
Twiggy2centsdoes mythbuntu start off with a blank db?  Or do I need ot drop and re make the db for a restore01:37
superm1kees: in case you weren't aware: bartongeorge.net/2012/06/20/sputnik-update-touchpad-driver-now-available/14:00
Zinn[bartongeorge.net] Sputnik update:  Touchpad driver now available!!! «  Barton's Blog14:00
keessuperm1: cool; saw that, thanks!17:00
keesthat system is working out nicely -- my wife stole it when I got home. she's quite happy with it. :)17:01
superm1it's much more usable now with the two finger scrolling.  i didn't realize how dependent I had become on the functionality after using a chromebook for so logn17:19
mrandsuperm1: kinda like using a tablet non-stop for weeks, then moving back to a laptop and catching yourself reaching for the screen because some things are so natural to do via touch?17:27
superm1mrand: exactly17:27
superm1i saw a youtube video of a very young kid trying to flick across a magazine17:28
superm1who was apparently used to using the family's ipad :)17:28
mrandyou mean like a paper mag?17:28
mrandthat's funny17:30
Seeker`Anyone taking a look at the master build problem?17:48
tgm4883Seeker`, superm1 says we're waiting on beirdo to fix it17:49
Seeker`cool, thanks17:50
superm1someone could step up and investigate and come up with a patch before beirdo though if they want17:53
Seeker`I spent several hours trying to work out how to fix it, and failed18:01
superm1oh dang, i was hoping it ended up being trivial18:06
rhpot1991superm1: now I want a new xps 1320:09
superm1they is nice :)20:09
superm1i'm using it as my primary driver now20:10
rhpot1991looks like that fixed all of the issues with it20:10
superm1the kernel you mean?20:10
rhpot1991my buddy had complained about the brightness and touchpad issues20:10
rhpot1991I just sent him that linky20:10
superm1yeah we've been working at iterating all the problems on it20:10
superm1hopefully eventually should see those in the archive kernel eventually too20:10
rhpot1991gonna be backported?20:11
superm1SRU'ed hopefully20:11
superm1that PPA is maintained by one of the canonical kernel guys, and he has one too so there is certainly vested interest20:11
Seeker`superm1: Because I spent several hours poking at it doesn't mean it isn't trivial :P I dont have much experience with build scripts etc20:23
superm1well it's certainly a makefile change of sorts needed20:24
superm1i think that DESTDIR isn't populated through to the new library20:24

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