamapS | <-> see that, we just talked right past eachother | 17:34 |
imbrandon | i just used that for example | 17:34 |
* SpamapS capitulates | 17:34 | |
imbrandon | hehe | 17:34 |
imbrandon | yea i think we;re on the same page just | 17:35 |
imbrandon | was on diff subjects | 17:35 |
imbrandon | ok /me goes back to docs | 17:35 |
imbrandon | btw did you change that, can you change that toctree and rebuild to make sure i'm rtight before i commit | 17:36 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: push to some other branch and I can try it | 17:36 |
imbrandon | k | 17:36 |
SpamapS | I tried removing the maxdepth and got something else | 17:36 |
imbrandon | oh | 17:36 |
imbrandon | fun | 17:36 |
SpamapS | File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/docutils/nodes.py", line 92, in setup_child | 17:36 |
SpamapS | child.parent = self | 17:36 |
SpamapS | AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'parent' | 17:36 |
SpamapS | which looks way nastier | 17:37 |
imbrandon | yrs | 17:37 |
SpamapS | Perhaps we can request an upgrade to 12.04 :) | 17:37 |
imbrandon | bah | 17:37 |
imbrandon | please | 17:37 |
imbrandon | heh | 17:37 |
imbrandon | but will they do it before monday ? heh | 17:37 |
imbrandon | jcastro: jujucharms.com/docs has the current build too btw in a pinch, but thats on hazmat's $$ sooooooo | 17:38 |
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hazmat | SpamapS, yeah. i suspect its on lucid given how old the sphinx their attempting to use is | 17:43 |
SpamapS | definitely lucid | 17:46 |
SpamapS | such is life, unless we embed sphinx in the branch ;) | 17:46 |
jml | so, I've finally got my thing deploying from my charm | 17:46 |
jml | which is great | 17:46 |
SpamapS | but, that would be eeeevil right ;) | 17:46 |
jcastro | hey so I have been thinking SpamapS | 17:46 |
SpamapS | jcastro: dangerous that | 17:46 |
jcastro | what does bundling the tarball in the charm accomplish | 17:47 |
jml | https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/libdep-service/juju/+merge/111396 has the MP. I would *really*, *really* appreciate a review from an experienced charmer | 17:47 |
jcastro | I still have to trust you. | 17:47 |
jml | by which I mean you, SpamapS | 17:47 |
SpamapS | jcastro: makes the deploy/add-unit more predictable | 17:47 |
jcastro | I can't confirmed that you didn't check the sha either | 17:47 |
jcastro | oh ok, so you mean purely for "it will work every time" | 17:47 |
SpamapS | jcastro: presumably we will add some crypto verification to the charm store beyond what we have now (https for launchpad). Either way, we're trusting the charmer to provide a valid SHA.. so providing the actual file is the same thing | 17:48 |
SpamapS | jml: I'll look right now, since you asked so nice | 17:48 |
* jcastro nods | 17:48 | |
jml | SpamapS: thanks. | 17:48 |
SpamapS | I *do* think we need to build a Packages.gz type of file for the charm store | 17:49 |
SpamapS | which is signed | 17:49 |
jml | SpamapS: I have to leave in the next couple of minutes, so please put your comments on the MP. | 17:49 |
SpamapS | and have the commits to the bzr branches signed too probably | 17:49 |
SpamapS | jml: will do | 17:49 |
jml | SpamapS: thanks! | 17:49 |
surgemcgee | The *config-changed* hook will trigger the first time the charm is deployed. Is this functional to anyone? | 17:56 |
imbrandon | yes, thats where most of my install actions come in | 17:58 |
imbrandon | ver little is done in the install hook for me | 17:58 |
SpamapS | surgemcgee: aye, its guaranteed to run, unless install or start fails | 18:01 |
jml | incidentally, the juju tests take a while to run. | 18:02 |
jml | speaking from personal experience, you want to get on that sucker now, or you'll become Launchpad. | 18:02 |
SpamapS | jml: 7 minutes? | 18:06 |
SpamapS | jml: for 98% coverage.. | 18:07 |
SpamapS | jml: also remember that the python code base is done growing. :) | 18:07 |
SpamapS | jml: on an SSD they only take 4 minutes. | 18:07 |
jml | SpamapS: I just ran ./test on my machine w/ an SSD and it's still going | 18:07 |
jml | SpamapS: maybe I'm supposed to run the tests differently | 18:07 |
SpamapS | ./test | 18:07 |
SpamapS | thats all I do | 18:07 |
jml | SpamapS: way more than 7m | 18:07 |
SpamapS | takes at most 7 minutes | 18:08 |
SpamapS | jml: bad java maybe? | 18:08 |
jml | SpamapS: possible | 18:08 |
SpamapS | it taxes zookeeper quite a bit | 18:08 |
SpamapS | jml: also try 'eatmydata ./test' | 18:08 |
jml | SpamapS: I just have whatever data is on the system | 18:08 |
SpamapS | that at least disables all the syncing that zookeeper wants to do | 18:08 |
jml | SpamapS: so, hang on.... | 18:08 |
jml | if the python code base is "done growing" as you say | 18:08 |
jml | then there's zero point in me contributing patches for the bugs I've filed. | 18:09 |
SpamapS | jml: Its not done living, its just not going to get any more feature dev. | 18:09 |
SpamapS | making it easier to use, clarifying stuff with online help, those will all help users while we transition to go | 18:09 |
jml | and when that's done, we can do it all over again | 18:10 |
jml | 738 seconds for the test run. | 18:10 |
SpamapS | (and also the go team will be expected to not regress any of the bugs that are fixed before we declare it "complete" | 18:10 |
jml | well, I wish them all the best with tht. | 18:10 |
imbrandon | SpamapS: can we just get IS to turn on -backports and -updates and such | 18:12 |
imbrandon | root@server-1339205906-az-1-region-a-geo-1:~/docs# cat /etc/issue.net | 18:12 |
imbrandon | Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS | 18:12 |
imbrandon | root@server-1339205906-az-1-region-a-geo-1:~/docs# dpkg -l|grep sphinx | 18:12 |
imbrandon | ii python-sphinx 1.0.1-1~lucid1 tool for producing documentation for Python | 18:12 |
imbrandon | root@server-1339205906-az-1-region-a-geo-1:~/docs# | 18:12 |
imbrandon | and it builds perfect with no changes | 18:13 |
SpamapS | jml: review posted to the MP | 18:13 |
jml | SpamapS: thanks! | 18:14 |
imbrandon | how do we make that happen sooner than later ? heh | 18:14 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: backports might be a good way to go | 18:14 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: I'll open up an RT | 18:14 |
imbrandon | ok ty, mention that its broken now hehe | 18:15 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: trying with lucid-backports enabled | 18:15 |
imbrandon | but yea i enabled -backports and -updates and it worked | 18:15 |
imbrandon | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid main restricted universe multiverse | 18:16 |
imbrandon | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse | 18:16 |
imbrandon | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 18:16 |
imbrandon | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted universe multiverse | 18:16 |
SpamapS | easy pastemonkey | 18:16 |
imbrandon | suprised the bot dident kick me | 18:16 |
SpamapS | I don't think we have that bot | 18:17 |
imbrandon | ahh ubottu normally in #ubuntu-* chans guess not #juju | 18:17 |
imbrandon | anyhow yea, i bet they are much more likely to do that then update to 12.04 by monday | 18:18 |
imbrandon | and it requires no docs work arounds that way | 18:19 |
imbrandon | still agree with the charm tho | 18:20 |
imbrandon | man i wish there was 3 of me | 18:20 |
imbrandon | jcastro: awe, not using my button :( | 18:27 |
jcastro | I have to use the official blurry button | 18:28 |
imbrandon | heh k | 18:28 |
jcastro | burned by the design team | 18:28 |
imbrandon | wonder how i can make mine "official" | 18:28 |
imbrandon | joey used it once or twice now on posts ( made a wordpress shortcode for him ) and they seemed to love it :) | 18:30 |
imbrandon | infact i should release that plugin for the wp shortcode | 18:31 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: ok, IS ticket submitted | 18:38 |
SpamapS | jcastro: whats significant about Monday ? | 18:38 |
imbrandon | SpamapS: rockin ty | 18:38 |
jcastro | SpamapS: velocity, not like during a talk or anything | 18:38 |
jcastro | but it would be nice to know when we mention stuff that it'll be pretty | 18:39 |
SpamapS | jcastro: Indeed | 18:39 |
imbrandon | now if i could just edit the wiki | 18:39 |
imbrandon | lol | 18:39 |
jcastro | lol, let's not get crazy | 18:40 |
SpamapS | The IS guys said it should be no big deal to pull in the backport, but they might prefer to just upgrade to precise. | 18:40 |
imbrandon | rt is on it, they emailed me back | 18:40 |
jcastro | rock and rolll | 18:40 |
imbrandon | jcastro: yes was more toung in cheek | 18:40 |
jcastro | SpamapS: yeah, I would think they'd prefer to just go all 12.04. | 18:40 |
imbrandon | either way works for me | 18:40 |
jcastro | SpamapS: backports, a sure way to know you're the only guy running that configuration on your production box. :) | 18:40 |
imbrandon | :) | 18:40 |
SpamapS | hazmat: bug 984484 .. galapagos? really? Its not even In Progress.. and I'm releasing *tomorrow* | 18:41 |
_mup_ | Bug #984484: subordinate charms should be able to open ports <juju:Confirmed for bcsaller> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/984484 > | 18:41 |
jcastro | SpamapS: also, where do I find the juju codename/release/date mapping? | 18:41 |
SpamapS | jcastro: https://launchpad.net/juju | 18:41 |
* imbrandon starts preping to do new rpm and osx builds tomarrow | 18:41 | |
SpamapS | we're 2 weeks late on galapgos | 18:41 |
jcastro | ah, got it | 18:42 |
m_3 | SpamapS: can you do notes on the juju release process pls :) | 18:42 |
SpamapS | expected: 2012-06-06 | 18:42 |
m_3 | SpamapS: assume it's similar to jitsu? | 18:42 |
SpamapS | m_3: Yeah I think that probably deserves something in internals | 18:42 |
SpamapS | m_3: its not going to be as smooth as jitsu's ;) | 18:42 |
SpamapS | since we've never done a "release" | 18:42 |
m_3 | oh, gotcha | 18:43 |
imbrandon | i think i'm going to reload my mini tonight, i need the extra space that OSX is using | 18:43 |
imbrandon | heh | 18:43 |
jcastro | what? no, you have to test the OSX releases! | 18:43 |
m_3 | imbrandon: especially if you're able to do the osx in a vm thing | 18:43 |
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imbrandon | jcastro: osx in a VM | 18:43 |
imbrandon | :) | 18:44 |
hazmat | SpamapS, is galapagos closed? | 18:44 |
imbrandon | lunchtime bbiab | 18:45 |
m_3 | SpamapS: we have real (lp) milestones though... I'm curious to see how this differs | 18:47 |
* m_3 is interested in learning lp for real after the branch-distro fiasco :) | 18:49 | |
hazmat | on two weeks late | 18:52 |
m_3 | hazmat: he mentioned releasing it tomorrow... don't really know what closed means here tho | 18:54 |
imbrando1 | mmm i need enough money to buy an island, or at least 98% of one ... | 19:02 |
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imbrandon | that has a solid internet connection too :( | 19:03 |
SpamapS | hazmat: Closed, not sure. I did say I wanted to release tomorrow. :) | 19:09 |
SpamapS | m_3: branch-distro is about the weirdest part of launchpad I've seen. | 19:10 |
SpamapS | m_3: nothing else does things like it does. | 19:10 |
jcastro | SpamapS: sadness is watching you pilot not here. | 19:20 |
jcastro | j/k | 19:20 |
SpamapS | jcastro: I'm on deck next week. :) | 19:23 |
SpamapS | 7 items in the queue.. we're pretty healthy anyway :) | 19:24 |
imbrandon | mmm this cant be good, whole bowl of instant pudding to myself :) | 19:44 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/173418/240-dollars-worth-of-pudding.jhtml | 19:51 |
SpamapS | awww yeah | 19:53 |
imbrandon | SpamapS: zomg | 19:55 |
imbrandon | that is classic | 19:55 |
imbrandon | "... now kids, the rumor says that the `M` in `MTV` used to stand for `Music`, *children all giggling* ..." | 20:01 |
robbiew | jcastro: m_3: SpamapS: any one available for a charm school at the Texas Linux Fest Aug 3-4...in San Antonio? | 20:21 |
robbiew | I'm not sure we need one, but just asking | 20:21 |
jcastro | I can go if you want | 20:21 |
robbiew | I just wonder how many folks there would be interested | 20:22 |
robbiew | last year had good following | 20:23 |
robbiew | and I suspect we given rackspace is diamond...maybe more cloud folks this year | 20:23 |
robbiew | gonna be f*cking hot | 20:23 |
robbiew | lol | 20:23 |
jcastro | heh | 20:23 |
imbrandon | heh | 20:23 |
imbrandon | thats one thing i dont miss about TX, 70's on my b-day , in mid december :) | 20:24 |
robbiew | I actually don't mind 70s in december...it's the freezing rain and snow the week after that always messes with me | 20:24 |
robbiew | and of course the hell on earth heat...peaking in August | 20:25 |
imbrandon | hahahah yea, i lived in galviston so the gulf squelched that a lil | 20:25 |
m_3 | robbiew: lemme look | 20:26 |
imbrandon | i do miss the beach parties tho, mmm nothing like watching the sun rise on east beach :) | 20:27 |
SpamapS | robbiew: could possibly make it | 20:28 |
SpamapS | Need to find my wife a nanny before serious travel commences, but we might have one by then. | 20:28 |
robbiew | imbrandon: ugh...galveston, literally the armpit of the USA | 20:28 |
robbiew | in every sense of the word....hot..humid...wet | 20:29 |
imbrandon | hahahah , this was pre-katrina | 20:29 |
robbiew | ..and occasionally stinky | 20:29 |
imbrandon | :) | 20:29 |
SpamapS | robbiew: don't forget the hairy part | 20:29 |
imbrandon | LOL | 20:29 |
robbiew | SpamapS: meh...I wouldn't spend a travel voucher with the wife for this one | 20:30 |
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m_3 | robbiew: yeah, I can go | 20:33 |
robbiew | m_3: cool, well I'll let you know by next week if we end up doing one | 20:34 |
m_3 | robbiew: ok, thanks | 20:42 |
robbiew | no...thank YOU ;) | 20:42 |
* m_3 will think of it as an extended sauna | 20:43 | |
imbrandon | heh | 20:44 |
imbrandon | SpamapS / m_3 : you see the new MB with retna displays and paper thin ? WOW | 20:45 |
m_3 | imbrandon: yup... I'm still waiting for the little 11" air to fit into the family budget | 20:47 |
imbrandon | yea, thats the next one i am getting , the 11inch | 20:47 |
m_3 | it was a tradeoff... house or computer? | 20:47 |
imbrandon | heh, good call | 20:48 |
tooth | not as upgradeable though. :-( | 21:19 |
tooth | soldered on ram. | 21:19 |
tooth | and a proprietary flash disk thing. | 21:21 |
imbrandon | i rarely if ever upgrade machines, i buy new ones. so no biggie | 21:21 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: Yes I've seen them. No I don't really understand why I need to buy one. ;) | 22:11 |
SpamapS | I am looking for a new machine.. | 22:11 |
SpamapS | but I want to see if I can actually buy a non apple machine | 22:11 |
imbrandon | good luck :) | 22:12 |
imbrandon | heh j/k | 22:12 |
m_3 | imbrandon: please ignore comments on bug #1000088 | 22:12 |
_mup_ | Bug #1000088: charm needed: newrelic sysmond <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed by imbrandon> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1000088 > | 22:12 |
imbrandon | this openbuildservice is .... intresting | 22:12 |
imbrandon | m_3: okies :) | 22:12 |
imbrandon | m_3: hahahah should i ask ? | 22:13 |
bkerensa | jcastro: Up for membership today -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/lynxman | 22:15 |
SpamapS | what about negronjl? | 22:17 |
SpamapS | since the DMB decided to pass the buck | 22:18 |
bkerensa | =/ | 22:20 |
lynxman | SpamapS: I applied for the membership meeting 3 weeks ago, if you could give me a testimonial I'd be very grateful | 22:20 |
lynxman | SpamapS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/lynxman | 22:20 |
SpamapS | lynxman: done | 22:25 |
lynxman | SpamapS: thanks | 22:26 |
lynxman | SpamapS: !! :) | 22:26 |
bkerensa | lynxman: is this go two for you? | 22:26 |
lynxman | bkerensa: yes, first one was for UCD and got declined | 22:26 |
bkerensa | ahh | 22:26 |
jcastro | same thing happened to juan | 22:29 |
jcastro | we need to get him to apply for normal membership | 22:29 |
jcastro | m_3: did you apply for membership yet? | 22:29 |
SpamapS | Yeah seriously, its time | 22:36 |
SpamapS | jcastro: I do like the idea, more and more, of us having a charm store council and being able to grant membership. | 22:37 |
jcastro | I specifically didn't ask for that council to be able to grant membership | 22:37 |
jcastro | because I didn't think it was necessarry | 22:37 |
SpamapS | Its weird to have people who don't really understand how juju helps Ubuntu saying no to people like Juan though | 22:38 |
imbrandon | for those that contribute charms but not much else i can totaly see it, same thinking for the kubuntu council granting memberships etc | 22:38 |
imbrandon | yea | 22:38 |
jcastro | SpamapS: I think that's what we should fix though | 22:40 |
jcastro | not working around it by making another member-granting council | 22:40 |
jcastro | (IMO) | 22:40 |
bkerensa | jcastro: lynxman in #ubuntu-meeting for Ubuntu Membership :) | 22:40 |
* imbrandon goes to lurk | 22:41 | |
bkerensa | he is up now ;) | 22:41 |
* SpamapS can't watch | 22:41 | |
bkerensa | quiet debate is occuring | 22:41 |
lynxman | bkerensa: quite silent | 22:42 |
bkerensa | ikr | 22:42 |
bkerensa | maybe they found a nice video on youtube | 22:42 |
jcastro | imbrandon: heh, what the heck is mims doing to your newrelic charm bug | 22:43 |
imbrandon | lol no idea :) | 22:43 |
imbrandon | using it for a guiney pig i think | 22:44 |
lynxman | wohooo! | 22:45 |
imbrandon | grats | 22:45 |
negronjl | SpamapS: what do I need to do to apply for membership | 22:47 |
lynxman | imbrandon: thanks :) | 22:47 |
SpamapS | negronjl: -> ask lynxman he just got it ;) | 22:48 |
negronjl | lynxman: you still around ? | 22:49 |
lynxman | negronjl: I am! | 22:49 |
negronjl | lynxman: what did you do to apply for memebership ? | 22:49 |
imbrandon | negronjl: put up a nice wiki page saying what all you do in/for ubuntu , ask for peeps to vouch for you, then attend a cc meeting :) | 22:49 |
lynxman | negronjl: let me tell you in #siteam | 22:50 |
jcastro | negronjl: mira, we can reuse your application | 22:50 |
jcastro | it'll be the exact same | 22:50 |
negronjl | jcastro: that's what I was thinking of using | 22:51 |
jcastro | it'll be the exact same | 22:51 |
negronjl | jcastro: I also have a wiki page ( wiki.ubuntu.com/JuanNegron ) | 22:51 |
jcastro | looks like you applied to the wrong board. | 22:51 |
jcastro | yeah | 22:51 |
negronjl | jcastro: sure .. we'll go with that :/ | 22:51 |
jcastro | negronjl: 27 june is the next one, we'll be at velocity | 22:52 |
jcastro | we can just prep it together while we are there | 22:53 |
negronjl | jcastro: k | 22:53 |
negronjl | jcastro: thx | 22:53 |
jcastro | don't worry man, we're on it. | 22:53 |
jcastro | like white on rice | 22:53 |
imbrandon | heh | 22:53 |
lynxman | negronjl: I'll root for you :) | 22:54 |
jcastro | imbrandon: this newrelic charm is exciting | 22:55 |
imbrandon | me 3 :) would have for lynxman as well had i known prior :) | 22:55 |
jcastro | I think a bunch of people can find use for it | 22:55 |
negronjl | lynxman: thx man ... it looks like I'll need it :) | 22:55 |
imbrandon | jcastro: there are 2 now, that one and the php one, and i was just thinking aobout doing the ruby one too since the app i've been working on is rails | 22:56 |
imbrandon | :) | 22:56 |
jcastro | hey | 22:56 |
imbrandon | but yea they rock | 22:56 |
jcastro | do they have any node.js graphing stuff? | 22:56 |
lynxman | imbrandon: aww thanks :) | 22:56 |
imbrandon | yea , i can whiop up the node one in a few mintues | 22:56 |
imbrandon | they are all basicly the same , just a few minor changes | 22:57 |
imbrandon | to each one for the runtime | 22:57 |
* imbrandon goes to grab the ruby and node ones | 22:57 | |
* SpamapS would like to see just one good graphing solution.. tho ganglia and munin are at least "traditionally" good | 22:59 | |
imbrandon | jcastro: for node stuff tho you want some sexy meteor tho | 22:59 |
jcastro | we do | 22:59 |
imbrandon | meteor is frackin bad ass | 22:59 |
imbrandon | http://meteor.com/screencast | 23:00 |
imbrandon | watch that, like 3 minutes | 23:00 |
jcastro | yay, another platform! | 23:00 |
imbrandon | it will change your life as a webdev | 23:00 |
imbrandon | nah | 23:00 |
jcastro | I need pretty graphs yo | 23:00 |
imbrandon | its node | 23:00 |
imbrandon | not new | 23:00 |
imbrandon | but a new way to code, but its all nodejs , will run on any node server anywhere | 23:01 |
imbrandon | no special sauce | 23:01 |
jcastro | oh it certainly looks cool | 23:01 |
jcastro | I just need an app, not a framework to write an app | 23:01 |
imbrandon | they have a few examples, like wordplay would be sweet | 23:02 |
jcastro | yeah | 23:02 |
imbrandon | to show off realtime node client<->server | 23:02 |
negronjl | jcastro: ping | 23:02 |
imbrandon | jcastro: kinda nice too since it will be a sub to anything | 23:06 |
jcastro | yuuup | 23:06 |
imbrandon | HA! good thing i loged into newrelic, looks like OMG has been minus one webhead a day or so | 23:09 |
imbrandon | but since the setup is so sweet no notice :) | 23:09 |
imbrandon | SpamapS / jcastro: check this out too http://uptime.omgubuntu.co.uk/585467 | 23:10 |
imbrandon | one minute imcrments | 23:11 |
jcastro | heh | 23:11 |
jcastro | nice! | 23:11 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: what is that? | 23:11 |
SpamapS | ah pingdom | 23:11 |
imbrandon | pingdom | 23:11 |
imbrandon | but like i can tell for certain there has been no downtime in the last 7 days , not even for a minute | 23:11 |
imbrandon | :) | 23:11 |
SpamapS | imbrandon: indeed | 23:12 |
jcastro | that's pretty sexy | 23:12 |
imbrandon | :) | 23:12 |
imbrandon | there is an API, wonder if i could rangle that into a reporting charm | 23:13 |
imbrandon | get the endpoint from the relation and then setup the reporting for that endpoint | 23:13 |
imbrandon | hrm | 23:13 |
imbrandon | jcastro: erm i guess there isnt any node newrelic, only ruby php python and .net | 23:20 |
imbrandon | and sysmon | 23:20 |
imbrandon | there is also a generic restapi so i wonder if there is a 3rd party one | 23:21 |
* imbrandon looks | 23:21 | |
imbrandon | HAHA rock, Joyent ( one of the big companies behind nodejs ) sugests use the php agent for monitorying and gives an example on how to use it from node | 23:30 |
imbrandon | :) | 23:30 |
imbrandon | damit i wish gimp was as good as photoshop | 23:33 |
SpamapS | wow.. how messed up is my head that I think I want this https://github.com/alevchuk/vim-clutch | 23:37 |
imbrandon | hahha | 23:39 |
imbrandon | nice | 23:39 |
imbrandon | do it! | 23:40 |
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