
vibhavAny op available?00:47
IdleOnewhat's up vibhav ?00:47
vibhavNOthing much00:48
vibhavI was asking wether my ban from #ubuntu could be removed00:48
IdleOneI'll have to talk to the other ops about it. Can I get back to you a little later about it?00:49
IdleOnecool :)00:49
vibhavBut could you try to do it before 2nd July?00:49
IdleOneWhat is the 2nd of July?00:49
vibhavDMB meeting00:50
vibhavIve applied for contributing developers00:50
IdleOneWhat happens at this DMB meeting?00:50
bkerensaIdleOne: they determine whether he gets upload rights00:51
bkerensaIdleOne: although its held in #ubuntu-meeting00:51
bkerensanot #ubuntu00:51
IdleOneyes, but being banned from the main support channel looks bad00:51
IdleOnevibhav: I'll get back to you soon'ish00:52
IdleOnebefore July 200:52
vibhavthanks dude00:53
IdleOnebkerensa: Getting upload rights also makes you an Ubuntu member right?00:53
bkerensaIkr... not sure why it has M in the title it is a bit confusing00:54
bkerensaDMB's role is to determine whether someone gets MOTU/PPU/Core/Etc00:54
bkerensavibhav has in reality done a lot of work in development so I would very surprised if the DMB declined him depending on what he is applying for specifically00:55
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu vibhav has requested that his ban be removed before July 2 2012. He is applying to the DMB for upload rights.00:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:55
IdleOnebkerensa: thanks for the info :)00:57
bkerensano doubt00:57
IdleOnegood band00:58
ubottuszal called the ops in #ubuntu (mernilio)01:17
JoseeAntonioRproblem apparently solved01:18
genii-aroundHeh. then right after: <mernilio> i need op status here. Is it possible?01:21
JoseeAntonioRmernilio still in #ubuntu, asking for ops to ban people from the channel, keeping the rude attitude01:21
JoseeAntonioRgenii-around: yep! I thought he/she had calmed down01:21
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))01:26
chuAhh zewb in #ubuntu01:29
ubottuwylde_ called the ops in #ubuntu (zewb)01:31
JoseeAntonioRHe's not listening to any advice01:31
ubottuzewb called the ops in #ubuntu (usr13)01:31
ubottuzewb called the ops in #ubuntu (zewb)01:31
ubottuzewb called the ops in #ubuntu (tdhz77)01:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from zewb)01:31
ubottuzewb called the ops in #ubuntu (wylde_)01:32
ubottuzewb called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:32
usr13anywone awake?01:32
ubottuzewb called the ops in #ubuntu (GEEGEEGEE)01:32
chuAhh, that's not really contributing anything.01:32
ubottuzewb called the ops in #ubuntu (madLyfe)01:32
JoseeAntonioR#u ops, need a quiet in zewb01:32
usr13there are some rather disruptive things going on....01:32
chuCheers bazhang01:33
JoseeAntonioRusr13: an op has already taken the necessary actions in zewb, don't worry01:33
JoseeAntonioRbazhang: thanks again01:33
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bazhangthe bot can access redhat bugs db?03:04
JoseeAntonioRbazhang: nope, it returns an error03:09
bazhangJoseeAntonioR, for that particular bug, yes.03:11
JoseeAntonioRlet me try with another bug, then03:11
JoseeAntonioRnope, same error, it changes the link03:12
JoseeAntonioRI give the show_bug.cgi page, and looks for xml.cgi03:13
bazhangit works for debian bugs03:14
JoseeAntonioRyep, it does03:15
bkerensaIt can track some upstream06:29
bkerensabut Red Hat is clearly not Upstream :)06:29
bkerensahmm not moz06:31
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bazhang<theadmin> vampirnata: There's MATE-Desktop which is an exact GNOME 2 replica, you may enjoy using it if you're fan of the "classic" Ubuntu look (circa 10.04)09:52
bazhangdont dazzle me bro!09:53
ikoniathe point that mate is based on the gnome2 branch, which is dead seems to be being lost on people09:53
bazhangshahgurliev seems to think #ubuntu is the UNIX knowledge channel09:54
topylii haven't paid enough attention, but it seems the mate folks are actually trying to come up with a sustainable plan, including porting the stuff to gtk3 and gnome3 libs, and only maintaining things like the panel and metacity09:59
topylino gurantee of course that such a plan really will work out10:00
ikoniatopyli: I will wager considerable money it's not possible without a re-write10:00
k1l_i dont think thats gonna work. they had to rename code because of the depencies. the forked the gnome basic apps like nautilus and eog etc. to work with their "new" code10:01
topyliwe'll see. it certainly looks more sane than the old 'goneme' nonsense back in 2.0 days10:02
ikoniabe interesting to see what they plan, but I just can't see it as a sustainable project/design10:03
k1l_honestly i hope they find a way because then the "gnome2-fanboys" will stop to start a unity/gnome3 flamewar every now and then10:03
ikoniait won't change that10:04
topylii'd rather advertise the 'nostalgic' shell extensions than mate for gnome2 fans10:04
ikoniathe work mint is doing with extensions seems to be the most sensible approach10:04
ikoniathey are using gnome 3 as it was designed10:04
topylianyway, once gnome 4 is out, gnome 3 will be declared 'perfect'. that's how it's always been :)10:06
astraljavaYou make it sound like nostalgia is a bad thing.10:06
topyliwell we don't have people pining for gnome 1 these days, do we10:07
bazhangkde3.5 more like10:07
topyliright :)10:07
bazhangterminhell giving odd advice10:12
bazhangah right, he does not even use Ubuntu10:12
jpdsNothing like misinformation.10:16
bazhangneither he nor theadmin use Ubuntu. recommending MATE and the like as well.10:17
ikoniaI like how "they do exist, just not in ubuntu" so where to they exist ? in the air ? I use the "bubble" group on my machine does that make it "bubble exists, just not in ubuntu"10:17
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bazhangoCean, apologies at not being available for PM earlier15:48
bazhanghave had to set +g due to noxious spammers via PM15:49
oCeanbazhang: not a problem at all15:49
oCeanthat can be a pain :(15:50
bazhang<stripper> can i be operator in this xchat like ubottu15:54
bazhang<Double_Rainbow> hey vibhav, what did the rapist say to his victim ?17:07
bazhangsome intervention in -ot needed17:07
IdleOneyou intervened :)17:08
bazhangthat deserves a +b17:09
bazhangmartinphone has a history of doing this17:33
oCeanGuest68204: hi18:36
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey
IdleOneGuest68204: is there anything I can help you with?20:16
Unit193His connection, and autoidentify, it's M0hi.20:17
IdleOnek then :)20:17
Unit193Seems like he may have left it open.20:17
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bkerensaIdleOne: to clarify apparently DMB can potentially provide membership but it does not seem like that is a frequent function?22:24
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