
dpmhey, does anyone know of a way to easily generate a countdown banner to put on developer.ubuntu.com/showdown? Sort of like the release countdown banners12:53
dpmnewz2000, a question for you when you're up later on? ^^12:53
newz2000dpm: hey. We don't auto generate them, they're hand crafted.12:54
cjohnstonnewz2000: the script part..12:54
newz2000However, there are numerous examples on the wiki pages that have source included12:54
newz2000yes, there is a python script in the source branch...12:54
* newz2000 looks for it12:54
cjohnstonSure, they would have to create the banners.12:54
newz2000dpm: lp:ubuntu-website/countdown12:55
newz2000it is just a cron script that updates symlinks nightly12:56
dpmexcellent, thanks newz200012:56
newz2000it is *critical* that it run *after* midnight, not before.12:56
* dpm looks12:56
newz2000Otherwise you get an off by one error12:56
=== imbrando1 is now known as imbrandon
daker-cloudwsup man :)20:43
cjohnstonnot much.. trying to get some personal stuff done.. did alot of packaging stuff done yesterday trying to get django backported.. have a ton of testing to do now tho20:44

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